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tv   News  RT  March 20, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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you can be born in. italy and germany consider breaking ranks with you using russia's sputnik v. job even if the europe is regulated doesn't give approval. to british controlled territories reject the government plan to send migrants staff a process of u.k. oppositions branded beyond inhumane and ridiculous. joe biden hints that the rise in hate crimes against asians in america was stirred up by his predecessor the mainstream media also piling blame on trump all become the world's. hi there thanks so much for joining us you're watching international. italy's new
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prime minister says that rome will be forced to make its own decision on the use of the job if it's not approved by the european medicines agency this is a trust in the astra zeneca job in europe was shaken by recent safety fears peta oliver has more. mario draghi he's not been long in the job as a tally in prime minister but he's already leading a country that's got an uneasy sense of deja vu at the moment when it comes to covert 19 it was just over a year ago that italy was at the very tip of the spear when it came to the coronavirus arriving in europe and now we're seeing intensive care beds in italy filling up at an alarming rate as fears of a 3rd wave have become reality mario draghi has said that he will operate an act outside of the use one for all and all for one per curiam and program if it gets what italy needs let's order sputnik v.
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and see what happens if europe in coordination especially in health care does not work we have to be ready to act on our own and it's not only me saying this chancellor merkel told me that if the european medicines agency certifies sputnik be then ok but if it does not germany will do so itself this is normal pragmatism we have to work on the basis of european unity but if it's not achieved we have to try other ways german chancellor angela merkel has also been talking about vaccines she was speaking after a summit between the federal government here in berlin and the leaders of germany 16 states vaccination dominating those talks in fact local doctors here will start to be able to give out the jobs in germany at the end from the end of april now under merkel also spoke about russia's sputnik of a vaccine and she said that whether or not it gets approval from the european medicines agency she expects to see it being used here in germany in the fight
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against corona virus and also some stuff as fire the russian vaccine is concerned i have held the view for some time that we should use each vaccine that is approved by the european medicines agence singh but if a new such european order were mate and i have seen new indications. it will be germany would have to go it alone that is a possibility and this what it would do. as the head of the berlin branch of the german red cross i hear that many scientists from the berlin charity clinic say that the research documents the studies available about sputnik the give a positive impression vaccination is the only serious way to fight covert 19 and my demands on demand is the following we as the german red cross are impartial and do not interfere in political issues but we would like a non ideological decision on vaccines to be made and that everything that is scientifically based is allowed in germany and on the european market this applies
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to us and to me and to the sputnik v. in this sense there should be no ideological or political reasons that would dictate selective behavior and my impression is that at least here in germany there is not enough information for scientists to study it properly in recent weeks and days this is change in the most fundamental way and i hear that opinions of many doctors and pharmacists have been working on this topic including from the eminent sheraton that sputnik v. can be trusted and that if the a and relevant departments fail to approve it they will lose people's trust on friday morning there are reports coming out here in germany that a facility in barton verdant book was being prepared as a potential site to produce sputnik v. in europe if it gets approval from the european medicines agency now the german chancellor wasn't just talking about the sputnik vaccine while she was speaking to the press on friday evening she also talked about the astra zeneca vaccine said she
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would take that astra zeneca job herself it's been a tough week for astra zeneca 20 nations and european nations suspended the use of the vaccine over potential links or concerns over potential links to blood clots in relation to those who've had the job. the european medicines agency gave an extensive press conference on thursday in which they said the benefits of taking the astra zeneca vaccine far outweighed any potential risks now that saw a number almost all of those countries that had carried out the suspension of astra zeneca resume using the astra zeneca vaccine however denmark finland norway of all said they're going to hold off reintroducing it norway saying they need more information due to several serious cases of norway we want to thoroughly review the situation before we make a conclusion there is a real mixed state of affairs at the moment with some countries around the world
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taking strides in leap said when it comes to vaccinating their populations while others staring down the barrel of a 3rd wave of covert 19. a british government plan to process asylum seekers in overseas territories or sparked anger gibraltar in the isle of man are believed to be 2 options to which migrants could go before potentially being sent back to their original countries local authorities say that they want nothing to do with the scheme or the forest johnson has defended the idea . the objective here is to is to save life and avert human misery because people are crossing the channel who are being who are being combed by gangsters into paying huge sums of money risking their lives people have died beaking this trying to make this crossing and it is a deeply repugnant traffic that we need to stop well that idea was 1st suggested by
