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tv   News  RT  March 29, 2021 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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cross. border piles for the pressure on the ministration journalists. over crowded detention facilities also in the headlines video comes to light. a 5 year old boy. is one of the world's largest collections some of them so deadly.
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substance head of the 2012. now there's no letup in the crisis on america's southwest border with thousands of moderates crossing from mexico on a daily basis many being held at a crowded facilities in texas and the federal government is coming under pressure to allow journalists. as the details. the biden ministration is now
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struggling to deal with an upsurge of illegal crossings of the us border we have detained individuals being held in overcrowded facilities but the biden ministration does not seem to be anxious to let the public know what is really going on we recently saw republican u.s. senator ted cruz visiting a facility only to have officials from the immigration and customs enforcement blocking his view and preventing him from taking a photograph this is what happened when ted cruz visited a detention facility for migrants you were hired 2 weeks ago and you're instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken these respected because the political leadership of the dia just does not want the american people to know anything that we're here standing in the in front of the pictures so you know that they were thinking the rules are arbitrary and there's i do believe that if people highly reactive and i want to fix this situation we are going to get an iteration you're on to $400.00 responsible for these conditions now at this point the biden
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ministration continues to say what it is said all along which is that it is committed to transparency however when the time comes to actually let that transparency happen we have some pretty strong excuses coming from jen psaki of the white house spokesperson here's what we've heard we are mindful of the fact that we are in the middle of a pandemic we want to keep these kids safe keep the staff safe but we are absolutely committed to transparency and providing access to media to the border patrol facilities and we're working to get that done as soon as we can so this is being set up and you have access to everything once we get to see. it just to be clear how soon will that be mr president i don't know. to be clear. now at this point we've got some voices that seem to be determined not to portray what's happening on the border as a crisis this is a memo from the associated press about how to describe the situation we should
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avoid or at the least be highly cautious about referring to the present situation as a crisis on our own who we made quote others using that language while the associated press says it may not actually fit the dictionary definition of a crisis a recent poll taken among the u.s. public shows that 76 percent of americans believe the situation on the us border is indeed a crisis radio host and political analysts they've perkins' believe the broad ministration is trying to hide the book shops it's made over migrants. the worst charge against them right now is mistreatment of these people these young people and children at the border someone claiming as jen psaki claims transparency is what you'll get and dignity and respect is what these people get and it's just completely opposite of that they're not in a dignified situation they've got thousands of people sleeping elbow to knee and
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big toed to nose you know stacked on the floor so tight they have to sleep on their side and they can't roll over and that's a complete embarrassment for the by the ministration they're not even testing those people and i'm sure thousands of them do have various viral loads and are bringing them across to infect ordinary americans who are not as yet completely vaccinated so that's another great danger that is being forced on the american people in the name of this fraud because they want this story off the headlines when you ask biden when the transparency is going to be delivered by his administration he says i don't know they're up to something else this is not a matter of trying to help impoverished people from from 3rd world countries because americans and reap the benefits all residents here this is not about that. the police put in cambodia and the u.s. state of maryland has caused widespread outrage restraining at homecoming a 5 year old boy who reportedly left school without permission
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a warning you might find the images disturbing. how did our. how did our i'm not asking get in a car. i mean how do you learn that type of behavior and. i think people need to sit down. and then now you can be moved you can be free you can go anywhere you do we tell you to do. well the incident happened in january last year but the montgomery county police the valmont i would use the video a few days ago schools thought for the power of calling the police officer a man to fall on the boy often walked out of the building at one point in the video an officer can be heard saying he would beat the child or commenting on the case merit and the police admit that it was badly handled. it is clear that the event and everything that has come after the event should have been handled better by all
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involved it is important to note that unless and officers assigned to a specialized unit but gummer county police officers did not receive training on how to effectively communicate with a young child in distress the boy's mother has filed a lawsuit against the officer spoke of them remain approved with the department pending an internal investigation your thoughts campaign a very smelly believes there's no justification for the officers behavior i was moshav by how aggressive they were from the very outset i honestly think they need to be fired there's just no reason they should be acting this 25 year old and it makes you wonder how they treat other members of the community i'm not sure what process you need to happen to have that belief public so i assume it was some legal issue but i i just can't understand why the investigation why the release of the video to someone and i just want to know what makes you approach
