tv Cross Talk RT April 1, 2021 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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some of the headlines right there on. the full program if you're worldwide news join us. low in welcome to. the ministration has made it clear its foreign policy will be informed by the protections and spread of western liberal values it would seem values are far more important than national and economic security not surprisingly not all countries in the world are in agreement with biden's vision for the global order.
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ross talking the liberal world order i'm joined by my guest brian becker in washington he's the executive director of the answer coalition in london we have matt or throw up he is a professor of political science and international relations at coventry university and in budapest we have george he is a podcast or at the gaggle which can be found on you tube and rumble or a jump in crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always preferred let me go to george 1st in budapest we had that confound with the chinese in anchorage which turned into a train wreck because the secretary of state was more concerned about china's internal affairs and not measuring up to western liberal values however you want to define them and then we had the secretary of state meeting with. nato allies a few days ago and he talked about values 17 times but george i didn't see
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international law mentioned once so what's going on here i mean what is the playing field international law or liberal values as how the west interprets it go ahead. well that's exactly right. what we have is the western powers that have defined. rules based order something that they appreciate they set the rules and they issued the orders and everyone has to comply wants them there is now an alternative model which is at the gate and by russia and china which is let us return to the west balian system of states which is that all states are sovereign within their own territory no state can interfere in the internal affairs of another state knows they can threaten and use any kind of coercion not just
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military go through economic coercion against any of the state and that these principles these westphalian principles were in shrive in the united nations charter and so when when the united states talking about values and that they intend to spread bad use it dentists read democracy and there are very few takers because most of the world will find the russian and chinese model much more appealing which is we don't really want what you're selling that is what they're going to say to the united states and it's some great allies and they are ok martin in london as i said in my my introduction here i mean this is what we're getting from this administration is a reliance on so-called values but what about economic security military security it all of these things which the nation state it needs to do to protect its interests i mean it doesn't seem to be much of an interest driven foreign policy when you're trying to change the internal affairs of another country go ahead matt
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in london. well the international war days are also on economic order for there to be a a liberal retrace system of screws one of america's interests which is a. traditionally has to be ahead of him on that has to be a country that carries the burdens america inspired a considerable distance the only superpower and konami as well as military in the world an america that for take you to self truth that marriage and water that everybody else can benefit from it's a bit like lighthouses an economic theory so people who are very rich folk a lot of houses and the other people will then be able to navigate on the cd because of that great power and where it's been said that one cannot interfere with the the internal affairs in a country where it is that actually if you look at the new un charter that was mentioned before which was true drawn up including countries that use the present
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day russia etc should be democracy freedom of speech which is not exactly what you see if you live in china and also sadly not the case in russia the russia which used to be a country with a great tradition thought for sure for the rule of law if you look at the 1st constitution written by catherine the great it had all those things russia is a coup poor herschel and russia is a place that people like me love the lives of just gives you the bolshoi ballet teacher czerkawski and all the writers and i would hope that russia which used to be in the camp of liberal democracy would return to where russia belongs to be a progressive west and ok well let me let me let me go to brian here so if we if we extrapolate from what we just heard from matt so the u.s. would use military force to bring democracy around the world i think we've seen quite
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a few examples of that recently i wonder i was not you know i'm sorry let me go let me. get my 3rd guest in and you can react i promise i'll go right back to you so brian you know i mean it's like madeleine albright when we stand tall and we see further i mean that was during the crisis breaking up of yugoslavia the illegal invasion of iraq in 2 but i could go on and on and on so i had him on maybe can have good intentions but that's not power politics go ahead brian in washington. well and i would actually dispute the the good intentions part i mean i think the whole reference you know bell use is largely a pretext it's largely a problem for public consumption to disguise what is basically a naked self interested foreign policy that aims to dominate or dislodge or topple governments that are independent independent meaning that they have the capacity to control their own labor their own land their own resources and to be
