tv Cross Talk RT March 22, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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the more you kind of dig into it and the way it's being applied in some ways you could make the argument that neo liberalism is it is mutating because it's the form that is existed when say before the election of trump before break breaks it was suffering illegitimacy and they're trying to. you know put new wine in old bottles something like that but the biggest problem for me is that when i look at the all the things that they're going to apply and to there's that singular thing that's missing democracy is that anybody going to vote for any of this because this professional manager real class they think they know everything they think they know the parents for in the last 60 years they've created only chaos and wealth for themselves my opinion go ahead learn well you're going to. build better and great present they are not the same they are now some of the big overlaps obviously. because they're ill defined and we don't really having much of the right of debates
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around a detention lee ill defined this is very easy for build back better it incorporates the great reset. the great reset obviously this or did because are difficult to discuss the topic as well because the greater you say attract the attention is for good reason because it is based on a meeting the world economic forum you know political and business elite so again it's not being debated and voted on i think they're late and they're discussing the need now to create a very different world after 19 so again looking a little bit of the consequent building back better. than once the political economic and the lift decides to create a new world it doesn't deserve attention but it also creates an immense i'll sit on the sheet all kinds of conspiracy theories that is there for the court to differentiate which is why i also want to be very careful with my horse for example . the great reset is based on that data and then it can be used as an opportunity
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to create a world which was not sustainable before and therefore make it sustainable now this is a very sure she is your body is of course not the same est thing and then it was a hoax or you know created by elites so it's important to not get because this is just because it is happening a lot of democratic debate it does open our for a lot of other impulses but again it doesn't come from a reasonable point under the economy as i mentioned it is moving into an era area where there will be less public control over it so the great reason is based on the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution and just i would promote my book while i'm at it so i recently read power politics on the 4th industrial revolution and the whole idea is that the 4th industrial revolution is a technological era we're entering more technologies emerge with the physical world and also many political wrong you know we're automating the cognitive with robotics
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and very simplified the digital companies that organize your search engines email social media will also now build your cars yourself driving cars transform transportation produce or products reorganize the financial industry and grow your food and all revolutionize agriculture operate to restaurants deliver your food restructure cities transform pharmaceuticals medical industry build armies of the future so i think a little bit thinking or over very much every aspect of society now that it's and something that sounds like you don't need people but it should george let me let me get to do you you and i have similar backgrounds and studied the same things go over the decades theory they had scientific socialism ok because it was scientific that made socialism sound like it was viable ok but never and i mean this is scientific modernism which you know is that same kind of rain to me here meaning it is solving all problems at the same. game times this is
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a revolutionary idea i would say and beat at the same time a very authoritarian one because it is there is no public input because these elites they know what's best for us they think they really do george you know what they've done to western society for the last 60 years go ahead that's well that's a very interesting carol that you draw between the scientific socialism of the motss i'm leninism and the the great reset because whatever else you can say about scientific socialism and how it manifested itself in the in stalinist wealth or a tear in ism there wasn't least a utopian goal that mankind was supposed to be pursuing in which you know what would become tight toward happiness and all the great conflicts with come to an end the great reset has no humanitarian end to it i mean it has glenn was describing
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it it's. let's let's just brink take humans out of the equation altogether it will be kind of created by robotics an artificial intelligence and governance 1 telling people what to do and that's why this this vision that underlies the great reset is one that is very anti humane and is unlikely to generate any great popular in suzi as some but there's no question that the bigotry of biden in the u.s. election has been a massive shot in the arm for the doublespeak a because they are very concerned about 1 the dissolution of the globalist model suddenly which trump national sovereignity was coming back i mean they had a lot of problems already with russia. and china basically pursue their own national agenda biden is. if they say no you know we need to pursue this
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a globalist agenda and i think that's a big shot in the eye of the doubtless true but ultimately it still says 8 out you generate any kind of popular support for a movement that is so anti human. in clan in the same time here they may never let out a crisis motorways the meanness is a way you kind of solve the new the new green deal ok because this is the way the messaging mechanism ok it's the the agenda is out there need already discussed it need be defined very clearly but then they take up on they mean the green new deal and this is how they're going to push it through because it's glow hall it has good intentions and it is creating a vision of the future that again that sounds very nice year when a group of course you know what is that what are the costs and what if you disagree see that's the fundamental question in dealing with build back better and the reset
