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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2021 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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i just don't believe. that the astra zeneca vaccine causes blood clots as you can a doctor's report patients are canceling appointments for the job despite b.m.a. giving it people clear. will record gender based violence is hate crime or guess the vote the merits of the change implementation of hate crime legislation is just absurd. and so there is a long a long be you know wait. for it you need better everything else everything out. of the clamp down on ghettos denmark controversial plans to reduce the number of normal western residents a day but it spiked 30 percent over the next 10 years. good
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morning thanks for joining us this is r.t. international. several european countries have said that they will resume astra zeneca vaccinations after the european medicines agency gave it the all clear despite lingering fears among some people the job causes a high risk of blood clots. the committee has come to a clear scientific conclusion this is a safe and effective vaccine it spend if it in protecting people from covert 19 with the associated risks of death and hospitalized patients outweigh the possible risks this follows claims in europe that it's caused blood clots in a small number of recipients before it some people in the u.k. doctors say a number of patients are now suing their appointment or trying to change that vaccine if they know they're getting the astra zeneca trap so we've had one or 2
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patients who own asking whether the vaccine is still safe and naturally when they hear this on the news it does raise concern there have been some fatal cases in europe. in the u.k. more than 11000000 people have received at least one dose of the astra zeneca vaccine and there have been no signs of excess deaths or blood clots occurring and officials claim that confident the u.k.
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developed a vaccine is safe we continue to monitor safety during the use of all the scenes to protect the public and to ensure the benefits continue to await that awaits you should therefore continue to get your job when it's your turn prime minister boris johnson even pledged that he was having the astra zeneca shot oxford job is safe and the pfizer job is safe the thing that isn't safe is catching which is why it's so important. we all get our jobs as soon as our turn comes and i'm getting mine tomorrow but will this be enough to win over those few doubters whose compliance is vital for public safety some doctors think there should be a probe into the vaccine to restore public trust after a year of turmoil there are particular groups who have more hits and see. black and ethnic myrow laura to people tend to be less trusting of authority and or you know they feel that mix messages from government and regulatory body hasn't
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helped and also they feel to some degree let down by government in terms of how they've handled and demi and the lack of support because these people also tend to make up the most socially disadvantaged groups in in society and they haven't been supported through the pandemic. across the channel france is also resuming suster seneca jam program but that money is still reluctant to take the shot. it's a good. i don't trust the spanx an adult i don't know that it's really true what they say with the media would no longer know what to think it would be personally i don't really have confidence in it and anyway i don't want to be vaccinated we don't have enough perspective it was quite quick so i think it's a little early in my opinion their. backs and is brand new i mean we don't know the side effects we hear about those who died but i don't want to dig there were sick so i wait and let along with mr perkins you never know how they made it there
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is a nurse she died and then top of that there are people who died because of it so i don't really know if it really works in our. political analysts nuclear markovitch believes that some governments are putting undue pressure on their people to get the vaccine. why are countries rolling out and got so much information coming out on this specific. that scene this is something which is beats one's mind by i don't understand why they are doing this and this is something which is definitely not safe and it's not giving good reputation to the vaccine because people are feeling in the west that we're forcing some of these rounds down their throats or at least in the jabs and they don't even know if this is a sequel or not despite a lot of information we're getting not only from the astra zeneca betsy but other vaccines from the face of the arrow directly and also we had issues concerning the safety and side effects are these vaccines why this pressure to push people to take these vaccines when we're getting information coming from the scientific community to say let's be cautious and it's turned into
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a closer look at what's going on please bear in mind that the european union but 300000000 doses of the astra zeneca vaccine in august they are just so the european union committed to buy this vaccine apparently not a test i never got to know if it was not there's a lot of money behind all this just off to get. the lead mexican customs official sees a shipment. counterfeit sputnik the developers of the russian covert vaccine warn of efforts to discredit the job more missed later in the hour. police in england and wales are to start recording gender based violence is hate crimes i will advise the house that on an experimental basis we will ask police forces to record and identify any crimes of violence against the person including stalking and harassment and sexual offenses where the victim perceives it has been motivated by hostility based on their sex. policy comes