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politically independent rather than submissive and so the united states in this day and age says we're doing this for an unknowable cards we're doing this to bring democracy or in the case of libya it was to protect civilians who are in iraq it was to stop weapons of mass destruction or in afghanistan it was to stop terrorism any there's always something good something america presents itself as an exceptional country that's disinterested in in real things in only as promoting values but in fact i believe that the values are are really just a shield i mean that the talk about their use and really what the united states is trying to do by emphasizing the issue of values for instance is it's trying to create or commit or carry out other what we might call color revolutions against targeted countries so the u.s. looks at where the vulnerabilities may be in the case of china so certainly america cares about muslims as long as they're in china suddenly america cares about taiwan
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again suddenly america carries a cares or so much about hong kong and democracy there it doesn't care about these things in saudi arabia the values of the of the values are consistent values they could be consistently applied but they're only select that we have played against are going to governments and so i believe it's a very aggressive very had germanic foreign policy military policy and let's face it. the there's been a reorientation of u.s. military doctrine so that the war on terror is all yesterday now it's major power conflict so in order to take the american people to war against china or conflict with china russia you have to convince them that they're very evil and what makes them evil they don't have our values ok matt in light of latin in london i'll let you to reply ok go ahead yes no i think i thought that you did not say that you should use force to invade other countries i think that the invasion in iraq was
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a mistake whether it was technically nico because there were a number of un security council resolutions that could be argued that he possibly will speak and i personally think you know. it was illegal it was certainly illegal for russia to in ukraine and that's not respecting the ordered ok and that well what that's assuming that russia did invade ukraine that invasion of a great you know why did that happen ok what was your cattle there gentlemen one thing we know for sure that the democratically elected government in kiev was toppled illegally we have victoria newlands voice we have the american ambassador to ukraine talking about how that was all done so i don't know if there was an invasion of ukraine but there certainly was an illegal overthrow of a democratically elected government georgia you're right in your in dismay george go ahead. well exactly i mean when we start talking about in legal
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invasions and then we look at the record of the west and compare that with russia i mean it's a joke i mean where we're talking about iraq i mean it's laughable even to start talking about 1 the invasion of iraq of being possibly illegal i mean you know the former u.n. secretary general kofi annan himself said no it is not legal there was no way that you can justify it according to international law the only way can become legal would have been a resolution from the united nations security council and no less than $33.00 permanent members of the united nations security council vetoed any kind of a resolution to use force against iraq so there's a you know no question it's illegal and the same goes for the onslaught on the yugoslavia happened just over 20 years ago again the only way you could have
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justified it as legal is if you have gone to the united nations security council that's it it's in the u.n. charter you could if you're going to use force to conditions either it's self-defense or if it's authorized by the security council it wasn't authorized those security council affect the security council strongly opposed to it and so the talking about who is violating international law i think with all of the spokesman for the west really should you know hold their peace on this one ok brian i'm going to give you the last minute before we go to the break go ahead jump in. yes well what we're witnessing right now is a very expansive u.s. war drive and a full court press against russia and china what what what trump did and also by his there's a lot of continuity here same thing that reagan did in the eighty's maximum pressure on these countries reagan had somebody call captive nations trying to liberate the oppressed republics in the soviet union all of it designed for maximum
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pressure for regime change or what became color revolutions we have to understand that it's really the values element of it is really pretextual it's a public rationale behind it is kind of naked old style colonialism dressed up with a new outfit all right gentlemen i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the liberal world order saying harking. humanity has never seen such strange natural phenomena before giant coming to us appearing in the yamaha peninsula. one after another. but never about himself again you've had your she seems to get you for you know them does love for
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those of attack you wouldn't. miss one appeared in 2020. how often and where will new crisis appear as a discussion of how dangerous oen day for human the slum only is due to an 8th and she joins you one russian scientists came quite close to working out what's going on. they built a full scale 3 d. model of the black hole. show it's same wrong. but all rolls just don't call. any new ball that is yet to shape out disdained become agitated and in gains from it equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart when she stood up for common ground. welcome back to cross talk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the liberal world order. ok let's go back to matt in london i think one of the things i find really very peculiar is that mr blinken the secretary of state has been really quite active and very much in public. trying to explain the administration's policy on the world stage and his constant obsession with this democracy issue which i think everyone i think nominally speaking about democracy is a good idea but you know it's really kind of rich coming from the secretary of state when after the november election tens of millions of people have doubts about
