tv Going Underground RT March 17, 2021 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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it was really going on that. well i personally have banged involved in trench s. with the police of crack down heavily and i understand what's going on there and sometimes the camera does show exactly what's going on in this case i'm not sure whether you may have seen some of our newspapers in the media here and the protests have occurred around the world partly because of the the killing what have you made of it i mean there there were some comments that people were talking about sensible shoes and so on in relation to this tragic killing in south london do you think the victim survivors shaming has gone away. or shaming is absolutely not i mean i'm sure nice the turn they come of they cannot get every day 1st there's always some reason to shane my slash survivor there's always that is that or just looking at him where you are out there watching take part in this they can sheeny
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to yourself and what kind of attitudes you carry the reality is i should be able to walk down the street naked i could get arrested for that certainly but nobody's allowed to break me ok if you just simply walking home that night is very different you know for a man and they can leave a headless comolli were you know jokes on the side or they're just listening you know i see a man walking with headphones at night that is something women here of course some people to be in pointing out the fact that the president of the head of the metropolitan police who some accuse of being involved in the killing of a man of color the brazilian. engineer a joint child and as is the fact is she is an l g b t q woman so. somehow this should make a difference she alluded to it has self saying i am a woman you say and so therefore. presumably we should think of her handling as being better on the show. i actually disagree. national
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and i've noticed others have and you know either way and their direct answer as any gender has been asked by waiting regardless of their leanings and their sexual orientation should have nobody asked what i notice in women in power and specifically you know an hour or less this in women of a certain age a certain power position they play by the rule books of the men and they juggle down on it and 8 they really don't want to be seen if they soften anything or be. anybody excuse them of being less hard and less hard and try more less far less playing might have rules in as well rule that all these changes government agency seem to have or hollywood or anybody when it got out when empowered and i had to find them were dangerous but then so what are we supposed to do because people will be in saying the news rooms of newspapers need to be better represented by women
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people of color people from l.g.b. seeking. outlooks i mean was always supposed to do it even representation increasing representation in the establishment in the media and bala thinks they just get co-opted waterways because it is. well there are ways to find people that are real there are right you know i believe the attorney general in new york state new york city israel you know she says she's somebody who israel there are women in power that are real that are not playing by the system i think is who are it's not just representation of who is represent and here choosing people for optics but in media and in trying to or and governmental job and it is just for the optics that you watch status quo it's more about why a total change and wanting not satisfied with that usually puts people at higher positions of power in danger could be the start of your political career who knows
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but more seriously you mention new york what did you make of joe biden saying that the new york governor andrew cuomo should not resign pending the investigations into his accusations about sexual harassment well i believe joe biden is in a tricky spot is name if he calls for governor andrew cuomo that to resign then how does that reflect on him with a charity allegations you know he can't and solicit he's also to wipe a great can't you know they're really low anything except for when it's personally if they call on andrew probably resigned and then joe mind next he will have that you might have to remind us about our reads allegations i guess why do you think most media even fox news i think lately they're just not interested in the allegations against joe biden. well the allegations that terry has
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alleged are serious is very serious you know there are levels of predation and it's fine it's very high up there is joe biden when she was working for a man as a senate staffer the 1st same way allegedly when she's interviewing for her job was walk by her in the hallway look at her legs say oh nice legs higher and that's because do you replay every single thing that happened that led up to the moment when joe biden you know assaulted her eyelashes and. cares if it's fox news who cares you know the new york times is the fox news of the liberals they had any of you who was at the time his spokesperson buying stocks person jury selection and who was also the head of times. at the organization i suppose the late champions and you know when it comes and finds their lawsuits which has turned out pretty much a fake which i said 3 years ago. they don't want this they don't want investigations
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because then they would have to look at their own house and see where their people play party needed on how to write a hit piece on terrorism and me to my knowledge as our teams have had people that you're going up against help if you're going soft on the people that i am against you help write the story and i have to pay on time to be no different than off except that there are better theater reviews we certainly don't do anything like that are going underground but what he said about the new york times of course they did report on biden's that syria strikes but presumably women. people children people of color all could have been targeted by those that strikes why do you think it's just disappeared that joe biden. ariely bombarded another country within days of taking office. what i think the news is disappearing there is very little news and the problem really stems one huge problem of biden bombing syria on
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back with our allies kind of like rhetoric. and it is it's disgusting as the news media in america has consistently not ever anything bad or one or biden or any of these people have done it's not politically convenient you know when you go back to they actually did some changes that was obama and biden just like and if he had an agreement to not. you know the liberal is maybe i should say the mainstream media to try any coverage on this truck comes in on us and it's a big story syria bombing is disgusting and all the things they allege against trump you know he each ocilla model unilaterally approval well they do the same it's up there with more people now i think is the media having lived in the united states in the past for a very long time where outsiders may not realize is that you know there's not even weather covered in any other country and there's there's no news in the u.s.
