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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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copyright infringement. is just. one of the vaccines available. to. people. over fears of. the 1st. in
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the new york subway on the. streets the latest in a string. to quell the rising tide today. one minute past 10 at night in jerusalem. as they march the 31st time you know you're welcome to our. channel. blocked today for 6 hours over an alleged copyright infringement something the platform later explained busy. it's not. but questions linger over a barrage of copyright claims coming from the us which the. these are as
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a coordinated attack earlier my colleagues. delved into details one of the biggest new shadows in the world more than 5000000 subscribers 3bb views and all of this happened because apparently a channel called business casual filed for strikes copyright infringements against the arabic in the span of barely a few months which by itself is almost unprecedented and now r.t. arabic has become the biggest news channel in the world to have been blocked banned because of. such infringement you know this is this is unprecedented territory for him from start to finish more all than that these channel business casual it focuses on business things but recently it has begun posting what can only be described as anti kremlin propaganda. a slew of videos in recent days
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more than that they have also followed a lawsuit against r.t. international and the now seeking damages and also refusing any communication with the channel this is you know especially worrying because as the arabic says editor in chief said there is this feeling that this is a coordinated attack. which you tube channel is facing a coordinated attack from an organization funded by deep pocketed financial backers this voice is now being silenced by the unfortunate kneejerk response to questionable accusations of a copyright for a handful of historic images by business casual holdings it highlights just how you might become subject to manipulation and abuse of its own policies by militias actors. the details still lacking you tube has said google rather the owners of you tube have said that they are aware of what has happened of the
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situation in the working to resolve it perhaps some cause for optimism nevertheless the russian foreign ministry has already reacted this isn't the 1st time that russian outlets are being targeted and it is said that these tech giants losing touch with reality considering that r.t. has been constantly pressured in western countries where dirty methods are used to compete against a popular t.v. channel i soon that we're seeing here another act of censorship by the american platforms it's become boring to repeat politically correct clichés so i'll say it clearly american tech giants have raped freedom of speech there is no way around that r.t. of course all of our news channels of our shows they have been active on you tube for years now and this isn't the 1st time we've had an issue is it a no no for all those years he has been been targeted for what it says
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look it's knows who the secret r.t. will cover things and touch topics that other outlets are the wound or cart and this his own that many let's call them opponents look this happened for years years since 2012 these you tube accounts it's twitter feeds it's facebook pages of all things these blogs these bans these suspensions for fold matter of reasons for copyright infringement for alleged copyright infringements for violations of terms of service technical issues argy documentary published recently a documentary about the protests in the united states the violence there the far right groups and this video was struck with a lot one but 2 to warning pages so you know the ones that say this potentially shocking called. d. be warned there's 2 of them the author went and looked up similar videos covering the same topic with the same images and found to his amazement that most of them
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had no warning at all now the case where facebook in the now popular show which is making waves on facebook they bad that immediately off to c.n.n. released a report saying that what was already known saying that this in the now show is related to to r.t. and facebook banned it saying that this was in its effort to improve transparency hours unclear there was no concise nuclear. from that but this is this is something that we're used to this is something that has happened for years it will keep happening and you know it's the editor in chief says it won't shut us up. very healthy the welcome to the program dr michael repton was former professor of liberal studies at new york university and also author of google archipelago the digital gulag on the simulation of freedom michael welcome r.t.r.
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a big has been broadcasting on you tube for 14 years it's got 5 and a half 1000000 subscribers billions of use you tube is saying that blocked it by accident but they're standing by their copyright violation claims how does this all look to you. well it's just part of a coordinated campaign to monopolize not only the news but information of so hard now which google is the leading partner who is the leading partner of a cartel of tack and media companies and corporate socialists who are attempting to coordinate and control all information all media all production etc this is a large scale effort which r.t. arabic gives him at the time. to put it in. millions of people in the middle east use our broadcast to get their information and yet as you're saying
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a silicon valley firm can just shut down and not source with ide warning is this again highlighting really the excessive power of tech giants can just hold and wield as they wish yes they have preferred corporate media partners that they're trying to make the exclusive sources of all information and news and these are the companies that are spouting the same exact narrative that they want spouted about every kind of issue that you can imagine so what they're afraid of is any deviation from this narrative any deviation from the line of news and information that they're trying to posit as the only and the only authentic news and information that's allowable so r t is just one of the people one of the organizations that is running probably not running afoul but just not part of the cartel the r.t.r.
