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tv   Documentary  RT  April 1, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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great ideological struggle but there is a difference the west particularly the united states is the only ideological actor . here segregated only by social class lower middle class people also in the 1st place if you're born into a 4 family if you're born into a minority family if you're born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die there they stick to one years old if you're born into generational poverty. it's a. fight every day. you meet your needs and the needs of your family. if you've been thinking about selling your home right now might be the time to do
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it and you might even get all cash offers but should you be worried about what happened when and where there's a housing bubble burst well we're going to ask our financial expert then as we so often ask what is going on in california well because california parents are angry because while their kids sit at home still under coronavirus restrictions newly migrated children are set to begin in person learning this while a new government program is going to give $9000.00 to the poorest in the community but that is only if you are of a certain skin color well we are going to give you the 360 view and then sean stone joins us to talk about mayor de blasio plans to raise the curtains back on broadway but is it too soon and will a broadway be one of the incentives for the public to get the controversial a vaccine passport all of this and how you guess you can earn a 6 figure salary by hanging out at the beach all day all of this and more on today's news you choose. right here on our to america
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my thank you for joining us today i am a scout is now hughes and cash is king these days especially if you are looking for a new place to live but as prices continue to rise you might need to have more of it home prices are rising at the fastest pace in 15 years and the s.n.p. accord logica shiller index is seeing the highest rises since february 2006 so is this good news or warning signs for a crash reminiscent of 2008 to help us decide we bring in jason hartman president of the empowered bester network thank you for joining me jason. it's my pleasure ok so it is definitely a seller's market but what do these signs in the housing arena actually tell you. well that's a very interesting question while everybody is worried about prices being too high
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they really need to evaluate the comparison and ask themselves the question compared to what if you compare it to the price of the home based on the s. and p. 500 index houses have actually gotten cheaper in the past 1520 years if you compare it based on a monthly payment basis houses are cheaper than they were 14 years ago in 2006. right before the great recession so. when you look at the sticker price of the overall house yes prices do seem high but when you look at the monthly payment and when you compare it to other things and when you adjust for interest rates and inflation prices are actually still amazingly pretty reasonable they're not that high yet i like that i used to be higher they you thought you know i like it every time that they have like look at how much money i get from my house and my husband always or my think yes but where we got to move you have to purge of the house to
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not necessarily a win win situation and that being said i have to ask you you know due to this crisis that we've just lived through do you think more people are actually leaving city life and rushing to the suburbs to live mainly due to lock down for more probably they actually want more space now that they've had to live the last year with their families in a 2 bedroom apartment do you think that could also be causing a lot of the drive for houses within basically outside of major city. absolutely we call this the suburban tsunami as people were fleeing large cities they were already leaving because these cities tend to be business unfriendly they tend to have the west the story and the governments and they have very high taxes so people were already leaving these places but cove it definitely accelerated that trend there's absolutely no question about it and i think that's why this is becoming such an intimate and market you have people who are selling their to better
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townhouses in downtown unable to vie and they're getting a much larger health outside but then i have to wonder about the other investors those hedge but he feel like right now they are putting their money and the homes that investment property versus the stock market right now well i don't know what they're doing so much on the stock market sign outside their certainly into stark's and doing equities and so forth but coming out of the great recession we saw a historic move by institutional investors to buy a single thing only residence or residential housing where is the floor these institutional investors bought large apartment complexes they are office space they bought retail centers and they've been keenly interested in housing for the past 10 to 12 years and that trend also has gained even more interest due to the pandemic well and what would you tell your clients right now they're coming to fail kay is it worth a right now can i get a good deal anywhere or should i just save my dollars and just wait our house how
