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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 27, 2021 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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said the team responsible for the world's 2nd ever patient cured of that other virus that still affects millions hiv thank you so much oprah has a good coming on going underground everyone's talking about vaccines i suppose i'm going to ask you given your world famous for cures arguably. will there be a cure for corona virus anytime soon. well it's difficult to say because of course in contrast to h. i.v. a 1000000 and 99 percent of individuals with corona virus kill themselves and they are they clear the virus sometimes it takes longer for some than others and in many cases people died. in contrast to hiv which is a lifelong crank affection sars is slightly different so in terms of curing what we could do is get drugs that can speed up recovery of course and prevent death and i guess that's what we need that the problem is of course. the symptoms very much like a cold so would you treat everybody with a sniffle with it with
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a drug against coronavirus would you wait till it gets hospital you know there's a sort of questions you have to ask the symptoms. israel's or the there was a deadly cytokine storm suppressant that they were producing and there have been there have been attempted cures gilad in 2020 the w.a. joes have had failed to do so why do you think we're not hearing more about cures than an acute respiratory virus in general and so that means that the the response is able to clear it in many cases but of course some people end up decide to constantly talking about which means that they for some reason the virus triggers an immune reaction that overwhelms us because we just react very aggressively to it and one of the drugs that are lifesaving for example death tax methods and steroids and some of these other drugs such as a model 6 inhibits as these are designed to dampen our immune responses so what they're doing is stopping us over reacting to the virus in order to prevent death
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so they're not really antivirals they're actually they're actually host what we call hosts directed therapies like you know they are it mean modulators directed to us rather than the virus itself. yeah i mean we've even if we don't talk about corona virus the use of steroids seems to be one of the most powerful tools like a sledgehammer to the human body that western medicine has you think well yes i mean use of steroids is a is a blunt tool. on the past to develop in more specific treatments that subset right because steroids have a number of different effects because they depress your immune system for some for some time they also can raise your blood sugars you can you know it gets you know you can feel them you have trouble sleeping things like that but you know as time goes on we'll develop more specific therapies and you know some of them are already in trials and some promising results as i mentioned for some of these i'm immune modulators but i think the key thing is of course. vaccination and protecting
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ourselves from being infected in the 1st place is really where we will want to be now presumably a.j. we was multi dimensional as is corona virus. vaccination are you surprised by how simple we're being told it is to gene is it the vaccine so that it can cope with one new variant after another. well the very the virus 7 the vaccines against this virus have been developed with specific parts of the virus in mind for example spike at this point protein and surface where a lot of our antibodies effectively target the virus because that virus is also escaping and mutating. by make like acquiring numbers of different mutations and the vaccines can be modified because all they are of are pieces of the genetic code so the actual making of new versions is not technically challenging but the key thing is whether they remain safe and efficacious which requires more degree of
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testing on the real barrier really is how much extra testing do you need to do for a new vaccine that's just been modified from the previous ones you need to do a big trial or can you test it in some volunteers or animal models you know those are the questions that we need to be answered on obviously we don't want to deter anyone from taking their vaccinations but obviously you mentioned testing and there's no way we can do any long term testing of these vaccines and what what it may mean to people's health 10 years 20 years down the line there's a debate here about young children taking it that's right we will be doing post marketing surveillance in this country and around the world which means that once the viral vaccines are out there there is an intensive. analysis process where you know. side effects and long term effects are studied so that that is going to happen because so many people are being vaccinated i think that will that will happen but of course if there are negative consequences of the vaccine which i
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don't think that will be there will be detected here obviously then years too late but why do you say you don't think there will be is it because it's actually a very simple mechanism we're. well if you also need to sort of consider vaccines in general yes some taxes do have some side effects and some some long term effects but this is this is a vaccine like any other so i don't expect to see it doing. wildly different things and maybe some nuances but from what we've seen already the vaccines have saved many more lies and they have and they have damaged let's say i should declare an interest i've had and i'm not sure that you've you've had yours but of course people are going to be reading these headlines is it purely political and not. as far as you see it scientific all this stuff from u.s. authorities claiming that astra zeneca had not provided. clinically adequate data to u.s. regulators for the as for cervical vaccine let alone what appears to be an incredibly
