tv Dennis Miller One RT April 2, 2021 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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it is just a variation on the dot com frog which is a variation on the mortgage sub prime frog if you remove the frog the g.d.p. would be it would be negative 20 percent. i folks next up on dennis miller plus one we're going to talk to actor frank grillo you've seen him in some mega franchises. the captain america and also the purge both of those i think he was and also did a great cool little film i think keep fine it's maybe a 5000000 dollar indy film called the great flick and it's got a new one coming out it's streaming on hulu called boss level some sort of time loop that he's got a new one coming out on hulu streaming channel called boss like sort of a time loop thing he's got a new one coming up on hulu streaming called boss level he's got. like i did that a similar plus one. hey
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folks welcome to dennis miller plus one scats taking care of himself 55 years old i just met him obviously know the work i think i've seen try i think frank's been in every american movie since 1904 it would seem to me your guy works of these appeared in the popular franchises like captain america and the purge i think he also did the purge election that and stars in the new fell boss that's now streaming on hulu please welcome frank grow frank are you mama no you're good brother are you good you want to break down the promise of boss love or the name 1st because i'm an old square monster boss level means something that i should know but i'm not. yeah has to do with you know the gaming video games getting to the
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boss well. and basically it is a it's in only. to those over the top eighty's kind of action r. rated movie just you know not a whole lot of thinking is necessary you know like 90 minutes long and it's you know it's in this movie it is groundhog day meets dial and. you know i'm stuck in a tie and loop and there's a bunch of assassins trying to kill me over and over again i don't know why and i kind of figure it out through the movie him and discover my son while i'm doing this so it's you know it's fun it's mindless kind of entertainment stuff that i used to watch when i was a kid. now is there a 3 hour time difference between. east coast time. and a west coast time opus's. that is a very good question so that it coming here evening the title of the west coast
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already very it's do not go to heat now block it like time space continuum. frank you know it's funny is when you talk to young to you will buy this they've already moved title open to the common lexicon like they know exactly what they're talking about i listen to my kids talk and i'm certain over here still trying to figure out how jeff goldblum became the fly in the transporter chamber 6 feet apart and they've got all the lingo that you have to say kids today are much more i don't know if they're wiser but they're more brilliant as fuck and yet you know what they did that's a good point there my kids i have 3 sons they're not wiser they're not i swear to you they're not but they do know more they know more about stuff that i try to and passed over me because i was too old and. because of that they think they're
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smarter than. i look i always tell them listen i would have been smart during puberty too if i could pick something up in my hand hit 4 buttons and know every answer for god sakes i was that we had hit a playboy under a bridge it was like the ark of the covenant for god sex that's a square we were batman. so you could play police it was a big big keep it in a pot that was you know that was the jade. good of regular loan the film is boss level and that explains it it's about an escalated game of expert level of expertise on the game it's now streaming on hulu you know i read that you like to do a lot of your own stunts obviously if it is a shuttle and i remember that interstitial. turner classic movies where john frankenheimer was lauding his friend in me like castro over the years frank you
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have to go back and watch as they showed a clip package of burt on the train it's called doing his own xians and it is you just think this guy the realest of all deals why are you drawn to do in your own stuff you like the legitimacy of it. yeah i mean look you know you know look i mean i'm a working actor on the journey and when you do your own stunts 1st of all right you do your sister your friend the camera stays on your face when my stunt guys doing it you know they're going to cut back and forth and it's on my back and so in the beginning it was like women i'm going to do everything i can to keep my face on screen because i don't know how long i'm going to be on screen and i just i think i was good at it was something finally that i was pretty ok and i always from there on you know i was doing my own fight stuff except for jumping out of buildings and pretty much like in this movie i do my own driving it i mean it's a hoot you know i'm 55 years old so any time i can have some fun you know i take