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a 5 year old in that way because it's inexcusable what makes you approach a 5 year old that way he is 5 he needed to be approached with compassion and of course he was horrified in screaming from the outset because that's what baird leading that tell me that's a to understanding why am i screaming at him and manhandling him so i just can't justify it that's what i that's what i would ask them how do you possibly justify this. protesters are up there outside the courthouse where as yours floyd's murder trial is currently underway former police officer derek shogun faces 2 counts of murder and one of manslaughter hearings are expected to run for a month and are being streamed online for the 1st time in minnesota's history our he's going underground spoke with the co-founder of black lives matters greater new york chapter he sees the trial as a litmus test for the u.s. judicial system and watch the interview in full at r.t. dot com. well this is where the rubber meets the more rope everyone
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across the world saw the george floyd chile i guess right now is the true test of the american justice system we know that it's been biased we know that it's based on racism and now is the time to show if we progress or not as progress being made welcome we saw a surge go to jail it's great to corporations say we love lay people it's good that politicians say we're going to stand by black people were in the area. is it can pick it up murder any proceedings there will i mean everything remains the same nothing is cheering all or all of the riots all the tears all pain nothing it seems the america is still the same race displaced it's always been this is a true test. of the developers of russia's latest vaccine called f. of ak corona playing with 100 percent effective at producing antibodies which fight
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off all mutant strains it's one of 3 domestically produced shots now in circulation r.t. was invited to visit the high security obama tree in siberia where it's produced. this sign is probably worth a 1000 words because we are in one of the few places in the world where it has been plastered against the door not for cool looks not for show but as an actual warning behind this door is one of the world's 2 largest virus collections some of them so deadly they make covert 19 look like an allergy and this door has been put in case of an emergency evacuation and luckily it has never been used for its purpose we are at the vector research institute met here with armed guards barbed wire and the no fly zone above us inviting journalists is worlds apart from common practice here but they're eager to show and talk about how with their jab corona is made so this
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machine is where the work on the vaccine begins basically an inactivated virus from the red zone from the dirty zone is brought here and this machine it separates the r.n.a. from the rest of the virus is isolated and from here at the r.n.a. is being passed on for further study and work russia boasts 3 different covert 1000 vaccines sputnik v. is already a brand eclipsing p.r. wise even its international competitors vectors eppy vaca role now has remained in its elder brother's shadow even in russia few people know how it works or what we do but i want to emphasize 3 major advantages of the vaccine is safe because it's made from synthetic peptides 2nd it's not sensitive to virus mutations it's resistant to all known covert strains including british south african brazilian and
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others and 3rd you can get vaccinated unlimited times one with the yearly flu vaccinations. then but the vaccine develops a 3 line to fan it's like to enter a room you need to open a door the vaccine forms antibodies that prevent that if the fos line of defense is broken then another pool of antibodies goes into battle that stops the virus from connecting to the cell and getting inside but if this line is crossed is while the new response destroys the infected cell so this is the preferred vinyl stage of producing a vaccine basically here they are preparing a foundation for it it's protein based so the substance in this is literally called soup or world broth it contains all the nutrients that will make this protein grow and as soon as it is ready will be taken to a different lab also here where active components of the vaccine will be attached to this protein in the foundation by active i mean those that will be recognized by
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our immune system as well including this and therefore we will develop antibodies for covert 19 it's hard to find a volunteer in russia who'd want an epi valve jab partly because so little is known about it partly because the 1st batches have just been released to the public and partly because its efficacy has been challenged by skeptics and even those who took part in the clinical trials the had developed of the vaccine says though this is a smear campaign against the institute i think is purely an information war against this vaccine in particular it's very frustrating i feel sorry for my country and the vaccine officials are telling me they won't be dragged into bickering and will verify their reputation via publications in science journals several high profile russian officials have already chosen ip vacas their covert job and there were rumors of russia's former president dmitry medvedev did so as well but the
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difficulty head of the vector institute says vaccinate. it shouldn't be a free for all fight between different producers people get through jobs they don't ask how those vaccines are made or how they walk but all of them meet certain requirements it should be the same with coronavirus vaccines a passenger gets a job and that's it the message from russian vaccine developers which ever jab you choose you are getting the best shot at him unity. reporting from the heart of siberia r.t. staying with the theme of russian vaccines one italian businessman has made a 6000 kilometer round trip to receive one. only fruit in moscow to get the sport because he shot because he wasn't willing to wait months the received one back home . only people of my age are scared to be needed after the sun medicine or the fire i decided to make initially in school think is
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absolutely. even if sport to me because not only could have been a boon for. quite clear that it's very very good in many countries are using their. didn't receive any call. for more than 2 weeks. of a solution. to be worse than it is in russia most of the balls thrown on facebook for my friends. with one goes for me. and some friends asked me. to give you something. because you know that it isn't must be between them that amount of i think between 5 and it is so awful is that.