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the big boss pointed out that all these copyright claims they're coming from a single well funded sources say you tube channel she said it looks like a coordinated attack is not a likely explanation for what you've seen in the past michel. yes i mean i can't i can't help but say that this is a very much part of a coordinated effort. to exclude any sources that they don't want to have the kind of reach that r.t. arabic has and other other sources as well and you know i just want to read and i want one of your guests at the violence that's going on in the united states is leftist violence and the coordinated efforts on the part of google have to do with a certain leftist a we're tearing at them that they're trying to purvey across the world in order to to stablish this kind of complete control over with corporate power and its connection to the state in an effort to create
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a kind of monopolies on top nothing but prove monopolies like in the in the media in particular because that's where all the information comes from just trying to just just all up pulling there are no real alternatives are there when it comes to reaching like a must audience online channels like ours where heavily relied on you tube facebook what needs to change to ally rival platforms to actually compete well these monopolies these cartels need to be taken down they need to be broken apart so the coordinated efforts that they're undertaking need to be exposed to show that what they're doing is in fact it's very deliberate and it's not a conspiracy in the sense that it secret at this point it's wide open they have been a volatile open plan to dominate and completely control information and they have particular corporate preferred partners in the media and elsewhere that they are trying to drive all traffic to this is what's not this is lots happening this is
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what the what dr michael reckon wall for professor of liberal studies new york university or sort of google archipelago michael thanks as always. and you know. the french president has just announced a month long lockdown starting on saturday after a surge in kuwait cases the restrictions will be were already in place in several regions and will not be extended across the country let's cross to our correspondent laura charlotte devinsky to fill in some of the blanks for us charlotte hello take us through what prism across and how to say why he's resorted to this step at once again to perhaps a bit of reaction to it as well i know it's early. well of course president mccone addressing the french nation or no wednesday night following a meeting of the council of defense where of course they discussed all the options
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available to them to keep calm backing the 19 pandemic a pandemic that is seen now rates of around 40000 new cases being counted every day here in france that's double the number it was just a month ago so you see that we've had doctors talking about the fact that they may have been away patients from hospitals now present my corner now that we may know and france would be now and a new lockdown as you mentioned from saturday there it's a similar lockdown lockdown light as many people describe it as to the 900 departments that have already been under these restrictions for the last few weeks including here in paris those restrictions mean that there's a curfew in place at 7 o'clock in the evening that's in place throughout the evening normal essential shops will be closed although this time we've seen here in paris that places such as florists chocolate shops and hairdressers have been
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allowed to remain open and many of the shops are still doing click and collect services it's not really sure quite how effective that has been we're also going to see no into regional travel so it means you can't go from paris to perhaps. unless you have a particular reason to do that conforms to the french permission forms those permission forms are in place if you want to take a journey more than 10 kilometers away from your home and we know that. the additional checks are going to be put in place for patrols particularly for those people who are groups and the thought to be drinking alcohol is quite a lot of controversy surrounding this over the last few weeks people enjoying the spring weather and going out meeting their friends and. having a drink saying next to the river this is something president machen says there will be much more control over he also said that schools will be closed for the next
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3 weeks he talked about accelerating the vaccine campaigns know there are already $1700.00 vaccination centers open across france and she said that by the end of the summer all adults over the age of 18 would have at least been off the vaccine and there was some relief for people today who just feel as if you know after a year after this all started where is the end in sight and insight he said was in mid may when he felt that it would be time to start slowly opening up the country again that would mean terraces reopening for bars and cafes and also some cultural institutions something that many people have been calling for me desperation to just be able to do something to break the routine of monotony that has become life to so many and as i say all of this is because of how much pressure there is the moment on medical staff medical staff the president markham praised for their work
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over the last year and he said that. places would be opening up there would be more assistance for medical staff but just to give you some of those figures at the moment to move in 5000 people are in intensive care across france that is now higher than the peak during the 2nd wave 9 out of 10 beds are occupied in those intensive care units and we also know he said this tonight the food the full percent of those who are in intensive care are under the age of 65 now i'm sure there will be lots of critics about what president michael said particular because doctors have been calling for weeks and weeks and weeks for there to be another lockdown for there to be harsher measures taken to try and. save the service is the push that there is save the hospitals from being overwhelmed and interesting lee enough there's also been some criticism i read on social media this coming from