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is what if you disagree because it seems to me it's in milton inherently is not to allow dissent go ahead. yes it will again a lot of these discussions were held before the coded crisis and because the 4th industrial revolution it is already here it is a mistake knowledge is are rolling out at a very rapid speed so the question was you know we have to adjust to this how we're going to just and disallow out of social economic and political issues related to this and once a covert hit. that's why the letter degrades reset again there is that the whole i did you know once we rebuild everything how to merge to do concept our great reset . and build back better but again i would also i do did this concerns about authoritarianism now this is very reasonable and i would also point out that it's not necessarily an ideological argument again one of the 1st industrial revolution is when you know we started some different ideologies of liberalism called
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a nuisance. but i would point out that even among the free market capitalist like they were their cargo you know that they recognized that with increased productivity or machinery there would be not the same equal relationship between labor and something more efficient or automated today our industries are the more power shift from labor towards capital and again this was also gargan from the from the from the communists or effect on the karl marx arguing that happen this is the most will destroy themselves because of the inability to cope with technological advances so capital increase increased our expense our labor now as oh it is recognized you know both on the free marketeers. to come to some to have these difficult relationship now and if you see the last few years how much power to take companies have gotten they are the main companies now and this will only intensify as they begin to take over or industries that belong to the physical world and so
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again well how old how will society based we restructured i can be phrase which. he said in a few sentences and my own attitude to it be george here this is about it and we control i mean this is about maintaining complete control this is what it's all about ok i can't they can flowered up all they want with their utopian language but no they want you know they have done it they've done well through this crisis and they want to keep it that way and they don't want to give back their gains ok and there are even their games they can say they can legitimized by saying so we're we're right see how prosperous we've become now when they profited when the state the program gave them large us to not only survive this crisis but to enrich themselves even more and expand their power go ahead george. yes yes and i think that this is a point made by. putin at the recent davos summit that we
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already had tendencies before the onset of it massive inequality the vast majority of the publics in the the west and the rich advanced industrialized well the vast majority were gainey receiving no benefits at all from capitalism but this as the intensified by cove it in which has been great impulse. from the middle tosses the great masses and fantastic accumulation of wealth on the power of big say big data is of the giant got graciousness so without me out at the end of this bit with vos there is a middle class just simply having been wiped out and you know the the big take the big you know the giant corporations were already had massive file the full on now even more powerful and you know as we have seen. particularly during the day use us election they intend to use it in
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a very tough isn't way. this is indeed a very serious problem yeah but george you know to finish up with you here i mean again what if you say no i don't want to be part of this here ok and what happens if it's not something you can vote on ok i mean they did that you know it's kind of like you know a global executive order ok well like by an authority that may not be deemed legitimate ok when i'm looking at a global scale right here this is going to consul lot of resentment in resistance and and the reaction to the vaccines as it is a is a sign of what is to come because the state is saying this is good for you it may be good for you ok but individuals have to make those decisions themselves and during this the great reset and build back better i don't. the individuals concerned here ok all i'm going to finish on this point here gentlemen to short break and after a short break continue our discussion on the great reset say. it
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always be polite never engage with a negative a good or confrontational. don't get into any conversation or start answering questions just ask for an attorney. survivor tara gage. definitely don't want to be going to try to jump on cops. you're more likely to walk free if you're rich and guilty or if you're poor and. you've got 2 eyes 2 ears and one mouth. so you should be seen in here and
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a whole lot more in your sand if you don't take that advice easy going to dig yourself. the world is. shaped by. the day or thinks. we dare to ask. humanity has never seen such strange natural phenomena before. jai and coming to this appearing in the peninsula. one off or another. was never about to bring out the good news because you have to get your info you know whom does one
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point out of it that he wants. this one appeared in 2020. how often and where will new creases appear as i described how dangerous on day for humans from on my end is different than 2021 russian scientists came quite close to working out what's going on. they build a full scale 3 d. model of the black hole. well about to cross that we're all things are considered here a little to
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a man who are discussing some real names. ok let's go back to glenn here but one of the things that brought many of the things i've noticed in looking at the idea of the great recession build back better is that we lose a number of things or these ideas are against think the following they really have no use for the nation state they have no use for borders they have no use for the family they have no use for gender and even redefining what identity is ok these half the country at least in the united states would have no clue what you're talking about but the elites are telling you these are good things to get rid of that's going to be a hard sell it will be a hard sell in europe to go ahead. and i guess that's why it's important well the problem with this whole thing is that technology. well the political if the kind of
