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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2021 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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france's hospital's chief rings the alarm on the president and burden of the country's new pandemic calls for the year of the government's response and people. who don't understand the new rules for example we're supposed to be in lockdown yet we're walking in the. thousands of migrants filmed in overcrowded camps in the united states border reports that washington's facing unprecedented refugee crisis . and hate speech facebook sued for repeatedly allowing online threats to journalists. examine how the platform is now facing crackdowns worldwide.
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live from moscow thanks for joining us on the weekly here this afternoon and welcome to the program. now the head of the french hospital federation has warned of one of president shock within weeks and there are more than 27000 patients in hospitals across the country the highest figure this month but the number in intensive care is approaching 5000 that's a record for the year the emergency doctors association told us that authorities response had been woefully. hospitals across france are struggling facing a shortage of beds in the i.c.u. there's an influx of patients their numbers are growing at an unprecedented pace the problem results from the fact that the government hasn't provided any extra beds for a year already furthermore our country is falling behind in vaccinations pharmaceutical
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companies have delayed their supply shipments are an occupation rate is very low compared to other nations like morocco or serbia where health care efficiency is inferior less public confusion a mixed messages from the government amid strict looked down as an official warnings of dire consequences when it is that adding chocolates shops they open to maintain what they describe as french well so lewinsky reports. you'd think that by the time the 3rd lockdown was announced the parts of france that the government would be. termed it this is what you can do this is what you can't do but it's been anything but the case do you think you understand the restrictions now in place soon places like paris. now it's. better but it's typical shows you get some points but the rules are not too well it's a little bit lax we can do
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a little like. they were clear enough they are good at differentiating things faster realizing that they're fuzzy so it is not really a lockdown. mistaken. after 6 pm. after suffering now really i didn't thank you. we don't understand the new rules at all for example we're supposed to be in lockdown yet we're walking the chandeliers a when the prime minister announced that 16 regions would be heading back into a lockdown last week he said citizens would have to once again fill out public mission reforms to show that they were leaving home for essential reasons when the new forms were published they contained so many options as to why you could leave home they caused widespread confusion. say zhang caustics how come here allow me to take a breath 10 kilometers away but force my dog to stay within one kilometer of his
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candle i come home from work certificate i pick up the kids from school certificate i buy a brat certificate it's a little after 7 pm certificate luckily i have no dog the next level of befuddlement came as it emerged that most of the businesses that would be closed as they were not essential like florist headdress and chocolate shops were told they could stay open we made some exceptions such as he dresses for french people we did it because there are professions like florists that make whole food turnover during spring we did it for the chocolate is because it's easter so is it really a lot. a look like as it's been up here and do people in paris know what they can and can't do do you think you can eat lunch with your friends in the park yeah . i think it's possible no they've said it's not they do not
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recommend eating lunch with your friends right now i think we have the right to eat in a park with friends to go out after 7 pm under certain conditions i think yes but visiting friends at home i don't think that's possible after 7 pm we don't have the right with the curfew we don't have the right all joking aside a year of bouncing in and out of lockdowns to certainly brought everyone to the same feeling but of being generally fed up and you can't help but feel french government is in its own confusion about what we should and shouldn't be doing causing perhaps unnecessary public anxiety shoulders even ski auti powers. i. the skeptics have hit the streets across europe this weekend demanding an end to restrictions u.k.