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thought of cautious are you being with your investors. well you know it depends where there are really 3 types of markets in the country or in the entire world linear markets cyclical markets and hybrid markets so we need inexpensive linear markets in other words where prices just sort of chug along appreciate it slowly you always have. cash flows very good we work with investors we help them build our portfolios of real estate nationwide in those markets the prices are still very reasonable even when you just look at the price of not the payment not comparing it with the s. and p. the prices are still very reasonable in those markets but in the cyclical markets the ones that tend to get all the media attention on the west coast in the northeast in these expensive markets even south florida near where i live those markets i would say are very much on the verge of being overvalued if not
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overvalued already so it would be very cautious in cyclical markets in the truth the sort of high flying markets and i would be very bullish in the linear markets that we recommend you know even in the business friendly states in the landlord friendly steeds those markets are still quite healthy well and i think everybody if watching for any red flags i mean we all thought of ever what a lot what life is like leading up to 2008 and we realize a lot of it started with housing within the 1st 5 that we thought that everything was going to come crashing down thank you i so much for joining i thank you for keeping your eye on the market my pleasure. now i want to talk about a story which is causing much thanks from parents in california you know you've heard about those surges at the border that are happening well it actually looks like right now the children of school age will be getting in person instruction before the existing students who already reside in the san diego school system
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they're not the only ones because we're going to go up north where marin county in an open it there is a new program which empowers poor families with basically unconditional cash for 9 months grants and they have decided exclude those who qualify the program actually based on race and i thought the 14th amendment eliminated that but we got to give the 360 view to what is going on in california they bring in democratic strategist alan or and ed martin phyllis shapely ziegel thank you so much for joining al and you're back for day 2 thank you so much we had a great conversation yesterday but that's why i know that you know dealing with what is going on the board is probably the best in your wheel house on this one let's start with what is going on san diego do you think it's actually fair for these parents whose kids have been kept out of school the past year they feel like they obviously have not done as well as teachers would have done for migrant children to be actually getting in person learning before the actual students taxpayers students are getting that option as well. sure and so i don't know if it's about fear i think it's about the process that we're in because the children
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that we're talking about are unaccompanied children so they're not in the same category as the other children that are living in households although their own children the schools the teacher that are teaching these kids are doing it oh and clearly to address a concern making sure they're actually. there it's not exactly the same it's not apples to apples ok so ed is it apples to apples because i guess it's got a lot of parents pretty upset on this because they said they've been at home they know their children already a year behind basically what private education is their concern and now they're finding out what is the difference between a hispanic child and it will say it also is between the 2 i don't understand why one can gather in one can't. well scott it's not apples to apples i would say it's americans to not americans and the problem is that we're in a in about a 50 to 60 year trajectory of policy makers and judges changing our laws you know there is a law on the books from the early 1980 s. i think it's plyler veto that said that illegal alien children are
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a must be admitted must be admitted to our schools and we must pay for their education in 1902 that was a $5.00 to $4.00 decision by the liberal court it was insane then it's insane now it should be reversed it should be reversed by law as well as by judicial fiat but we have a problem in this country because the arc of the immigration move men and you know my colleague is right this is the process that the biden the strace who welcomes unaccompanied minors flowing into our country then we are required to take care of them we shouldn't be we should absolutely positively send all these kids back we should take care of our kids 1st the reason why donald trump succeeded in 16 with the america 1st initiative the notion was not just because he was persuasive it's because americans are sick of putting ourselves before other people love your neighbor as yourself you have to love yourself 1st you can't share in your neighbor be for serve your neighbor it for you serve your own kids and san diego right now
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the people there are getting a firsthand look at a system that degrades americans in favor of foreigners that's a choice but it's one that the american people have rejected should reject and will reject and it's a disaster well but that's the thing adage you point out it is legal though that is how the law fans right now whether you like it or not taxpayer that must provide it so alan to that point right there do you think that this could be a good way to actually get the conversation open to open to schools and said yeah go with that actually kind of be a win win for both sides in this situation right so so once again not out of their holes and the laws of the law it is whether we like it or not that's what we're. well the procedure right now and children should not be. any political system because that's not humanitarian because in general but it had nothing to do with the company there are over 6 so we should not punish children or whatever happened around them the growth of it the circumstance would be conversation for i believe
