tv Boom Bust RT April 1, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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if it takes us strategic command of 30 minutes to recognize a missed tweet how long before they recognize we're under attack. i'm pretty sure your strategic command just launched all the nukes. and maybe it was a secret code or not so secret messages to a foreign nation as who every time that was trying. looks like they kept walked on their keyboards. their programmer tons and half an hour. all of the information in the world when you put it together and process it simultaneously it adds up to 0 it adds up to nothing all the illusion of
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differentiation will be obliterated the illusion of making a profit will be obliterated because we're entering into a period of the singularity. historically speaking the cold war was a great ideological confrontation western liberalism versus soviet communism according to joe biden the great geo political struggle of our time is democracy versus autocracy for biden we are in another great ideological struggle but there is a difference the west particularly the united states is the only ideological actor .
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this is boom bust the one business show you can't afford to miss branch of war and washington coming up millions of jobs and vaccine doses are going to waste following a mistake from a 3rd party producer should have we bring you the latest on the fate of the united nations process and how south korea is using block chain in its fight against kobe and with the vaccination process heating up in the u.s. what could the future hold for the movie industry after its evolution in the age of coronavirus later on we dive into the subject of a packed show today. and we lead the program with an issue affecting production of copan $1000.00 vaccines now according to reports baltimore maryland based emergent bio solutions improperly mixed ingredients several weeks ago which contaminated. 15000000 doses of johnson and johnson's vaccine now the facility has been working with regulators for approval of its production lines and this event will surely delay that authorization as federal officials say the mistake was due to human
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error and this raises concerns are questions about the manufacture which entered the agreement with johnson and johnson in april of 2020 and it's key to the pharma companies planned deliver 100000000 doses of the vaccine in the united states by the end of may cornell records obtained by the associated press through the freedom of information act the food and drug administration has cited emergent bio solutions multiple times in the past for having poorly trained employees cracked files in moldova around one of its facilities emergent bio solutions has also been working with to produce the astra zeneca vaccine which still faces regulatory approval here in the united states this is where the mix up appears to have originated. and also on the back scene from pfizer and bio tech on thursday released new data about the efficacy of their drug companies even say the vaccine is effective against one of the dominant barriers which health officials worry could bypass the protection of cold vaccines or to correspondent site has more. so
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an updated face 3 of the trial date average but just released by pfizer shows that the vaccine provides more than and 91 percent protection against goldman 19 and that that protection last at least 6 months after the 2nd dose with no a safety concerns and more importantly brand it appeared to be fully effective against the worrying b. 1351 variant of the virus which closed the dominant strain i should say 1st appeared in south africa after researcher earlier feared that vaccines my not protect against still though pfizer did also announce that there would likely be a future need for a booster shot that specifically address new variant of variants that are out there that we don't know about yet and that the company was also preparing to upgrade its vaccine when needed now the significance of this is very important because another very end there be 117 which was 1st identified in the u.k.
