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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2021 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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it is undoubtedly and sat back one of the vaccines available to us for this pandemic appears to pose an increased risk for certain. germany suspends the vaccine for people under 60 over fears of rapid potentially fatal blood clots leaving in them both those who've already received the 1st dose. of man is brutally assaulted in the new york subway and an elderly filipino woman beaten in the city's streets the latest in a string of vicious attacks in the us community look at what's being done to quell the rising tide. also u.n. report finds 900 civilians were killed in a strike on a wedding in mali back in january that despite repeated claims by the french
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military but only how this was targeted. by the last place you could be right now i know so really appreciate you joining us here on r.t. . germany's beleaguered vaccination program has suffered yet another blow with berlin again suspending use of the astra zeneca job this time for the under sixty's left many in that age group who've already had their 1st day in limbo. he is right for the 2nd dose of astra zeneca for those under 60 who have already had the 1st dose the standing committee for vaccination will take a formal position by the end of a trail. acknowledging the news that had come through from the robert cock institute the public health body here in germany regarding potential links between
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the vaccine and blood clots and those that had taken it i'm going to merkel said these concerns could not be ignored alongside uncle merkel was health minister yen spawn at the press conference he described the news coming out about astra zeneca job as a major blow is this all of it is undoubtedly a sad back that one of the vaccines available to us for this pandemic appears to pose an increased risk for a certain age group 31 keyes's of cerebral vento strombo this had been reported after vaccination with the astra zeneca jab 9 of which were unfortunately fetal. there was an attempt to put a positive spin on the news by health minister yen spahn though he said that the fact that this vaccine wouldn't be used on the under sixty's meant there was more of it to vaccinate the over sixty's it's not just germany that had concerns over astra zeneca though also in canada they've suspended its use there it's for those
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under the age of $55.00 that will be no longer getting it that's after the national advisory committee on vaccines decided it wasn't worth the risk there was substantial uncertainty about the benefit of providing astra zeneca coded $1000.00 vaccine to adults under 55 years of age given that the potential risks associated with v.i.p.'s coursing particularly at the low estimated rates it's only a couple of weeks since the last scandal involving astra zeneca and links to blood clots that saw suspensions of the vaccine across europe as well as in central america or in africa and in asia as well it prompted an investigation by the european medicines agency and ultimately a big press conference by their director m.r. cook in which he said that the astra zeneca of axion was fine for use a lot of countries where that prompted a lot of countries to repeal that suspension including germany langley merkel has
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said that the country is going back on the reversal of the suspension and the astra zeneca vaccine will now no longer be used for anyone under the age of 60 across germany. i completely understand being cautious but the problem of stopping the vaccination all the time is that we are already so far behind compared to the rest of the world and that is very disappointing because there are many restrictions and vaccines are the only thing we're trusting so we need to receive clear messages for citizens not to get confused it's up to us before us i feel that they're now really rushing ahead to foster if you look at the side effects they're very rare if you read the information leaflet of aspirin all i propose. in a way any other those have much more serious side effects and we swallowed those daily more or less so i think it is very very good that the vaccines were as a valid so fast and that we talk about the side effects because silence of that information would be so much worse but i also think that due to everyone having an opinion on it now it kind of make the whole vaccination process fall into pieces.
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meanwhile astra zeneca has rebranded its vaccine which will not go into the name vax several of the companies struggle to reassure the public about its safety but a number of experts believe damage done to the jobs reputation it's already there. a rebranding right in the midst of such and such a can pain is something of a rarity and you have rebranding complains but usually not in the midst of a crisis possibly patients sitting at the at the vaccination point see on a day with a package and they read astra zeneca vaccine on the package and maybe in the last moment they panic and refuse to accept that vaccine but it may as well backfire infect it may seem like an evasion move like something in hiding so it may really carry a rather negative effect in this case and
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a 1000000 people you know you would expect very few cases of these terrible blood clots you know the ones in the in the sinuses in the brain the venous system the brain and the dissemination coagulation route the body just terrified and they're seen it you know in younger women so with this. it's very hard to convince the public now because now you know they see faulty vaccine data you know used the wrong dose they corrected the dose and they had the wrong. efficacy or a they had to change that so a lot of suspicion about this it's terrible because you know rick the thing is is that there are 2000000000 doses for 92 geishas that are need a lot of poor countries are going to get you know the high tech expense of x.e. . attacks on asian americans show no sign of letting up police in new york are investigating 2 assaults on asian residents on monday one of the victims was an elderly filipino woman who was brutally beat a mile her male assailant held racial slurs.
