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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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in this country is an epidemic president biden announces a barrage of executive orders to quell gun crime but his moves are preempted by the state of arizona which has already taken steps to block the reforms. the european court of human rights rules that it is illegal for countries to force vaccines on children in a case that has raised fears of compulsory covert shop. and the european medicines agency sticks to its line that would be benefits of the astra zeneca a covert jab outweigh the risks but the regulator says blood clots should now be listed as a very rare side effect of the drug. are
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broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our national i'm sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us 1st we start with the small u.s. city of bryan in the state of texas about 160 kilometers north of houston where a shooting has taken place that has claimed the life of one and left 5 others wounded now the suspect has been apprehended but there is no word yet on the motive police say some of the victims are in critical condition after the man opened fire at a business the area has been cordoned off by police with 6 ambulances spotted at the scene officials say a nearby school was temporary lockdown but has since reopened for parents to collect the students incident comes after joe biden unveiled 6 executive orders aimed at tightening firearm controls it is amid a surge in gun violence that the u.s.
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president called an international embarrassment. gun violence in this country is an epidemic whether congress acts or not i'm going to use all the resources in my disposal treasury to keep the american people safe from gun violence but there's much more in the congress can do to help that effort. and they can do it right now so we have joe biden president of the united states talking about how there is an epidemic of gun violence in the united states and putting forward executive actions intended to address that epidemic now the 1st proposal we heard from the white house was an effort to crack down on how guns are sold he referenced ghost guns which are guns that people manufacture by they they purchase kits to make them in their homes he talked about gun show loopholes and background checks furthermore joe biden discussed what he calls the red flag legislation that exists in a number of states where if a person is deemed to be
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a threat to themselves or to others they are temporarily deprived of their guns at this point biden has been facing a huge amount of pressure from gun control supporters due to the fact that there has been a surge in gun violence you saw last year there were 20000 gun related deaths that took place and that is a 25 percent increase since 2019 that we've seen this surge of gun deaths other was recently an event where 5 people were killed in south carolina including 2 children and that was certainly not the 1st mass shooting that happened in 2021 let's review some of the events that have been happening in the united states of america.
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now it's important to note that there is certainly not unity around these moves that joe biden has proposed we have seen the governor of the state of arizona put together a piece of legislation prohibiting sheriffs and police officers from carrying out any order that was deemed to be in violation of the 2nd amendment of the us constitution which guarantees the right to own a firearm the state of arizona and its political subdivision supreme headed from utilizing any financial resources were state personnel to administer cool parade with or enforce a new law act order rule treaty or regulation of the federal government that is inconsistent with any law of the state regarding the regulation of firearms much like the vaccine passports there's
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a big divide between red states and blue states and we've seen vaccine passports already outlawed in texas and florida preemptively as republicans just don't see eye to eye with democrats on this gun control is yet another example of how polarized the united states is becoming in 2021. discourse live now to us benedict founder of the libertarian booster pack 1st of all thanks for being with us here on our team international to kind of unwrap this. thanks for having me so in just the few hours since the president's announcement we have seen another shooting with multiple victims that prove the urgent need to take action. it does not mass shootings make for interesting television here in the united states everyone likes to watch a big accident or where people are injured it's very unfortunate when people are killed by guns but if you look at particularly the number killed in the so-called
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mass shootings the number is not very large the each incidence gets a lot of publicity but we have something called the 2nd amendment here in the united states and many all libertarians and many conservatives and other independents would like to keep the 2nd amendment and keep our right to bear arms here in the united states biden's orders only impact a select few types of firearms doesn't the us need full scale legislation from the congress in order to act comprehensively. yes i think biden can get away with some executive orders of course democrats were complaining about president trumps executive orders when he was in power now republicans are going to complain about biden's executive orders i'm against most of all of the executive orders but i'm hopeful that congress does not act and does not pass any
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more restrictions we don't need more restrictions if we want to reduce gun violence in the us the best way to do that would be to end our war on drugs which causes a lot of interaction between police and people now understand not all gun violence and deaths are elated to drugs or the war on drugs but that violence is much larger in quantity and impact then these occasional tragic mass shootings now i want to go back to something you said a little bit earlier about the 2nd amendment there is a big lobby in the states that is for the 2nd amendment still carries a lot of weight with republicans and you as a libertarian as well given the democrats' narrow margins in congress will they be able to advance anything on any topic when it comes to gun control. i think they probably will not be able to get anything passed they might get a few minor. restrictions passed but all of us in america know that whenever