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following the murder of 33 year old sarah ever of the earlier this month and has been praised by women's rights campaigners will be tried in autumn and if successful put forward as law. i this report is 8 in 10 women have enjoyed harassment yet only 10 percent actually file a complaint as they don't think the police will pursue the case i guess debated the significance of categorizing gender based violence as a crime. i muchly against the concept of hate crime entirely the contents of people's souls is not practically noble to courts or the police and in a free and poorly stick society it's not morally any of that business either and then the implementation of hate crime legislation is just absurdly distopian so the evidence is the perception of the big or
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a witness. which is not evidence please forces are informed that if they are perceived to not take the complaint seriously enough then they can be subject to disciplinary so we can even hope for a sensible responses from sensible officers unfortunately unfortunately there are men many men who are still seen women as objects as sexual objects as the weak sags are as you know what i mean to be poor people who they can harass and get are we with that because there are no laws that are you know are against this we see it as an example in england now there is kind of a decriminalization of rape or because women are scared to denounce you know the rape is that they just don't go to court they don't take them to court i was looking at
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the numbers the other day and there are appalling we see that women are really scared or are scared because they feel that the law is not on their side you know as far as this new legislation is concerned if power is worried that women are seen as inferior 'd and weak then i don't see what good this kind of legislation is going to do i've got the you gov poll that came out today and some of the forms of sexual harassment listed are that. someone commented on your attractiveness to you while whistle that you looked at your breasts wink that you directed a sexual joke at you you know and hunts far as i'm concerned i just don't care if they steal nice things that are happening to women that are not on a spectrum from rape to comments about your attractiveness that is not a spectrum that completely different and i would like to say that women are strong
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women are amazing and if women can't cope with the hurly burly of public life perhaps when they should get back in the kitchen we know that unfortunately women die because of femicide is raising domestic homicide is raising so actually we need to take it very seriously and everything starts from words words are like storms so you don't have to throw up you know war it's like it's like a to know and racism you know you don't have to make jokes of fun you know i guess i want only because of the color of skin because eventually it will increase increase increase and then you would become by and physically what i warm and you know is killed there is by the hands of a man i mean you don't really see women killing other women around before you were talking about misandry this doesn't really exist in our culture you know because women there are actually they love man and we never saw crimes of women against you know man misson dream is absolutely common in our society terribly common and
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to be perfectly honest i would rather not censor that kind of speech i would rather combat that with more speech the answer to problematic wrong speech is more speech it's a culture problem it counsels of from religion unfortunately sikh religion. towards a man on to a pedestal and women you know there to listen to to women where really get to the kitchens. so there is a long a long way you know way to go or fortunately but to everything out everything out if you read a lot of his recent book men who hate women and listen to her horrific she absolutely wants criticism and famine is then to be criminalized and this is the 1st step on that road and i have very little doubt that it will be used in that way. the marcus proposed controversial
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legislation that aims to reduce the number of non-western residents in neighborhoods to a maximum of 30 percent in 10 years time out of denmark a population of just under 6000000 people around half a 1000000 unarmed western migrants or the descendants of immigrants that's around 8 percent of the entire population of the country's plans are technically possible salty's done hawkins explains there are other issues to consider multiculturalism means different things to different people and has been described by a bullet oceans as both a strength and a force for good and a failed experiment bringing more problems than solutions the danish government has its own view and vision of the future when many non-western immigrants settle in certain residential areas it increases the risk of create in parallel religious and cultural societies therefore the government will now work to create a mixed house in areas and ensure that in 10 years residents with non-western
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backgrounds make up a maximum of 30 percent in all house in areas in denmark. you could call it managed multiculturalism a modern day ethno cultural experiment like many such endeavors it comes from a desire to change things for the better to get rid of ghettos or at least the word anyway the term goto use misleading i think it's contributes to cleave soon the large amount of work that needs doing in these neighborhoods according to authorities to be classed as a ghetto or whatever the new term will be an area must have a high number of non-western migrants high unemployment and crime low income and poor education that sounds pretty much like definition of the ghetto also an area could be all of the above yet the majority white and therefore not be classed as a ghetto anyway by non westerners authorities mean anyone not from denmark switzerland or they eat a country's basically anyone outside europe and by reducing the numbers of such