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advantage now i guess you learn a lot of the good of the body bonder on driving stuff when you did wilma that fell on my dog and you must have gone back to watch ryan o'neal's the driver and he had it on the column frank when he would drive but it was so beautiful he didn't have the sift on the floor who saw in the car and you could tell the note was rather your face is implacable seamless show no. you're just the beast it was. yeah the lead danger take you by the way real men was my partner knight 1st movie together as a company and now we don't need it for 5000000 bucks but i did my own all my own driving and all of that force command work as me and it was you know again getting to getting to learn how to really perceive and drive at my age was it's a joy it's
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a gift. listen i had the guy on the show recently joe manganiello and he talked you know like stork outas in the gym and he's a man you could tell his indoor friends are so you know like he just digs lights and he said it allows him that confidence that you're throwing with stuff like the arts and you know the skill of driving he said it just allows me to walk through life with the confidence is if you're going to be in your movies and you're not going to walk through some level of confidence man they're going to tear you to shreds i assume it's the same for you when you walk through it. it's exactly the same it's why a box you know i box every day still with top notch trainers and i i do shrink and conditioning and it's i walk through the world comfortable confident. it doesn't helps in my work it helps in my like helps as raising my kids i kind of instill that in them too and look i think confidence a lot of times just being confident kind of bandaids the lack of talent that i have
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so i don't know there are facts and your chops and chops are good we're talking to frank grow up frank's got a flick coming out on hulu streaming on hulu called boss level that i know your age or and your mid fifty's i think you're from new york city i know tysons i think 56 of new york you must you must have been a demo day as a boxer in the day back because that's that's like sweet spot back that needs to be on when that guy came under scene i remember i was i was i think i was a busboy in a restaurant mike tyson saw on television and i was a what does that guy because before mike tyson you know i grew up we grew up in the era where you know an on on sunday sports on a.b.c. that you could watch on how mentally fight joe frazier i mean it was amazing you know i mean. and then tyson came along it was a whole the whole new thing i'm a little disappointed in the heavyweights nowadays but it's getting
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a little it out a little bit better. and it's not like that was i remember i remember he used to tear the ramada tao you have all these cats coming out in silk robe it get the green stripe or moderates out carrot no socks it walk at it look at margaret's frazier's somehow god bless them he's at 195 his dad stuck them in the go in upper class because joey should be his he's at ringside even joe's rethink in this isilon . whatever's frazier looks them does all men like could you green let me to get out of here because look at this he i think it's more the club and perhaps one person somebody says with. oh no did you know that he came out those black police no socks the towel i mean what if one of your people talk shust saw him so weird there was people talking about what it is about tyson people are still interested and they said no man you have no idea this
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guy is a singular specimen and he did things to the boxing world that no one else i don't care if he's the best boxer or was it this guy changed the sport for well he was in it and he still there were he still do it funny. well we're back we'll talk to frank about is where he starts out he's a hard work about must he must take the action and he's got another film coming up that the hit man's wife spotted that i remember the hit man's bodyguard this was actually the sequel explain that to us more with and by the way folks go back and watch wilma good film top thriller little gem i didn't even know what i was getting into but i dig driving films and this one's this one surgeon's boss level is the new one streaming on hulu frank grillo right after this and dennis miller plus one .
