tv Redacted Tonight RT March 20, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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markets and i love games all of these are riffing war crimes to choose from what will 60 minutes pick the syrian dictator bashar al assad has gassed the innocent bombed hospitals and schools and made thousands disappear. i don't none of our stuff assad is the biggest war criminal this century i'm not saying he's a good guy but all the chemical weapons garbage you mentioned has been debunked by loads of excellent journalism and whistleblowers from the o.p.c. w. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons in fact just this week the gray zone reported prominent signatories and 5 former o.p.c. w. officials are calling on the chemical watchdog to address the cover up of its chemical weapons investigation in the syrian city of duma and to hear out the
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dissenting the scientists whose findings were censored 5 whistleblowers 5 separate officials coming forward and saying the chemical weapons story was horse. how many blows does your whistle need before you acknowledge it is the only blood. it can get can be blown no more that whistle is chafed and tired and blown out and then the bombing hospitals you mentioned well. as a human. we maybe talk about how we the united states have bombed a bunch of hospitals in fact obama even apologized for bombing a doctors without borders hospital which as i've mentioned before is one of the only times a nobel peace prize winner has bombed another nobel peace prize winner so that's
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a feather in our calves right. or how about the fact that our economic war against venezuela has attempted to make sure the hospitals are empty of medicines and medical care devices you know really if a bomb hospitals if you just make sure they can't really function at all one outlet known for celebrating us cause destruction in latin america n.p.r. . venice well is health care system ready to collapse amid economic crisis. i love us it is so funny when the us causes children to die and be our you belong on the evening of the emperor of great stuff great stuff but no none of that matters to c.b.s. this 60 minutes segment also had a written companion piece in which they write some 12000000 syrians half the pre-war population have fled their homes in search of safety many of them multiple times more than 5500000 have become refugees in neighboring nations and hundreds of
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thousands more are scattered across 130 countries another 6700000 syrians are internally displaced refugees in their own land these numbers very well could be true and this could be a very important report and. the next sentence is so let's stop bombing them or so how about america's job cutting off their food supplies or so how about we stop training and funding terrorists over there if any of those sentences had come next then that's a great article. i mean it wouldn't even take an infinite number of monkeys to come up with one of those senses you can know like a baker's dozen provided you had enough bananas and something to home during the coffee breaks but that's true for humans too but no none of those senses come next
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in fact nowhere in that entire article does it say anything about the american military actions that fostered and continued the destruction of syria with the partial exception of just 2 sentences in a 1000 word article one of those says the us is invested in syria always invested 'd you say man if we had only invested in game stop instead we could have avoided this whole mass murder thing i think james dobbins very few deaths recently the only other sounds that mentions us involvement is the protests started in march of 2011 and quickly morphed into an armed insurgency and eventually a full blown war with the us and europe supporting rebels aiming to topple president assad yet as quickly morphed into war because america made sir it quickly morphed into a war act exam prize by the resulting war is like
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a guy with a herpes saying to a girl i have strange sex with you has quickly morphed into you having herpes and i happen to the u.s. military armed and trained what we've called moderate rebels which is not an actual thing like a quick trip to ikea don't worry honey i'm just going to dash and get the trundle bed that doubles as a blender and a day and then dash out should be 3 minutes what the u.s. calls moderate rebels are really terrorists and extremists which we trained and armed and then sent off to turn syria into a war zone. but none of that is mentioned in c.b.s.'s article on the history of the catastrophe in syria let's go back to the 60 minutes piece which is just ken warmed up kind of like a vampire that just got a taste of torture is one of many work growing committed by bashar al assad's
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regime oh really maybe he got the idea from us he's stealing our mojo but in our defense in our defense we did the right thing when it was revealed that the u.s. government and military were involved in torture step one we had made it our mistake we did a whole lot of things that were right. but we tortured some folks we tortured. and so folks when he says that the well we tortured we also drop some bombs on some little whimper snappers tell you what they were down by the hitching post away game a little what forward to drone bombs step 2 we made sure to put someone in prison for those war crimes the guy who revealed. former cia officer john kerry aka was sentenced to 30 months for leaking the truth about the
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torture and step 3 we promoted the people who had been in charge of the torture you know for doing such a darn good job with torture and some folks gina haskell oversaw the torture program at a black site in thailand and then in 2018 she was promoted to head of the cia good to see a woman can commit war crimes just like the boys but in wrap it up the report c.b.s. wax head and part time knows her model scott pelley laments that perhaps our time of helping destroy syria. i be coming to an end the trouble is assad has nearly won the war the us and others have imposed sanctions but most criminals will be safe in syria most criminals will be safe in syria how. does that mean my pompei all will be moving there and joe biden and tony blinken in jena has fallen