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there it's already taking us firestorm you know thousands of cases of this variant have already been reported a majority of the cases in states like. florida michigan georgia and also a number of other states coming pretty close including pennsylvania new jersey north carolina texas and southern parts of california now although the c.d.c. they said they have more than 14000 of these cases of the u.k. very end in the u.s. officials thing that number is likely a lot more and now this very end has already caused chaos in parts of europe and health officials. here worry that if americans aren't careful and now the u.s. could be next now even the vaccines that are being administered across the u.s. which will protect people against this variant only 16.5 percent across the u.s. have been fully vaccinated and
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a big part of the population brand still remains very vulnerable to this virus and one of the big issues in fighting the virus is obviously identify cases in the f.d.a. actually made that easier thursday tell us about that you know you're exactly right and the best way to come back spread of this virus is to give people the tools to know that there are infected in real time something not available to consumers until now so the f.d.a. has just approved 2 covert rapid home tests so that consumers are going to be able to buy rapid test at pharmacies and grocery stores without a prescription which is a huge milestone now what makes these 2 tests so convenient is that an easy is that both test the results take no longer than 15 minutes and then you don't have to send him back to a lab which cuts days in getting your results back now neither company wolf these companies have released anything about pricing although they did say that tests
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will likely be prised very affordable you brant and there are some new closures that we have to be aware of so i can tell us about that. you know that's a that's actually true and couple actually france they just imposed a 3rd national lockdown as code in 1000 cases are once again surging they're calling it france 3.0 now calling the new faster spreading very end of the virus an epidemic with an epidemic of french president might want to call an extended a lockdown to the end higher country and close schools through the end of april now doctors say 1000 patients in france i.c.u. they're younger and younger often without any underlying health problems they were in saying that 44 percent of patients in i.c.u. there are younger than $65.00 now poland they're also taking measures a step further and imposing
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a nationwide 3 week lockdown after cases job week after week 44 percent now most of the new cases that we're seeing in france and poland there in part due to the aggressive varian which for some urgent the u.k. now meanwhile there in the u.k. the conversation has turned completely away from lockdowns as the nation celebrated a huge milestone in its fight against the virus with news that more than half of its a dog population has received at least one dose of that cough in 1000 vaccine brand or to correspondent side tavenner thank you so much keep us up to date. in south korea says it will join other nations an issue in fact seem passports to me immunize citizens now the south korean prime minister said a mobile app which will allow international child to show digital proof of vaccination will be officially launched to this month but what will make these vaccines passports unique is that they will use block chain technology joining us
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now to judges coast and block chain analyst ben swan now the concern for south korean officials is actually that people will counterfeit passports in order to gain entry into the country how does block change actually prevent this from happening. yeah i mean there's really 2 stories here right through one story is the story of of the more al of the of it right whether or not it's right or wrong to do this in terms of vaccine passports but there's a 2nd story which is the technological story so let me set aside the ideological side of it and just talk about the technical side of it because it is pretty interesting we're talking about blocking technology because look for those who don't fully understand block and you think it's only connected to currency block chain is the technical side of crypto currencies that allows for an adjustable unfundable ledger to be created and placed on line that cannot be tampered with it cannot be altered it cannot be changed that's the power of blog change that's why it works in a currency as
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a peer to peer transaction so what south korea is doing is saying we're going to use blog change to make sure that whenever someone is vaccinated their information is injured into a blocked chain it been lives in the block chain of a particular site not a particular server but it lives on the block chain and therefore it can't be altered or changed now if the next question is will some human has to enter that information that is true and so one way around that would be if someone were entering names into that system of people who they say are vaccinated who are not actually vaccinated but aside from that happening someone can just simply hat in and be able to alter the block chain it can't happen and know very not the only place actually using black chain technology new york is actually instituting a similar measure right now correct. yeah they absolutely are in fact they're doing a similar type of thing it's using q.r. codes that would be attached to people who get the vaccine it'll be on their phone and then they're actually building their system on the i.b.m. block so i.b.m.
