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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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5 the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development the only posts really exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful ready. to sit down and talk. the european medicines agency urges countries to keep using. the program. this is. true. by the french president as the country imposes
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a 3rd. in the u.k. as a. 2020. british . have. signed much. to help increase. the origin of. the report from. moscow to the world. the european
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medicines agency its support behind the astra zeneca. despite fears over severe blood clots the regulator is launching yet another investigation into the issue but insists countries should keep using the show. according to the current scientific knowledge there is no evidence that would support restricting the use of the vaccine in any population 2 weeks ago on the 18th of march we gave an interim update of the assessment we concluded after a time that the benefits of the after turning back in preventing codeine change with it. hospitalized patients and their outweigh the risk of side effects and our position has not changed another i mentioned previously a causal link with the vaccine has not yet been progress but it is possible there
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are now if this is still ongoing well this astra zeneca saga continues doesn't it the latest being the head of the european medicines agency insisting there is no evidence to suggest the best mode of action here would be to restrict the use of the astra zeneca vaccine and this of course coming just days after germany decided to limit distribution of the job citing concerns over blood clots now worldwide there have been 62 cases of this rare blood clotting condition which has prompted a number of european countries to temporarily holt's use of the vaccine germany's medical regulator has recorded 31 cases of this rare blood clots condition although in people younger than the age of 63 all but 2 were women and 9 people have died and angela merkel has said this is data that the government has cancer can or comes through in the standing committee for vaccination published near the commendations in the future use of the senate vaccination i quote on the basis of the currently
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available all be limited evidence and with a view to the pandemic situation the standing committee for vaccination recommends the use of the esters any curve in 1000 vaccine and those over 60 it's application for under sixty's is still possible a doctor's discretion and individual acceptance of the risks one is just another setback in the e.u.'s. progress really the block's vaccine rollout has been heavily criticized for being sluggish and this is mainly due to their facts that they just don't have a sufficient supply of vaccines only 4 percent of the books population has been vaccinated so far and the world health organization has really criticized this and said you know the block really needs to get a move on vaccines present our best way out of this pandemic however the rollout of these vaccines is an acceptably slow we must speed up the process by ramping up manufacturing reducing barriers to administering vaccines and using every single vial we have in stock now this is brussels also receives criticism from 5 is there
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which is blames the e.u. stringent export controls for delaying. it's now 5 is that the drug maker which has a base in belgium supplies britain and 70 other countries around the world so we're seeing delays upon delays here so perhaps the perfect timing to introduce a helping hand in the form of an alternative vaccine but what if that vaccine is russian now the european medicines agency has been evaluating the for several weeks now but there are some countries that just aren't willing to wait any longer and have started ordering and some even started using the sputnik the vaccine hungary and slovakia are on board all stria being the latest european countries to order the vaccine and a recent poll in germany as shows that over half the country want its government to also follow suit now so we all remember the negative press surrounding sputnik the when the vaccine was 1st unveiled but now it seems that using sputnik the might be
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that the logical answer to all of these problems. we heard from martin daldry politician from germany's left party he thinks the vaccine rule in europe has been politicized at the expense of people's health ultimately their lives. we look at what is going on with mall and i think we need every work seeing which is. possible to to use and which is. secure so when we see that straws in the dark there are still a lot of doubts. so we should look to the alternatives and i think. short of fast enough to evaluate and then to will accept that support we. all have a vehicle that scenes which are sure weren't safe to be used i think the population is very insecure at the moment i think demick there should be
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a lot more bolts of nationalism and confidence and different qualities in a shop be the politics internationally in favor of the people and of the health of the people and if the governments are responsible. no you. which are there should be nationalised and here measures to 'd secure or else of people instead of to is to secure the profits of the industry the french president has admitted he made mistakes at every stage of the pandemic in a televised address to the nation of money will mccrone also announced a 3rd nationwide lockdown. cases soar intensive care beds fill up the country's death toll nears 100000 that didn't stop opposition m.p.'s though responding by stating he was acting like a monarch the best for all or just in front said the situation left him no other choice. affected the thought that i know that every stage of this