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other countries because president macro actually pointedly said out that you know what other countries had closed down as he had protected precious fruit days of additional freedom for people here that really doesn't seem to have gone down well with neighboring countries or say you know maybe your own issue before pointing out what's the problem with us but overall fronts now going into a nationwide lockdown that comes into place on saturday that will last for weeks but we've also been told that schools here in france will also be closed for the next 3 weeks unless you're clearly demonstrating the enforcement of wearing masks on the street outside still in place there charlotte charlie thanks very much for tech mistruth all those leaders developments in from charlotte. germany's vaccination program has suffered another blow with berlin again suspending use of the astra zeneca job this time for the 6 these no doubts left
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many in the age group who already have their 1st shot in the state of limbo. in suggests right for the 2nd dose of astra zeneca for those under 60 who have already had their 1st dose the standing committee for vaccination will take a formal position by the end of a trail. acknowledging the news that had come through from the robert cock institute the public health body here in germany regarding potential links between the vaccine and blood clots and those that had taken it i'm going to merkel said these concerns could not be ignored alongside uncle merkel was health minister yen spawn at the press conference he described the news coming out about astra zeneca job as a major blow is this all of it is undoubtedly a sad back that one of the vaccines available to us for this been damaged appears to pose an increased risk for a certain age group 31 keyes's of cerebral event of stromboli had been reported
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after vaccination with the astra zeneca jab 9 of which were unfortunately fetal. there was an attempt to put a positive spin on the news by health minister yen spawn though he said that the fact that this vaccine wouldn't be used on the under sixty's meant there was more of it to vaccinate the over sixty's it's not just germany that had concerns over astra zeneca though also in canada they've suspended its use there it's for those under the age of $55.00 that will be no longer getting it that's after the national advisory committee on vaccines decided it wasn't worth the risk there was substantial uncertainty about the benefit of providing astra zeneca coded $900.00 faxing to adults under 55 years of age given that the potential risks associated with v.o.i.p. coursing particularly at the low estimated rates it's only a couple of weeks since the last scandal involving astra zeneca and links to blood
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clots that saw suspensions of the vaccine across europe as well as in central america in africa and in. asia well it prompted an investigation by the european medicines agency and ultimately a big press conference by the director m.r. cook in which he said that the us has only given was fine for use a lot of countries where that prompted a lot of countries to repeal that suspension including germany. has said that the country is going back on the reversal of the suspension and the astra zeneca vaccine will now no longer be used for anyone under the age of 60 across germany. i completely understand being cautious but the problem of stopping the vaccination all the time is that we are already so far behind compared to the rest of the world and that is very disappointing because there are many restrictions and vaccines are the only thing we trust so we need to receive clear messages for citizens not to get confused. i feel that they're now really rushing ahead too fast if you look at
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the side effects they're very rare if you read the information leaflets of aspirin or ibuprofen or any other those have much more serious side effects and we swallow those daily more or less space for yourself i think it is very very good that the vaccines were as a valid so fast and they would talk about the side effects because silence of that information would be so much worse but i also think that due to everyone having an opinion on it now it kind of make the whole vaccination process fall into pieces just an additional point is planning to rebrand it vaccine in the european market it will be sold in the e.u. under the name of vioxx zev rio the company expects the switch to be completed in 6 months there has been speculation that it's a response to the public concerns over the job safety but infectious disease expert bob arnot believes there's no easy fix to the reputational damage. in this case and a 1000000 people you know you would expect very few cases of these terrible blood clots you know the ones in the in the scientists is in the brain the venous system
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the brain and the disseminated quagga aleisha out the body just terrified and they're seen it you know in in younger women so with this. it's very hard to convince the public now because now you know they see faulty vaccine data you know used the wrong dose they corrected the dose and they had the wrong. efficacy rade had to change that so a lot of suspicion about this it's terrible because you know what the thing is is that there are 2000000000 doses from 92 geishas that are need a lot of poor countries aren't going to get you know the high tech expense of vaccines at. and t. asian attacks in america show no sign of letting up the latest 2 assaults being investigated happened this week in new york one of the victims was an elderly filipino woman who was brutally beaten while her block meal assailant yelled racial slurs a warning in may find the following video upsetting. you
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are. and what seems to bother people the most is that there are several eyewitnesses in the video who didn't intervene did not step up to stop the attacker and that is very similar to something that took place on the new york city subway another anti asian hate crime which video has also been made available of take a look. now
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the new york city police department says there is a sharp increase in anti asian hate crimes they say there have been $27.00 similar incidents that took place over the course of the last year 12 of which were violent assaults now there has been a conversation among the us public about an asian racism we've heard statements from the biden ministration as president biden said during his 1st primetime address and to violence and said a full day is wrong it's un-american and must stop today president biden is announcing new actions to respond to the increase in acts of and. violence and to