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running with it without this is a live debate because. we want to keep in mind what neoliberal economics is it is largely in the past we've always had a capitalism which tries to balance market efficiency with social responsibility is obviously the political left the fines social responsibility you know redistributing wealth while the political right to define. protecting. you know communities to family and cherish so in other words both and everyone else always recognize you concretely how the market forces dictating everything in life about social or how is marketed harmonies are made such that the market should dictate everything else and this is quite interesting. if we go into this 4th industrial revolution with neoliberal economics because us george there aka. counted out things haven't been going well for everyone over the last few years and it's a reason why is that there's a need to appreciate why is hasn't been but also if you see the rhetoric now for
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some from the by the administration saying you know come to some us up problem to overcome and move further if we guess what actually happened i mean even at the beginning of our digital isolation out of the americas there are structured economy tours taking over take leadership in the world now what that meant was day they were able to extend their intellectual property rights and of course meant and in return opened up traditional industrial production for competition so what happened in america well part of the finance and i think a variation everyone belongs to try to traditional industry got got it they lost their jobs they lost their social fabric everything collapsed and that's why they voted for trump now what we're saying with this 4th industrial revolution is how do we you know solve the problems of the possible district the only you know boasting with it was with steroids we don't actually have to listen to those who are disenfranchised by the previous economic model because now we're largely we're automating the cognitive we are headed the way we don't really need them in
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a more serious disco collusion of we don't actually need just people are not good for anything very easily that can lean towards politics which is not very sympathetic there so i cannot make incentive anymore to care about this it will so obviously this is why most people should be a little bit concerned about where society is moving you know you know george we can think back to like the new deal and the great society johnson's great society these were these this was state driven but it is this new this new phenomenon that we're talking about on this program here this state is part of it it's more of a vehicle for the ideas of many others that have never been elected and whose ideas you know again half the country if we speak specifically be of the united states would be ideas that are completely alien and. but more than that to them and again if when you're controlling all these you know we've given them the media hollywood education we go down all of them when they're all in one corner people feel
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defenseless i mean you know the we there is the f.b.i. you are looking for trouble supporters revolving january sakes you know if we united center in our podcast the gaggle these are the the least. privileged people in the country right now and they're treated as a threat ok. these kind of people the people that voted for donald trump will never accept these i.d.'s ok again there's been no autopsy why trump was elected in the 1st place in 2016 england has said so much about that even on this program going george yet but one very interesting aspect of it is that if we look back on the during the days of the new deal and the post 945 kind of keynesianism that became the dominant. idiology there was a real concern about the alternative economic model. that was the
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soviet union the soviet union whatever its problems it provided an alternative model to capitalism and that for all the elites within the social democracies and those that they sent in the united states were very concerned about it and wanted to do whatever they could to keep that public happy was something of a soap may be happening today because there is an alternative i think russia and china are explicitly and now presenting themselves to the well as the champions of national some granite. 1 and anti liberalism they are explicitly attacking the liberal ideology that's predominant in the west and that is really very strongly manifest in the bight administrations will view and so then they will. the some kind of. confrontation that could happen within the next year or so between
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the united states nato and russia you know not too dissimilar from the it illogical confrontation of the cold war saw that capitalism is socialism and off it's more about you know liberalism. and agile liberalism and national sovereignty on the other side a claim like that the best such and such so interesting when george patton say they're not not about have been males wait i mean it may be china and russia are are actively showing of their alternatives now i mean it because you know we've discussed on this program how even russian liberals are beginning to say i think they're going to bark in the west tell you that's going the way you barbara mean it is that we can see some kind of bifurcation near i mean people that were willing to say we reject this year and there's a bell fairly new model in some ways that places like russia and china to do things differently. i think it would be a hard sell but again if you have societies the west are so deeply divided even
