tv Watching the Hawks RT March 25, 2021 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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air conditioning bill is going to be and sane. for wanting to make it personal but yeah crops are going to be killed by the heat i mean think think about putting more in water on your house plant instead of ordinary water you'll kill the plant well that's the equivalent of what's going on the the original article you sent me to from n.b.c. was simplifying the science and that's what main mainstream has to do there's too many people don't know anything about science don't want to know anything about science you know when you when you're super cool and you're using science but the. definition they're using about the links of summer and the links of winter has to do with temperature and for years now for decades winter temperatures have been going up the summer temperatures have been going up spring and fall temperature been going up the definition of summer and winter is the
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amount of light that comes along and you get more light in the summer less light in the winter in the northern hemisphere the opposite in the southern. we so that there are i'm a bird or a bird watcher and i have noticed certain birds are appearing in new york city where i live much earlier than they used to this is where. they're replying to climate change because it's warmer that means taking gestures of breeding again sooner and laser x. sooner and yes the food to baby birds need is also popping up as a food might be coming and actually earlier the different birds get their cells and nests will fail or they'll come in after. a climate is not changing all at once simply having a slow move north what you're having is an insect was
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a short life span is going to change its range a lot faster than a bird was a little longer lifespan a little bit and that's going to be faster than a mammal with an even longer life span so nothing is going nature is going to be so out of balance it's crazy and can we hear that since the parents climbed agreement all the climate change activism in between banks are still financing fossil fuels to the tune of $3.00 trillion dollars what does that tell us about where modern society really stands on combating climate change is that something that we actually are really moving towards doing or is it just lip service. i think it's lip service. a lot of grassroots environmental groups pushing out of discussing what the parish agreement would be in the 1st place corporations were not shut down so you know right right from the from then you can see where we're 6 were headed.
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to question people weren't they were in paris and they were there blockaded you couldn't get anywhere near the convention center was a negotiations were going on you have states all over the united states. who are pretty billions of dollars into nuclear power to keep nuclear plants which otherwise would make a profit trying to keep them open they can ship it to climate change and they'll take of the arctic ice cap is a huge contributor to climate change and in this case there's more to climate change van. gend he. a lot of people don't feel. that people who want to change climate change with some chemical means or something they speak of climate change are sold being global warming it's not just a melting as ice caps it's sea level rise it's the ocean acidification it's deforestation when you cut out hugh miles and miles and miles of tropical rain
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forests you're changing the wind patterns of the earth and that's going to change the climate of the earth when it snows it doesn't mean there's no global warming it means it snowed it's not a climate action. whether it's day to day climate is the whole here so that's why the journal. is talking about climate year after year after year and seen that trends of summers getting warmer spring and fall getting warmer we're entering a full warmer if you define summer as how much heat you get then summer it's going to be longer you know i got i got to say you know you guys are you are you are doing a great job in getting this message out there and i'm glad that you brought up all those activists groups that are out there some of the small time not the big corporate ones but the on the ground ones that are doing are doing god's work are out there trying to trying to reverse this trend that we're seeing and i want to thank you for coming on our show today and speaking truth to our audience about the
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truths of verity of what we're facing always a true pleasure having you on sir thank you so much for having on the essential having me i plug my website. oh right you know about our ego already about ardbeg you so much for look for that when you're on a date in the future. march is women's history month and across the u.s. this month has been spent highlighting successful women who've broken barriers splashed across instagram and twitter feeds or shout outs of sports entertainment political medical and entrepreneurial women change the game and make their mark but during this time of jubilee we are also reminded of the mound women still have to climb to reach equity women's professional sports are under fire particularly in sea level a basketball most americans can't name many if any in sea level a women's basketball players and there's a reason for that for example this past sunday there were 16 1st round games played
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with phenomenal female players all hoping for top spot for the number one seeds were featured but there wasn't a single picture live shot video or any post-game action available simple oversight or plan to ration. looks like the latter in contrast the 2nd round of the men's tournament placed 222 photos online and hundreds more from 1st round games. discrimination and sexism was even prevalent in administering code 19 tests the more accurate p.c.r. test were used for men's basketball meanwhile the women were given the 50 percent accurate repetitious you might have it you might not flip a coin and will see. for media race and less accurate qubit tests to swag bags that are equivalent to the contents of the kids' lunch box it looks like women keep getting the short end of the stick in coaches former players advocates and sports reporters are calling foul here to break it down for us as our t. sports producer regina hamm welcome thank you were gina this is your will house i know you've been passion about you advocate on social media about this all the time
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the disparity between men and women sports isn't anything new in the industry double a has been facing call outs for several years now we're seeing players in the women's tournament tweet out the differences between everything from basic necessities like food and training facilities and it's clear that in seattle a and its president don't really care or have a desire to grow or move forward when it comes to elevating women and actually paying attention to what these women are arguing is that it's a double a deliberately stifling their voices and is this even happening despite the track record of success that women have in sports of course that is if let's look at media coverage for example you get to see the turner c.b.s. deal that they have for march madness by the way is trademarked for the men the women cannot use a fridge march madness on their official twitter account is says march madness division one basketball the bio not to march madness men in women's basketball just the men's right you look at the $1000000000.00 deal they have c.b.s. games t.n.t. t. t.b.s. everywhere for them as farm it e.s.p.n.