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is an individual community crime so nice to be an international community trying trying to break even 20 years later one night individuals 4 of you are used to accomplishing the person who committed the crime or is the person being punished for something that they were a completely different person at the time one needed expire one is a person's actions no longer love you need to judge them for and every day basis. an entire village in alaska. if another country trying to wipe out an american town . we do everything in our power to protect the. water they escape in the climate change. poses the same threat right now alaska does seem some of the fuss just coastal erosion in the world we lost about 30000 feet. 30000 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. it is back in
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pieces the river is 3 closers a. year or i think we're part of america 1st from the crowd. who are here. hey folks have a great time with rag growers talking more about tyson during the break we just left an hour because he has that great all time. everybody's got a plan till they get it in the face indeed mike indeed for a girl as our other guest you've seen with captain america the purges both those but i think i'm as done like 3rd films it seems in the last 8 years or something as a new film boss level that streaming on hulu time loop thing and just
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listen and not doing citizen kane here but it's an entertaining hour that's anything like that hit man i guarantee it will me and i guarantee you'll be entertained out there was so let's talk about your bret background a low frank and maybe we can probe why you work and so hard you come from a hard work and family are brock's good right. yes on the broadcast here on a i'm a kid of immigrants you tell you to immigrants southern for southern italians you know who gave us the island that. you might not my father never really had a career he had a series of jobs but but the one thing he instilled in me that it was you put your shoes on and you go to work and whatever success i've had in this business has come later in my life so you know i'm just like just keep working you know i got a bunch of kids take care of and i don't know when it's going to end so i put my shoes on and i go to work you know. i'm trying to think frank why why did it as we said you're in your mid fifty's now it seems like it determined you got the mug for
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coming out your twenty's when you're still baffled by life or how did you hit earlier mad yeah you know i didn't i did as i started out on soaps in new york in my twenty's i didn't really want to be an actor to be honest with you. i got i got through it i was doing some television in l.a. and i was making a living i come from a family where my father never made more than $13000.00 a year so if i was making $100000.00 i was doing pretty well at all. and then i did a movie called warrior with with note and i got to spend time with nick and he kind of he kind of explained what acting was to me and i'm by then i was in my forty's and i thought i was doing pretty well it was on t.v. series stuff. but nick made me fall in love with this whole thing this prosecution that word the process and from that experience would not be on warrior it changed
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my children trajectory quite well as yeah i mean i could from that time to chart me really what acting how to act how to create things it and it changed my life it really changed my my life and my career. there's been ups and downs but i'm in a good place i mean i pretty much work when i want to i can feed my family and it's an ok life it's a pretty good mike welnick building regs out in richmond poor maddest jordache when he's young he's a boxer and you're looking at him playing who's a scat this is a guy on the cover i am because you just here's a star in the making and you know d.d. and what was the swing thought that loosen your your brain up as far as acting that was a given you technique stuff or did he give you some medicine out that kind of freed you up well you know you know while all the other do is we do what they were doing nick was alone so gavin o'connor the director he said
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a minute you hang out with nicole i feel bad he's by himself and nick will always carry a big binder you know i don't mean she's crazy but it was this is his bible like his character's bible and i was like what is that you know i thought learning the lines was good enough and this guy sat me down and showed me how to create how we does it out and by the way and i stayed on from school with my mother to watch richmond form in a movie at member they would they were mini series they don't have them anymore but i remember seeing this young blonde haired mop blunt this stuff and nick had nothing else to do so we would talk for hours and it just it just lit a fire in so i needed something to get me passionate about it and it was nick nolte . i meant he probably needed something to because i you know once you start falling out of that leading man thing and you got in the goshi a lesson like it's