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it's inevitable something like that's going to her. well it could be. the whole of the liberal system like liberalism in america component i would necessarily agree that both russia and china will be on time the pricing for other and more critical of the liberal m.p.'s on the other horse. meat i think you know critical neo liberals not now not now because you can liberal tradition in russia there's a conservative tradition in russia ok i'm talking about what is but what is basically how volunteers have more over the last 60 years in the west that has been talking about get over well that's why our last go for us because a lot clearer this was important to see how the individual on saturday but it's up to copy the only idea aside to structures around other collecting situations which has to be reproduced so i think that that's often they go against. this idea that liberalism can be this old this liberal idea that this is all concept or ideology can organize a site around it is 11 component i think lou but it's not everything and and i
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think that the reasons why other countries can be looks horse russia and china i mean we already see some tensions from this in europe for example in eastern europe there are many countries who are grown a bit wary of both the excess the so political and economic liberalism can look to countries like hungary poland. they're actually not now in the past had a look so the east a little bit towards you know the calmest ideology but the whole idea was if you want to be prosperous in the world you have to you have to have. to have economic liberalism and on the old south arrest political liberalism going to china stuff the whole in this day the show you actually don't have to do it and so there's a lot of. again using hungary 60 example they're obviously pointing now today east i think goes next door on who made it very explicit statement or said the liberal model of the west will not be competitive in this year sure we have to orient
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ourselves more towards a model of russia more towards china more tor sing or bush who is done more in the east so rejecting this excess of liberalism the way this is so i think yeah i do agree that. the rice own china russia and others in the east of us trade turn it to models for want a list the west has been pushing the past 40 years. so if you do see this split already the west's gambit you george that the splits that we see when we think about the you know that this rhetoric that i'm going back to january 6th going to the attack on our democracy but you know that they're not our doesn't mean all of us it means my democracy not yours ok and this is the only way they're going to be able to sell these ideas because if you'll do you'll disenfranchise them because you don't have a right to participate because. you're not worthy of been bracing these ideas we already have this in the in the in the public realm it's already out there in the public sphere go ahead george right though and i think that what we are going on
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now in the united states with a bike ministration a particularly the justice department of the biden structure is kind of declaring war on hoffa of the public and i think the russians are picking up on this because they kind of remember it from their own history of what happens when the ruling elite as war against its own public and says you know in liked and enough you're not good enough for us at best book we will be chewing to submission and then maybe even when you come around and see how you are we are in the next. hour of the yes and i think that's got to you know what this is the alternative model that russia is say going to russia like the humans and that nations matter individuals matter you can't just simply say oh well let we'll let in 1000000 refugees a year and that and then to hell with what our own people think about it because it just join in on the like that too racist or whatever you can you can do that oh it
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doesn't matter you don't learn to code you know what so what does it matter you know you can treat people in that way and i think that's why i mean russia in particular will be on the attractive model because it will it will create a remind countries onery but it's also others like czech republic poland and are they going to they have the sort of and you russian animus that would be that is the way that it's like well the countries were like 5060 years ago oh ok it looks like we might. go go ahead. yeah i could add something i want out of your to see this change use taking place keep in mind that european union are also its ideology for you know the. 2030 years has been. essentially as a globalist institution is moving towards a national utopia. and utopia. are you saying you're you're going out you're getting into topics that are separate issues very separate programs a lot of time i want to thank my guests and. i want to thank our viewers for
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watching us here at r.t.c. and make some remember. is you'll be a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. tyson nation will community. are you going the right way or are you being led. directly to what is true what is free. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. i'm going to. bring you a preview longer. i mean you know that employment in the. not i'm not sad might be about the best local noise. but i don't think is often the beginning of a us must do nothing at all you nationally for sides. can boy get him new all understood it i still mean you. create that.
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blog a 6 all extremists all of which i don't know much. about if you should get a bill be you are you able review. in the store and. buying me a could be as nice. and let him know that you can be born in the. it. seemed wrong. rowles just don't call. me. yet to say power is they become educated and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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a developing story here on our chief international is shooter is reported at a supermarket in the u.s. state of colorado multiple fatalities are confirmed including one police officer for the deaths and the details excuse me are just ahead. president putin needs a russian a vaccine developers to discuss a production boost and hails that the proven safety of domestically produced jobs and. none of the foreign equivalents should the same level of protection once again this is a resounding success for domestic science and it's been recognized approved is the geographical adoption of the speed of the vaccine is actively growing. it's beginning to r.t.d. hunger and foreign minister condemns the use handling of its inoculation program and urges.
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