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has established its own blog they've been in this space for a long time now probably at least 6 or 7 years and so they've been building block chain block chain technology for some time so they're actually supporting this through block chain technology they're able to say ok again if you have this q.r. code it's been given to you it is then recorded on the block james you can't go in and alter or change it and it's not a paper passport where someone can can obviously alter it or create their own kind of forged counterfeit documents and now the biden assertion actually reportedly working with private companies to create an app based vaccine passport system as well meanwhile some prominent republicans are actually pushing back against this what do we know about that. yes so my demonstration he said is working with with technology companies private sector technology companies in order to establish some kind of national vaccine passport system the pushback though we are starting to see i think the probably the most high profile republican pushing back against it is rhonda santas of florida he made
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a statement on monday to say that florida not only will not allow vaccine passports but he's going to issue an executive order in florida it will be temporary he says that it's an executive order that essentially outlaws the demand by private businesses or government entities of seeing vaccine passports in order for people to go into a business be able to get a service those kinds of things he says that he's going to make it temporary because he is going to as the florida state legislature to in trying it in the law in the state of florida so he's probably the loudest critic of it though there are a lot out there and i think what we're going to see in the united states as opposed 'd to some of these other countries is of a robust debate 'd and downright fight over whether or not vaccine passports fit into our constitutional republic and whether or not it's lawful but that's again separate from the the argument of the technological side absolutely and it's up there we'll definitely keep an eye on because during the pandemic you go one thing to the next you know if we didn't know that all these it things would become an issue and now we're into the privacy aspect of
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a boom bust co-host and investigative journalist ben swan thank you so much for breaking it down for us thanks for. and opec plus producers have agreed to boost oil production over the next 3 months in hopes of increased demand as the vaccine roll out takes hold worldwide now the increase comes due to a compromise between saudi arabia who look to maintain existing output levels and russia producers will add at least $350000.00 barrels per day in production in may in june and $450000.00 per day in july saudi arabia will also roll back its voluntarily cuts of $1000000.00 barrels per day put in place in january and in those cuts by the end of. july so for more on the state of oil and what's moving markets on thursday let's bring in octavia moran's the c.e.o. of optimist l.l.c. i say they're always a pleasure to have you on what was your takeaway from thursday's opec plus meetings and what is your outlook at oil at this point. well i think opec has been
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remarkably successful sort of fine tuning the price of oil and keep it in a very very narrow band and that seems to been their goal so at the beginning the crisis we saw oil prices absolutely claps as demand just evaporated no one was traveling in known as flying ships were going anywhere so they engineered a turnaround then basically got the price of oil back up above $60.00 a barrel by putting into place some very aggressive cuts now they seem to want to keep the price there a bit but they're thinking that the man is going to start to take off again and so they're going to ease their production costs and really fine tune this bit by bit i will say this i think opec is reading a different set of news and i think the world economy is far from recovering any time soon sudden not in may the way they're southern district about these production cuts being rolled back so i think if opec is going to want to keep oil a $60.00 a barrel the program have to go back to the production cuts and so this would jump the gun a bit the world economy is not ready or they'll just accept that so oil will dip a bit below $60.00 a barrel which is something to
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a certain extent that we've actually already seen where they kind of rolled back some cuts and then had to reinstitute them as well i want to take a look at markets octavio the 3 major indices here in the united states all not positive growth for the 1st quarter of the year the dow grew 7.8 percent the nasdaq was up 2.8 percent and the s. a p. $500.00 now an all time highs up 58 percent meanwhile things are still going up thursday after the announcement of president biden's big infrastructure package do you see this market momentum sustainable or are we really in for more of a correction. well you know they go is say that the trees don't grow to the sky that we're sort of testing that theory here at the moment with the stock prices so i think the driving force is really not been so much the infrastructure spending stimulus bill actually really good it'll actually gets its way into infrastructure stimulus which is kind of interesting if you read through that i think the driving for. has really been the shed and them pumping a lot of money i mean
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a very loose monetary policy and that has helped markets tremendously so as long as they keep doing that i think the markets will keep on going up and i think the fed seems sort of oriented towards keeping this momentum going and if they see that sort of special but i think they'll cut interest rates a bit further bear in mind interest rates in the u.s. actually now are quite high it by international comparison so if you compare to europe fall u.k. or japan a lot of those places have negative interest rates way out to the 10 year mark even further that's not the case in the u.s. so there's still some margin for the fed to pump more money in and lower interest rates even further boost the stock market even further however one system we will see a correction will see a severe correction so that starts things i think look out for her one last point before we go on with the global semiconductor shortage taiwan semiconductor manufacturing a major supplier for the likes of apple so it's going to invest $100000000000.00 over the next 3 years to increase production capacity as demand just continues to
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skyrocket the shorter it has affected everybody including the auto industry now on the news here some see stock was up as much as 5 percent how important is this in now summit and is the shortage going to eventually take a real toll on tech metaxa actor. well i think this is we're almost insatiable appetite for chips in all sorts of bizarre places you would never expected them to be before so it was sort of if it was like the lowly light switch now it's becoming a smart switch and has a chicken better too as so it can communicate why via wife i with the rest of the house and and turn on your coffee maker from your your mobile phone so we're seeing more and more demand for chips for sensors and that is going to carry on for the foreseeable future the production of chips will fall a bit behind that so there hasn't been as much investment in new chip manufacturing plants as might expect now taiwan semiconductor manufacturing and now it's $100000000000.00 investment intel in announce a $20000000000.00 investment in new plants in the u.s.