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is a large majority of the women's games which are nationally seen but why are they on multi channels are you seeing them broadcasted and you know the biggest thing came when some of the players are like this is our way or the men's weight training center for example weights squat rack sky. war and the women's was obviously a hotel gym the stack of yoga mats and one pyramid a weight in their legs helps us train we are athletes as well and you don't and that's really what ignited i think the fire for this torment don staley the gamecocks of women's head coach called them out going this inequality have to stop the fact that you know look at this video exacerbate the different the men's and women's like oh you know we got nothing dicks warning that had to step up ours theory corporations shouldn't be filling the gap or the n.c.a.a. is dropping the ball mark emirates supposedly going to have an investigation russian mark wasn't really going to uncover that we haven't already seen so i mean the question i think that is the argument that you always hear whether from sports journalists or all of the or the c.w. itself at times the argument you always hear is that the n c
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w is that the women's game and by that extension the women's tournament does not make money for the n.c.a.a. is it's not the big ratings get or everyone tunes into the men's not the ladies' you know what does that is that hold for what is the argument against that from this side saying look this is still ridiculous and what's wrong with that argument so the men's tournament they had the men's team gets a revenue prize pool if you win the whole should you get about $2000000.00 well i just said bunch of money you get $1.00 for revenue sharing in this tournament yet the winter storm and now broadcast on e.s.p.n. has brought in 17 new sponsors alone this year doing $77.00 sponsors during the tournament they have brought in almost a $1000000000.00 in the $21000.00 season the viewership is on par with a game one of the world series you have a demand for women's sports you have a demand for you to want to see us in for example you know maryland right up the road the men's team was out the 2nd round here on teams going to the sweet 16 they are arguably more talented they're arguably more successful in the tournament yet.
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because they're not the men's team for some reason or like well we don't pay as much attention in mark emmert so they don't bring in that revenue that is a law so rigid that we know that there are so many google glaring disparities what do you think can be done and is it time for wargamer to go do you think that you know leadership change because of the problem absolutely but with the minute you said that my brain where there is a glaring yes sign in the back he needs to go for the stance that he's not handling this well him saying we're going to have an investigation we're going to see where these disparate work your players your student athletes are showing these are the girls have to rely on the snacks they brought to you can provide a beginner vegetarian meal plan that there is not much that can be investigated that isn't all social media has been pointed out and if you can't do it maybe it's time for a woman president the answer to the to get there we go there we go our original thank you for coming on this weekend illustrating what's going on in the c.w. during march madness that we can really say is women's sports i thank you so much i go out oh thank you so much for joining us art as we go to break remember you could also start watching the arts on demand for a new portable t.v.
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which is available on all platforms coming up georgetown to be involved racism and potential culture take center stage as we are joined by g.o.p. strategists believe the bill will stay true to what you are. going to trust my. proposal. down there are some down because of what this means disclose bringing reviewers means you could mean you know starting point and then you can suppose. just your process was just we're. going to not compete and you sound like you're broken that still can always. ask you something is up in the future beginning but it might be us it's not yet you nationally precise.