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divonne safety inclusion and belonging for all asian american native hawaiian and pacific island to come in h.s. in asian american communities throughout the united states there have been community patrols that have been formed and they've been giving elderly asian americans a whistles so that if they are targeted by a racist attacker they can blow the whistle and and maybe you know get the attention of people that are around them and that's one measure that has been taken there's been a number of statements by celebrities that have been made about the need to stand against anti asian racism we've heard from the white house but at this point people are wondering will this be able to have an impact will this wave of anti asian violence be able to be stopped because right now on the street so we continue to see footage of what is taking place it's very brutal very disturbing and it doesn't appear to be stopping. yes killed just mentioned volunteers are giving out whistles to elderly asian people throughout the u.s. in san francisco though the project has been dealt
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a blow after some 700 whistles men for distribution were stolen. well amid the increased violence targeting asians and american streets some are looking beyond violence to country a sense of a publisher has pulled the children's book over its the picture of a martial arts instructor called muster one that some of deemed offensive in the form of purpose of racial stereotyping others have called it a pointless exercise in virtue signaling and bypassing the real problems facing people daily we spoke to historian gerald ford about joe biden's role in the issue at large. he needs to realize that by launching this new cold war against china he simultaneously helping to create conditions for the rise of violent it seems to me that for the foreseeable future we're bored to have difficulties because china's ascendancy is not going away any time soon and i'm afraid to see the political education in united states is not very sophisticated
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not very high in and inevitably bleeds into asian american anti pacific islander america violence. artie's russian language web site has been taken offline by a number of internet service providers in latvia it follows last year's decision by the country's broadcast regulator to 7 channels and the r t media group this is the message you get if you try to open the page in libya your internet browser is trying to connect to websites which in the territory of the latvian republic is unlawfully distributing television programs without so retransmission issued by the national electronic mass media council last june officials in claimed r.t. was quote effectively controlled by dimitri kissel you off he is a moscow born t.v. anchor who is on the list of individuals officially sanctions by you but in fact mr kissel of has never worked at r.t. he heads a media group called. which is
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a separate organization we've so far heard no indication from the laughlin authorities as to how they've linked him to this channel back when the allegation was made artie's editor in chief gave her views on the issue the miter kissin office not the head of r.t. he has nothing to do with r.t. the me is the head of the of r.c. a subordinate should say they probably just google to receive a subordinate and got russia today the translation i cannot explain the phantasmagoric stupidity by anything else i have been the head of russia today for 15 years since it was founded. well the russian foreign ministry last summer condemned the apparent campaign against russian media in the fiesta spokeswoman maria described it us risa phobia we spoke with. m.e.p. from the alternative for germany party he is of the view any media restrictions create problems for free speach. it is easy and such an atmosphere to a tech russia russian media but this is new cold war atmosphere we have and the
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west against russia and in generally the west is limiting freedom of expression. and those who claim always they are so much in favor of human rights and liberty they do expect the opposite it's not just we just come into an era where freedom of expression and the choice of 2 news outlets you're watch is not guaranteed any more . russian opposition figure alexina valmy has announced he's going on a hunger strike he claims to have been denied urgent medical treatment in prison the center of ali has been behind bars since february after being convicted in beslan and case the sports live now to our teams from on cross referral bit more on this. election of only he's made various allegations about the way he's being treated in prison tell us more about this story indeed well it's in the letter
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dated 31st of march in other words this wednesday alex a number lee said that he has gone on a hunger strike because he has been refused medical care he said that he will not eat until he's seen by a doctor of his own choice now in a letter that somehow ended up on instagram instantly you just assume as a hero to hero that not only added that he sells his his health is also deteriorating because. the prison staff are using torture methods against him by waking him up at least 8 times and nights now prison authorities have also issued their own statement after all this saying that he is treated exactly the same way as all of the other inmates and the he's receiving all. all of the necessary help and they refuted all claims all fuzzed sleep deprivation like nobody had said in
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his letter now they also said that prison guards are making their daily routine inspections every single night according to the prison rules and the prisoners have not been know woken up and they do get their necessary 8 hour shut eye meanwhile these followers have appealed to cold cold german doctors to treat their leader here in russia as well as this issue had also been brought up in the daily briefing with the spokesperson off of lot of airports and me took this golf who said that. the matter right now is not out of the kremlin but of the prison authorities and he also added that it's unheard of in a russian court history that for a doctor would be invited to treat a russian inmate currently serving signed now meanwhile not.


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