tv The Big Picture RT April 2, 2021 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT
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the mogul of the black hole. one police officer is killed and another injured in a car ramming outside the u.s. capitol the suspect is shot dead at the scene. germany says it's ready to go it alone and getting vaccines if the e.u. fails to fix its stagnant program those concerns were shared by the world health organization's executive director for europe in an exclusive interview with our chief international. bodies along i'm frustrated at the moment we're long because flu rapidly approaching 1000000 deaths in the european region but also because we don't see the sparks reaching across the aisle. and french doctors vent their fury at president makarov for failing to deliver on his promise to speed up vaccinations
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while frontline medics tackle yet another surgeon cope with patients. should lose a bit of mystery we believe the government is to blame for the fact that we have to work incredibly slowly but at the same time in a completely gruelling regime. those are world news headlines for this hour i'll be back with more in just about 60 minutes so stay tuned. on what was a friday afternoon in november of 1963 our junior high school principal never made an announcement on the p.a. system it was only later on the school bus that i learned that president kennedy had been shot in 1963 of these. school bus was social media fast forward to
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911 traveling as much as my work required of me at the time i immediately called my mom and dad to assure them that i was not on one of those fateful flights and i asked my mother who would have been aged 20 on pearl harbor day how does this compare to that and without hesitation she says this is much worse on pearl harbor day we knew who attacked us fast forward to january 6th 2021 we knew who attacked us then and they didn't even have to penetrate our border this stuff didn't happen overnight years ago sarah pale and published a map that put crosshairs over gabrielle giffords congressional district and then in 2016 candidate donald trump i have the most loyal people did you ever see that where i could stand in the middle if if they have a new and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any vote and so ok it's like
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incredible. if you see somebody getting ready to throw tomatoes knock the crap out of what you sears. ok just not i promise you i will pay for the legal fees i promise i promise even rock ribbed righties had to rationalize trump's very unpresidential matter and as we post-mortem to his unlikely 2016 when we asked conservative texas radio and t.v. pundit paul gleiser. many many times though i voted for this president cringe at what he says and how he says it i nevertheless concede that had he not campaigned the way he did he would have lost and none of those other 16 republicans up there on that board are with him when it all started had any chance of beating hillary clinton it was trump's way that won and so the thing that the goal to me about the 2012 election was how gentle. and mitt romney was right in his losing effort
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back to the future as this president steps up to the public health crisis his predecessor tried to wish away and tackles the social crisis trump spawned by relentlessly branding covert 19 the china virus too often we've turned against one another a mask the easiest thing to do to save lives sometimes it divides us states to lead against one another instead of working with each other vicious hate crimes against asian americans who've been attacked harassed plain and scapegoated at this very moment. so many of them our fellow americans are on the front lines of this pandemic trying to save lives and still still. forced to live in fear for their lives just walking down streets in america on my very 1st show here on our t.
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america i asked are we really that angry now 4 years later look where we are 49 percent of republican men said they don't intend to get the vaccine how much of a difference will it make a president trump leads a campaign for the people who are most devoted to him to actually go out and get the vaccine chris i think it would make all the difference in the world he's a very widely popular person among republicans if he came out and said go and get vaccinated is really important for your health the health of your family and the health of the country it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are his close follows would listen to him he's such a strongly popular person i cannot imagine that if he comes out that they would not get vaccinated in the very helpful to the effort for that to happen i'm very
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surprised at the high percentage of republicans who say they don't want to get vaccinated i don't understand where that's coming from this is not a political issue this is a public health issue. eventually a trump took the head and phoned it into fox news but if the global pandemic cannot unite us can anything or can we simply toggle back to that feeling of togetherness and unity we felt in the wake of 911 let's ask author a psychotherapist and psychology today columnist nancy collyer who is bent of comforting counsel during the shutdown nancy for several decades i made my living in talk radio before i crossed over to the cable t.v. jungle and i've always been perplexed by the recreational anger in our society certainly we got an earful of that from donald trump and for 3
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decades from the late rush limbaugh what is it about our species that finds joy in anger. wow what a great question and well just to jump on there we have been marinating. in the last 40 years in. dangar. train as. it's rather than unite since we've had a reader we've had a whole social media climate. that is and how speaking every green gets we have and. waving our mostly what we don't like about everyone else you know under anger all way and i would say. either her. or fear.