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obama clinton tromp pants bolton matt lauer steve madden bill qadri jared from the stop way today and through cuomo. they're all moving to syria do we even know if syria has room for all those criminals i mean it will be nice to get him out of america though but will never really get the smell out we want. that conclusion sentence by 60 minutes right there is so telling we've tried putting sanctions on syria but unfortunately the war may end and then what we do have to find a hobby or stop that may be collecting scabs of course he doesn't mention that our sanctions are economic war against syria largely just punishes the poorest weakest people in the country that's who suffers the most from economic war imagine if he had said that conclusion in a more accurate fashion imagine if he had said unfortunately assad has nearly won
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the war we've tried making sure babies in syria don't get enough food but for some reason that hasn't helped keep the war going not sure why anyway thank you 60 minutes and c.b.s. news for always being the sadistic we've come to know and love. come to you from washington d.c. the belly debases the redactor the night. welcome on leave camp now with their good news from behind the democrats and republicans seen here in my favorite dream i have been hard at work doing with they do best
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trying to screw up of american democracy i know i know you're probably thinking how can they screw something that has been dead for a generation but they said the same thing about barbara walters' husband that's going fine the democrats and republicans each have their own way of taking the last remaining scrap limits of our electoral system and disembowelling them even further and no i'm not mixing my metaphors scrap let's have barrels try ordering danny's thrice salvage griddle cakes and tell me otherwise here's how the g.o.p. has been hard at work stopping people from voting the state of georgia passed a law this week h.b. 531 that outlaws handing out pizza slices and water to voters waiting for hours to vote what's that i smell freedom it's certainly not pizza but freedom
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finally our police officers have the freedom to arrest people for giving others food while they wait to vote until now law enforcement was was was in slaved took cultural norms and ethics and object and base level of humanity when it came to not imprisoning people for the crime of catering a line of voters but now now they have true freedom to perpetrate the nazi level of authoritarian regime in which countless regular human behaviors are viewed as criminal. why stop and feeding the voters though waiting in line why stop there i think we should name must make it highly illegal to eat it all while in line for voting people might bring their own food or water with them and we need to make sure that as many as possible pass out or die due to hunger and dehydration ever
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since the ancient greeks created the idea of voting one of the core concepts has been survival of the fittest every single citizen can cast a vote as long as they survive the feats of strength which in georgia happen to him glowed standing in line for 5 hours in the blazing sun without water while listening to the guy in front of you talk about how women can never be nascar drivers of course killing a certain number of voters through dehydration and hunger is not enough to help the republicans regain their stranglehold on government i recommend we add more feats of strength such as live mountain lions wandering around on election day nipping at the heels of the elderly and in order to keep the age old tradition traditional racist component which is very important the race that races component of voter suppression african-americans will be handed bags of 2 day old squirrel carcasses
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as they get in line in order to perk up the mountain lion the democrats on the other hand have been horrified by these underhanded tactics perpetrated by the republicans they've been discussed faulted because the democrats believe voter suppression and sham democracy should be achieved in a completely different way in their version they pass a bill in congress that sounds like it will do wonderful things for public financing of elections. but quietly makes it nearly impossible for 3rd parties to ever threaten the 2 big corporate parties keyword quietly. without slapping the pizza out of people's hands. the new bill is h.r. . and with much fanfare among voting rights electoral reform and good government advocates h
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r one the for the people act has passed the house this electoral reform bill is allegedly intended to strengthen voting rights enhanced campaign finance reform and address government ethics and corruption in politics well more sounds great i'm sure there's nothing any of that would be detestable and still in a vibe the damp going to strangle all the do corporate priorities have been our government and i'm not sure i'm sure it doesn't i'm sure i have done i don't think it sure does it good to have anything. bad. h r one contains a poison pill designed to reduce political competition and voter choice by weakening minor parties at exactly a time when according to a recent gallup poll support for a 3rd party is at an all time high you see the past several lection cycles the 2 big party candidates the 2 corporate party candidates have shunned the federal
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matching funds program so they can take big dollar donations this means only the green party in recent elections has made use of the federal matching funds a jar of one would solve this minor party green party quote unquote problem by raising the threshold to qualify for matching funds beyond the realistic ability of greens and other minor party nominees to reach the bill would simultaneously increase the minimum amount of donations from by 500 percent to a minimum of $25000.00 in each of 20 states that increase would stop 3rd parties from achieving matching funds so while this bill seems like it's designed to protect and encourage democracy it actually works to eliminate what little threat 3rd parties have been to the 2 corporate rotting death spiral parties