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epidemic we might say to ourselves that we could have done better that we made mistakes who listen is true we all need to make an additional effort over the coming months this is what i ask of us collectively tonight. the new locked on measures will be extended from 19 areas to wall of mainland france from saturday that means a nationwide curfew beginning at 7 pm and travel between regions band the french president schools will be closed for at least 3 weeks the dish will policing to ensure no more than 6 people gather at once. all the measures introduced by the french leader come really as a u. turn to his previous decision not to lock down in january he was criticized after time by scientists and hospital bosses. i say to the government do it now do it now do it for a shorter time but do it to concede their right not to implement
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a lockdown in france at the end of january because we didn't have the explosion of cases that every model predicted france's president is without a doubt an educated man emmanuel macro and through through the country's top institutions before making a mark in both the private or public sector he then repaying france's youngest ever president i mean it's a pretty impressive resume and people traded in selfless and learned he knew when to take advice it is important at this time by following the advice of scientists as we've just done to ensure the continuity of on democratic life and our institutions but now it seems being top dog isn't quite enough not grown his throwing himself into an entirely new discipline the president has acquired real expertise in health issues it is not an inaccessible subject for an intelligent person like him considering the important time he has dedicated to it for several
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months not cause aids if he wouldn't do for there he declared that he has become an epidemiologist despite not having a scientific background these claims over. seas on health issues have also rubbed experts the wrong way. because you don't let mr president of the republic and in the framework of the pandemic just like all heads of states he has become interested in epidemiological data yes to put his nose to the grindstone he's obliged to take notice of trends but that doesn't make him an epidemiologist of course for all those that talk about epidemiology and among them we can find heads of states like president micron who talks about epidemiology just like we talk about politics when we talk about sculpture or about music but they're not necessarily sculpture artists. musicians. the united states is still hoping to secure the extradition of julian a son is in prison in the u.k.
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the spies a london court ruling in january that the wiki leaks founder should not be sent stateside he'd be put in total isolation and would be at risk of suicide but american state department insists that both countries are observing human rights law in their handling of the case. and you. are right now under. mr sands was arrested in london in 2019 spending 7 years holed up in the ecuadorian embassy he's wanted in the u.s. on 17 charges of espionage over the release of thousands of classified files a decade ago. now those latest remarks on the case came right after the release of the u.s. state department's 45th annual reports on human rights practices worldwide that document china iran venezuela turkey and russia accusing them of violating civil
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liberties russia's foreign ministry said by accusing washington of hypocrisy. well i'm delighted to say we can go live now on the program to former cia officer ray mcgovern for his take ray good to see you what is your take what's your what's your stance on this statement by the u.s. state department are they considering a songes rights in their thinking our stated. well it's a travesty of justice when you have the 1st principal assistant secretary of state mouthpiece saying this isn't in accordance with human rights law that's a travesty i probably should say right off the bat that julian assange is a good friend of mine a very much admired friend and when i saw him unceremoniously dragged out of the ecuadorian embassy in london exactly 2 years ago i decided that as
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a met matter of solidarity and also so i would not forget my friend julie and i would let my beard grow and be as to shovelled as he looked now what happened to him well he was brought to a bill marsh prison where he was tortured now don't you don't have to rely on me for that there's a un to for torture you'll smell so who looked into it. doctors and psychiatrists in there and they saw that he was fierce psychologically tortured and this sort of lit a fire under neil smells or the un or a poacher if a torture and so he went to a went to sweden where the original. rumors that julian was a rapist originated luckily melissa speaks swedish he looked at the police records and he saw that they were falsified there was never any reason none of those women accused julian assange of anything improper sexual impropriety rape still
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less so they got him and in contained and they got him in the ecuadorian embassy in london and what happened then well then they started eavesdropping on him and his conversations with his lawyers i mean this is outrageous i mean this is the new norm for international justice so the claims of the u.s. state department don't hold water what they're trying to just to recap what they say they said the case has always been treated consistent with u.k. law yet british law and says he can't be extradited but that's not putting more shinton off is that they want their money on the less. yes you know british law is whatever washington says it is we've come a long way 800 years since the magna carter. when the british nobles wrested rights from king john 800 years is pretty good but it's over ok well we have here now is