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rare blood clot. symptom that led to an outright ban for a while in european countries it seems. yes i mean there have been some controversies here and from what i've seen the best is anika data was. was provided for it for dates that was inconsistent with the subsequent deliver analysis and it made a few percentage points difference in terms of their efficacy and you know i can fortunately some of these organizations are driven by wanting to show their product is very very effective because they're looking at the competitors and and so they met in some practices that were let's say. not not fair. but i think at the end of the day the vaccine is is a really important part of our fight against it 19 and and we need to be deploying that vaccine this quickly as possible in combination with other vaccines you can
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already see in europe in the case numbers are are increasing in many places and we need to prepare setting those populations otherwise we're going to end up with a big wave in europe. with with with all the deaths that are associated because astra zeneca denies it's the profit motive in any way although this week we hear from boris johnson's briefing of his tory m.p.'s that he has been exploring the virtues of greed and capitalism as the reason why britain has done so much better than other countries with respect to vaccination if not deaths of a certain amount of rowing back is it greed and capitalism that has allowed britain to do better than any other country perhaps israel for coronavirus vaccines no i think those are those concerts taken out of context science to some extent i mean i guess that what it what he was saying is that. you know if you think something is a priority and you have the money you can go and buy whatever you want in this world you know that's what he's saying and that is capitalism essentially but i
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don't know it's a big surprise to anybody the fact that the u.k. bought as many vaccines as it could and spread its bets is what any sensible government would have done i mean if i were in charge i'd be doing the same thing i would put all my money on one vaccine i would have probably 2 or 3 different vaccines and enough coverage for the whole population. and if you look at the cost of that in comparison to test and trace for example and the sort of and the are you know the outcomes that we've seen of that it's an extremely cost effective thing to do even when even when you have more doses and you need and of course there is an equity issue that needs to be considered. but in terms of what a country would do for its own citizens as it's juicy i think that the government in that respect it whatever it could and if the doubts about the efficacy of. astra zeneca vaccine are politically surprise the more scientists countries aren't. shouting has it from the rooftops the this isn't this is an epidemiologist this is
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politics well i think that there you know there are there were reports of strange blood clots happening so i think to avoid mixed messaging the once the signal was. safe like duck it needs to be investigated and has been investigated and then once the authorities responsible declare the vaccine is safe or that the side effect profile. still warrants mass vaccination then it's the job of scientists and you know do the calculations say you know the benefits outweigh the risk of this vaccine do you think it's a mistake not to have vaccinated cancer patients 1st given what you've been saying about how the fact that it's a weakened immune system that may have may be responsible for a new variance. it's a difficult area we don't know the answers to this and there is a risk in cancer patients that the vaccines will not give any protection i think they were already seen a couple of reports suggesting that the the vaccine responses in people and
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chemotherapy in a very poor so it may have been let's you know it potentially wasted vaccine what these individuals may need is high doses and different shared jewels for vaccination and so i think that the important thing really. for vaccines was to stop transmission i mean it well that we want to protect vulnerable people the best way to protect one of the papers by stopping transmission so in my mind the the vaccine should have been should have been delivered to the places where transmission was happening as well as people who are vulnerable that say but giving back to people who are not going to respond to them is potentially not helpful because you know that they may not be protected even with the vaccine so what we need is good research at speed to understand how we're going to vaccinate protect people with the music question i suppose one global question is why is it that so-called neo liberal countries have done so much worse why is it africa why is it
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india why why those huge population centers have done so so much better than britain and western europe of course there are issues about underreporting in parts of africa and india can be underreporting at this stage here on probably not but there will be many other factors such as house genetics they'll be issues as environments exposure to other pathogens that may generate some kind of crossing unity. you know of course and of course you know people talking about whether it will be immunity or beseech you vaccination as has an impact why don't we know given that this is a risk to billions of people we seem to have no idea whatsoever people talk about ventilation because of air conditioning and and preparation because a member why don't we know because very little research has been going on in this area. yes i mean because you know that you talk about association analysis and so stations are. notorious for being confounded let's say so it's really hard to to