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and he looked on protesters clashed with officers and tried to break through a police line in the danish capital activists dressed in black bullet flares and fireworks to protest the government's coronavirus reaction an estimated $600.00 demonstrators took part in the rite aid and at least 8 were arrested hundreds also came out against the government's response in the german city of bloomberg you've been held banners signs and flags chanting and clapping as police put on. a british inoculations said to say they've catching catching dozens of queue jumpers fraudulently trying to get the job every single day the scammers operate pretend to be front line health workers official proof is needed when they arrive anyone can book a slot online in advance a pharmacist who runs one of the london centers the scribe the problem to us. this is a very sparing small percentage of people doing this but it's if you take taken us all science is going on at it amounts to more people i suppose at the moment running about 10 or 12 people
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a week because effectively they're taking up that booking in and claiming to be and then when they come they have no they all have no idea with them or no relevant id . and they can sometimes make claims about what they do or who they are which are. incorrect and someone who came in last week and she. when i asked him for what he did he said he was a pharmacist. which i am so it was a bit of a strange thing to choose but when i asked him where he worked he wasn't overly clear and then when i asked him for his registration number he couldn't give me the registration number that he would do that he would have as an as a rigid pharmacist in here in the u.k. so he's really apparent that he was trying to jump the queue and effectively we told him straight away that i'm afraid that you don't qualify and he left she left a pharisee. the number of people booking appointments has double after authorities
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predicted shot shortages within a month they were in production problems and a surge in coated cases in india which is now holding on to more supplies ashtiani against me is that unfortunately we're wasting slots that could be used by those that are in charge of vaccine and just slows down the vaccine program because if people are using or booking slots they're not entitle to say it stops other people from booking us lots and that just slightly slows down the the whole vaccination program and actually delays the time by which they will be vaccinated because obviously the fact they've used that's not the fact it has me news just on the appropriate means that those people that have to wait longer to have their vaccine the best thing that could happen is that ideally that the national cookie system as part of the checks when you book in is to ask for some form of proof which would very far in the identity of the person seeking to make the booking and verify their in title meant under health or social care because that would make my life
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a lot easier because i wouldn't have to spend much i ching rechecking that that eligibility because it would have been done on my behalf before they got to me. president putin got the covert 900 japanese self this week which one will stay a mystery with officials saying they won't specify the shot in order to hold out but all 3 russian vaccines are safe and effective some still remain wary about getting an aco to r.c.m. reviewed some of the myths about russia's support make the vaccine. if existing improved vaccines contain a small fragment of the forests one of his genes even harder this week and of course ensconced in sex with copious. side effects and complications are the same as after any flu vaccine here or the grief of the dozens of cities and not really side effects and the expected reaction of the immune system above is the max in trains it's defend itself against an enemy
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of so and it gets activated on our t.v. . if you give yourself plus the district of mist and things to you to keep around this is the fix insisting oftentimes the most secure one that gets erased from proven technology that has already been used for the vaccine company the ridge says the vaccine does it is strictly on the international troops school field vaccines are tested this way and that's how all vaccines get to the markets. i wonder where this is coming from is completely incomprehensible it's from the brain no vaccines cause and fits in a seed that is complete nonsense from a biological point if you want to with. each other so much vaccines wildfires conclude in food because it can if it will reproductive all. over the birds fool the ordinary for the tourists to ensure we all have to make
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a choice and weigh up the risks to be the only way to prevent any viral infection what would in the coronavirus phase of oxidation or for some other remove get vaccinated legacy really. for president bottom finally faced the media this week but after months of waiting for his 1st full news conference many jobless were left disappointed with even copious reams of cheat sheets apparently not saving his performance through power looked at . finally after 2 long months biden has finally given us something that can actually be described as a press conference he heroically spends a whole hour talking to actual live reporters on a range of subjects like vaccinations the it's all trump's fault migrant crisis getting out of afghanistan eventually the north korean threat and so on but
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unfortunately much of the events was either mind numbingly dull or well went as well as you would expect. to hear. you know those awkward family dinners where the creepy uncle goes off on an incoherent rants well judging by biden's public appearances that's what white house staff go through every day soon this is going to be. pleased for. you know we tried it it over in iraq is not workers are not going to try i mean in iran and choose me for drugs in ukraine my physical mental. physical as well as my mental so fitness no wonder they try to keep him in the basement as much as possible every time he goes out in public it's either another me more of the gaff or the almost classic at this point i think through exposing i think it's time for the cross to leave. but i guess they figured they
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can't hide him forever hence the press conference with quotation marks because if this was any more scripted it would be a hollywood movie biden was literally reading his answers off a gigantic stack of papers he kept flipping through them and still got lost all the time is the reason i'm not immigrants are coming to live. with the country i see while many are beginning to see this. well presidency as a form of elder abuse by himself seems really confident he even said he's going to go for a 2nd term he also just made some news by saying that you are going to run for reelection and that is my expectation yeah. share as well noone else of our biden is a gaffe machine he does not have the gift of gab he often times twists his sentences and of course he did the same thing at this particular press conference