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that involves outside anything from the u.s. the u.s. . is there insular and that's why i consistently allege that the united states is a cult just nation here and it does that to media programming and sacrum preprogramming in lockstep to get yeah and the media certainly are very interested in the oprah winfrey interview with my getting marco why do you think they seem to vote in the prince andrew interview. well it's extremely convenient for both that right as sporting public and. the monarchy forget prince and the fact they're doing investigation into marriage made in mark foley and not trace anders alleges at it and part and he tracking re says exactly everything they are with the queen's son prince under or his he denies it the f.b.i.
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are looking to question him i mean obviously this protest legislation may be going through here in britain scott morrison in australia where there have been some activists out protesting about misogyny said you know women are lucky to be able to protest at all what have you made of what's going on there in the britain's former colony of australia. morrison is 88 actually make. i mean he's everything right there that is the problem we're so lucky for giving us a seat at the table to remand say take your own damn seat wait for these people who will never give you a proper seat at the table build your own table build your no arches build your own corporations hire women it as how you want to do it and you know practice your affirmative action and get out there in protest get out there make them uncomfortable every day so much of the public has been waiting for these dinosaurs
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a die off but the reality is like replica no i don't like my job is fighting the older people in your sandwich so the other people can stay free and have a play when they come into power they will not behave like status quo. because. we're tired. and we're told to and were mad as hell not going to take it anymore australia's not just protests and massage and it's in a labor party it is a secret facebook group that was uncovered with all of these horrific allegations and i said is that democrats in the us and say let the labor party in australia. it doesn't do you you're not morally superior because you vote more for you know help for the college people allegedly specially young in your past because you're more environmentally way or allegedly i just gave you but you women out that you like get out there and the man out there say hell if you are an ally. you're an ally
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right because sexual harassment is not just when it's all us resident thank you after the break going on the ground celebrate st patrick's day with north korean basie jr in the former lord mayor of belfast who currently serves as m.p. for belfast north. of the world is driven by drummer shaped. thinks. we dare to ask.
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one of the worst ever mass shootings in america was it last vegas in 2017 the tragedy exposed a little of the real last big where many say elected officials are controlled by casino owners jake is shooting reveal where v m p d really and now it's partly based on the sheen. the american public barely remembers that happened just shows you the power of money on las vegas the powerful showed that true colors when the pandemic hit the most contagious contagion that we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care so here's caroline goodman offering the lives of. vegas residents to the control group to the shiny facades conceal a deep indifference to the people could have been saved if they were taken action absolutely. machines doing base is a money machine it's a huge cash register that is ran by people who don't care about people's lives
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joining me now from the british parliament is the u.p.a. m.p. even more than jim in paisley genia in thanks so much for coming back on i don't know what has happened since we last talked in person on the green for going underground i mean separated now by a defacto border from england and wales joe biden famous that are reported missing the old ira rebel songs. is the d a p and big trouble now. i don't think grimm they troll is all i'm trying i wish you a happy yes and patrick's day also with regards to what's how rex and obviously the rest of the united kingdom got back since we got rex a plus a protocol which you which takes away from the opportunity acts of course and forces upon northern ireland. peace an activity that means that we have to protect the european market single market might that's not what north man's role should be and sort really house to go it's been proved in the last 70 days of those not work
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and data doesn't work whether you live in dublin the republicans are in the you live in northern ireland the fact of the matter is the protocol has been on meticulous disaster for businesses for people for shops and people who hold onto protocol it's damaging businesses and their own constituency are total and absolute truths on the set aside the politics and that's an unmoved forward of course the united kingdom quite rightly has to say it's unilaterally moves on some of those damaging auspex off the protocol and has decided to suspend them by raft and extending greece periods now that's kicking the can down the road it helps for a short period of time but we want to see a permanent solution go out in the best way is give us the scene bracks of as the rest of the united kingdom you say it helps the e.u. says it's a violation of international law they're suing for the 2nd time so what sanctions by the you on on britain now ahead of us. sanctions against
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russia and venezuela. and a european court doesn't apply to the people of the united kingdom it's a wee bit of a nonsense northern ireland is not. because of the protocol carrier it's 20 percent of all border checks across the entirety of the european community hush jupiters there whenever most of our treaties with g. 8. how i like you did this though you your party was the coalition partner your car coalition with the tories allowed this to happen and boris johnson signed it. i brought that story started we wouldn't support a withdrawal agreement we would support the recall and result of the 2 you general elections if you recall so i never voted for the protocol and they'd all of the parties in northern ireland tell us that the protocol is the worst option there is the government foolishly agreed unilaterally with the e.u.