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establish causality without doing experiments a study so the real way to do this would be of course to take people from different countries and and experiments and infect them but of course we've got a pathogen that that is dangerous and we have not been doing human challenge studies and so very recent but i would say that you know that you know south africa where i impose my time doing research you know has you know has had a quite a quite a high mortality from 19 i mean young people are dying in south africa from infection with this disease so it's not that people are shrugging it off and that there are still deaths. in young people who otherwise healthy for. the well professor render gupta thank you after the break to the country with the most coronavirus debts on earth the usa we'll talk to comedian jimmy door. mat kaiser with more of my guide to financial survival this is and it's
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a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these have trials are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to that. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for guys or for. always be polite never engage with the negative aided or constitutional officers. don't get into any conversation or start answering questions just ask for an attorney. by the irrigation. definitely don't want to be going to try to jump on. your. likely to walk free if you're rich and guilty or if you're honest. you've got 2
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eyes 2 ears and one mouth. so you should be seen here and a whole lot more in your sand if you don't take that advice to dig yourself. welcome back one year ago today u.s. president trump signed a $2.00 trillion dollar stimulus bill which under joe biden giving his 1st press conference only this week has become the $1.00 trillion dollar american rescue plan act of $221.00 so would it save the country with the worst coronavirus death numbers in the world joining me now from l.a. is jimmy door comic and host of the jimmy door show jimmy thanks so much for coming back on why do i get a comedian rather than a member of the washington press corps to talk about this week's i think i can say unprecedented biden presidential press conference is it because the questions were so so bad i mean know nothing about universal health care or as regards the covert nothing about the climate crisis except in your airports thanks for having me it's
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great to see you again and yeah that was a fantastic press conference i tell you what the american press corps 2nd and done right they got one question about the lie about $2000.00 checks that one question about the lie about $15.00 minimum wage he said just that you elect these guys a $2000.00 checks are going to go out the next day and of course they didn't say they waited a couple of months and now they're just getting around to sending out $1400.00 checks which we know are is that it's not $2000.00 also they ran on the minimum wage joe biden ran on the $15.00 minimum wage and they have complete control of government they have the white house the senate and the house of representatives and they won't give americans a raise they won't give americans health care what they will do is give a $50000000000.00 giveaway to the health insurance companies so it to give everyone medicare who has lost their health insurance during this covert batch handout. would cost about $5.00 to $10000.00 each person to give that medicare for an entire year they're spending about $50000.00 per person just to give them cobra coverage
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for a couple of months that's called complete corruption joe biden was in asked about that joe biden wasn't asked one question that was a tough question today they were asking him p.v. is going to end his 1st press conference as president if he's going to run again for president it was amazing also he brags about the the work he did on immigration i don't know if everyone's aware of this but joe biden and barack obama and built the cages that they put those immigrant kids in they gassed immigrants at the border and they deported more hispanics than all the presidents combined before since 890 and they deported almost twice as many people as donald trump did and so he's saying that donald trump wasn't good enough on the border wasn't but so they're going to go get tougher on the bush it did his message was completely incoherent in fact he bragged about when he was vice president that they went to
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a city he didn't name the city in mexico and the reason why people were leaving that city and coming immigrating to the united states was because that they weren't safe that night because of gangs and violence so joe biden bragged that he had a program that put lights in a city in mexico to make their streets safer but at the same time he was vice president they couldn't get clean water to flint michigan right now jackson mississippi doesn't have clean water it for a month he again why do you treat american cities like you did a mexican city and actually focus on it and give us aid because they. were living in a rib a she is oligarchies and now it's evident and we and they're getting by the way the american press is the worst go in maybe the journalists have very good health care in fairness that private health care for that but. they said when will journalists be allowed to see these reputed thousands of children refugees caged to
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children nothing about there was a little about why there should be refugees and tool and buy and give a moving speech about leaving everything nothing about because he's been bombing syria the syrian refugee crisis very alive here many drowned in the mediterranean off the coast of libya this week let alone the sanctions on on venezuela so he was off he was asked about his american imperialism and he was asked about afghanistan and i don't know what he said what was that can you give us a date when we'll be out of there of course he couldn't but he said we have to make sure we withdraw in a safe way so what he's literally saying is you can't just stop killing people willy nilly that would be unsafe to stop to stop killing people so nothing he says is making sense everything is incoherent and of course the american press which is bought by the military industrial complex is never going to challenge him on that we've been in afghanistan for 20 years joe biden said we would when he was vice