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so i think that his handlers would like to keep him as for away from the press kind of structured environment as possible i would salute the most worrisome aspect is foreign policy in fact it came up during this press conference room once again just a bite and saw fit to insult the chinese president saying that he does not have a democratic bone in his body and has also managed to threaten sanctions against not only germany because of its importing natural gas from russia but threatening sanctions against india because it supposedly plans to buy defense materiel from russia even though mr biden and the u.s. will be relying upon india as part of this and circle mint plan against china so i think that the most worrisome aspect of this and coming by the ministration is foreign policy and let's hope that he can improve. just 2 months since taking office joe biden is also faced with
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a devastating refugee crisis republican senators visited the border with mexico on friday warning that media coverage of overwhelmed facilities had been restricted to situations that a humanitarian crisis. and this is what is from a facility in the city of texas senators say up to 4000 people have been held in a placement for 250 of many of those a mine is people in severely overcrowded pods most even without beds you were discovered cases of also being reported that the border crossings from mexico at a 20 year high the pentagon will now house unaccompanied children at a military facility that's despite democratic outrage baden's because i said donald trump for plotting exactly the same over caleb maupin investigates. the biggest migrant surge at the us mexico border in 20 years thousands of unaccompanied children detained and a lack of facilities to accommodate them so now the biden ministration seems to
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have found a solution asking the pentagon to hold them at military bases sounds reasonable but let's remember the reaction when donald trump had the same idea the united states is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly why they are there concentration camps don't let this go unnoticed the trumpet ministration reportedly plans to use a formative conies internment camp to house immigrant children this is downright immoral it was announced donald trump will be reopening one of these camps to detain migrant children these children belong in homes schools and parks not prison camps now you'll remember biden embrace these criticisms and promised a full reversal with the overwhelming support of the democratic party joe biden promised more humane border policies they got separated from their parents and it makes us a laughing stock and a violates every notion of who we are as
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a nation and those kids are alone no where to go no where to go it's criminal. trust the abiding initiations policy to be based on humanitarian and love of children rather than political points are being held at the same cramped facilities however the white house is now assuring us this is not kids in cages this is children in the cylinders this is not kids being kept in cages this is a safe for kids this is a facility that was opened the media is very strongly wedded to supported by the administration it was extraordinarily hostile to trump biden thought he. more leverage you have more control you could think he could keep things under wraps. and the american people would go along go along with it and work for a while but now it's no longer holding up biden seems to be very naive he seems
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not to have thought these questions out very very thoroughly he seems to have little idea what's at stake he believes the same or policies will work the same policies that implemented what he was part of the obama administration but those policies failed then they failed under trap and they're failing now on tour by. facebook has permanently shut down the page of iran's international television network which has millions of followers press t.v. said it received no advance notice and harder to be american connections of the text. without any prior warning facebook informed prissie view on friday that its account had been shut down to what it claimed to be the iranian news channel's failure to follow our community standards this is yet another attack by the us based social media giant only read in media outlets. all the social media playing the channel had violated its stance but did not provide any examples or even lamie
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posts that have broken any rules facebook along with twitter and instagram had suspended for us t.v. on numerous occasions before bring it on appeal let's bring in toronto most of us are said mohammad marandi for more on this thanks for joining us good to have in the program today did press t.v. really violates community standards or is the reason behind the sponsor of the account something else. the suspension of the account. i think it's obvious is because press t.v. was an alternative source for information and the united states and its allies are increasingly preventing their own populations as well as populations outside their borders from accessing news from sources other than the so-called mainstream media or the corporate media or western state owned media and it's not just media
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outlets like press t.v. it's it's individuals my facebook account was removed my instagram account was removed and in my facebook account what i did was i put up a picture of one of my friends who was injured with chemical weapons. he was injured by chemical weapons provided to saddam hussein by the europeans and the united states and they removed the picture when i put it up again another picture later on a similar picture they disabled my account all together and the same is the same was true with instagram many of my students many colleagues many people in iraq in syria and lebanon in yemen they've had their accounts disabled and not only are people prevented from expressing their opinions but also what it does is that it makes other people quiet it turns them quiet and prevents them from expressing
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their opinions because they're afraid of losing their accounts as well and of course that self-censorship itself serves a purpose and as you know when people travel to places like the united states they have to be aware of what they've liked and what they've said online. so expressed surprise that facebook didn't even give any examples or prognosis to explain what's fun is that something surprised you. it doesn't surprise me because i've been brought up in this environment i know how the media the western media works how western online platforms work for me it's ever since reading chomsky is manufacturing consent. i more or less have always been expecting this but for the younger generation for
