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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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in the u.k. as a poll reveals a quarter of. the . media continues. interview with the former u.s.
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president his. page. for. community can't be held responsible for the actions of. it's in response to a teacher forced to go into hiding after showing his. teeth . with police. bringing you. up to the minute developments well this is the weekly and. along.
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the french president has admitted that mistakes have been made at every stage of the pandemic in a televised address to the nation this weekend money will also announced a 3rd nation wide lockdown as covert cases soar intensive care beds fill up and the country's death toll nearest 100000 he said the situation left him with no other choice. i know that every stage of this epidemic we might say to ourselves that we could have done better that we made mistakes hul this is true we all need to make an additional efforts over the coming months this is what i ask of us collectively tonight since yesterday easter saturday locked on measures have been extended from 19 areas to all of mainland fronts means a nationwide curfew beginning at 7 pm travel between regions schools have also been closed for at least 3 weeks while additional policing has been introduced to ensure
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no more than half a dozen people gather it wants. well the measures brought in by the french leader come really as a u. turn to his previous decision not to lock down in january mr mccollum his face creasing criticism from m.p.'s scientists and hospital bosses. i say to the government do it now do it now or do it for a shorter time but do it to concede this right not to implement a lockdown in france at the end of january because we didn't have the explosion of cases that every model predicted france's president is without a doubt an educated man emmanuel macro and through through the country's top institutions before making a mark in both the private and public sector he then repaying france's youngest ever president i mean it's a pretty impressive resume and people traded in selfless and learned he knew when
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to take advice needed it is important at this time by following the advice of scientists as we've just done to ensure the continuity of on democratic life and our institutions but now it seems being top dog isn't quite enough not grown his throwing himself into an entirely new discipline the president has acquired real expertise in health issues it is not an inaccessible subject for an intelligent person like him considering the important time he has dedicated to it for several months not cause aids if he wouldn't do for there he declared that he has become an epidemiologist despite not having a scientific background these claims over 6 pretties on health issues have also rubbed the wrong way but. mr mccracken is president of the republic and in the framework of the pandemic just like all heads of states he has become interested in epidemiological data yes to put his nose to the grindstone he's
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obliged to take notice of trends but that doesn't make him an epidemiology. of course good for all those that talk about epidemiology and among them we can find heads of states like president mccrone who talks about epidemiology just like we talk about politics when we talk about sculpture or box music but they're not necessarily schools artists or musicians. fears of a nursing exodus in britain after a survey revealed that n.h.s. staff are significantly more likely to quit their job no than compared to last year exhaustion from the pandemic was cited as a big reason according to the poll 25 percent of n.h.s. workers are more inclined to leave now than during the previous 12 months around a 3rd of them are nurses midwives to give patients facing major shortages and 7 in 10 people say they pay rises decisive factor while those working for free
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student nurses say they're struggling to make ends meet one of them gave us her reaction to the surveys findings it doesn't surprise me it's what we've had to use it needs increased. not the cost of living has gone up but wages have increased so much stress on the nurses made wives everyone involved in that session and i think to be honest with the private pandemic i think everyone has now had enough and they need help and i feel the government need to help and increase the right to get a good environment for everyone british health authorities have promised to revive the n.h.s. with an extra 29000000000 pounds but the nurse we spoke to says that money isn't making a difference when it comes to pseudonyms. we get the 5000 pound girl and some people get a 2000 pound grant dependent children or what feels like i mean tape but in reality is until in the i should say that the increase in childcare costs you know the increase in council tax increase in fuel into placement in my fish to arrive it's
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paid for it back twice. and that should even as states that were actually retired this is at the bank they couldn't believe that they should i go into this position because i have a rabbit they are 2 children and that's what i'm like with 5 require in what was quite a full time child care and the other one it just started sco the funds come for you all to have already so i got the calls today for you potential if you leave the coals and it does add to the mental so that the sorry sorry dr. this week the long awaited w.h.o. report on the origins of covert 19 was released but immediately faced sharp criticism worldwide for leaving many questions still all months or even the organizations director general has called for further research we asked a russian member of the mission while getting to the bottom of the outbreak is proving so difficult. which will close on
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a mission started off under phase one why was it called that it was clear from the beginning nobody expected us to find on sr all the questions right away in fact he was prepared to rework aimed at analyzing the data we had accumulated and establishing hypotheses in general it's hard to predict how long this investigation will take and how it will end but it should be done that's for sure. we since we've managed to find out that the virus supposedly emerged in the period between the middle of november and the beginning of december however we don't know the exact location of the outbreak in my view it was in china but it's not clear yet it's unlikely though that the outbreak occurred in a wet market most probably it was some market visitor who had already been infected and spread the virus this suggestion derives from the fact that there were quite a large number of patients who had nothing to do with the markets we don't know who the 1st patient was neither do we know the natural origin of covert 19 based on our