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we can do both we can start addressing the needs of the margaret children who have not been seen in court so they are not legal at this point because they are going to school so there are we going to respect as you would not call them illegal because until a court has decided what their routines are we can say here it is right there if you are undocumented at this point and then after that and this consideration is going to my teachers we can move towards opening schools that are process we can care about kidney disease heart disease and not say because you're focusing on getting a disease now you don't here are there's enough room for both solutions i like them all the testing but add back you know i do like that thought in that type of but unfortunately we're finding out we are saying and maybe you've seen that out with the cases you've seen how the numbers of sex trafficking that is going on within these crowds i'm really concerned about some of these kids my heart hurt for them for what this journey has been for them to get to america but i don't know if we know so i find a solution i do want to move up north and talk about what is going on and in
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oakland county right now you do have and we started out in this obviously very poor communities hit by the crowd of irony $500.00 a month for the next 9 months sounds like that would help but it's only available to people with dark skin and that's across the board the only ones who cannot get it are those of the caucasian race is that right is that fair. no of course not it's it's racist and it's bigoted and it's hateful and it's meant to divide us and the idea that elected officials are doing that and are now are being staying in offices and saying to me look i'm actually asking some common ground i'm actually for people that were affected by this coal in pandemic getting direct payments i'm a republican conservative but i see. that we have to do that it should be done based on need it should be de done based on poverty level it should be done based on race or gender or anything else and the idea that they're doing this and with a straight face making it acceptable to publicly say it is insane i mean if this was done if we did this in the deep south and we said only the white people can get
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a payment because we don't think those people over there deserve it there were right to slee i would join them in the end the protest that should throw everybody out of office but we have a nation right now where the signal is on the other networks that are just pump and fake news you have van jones saying if the cop in minneapolis is not convicted the message will be that it's a fair game on black people this is insane that people in power are trying to race bait america into a race war and that's what this is so we should all condemn it and then we should say stop because a pandemic we should pay we should help people with direct payments i'm for that but i'm not for this racist hateful conduct it's a disaster and it's un-american so alan your response that i do think that possibly could divide that community that's already hurting even more. so it was getting rather divide the community or not there are a couple of things that are to factually talk about this is some one individual
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personal money and the government is putting some guard or 1000 towards it or the need that they would have done for that community anyway and not that they're not doing for the other communities but this specific program is designed to see by people black people or people of color in their community which they feel have been displaced because i'm their procedures in that area as a local bank there are every where ok just stand by you stand by because above it's my money and i'm giving out the issue here is a small part of the government playing it into their getting buzz they are you have to sign to the buy possibility and they're going to start sending people over to this program to get the grant for that but the little bit convoluted makes it a little bit more so by law so these address redress that need to be asked just like race for the race was much bigger than cope and that lasted for much longer time went over in a lot of communities that impacted a lot of individual and disparity is shown in every early poll between women between men between people of color is consistently there between the words in the
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law we're not ever going to drift underlying issue and sort of make it right then if the private system steps in and says we want to be the we want to minister to people through the government knowing to get to the right neighborhood there really should be a problem that well i think and this is a conversation that definitely we continue to have i just don't know if $9000.00 at one time is enough if that's really what they're trying to solve as allan thank you so much for joining us and thank you. so after the break we're actually going to show you a way to earn a whole lot of taxpayer dollars by also getting a great tayeb well i mean a really good time and a lot of dollars stating. i've .
