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tv   Documentary  RT  April 11, 2021 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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the put it to. the it. was beautiful beautiful. little full support school board of these clinics going up to the school is a good thing you believe because the. machine into life for the smear. job you know. the polls someone. because you've got a close call if you. need to. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy one for and let it be an arms race is off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful betty guyon time
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to sit down and talk. to street. to street. i can see. mr chips. expect to see 60 straight.
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oklahoma in the heart of america one of the most deeply afflicted states in the opioids addiction crisis. that might change the course of history. for the 1st time in the united states a doctor will be sued by the state for 2nd degree murder for over prescribing opioids hears the accused not to reconnect calls. a family doctor for over 22 years she's now suspected of being a prescription murderer. the judge has to ascertain if there's enough material to go to trial. the plaintiffs in the room have lost a child a brother a friend from an opioid overdose. dr nichols was their doctor she was the one prescribing the trucks.
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let him serve unbox i'm an attorney in oklahoma city i practice crippled events i've got a police officer and i've been a prosecutor and i've been a judge i've been here all my life born and raised in oklahoma. provided the hardship of the oil production we're right on the edge of we're cowboys are that is so we've got a lot of people in here that are hard working people and it's a pretty peaceful city as far as that goes. in box knows these roads inside out and is on 1st name terms with the local people all his career he's descended this community but today they can lions have changed before i was having people from more the poverty level and i have people all walks of life i have lawyers i have doctors children that. addicted to the opiates now it's every level in every area
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of life is for is for the low income high in. all of more affected by the opiate use. he represents several families from this town everyone has lost a relative deceased of a cardiac arrest following a painkiller overdose drugs prescribed by dr nichols. talks about. this oklahoma city lawyer has never seen a case like this and you victim wants to press charges. come in you can see you can see you. have a seat and that marshall has been raising her 2 children alone since her husband died of a painkiller overdose my math shows that's $99.00 per day that she would prescribe . and he passed away like my 2nd. one in 20122012.
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he was a fireman she works in education counselor a regular family all it took was back surgery to turn everything over in a few months her husband became addicted to the painkillers prescribed by dr nichols of course once you have that surgery it's never quite the same and then they get some other treatment anyhow and you know it's a matter issues with just on the judge just injuries it from being having such a physical job and i think it just snowballed you know he persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did those after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer. more drugs than the regular drug dealers of the street would prescribe but she's doing it in the name of medicine. according to her doctor nicholas would swiftly see patients without any physical exam a few dollars for
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a prescription her husband would have been prescribed $100.00 pills a day $3000.00 a month the doctor should have been the response well person they're trained in that's what their job is is to make sure they're treating you in a healthy manner and they're doing what's best for you and not what's going to bring harm to you. it happens to just your next door neighbor to your uncle miltie firefighters here come a city police officer to your school teacher to your you know it's a it's not a it's not a disease that is specific it can hit anybody. how come opioids invaded america pain has become a market and the idea of not suffering even likely is a good thing in drug stores that look like fast food anyone can shop for pain killers physical or psychological a pain killer exists for almost any reason. imagine facing the day with less
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chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine with less pain and amongst the pain killers on prescriptions are the opioids usually prescribed for back aches or headaches 2000000 americans are addicted to these pills for a reason that most ignore their opium based. i'm jason be minute and i am the chair of psychiatry at oklahoma state university's center for health sciences our oath is essentially 1st do no harm and i think that that's one of the biggest problems is that doctors don't realize that by prescribe opioids. that they could doing more harm than good and we've seen that in a lot a lot of cases what were they originally prescribed for well historically the uses been for what we call cancer pain cancer does
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a lot of horrible things street your body and can cause a lot of pain nowadays it's used for a lot of different things these pills. are found to know other drugs that are legally sold on the market share the same component a powerful narcotic heroin and sometimes they are a 1000 times more concentrated. the opioid compound comes from a plant called the opium poppy and these plants are really grown mostly in asia and then they're imported by drug companies into the united states but what we do with the pills is we take the good parts of the flour that you would smoke and we concentrate them in a little pill. and so the pills are a much more potent than smoking ever was but in the united states we outlawed the
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smoking of opium in the early 1900 if you get a 3 day per script there's a 13 percent chance that you'll be taking those opioids a year later so whether it's a few prescriptions or a few pills it's a very small amount that it takes to get addicted. to the left a lethal dosage of heroin to the right it's a quick lived to opium samples. to date you know something for your pain talk to your doctor. to be able to not feel pain has become a tacit agreement between doctor and patient this is what price these drugs are ticking bombs. who's aware of that fact did dr nichols know.