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and where were afraid or when we don't know how to feel compassion for a particular population we go to what is a much more primal much more available motion namely anger right we blame and when we blame we don't have to feel bad for anybody we don't have to experience any suffering that another population might be experiencing we just they're there to blame they're at fault so we don't have to feel for them and simultaneously we don't have to look at our own responsibility we don't have to do anything grown up essentially we don't have to feel are powerless now or see how could we help to feel you know there but for the grace of god go i all of these very difficult experiences we just point
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a finger and we're done so it's the most primal because in some way it's the 1st and most the easiest response. you know hurt anger and based on what you just lazy. you know it's easy to whine about things it's tough to fix some bitches channel surf cable t.v. or you dial surf talk radio and all you hear is arguments it takes a little more energy to do an actual assessment we are speaking with the author and psychotherapist nancy collyer who in the waning days of the trumpet ministration wrote this in psychology today the current leadership has modeled an attitude of bullying blaming and shaming an attitude utterly devoid of empathy a leader who feels perpetually persecuted and is always looking for someone to blame creates a sentiment that mirrors his own we've heard the term project ing applied to donald
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trump a lot nancy can this new presidents glass half full tone and appeal to unity chip away at this toxic move we have suffered and how can we help. absolutely absolutely you know. we follow our leaders the leaders sets one of the most important jobs that the president is just better movie of how we look at each other how we interact with each other how we consider fellow americans and fellow humans as she made that we share far more than what divides so absolutely our leader can create an adult to the extent difference and how can we help but at the same time we have to take personal responsibility each one of i ask her what are we contributing to the dialogue
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what are we adding to this what's been a toxic soup. so because we haven't brought up something that bothers laughs or something we know about a particular population or person what have you what about the idea maybe i don't have to point it maybe i don't have to give power to every single bit of grievance terror nonsense or complaint that walks through my mind let it let him walk through and do nothing with it he might even think about having the discernment and the restraint to not even share you know we used to have this to mean sort of what we now consider silly expression if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all it was very primitive now it feels like it would be stuffing a stock in our mouth but to some degree maybe we need a little bit of that returned to eastlink to cora something as simple as matters i hate to sound archaic but just don't just don't say it and if you want to
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say something add something positive to the dialogue we can do that we don't even have to wait could mr leader to deal with. i have found that lately i am more discerning about what i read tweet for fear of amplifying it author and psycho therapist nancy collyer every time you're here i feel like the robert de niro character and analyze this to billy crystal your good your very very good stay safe. coming off. when paul mccartney mused you have got to admit it's getting better a little better all the time john lennon muttered it can't get worse are they both right this is the big picture on our team america.