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congress starts chipping away at something say you know this is just a minor thing that we could pass that's always just a test case or a step towards doing something much bigger so we don't trust our government here in america i think that's a good healthy way to be and if something does pass hopefully at most it will be small and perhaps one day we can roll these restrictions back if they are passed on to play devil's advocate with you just a little bit here but if we continue to see these kinds of large scale shootings in the united states will that be enough to bridge the divide in the american establishment over the issue of gun control. it's certainly possible republicans and conservatives are i would say some are very proud defenders of the 2nd amendment but a lot of them are what i would call cowards is they're weak when they see these things on television in their constituents say hey what about these mass shootings
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they want to go run and hide or say ok well let's go along with these minor restrictions but these minor restrictions can turn into major restrictions quite quickly and i would rather see people who are defenders of the 2nd amendment be bold be strong don't run and hide stand up for our right to continue to bear arms here in the united states it's about our freedoms and our ability to protect ourselves not only from criminals but from the government that we need to retain here in the us where to start to see some of the arguments about states' rights come into play arizona is already pushing back with state legislation rendering federal gun control laws on enforceable in the state of arizona could other states pursue what amounts to nullify a cation of federal law. probably other states will do this now i'm not going to say that states are automatically better on issues than the federal government if it weren't for our federal constitution
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a 2nd amendment probably we'd have a lot of states that would be encroaching on our on our freedoms and gun rights even worse but i am glad to see some states stand up and i hope the ones where it's had a close balance between republicans and democrats i hope the republicans don't just cave in and fold as they so often do right west benedict who is the founder of the libertarian booster pact it's interesting to hear thoughts on our 2 international thanks for being with us. thanks for having me. i switching gears now the european court of human rights has ruled that compulsory vaccinations for children are consistent with international law and could be regarded as necessary the ruling is unrelated to the covert pandemic but there are fears that it could lead to tougher policies from some governments here's our europe correspondent peter oliver. this case in fact started long before anybody had ever heard of covert 19 1st time it
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appeared in the european court of human rights was in 2013 and it already been going through the court systems in the czech republic for a long time before that the complaint was brought by families in the czech republic who'd either being fined or their children had been refused entry to early years education kindergartens and nursery schools because they hadn't been vaccinated by their parents and their parents refused to have them vaccinated what the court ruled on thursday was that finding all of those parents on the floor at the compulsory vaccination program in the czech republic was not a breach of the european convention on human rights particularly when it came to article 8 which deals with respect for private life what the court ruled was that vaccinations are necessary in society and the court clarified that ultimately the issue to be determined was not whether a different less prescriptive policy might have been adopted rather it was whether
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the check authorized to use had exceeded the wide margin of appreciation in this area they concluded that the impugn measures could be regarded as being necessary in a democratic society and the rules in the czech republic are not dissimilar from all the nations in the e.u. as well as many other nations around the world if you're sending children to kindergartens or nursery schools they have to be vaccinated against 9 different illnesses and diseases. now these include incredibly serious things like measles hooping cough hepatitis b. tetanus as well now what the court ruled on thursday in this was the 1st time that the european court of human rights is ever got involved in compulsory vaccination programs and made a ruling on them but what they said that it was in the best interest of children that they receive these vaccinations before they go into the nursery school in kindergarten classes and start mixing with all the children the judgment emphasizes
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that all decisions concerning children the best interests must be of paramount importance of regards we mean a zation the objective has to be that every child is protected against serious diseases through vaccination or by the community but check health policy could therefore be said to be consistent with the best interests of the children who were its focus or while the ruling on thursday makes no reference whatsoever to covert 19 or the current situation we all find ourselves in the covert 19 pandemic has been 34 anti vax conspiracy theorists with numerous conspiracy theories abound both online and elsewhere many of them relating to potential forced vaccination now what this ruling on thursday does from the european court of human rights is it sets precedence that obligatory vaccinations don't contravene the european court on human rights what it does not do in any way
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is give any european nation the right to start forcing vaccinations on any of its citizens of course it coming out during this huge vaccination program we're all going through with vaccines throughout the news all over the world right now this is why this particular ruling from one of europe's top courts has made top billing in the news well we have been getting reaction to the ruling and hearing whether it could have any impact on covert shots. situation that moment is we were under enormous pressure i think of that from the government advertising campaigns from the media etc to have a jab now there are people in the media in politics who have actually called for compulsory mandatory code back to the east on the grounds it's for the good society so it is worried this judgement is is worrying and i think what point is is that vaccines whether or not we take the vaccine would be up to the individual if we go down the line of saying look band of true vaccinations not just for kids for