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as an individual committed a crime so these 2 divisions major crime trump. 2 years later when that individual is 40 are you still punishing the person who committed the crime. or is the person being punished for something that they were a completely different person at the time one doesn't expire one is a person's actions no longer you need to judge them for it and everyday basis. well here the white dust off your dancing shoes and buy your tickets because of
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broadway is coming back but is it too soon and is it fair when as so many other businesses in new york are still shut down stone joins us now to discuss sean thanks for joining us. of course ok so i'm actually very excited that broadway is planning on opening back up i had a great time actually the business is beginning to reopen to get at least from even a moral standpoint moral standpoint but considering new york city is still only allowed to be open to 50 percent capacity at restaurants and stores schools are still closed do you think this might be a little bit too early and should the mayor be focusing on the other elements before we even get to broadway. well i don't think it has to be a before or after conversation i mean we're still talking 6 months down the road down the road with broadway and let's be honest no one really knows what's going to be coming in the next 6 months we have you have to be concerned as far as the code vaccines experimental vaccine that's rolling out there's there's still cases of
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people getting komen after the vaccine we don't really know what the situation's in a look like so i think it's difficult to prophesy and say definitively but i think as far as morale goes certainly what the mayor is looking to do is he's trying to get money right people go to new york to go to broadway they go there to be part of the energy and without broadway new york isn't quite the same town and that's enough to draw tourists an entire month of dollars lost so i don't think you can d. prioritize broadway in any way but i'm not so confident to say that i would say definitively by september you're going to see a large number of shows or people flock into the theater well and it's not like something to stop at the next monday we're actually going to start up again we all know it's all there all ready to go i greet it definitely take the preparation but a lot of this is coming from this idea of the path part of the fact thien passport that's being developed it's really coming out of new york do you think that this possibly is one thing being pushed out right now basically to think of i say listen because proper authorities say they're going to have to have strict restrictions to get in to their shows do you think that's why we're going to starting
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a lot of the entertainment in the kind of the more casual day to day events opening back up as sort of an authentic to get people to get vaccinated. yeah unfortunately i think that that is part of the ploy. in same way krispy kreme is offering a free donuts no i think that there's a danger here where on one level you are constitutional issues around mandating it and so whether or not new york can ultimately force people to get the vaccine what they'll try to do is use private businesses and tech ticket sellers and what not to say well you'll have to get a vaccine passport or get a test you know in which case you can you know once you're test negative you can go to the show but you know again no this is not a this is infallible none of this is you know is perfected as far as you know we've you know as far as germs you know work and these kind of things i just don't understand exactly. how they can ever until until we till we've gone psychologically beyond this notion of a pandemic i think they're trying to normalize this idea of just doing everything
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with a mask with a vaccine passport and perpetuating as long as possible so that's really to me the danger of using this sort of candy as you know they say the carrot oh you can go back to the movie theater if you get your code vaccine or if you know if you comply i think it's very dangerous thing and other states i don't think will go along with it states like florida and others i think will be bastions of freedom in comparison to new york and i think that very thing a lot of people travel to those areas right now you know you meant to krispy kreme i can understand the shine krispy kreme free down out with a back think art isn't it kind of it even more susceptible to people that are overweight obese i don't know of donut that was really the right method we need to be thin into america when they need actually getting more healthy lay out the donuts if you want to stay away from the go ahead just stay and sorry comment on that which you know i also know why we're talking about broadway now our huge fan there are 2 new shows coming out diana as well as one on game of the round you know do you actually think i mean i got it a little hard your hollywood side of you broadway is known for giving their audience this great performer great performance do you think that you know those 22
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shows are going to be able to actually be made with already this great standing that the reputation the 2 groups have. oh well you know again it's difficult to know i mean a game of thrones it's already game of thrones already was a shakespearean experience i'm sure they can translate it nicely to the states diana i mean she's such an iconic figure no matter what you know the matter what they will be interest you know one of the thing want to point out is i think that you'll see more virtual experiences coming even with like the google glass concepts or the oculus concept of these virtual reality experiences that will perhaps replace some of that need to go to the theater if you don't want to have to comply with some of these standards or structure that's what failed to bring that up because let's talk about some of the movies right now you know i just went this weekend for the 1st time it was a private that i was with people that i knew my family but all these movies right now over the last year have been made basically released on streaming services available on a household t.v.