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a protocol i'm not protocol has been proved the last 70 days to be a disaster does not work you know luckily the united kingdom was not the preacher and of course you know luckily at the end of january the republic of ireland of the e.u. preach that because they wanted the stable are astronomical facts it's annoying because they won't be able to do that and i say master plan to get work you shouldn't take the you is temporarily suspended in some countries in the united states just a scientific thing it's nothing to do with politics whatsoever but away from the seriousness of the threats to livelihoods the threats to lives what does the d.p. mean by accusing the e.u. of holo claims to protect peace in ulster i mean you're saying brussels actually wants a resumption of of the bombing of downing street. you know it's hollow claims made remember this was the european union just said that they were doing the protocol to protect the peace process when it's turned out that since the protocol
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over over 70 days of economic chaos we have loyalists paramilitaries who have indicated that they were drawing their support from an agreement that they previously supported along with tony blair and the pre-nup i face so the protocol has created all of these things that's what they're saying now the government and the media can stick their head in the sounds pretend this doesn't exist that this is someone else's problem but no this is a problem of the united kingdom scots result in the best way to resolve it is to remove the protocol that's the obstacle and let us help ordinary relationships with the rest the united kingdom given that we're going to go part of the united kingdom and let's have a sensible cooperation with the republic of ireland and the e.u. we do not need a protocol i'm pleased yeah but i mean your colleagues i mean wilson was on this show talking about. problems at the customs unit. in northern ireland it's all bluff isn't it hasn't been any violence as regards the protocol it's all
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bluff by the d.p. and do you know think there's growing recognition right from. it's thankful of their housekeeping balance my welcome up there who people aren't trying to fund those flames all i can say is that there's been very mischievous and sinister. county and it's been targeted at individuals there's been a person who worked in the customs office to be forcibly moved from their own to be protected and i want to make sure that we dialed up daryn who's away the best way for up to go it's pretty strong to recognize that this protocol doesn't work but there already is a law and order an ardent ready is a customs border an arm and we don't need a 2nd of any of these things and we don't actually need to install some sort in the british side of the distal any upper office or any mechanism it's entirely up to the european union to decide what it thaws with british troops to commence sets its territory so near as well know that johnson is going to try and fight it or has to
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kick the can down the road as you describe it just finally isn't it clear since your dad died the day you paid has basically hastened a united ireland and supported directive which has created this artificial border because of the protocol we got a census predicting a catholic majority anyway the demographic time bomb there was always that as a d.p.s. support for bracks it and all the work of your party only. favored a united ireland. no i think the facts are actually the other way i mean shin fee i'm not a minister british rule and our home should she couldn't see this legislation every day after week which starts with the 10 words be at an act and by her gracious majesty queen elizabeth the seconds they are republicans carry out the work of royal loyalists and all stir because they administer a british assembly there the ira which was trying to kill and bomb us and say
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united are on the night of a field of public google way they don't have as much as a water pistol up there kmov we i think it's stupid it's quite frankly tentative that we're heading towards united out of them frankly to foster giardia people in northern ireland is catholic and protestant but all of the surveys taken are very content with her status and of course the republicans aren't has a lower standard of living and a higher cost of love in the northern ireland no one's going to vote to go into a country that chant afford to keep northern ireland we're part of the 5th largest economy in the world and on the vaccines ates a low in northern ireland has got almost a 3rd of its entire population boxed in that the republic of arms was less than 10 percent fox no no better team practice and pays a junior thank you well off to full page adverts for a united ireland in the new york times in the washington post paid by friends of shin fein that's not here from gent vein m.p.