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measles or for tat the sort ever but it should be for adults to book over it then i think that's a slippery slope it is something very unusual for the call because the court has to arm i decide whether it is good for the society because vaccine is important for not only the person who will take the vaccine but also for other persons who are caught dig the vaccine with him to attain the unity but the case may be different for coroner virus vaccine because it's not for children it's what i don't it's a new vaccine contrary to the vaccine. devoted to the children in the czech republic but at the un convention of the child the paramount seat principle is something under which any drafting of legislation must abide by and any rules made that do affect children must consider their welfare 1st when you're looking at
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compulsory kovi that scene's you not looking at those sorts of protections a big problem with coronavirus vaccination is that conspiracy theorists they are getting it wrong there is a lot of misinformation around i don't think it's going to be a compulsory vaccine in force by the government but i do think that people like airlines and the tourist industry are going to force it into the back door. the european medicines agency is standing by britain's astra zeneca jab saying the benefits outweigh the risks while noting that blood clots should be listed as a rare side effect the agency has received more than 200 reports of unusual blood clots in those getting the shot that is among the more than 30000000 who have been inoculated across europe over in the u.k. the authorities say that people under the age of 30 will be offered alternatives to the astra zeneca job due to the possible blood clot link 80 people in the country
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have suffered clotting after a dose and 1000 who died but britain's regulator is taking the same line as the european medicines agency or trees but i have comments. the takeaway the message that europe's health authorities want to leave you with is that it's still worth it the benefits outweigh the risks the benefits outweigh the risks i does become almost a slogan for the actions that make a covert vaccine earth poor cheap cases of unusual blood clotting following vaccination with the astra zeneca vaccine should be listed as possible side effects of the vaccine it's unfortunate start both vaccinated people and health care professionals are aware of the signs and symptoms of these unusual blood clotting to cylinders so that they could be spotted quickly to minimize any possible risks so why did it take so long i mean the rumors began months and months ago and it was
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all in the news on t.v. in the papers and the company kept telling everyone the same thing there's a new link between the jab and the well dive and now it says of our safety data of more than 10000000 records has shown no evidence of an increased risk of palm in your family's or deep vein thrombosis and a defined age group gender batch or in any particular country unfortunately there was a link and now the astra zeneca job will have either diesel warning or it can cause blood clots and potentially death in people as young as 8 seed the age the youngest deceased and still they say it's worth it unless of course you can go and get another job in which case probably best to go for that their words adults who are age 18 to 29 years old who do not have an underlying health condition that puts
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them at higher risk from serious coben 1000 disease should be offered an alternative covert night in fact seen in preference to the astra zeneca vaccine where such an all turn to face seen it is. is available over a dozen countries only counting the european union have suspended vaccination with the astra zeneca vaccine or that servia to please their marketing department though i doubt that a simple rebranding is going to cleanse their reputation i would definitely say is a stupid move because changing the name which means changing your shop window right in the midst of a crisis rather than increasing trust will increase suspicion because it always indicates that there is something you want to hide so i absolutely do not understand how 'd a company comes to such a decision at the end of the day i can't help but partially agree with them the alternative waiting for another vaccine could have cost thousands of lives but only
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partially they let these rumors steward fester for months before coming out and admitting that essentially people were rights to be afraid and that unfortunately has done irreparable damage to the vaccination drive worldwide vaccine shortages across the e.u. have prompted several member states to question the blocks joint procurement scheme auster is one of them and chancellor sebastian current has said that he would be in favor of buying russia's wouldn't be covered. it would help us a lot because the vaccination process would be significantly accelerated i advocate that we do this we are now crudeness in this with the federal government i really hope that we will be able to acquire this vaccine as well as use it this is not only my decision but i strongly support it. the european medicines agency has yet to approve the russian vaccine but former european commission president john claud
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says that if the regulator gives it the green light the e.u. should include it in the procurement program meanwhile the russian direct investment fund which is behind this put it via roll out says it is now in talks with germany on supplying the jam berlin hasn't made it clear that it will go ahead with using the shot if it passes the e.u. approval process which has been dragging on for several months now cancer surgeon bob jones than thinks that europe has allowed politics to get in the way of saving lives. we need the vaccines and the problem is it was a political initially we many people in europe didn't accept the russian vaccine and sputnik is a good vaccine and yet they were coming out and saying well this is not what we want let's look at the european and i'll turn it is and you see here the problem is the politicians have failed to cover the nations with adequate back seeing dozes and this is the problem we have we don't have enough back scenes and if you
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see what she right now is that we're going back and asking russia for school next we should have done that much much earlier we need all the players all the players on the table and that includes the sputnik sex scene which has excellent data out there as has pfizer and as has modern so we should have known that much earlier in order to be able to provide our nationals with adequate vaccine those edges and now we are paying for those political shortcomings with human lives. so the kind of the program the brazilian president doubles down on his resistance to lock downs despite soaring cova deaths we hear a bleak assessment from a doctor in brazil among our stories after a short break. talks