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common knowledge of various coronaviruses we suggest it's a but might have been a source of. the issue is very much politicized everyone is trying to find someone to blame i've never considered the oblique hypothesis a theory there's so much talk about this in the media though most people don't really have an idea there is no scientific evidence or facts proving a leak as of today based on what we saw i can say that the suspected laboratory is run properly by well trained staff there is total compliance with all the rules regarding work with viruses of this has a class or even the class above the laboratory is regularly audited and is in the constant scrutiny of competence international organizations building from that we therefore can't say that a lab leak might have been the cause. we didn't feel any pressure coming from our chinese colleagues actually it wouldn't even be the case i can't think of how they could have put pressure on us we are in
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no way affiliated with china people from various countries were part of our team who went to carry out this investigation on behalf of the w.h.o. and what would have been the point of pressurising us we hardly liaise with officials we were largely in touch with scientists. it's been months since donald trump was by social media giants but that doesn't mean there purge of the former president is going to be over any time soon it looks it was revealed on choose they that facebook had removed an interview with him posted by his daughter in law ortiz killer and looks at whether social media giants are now the new thought police. big tech censorship just keeps coming the latest is an interview from former u.s. president donald trump getting scrubbed from facebook in line with the bill quip placed on donald trump's facebook an instagram account says a content posted in the voice of donald trump will david moved and result in
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additional limitations on the account donald trump is not the president anymore he was sunning himself in florida so why exactly is it so dangerous for people to hear his interpretation of world events and just like that we are one step closer to wilson 1984 wow joe biden keeps repeating that big tech are his allies in his efforts to create a world where everyone has freedom of speech and the united states is spreading human rights across the planet but some are saying that a social media purge of a former president sets a dangerous precedent it is an issue that we have got to be thinking about because of anybody who thinks. yeah yesterday it was donald trump who was banned and tomorrow could be somebody else who has a different very different point of view so i don't like giving that much power to a handful of high tech people but the devil is obviously in the details and it's something we're going to think long and hard on and that is how you preserve 1st amendment rights without moving this country into a big lie
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a mentality and conspiracy theory all kinds of pro trump voices have been purged from social media you've got the removal of retired general michael flynn sidney power and 2008 vice presidential candidate of the libertarian party and commentator wayne allen root we've also seen big tech declare certain news stories to be off limits they have shut down discussion of the biden family and their shady business dealings they have actually scrub search results to remove conservative media outlets but yet all kinds of inappropriate content remains on social media 40 percent of americans have faced online harassment or hate. california wants to hold big tech accountable for what they are not censoring while they're too busy playing politics instead californians is becoming increasingly alarmed about the role of social media in promoting hate disinflation conspiracy theories and extreme political polarization trost of social media has dropped to
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a low of 35 percent and it's not surprising either how social media originated with the idea being it would be a place for all kinds of people to be free to speak up and explore the marketplace of ideas instead it's turned into a place for playing politics and pushing some people's agenda while suppressing others they are afraid of because it doesn't stop with doing great by the american people who plans to set president shop up to get him out of the way so he won't be able to run for office the office again because you know if you did run for office again that he will win we need to look back at the 1st amendment when it comes to the media because we have seen how the. coming from big tech and the media these people have too much control they have became rich and they really don't care about mappin you know your opinion so if government want to rein in big take against they can do it tomorrow if they wanted to do that the republican party democrat party is the same on big tex democrats and republicans on the same boat it takes $2000000.00
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so bury the flag for saying the whole thing is a political gain meanwhile actress and activist rose mcgowan shared her own experience of being assisted here in our team by big tech. what do you pray to. a little pretty much speech going against your priorities i don't understand why you support evil characters' and want to block. i was just spend it by twitter for posting an internet photo of bill clinton and getting massaged by and no one they flagged it for indeed i was just trying to drive a point home about a disgusting human doing disgusting things i know twitter is trying to silence me and i know a lot of the powerful democrats are behind it deactivated my own entirely 4 days
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after i helped out harvey weinstein my attacker in the new york times expose 'd a 4 years ago there was a worldwide limited boycott where for 24 hour protests until they reinstated me they did and they have but i have been shadow brands ever since i am tired of having these men his feet on my neck i am tired of having their hand over my mouth you guys are old pros to be tracked for rose right the little bros and you're supposed to be the freedom to speak the rap now and that is a lie. so ahead in the program a poll suggests that most americans are actually losing their jobs over something they've said online because of the old set up so the culture will delve deeper into for the.