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the democratic process in the united states itself so i mean isn't it kind of peculiar to you that the secretary of state goes on the world stage well it's deeply divided home go ahead in london. america's deeply divided it's the polarized society but in america people have the right to express their opinion there is no indication. that the election was rooted in any way it is the fairest election that has ever been in american history america is not a perfect democracy and americans an imperfect. but it would be better that america strives to becoming a perfect democracy. and and it's it's perfectly global. to defend democracy america has a proud tradition of tomorrow it is the oldest democracy in the world it's always going to democracy but america in america gave it the right to get it but don't you
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think magine overthrowing the legal government in iran in ukraine we could make program after program about how the united states is an all out attack and democracy all around the world because it doesn't have the democracy it wants for geo political reasons you know it's not democracy is the problem it's who's who is in power and even if it's a democratic process they still do that i mean the number of elected governments and latin america that have been overthrown by the outside forces here i mean you know if allowed to build democracy i mean i really have no idea what you're getting at here george you know jump in here i mean but i mean isn't this just like you and i think probably i think you probably do know in america. it's a coach all for power ok it's not about a principle go ahead george. well that's exactly right 2 and this is an ongoing thing so many of the apologists for us foreign policy will say yes it's true that
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we did this with not so they can iran in $53.00 yes it's true we did this with benson in guatemala 54 we overthrew i ended up with 73 but that was all a long time ago no it wasn't a long time ago the overthrow of the government of ukraine and we know the united states is involved we have a record of the telephone conversation between victoria nuland and the u.s. ambassador geoffrey pyatt we know what they were up there that's just a few years ago this is an ongoing thing that the united states is always doing and that's where it's all it's it's laudable election well we're getting to a situation in which 1 the losing side does not accept the outcome of an election let's not let's go back to 2016 we don't want you 16 the losing side the democrats refused to accept that outcome as of to undermine that election so now we've got a 2020 alexion and again the losing side does not accept the outcome and we can be
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absolutely certain that given the 5050 country the united states is at the moment that the 2024 election will be very close and we can be sure that the losing side will not accept that outcome so in other words the very basis of democracy which is losing sight says ok we lost you on the government that's gone that's not there in the united states so it is a little hollow for the united states and around lecturing the world about the perfections of democracy you know brian you know if i came across a hang on let me go back to ryan and we're able when gets equal time here i'm going to go to brian in washington you know brian go go and it's go back to the anchorage confound. blinken wanted to talk about the we want to talk about hong kong we want to talk about taiwan. well would it be fair on the chinese part to say well what's going on in flint michigan why don't your people have clean water maybe we should
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take this to the security council i mean their human rights are being denied the civil rights are being denied under american law i mean it's you know you can't you can both sides have their own fair share to lecture each other but maybe it would have been better to talk about. navigation i p tear ups i mean these are things that actually impact national interest and your own citizens that's what diplomacy used to be it wasn't like it is today like it's a sermon today go ahead brian yeah you're quite right peter and that was that's a really important point i mean united states invited the chinese to come to the united states alaska's part of the united states so be the host brings the guests there and immediately at the beginning dresses down the guests and says look you're violating all of these human rights issues in china in your own country taiwan hong kong all part of china and then says it's a violation of the international rules based order and as
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a consequence we're going to focus on it and the chinese diplomat said the temerity to say well wait you're an imperfect democracy what about black lives matter what about the suppression of black people for not just since george floyd but for a long time etc etc and then the american press denounces the chinese diplomats for being insubordinate and speaking up and saying obvious truths which they had no intention of saying but they're not going to be lectured to so here you have the united states up on the pedestal and acting like it's bringing to that the 10th or maybe the 11th commandment the 11th commandment is listen to us we are god and the rest of the world like you know thank you we don't want to do that we're not going to be submissive to you and so is the chinese said you have no clue and no ability to. to lecture us from a position of strength because in fact the american empire is in decline it's not completely gone obviously it has
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a lot of power but the fact of the matter is the united states has gone to war constantly endlessly it's a warfare state and even though yes your other guests are right that america's polarized when it comes to spending a trillion dollars a year each year every year that's 5 times more than china and 10 times worse than russia annually and that there is unanimated between the republicans and the democrats yeah so it's only on the issue of american projection of power in the military power you know america can find some semblance of unity that's us that's like the roman empire in decline the only thing we can unite around is our enemies are perceived enemies or the enemies we want to make in the world let's go back to matt in london matt we have the high commissioner for foreign affairs joseph burrell was in moscow last few weeks and he pulled the kind of the pull the same stunt that blinken did and he was rebuked very strongly and then we had obviously blinken in anchorage people are pushing back major powers are pushing back i mean