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a situation where julian is deprived of any rights the main the main reason being that if they get him and put him in prison for the rest of us life no one no one will try to expose us war crimes or the empire's war crimes the british are acting as facile sort of like well like heritage parrot a palestine that's morrow is us then. but friday here in the west and you know the parallels are are apt. julian assange and jews have been hazaras expose the crimes of the empire and they had to pay a price for julian it was slander it was arrest it was torture and now god knows what so i hope he he is able to escape the ultimate penalty but it judging from people who have seen most recently he has already been in there and ruined by
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by the the treatment that he has been subjected to at the hand of the british acting as a loyal vassals just as harriet did for the empire i will go on to another issue but just to to to read to us what you're saying about neil meltzer had said that one of his statements was that he had never seen a single person who's been deliberately isolated and i would say persecuted not prosecuted but persecuted by several democratic states in a concerted effort to eventually break his well they're the words of nicholas military and it's also notable rade out the u.s. rights report focuses heavily on countries that are not closely allied to the us plenty by china russia venezuela not too much about saudi arabia for example is this more of a political statement than an expression of concern for human rights. well yes and i would just add a little footnote neal smell sarah was misled by the propaganda just like most of my american colleagues we hear nothing about julian assange all we hear is that he
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was a rapist and that has been definitively disprove it here's what meltzer said a year and a half ago in an op ed that he couldn't get published in any mainstream journal in the end says meltzer it finally dawned on me that i had been blinded by propaganda and that aside had been systematically still entered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed that's the name of the game what the us is out to with this handmade british. jurisprudence system is to make sure that no one no one will take the chance of exposing us what crimes without realizing that he could spend the rest of his life or she could spend the rest of us likes high security prison in the united states that's the objective and i just hope that julian is able to overcome this it's going to take a lot of prayer it's going to take a lot of. agitation but i still hope i was going to i was going to just say were
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you explained you're appearance i don't normally talk about a guest appearance but you said it's been 2 years that you decided not to not to cut your beard as a show of solidarity with him when he left the venice wheelin embassy do you think you will be cutting your beard anytime soon. one must always hope. that's the christian way of looking at things a particularly in the sure season i do have hope that julian will will be able to persist and finally find a new life with his partner and his 2 little boys who pine away waiting for him to come home excuse me i misspoke the ecuadorian embassy of course where he spent 7 years ray thanks very much as always for coming on the program and sharing your views rima govern former cia officer you're most welcome. no fears of a nursing exodus in britain after a survey revealed thoughts and it's just offer no more likely to quit their jobs
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than in previous years exhaustion from the pun demick was cited as the overriding reason though according to the poll one in 4 and a chest workers they're more inclined to leave during the previous 12 months almost 30 percent of them are nurse midwives to occupations facing major shortages and 70 percent said the pay rise that's the size the factor while those working for free student nurses say they're struggling to make ends meet one of them gave us her reaction to the surveys findings it doesn't surprise me it's what we've had to use it needs increased. the cost of living has gone up the wages have increased so much stress on the nurses that made wives everyone involved in that session and i think to be honest with the pandemic i think everyone has now had enough and they need help and i feel the government need to help and increase the right to get a good environment for everyone but british health authorities have promised to
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provide the n.h.s. with an extra 29000000000 pollens but the nurse we spoke to say that money isn't making any difference when it comes to student. yes the 5000 pound girl some people get 1000 pounds wrong depending if it were children or what feels like i mean tape but in reality is it's all in the i should say that the increase in childcare costs you know the increase in council tax increase in fuel into placement in my 1st year i think it's a defeat by twice. and that should even as states that were actually retired this is at the bank they could have played to say should i go into this position because i have a rabbi they are 2 children and that's why my wife required what was quite a full time childcare and the other one it just started sco the funds come for you all to have already so i got the calls today for you know the potential if you leave the course and it does add to the mental so that the sorry sorry dr. a long awaited w.h.o.