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but i kind of like this though these 2 stories if they really show the difference between democrats and republicans neither of them once you voting for anyone but them the democrats achieve this by concocting a convoluted secret somewhat confusing poison pill that no one really reads in order to crush 3rd parties republicans on the other hand just slap the peach out of your hand and then a rest of the livery guy welcome to america land of choices would you rather be quietly in the fine print or write in the face in capital letters it's up to you because you're a free person. we have to go to a quick break but don't forget you can get all of our content any time at portable dot tv and you can also listen to all of my content is a free podcast it's called moment of clarity on any podcast platform i'll be right back with a lot more. was spoken to me day just been published in the african scene we've
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seen you know data from the same song from the chinese might seem like any other vaccine of the day the whole is all you can call them a line you know what's the basis for that statement you give me the scientific i would say to those people you mean the scientific basis or just say there's no vaccines are given the thumbs up from a scientific or medical point of view we shouldn't be interfering with the process and if it's all about. the stand i have. no problem with. that i'm going to run over there are rather you know just like i thought that if.
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i'm going to let them but i'm catching them you can keep an. eye you. know that and. then. the other thing. then let's. do it. because it's whole for pleasure. and hey i think. it's a. model for the the whole fuck around with mr hate to jim and then i hope that our friends in the club. welcome back i'm still leave camp now it's time to get to the stories that we didn't have time to get to so now we have time to get to them here is natalie
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mcgill. has gone on the best enjoying of ever done for this. story got to the point what do you got so public citizen just released this report that says hundreds of thousands of deaths could have been avoided had this country embrace medicare for all shocker. so it's pacifically it said about one 3rd of covert $1000.00 deaths 40 percent of infections were tied to a lack of insurance more than $22000000.00 americans lost their health care when they lost their job and then even before the pandemic 8787000000 americans were either under insured or uninsured so this is tied to a lack of insurance by i guess some of the time it's because people don't want to go to a hospital because they're afraid of the bill and they might not get the treatment they need exactly and you know the this report also mentions that you know some of the other issues and could stall the lack of funding for hospital capacity the racial disparities the underlying conditions that people were dealing with and so
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the stats came out on there's racial disparities in our hospital system and. i thought that was the one place that was free of all. races was. your system a group of no course. so yeah so all these stats came out the day before house representatives debbie dingell and camilla jive paul introduced the medicare for all act of 2021 and this bill had 112 house co-sponsors and the catchphrase for it was everybody in everyone and nobody out but obviously when it comes to broad support for this in congress it's more like not everyone's in and a lot of people are probably thinking you know what i didn't know that was a catchphrase i feel you know everyone and nobody out is going to vegas you could be out but let's join the developed world all right why do you think that is but i . on top of that you know i know a lot of people pushing back against this not that you know i haven't read the bill i don't i assume it's fine what it's proposing but the problem is there was
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a time where there were people like giant paul in the squad or so-called had a lot of power where people were saying let's forces vote now when you could when to hold your vote for nancy pelosi like that was the time and it would be completed all of the squad ignored it and said it was a dumb idea if they even addressed it at all and now they're putting this forward when it seems like it's just going to be kind of ignored exactly because we already know what the conservative talking points are going to be they're going to be like oh this is socialized health care your taxes are going to go up and we're going to get your health care but now you have this obvious disunity within the democratic party about it because we're going to have a lot of moderate established democrats who are can embrace it and be like oh we should do a public option step which still preserves the for profit model or they're going to be like we need to just beef up a ca the affordable care act which again doesn't solve anything because we're still in the for profit model and a lot of these people are getting private health and dollars so it's the damn moderate democrats again you know what i call them republicans and right publicans
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dracula. was the next story. so andrew cuomo who i think i've said this before i'm doing fine he's killing it as governor i mean he is a hero in this nation also i haven't checked the news in 3 months. he's a he's a hero there right there not going to shoot down my notion of cuomo or he's less of a hero and more like every final boss and every sega genesis game i've ever played like i use honestly like the final boss on the streets of rage 2 like i really think is that but yeah obviously he's been in the hot seat lately with calls for his resignation because of the multiple women have come out you know. he's about harassment and obviously the scrutiny about how we handled you know covert 19 and like the explosion of. over 1000 deaths in nursing homes and there was this in-depth article that came out in new york magazine basically describing those really explosion nursing homes and then they covered up the number of numbers of