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yeah the sure. i threw it. all of which i don't know much. about if you should get to build. me a copy of my. easter work and let you know that you can be. the most pathetic and dangerous consequence of the russia gate hoax is how it is bled into policy at the center of this hoax was to discredit and then finally destroy donald trump now it informs u.s. russia relations the result is dire this bilateral relationship may never recover.
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americans love. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country a large understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the united states not just that question of the american dream the bigger question of who the dream is for. seemed wrong. but old rules just don't. mean you get to shape
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out just because get educated and in. equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those great. things. we dare to ask. humanity has never seen such strange natural phenomena before coming to this
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appearing in the mountain in. one after another. was never about to break up again you could use your cure you but you know love does love her daughter but don't you warn me of. this one appeared in 2020. how often and where will new creatures appear as a discussion of how dangerous are they for human the slum only you is the one they don't want you one russian scientists came quite close to working out what's going on. they built a full scale 3 d. model of the black hole.
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to. cancel culture it became a trending topic and essentially fighting words most often used by republicans who . found out their actions had consequence. that's free speech exists in america absolutely can you yell fire in a movie theater absolutely not in the same way you can't see you racist epithets former ku one sponsored violence on social media and a whole host of unsavory things words and actions have consequences. facing them isn't cancell culture is taking responsibility for ill advised behavior but as much as conservative decry cancel culture war formally known as consequences liberals are no mean thing the recently hired former axial star alexey mccammon as editor in chief became and is a 27 year old journalist on the rise her grand opening and grand closing at teen vogue came after decade old tweets reemerged and staffers band together to give mccammon the boot granted the tweets were problematic and featured asian
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stereotypes but they were also posted by mccammon when she was 17 years old she apologized fully years ago then again released a statement upon her hiring a teen vogue ironically one of the staffers leading the brigade against her christine that it the social media manager at teen vogue has recently uncovered and highly troubling tweets alone that use the n word repeatedly in tweets from 2020 tin pot meet candles. and over at georgetown university law center an institution considered a bastion of progressivism by some a professor was recently fired for her remarks made about the performance of black students. in a viral video sandra sellers was seen saying quote i hate to say this i end up having this every semester that a lot of my lower ones are blacks happens almost every semester and it's like oh
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come on it's a really good ones but there are also usually some that are just plain at the bottom. systemic racism education is nothing new in fact school districts have been grappling with it for decades but the issue isn't just in case it's 12 education as the recent georgetown shakeup proves black students face this advantages and discrimination in higher ed as well look up to writer republican strategist and commentator addressed these issues in a recent op ed he wrote titled georgetown law is real race problem malique joins us now. i mean thanks for having me always glad to feed you well the leak your recent op ed it's getting a lot of traction as you know cancel culture is a popular topic among conservatives. in the teen vogue and alexa mccammon dust up several conservatives and liberals as well came to her defense and argued she shouldn't have faced the type of scrutiny she did largely because the tweets were posted when she was still a can't she was a teenager she's already apologized for years in
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a professional career has been spent advocating for people of color and civil rights do you feel she got a fair shake. no and i think this is the inherent challenge that we have wind with this thing called cancel closure some others may call that personal responsibility she was 16 i think i think she was 16 at the time when she made those tweets the other young lady who piled on her i think she made her tweet even when she was younger than that so maybe 2011 in a couple years before that but this is something that really does exist across the board i think the problem is is that when we have these discussions about personal responsibility or council culture they for too often are boxed in are your left or right are you gay or straight or white or you're black and i think this is an example of what we're having here with the teen vote conversation remember it was just in december of last year where it was 'd a student i can't remember maybe it could have been to see it was a college student who comments that she had made when she was in high school i
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believe later surfaced after i think it was a young guy and young black guy that she went to school with loudoun county virginia actually he really is comments that she made from a 3 2nd clip of her using the n. word in the school decided to actually part ways with her despite this she was actually supportive of black lives matter in her today so this is just a challenge that we have across the board and i think we need to deal with this honestly rather than exists in. tribes which is where most of our conversations are . i want to ask you know what point because you know you see those who saw this with the woman up for the for the job in the social media manager of teen vogue was going to try to take. both of faced issues with with their past tweets i want to ask you what point is going back into twitter archives too much are there some tweets regardless of how old. are should be enough to bury some or make