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a wrongful death lawsuit was filed today against a midwest city dr ragan nichols is already accused are prescribing a massive amount of opioids to 5 patients who later died when i heard that there was 4 other deaths then i said oh good evening the midwest city doggie doctor i'm homeless tonight 3000000 jobs davis i'm just reading and listening to the doctor raising as many times you can stuff and he. was very happy she got a rest question on t.v. oh very happy that that went on there for him said because this is for all 3 doctors i mean did she harm i didn't know any internet i met a man why america should surrender our men and manage to. a met. you. mean these are navy have spent their entire life in this house this is where
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their daughter chelsea was born 21 years ago here also that she passed away as a painkiller overdose in 2013 their story is one of an analgesic burden family hiding in the secret and shame with addiction. she's headed for a back surgery dr nichols was liza's doctor for 7 years she was the 1st to fall into the trap when i 1st started seeing her i thought she was going to be ok and she was giving me pain medicine to help my back but as the years go by course your body gets used to that medicine so that it doesn't work you know you used to take one pain you know and now you're having state 2 or 3 thing. because the pain is so bad. so it just increase and it's just a vicious cycle because you know you've got to have the medicine but you know you don't want to have to take that much medicine but you can't i could work and do my
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job if i didn't have as. much as lisa had her own addiction what she didn't know is that her daughter was doing the same thing for 3 years chelsea had diabetes which causes muscular pains it was her turn to consult with dr nichols. and i asked her about the quantity of medicine she was under and her response to me was chelsea was an adult that she could talk to me about chelsea's medical but she could talk to me about chelsea's diabetes but she wouldn't talk to me about. the medication issues i did trust her maybe money feeder to do it maybe just that the love of money maybe good that you are because i know that when she chose to be a doctor i would bet on it as she chose to want to help people.
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who are of them so. much of those who heard something you are. going to. look beautiful. moral muslim also has the also if you will films for the good girls. don't go to shul so look but look you just seem you belong. if stuart little should go. to
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starts to call the song to need to fill it with all those little missed dates to look it is it's. just testing understand just need to mount the mashed old church clock struck the president and please introduce washington to. those who have petitions to toss in the smoke to sleep with someone you love because that's the cause of the 2 serious supporters to your machine station shouldn't feel you should cook door for one was delayed because a woman. we
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met dr nichols almost a year ago i think she has a very good heart she wants to help people maybe a little awkward but she's got a really sweet heart my name's tommy adler i'm in a criminal. once attorney here in oklahoma city we represent dr ragan nichols or really like her very much. doctors lose patients all the time. to accuse a doctor of. acting in reckless disregard for her patients when we believe that she
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was genuinely attempting to care for them. is a big step for the government that's a. that exposes doctors to a lot of risk newsgroup troubled people these patients were abusing the things that they had access to. it wasn't the amounts that dr nichols prescribed these people that killed them it was the amounts that they decided to take. her line of defense is set to shift away the shadow of responsibilities dr nichols was an irreproachable professional who was duped by drug addicts and she never had any awareness that her patients were facing any danger whatsoever nowadays in oklahoma city addiction can be seen at every corner.
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i think america got here because we are the most medicated country in the world klein we are a country of if that is fast food quick fixes now now i now feel bad here's a pill her here's a pill tell disfunction here's a pill all of those things are right there at a doctor's head but way is good pain or mines is that we're alive. he went to the center as a patient since then he's become the head of the facility in order to save others like himself everyone here has to learn to live without pain killers this private ranches 30 places he. here it receives 40 requests a day at 21 years old kyle is in rehab for the 1st time to. sub brother you know. i'm good well cool man i feel and. i gotcha.
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us state claims you will see this when you're ready all right ron. get your mom in here and we'll get we'll get everything started. right after you guys. has been to college and he's the father of a little boy. but 4 years ago he became addicted to opioids and then heroin. writes opiates heroin and oxycontin anything else now ok and this is the 1st treatment done right all right how are you feeling very emotional i actually. the motion of everybody she's waiting for her boy to come back. is going to take kalb out 30 days for you
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to really begin to see a change. his life and death man there's only 3 ways out of this which is get sober which is what i pray for you on the 2nd one is is prison if you're lucky. 3rd one is the berry. i don't know how else to say it but on that night and i can't do the same or as. our own so much that i don't start i don't know. really will be on the. call to good care or not. kyle has 90 days to learn to live without opioids. how it feels horrible i've loved my body a us
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a lot of. my thought process it's slow. i just about an area around a lot of sad emotions and they assist i can't keep my lotions in one place. and on top of. her i just are of the little bit. one of our friends and it's all of us friends and. after that. we in my friends kind of stuck together and were doing these pills and it was just blocking out so much pain or so stressed out. fighting back tears every day i think that's hard i would think it was just blocking out that pain.
