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tv   Documentary  RT  April 7, 2021 6:30am-7:01am EDT

6:30 am
if. it's almost was from. these critics one of the from. because the. machine and the why for the smear. of the sunni muslims. to follow someone. because of a spell if you will if 80. politicians
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they issue a shield on your bum them yeah but the little boy has still got the lead to salute a place with a musical ni-mh it destroyed little son michael wood at the those bushes scheme which little league you're just more you're going to miss playing in the world but in the mulch is similar with just one of the pitfalls and the look of the 1st appeal of the sheep the family of what the law must disclose that you have come now would at the least or should deeds business move this business because all. you need your music your dish. for the.
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focus and since the. earlier super bowl worked for you it's the untruths and the. reduced booth with sleep. to. talk of. those years to finally be able to give you a little english then soon it isn't too soon. the
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oboist of no idea can be good enough for those of us those who are those results were usually used when you're used to your good good good or do good to you it was good on the board of the village school the boss of each of the.
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plans for a while. to. shift the focus of. the trip was to want to. push the thoughts of. the muslim who puts it because that is something that you did with the. first. church. said. it. but she will get the good stuff.
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and now crossing the threshold here she can make him his 5th wife into space also now on board the international space. there are there for. her her her. her. her her her her.
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her. here everything is very different and back on they have to float rather than and it's not that easy to get used to they have to sleep standing up in a sleeping bag making sure to zip up so that their arms don't flail about gravity as a station you have to learn how to get along or ways there are too many threads here to waste time quarrelling. that are similar but i did you mean when you're in the room in the. this is new. to the
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need to do. i love the fact that the international space station we are just. depend on each other every day with our lives and it's a it's such a great example for everyone politicians and just everyone all over the world of how we can work together to achieve great things everything that's important to us it's really important to us is pretty much the same and if you know i started seeing something that he doesn't agree with or he says something that i don't agree with then we'll start chuckling and there's a strong russian bear what are you doing jack we can joke about it and understand that topic we're talking about isn't as important as our friendship and the values that we share so it's not that it's not that big of
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a deal one of the cool things that's in the russian segment is the russian cosmonauts like our commander in the russian segment we have tons of great windows these are really high quality windows so we can take pictures we also have a lot of systems that keep the station going and we have another cargo vehicle at the very into the station and the last thing i want to show you is my favorite space picture because of what it represents this is yuri gagarin with the dove because space to speak is a peaceful exploration where we work together if you noticed i got a russian shirt i got american socks international that's what this place is about working together as one team that speech and this week have a good day. but there's a good. political is opposed to. this news. you see you're. going to. reduce the. list this is. good news for you to do it's. good. q.b. teach. kids he screwed me because because the. i'm looking for shoes for.
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just what they're. supposed. to bruise be just as in him but he's going to use them if. he. does he's young and it isn't because of what you did you can. use. judge overseas course in your. stall. at least you know the crew change. return to earth. the station commander. in the russian segment will have to carry out dozens of experiments and maintain the station he's got so much to do that it doesn't even have time to make his american colleagues are helping out the north peggy whitson stay here was
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extended so now i shall be working together with jack. to ensure. good. news or good news which is going to need to watch your. fortunes. this experiment is the most delicious one the lettuce was grown at 0 gravity and then of course eaten they carry out biological and physics experiments study the performance of stem cells and develop medicines to cure cancer this experiment is the most important one for jack fisher as his daughter had cancer but space also guinea pigs mission control. constantly monitors their health and watches closely to see if they exercise enough
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. we have a special treadmill 1st off we gotta find it's on the wall how could we have to work out physical exercise. to get 2 and a half hours a day because if you don't have good exercise your muscles and your bones just just go away and you come back as a 90 year old man and then you your hot wife like you anymore. that's the answer.