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report on the origins of coburg 19 homes for a sharp criticism worldwide some country say the investigation wasn't extensive enough as many questions still remain unanswered the w.h.o. director general himself called for further studies after the report was published we got a firsthand account of the w.h.o. mission to one from a russian member of the team. which was on a mission started off on the phase one why was it called that it was clear from the beginning nobody expected us to find all the questions right away in fact it was prepared to rework aimed at analyzing the data we had accumulated and establishing hypotheses in general it's hard to predict how long this investigation will take and how it will end but it should be done that's for sure. well we've managed to find out that the virus supposedly emerged in the period between the middle of november and the beginning of december however we don't know
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the exact location of the outbreak in my view it was in china but it's not clear yet it's unlikely though that the outbreak occurred in a wet market most probably it was some market visitor who had already been infected and spread the virus this suggestion derives from the fact that there were quite a large number of patients who had nothing to do with the markets we don't know who the 1st patient was neither do we know the natural origin of covert 19 based on our common knowledge of various coronaviruses we suggest it's a but might have been a source. the issue is very much politicized everyone is trying to find someone to blame i've never considered the oblique hypothesis a theory there's so much talk about this in the media though most people don't really have an idea there is no scientific evidence or facts proving a leak as of today based on what we saw i can say that the suspect a laboratory is run properly by well trained staff there is total compliance with all the rules regarding work with viruses of this has
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a class or even the class above the laboratory is regularly audited and is in the constant scrutiny of competence international organizations building from that we therefore can't say that a lab leak might have been because. we knew. we didn't feel any pressure coming from our chinese colleagues actually it wouldn't even be the case i can't think of how they could have put pressure on us we are in no way affiliated with china people from various countries were part of our team who went to carry out this investigation on behalf of the w.h.o. and what would have been the point of pressurising as we hardly liaise with officials we were largely in touch with scientists. russia is expanding their global rollout of the sputnik the fact the russian direct investment fund which is overseeing production has struck a deal to make 100000000 doses of the job in china cooperation will help increase production capacities a sputnik v. in china to provide the necessary amounts and help partners in the country and
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globally to fight the pandemic china is one of the major production hopes for sputnik v. and we are very fitting creasing the scope of partnership with local producers to meet the rising demand for the russian vaccine of those upcoming stark's will be enough to vaccinate 50000000 people each person needs 2 doses the russian job has not yet been approved for use in china but assuming that happens the chinese manufacturer will distribute it domestically as well as a broad so far sputnik he has been licensed in almost 60 countries asia expert victor gallo thinks moscow and beijing have plenty to gain from working together on vaccines. for china to help russia to produce the a vaccine and to introduce that to the chinese consumers as well as markets outside of china would be a very china has one of the largest the manufacturing capacity is in vaccines so if we use the formula produced by the russian side or the production of
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a vaccine for the cli in china it will be a when we situation i do not see any reason why this vaccine should not be approved of by the charlies rowland's or oranges and i hope the chinese people will have a choice if they want to use one of 2 or 3 chinese vaccines they will be able to do that if they prefer those who make vaccines they were have a choice to be made by themselves. it's another story we've been following and will continue to follow closely there is no letup in the migrant surge on the southern u.s. border with up to 6000 people being detained on a daily basis after crossing from mexico all accompanied children as young as 3 are being held in shelters in texas and some have been stranded there for more than 2 weeks the situation is drawing concern from countries right across the world including from russia it is about issues she says the should because the migration
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crisis at the u.s. mexican border is becoming a major humanitarian crisis it requires that tension of international structures including the united nations and human rights n.g.o.s. well what the russian foreign ministry is essentially saying is that a crisis of this nature and of such proportions. is not an internal use a very should not be considered this stage because we're talking about tons of. thousands of people at least 18000 miners living in absolutely squalid and in security conditions with a direct threat to their health and well being and we're also talking about the citizens of multiple countries so something like this should have not only a domestic coverage but also should be of an international concern and i can tell you from my personal experience of covering many
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a recent conflict if something like this was happening let's say in syria or libya . whose governments were not particularly friendly to the united states this issue with would have been on their agenda of not only major international news outlets but also on their on their agenda of major international organizations both non-governmental organizations and u.n. bodies there would be calls for. you know humanitarian aid for bringing the government the government to some sort of accountability there would be a humanitarian out which we're seen nothing of this sort this time around then what struck me is strikes me the most is that. at this point of time despite the fact that the situation is really critical that there is very little ability to actually establish what's going on i mean the international organizations have the
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mandate of protecting the vulnerable people and what. is a horrible sad should be using that mandate. they indeed believe in the purpose of their musicians but as of now the only thing we have heard of is from the bottom of the ministration saying that it will only allow access to journalists to you have observers to international aid workers. deems. appropriate when it's all of the problem but this is not the approach that the united states advocated for many years with regards to other countries and this is not their prose that in the international community it should allow the united states if. it cares as it professes about the lives and the security of people around the world regardless of where they happen to be in danger. boyko taking us through the
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story well for a deeper dive into any of this our stories or websites it's always a solid place to start fresh contents lively debates to be fun there hope to catch again the top this is our to international. elmwood forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. must obey the orders given to like human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law. we should be very careful about official intelligence and the point. later on theories with artificial intelligence will summon the demon.
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must protect its own existence which. i am max keiser this is the kaiser report you know i see you that's right bob i see you standing in the hotel room right now eating a croissant drinking aren't. getting i don't actually see you but soon that will be the k. states max you and i have been talking about something called the fisa these trap which is as a rising power takes over the declining power.


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