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and made me feel good if they would forget it they actually helped me out with a lot of things depend on it. i was. that was my girl you know that was my love and then. just this last year like too many too many bad things of loss for family and that wasn't enough that wasn't enough the weight room changes and mentally i'm our head by now it's gotten close to suicide. these pills are. a. little. just like tobacco addiction the dangers of opioids have been hidden it has taken 20 years for the government to take action for financial reasons.
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in my office while the lawsuit against purdue pharma. so long and janssen pharmaceuticals. in putting this lawsuit together. we believe these companies are culpable for the tragic heartbreaking number of oklahomans who have become addicted or who have died as a result of the opioid epidemic in our state. he's the oklahoma attorney general and the 1st one in his country to go to battle. my counter is the accusing pharmaceutical companies of having caused this epidemic.
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in order to prove that he and his team have been investigating for more than a year. attorney here in oklahoma city. in my mind is model burrage i am my lawyer in oklahoma. carol hunter hired my law firm whitman verged to represent the state of oklahoma and try to recoup all of the costs that the state has incurred because of the opioid epidemic we need this person is a. case. and. i think we're going to be able to prove that 80 percent of all the crime in the state of oklahoma is directly caused by this opioid epidemic and our prisons are
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overfilled because of that loss of productivity of taxpaying citizens costs the state money but i'm anxious to get this 1st this 1st battle started. what they did to this country. is for. their estimates bring the cost of the epidemic to $7000000000.00 in oklahoma. this is storm cool hearing will take place in a few days. today reggie which will explain his motivations to a group of students for this struggle is a personal one. partner a gene has been involved in the opioid addiction the opioid crosses ever since the death of his son brian and i had a nice that also related to drugs and so
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when the attorney general talked about representing the state. in this case. thank you knew that we both had family members and because of the epidemic. we're going to talk to incoming freshman athletes at the university of oklahoma i'm going to tell on. a story about my son brandon. about the power of addiction and how dangerous it is and maybe. save somebody's life. i think i got a chance to shake almost everybody saying when you came in i was trying to figure out what sport you are it's hard to guess every sport from your you know your size
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but thank you guys for coming. so let me introduce you to my co speaker tonight this is brandon. and moran is not here today and i'll tell you why later this is me when i was at o. u. and i had this young son and also when i had more hair. was a cute little kid brand his plan was to go to college and play football which he did. and he ended up playing on a national championship football team never got in any kind of trouble and the drug that brought him down was an opioid and it did not come from the streets it came from a pharmacy i just told him stop using those pills and i found out it's not that easy i found out it's like telling a diabetic to use more willpower and stop needing insulin you can't do that
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that's crazy i never told him about addiction i never warned him and so now i i have survivor guilt now but i'm living with it so i started a foundation called fighting addiction through education because i think education is the key to this problem and when i tell this story is schools it gets so quiet you could hear a pin drop and they're not really interested in me they're interested in brandon they i show pictures of him he was one of them he's just ordinary kid and if an ordinary kid like brandon can end up getting hooked they could and that is the truth these pills that big pharma sells. they're essentially heroin pills most people don't know that but these opioids are essentially the same as here that's the key telling patients that they're not addictive that's the
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killer literally thank you guys for being a good audience and i'm hoping some of the information i've shared with you today. might help you get a good. son never managed to quit. there is someone responsible for his misery. pharmaceutical. industry prefers to spend millions of you know being. a reconditioned i will be sniffing all about making money making profits it's about big
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corporations international markets import export do you imagine the number of currently diseases that are in every community it is new due to new viruses all new microbes drugs not true so it is due to environment less will see the c.e.o. the moment of discipline or this sort of must really be a secure they could only come into it seemed to be. the plague. if the food industry is successful it will create more jobs people who create more value added it will create more growth so i don't see why we shouldn't also fight for the interest something in history not except that we are british and we want regulation i was interest in if we don't behave as in the hospital to just fine.
1:00 am
e.u. officials seek to reassure that the astra zeneca coated shot is safe stressing that the vaccine hesitancy is costing lives but there are signs that the damage to public trials is already done. by your communities you know this since it has been shown that there are people who have unfortunately died after getting vaccinated it is in the risk is low in their best interest i think we don't know which trust part will be to the dark. least fans torch down to water cannon fire riots erupted across northern ireland over posts breaks it trade barriers. a former u.s. intelligence analyst faces years in jail for exposing america's drone assassin.


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