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the wall street frauds going all the way back to the twenty's they're not different they're repackaged branded and sold again it's the same why is it a bottle so the spac frog is just a variation on the dot com frog which is a variation on the mortgage subprime fraud to remove fraud the g.d.p. would be it would be negative 20 percent. we seem to be feeling better about things according to gallup polling which ranks
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americans frame of mind at a 16 month high among those surveyed life satisfaction has. back to near pandemic levels and significant daily stress matches prepared them a club for the 1st time since the shutdown and significant daily worry continues to ease as well and i was surprised and encouraged when a recent research briefing i attended and clued in polling data demonstrating that today versus a year ago americans are much more hopeful and much less stressed worried frustrated overwhelmed and burned out sad and angry is this how you are feeling and are you seeing green shoots of optimism sprouting let's ask david bernstein like myself and i'll call in the talk radio family having program some of
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the most respected stations in the usa now teaching media studies at the university level and say hello to dr lisa moser host of the teacher taught podcast and heard on. radio dave ed then elisa are you feeling and are you seeing around you with the optimism of evidence and this polling. i can see the. i want badly to feel the optimism that i know i will be seeing soon but i i am not seeing it. and i think the biggest cause of that is we have an established life. perceived it to be it's been a year now year is a long time it's even longer for younger people because their agenda is a little bit different than ours for example i spend my time with college students in the college students can't achieve what they're trying to achieve these are
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students that are majoring in criminal justice nursing financial economics biology 6 college english sports management computer science they can't get their hands on what they need to get their hands on. until this thing is really over i have students here at the university have never been here yet they graduate from high school and the last classroom they ever saw was in high school so they are now college students finishing up their freshman year full year and they have never been to college wow david mentioned lisa he's dealing with that age group how do you and the teachers you talk to assess the frame of mind of younger students.
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it is a bit obvious because on the one hand you have teachers that are at home and are able to teach online and are accustomed to teach you know online but then you also have a very complex way of pedagogy going with a blended program where the teacher is teaching in the classroom and also online at the same time many times the students may be familiar with online learning many times they may not be familiar with the online learning environment so it is going to depend on several factors but i do think that every teacher regardless of what learning environment that they are in that they are doing things much differently because we've had and and all of the protocol that we have due to a pandemic so we're talking about teachers that are in a physical learning environment that in addition to all the regular stress everybody you know stitches or stress most of the school day when we are looking at
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just the typical learning day but you add in having to take the temperature or you add in having to clean up in between classes you add in making students keep that mask on so it's arbitrary as to what all the tasks are involved but everybody's doing things much differently so that the and when teaching something we have to get used to. and every teacher i've spoken to during the shutdown has given me the flip side of what david mentioned about the kids not having the college experience teachers are very frustrated not having day to day contact and your podcast a teacher talk is talking about what teachers talk about and you are a certified peer support specialist you've been facilitating a weekly a teacher peer support group with all of that coping you described teachers having
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to go through during the pandemic how are they holding up. if you are a teacher and you have children of your own probably your biggest concern is having your students on the same schedule of the same timeframe as you or your own children and that is not always the case there are some locations and i do speak with teachers an art teacher peer support group all across the country and so if you are in a program where it is going on monday wednesday and friday but you've got children at home that are going to school or on tuesday and thursday that is the biggest headache that i'm hearing is that sometimes we're looking at a teacher as if a teacher doesn't have a family that's a real stress. yes synchronizing those schedules in norman by god oklahoma newspaper columnist and de rigueur reckons the coarsening of america
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didn't begin in 2016 or even 2021 it began with our learned ability to easily communicate without face to face interaction civility is often lost behind an anonymous keyboard people who would never think of voicing an insult to another person are quick to type such unpleasantries and share with the world david your students grew up in the digital swamp yet to my eyes they do not seem more course than older people if anything their social conscience seems to be more conspicuous in my typecasting generation's unduly. well the generations are separated by more technology than anything else we might i might have called 'd my buddies when my was
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a teenager by doing this with the phone i don't think today's kids understand what this is that's ok at each generation has its own what i do know that what doesn't change is what's in here and what's in here and it's difficult for the kids today they can communicate what they can do if they can communicate with each other without the help of some kind of digital offend the angle it's silly because what happens is that communications and our communications based on what we are as beings is a person on it's face to face it's our eye and when. young people don't have the opportunity to carry that part of their characters they face a pressure pressure from others and pressure from the staff themselves that leads to stress as we know stress is bad for us for our bodies and it usually leads to