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and what seems to bother people the most is that there are several eyewitnesses in the video who didn't intervene did not step up to stop the attacker and that is very similar to something that took place on the new york city subway another anti asian hate crime which video has also been made available of take a look. now
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the new york city police department says there is a sharp increase in anti asian hate crimes they say there have been $27.00 similar incidents that took place over the course of the last year 12 of which were violent assaults now there has been a conversation among the u.s. public about an asian racism we've heard statements from the biden ministration as president biden said during his 1st primetime address and to violence is wrong it's un-american and must stop today president biden is announcing new actions to respond to the increase in acts of and. violence and to divonne safety inclusion
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and belonging for all asian american native hawaiian and pacific island to community this in asian american communities throughout the united states there have been community patrols that have been formed and they've been giving elderly asian americans a whistles so that if they are targeted by a racist attacker they can blow the whistle and and maybe you know get the attention of people that are around them and that's one measure that has been taken there's been a number of statements by celebrities that have been made about the need to stand against anti asian racism we've heard from the white house but at this point people are wondering will this be able to have an impact will this wave of anti asian violence be able to be stopped because right now on the streets we continue to see footage of what is taking place it's very brutal very disturbing and it doesn't appear to be stopping who's going to just mention the volunteers all giving out whistles to elderly asian americans throughout the u.s.
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in san francisco the project has been dealt a blow to some 700 whistles ments for distribution with stolen. the increase in violence targeting asians in america streets some are looking to less direct ways to counter racism for example a publisher has pulled a children's book over its depictions of a martial arts instructor called master wong the sum of deemed offensive and a form of passive racial stereotyping they spoke with a story in gerald hawting about joe biden's role in the issue. he needs to realize that by launching this new cold war against china he simultaneously helping to create conditions for the rise of violent it seems to me that for the foreseeable future we're going to have difficulties because china's ascendancy is not going away any time soon and i'm afraid to see the political education in united states is not very sophisticated not very high in an arguably bleeds into
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asian american anti pacific islander america violence. 1000 civilians were killed in a french airstrike on a wedding in mali back in january of this year those are the findings of a new u.n. report into the incident. menas may is able to confirm but in celebration at the site of the strike had brought together $100.00 surveillance at least $22.00 people including 3 of the suspected khateeb a sermon members present at the gathering were killed by the french strike on the 3rd of january 2021 in bounty this un report centers on a french strike that took place at the beginning of january it says 900 civilians were killed as well as 3 armed men when the french warplanes struck me a village co-parenting war torn region now that confirms the claims from villages at the time he said that these were planes struck absolute wedding party and those claims back then and also now
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a still being disputed by the french army which is said it being scientists that strike and it targeted just hardest now a spokesperson for the military is also described the u.n. report is being based on fragile testimony and it says it has reservations about methodology that was used by the un it maintains that it was targeting a terrorist group an armed 'd terrorist group now the report by the u.n. is pretty clear that it believes civilians were killed civilians here it says are protected persons and the international humanitarian law now that report is based on more than a 100 individual into the spine of the u.n. and it does constitute a wreck criticism of the french army and its actions in mali so the fact that france won't accept this report to be the truth has been get some in the country. of demosthenes it is time for france to stop telling lies because they accuse the
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few lannie community of being spokespersons for jihadists or of being organizations that spread lies or rumors i would simply say it is high time the 1000000 armed forces especially the mali military authorities begin to tell the truth. to move towards reality well not only has been struggling to contain is the most insurgency since 2012 the french only thing on the growth of network and there's more than $5000.00 soldiers that the former colonial power in the region hasn't always had an easy ride we know that people being increasingly taking to the streets to say how unhappy they are about the french army being that and that's because they failed so far to be able to control this insurgency with hundreds of thousands of people having had to flee their homes and thousands of soldiers and civilians already killed in this conflict to date now this damning report by the u.n. insurances outright rejection of it or unlikely to improve its reputation the.