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someone be held responsible for that regardless of whether. that's that's not an easy question to answer because of this issue that we deal with with free speech but i do think when we're talking about what you said as a child in i consider all teenagers where they may consider themselves adult but for all intents and purposes we're talking about children but even amongst children i do think that there are things that we just as a society as this is just going too far so i think there is a such thing as too much racism anti-semitism or prejudice or whatever you want to call that i think that there are elements to that that we just openly reject i mean i think if you're online and you know you're a teenager and you're supporting white supremacy while you're supporting the k.k.k. i think there is a limit there we can just say well you're going to force a teenager but i think. particularly from the callie of the legacy that pile on is
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part of the culture we just don't go down in really don't have on this conversation i don't think that she should be held to yes she should address it she should apologize for it but to say that you should lose your livelihood at this point because of what you said we were 16 years old is a problem. emily your recent op ed in the washington examiner sheds light on systemic inequality in education and highly problematic comments made by professor thain to feller's instead of calling for canceling. sellars you question whether her comments were extensions of racist patterns and practices or if she was articulating a fairly typical view of black people which do you think it is and is one worse than the other. i really don't know but i'll tell you who does know the university if there is let's say just we were pushing this to the logical conclusion that the professor is races and for my personal not from my perspective
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if you just deal with social theory we know that red raised is that has to men and felt manifests itself in some way so if she is a race is then there means that there are patterns in practice is that she implement it as a 20 year professor at georgetown university law that one impacted black students into the university and sell chose to ignore so i don't know if you know for me she wasn't marking black students she really sounds it sounded like a lot of conversations i've had and right keyword private with friends and colleagues who talk about the challenges that you mentioned earlier dealing with a black student performance so i don't know if she is a racist but i do know that the university owes not just the student body i think the university owes the public in answer as if this is this something institutional at the university that they chose to ignore because the that's the case hits your role. it's interesting and i think that these are the conversations that we need to
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be having a society especially in light of everything that we are seeing in having you know educated smart intelligent conversations where we can get to the root of problems like these and find out you know is this something that's the stomach is this something institutional how best we fix that but i want to thank you so much for coming on and giving us our viewers on this subject and giving us your opinion thank you so much. thank you for having. fascinating stuff and tough questions all around when it comes to council culture and institutional racism in our universities absolutely and i think that you know whether it's racism or there it's inherent stereotypes there are certain things that you know walking in should never be you say it out loud so what comes of it i don't know but this is an interesting place to be in time in our nation's history and it's only good it's i think it's going to be one of those things too it's only going to be addressed further and deeper and and farther than we've seen addressed before in the past which i think is a good thing at the end of the day already what he that is our show for today remember
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but we watch movies i think that typically make us worry about the wrong thing. they make us worry about robots evil but the real threat of the fast artificial intelligence is that it turns evil but just that it turns very competent but has goals that are not alive with our own goals. americans love. this was a fundamental part of how our political leadership and our country a large understood the bargain you get a home and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. and think.
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in the united states not just. met. an entire village in alaska has had to move if another country threaten to wipe out an american town. we do everything in our power to protect the. water they escaping climate change poses the same threat right now alaska seems some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world we lost about 35 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. is fast and means the river is 35 closer to the power than was 4 i don't think we're part of america or earth from.
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u.s. regulators force astra zeneca to admit its covert job is less effective than previously claimed and point to inconsistent season trials. the u.k. teacher is suspended after showing people's a cartoon of the muslim prophet muhammad during a lesson with growing calls for him to be fired. joe biden says he expects it to run for the white house in 2024 when pressed by reporters at the 1st formal news conference of his presidency while doubting if there will even be a republican party for him to run again. as your headlines at this hour stay with us now for sophie and co next.
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