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pretty brutal the home secretary amid the escalating migrant crisis though at the time it was branded a sick joke however that idea has now resurfaced from the prime minister barak johnson well critics have long said that this kind of policy will only make the journey all the more risky and that the government should really be prioritizing legal alternatives and safe passages for migrants to enter the united kingdom but on this latest policy they've branded as exacerbating the hostile environment it is an inhumane paula said that undermines our nation's proud tradition of providing protection to people fleeing persecution and terror many of whom have gone on to work as doctors and nurses in the n.h.s. these absurd ideas show the government has lost control and all sense of compassion well even the united nations has waded into this latest plan of shipping asylum seekers and refugees to areas in exchange for cash by calling it
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a risk to roading international protection for refugees but at this point we have heard 'd from some of those remote territories british remote territories are saying they're having none of it along with ideas to build a road tunnel under the irish sea or a bridge above it this latest idea simply as to the rich tapers tree of life we're dealing with at present april the 1st isn't until next month but nonetheless the idea is expected to be included in policy papers as of next week as part of a wider shake up of asylum rules in a post breck set britain so the situation is looking incredibly appealing. for asylum seekers here in the united kingdom in fact right now asylum seekers are being housed in temporary accommodation including former army military barracks that have long been described as a prison like we've seen outbreaks and totally. hygiene facilities there as well which is also met huge criticism from charities organizations and the labor party as well it seems as though the case of asylum seekers has long been
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a thorn in the government's side and so now this latest idea to ship them off to remote territories seems as though the government is changing its tactic of lock them up and throw away the key to out of sight out of mind. migration policy the london school of economics to have done in such an offshore processing plant is misguided. he's referencing people trafficking criminal gangs which are important right in people reach nikkei as they are in people reaching the whole of europe but whether sticking asylum seekers to be processed in all of manageable also will save lives about that i'm highly dubious there's a logic in terms of trying to trying to stop losing people in the general population right this is basically what's happened in the past 1520 years here in the u.k. when people's asylum claims have been rejected the rates of deportation are extremely low is extremely expensive it should be difficult extremely canvasser and the idea
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between behind this policy is essentially to isolate people in remote areas easier to so it's a survey in an easy to remove now how you would get people from the mainland u.k. to due process are all to the isle of man without significant issues that's the bit for me that remains to be seen and i don't see there being a clear pathway for the british government to do that. president joe biden and v.p. kamel harris a visited atlanta which recently saw mass shootings at a number of mass arge parlors in which 8 people were killed 6 of the victims were asian women biden and harris denounce the atrocities while the vice president also gave her view on what's been causing rising levels of hate against america's asian population for the last year we've had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating scapegoating asian americans people with the biggest part bits
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spreading this kind of hate are by no harris only hinted at who they think is to blame the mainstream media has been openly pointing the finger at the trumpet ministration. donald trump didn't pull the trigger in atlanta but donald trump certainly was responsible for the anger in the fear of the suspicion that exists in in great degree in this country much more so than ever in the past and it's not just the shootings in atlanta that are being laid it on the trump store as the explains it is being a tough few weeks for joe 50 days in office in the problems keep piling up fortunately and thank the polls for these even with trump gone you can still blame your problems on him the last administration left us a dismantled an unworkable system we are dedicated to achieving and quite frankly are working around the clock to replace the cruelty of the passage ministration to
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put it succinctly the prior administration dismantled our nation's immigration system in its entirety. a solid year democrats and biden praised migrants you remember that don't you citizenship for millions they promised within 100 days i'm going to send to united states congress a pathway to citizenship for over 11000000 undocumented people and all of those so-called dreamers those docket kids they're going to be immediately certified again to be able to stay in this country oh gosh diving who could have predicted that promising millions of people potential citizenship would flood your borders with another wave of migrants more and more migrants who believed biden's populist election rhetoric and people smugglers for whom business is booming but biden apparently didn't mean everything that he said thousands of kids are still in
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detention centers waiting deportation to mexico and you know what biden's white house is telling the crowds at the border who he gave so much hope to. goo way the message isn't done come now it is don't come in this way ever do it to come to the united states is still legal pathways then there's the pandemic which has ruined so much for all of us merica has been ravaged by couvade like nowhere else i've just been the disaster trumps disaster if you believe biden are trying to survive others say god love of failed order and of axes failed of all the lies the effort to administer the shots failed a set of facts centers i did certain point the trump bashing becomes too much even for the liberal press trump all his scenes operation warp speed last year