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president that he we would be out of afghanistan in 2014 barack obama tweeted it out and said you can count on it it's 2021 and he says he's president again and we still aren't getting out of afghanistan it's the perpetual war machine and watch he's going to find there's money in that call that relief bill by the way to overthrow venezuela there's money in that built and they're the last people on earth that still recognize want as the president of venezuela we do here boris johnson does here and biden did say he couldn't picture u.s. troops in afghanistan next year i mean you know no i'm chomsky is made on this program i know you're a fan a new interim he said biden should be commended for this 1.9 trillion simulants bill that you're saying has had some pork barrel politics in a trade war yeah well i don't know what the hell he's talking about. i guessing not noam chomsky doesn't need health care he doesn't need a minimum wage he doesn't need a livable wage he doesn't need clean water he doesn't need
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a healthy economy i don't know what noam chomsky is talking about are there some good things in the cold it bill yes are the things that they campaigned on that would actually change people's lives and lift them out of poverty no they're not in that bill columbia university that this is just propaganda they dare not fulfilling their own campaign promises when they have complete control of government and so i don't know what that quote is by no chomsky but he also said to vote for joe biden because he was and killer a clinton every horrible liberal he's always told you to vote for the lesser of 2 evils which now get you a warmongering racist such sociopathic liar like joe biden and such and i guy i don't get what that's about but so know that covert relief bill is a massive failure and if the democrats i saw that they're planning on running on it in 2020 they're going to get wiped out because the people in the united states are about to get evicted from their apartments and get foreclosed on from their banks just like they did in 2009 in 2010 under barack obama and there's no plan to help
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those people all they do is keep extending the moratorium on a vixens which doesn't solve the problem of them not being able to pay their mortgage or their rent but the pro point is that that's by design just like in 20092010 when barack obama was president they designed a relief program to make people lose their houses why would they do that because they're in bed with wall street they want you to get not be able to pay your mortgage not be able to pay your rent why give me so they can give your assets to your creditor who is your creditor wall street that's the system that's not a glitch that's the feature and that's what they're trying to do right now which is why they won't give people a living wage which is why they won't give people coping with the rest of the world is handling their call that really different than the united states in the rest of the world when they close down your business the government pays the salary of the workers sometimes 100 percent sometimes said. 25 percent but they pay the salary of the workers if they have to close your business out in the united states they're not doing that they're not even giving people health care in the middle of
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a pandemic and they're not giving people a living wage when they shut your business doubt you can go pound sand you have to go apply for unemployment and then they just lower the unemployment so it's a crazy system what americans aren't aware of is that no other country is handling coal that really like it's being handled in united states and that's what noam chomsky should have been telling people ok obviously maybe more nuanced than i thought 600000 dead as you say away from the fundamental cost politics though what have you made of even in terms of identity bowl of thinks the bidens having to distance himself from new york governor cuomo and that kemal arris is hosting things and talking to bill clinton to prevent future monica lewinsky is being abused it's funny that he's not talking to monica lewinsky that he's talking to kabul harris it's funny that i will hear them talking to monica lewinsky he's talking to bill clinton isn't that weird it just goes to show you that it's all identity politics which is the killer which is why the democrats lost to a game show host and they probably will again in 2024. this is
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a failed state joe biden is the perfect representation of a failing empire were done there's no getting out of this we won't even give our own people health care in the middle of the pandemic and we won't even give people the nomic relief when we shut down their business as a matter of policy they're shutting down a 3rd of the economy over coburn and they won't give people relief so they don't care about helping people who live in a rip asia's oligarchies dylan ratigan point that phrase on my show and it's a we're sliding into being brazil and nobody's going to do anything about it i try to don't think of it and get us health care every progressive ran on medicare for all and forcing a vote i try to get a full of vote force a vote on medicare for all and the entire left apparatus and democratic party smeared me well. well journalists in the washington press who are talking about and done don't seem nearly as angry as your certainly and or asking those questions
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they did say you know they were slightly perturbed about journalists not being allowed to see the cage to children there's a journalist up the road from him truly innocent who the u.n. says is being tortured washington was greeted by australian m.p.'s they saw washington officials this week nothing about a pardon for julian assange so that's the whole thing like what donald trump became president i was like hey now people are going to be we're going to put an ugly face on the horrible stuff that that our government's been doing all along and people did become more aware of julian assange because of donald trump and now joe biden is president everybody forgot about him again the whole thing they used to say about donald trump is he's breaking all the norms and he's an enemy of the press right he's an enemy of the free press like a dictator but what the hell do you call what you're doing the julian assad judge joe biden what do you call it and so god get not one question about it at a press conference not one question about the number one journalist in the world award winning nevers ever had to address direct a story julian a songe being tortured by