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theaters are starting to open up again but do you think people are going to start opting more to stay at home in their own convenience with their own snack bar are we going to ever go back to where we were in the movie industry and how does that change the actual making of film and pushing out. well you know again if it did press it depresses the overall economics of the film industry right if people are not paying for you know for a theater experience and they're paying for the streamers and on the other hand you can maybe maybe say i want to level it's like it is forces maybe more of the comic book movies the big blockbuster movies that we know you know the warner brothers and the paramount's and netflix and all these other companies and business will know that they have a staple audience that's you know basically demands it but it's like you lose that authenticity of those experiences where you know the moonlights of the world i'm just getting one example of a hit indie film that norwood expected to be a hit can that and can that type of film succeed when you have such
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a streamer based you know content looking for a wider audiences and how you know it's succeeding in this type of climate i don't know that's that's it we have to wait and see what the streaming service it seems like more of a quantity versus quality let's get as much as we can out there and it doesn't matter why they're playing the quality and the actual production of the film with a johnstone always a joy to talk with you you know. well we're going to go back to california because when you think of it you think of a gorgeous coastline down the beaches and with the exception of the glamorous character that from the show baywatch one would think that lifeguards actually just make a modest pay but guess what arty correspondent has died again as some rather shocking information to share might be a career change up. well less car do risk their lives according to newly released public information some are certainly getting compensated for it most of it in overtime there are some preconceived notions of a career lifeguard some of those included in the sense prestigious but that could
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be changing all some view it as a great low paid summer job for a teenager the mission will be spent 21 to paint quite a different picture the assistant lifeguard chief making over $390000.00 in 2018 the captain just behind him made over $130000.00 in overtime pay alone that you saw lifeguards were living the largest they should have behind it with some sinusitis made the top funnel in 2019 don thompson makes a salary of just over $125000.00 a year but he reportedly made more than $360000.00 in overtime pay alone bringing his annual income for that year to more than 575000 some paramedics in california are also able to make up for the high cost of living in 2019 a fire captain paramedic and else to read oh started with a salary of $168000.00 he made almost as much in overtime a whopping one 150000 total in his annual salary 420192441000
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gregory allen ever donned a beach made just over $87000.00 a year in 2019 with making over 200000 in overtime alone he took home over $420000.00 we still haven't seen the top honors for city workers in 20 maybe in the sense that there were police chiefs made just over $223000.00 with over 360000 in other pay and 182000 and benefits he's listed as making a total of $760000.00 for the year in 2018 a her most a beach police officer making $22000.00 a year managed to receive 5 126000 in other pay and 185000 in benefits totaling his annual wages for the year to be over $733000.00 now not all official figure. those have been released for 2020 but we do know that at least $1000.00 los angeles police department employees have made over $200000.00 for the year and we also know that the fire captain in los angeles as well made $585000.00 for the year reporting
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for news fuse houston sweets archie. well i have to say add a couple more zeros on that you might actually make them out of the politicians that appoint them to those positions but if anybody is you making it you know so some good dollars and i'm glad that it's the people there try to keep us safe especially after the year we pat that being said i'm not to be changing my career any time and it's because my skin burns probably through these days and that's all for today show i hope you don't do a critique but if you do make sure that you continue to watch news right there on our t.v. and for this show one more make sure you download the one of about t.v.'s you can get it on the app for android devices and we're going to continue the conversation on twitter at. tech team n.v.h. how do they want to thank you for watching and later have a great day. historically
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speaking in the cold war was a great ideological confrontation western liberalism versus soviet communism according to joe biden the great geo political struggle of our time is democracy versus autocracy for by we are in another great ideological struggle but there is a difference the west particularly the united states is the only ideological actor . an entire village in alaska. if another country run the white american. we do everything in our power. wanted a escaping. climate change this is the same. seems some of the fuss just coastal erosion in the world. about 30 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. this
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for. the river is 30 close. susan how. long was your boy i think were part of a thirst for the crime. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we see me very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids and invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the government's.
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top headlines here with european medicines agency countries to keep using the astra zeneca covert vaccine despite launching a probe into new cases of red blood clots potentially linked to the job also ahead for you. just pick a 2nd up the city did i know they did every stage of this epidemic we might say to ourselves that we could have done better that we made mistakes all this is true. a stock admission of failures in the handling of the pandemic by the french president the controversy passed for a 3rd national locked out. fears of a nursing exodus in the u.k. as a poll reveals.


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