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the italian engineer was able to get a travel does a thanks to his russian wife and says his main motive for getting inoculated was to protect his elderly parents and as andrew made his trip as a 3rd coronavirus waves sweeps across europe on the block continues the experience of vaccine rolled out problems. well new daily covert cases in italy have reached almost 24000 the country has the 2nd highest death toll in europe with more than 107000 fatalities registered since the start of the outbreak i was under a really early again believes politics shouldn't be the priority when lives are a stake. more than when you're a warrior outsider you can see all people would do you know full of people which would enjoy your wine now view of the. situation and i could see that out of all bars all bars were during the evening it didn't they had food and all bars are close and it's like a desert. and some flowers. i think the only problem
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of it is that it's put to me is maybe a russian the only one if put in who would have been made that i don't know in california. it would be already neatly to use without any problem policy should be accepted the opposite let's buy and this. would be seen on the market where we can find it because we have to go into a round quickly to personate all our population because all that are wise with us initial we will never see the end of the tunnel policy should they care about of people this should be the priority and not sound geopolitical. i don't know even a relationship. which is now conditioning you know such important and
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crucial matter for their of our country. well sandra will fly back to moscow at the beginning of april to get his 2nd dose we follow his story here on r.t. . meanwhile a group of scammers who sold fake medical certificates to foreigners has been detained in the russian city of numbers to be disc you federal security service seized more than 400 documents with a black market value of around $40000.00 entry to russia is currently heavily restricted for foreign nationals but people with a valid medical reason can come in during the pandemic ever speed officers also found the list of people intending to purchase the forged documents a criminal case has been opened. angle merkel's voiced her frustration over the way germany's local authorities are handling the pandemic a chance that has threatened to step in and take charge it's all over reports from budget. we're doing this interview that the chancellor gave on sunday evening she took particular sick and tired of bumping heads with local leaders she described
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some of the leaders of germany states is being not free from allusions that they could actually negotiate with the covert 19 virus we are set to see some local restrictions put in place here in berlin this week on wednesday or from wednesday f f p 2 masks will be required there more heavy duty masks in shops and on public transport are also going to any more testing put in place particularly for things like getting a haircut but this all comes as intensive care doctors in germany is saying the country actually needs a nationwide tough 2 week lockdown and that's something that's being backed up by anger merkel's health minister yen spahn limited time down context and movements a look down if you want to call about what germany's currently hold it around the $20000.00 new cases of covert 19 a day mark the warning that's coming out is that that could rise during this 3rd
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wave that's going to towns on europe to as much as 100000 per day the indications clearly point to this was potentially being even worse than the 1st 2 waves we must be prepared for a steep rise in the number of cases for more people to once again become seriously ill but hospitals will be overburdened and that more people will die again. if this continues on chicks we run the risk that our health care system will reach its breaking point in april when it comes to vaccinations the plan remains that all adults will be offered a job by the end of september that's a plan that looks particularly bishes right now when you take into account that not all of the over eighty's in germany have had one job yet when it comes to vaccination though local leaders are saying they want russia's sputnik vivax a. to get approval so that can be used in the fight against covert the approval of
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sputnik we must be decided as soon as possible i'm fighting for sputnik v. not just because it's been produced in russia i believe that we should buy all vaccines which are available it has nothing to do with party politics or a proximity to moscow i find west german ideological sensitivities on this question silly supply issues as well as investigations into the safety of vaccines of seeing the vaccination program in europe be delayed thoroughly slow t.n.t. backed on the e.u. commissioner in charge of the vaccine program has said that getting russian sputnik the vaccine online wouldn't be a magic bullet that would fix all of europe's problems if the vaccine is certified within weeks or months and the way is found to produce it in europe it would take at least 10 to 14 months before the 1st but as manufactured but it would not be response to our problems today or with the vaccination levels not being as high as they are in other parts of the world europe is staring down the barrel of more
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lockdowns more restrictions on its citizens. or meanwhile vaccine shortages have triggered a full blown political crisis in slovakia the prime minister has said he's ready to step down on their intense pressure from the governing coalition as after he agreed to buy 2000000 doses of the russian made sport that shot using an emergency procedure to get the deal through his allies in the 4 party coalition the apparently furious he failed to consult them slovakia approved a vaccine earlier this month becoming the 2nd e.u. country to do so after hungary political analyst and a call a bit of coverage so there's a strong public the modern the country for the russians shot. this is really a crazy situation that we're what we're facing today in europe in see how how bad the situation is being managed by by these pro european i'd say fanatics who dr king commonsense and who are not looking at solutions definite think this will back in people will not understand that so reckons one that seems to reckons one
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a solution even people who are not big fans about backs and nations can say that at least the government is trying something don't forget that we're over a year later we still have no solution a lot of the countries are the 3rd 4th lockdowns so records been hit very hard for this of i can people going to think of their own government which is saying no to a solution which is working in venezuela in iran in pakistan in italy in hungary is i think that the coalition members it's just shot themselves in the foot because the so write ins they want solutions they don't want politics french doctors say hospitals are being pushed the breaking point by the latest in blocks of code patients and open letter medics warn they may sit before with shoes which people to treat them also slammed president michael this is not to introduce another full lockdown. we have never experienced such a situation even during the worst terrorist attacks in recent years in this medical crisis where there is