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u.s. that of arkansas has passed a law giving doctors the right to refuse medical treatment on moral or religious grounds but i guess because the group say that the new law will discriminate against l.g.b. to people in restrict their access to health care. there's no sugarcoated this this bill is another brazen attempt to make it easier to discriminate against people and deny our kansans the health care services they need if they gov stress that the right to refuse care does not apply to emergency treatment and that federal laws banning discrimination will still apply it's just one of several bills are making their way to the arkansas governor's desk the state senate recently approved a ban on gender affirming treatment including hormone therapy for children who identifies transgender turn and say the legislation will protect children of the l.g.b. 2 groups say it could lead to an increase in depression and suicide among youngsters we put the issue up at about. religious liberty is
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a fundamental american value right and it's protected by the 1st amendment and numerous states and federal laws but religious liberty doesn't give anyone a special right to discriminate against others just because of who they are you know i can't be compelled to care for somebody that i have a moral objection to or procedures that are disfiguring or something like that it's like if i was a catholic i wouldn't you know participate in abortions you know it's i find that reproach you know i don't find that morally acceptable hippocratic oath is an oath of ethics that is taken by physicians and you'll find that most of these physicists trust evidence based best practice age appropriate medical care and they want to save lives right so i don't know very many doctors who would. have reasons or scenarios in which they would be refusing care to any patients have rights but so does the medical community have rights that doesn't say these people are going to get medical care they will get medical care but some individuals physicians
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pharmacists nurses might want to opt out for religious or moral reasons which is ethical denying best practice medical care and support to transgender youth has been shown to contribute to depression to social isolation to self-hatred and united states children can't smoke under until they're 21 they can't drink till 21 they can't get a tattoo till they're 18 and yet we're going to have them do mutilating surgeries because of a whim i mean that is really dangerous you know if i started smoking at 16 like a stop smoking but this is markedly different there wise we changed dramatically for ever and i think that this is a coordinated strategy by specific anti algae to key organizations that have local partners that are pushing. these bills well obviously we never want to discriminate against anybody like with their black or you know gay. you're just
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making a difference this is a little bit different in terms of when we start as physicians or nurses or a medical separatists a p.t. in some type of care that we would find morally unacceptable. so the sleepy suburb north of moscow turned into a war zone yesterday as an armed resident took on police and special forces in a 10 hour standoff to bring you all the details after the break. all of the information in the world when you put it together and prosecute simultaneously it adds up to 0 it adds up to nothing all the allusion of differentiation will be obliterated the illusion of making a profit will be obliterated because we're entering into a period of the singularity.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being that. way. what is true what is. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. by
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the ocean of council culture is having an impact on people psychological well being the majority of people polled in the united states say they fear being fired or reprimanded for what they sound like. it is a chilling finding that most people in the country now are afraid they would be fined if they express their real views on social media of the nearly 2000 people surveyed more than 60 percent view growing council culture as a threat to their freedom 54 percent see it as endangering their job security we canvassed opinion on the issue on the streets of new york people are creative and have a different mindset that artists decide to do different things people you next door neighbors affected to differently that you might not agree on i don't feel used to ruin their entire lives over what they think in their mind even though it is hard and if you had a pocket sometimes i think it does carry people and it makes people think and maybe for. sure you know. inappropriate.