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from belfast old john fund who can john thanks so much for coming back on we just spoke to him paisley jr i'm not sure whether it helps him feign that vaccination is so much higher in the north but he said not only that but you know basically a carrying out the queen's bidding cian fame is no longer a movement for anything irish it's basically british. well good afternoon and it's good to talk to again i'm not happy to have patrick national that. happy some projects they do all of your listeners as well all around the world and so it's it's one of many many bizarre strange calm comments by m.p.'s lee and his colleagues i'm not quite sure and maybe he's enjoying some politics day a little early i don't know but it's history and comment we are a very strong pride and r.t. should probably can party and i think our backward more that speaks for itself
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boris johnson than even take time out to settle a meeting with mary lou mcdonald leader when he came to us the last week. yeah he can make it can last friday which i think was very much a fairly superficial p.r. exercise we had a long standing request to have a meeting where from bill to mary lou mcdonald and michelle natick there are many issues that we need to discuss with them and not least his government's failure to implement previous political agreements are going to new decade new approach which was what led to the restoration of the storm and the institutions we need to talk to him about the r.h. protocol we also want to talk to him about fairly discrete as full one percent pay raise for nurses to be were all encouraged to clap for over the past year armande it as the biggest party on this island would expect us to be repulsed engagement with the likes of pars johnson and that's what we want but you know if there had been a united ireland you might not be getting yesterday i think a vaccine that don't change things with you a little and expect
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a year really to back the island over a nato superpower like britain just announcing nuclear warheads over this protocol . yeah well i think there's a lot in. partially i think the way in which the island through the 2 jurisdictions has dealt with collude over the past 12 months many people have certainly gone in the trance the conversation around why we don't have a joined up all ireland health service and certainly one jurisdiction shouldn't be in competition with a miller and i think that the sites have had difficulties in the way in which they cope with we've had difficulties the way of which we moneys that are sales and the north here and but it certainly shouldn't be petted that it's one side against the other we have the natural geographical fight of chantix of b. and i and i think we need to utilize that a lot more than we did to try and rid ourselves from covert to aids i don't locked our into a lot sooner than we were able to while those questions of course are being asked
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by british politicians here in england at the same time in the south your on your part is not really wishing. patrick's day why calling for his resignation he has accepted. a document it's nice subject to a criminal investigation so i don't wish to prejudice the investigation that the guardi will be conducting what. the nature of this is the fact that it's not surprising that in fact there's very few people of the site you're shocked by this summer even comment i could offend but it's not me it's your own politics which i think we are very much standing against and it's why we saw our success in the general election last year and break whereby people realize that you know the traditional politics of fear in a foreign and finicky they really hard to distinguish between themselves of the states and i think that not the level of general corruption that people see in our a society there is an option to be away from and i think that the certainly whites
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the criminal investigation is ongoing and i don't see how it is possible that he doesn't stop to say had he not investigation but ultimately it will be a model for the 20 stop the over advocate of if he denies all wrongdoing and quite a lot of corruption installment historically i reckon let's get let's get to this announcement by the council of europe they're opening up an investigation and nothing new here in london you were talking to me about the shooting death of your father in front of you and the wounding of your mother. make of the council of your right reopening the case of british soldiers killing your father yeah i'm not significance the fact that they are reopening this it is exceptionally rare that the consul of europe would take the steps it is a super salt of i think pressure that has been put on not least by the irish government and we're very grateful for that but it's also a recognition on the way in which the british government have been very cynical in
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the way they've dealt with my family we had a supreme court victory and february 2018 and an onus on the british government to finally after 30 will be yours and vastly get my father's murder and away that is and it appears to you international human rights standards they haven't done so not mass november they attempted to try and fall will solve all the international community all make it in the spike to the police and the police almost been i think now it seems to have been a tipping point for the consul of europe on the decision that they have taken will bring a level of scrutiny and a kind ability which is very much welcome. well i'm sure everyone hopes you get just as you can thank you thank you very much that's over the show will be back on saturday to speak to the cattle and president of eggs as a few strips of the unity from prosecution and sponge government which will then don't forget to subscribe like to try.
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same wrong long long. haul. getting to shape out. and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. choose to look for common ground. as you read the stand t.v. here from us and. our own. problem with a small. amount of good armor on our trusty for our brothers and profit are the 4 for them medicare.
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i'm going to let them but i don't touch and then you cut and kick and. i have flu china for truffle that it will never. be known what then i'm wanting hi michelle the downside oh it does the family owned model. number set up around the hey how not doing. good for its whole food place choice the i knew you didn't pay i think time in syria said. he she ought to give up somewhere else for that in africa will fuck around with mr hate for jim and then for her forfeit our freedom and for. me the money.
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the u.s. health department openly admits it's to prevent brazil one of the country's worst hit by the pandemic. vaccine. safety and security. hospital could start to cut small services unless they get billions in support of the pandemic already leaving millions of people. across the e.u. lessons the book has learned over the past year the. report criticised europe's handling of the.
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