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undesirables in communities many of the above listed problems could apparently be solved. similar plans came to light a few years back and caused a stir with even the un expressing his concern about what it called forced assimilation critics say the latest drive to reshape communities risks doing more harm than good this is a policy rooted in prejudice and racism and when you are you know labeling it as non-western which means anybody who's brown. i think is the problem probably problematic and so integration is a 2 way street it can't be the responsibility just of the people who move into any particular country or come from a particular part of the world and i think that's where european governments have built their fields to integrate minority communities because they have always seen them as always seen as not equally part of their societies and the 2 tier citizenship based on racism and xenophobia is endemic across europe such areas in
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denmark already face special treatment such as doubles penalties for crimes collective punishment by a vixen monetary language and training in danish values for kids and the limits on public housing this may sound harsh but danish authorities view it as a positive step this core foods is bad for it imperils to so says anchorage in a positive development in the residential areas making them more attractive to words range of the population some of these policies surprising coming from a center left social democratic party and the proposals have been met with a mixed response i think 30 years maybe kind of interesting numbers there if i don't know many of the sample of with like 50 i prefer different people living side by side but it's very very difficult to implement into the society but some core that we don't push people out of their homes in like
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a common ground on how to best interplay than western society so they don't feel left out if i was a person. a man with a moan. and they would try this way to racially divided us it would i would not feel welcome denmark isn't the only european state dealing with the issue of ghettoization france and neighboring sweden have had their own share of troubles but copenhagen to set an ambitious and unprecedented plan to tackle a political football head on other countries will watch closely to see it sink or swim there is a significant problem right across europe with the ghettoization i remember after some terror attacks in paris i went over to one of your states on the outskirts of town which was predominantly muslim now there's nothing wrong with that but what you have a tendency to find this in a lot of these european cities they'll be the most libertarian they'll be the african area and they'll be the kind of western areas and what happens is people fail to integrate now i'll be honest with you i genuinely think that the problem
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here is that we have less it to many immigrants to europe to quickly thought was this isn't a perfect solution you can understand where it comes from. mexico sees the batch of fake sputnik the vaccine's of one of its airports the country says the champs are intended to be transferred onto one duras so their origin is still being investigated russian fun behind the curve in fact since development has thanked mexico. this is an example of possible provocations against sputnik the just as russian officials warrant last week mexican government stopped and prevented this provocation possibly aimed to discrediting sputnik of the vaccine through shipment a fake vaccine in the meantime the united states plans to send roughly $4000000.00 doses of us to zanny because of its vaccine to mexico and canada countries are expected to pay the us back we dose is in return for the masters and it has millions of doses made in a u.s. facility the vaccine has not yet been no prize for use that we spoke to right to an
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investigative journalist dave lindo face believes counterfeit vaccines will be a problem machine. this is a huge opportunity for organized crime to make a lot of money by pushing these fake. fake fake scenes how hard is it to get these bottles and kept them and put some kind of colored crap in the and sell them you know and then disappear so people are desperate to get the vaccine that's the other thing everywhere you go countries are sure of vaccine i think we're going to see it as a huge huge problem through the year there is also i should say warnings from interpol about there being a lot of. people profiteering criminal syndicates. who are creating these counterfeit covert vaccines there's a lot of money to be made by marketing these dangerous counterfeits and we've had
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several arrests in the u.s. of shipments of. counterfeit vaccine. american congresswoman marjorie taylor green has complained to the pentagon about the behavior of u.s. armed forces demanding the national guard being withdrawn from the capital. in recent days there has been a dangerous and troubling trend in which members of our armed forces have being used to intimidate civilians harass members of congress in their stuff and attack conservative janice for expressing their views comes after dozens of national guard troops brought cookies and a book about the u.s. territory of guam on retailer green and branded the pacific island foreign territory but the congresswoman did not appreciate the gesture and claims troops are being used by democrats as political tools political analyst radio host a perkins says he knows plenty of democrats say no less about the details agree
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it's a ridiculous move that the democrats made and it's all predicated on congresswoman green not being entirely familiar with the status of guam i would bet any number of paychecks that there are plenty of democrats in congress who also have no idea what is the status of joe biden a couple of nights ago at a press conference could not remember the name of the man he nominated for secretary of defense and he could not remember the name of the department of defense and they are just picking on her because she's an outspoken conservative and they're trying to get rid of for this politicize ation of the military parching them down the halls of legislators offices and banging on her door and confronting her review reform soldiers and officers defending the honor of go on as if that's even an issue and you begin to worry that this administration and this democratic party is militarizing their government attempting to make political opposition into a crime. the u.s.