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so these big chip manufacturers are really stepping up to the plate and investing large amounts of money to get their production up but bear in mind it takes quite a few years to get a chip manufacturer part up and running it's not like you put 100000000000 dollars on the table and tomorrow you're up and running it takes years and years and it takes years to optimize it and get all the production facilities up and running it's going to some time before this investment really hits the market has an impact on supply area where the c.e.o. of. thank you so much for lending your insight today. thank you. it's time now for quick break but when we come back our movie theater is set for a major boom after the vaccination process on the other side of the pod we bring in a true analyst to give us his outlook as we get a break here are the numbers at the close all green arrows on the board today.
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in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. looking at the coast of cuba and on the west but us the up most of us who got chills for lisa bloom things in their lives at the dock national scale back home black american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. is that not the smug that he'll be
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a loser will show them one by else a store on the by doing. so they decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the african americans who were to prove you're not in the united foundry the crowd. to moulay a dwarf you know going to go for you and now almost a 100 years later. history is repeating itself my great grandfather george time winds russia. probably the worst time to go anywhere why not mean. it when i come here. as an individual community crime some of the student international community crying and trying. to years later in my mind. are. the person committing the crime. is the person being punished for something that they were
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a completely different person at the time one lives in exile or one isn't theirs and options no longer judge them for us and every day basis. their welcome back microsoft has won a contract worth up to $21000000000.00 to build customized versions of its augmented reality hollins goggles for the united states army now this follows a 2018 contract between the 2 parties for prototypes of the integrated visual augmented system of the latest deal will involve production versions of the technology which cost $3500.00 apiece the plan is the supply of the entire army close combat force with the technology accounting for more than 120000 soldiers now according to reports microsoft will develop a quote heads up display for the soldiers allowing information to be projected onto
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a visor in front of their faces and will produce are included other features such as night vision on the news microsoft's stock was up more than 3 percent at points throughout the day. and it's been over a year since movie theaters in the united states and much of the world were closed due to the global pandemic corney of the motion picture association box office revenue for 2020 in the u.s. was down 80 percent with the global box office revenue falling 72 percent now of course the recovery in china and other asian markets later in the year helped push those numbers up just slightly on the global side in recent months things have started to slowly reopen as we near the highly lucrative summer blockbuster season in fact warner brothers and legendary entertainment godzilla versus kong had a massive opening last weekend in china making 70000000 dollars that's the biggest opening for a foreign film in the country since the start of 2020 meanwhile the film just hit
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theaters and streaming this week in the united states make die point $6000000.00 on wednesday alone while that is a small number compared to china and other major blockbusters the biggest single day box office for a film in the cove it era these numbers are expected to grow as it hits more than 3000 screens this week it let's go ahead and take a look at the state of the industry with our friend paul the garabedian he's a senior media analyst with com score paul always a pleasure to have you on what's your takeaway from the godzilla versus kong having this best opening amid the pandemic is this just because it's actually because it's highly anticipated or or is it more about it being a popcorn flick that fell as theaters are starting to reopen. i think you nailed it in this on the 2nd part of that it's definitely a combination of vaccines being more widely distributed a big movie entering the leaders in north america we're going to be at around 60 percent at the years open contrast that with just