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a poor for performance or for performance is inefficient it's ineffective and it leads to failure and that's totally unacceptable so we have to get on to the same page where we communicate one on one without devices and not knocking devices we all have them and we need them but we don't need them for everything and we need to rely on ourselves to be able to get back onto the neighborhood that we came from so we're not trying to dissect a frog over an internet one. yeah this is one of the big problems with the pandemic shutdown is that it's worse now because kids have not been able to socialize with their buds at school as much lisa about the technology david speaks of how do teachers warn kids about what happens online and
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how young is too young for someone to be on social media i certainly can see a lot of the instruction on bullying that is transferable to online learning cyber bullying is something that is reviewed and required to be knowledgeable of and that's something that is reviewed not just at the beginning of the year but throughout the year at different points i do want to add that the cellphone every student has a cell phone in middle school pretty much and an often times that can be the big is distractor for learning and i don't understand why it's so acceptable that we are seeing students younger and younger with a cell phone and it's a big distraction during the learning period throughout the day. of what the school
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policy is didn't seem to be able to have their phone on them during the school day when it is not the most productive time to be on your phone if they are. yeah we're speaking with dr lisa moser host of the teacher talk pod cast which lisa i hope i'm not making your blush is an excellent podcast and david will tell you i'm a tough grader teacher talk either right and david is a veteran broadcasting executive turned university media studies professor david bernstein and donald trump is reportedly launching his own social media platform after getting kicked off all the others and although his worshippers continue to flock to god to morrow lago for selfies with the dear leader trump can no longer hijack the news cycle simply by sauntering into the white house press briefing room and while rush limbaugh stations have been rerunning his show since he died in february he is as we used to say of francisco franco still dead dave and i've
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got about a minute shop radio shop talk for talk radio is this angry pole lit ecclesia lopsided caricature radio format on its last legs or will it always be out there. we cannot determine if it's on its last legs because we've already used everything that we can talk radio was talking radio you talk i listen i talk you this we don't do that anymore now you talk we out in the interludes listen if we like what we hear because it agrees with what we think. if we don't like what we hear we don't like you and will never come so we're doing affirmation we're not we don't care got information and we seem to care about affirmation they can sure that you as a listener feel comfortable when you turn on the sax not so much doesn't always
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notice. yeah no kidding we we as we said earlier we favor arguments over assessments thank you david bernstein and that are lisa moser and thank everyone who does something nice for you etiquette adviser to the stars lisa ghosh a prescribed patients we listen as human beings through a particular filter and that there are some people that have a listening tour being basically being on the defense there they're almost walking around with frayed or exposed nerves just just waiting for someone to say something that may not be intentionally offensive so i think while we are hyper conscious of being politically correct people need to also learn the art
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of letting things roll off the shoulder or rising above the fray so that not everyone is jumping on a soapbox per se and getting offended left right and center or but that they are really you know saving these actions for when they're really most meaningful and i think honestly in these times we also need to just cut one another a bit of a break or in the words of someone who has made me laugh all my life bob newhart now aged 91 says when it's all over you go to heaven and god says what did you do you made people laugh get in that real short line over there. and that is the big picture will be back next week same time with another show me if you want to set your d.v.r. where direct t.v.
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channel 321 dish 280 you can find the r t america live stream and youtube dot com slash r t america you can find all my shows archived at youtube dot com slash the big picture our t.v. and all of the above is in your pocket your purse and on any device when you download our free super cool portable t.v. app at portable t.v. or in the app store or google play i'm hala cooke broadcasting from red sox nation and the sauce a back at fenway. question more. historically
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speaking the cold war was a great ideological confrontation western liberalism versus soviet communism according to joe biden the great geopolitical struggle of our time is democracy versus autocracy for biden we are in another great ideological struggle but there is a difference the west particularly the united states is the only ideological actor .
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an entire village in alaska has had to move if another country trying to wipe out an american. we do everything i. wanted to escaping. climate change is the same threat right now alaska seems some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world. about 30 feet. 35 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring. the river is. closer than how it was for i don't think we're part of the earth for.
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