6:42 am
to all schools. in the city the premier's to the poor and the leaves and before you. open your opinions from this chain to both of you what you would at least knew there was there were 3 meters to the movie due to where you couldn't study because there was a pretty much to stoop to do list i'm sure i think. problem drugs don't always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the united states we've seen the very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids it invaded america
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under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments of . the demick no certainly no blood is just blind to nationalities. as america. we don't seem world peace to be. judged. come in a crisis with this system to moment. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis not go on forever
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the challenges created with the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together. today the industry prefers to spend millions of euros in you know being a 2 day reproducers i will be sniffing all about making money making profits in some of the corporations international markets import export do you imagine the number of chronic diseases that are out in every community today it is new due to new viruses own new microbes trucks not true so it is due to environment it's. not going to say you know that moment all discipline or this sort of muscles are really just accumulate could only come in to see in them to be on the list that
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they love us the legacy of the sky if the so food industry is successful it will create more jobs it will create more value added it will create more fruit so i don't see why we shouldn't also fight for the interest something to street not accept that we are british and we want regulation the housing industry please we'll be here if. not trying. to limit you. eat. to. 40. 2 to eat your signature the delta want to keep.
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you off of. your push to. catch. up with all the budget speech and one you'll get it all if. you put it. q. so fast you keep in touch. but i'll show you what is the key. to. anybody keep the truth of. the picture good looking. good if you continue to. fall. down point q q. is the nothing new that's going. to go from the
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goon delusions are going to get you so scared is useless to build those those new was no. no no no no no. it was the disco who spoke with us we're going to close. the door. i mean it. was a little bit we're going. to continue doing good to good. morning again. you're going to.
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church. it's not good for you to do is to close a new way it's a sin. to to mention those who should go for the tumor the sins. mr forbes magazine contains the new clues in emergency management whom news didn't mention instances when to be superabundance to consume gin news soon in austin to 100000 years in old boy alone muran one thong when the when the alright
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alright war one will. all. agree with that by iraq when you've been in enough in charge congress on iran which was your energy your governor watched them your brain hemorrhage maj gen don shepperd it began on the curb and then i did not read the web address because our initial charge current government which you can stand for a new restaurant. greg norman was. planning an attack against a brand new kind of craft. none of what was going to bring it back mr blankenhorn standing with germany going to look up in
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london. in england in 6. now. you. know what.
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this was just. you know to test not just. the most going in with the most. but don't push it and that is why they mashed up. the start of they took him into a new project and you know it's the thing to look at to. hear the worst person can use. the word for yourself and we can affirm separation and we see that the message of a bear or darkie an internal transfer system would have been completed a few minutes here going to have the 1st.
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please play. play. play. play. play play.
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play play play. live. live. live . live for its ability to go. to sleep issues because that's what i use to snoop i'm looking at because god knows the girls are with you so are you simply your mission station shouldn't. move from the studio of your post most people spoke
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for you should close the book door for a little more blues deal would be the ripples through. that is. what. i did the 1st pick up. in utah. next up for you mr dimaggio's i give us work. then you go with statistical noise or if your mind annoyed you really i'm. a. little bit. of. the.
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question. what. will. this palooka. still to do spill blood. to the nipple which adds to the. love the. idea of course was to be
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a force of the work of the it which of course. the court. system. my free money seeks and it's my last plate and spits. i am like when crusade in the us and over. the los i ask the coat. and the low down so meet me yet while it's nice.
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we're segregated. by social class. people also in poverty by 1st place if you're born into a poor family i pod you're born into a minority family if you're born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die on average 15 years younger than if you're born into generational poverty. it's a fun stuff fight every day to meet your needs and the needs of your family.
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and. when else truths will seem wrong when old roles just don't hold. any new world beliefs yet to shape out disdained becomes to advocate and in games from an equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart when she's to look for common ground. malts. you're just the 1st one to pull the finished goods conformal from the
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hundreds. i just feel useful to do to catch. me if it was national guard coming off. the top. of the u. . it's almost was from the films. before school board of these critics one of britain's most of whom nobody knew the least because between. the fishing and all my for the smear. of the sea you knew those moves. to follow someone to be renewed because of a spell if you will it's easy.
7:00 am
seneca's job hits the spotlight again as the european medicines agency is a vaccine chief makes it to blood clots with the families of those who died off to getting the shot demanding it says. which 2 months the removal of a decade old video all the u.s. war crimes claiming it violates the platform's policy on graphic content. in italy a mob in support of struggling businesses tons farland with offices in judged by protesters warning they won't suffice if a thug knocked down in a year.


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