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a few weeks ago where about 40 percent at the doors were open of course rewind back a year march 20 2020 is when theaters essentially shut down in north america we went from world over 5500 theaters to about 500 overnight and it really like you said in the numbers earlier 80 percent down in north america this is great news for the industry because godzilla versus kong is right now available on small screens on h.b.o. max yet we had a record day wednesday 9600000 for the film this portends a really strong opening to wind up being the biggest opening weekend during the pandemic and like you said the those numbers seem small like 9600000 for wednesday but in this limited marketplace it's a very good number and now we hear a lot about how it would make in this push to get films to perform in the chinese market are we going to continue seeing this trend as we move forward paul. yeah
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well look for the china became the biggest movie market in the world in 2020 and that was because of the pandemic really shut down the north american market so now china has become the the biggest player in terms of box office that's going to shift back towards north america but certainly this means that china is one of the most important movie markets in the world both the local china produced movies and now as we're seeing with godzilla versus kong are really key to that market and that market is he did those movies so china huge player imax a big player in china obviously these big movies really demand that big screen treatment and i think that's why we're seeing people opting in for the big screen for a movie like godzilla versus kong rather than the small screen but the small screen is there if they want it that's the beauty freedom of choice people definitely the consumers in the driver seat for sure now i want to talk about this because
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a few weeks ago h.b.o. max actually released a rico of a major movie that they released the justice league film known as the last night or cut i always that situation actually received within the industry and could we actually see more of that type of content streaming where it's maybe a reek of another movie that maybe didn't perform as well as we had hoped. i think that's one the coolest things about streaming where else you can be able to have a filmmaker like zack snyder get a redo on this movie get to have it at 4 hours in length the bandwidth is unlimited on h.b.o. max or on any streaming service for that the industry i think is digging it because it's another way to grab people towards the small screen but still recognizing the importance of these movies for the big screen but it definitely offers up a lot of opportunity for movies and film you know filmmakers and their movies to tell different stories maybe they get to modify their stories
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a little bit and get another chance to tell that on a small screen but the big screen still i know for zack snyder i think he's even planning a big screen release of the snyder cut as well and i honestly i was surprised how much i enjoyed a 4 hour film but i think he did a great job with that and also the room great so brothers who did the avengers film the last 2 avengers films are also saying they could possibly if they could get the funding maybe a 6 hour version of that that might be ridiculous and that leads me to my. avatar actually released a child out to overtake avengers as the highest grossing film in history do you actually had anticipated this day and marvel will retake that throne eventually with some screenings i got about 35 seconds for it. yeah i think these 2 titans of cinema been locked in this box office battle one surpassing the other and of course avatar avatar was a fox film and now it's under disney so they kind of control both of those films and audiences love avatar and in china that box office was able to push it over the
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top but that crown may be taken over by another film at some point you never know yeah it's going to be interesting to see it because when we have fishley see all those theaters opening this might be a 2023 situation what that blockbuster is going to be might even be avatar 2 that really takes that to the next ball the garabedian of com score absolutely thank you so much for your insight today. thank you brant. that's it for this time you catch boom bust on demand on portable t.v. available on smartphones and tablets through google play in the apple app store by searching portable t.v. you can also be downloaded on newer models smart t.v.'s as well as roku devices or simply check it out at portable t.v. will see that.
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all of the information in the world when you put it together and process that simultaneously. it adds up to nothing all the illusion of differentiation will be obliterated the illusion of making a profit. literally because. of the singularity. historically speaking the cold war was a great ideological confrontation western liberalism versus soviet communism according to the great geo political struggle of our time is democracy versus autocracy for biden we are in another great ideological struggle but there is a difference the west particularly the united states is the only ideological actor .
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