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people who died so there was this in-depth article in new york magazine had that basically describe the culture of close administration throughout the years not just what happened like some scope it 19 and how it thrived on intimidation and loyalty how a lot of people who worked for him at in the on antidepressants and in therapy after working with him see i grew all this stuff and i agree it's horrible i also think that it's not just a cuomo problem that it's how our system is set up like our system is so competitive and aggressive and crush everyone else to either achieve power or profit or both that these are the type of fast get to those positions this is a type of ask that is governor exactly like society's always going to prop up people like andrew cuomo which unfortunately means there are other people like andrew cuomo out there regardless of party affiliation but i think like because trump was just so incredibly terrible like the media didn't do like it's due diligence before the pandemic and obviously during it to hold him accountable
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obviously because he got an emmy for his press conferences which is why shows how you know the bar is for it and was you know i suppose trump i was there because i was in the best comedy. that should have that was really but but yeah people were instead focusing on like his relationship with his brother on c.n.n. or people were calling each other cuomo sexual which is problematic for a whole other reasons we don't have get time to get into but but like a lot of that you know lack of an accountability story like on the state level too because the article points out that most of the press corps that was covering state politics in new york in albany were white men you know so they were kind of like upholding the status quo you know while women reporters writing getting burned out or harassed or intimidated the same way a lot of his workers were i feel like i lived in new york for a. long time i feel like people in new york knew this guy's. for like years and years and then our national media just like this year was like he's
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a hero. like giuliani after 911 right after 911 it was this complete creep all awful human being is our hero national hero and now what do you know his true colors have been revealed again in the past few like our body of a moron is and i would like literal blain brain fluid is like a leaking out. it's not empty yet well thanks a lot ally for bringing those our attention yeah thank you. and here are your headlines from the future tomorrow you'll read 60 minutes begins the 60 minutes podcast to report us propaganda they didn't have time for on the t.v. program that's going to get a bit more and next week you'll read of it's $1400.00 checks arrive in citizen's mailboxes corporate america increases price of pitchforks to $1405.00 damn you
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corporate america and 2 days from now you'll read in the washington post. andrew cuomo issues statement that anyone saying he's inappropriate in the workplace is just being arranged. that's our show bud check out the podcast version of this show called moment of clarity has tons of bonus content all for free and intel next time goodnight and keep fighting. it always be polite never engage with a negative a good or confrontational. don't get into any conversation or start answering questions just ask for an attorney.
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definitely don't want to be going to try to jump. you're more likely to walk free if you're rich. or if you're poor and. you've got 2 eyes 2 ears and one mouth. so you should be seen here and a whole lot more than you're saying if you don't take that advice easy going to dig yourself. boris yeltsin. go back and look at your history. all the darky flourished under a guy who is barely able to walk down the street here we have in the us somebody is cognitively impaired that's pretty common wisdom. seeing the rise of american oligarchies assisted by 0 percent interest rates that allow for the kleptocrats.
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all means of production. one. the worst mass shootings in america was in less vegas in 2017 the tragedy exposed a little of the real last big women who say elected officials are controlled by casino owners the vegas shooting reveal where v m p d really is and now it's part of the stand as sheen to the american public barely remembers that happens just shows you the power of money on las vegas the powerful showed that true colors when the pandemic hit the most contagious contagion that we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care so here's care i goodman offering the lives of the vegas residents to the control group to the shiny facades concealed deep indifference to the people could have been saved if they were taken action absolutely keep the
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roads shrinking to slot machines doing base is a money machine it's a huge cash register that is ran by people who don't care about people's lives being watched. by the demick no certainly no border to nationalities. as much time with the we do a back seat world needs to be. judged as commentary crisis what is this time to want. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is great the response has been so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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italy and germany consider breaking ranks with the e.u. and using russia sputnik the colbert baxi even if the european regulator doesn't give it the green light. joe biden hints that the rise in hate and hate crimes against asians in america was stirred up by his predecessor with much of the media also piling the blame on donald trump. and thousands of israelis take to the streets calling for the prime minister to resign ahead of the country's 4th election in just 2 years. those are world news headlines for this hour i'll be back with more in just about 60 minutes so stay tuned.
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