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are underway in vienna to save the j c p a way the agreement the trump administration unilaterally walked away from making the deal whole again is relatively easy for iran but that cannot be said for the united states does the buy didn't ministration have the political will to say yes. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being that. direct. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or in may when the shallowness. welcome back this is archie international now northern ireland has been gripped by almost a week of rioting pro u.k. loyalists and irish nationalists faced off amid a wave of anger over post rags at trade barriers between the north and the republic this was the scene in belfast on wednesday a bus was torched and more than $41.00 officers were injured during the clashes rocks and petrol bombs were hurled at police northern ireland's 1st minister arlene foster has urged both sides to show restraint and of the british prime minister has expressed his alarm and called for dialogue. i am deeply concerned by the scenes of violence in northern ireland especially attacks on the p s
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n i who are protecting the public and business attacks on a bus driver and the assault of a journalist this way to resolve differences is through dialogue not violence or criminality meanwhile northern ireland's justice minister has blamed the u.k. government for the flare up naomi long accused of the conservatives of dishonesty over the way brags it would affect the irish border saying they promised unfettered access while failing to work through the legal consequences she also slammed the british government's decision to suspend the northern ireland protocol which was part of the u.k.'s withdraw agreement with the e.u. aimed at ensuring an open border we earlier spoke with jonathan tongue from a professor of british and irish politics he thinks the government made a series of false promises to the people of northern ireland. well the british government bonds johnson in particular have to bear a considerable amount of responsibility it was part of johnson to do went over to
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belfast and totally democratic party the largest party in northern ireland to look public party conference 3 years ago that it would be untold for any british government to preside over the border in the are you see this johnson was talking is precisely treason make the signing of the deal with it a year for his johnson done not and since then he spends a lot of time pretending that the reason this border between great britain and northern ireland so you disagree or the single on through the terrible sense of betrayal over what the prime minister was don't think that boris johnson needs to go to northern ireland explain what he's done in terms of of the protocol and try and also meet with the you leaders to instigate some of the worst effects the protocol and diminish the number of checks go on kids go between great britain and northern ireland otherwise we are looking ahead to a grim some of potentially of violence in northern ireland. it biological fukushima that is how a scientist describes the covert situation in brazil after more than $4000.00
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deaths in a single day he told us about the scale of the problem the current situation is this 3 really severe in brazil is very critical right now we're in the media one national hospital collapse and exponential growth of new cases in the country for the 1st time in brazilian history. of april we may have more deaths in the country diverse this has never happened in the brazilian entire brazilian history what we needed now is a national lockout but we have 4000 that they i think the brazilian people will support that call because they know we have nothing else to do at this point. deaths from covert in brazil have passed 340002nd only to the u.s. but despite of the horrific surge and a collapsing health system president insists the nation will not be put under lockdown we have been getting reaction in sao paolo. as keypads just said that i
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think part of the blame is ours from people getting relaxed after so long in this situation but i believe the bigger blame is on our president who always makes an aperitif more difficult making it harder to interact with the rest of the world. that i believe is the result of people having to relax too much after all the improvements people have to know that if it was getting better we should keep doing what was being done to improve but as it is system we brazilians are in a unique situation due to the government we have that doesn't care about the millions of people that are dying every day or even worse i even think the president celebrates. reserve brazilian authorities maintain the country will get quote back to business in a couple of months but the physician we spoke to warns that that is unlikely. the country is not going to be back to normal in 2 of 3 months you may take half a year or more just
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a good demick under control let alone to get back to normal life the government didn't work hard and off to procure to buy tens of millions of those that brazil needs to vaccinated its people so we have a limited supply and current levels we have vaccinating barely a 1000000 people a day when we should be vaccinating at least 2 to 3000000 people a day so we need to double or triple the number 6 of people vaccinated 'd but the problem is the supply of vaccines the brazil has been able to acquire if we don't do anything we could be in to me 2 of a story co tragedy here i mean probably the largest humanitarian tragedy of the 21st century. the u.s. state of indiana is launching a probe against the 5 tech giants in a move that could lead to legal action the state's attorney general has accused them of censoring conservative voices big tech censorship should
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concern every liberty loving american as endianness attorney general i work to protect hoosier from harm caused by deceptive unfair or abusive business practices including censorship of digital content. todd rokita who is a republican went on to say that 5 firms facebook twitter google amazon and apple may have violated indiana's consumer laws he accused them of limiting people's access to content or by deleting or obscuring material reflecting a politically conservative point of view this follows a coordinated response from the tech firms in the wake of the january riots on capitol hill blocking the accounts of republicans including donald trump accused of undermining the 2020 presidential election results or inciting unrest. florida governor republican rhonda scientists is among the latest to be hit by alleged censorship without any warning or explanation you tube delete.


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