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many of my students it often comes as a surprise when they come up to me and say that are my account has suddenly been deleted or posts of mine have been removed when general saw their money was murdered by trump many young iranians put up he put his picture up in their instagram and facebook accounts and their accounts were deleted or their posts were removed then and they were surprised. because of course they were i guess young going to bit naive but they were surprised because gen soleimani was the person who led the defeat of isis and al-qaeda in syria and iraq he was known across the world the same extremists that the united states that turks the saudis the israelis together created whether isis or al-qaeda or other such groups he led there the fight against these organizations then when the americans murder them murdered
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him and his companions these young iranians put up his picture and they are either lost count or the or their posts were removed so censorship begins from. these young individuals and it goes all the way to press t.v. and who knows what will happen in future with r t your other outlets and and also all of the iranian news channels all of iranians t.v. channels are removed from satellites you are from different. they cannot be received in europe in the united states because of the sanctions so not only do they censor online but the sad censor t.v. channels from being viewed through satellite as well the censorship is extraordinary but of course since they're the free world they can do what they want they can silence the rest of us and we have to continue calling them the free world for some reason is certainly raises
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a lot of questions about free speech doesn't it professor said mohammed morandi thanks for your time here with us that are. well facebook has also been under attack this week from the global media watchdog reporters without borders has filed a mass lawsuit for the platform allegedly letting her speech flourish including false readers on the pandemic what millions of times is just one of the damning allegations now hitting the corporation around the globe. reporters without borders lawsuit demonstrates that the california based company's undertakings to its consumers are largely mendacious and that it allows dissent from ation and hate speech to flourish on its network contrary to the claims made in its terms of service and through its ads facebook a mere pittance has grown to be too large for the company itself even its exacts when unaware of being filmed of course admitting the giant has to be tamed.
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to. 'd do the work has. to be but until this happens it's up to individual countries to rein in the dominance of facebook and they do the u.k. has taken the social network to court for losing control of the data of british hughes's italy following the company over the lack of transparency in their privacy policies facebook was misleading users to register on its platform by not informing them immediately inadequately of the collection activity with commercial intent of the data provided by them astray or forced facebook into a commercial deal making it pay news corpus trulia for journalism from its local mastheads but only after an ill tempered fight in which facebook inadvertently shut down some of vital information services in australia. on the side of over and force
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mint in doing so some content was blocked inadvertently even in the united states where facebook is widely viewed as a mass mind control tool in the hands of political establishment is taking steps to limit its reach for these books user profiles would allegedly reveal an individual's likes dislikes interests and habits over a significant amount of time without affording users a meaningful opportunity to control or. and the unauthorized exploration of their private life some say the big tech has replaced big oil as the global corporate power play up except it controls not only the money but also information streams and whether its concerns about snooping censorship or monopoly practices the raw signs that the global mood could be turning on the online giant but it won't go down without a fight fairly powerful groups like media organizations and governments coming up
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your facebook from very different angles now none of those entities are powerful facebook is right now that of course might be one reason that actually these governments are a little worried about our release trying to reign it in here already a very very scary territory all right it's only going to keep going in the same direction that it has been governments or have been slow to rein this in governments and sort of try to do anything about it he said giants are stronger than governments they are the most powerful forces on the planet the respect of course of the planet has ever seen they control the conversation they control who gets to be heard who doesn't get the care they control what you see they control what you buy they know everything about you they are showing us who's in charge. you know the headlines 14 people have reportedly been injured in a huge explosion at a catholic in the nisa authorities say a single or 2 suicide bombers may have thought of the chapel packed with blushes leaving the palm sunday service and the group has claimed responsibility experts
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say it bears the hallmarks of an affiliated network which triggered a similar deadly bomb blasts. in the in the country in 2018. lisa fought a gas at a housing action on the french city of nonce protest as want the government to stop forced evictions and other on the fed treatment some of the protest was also held in the german capital. they need will protest is often. asian heights carrying banners like stop china bashing is a response to a surge of violence against asian americans earlier this month that edged the racially motivated shooting attack in atlanta killed 6 asian women. is the sum of stories that made headlines this week that set from the sea but also for now we're backing off from now with the latest do you join us again that.
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the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the dairies thinks. we dare to ask. a mass kaiser what forum my guide to financial survival this is a hedge fund it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge
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funds are simply not accountable and we're just adding more and more to them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because you are. a grandmother doing a life for murder was released from prison yesterday after 17 years when i judge said she did not do it susan mellon recently filed a lawsuit against the detective who arrested her for having evidence that detective is the same one who arrested reggie cole.


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