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a glaring mismatch between needs and available resources we will be forced to treat patients in order to save as many lives as possible if. the article is addressed to future patients or the population because in the ill de france region in particular the incidence is growing rapidly there is significant growth and we are afraid we won't be able to cope with the influx of cases there is a gap between the needs of patients and the amount of resources at our disposal this is particularly the case for intensive care beds and this situation has developed against the background of an increase in the number of hospitalized patients we will certainly provide assistance to all patients but we fear that at some point we will run out of resources very this word sorting is awful we do not want to have to choose which patients to offer the most optimal treatment conditions and which to give less optimal that's never happened and we do not want it to happen and so we are raising the alarm. and there are now more than 27000
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patients in hospitals across the country be highest figure this month while the number of intensive care is approaching 5000 a record for the year look there we just heard from who is one of the symmetries of the open letter says it's essential law to forget about non-code patients. as for the gentle don't use your don't you feel so the sooner the government makes its decisions the better we cannot afford to just wait and see what the result of these measures to curb the increase in infections will be we are already observing a significant increase in the number of cases in addition we don't just have to take care of patients with coronavirus but also patients with more common diseases of the cardiovascular system or with neurological or on collage bickel diseases in other words it is necessary to treat both patients with corona virus and those who do not have covert we will eventually run out of beds. one person has been killed and 5 were hospitalized after
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a powerful explosion rocked that apartment building in the russian region of tatarstan 7 apartments on the 2 floors of the building were destroyed in the blast residents of the block of being evacuated and emergency services are at the scene a gas leak is thought of been the main case cause of the explosion though the investigative committee said one of the residents may have been responsible a spot of an effort to take their own life while an investigation is underway the emergencies ministry has warned people could still be trapped under the rubble. the world anti-doping agency is looking into whether british authorities try to hush up some severe wrongdoing at decade ago waters rose the formal investigation against u.k. and doping into why it allowed british cycling to run its own inquiry into a rider who tested positive for a banned substance in the run up to the london olympics showed it was that he has the story. the united kingdom anti doping agency has now found itself right
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in the middle of what's being described and dubbed as the latest scandal in british sport so it comes as these allegations have now surfaced surrounding the investigation of an abnormal drug test all over cyclists during the london 2012 olympic games so much so the world anti-doping agency is now weighing in and launching an investigation some of the information provided to on this is of significant concern we have asked our independent intelligence and investigations department to look into this matter and to conduct you keen to do we're going to see further information well it's claimed that u.k. 80 which is of course the body responsible for policing clean sport domestically allegedly allowed british cycling to conduct its own probe after this individual provided a sample with an absolutely unusual amount of nandrolone which is a banned steroid in and out of competition tests plausible explanations range from health issues one end but other ends and explanations include contaminated
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supplements and that's exactly what waters investigation is all about looking at how likely any of these options really are of course as a reminder under the water code it would be up to u.k. a d. to conduct such a probe at the time however it's now understood that u.k. dia's for the issue can be resolved and is cooperating with water we are working with wada to investigate claims relating to private testing carried out by british cycling in 2011 you can do is examining archives to confirm decisions that were taken in 2011 followed due process set by wada now it's claimed that british cycling conducted its own testing absolutely privately and did not then pass on those results to the u.k. a.d.f. so now is saying it's reviewing all of its processes but of course given the length of time between 2012 and now or nearly a whole decade ago it's really making it difficult to connect the dots at this stage we're. able to give full comment on the story at this stage is the events
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took place of a 10 years ago and none of the senior management team involved have worked british cycling for some time we're reviewing such archived records that exist from this period and a little that is not a straight forward or quick process we will share the findings with the relevant parties well this is the 2nd scandal to sweep the nation from birth to cyclists this month earlier a former british cycling team doctor richard freeman was found guilty of not only ordering a banned substance but knowing and believing it was to be used to dope a ride at the time back in 2011 now freeman has since been charged by u.k. deal with 2 anti-doping rule violations and completely struck off the british medical register as a result as well so not looking too good then this month but of course the timing of all this is particularly bad with less than 120 days to go before the tokyo games again it's really bad timing considering i great britain has always been one of the more dominant nations nations in the discipline stacking up new murderous
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medals out of various competitions now there is of course serious doubt now cost even in retrospect cost on the performances at the london 2012 olympics and all the victories including other competitions like the tour de france. from we are used to do here in moscow is that when i return in half an hour to give you the latest global news update to join us again that. time as adjusting day 400.


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