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this it's things are changing how do you think this is going to play out if the major powers in the world start saying no. well i think we're going to start with would be interesting to see if people were actually be. allowed to listen to this even russia people are out protest in russia so that is not true at all you don't and there are protests all of the time here all you have to do is get a permit and you can do it or you can but you can protest what you want on the internet i think i'm sorry madam should have an informed opinion before you express an opinion i hope informed opinion people are being jailed for trivialities that wouldn't happen in america if you are pushing people. in places like going to route your book pushing back and russia being pushed back back into light so. i just have to say right you know there's
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a type right now in minnesota indigenous people are being brutalized and beat mother train because they don't want to hype why through their territory that's going on right now in minnesota not alabama it's all over the country and the idea that people are being arrested and brutalized for trivial acts your speaker actually from london doesn't actually know what's going on in the united states well what about you know what's going on in the united states that well you know you would but obviously don't. george can i say go ahead classification of people being arrested i mean we've seen now that we have the protesters number of the protesters who took on january the 6 have been 1 in jail for months now months without bail which is an unheard of thing and you know people who have not been charged with any crimes of violence are actually being imprisoned and who have not been convicted of anything it's not something i think you know with protesters
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so really you know what you would want to stop pointing fingers at others when you fall short so badly at home ok well direction and probably you could you know i need to know that alone is what you have the right and then hang on hang on like let's go let's go to matt i said everyone would get equal time go ahead matt i hope this summer want them to rock because on stakes in the in which you. now america is not a perfect democracy but want the same does not justify another for the sins of being committed in china does not make sense in america right. you should be criticizing all tyrants all over but there are some tyrants that are greater than others. and i think liberty and freedom can only exist and we criticize laws and i think we shouldn't fall into this trap of of fake news and say that ukraine's government was overthrown that's great and i know better than that and you might do some interesting and good but what if it is
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a conspiracy that very few people really and if this challenge is going to have any credibility start to look at facts not just the facts that seem to be convenient to to to the various people it's the oldest trick in the book to come up with alternative histories that's for custom did that's been the history of of tyranny all over the world now that there's no money and you got the idea just prior to the ride. we're almost out of time brian go ahead. i mean ok come on february 22nd there was an insurgent uprising that toppled the government the president you know code which fled for his life he would have been killed otherwise i mean the idea that this did not happen the idea that it was a fake news i mean. whatever side you are you have to take actual reality for what it is the government where in the ukraine it was toppled by ordinated never by the
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united states by the cia by the national endowment for democracy this actually happened now it's not made up it's real it happened. oh all right a guy who i was a very interesting alternative history lesson that's all the time we have i went on when he thinks of my guest in washington london and in budapest and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time and remember a prostate. all of the information in the world when you put it together and process simultaneously it adds up to 0 it adds up to nothing all deal luzhin of differentiation will be obliterated the illusion of making a profit will be obliterated because we're entering into a period called the singularity.
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in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of them descendants still live in russia. in your post because you know nobody but us throw up at us yes you. will see things your way. back home but i can merican something from racism and a complete lack of prospects. is i cannot post. real lybia losing show won by elsa store on her by doing. so they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the african americans who were too thrilled you're in the united. around great crowd. moulay is going few you're going to call. me and now almost a 100 years later history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time i
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went to russia. on probable worst time to go anywhere why not me. when i come here. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation whole community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. die away. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. you know i can remember when it would flood one time in the fall and then one time in the spring you know a break up and now i mean already 3 times this year they said you know if people get nervous about the flooding of their houses and in the buddhist. it's cooler even getting out of new talk because they're worried about that kind of stuff and just these last 2 storms have taken so much away you know he went and measured the last couple storms and they're like knocked off 1020 feet in $11.00 day yeah and so there's a better margin and also i have to do in general the students and raf and the kids right now journals about their worries about the floods i don't think are as a catch on fire but a fire house flat it has a very next thing they all wrote.
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