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the idea of canceling counseling is bad and is not a good way of. creating difficult conversations because difficult conversations are very important to making difficult topics west difficult. that can really change the way that a person interacts with the world or using. to also understand like being fed up with having to respond to people thoughts or if your thought was always more complicated and it's presented. journalist and commentator child with more give us his thoughts on council culture and how it affects people. in the past we've always sort of focused on the government and focused on protecting the constitution but of course in this in this day and age the threats are coming not really from the government they're coming from businesses from private corporations and most importantly from each other so that makes it interesting and different i think from
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from anything else that that we've really experienced in culture before it's you know and it's such a lot of it has become a social media mob being and threats to docs and get people fired and. not right to upgrade them on many levels and most importantly it has a chilling effect on public discourse and of people being able to speak their minds to openly. discuss and advocate for things that they can for the things that they truly believe in and their criticisms and maybe what's going on in culture and in government and even mechanical care itself as we've seen just criticizing example culture 'd can get you canceled. a sleepy suburbs just to the north of moscow tons or something more closely resembling a war zone on changed i started off as a visit my police officers investigating arms trafficking but then spiraled into a shootout resulting in a fire and the death of the suspect. the
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house pretty much everything apart from the break walls has been burned to ashes but the fate of the man who caused so much chaos and havoc in a small town just to the north of moscow remains unknown we have heard reports from sources within the police that he burned alive inside that building but for that for now we don't have official confirmation this was a real scare for the locals 1st of all the sound the sound of gunfire the sound of grenade launchers the amount of security equipment here the number of officers fully armed something completely extraordinary for a towel like that and the siege that lasted for about 10 hours this makes me ask the question what kind of man was he that shooter what we know is that he's 61 year
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old but previous see he was unknown to the public and also this makes me wonder what kind of arsenal was there inside that house that he was able to withstand the siege for so long according to the officials police were in the middle of a probe into an arms trafficking case and they showed up for a check up at the man's case and instead of letting the officers in the 61 year old shooter began to shoot at them from a machine gun and reportedly through 2 grenades at them that was the point when it became clear that a group of police officers simply wouldn't be able to deal with the situation so swat teams were called in but the man didn't give up he continued to respond with fire and he continued to throw grenades luckily none of the local residents were hurt in this but i can tell you that one security officer was seriously wounded in
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the leg he's been taken to. hospital but i'll tell you what the siege all the ended after the swat teams used grenade launchers as a result of that the house was completely on fire and it was incredibly dangerous for the fire brigade because again it was unclear what kind of arsenal of weaponry was inside that house again god knows how this man was able to do what he was up to notice which led to this massive unexpected scare thank god without many consequences. ok let's finish with some news in brief starting in a park in nottingham in the u.k. where a large crowd of young people who seem drinking dancing scuffling throwing beer cans and climbing trees they would do mob happy is the country is long down the street and so they're still fresh they lately planted the rule that you can only be approved by 6 people. some spectacular images for you of
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a volcanic eruptions in iceland they were captured by a drone the volcano in question's been dormant for nearly 6000 years this is the 1st eruption on the southwest peninsula for 900 years thousands of people flock to the sites try catch a glimpse of the larva despite the prime minister warning them to stay away. and this lovely spring scene is from southwest china as alias shrubs there are in blue now this particular gardens one of the largest covering 120 square kilometers as early as turned purple red and pink as they bloom and flower until late may. i'm wraps it up for you don't forget we do cover a lot more news stories you can check them out if you would like to have todd had to walk the dog. humanity has never seen such strange natural phenomena before giant coming to us
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appearing in the amount peninsula. one after another. but never about the propaganda you could use to get your boy you know them does what we thought of it that he would appear. in this one appeared in 2020. how often and where will new crisis appear as a discussion of how dangerous are they for humans from only you did about the 18 and 2021 russian scientists came quite close to working out what's going on. they built a full scale 3 d. model of the black hole. the world is driven by shaped by one person.
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in a day or thinks. we dare to ask. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we've seen the very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction. to prescription opioids beyond invited america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the
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government. is you'll be d. a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. tyson nation for community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by a. what is true what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows.
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by the demick no certainly no blood is just blind to nationalities. has emerged little time with the we don't look like seeing the whole world feasting . judgement commentary crisis with this system things. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together.
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this is boom bust still one business show you can support a bit more in washington coming up the u.s. fight against covert 1000 continues to heat up as president biden has announced that nearly all adults will be eligible for a vaccine within the next month straight ahead we have a vaccine expert on hand to break down the process and with the economic uncertainty from coronavirus ebbing it seems that cripple currencies are here to stay boom bust bend swan is standing by to bring us up to speed on the rapid adoption process with a packed show today so let's dive right in. and we lead the program with the state of the back sooner a lot by one second pfizer will manufacture an additional 500000000 doses of their quota by respect.


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