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under which the development of a vaccine its production and distribution were carried out other than precedented pace that was trump that wasn't biden and even the pundits agreed. even the media acknowledges a top administration troll is speed ahead in the development and procurement but president biden refuses to say the truth is the biggest scam is biden taking credit for the vaccine remember when joe biden uncommon a hair a spent months lying about not trusting the vaccine simply because president trump spearheaded operation warp speed now they're trying to take credit for it sick people or take ads he age and violence that has really had its ugly head over the last year on the one hand trump did say borderline or outright offensive things about china and others i think there's no question that some of the damaging rhetoric that we saw. during the prior administration blaming you know calling
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coded you know the virus or other things. lead to you know perceptions of the asian american community that are inaccurate unfair have raised . you know threatening has elevated threats against asian americans on the other you just call and trust baden's all jobs but it comes to trump baps responsible for the ads the asian violence that is also risen in britain and europe elsewhere and how do you blame trump for a spree of attacks in atlanta as the white house hinted when police themselves say it was not racially motivated the suspect did take responsibility for the shootings he does claim that it was not racially motivated he apparently has an issue what he considers a fiction and sees these locations as something that allows him to to
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to go to these places and in this the temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate we're going to be honest here barden inherited a mess that fallow long are they going to heap sweeping all their problems. under the trump rug as opposed to you know try solve them especially considering that a significant amount of that mess and grime the democrats created themselves. so had president biden admits the u.s. is unlikely to meet donald trump's probably stead line for pulling troops out of afghanistan with the story after the break. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the. forum made in the shallows.
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or come back recently published t.v. ratings in the united states appear to show that the post trump white house is a bit of a turn off figures show see a number example lost almost half its primetime audience following the former president's departure from office almost 2 and a half 1000000 viewers were tuning in daily between election day november 4th and joe biden's inauguration in january but after that what a drop off in numbers down 47 percent in the key demographic of 25 to 54 year old media and legal analyst lionel believes that donald trump was a golden goose when it came to media ratings. it's the only reason they existed every day people would tune in to hear the anti trump rhetoric but also to listen to what insane connections they can make between everything and trump and it was it was brutal it was exciting it was it was it was interesting that's done this is
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just reality who wants to hear i didn't tire day a program he said wasn't that fantastic did you notice the show to chewed did you notice how great this president was when he's not and meanwhile fox and newsmax to an extent annoying and others are enjoying incredible ratings because they can turn that venom and excitement against the biden administration what i think people want to hear more than anything else is is confrontation but if somebody said we really are going to give you an honest to god fair and balanced attack an appraisal they would love it we live in a world now of social media of trolling of immediate reaction there's no such thing as milk toast they could have done wonders by attacking if you will anybody who deserved attacking but what they are is these are apparatchiks these are shot
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puppets for the democratic party and everybody knows that but now that there's no trump to attack there's nothing there. president biden has admitted it will be tough for the u.s. to meet its deadline for pulling american troops out of afghanistan with his administration now considering a 6 month extension of their presence in the country earlier donald trump a promise to withdraw the remaining 12000 troops by the 1st of may the toll of the war in afghanistan civilians has been a bounce. i mean and he would be either my husband was a vendor you're selling street food or the abdul hug and a bat when the explosion happened my neighbors didn't want to tell me that my husband had been killed because they saw i'm a woman with 3 paralyzed children and have heart disease to working with great
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difficulty but working to serve the people but eventually my neighbor came and told me that my husband had been killed in a suicide bombing it is 15 years since they came to kabul and i'm living here because of my children i searched for my husband but there was no news about him there are thousands here widows who are living west and me every morning when i am going out i see others living in west situations than me i become very sad. my husband was in the afghan national army before she was an employee it has been about 4 years since he was killed i have a daughters and one son my son is 13 years old my children couldn't get any education or schooling i want to say no to war there should be no killings anymore
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no country house children have faced mental problems and war affected my children. for the it says that although i was sitting there with my brothers was on a bomb dropped on my house the bombardment began from year's drums my brother was killed as we know no one will be left alive in this world there were a lot of people killed my 3 children were also killed i demand peaceful my country . early this week moscow hosted a meeting including representatives of the afghan government and the taliban examined reaching in to go shoot it settlements and comprehensive cease fire russia the us china pakistan with the mediators the talks resulted in a statement urging the taliban to refrain from a spring offensive the parties also called for a continuation of the peace negotiations in doha we spoke to one of the