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a western government there and for what is he being tortured for he's being tortured because he revealed war crimes of joe biden's administration with barack obama that's why he's being tortured so this idea that the american press corps gives a real gives a rat's ass about press freedom is a joke there are a joke which is why they attack actual journalists like grand glenn greenwald chris hedges and me that's why because they are all bought and paid for there's only 6 media companies in the united states they all work for billionaires and they all are in bed with wall street and joe biden this is not a democracy we live in your democracy in the united states has already been stolen from you you don't even have free speech anymore they just kicked the president off of social media and everybody is cheering it well monday is the beginning of the george floyd trial that led to uprising is right around the world the pictures of the treatment of george floyd. is it difficult that precise being over that in washington this trial in a sense was commodity it was a prosecutor in california where you are little and joe biden an architect of mass
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incarceration. joe biden is the architect of mass incarceration which i'm for imprisoned black and brown people that way were higher rates than their population kemal harris actually had to be sued by the federal government when she was the attorney general of california to release prisoners because of the overcrowding and she wouldn't do it on the 3rd time her office literally argued in court that we can't release these prisoners because it would screw up our prison labor system that was their argument so they're literally are so that's your right the irony of them presiding over this doesn't go it does doesn't get lost on me joe joe biden at this press conference trying to pretend like he cares about working people joe biden is the enemy of working people just like cobble erik's joe biden did the bankruptcy bill which made people who had medical debt and student loan debt unable to ever get rid of that and why did he do that he did that at the behest of wall street and the health insurance companies he's not doing that for workers there
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isn't a politician in power that cares about people more than they care about their own career or their career of their donors well of course they'll be going on about the $400.00 stimulus checks which you said should be should be 2000 i mean just as regards world war 3 right at the beginning of that press conference he said there will be a response to north korean missile tests how do you see the players behind by me if it's not him as regards. war well it was great to see the american press corps once again saber rattle and warmonger about it north korea and china they did it on china to us hey what are you going to do about it. the idea that there is another country that is worse on human rights than the united states always makes me laugh. we are the world's we have 5 percent of the world's population we have 25 percent of the world's incarcerated population we're the
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world's largest penal colony right here in the united states where that pulled the state gives guns to races to shoot minorities in broad daylight with no repercussions every day that happens 1000 people a year get shot killed we have again we're the world's largest penal colony somehow we have a 1000 military bases around the world $800.00 that we admit to we don't know how many secret ones there are but somehow there's another country that's more of a imperialist than we are that's more of a threat to the safety of america if whatever they do that the poles of the of the of the power of the world who are you most afraid of as a country is the united states always it's never someone else right now joe biden is helping saudi arabia ramp up their genocide in yemen which is happening right now so fantastic saudi arabia would deny genocide jimmy door thank you that's if the show will be back on monday full of the george white was killed russia's walking uprising door of the world until then join me on the ground 0 i subscribe to your you tube channel for nothing will be.
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for people america have no representation again that's that's the problem there's nobody in government that represents people who are not part of a multimillionaire lobbying class who work for banks to print money for themselves because they can tell them that unless you're printing money for yourself again from they can tell in effect you have nobody in government representing in america not a single congressperson not a single senator nobody in the white house represents you you are on your own head and i knew you would buy because i for 10 years like we've been saying and you 2 would have to. $1520000000.00 even if you started with 5 or $6000.00.
12:00 pm
the u.k. registered as a massive rise in attacks on asians reflecting a horrific global trend of scapegoating the community for the pandemic. if you link asian racism has been such a common thing for so long just high up when the pronoun virus then we're just you know we're all still feel. the top french minister cries for interference over the funding of a huge mosque in strasburg that's getting cash from the city council has. concerns apps brought in to deal with growing global rules criminal laws against of course without explicit approval. we're trying to use technology to protect women instead of teaching men that they need to risk.


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