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a lot harder i know i'm not being a was share but there is some navigation if you want to still stay in a game and make it look becoming i'm sure not this gung throw and all of a sudden must of been good for him to be a van killer and have some cats at his name who needed a little insight it's probably cathartic for him to yeah yeah i mean look i do it now i do it with it for me with my children kind of going through the you know life and it does it gets it's good for it it's good for them it's great for. now listen i know another cat who musta made a dent on you because i really love the movie the gray and i see your one boys named liam so i assume the big man made a dad but i watch les in the other night a film a romantic film about italy between a father and son of loss of life is not the greatest film of the world but he was he doesn't have a false moment even in something that is not exactly it all said and i thought man this guy i ever a time i've seen liam neeson from day one he's been good at this stuff what was he like on the flip look i saw him i saw
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a liam neeson on stage with laura linney 2 of the crucible arthur miller and i'm the father jim a bit of a father junkie because my father was a little you know and when he came on stage i see this big man with this big beautiful face my wife was craig said we're naming the kid liam right. we name our son liam and then 6 years later i get a call from joe carnahan to come do the grey did a movie called the grey would leave. and it came full circle i went mentally ill and i told him the story it i thought wait he's going to think i'm crazy or he's going to get it and he you know he's a poet he's a big irish poet and he was crying and then i mean i introduced my look mightily and it was it's been. that was a great and he's become a great friend much the way mel gibson is in this movie mel's become a really good friend. you know. willis i got to become friends with these guys
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weirdly that i used to kind of look up to and watch. tell me about mel because listen i remember meeting him years ago he was on s n l one was the host of our business and i think the host it and i really like the i know who knows where life takes you who knows where substances take i know how to flip out follow some nuts not trying to sit here make all my eyes i don't know the guy that well but i would say what he sings i was watching your living dangerously the other night is about as pretty a boy as you can get and he's just killing it he's killing that bill the liberally early on now he's a tether old i'd see him walk in iran in the lord of the rings beard and have the valves and in your tween there's a life lived that i always find his chops amazing are all i got to be not only is he one of the great maybe one of the best we can do to be sure that i think that that's ever going to st in a man like he's a man look he's had his problems substance abuse was was the genesis of this of all
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that stuff but when i tell you i've gotten to know this dude a great dude a great who was fixed his life since maybe one of the top 5 directors i think that are around today i mean you know braveheart. you know it's apocalypto. and a humble just cool dude to hang out with you know we did a press together yesterday and he's you know i said hey doing merely because i can still get to the bathroom by myself. and the funny bit because. there's a thing folks when we were talking earlier about cancer culture listen i know there are some people who do some things they shouldn't come back from i get that i'm a human being too i read about certain things like a listen go go forth and live if it's not a gel of all thing but i'm over you know that that's just too weird for me there
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are other things i don't know enough about and all i know is i start canceling every human being. who up somewhere along the way i get it can i get a reverse engineer back to me and then cancel me for godsake who out there right nice things and say this guy's got to go is not had a moronic moment mera life i think i know the new good to purge i'm asking for a thing called the reset where we do a movie where everybody takes a week says every crazy thing. or they want to look at that we get it out of the way go go forth and prosper listen i mean i'll take any role in that i mean because i mean i've seen a couple my friends their lives have been dish excuse me to shore it over things that they were accused of not even things that were proven just things they were accused of 20 years ago. i mean we probably have some mutual friends and it's like
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wait of you're talking about a guy who's got a family who's worked his entire life and i look i'm i'm all for like you know protecting people who've been hurt but it's crazy where this world has come i mean it's amazing to really is. now well listen everybody is looking over their shoulder so much that i have some linda blair operation where they can snip a tendon and you can just wear your head looking back that way for most your day because that's where all the incoming scum and. you know we're talking to our friend rag girl it's got a new flick it's on hulu streaming boss level and another one as i said i believe i've heard of the original one of this is called the hit man's bodyguard this one's called the hit man's wife's body that i worry in the 1st year in the saying tell me about it for you know that it's basically oh yeah it's it sure it's ryan reynolds and jack's and some of myself jesus what a callous what
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a cast on how to write you hope to get him for me and you're in it that that's a hell of a cast their brother yes and it's fun to seem kind of kind of a large to you it's a lot of blowing up in chases a lot of humor that i kind of dig i love a lot of you know. bathroom humor but it works again it's a nice it's 88 minutes long you know to me it's fun yeah ryan reynolds absolutely floors me on on social media there's a lot of there's a lot of empty holes out there drove a lot of deals on social media ryan reynolds never disappoints on valentine's day they said the girl of my dreams for the forseeable future. that made me laugh aloud what a good day and how much air in the us and blake lively coming up that show me like