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time you know became the bottleneck is a political movement. that is a girlfriend to some legible. this vision of the section on the sleepy from is not the. socially. policed the so-called peace with the palestinians so looking between so you or anyone you know those who say only. the world is driven by shaped.
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thinks. we should ask. 17 minutes into the program welcome back on the mom in the u.k. has one the prime minister that trouble is brewing on this muslims are shown more respect he also insinuated that the country risks quote becoming like france a statement that many view as a threat itself to a teacher in northern england parts of the muslim community by showing cartoons of the prophet muhammad to his class. all we ask for is a bit of respect if one teacher can do it another teach can do it 5 years down the line and we do not want this to be the case otherwise we are not responsible for the actions of some individuals the teacher and his family are now in hiding after
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receiving death threats the 29 year old since apologized but being suspended from his job some local muslims are demanding that the school fire him or droid however a petition calling for him to be reinstated has garnered over 70000 signatures the u.k. department for education has defended the teacher. it is never acceptable to threaten the intimidate teaches we encourage dialogue between parents and schools when he she has emerged schools are free to include a full range of issues ideas and materials in their curriculum including where they are challenging a controversial subject or they obligations to ensure political balance or drage over a similar case in france last october led to the brutal beheading of samuel party a history teacher he was killed by a terrorist after showing cartoons of the prophet muhammad to his pupils during a discussion on freedom of expression to media from christian concern
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a political and social commentator locked horns over the issues raised. this could be very easily turning into some kind of a power keg and you do not throw that matches into such things we've seen in france and in many european countries the rise of the far right we've seen some 2 tiers of the right system pushing against islam pushing against muslims marginalizing them and it's open season on muslims courage attack them on free speech places and people make themselves up to be free speech martyrs or somehow muslims become inflamed or they won't fit in western values so what's most alarming here is that a teacher asked her to go into hiding with police protection because what he's done he's he's discussed a point of discussion about a cartoon and the why the subject of blasphemy he hasn't actually hurt anyone he hasn't actually even threatened any violence and yet there are obviously very real
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threats of violence against him so much so that the police to protect him and take his family his wife and his children into hiding i think that is very very concerning and i think we need to recover a sense of normality and a sense of people being able to openly discuss and educate people about these things and i've been around the block a few times and had this discussion a few times every time we've had this discussion on free speech and debate we have put down to worst of the ideas racism hatred we know it's not ok to be racist against muslims to make the argument is it alright to be racist or is this racist we need to learn about religion that we need to learn about what people believe and we need to openly discuss them and so people and super about it let's be very clear about this that discussing a cartoon it's got about how it has nothing to do with basis and it's not racism at all and what's happening here is people are trying to shut down discussion and using threats of violence when people judge. people who work with the english defense league you keep anti muslim interest across europe and the rest of the
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while to try and demonize muslims marginalize them would have enough you will not win the cultural debate. or is he ok to be poked fun at and be racist against muslims out of the lot of us read what else is and you don't get to be offensive towards us this is not the way a free society should work he should definitely be defended it's all he's done is raise a discussion people should be free to discuss things in class if we're not free to discuss things we have a de facto blasphemy law in the country which is being enforced by more cruel that threatens violence against people. the issue of cults all cultures helming an impact on people psychological well being a majority of people polled in the us no say they fear of being fired or reprimanded for views they can say online it is a chilling finding that most people in the country now are afraid they would be fired if they expressed their real views on social media of the nearly 2000 people
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surveyed over 60 percent few growing council culture as a threat to their freedom while more than half see it as in danger in their job security we canvassed opinion on the subject among new yorkers. people are creative and have a different mindset some artists decide to do different things people you next door neighbors affected the different you that you might not agree on i don't feel that you should ruin their entire lives over what they think in their mind even though it is harsh and it could go like a pocket sometimes i think it does care people and it makes people think and maybe for. sure you know. inappropriate. the idea of canceling counseling is bad and is not a good way of. creating difficult conversations because difficult conversations are very important to making difficult topics less difficult. that can really change