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house of representatives has passed a so-called dream is bill which will enable millions of undocumented immigrants to obtain citizenship only 9 republicans supported the bill. they are making a very big difference in how we respect the beautiful diversity of america how we suspect the fact that immigration is that constant reinvigoration of america have to closing the book in 4 years of disastrous cruel and inhumane immigration policies today we begin a new chapter. the law was passed despite calls from states along the southern border for the government to step in the middle record influx of migrants situation has been exacerbated by the fact that thousands of people need to be provided with secure shelter is part of the fully labeling the border situation a crisis white house press secretary and by trying to describe it as a challenge to america's natasha's sweet picks up the story. the number of people
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caught attempting to cross the border has been rising since april and last month it surpassed 100000 migrants which is on track to hit a 20 year high but now some believe it's a major policy decision under the biden administration that's encouraging miners to flood the border while authorities have been opting to turn people away at the start of the covert 19 outbreak there was a change in tune under the biden administration of 46 president is now allowing unaccompanied children and teens to enter into the u.s. and now the number of border crossing ins are surging but with detention facilities already aca past city where do they go here you see 4 buses arriving late wednesday at the convention center in dallas texas it's expected to house up to 3000 migrant teenagers federal agencies say the facility will house boys ages 15 to 17 other temporary housing overflow for minors opening this week is in midland texas at a 4 month camp for oil field workers area cannot portably house up to $700.00
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miners some are hoping this is an improvement to the current situation right now the administration is holding some $4200.00 teens and children in detention cells along the border according to an attorney familiar with the matter many children are emotionally distraught even going days without a shower. there is not just one family right here where 4 families in this town and we don't have anything not even a cent to buy anything for us we can't endure anymore we're waiting for a class to response from president biden. officials in the city of brownsville say they are helping us just migrants in the travel process from covert testing to offering them a place to wait according to the mare they've helped over 2000 migrants entering the u.s. through the brownsville port of entry he added most leave the city within 24 hours we are giving them 90 four's which is different that they're getting from. so we're helping them rebuild documents out here and we are also explaining their next steps
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the health and human services refugee office is reportedly responsible for giving care to minors until a family member or vetted sponsor can take custody of them the usual process entails roughly 30 days right now the h.h.s. shelters are almost aca passed with some $8500.00 minors these new arrivals are creating a strain for federal authorities under a court order the minors are to be removed from the custody of u.s. customs and border protection within 72 hours then move to shelters run by the health and human services is there a way for a family member or sponsor to claim them away proving to come with some added mental stress for the miners involved. and i wraps it up for this news out thanks for staying with a return with more on top stories in about 35 minutes. is
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your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. or what will make you feel safe for
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a. high salacious full community. are you going the right way or are you being lead so. direct. what is truly wants is for a woman. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or i'm a blue shallows. debate is is it fair for transforming our plates to compete and women scatter chorus and sport. as a society we have decided to categorize sports based on sex i definitely need to do not think that it's fair for athletes step on porn as pie logical males to compete
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in the women's category tom come on. why do we have gender or do you have gender categories in sport because we do treat men and women differently. every single beat athletes we all have biological advantages over each other. barlow thing means a lot to me and i think friends are the stupidity here because i love to do it. and develop confidence and belief in myself and i've learned the value of hard work and dedication i'm gonna put on doubt. that these men say that they feel like a woman and they will not ever. no but it's like to feel the loss of. her maybe biological free health of these that they will never do they really think this is fair. i just don't believe it.
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because there's survival guide substation just like all the stores. travel all the services. be sure it's still there are you going to get it back. oh oh good repatriations will you go after 7 years. of the 70 year car treasury for. i'm going to trust my. purpose. was. to. bring in. i mean you know that employment in the good things that those. who are. not. i'm not sad might be about the best. thing is often the beginning but it might be you have. not yet you nationally
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besides. janish. can boy get him in the new all i still. regret the create the. blog the 6 all extremists all of which i don't know much. that holds. new top of that if you should get to bill do you believe usually. in the store and with a measuring stick a can be of night. if you want him let him know that you can be born in.
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hello and welcome to crossfire for all things considered i'm peter lavelle to the summit in alaska representatives from china and the united states will meet for the 1st time since the advent of the biden ministration what can beijing expect what will washington demand from the 2 sides agree to disagree will it be a meeting of low expectations. cross-checking china u.s. relations i'm joined by my guest daniel is our in new york he is a journalist and author of 3 books on the u.s. constitution includes we have daniel mcadams he is the executive director of the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity and in north bill we cross to tom watkins he is president and c.e.o. of t.w. associates a global business and educational consulting firm right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you.


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