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18 chisel drips in a row and then she runs into this kid's i guess lady since him or them and he says funny as hell so i think i don't really good a match made in heaven there hey in closing man i want to ask about 2 guys because i know you must follow i'm a big u.f.c. fan. i think to be bobby asli you say you had father stuff to be babs lowly devastated i don't know if he does decide to come back and he's packing up that anchor about life mistreating him because of his that i don't want to be across from you seek a bit of him back and i don't know congress trying to sell the whiskey guy get it but you cannot go out and sell that whiskey if you get your pick the other time in a row it starts the imbalance you see there any other backbone i see could be coming back i do i don't know when but i do it i mean obviously could be wrong but connor is an interesting thing because you know that the whiskey aside he's
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a guy who just like tyson matter if tyson one of the last huge are showing up to watch tyson fight with gore let's. think of the way the u.s.c. is i think mcgregor's got a bit of that still now i don't know how long it'll last i don't know how it's going to affect his is this is that or you know the whiskey business for instance but. i don't think it will ever seek to be fight content that's why i don't yeah i don't want to see that because listen i was at the cowboy fight one can light up a 20000 seat room and a 2nd but when you're in with the smother or you know what when he goes eastern block with that hat come in and in your thing again this cat is like a malevolent octopi he gets on me we're not getting up we're going to rub my face on the chain link for 15 minutes it's like he should begin with and you get. yeah and look you know to congress critters i'm good friends are jumping he just didn't
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we just put him in a movie that we i did with jerry butler. veteran i mean he kind of grettir took him apart i never saw that coming so the guy surprises the you know sometimes you watch him and he's like he doesn't show up and then he beats guys that i don't think he really beat which is which is interesting so but not in that league of. the plant now well listen man i've had a great time talking to frank i hope we break bread on the road to the so this is a cat i would have met a p.j. clarke for a drink back when anybody still went out at night but. to see it when we get this behind he's got a new film out streaming on hulu called boss level another one coming out ones when can we expect the hit man's wife bodyguard with a frank ones that come out of yeah i think that one comes out in june because you're trying to put it in theaters so little later in the year yeah if you're on
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the cusp right now and you don't want to do streaming i might as well hold on their cards for a 2nd because i think since january 20th miraculously the figures are going down we might be back in the theaters a little later on i don't know how but i don't know but i see no other. than that more and a blast ago as opening theaters in new york to 25 percent capacity and that worked perfectly because last time i was in a new york theater 3 out of 4 people or more and screaming at the scrape so we take them on it's just maine there you go back in the theater business frank big yellow good to talk to you brother. my brother we'll talk soon. later gator bye bye frank grillo pokes that is miller for us while.
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in the 1920 s. and thirty's several 100 african-americans moved to the soviet union and many of their descendants still live in russia. looking at the post because along the rushed us throw up our stuff yes it. took on things that their child. back home black american suffered from racism and a complete lack of prospects. is that lump us mugged the real. one by elsa store on the by doing. so they decided to leave everything behind and
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start a new life in a country about which they knew almost nothing at all some of the african americans who were to sylvia during the night. found great crowds. to moulay a go if you will go on to call clues and now almost a 100 years later the history is repeating itself my great grandfather charts time went to russia. probable wars try to go anywhere why not leave. a letter and i come here. historically speaking the cold war was a great. ideological confrontation western liberalism versus soviet communism according to joe biden the great geopolitical struggle of our time is democracy versus autocracy for biden we are in another great ideological struggle but there
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is a difference the west particularly the united states is the only ideological actor . and that lines this friday a test and trace britain's 37000000000 pound tracing system shows the limited effectiveness after almost a year in operation as the findings published in one of the u.k.'s major medical journals. doctors venting their fury at present for failing to deliver on his promise to speed up banks and nations for overwhelming covert case loads. would lose a conviction this we believe the government is to blame for the fact that we have to work incredibly slowly and put at the same time in a completely gruelling regime. also the social media police arrested again for.
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