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the way that a person interacts with the world or using. to also understand like we're fed up with having to respond to people so sorry if you're so low it's always more complicated when it's presented. that it's a commentator child with commercial and his thoughts on council culture and from word emerged. in the past we've always sort of focused on the government and focused on protecting the constitution but of course in this in this day and age the threats are coming not really from the government they're coming from businesses from private corporations and most importantly from each other so that makes it interesting and different i think from anything else that we've really experienced in culture before it's you know and it's such a lot of this has become a social media mob being and threats to docs and get people fired and. not a right to upgrade i'm on many level and most importantly it has
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a chilling effect on public discourse and i'm people being able to speak their minds to openly discuss and advocate for things that they can for the things that they truly believe in and their criticisms and maybe what's going on in culture and in government and even mechanical care itself as we've seen just criticizing example culture 'd can get you cancelled. now if performing open heart surgery isn't enough how about doing it in a burning hospital that's exactly what doctors in the far east of russia have to cope with on titan there is video from inside the operating theater cheering the fire the blaze broke out on the run mid-day with most patients and staff quickly evacuated from the building but a team of surgeons were operating on a patient out the time and had no choice but to keep going. the surgery went out as planned the patient was later moved to another hospital now no one was injured in
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the fire at all investigators say on a electrical short circuits may be to blame for the blaze. after months of on rest with protesters demanding the prime minister's resignation people in bulgaria finally headed to the polls for parliamentary elections support for the ruling party how to root it out after accusations of failing to fight corruption poverty and failure to reform the judicial system or according to exit polls it looks as if the prime minister research center right party has held on i believe they have secured the largest share of the vote well that's what the exit polls are telling us that he will be looking for some verification all much shortly by the way a smaller turnout in previous years as the country struggles with a 3rd wave of the demick though many took the chance to have their say this by covert figures. it's more dangerous in the tram or in the supermarket than here
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voting. it's a bit different but it works if you wished you can vote. the only difference is that the 2 have their unmasks everything is very cold which isn't confusing there is hansen ties the 2 i think there is no place for panic and every post and must go and vote takings of consideration the can you call me dependency cases in. those who got their inevitable cool but only people gave it everything to the wrong because all those elections and even. i would see a season for all things. from the political future of bulgaria to god of israel its all for discussion next following election after election failing to portray a clearer picture of the voters' wishes there. are worlds apart.
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humanity has never seen such strange natural phenomena before giant coming to this appearing in the mountain in. one after another. was never doubting self again you could use this to get your view but you know whom does love with those of it that he would be at. this one appeared in 2020. how often and where will new crisis as i described how dangerous are they for human the slum only it is due to the 102021 russian scientists came quite close to working out what's going on. they built a full scale. 3 d. model of the black hole.
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or. the welcome to worlds apart there is a saying here and russia that whenever teachers come together there are at least 3 m.p.'s and testaments fully borne out by the latest israeli elections which are to muscle collection hearing resulted in yet another stalemate with now 13 parties actually just forming new government what does this new round of political and 2nd to mean for the country and the region as a whole well to discuss that and now joined by us medical care to senior consultant
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a research fellow at chatham house mr necker beck it's great to talk to thank you very much for your time because usually everything now you know russian culture russian languages have really influenced by jewish humor but even here you know we're running out of jokes you talk about the situation in which 4 elections in 2 years fail to produce any electoral certainty how many more elections do you think it will take you take a break from campaigning ad be trying to your normal boring govern you know when you mentioned to jews. this isn't a. well that's for sure you know the other days you really if you can move and i think this is a tradition often elections for lakshmi you need to use a movie. beyond ileum of possibility and say selection see the end of the day it's
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easy to post a link to put edition and it is sort of a not a select folder way to handle politics and especially the way that i minister with and you know is becoming who you guys you feel you know that small instead in made everything. positioning them to boost their country and that being said you know when people are so cynical to nicky's so to change into the next you fight for one election then and they don't do that i assume that people should take some of the roles well the responsibility of consensus is there won't have smoked. let them vote in a clear way when we don't look at welton uniquely or ways that you do that. within the last number of people and that everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion and now i imagine prime minister that.


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