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participants of the moscow talks he says real progress was made our expectation was that when the talks started to doha violence will be deduced big deal that has not happened as of yet. unfortunately the war continues in all the major players are asking for association of wireless and hopefully this meeting in clear messages given through this meeting to both sides will help us in moving in that i did action it is certainly complementing that doha or any future talks which takes place it is reenergizing get and it was that i deferred at the right time but every 2 leads affordable to write this law make the public of afghanistan and the taliban. as long as the stomach the public up on a stand is concerned i can assure you that it was very helpful in that. it will
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it will help us. within the country in all salt throughout the negotiations. is loss of parliamentary immunity in jail and alleged ties with artie's editor in chief just a few of the things former catalan leader a member of european parliament colace pushed on speaks about in the latest episode of going underground puts him on was a key figure in catalonia its independence referendum of 2017 which was ruled illegal by spain forcing him to flee the country became an m.e.p. in $29.00 thing but earlier this month the european parliament stripped him of his parliamentary immunity you can watch the full interview on our channel throughout the day here's a preview. tell me what their removal of your a immunity from prosecution means might clear a threat against one of the bases of her european democracy. standing
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fundamental rights human values that are out for a while you were in jail insurers are girls and what did it personally feel like no charge that spain has presented are not acceptable you know western democracy work what kind of crime used to mission or a 1000000000 my effective boss margarita simonyan named by the judge i understand that you are working with her and thousands of troops were being prepared from russia to help you out as users. to be wild that these are nora people knew that sean only goal parties were to go or worse try to of out on the agenda in order to be security to attack our. reputation we will continue. with political tools using our rice in european parliament we will fight very hard
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and our loans will be her mission we want to share with the rest group b. and we look at once we are not europe and our. crash is european crises. a long dormant volcano sprang into life in iceland on friday spewing fountains of larva near the capital reykjavik larva covered an area of around one square kilometer but posed no immediate danger to the local people the eruption it didn't come as a surprise either the country had recorded or than 40000 quakes of the past 3 weeks of a can itself a previously dormant for 6000 years the last time an eruption occurred on the peninsula is 800 years ago. and go dormant for a little while i'll be back tomorrow bring your latest headlines in 30 minutes.
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one of the worst mass shootings in america wasn't less vigorous in 2017 the tragedy exposed a little of the real last big women who say elected officials are controlled by can see you know the dangers shooting reveal what. really and now it's part of the standard sheen the american public barely remembers that happened just shows you the power of money and lost. the powerful showed that true colors when the pandemic hit the most contagious contagion that we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care so here's care i did an offering go lives of the vegas residents the control group. deep indifference to the people could have been saved if they were to take an action absolutely. machines doing in
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a money machine huge cash register that is ran by people who don't care about people's lives lost. boris yeltsin. go back. under a guy who is barely able to walk down the street here we have in the us somebody. cared that's pretty common wisdom. seeing the rise of american oligarchies by 0 percent interest rates that allow for the kleptocrats. all means of production .
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this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up the world's 2 largest economy thought sparks fly in their 1st meeting in the biden era as top officials from site in the united states convene we bring you the heated topics of the talks and how things are unfolding lots of them member states are ready to restart their roll out of the astra zeneca back theme we take you inside europe spite for pullbacks a nation packed show today so let's dive right in. and we lead the program with the state of bilateral talks between the united states and china taking place in alaska the 1st since u.s. president joe biden took office at the meeting top officials from both sides what they hope to accomplish during these talks are going to stray is committed to leading with diplomacy to advance the interest of the united states and to
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strengthen the rules based international order. that system is not an abstraction it helps countries resolve differences peacefully coordinate multilateral efforts effectively and participate in global commerce with the assurance that everyone is following the same rules. today will have an opportunity to discuss key priorities both domestic and global so that china can better understand our administration is intentions and approach we'll also discuss our deep concerns with actions by china including. hong kong taiwan cyber attacks on the united states economic coercion toward our allies each of these actions threaten the rules based order that maintains will stability that's why they're not merely internal matters and why we feel an obligation.


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