tv News. Views. Hughes RT April 14, 2021 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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dumping radioactive water into the pacific now this announcement comes more than a decade after the a trip around town at the fukushima nuclear power facility and while the japanese government is a downplaying the safety issues with the plan some locals as well as neighboring countries are expressing their concern artie's alex the hell of it joins us with the story. it is a disaster that keeps on giving. in march 2011 massive earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear catastrophe in japan's fukushima prefecture over the years thousands of tons of radioactive water have leaked into local berbers in the pacific ocean from both because she might daiichi nuclear power plant which experienced a triple meltdown over a decade ago now when an estimated 1250000 tons of water that was pumped into the rude reactors in an attempt to cool them down is being stored in tanks at the facility most radioactive materials heating strong and have been removed but not
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tritium which has been linked to cancer in humans that said to the dismay of many japan is planning on dumping of that water into the sea. here's japan's prime minister for you we will decrease the tritium concentration level to about 140th of the benchmark set by japan and one 7th of the benchmark for drink of all water set by w.h.o. furthermore we will maintain transparency with the eyes of 3rd parties such as international atomic energy agency and continue monitoring closely while the japanese government is trying to reassure its people and the world that the dump will be see some aren't buying it at home in japan many have been protesting against the idea and corn governments have also expressed concern especially those in japan's neighborhood including south korea japanese government's decision is absolutely unacceptable in china this is
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a highly irresponsible to do with some period that has really been health and the interests of the people in neighboring countries the nuclear plants operator tepco expects to run out of space to store any more contaminated water by the fall of 2022 the release of radioactive water into the pacific ocean is set to begin in 2 years time for r t m alex my living. by the united states is looking to curb the surge of migrants at the border by offering cash payments and covert vaccines to several central american countries all of this in exchange for those countries actually tightening their own borders so far deals have been targeted at countries in the northern triangle that's quite a model honduras and el salvador this is president biden has named arizona police chief chris magnus to the next to be the next commissioner of customs and border protection after the resignation of the current chief who only served in the role for less than 3 months so are we actually closer to a solution or discuss the situation and what happens next we bring in political
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columnist and editorial director of a reactionary times julio rivera thank you so much for joining us in the 0. thank you so much for having me scott ok so we are now seeing the reports that the bottom mistry has come to terms and are going to send $250000.00 and i say it's an additional aid to central america death throwing more money if you think at central america actually help this problem. well you know it's got to you might as well put that money on an airplane on pallets and fly it to the mullahs in iran or we might as well flush it down the toilet or use it to you know to keep a fire going in the winter i don't know it's ridiculous i mean these countries are so corrupt the council on foreign relations estimates that these northern triangle countries lose about $13000000000.00 a year or 2 corruptions will is no guarantee the disc money is actually going to be used for its intended purpose i think it's a mistake to be quite frank with you scotty and that's the thing let's turn
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50000000 dollars and we're already sending cash payment in aid to these countries so the thought is more is going to go and it actually going to get to the people's hands or it's going to go into the government which we're already giving money to and the corruption of that so what is the thought of this and why is it even being allowed i don't even see how democrats could even justify or republicans because obviously throwing money at a problem that necessarily make it better. no it never actually does i think the thinking behind this is the data administration wants to give the section that they're actually doing something but the fact of the matter is if they wanted to stop and curb this from the very beginning they should have never ceased border wall construction joe biden shouldn't ever ran around you know pretty much are letting the world know his intention to grant legalization to up to 11000000 illegal residents in the united states of america i mean that's the reason why we have the floods a quarter joe biden won the election over 75000 encounters between the custom of
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border protection and migrants that was more than double the $36000.00 from january of last year so obviously it's on the administration it's the fact that joe biden is running around that they're doing things like catch and release which is a lot more attractive to these people they realize if they come all the way and make the arduous trek to come to america they're not going to be immediately sent back they're going to be allowed to stay here and that's what's compelling people to go ahead and take that dangerous trek to america and more and more doing it and we're actually hearing more of their stories their plight you know maybe that is why we saw a quick resignation of the 1st probably biden administrator of his term what are your thoughts on chief magnus who is been an activist in the past being appointed and what is he going to do different than his predecessor. well listen. that was basically a victim of what did ministration above him was doing you know you've got some people that are really delusional right now at the top of the united states you
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know security trade a chain of basically when you look at alejandro majorca us mr broke the glass ceiling the 1st you know hispanic chief of department of homeland security a couple of weeks ago saying we don't have a border crisis while simultaneously saying that we're going to encounter more migrants at the southwestern border than we have at any time in the last 20 years so it's almost like they're refusing to acknowledge that we have a problem and if the people that are above chief magnus that are going out and really setting what the agenda is going to be are not good if knowledge that we truly have a problem then i don't care if you dig up john f. kennedy and reincarnate him and put him in that position nobody is going to be able to fix what's going on in the border until the people at the top of the administration acknowledge that we truly have a problem and really what really gets me is we're not hearing long term plans right now for what or who is already here who's already come the last 3 months we don't know where they're going but we do know that they are being dispersed to various parts around the country after that there's not really a plan in place really i thank you so much for joining us as we i think we can all
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agree what is happening at the border is heartbreaking on so many levels. absolutely thank you for having. and when we return the story of a 2 congressman who had questionable relationships but only one is under investigation and it's not the one who was sleeping with the chinese but we're going to get $360.00 view after the break. does the biden foreign policy differ from that of trump's at this point really however there is one difference trumpet challenge the bipartisan consensus in failed biden on the other hand appears happy to oblige the interagency consensus is we need to get. psychiatric drugs are essential for millions of patients. they want that pill that they hope will
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take care of their problem thoroughly and rapidly in the short term they really work the problem is in the long term and mostly disastrous suddenly stopping a drug withdrawal symptoms most serious than the condition it was meant to treat instead of the beneficial effects of these different medicines up to something wonderful very often fix it up to something terrible. trying to medicate life itself i just think i was and i was just scared i was a scared little girl i was 24 and like. they didn't have to be so complicated. the f.d.a. is now recommending pozen the use of the johnson and johnson vaccine after 7 cases of blood clots have recently come to fruition following vaccination including. now
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this is being seen as a major blow as more than 70000000 johnson and johnson vaccinations have been administered but why this why. the caution over this now well this is the pentagon has developed a chip which can detect the coded 1000 virus in your body once implanted could the implant be the next thing the public could be shamed into getting on with all of these details regarding the 2 stories we bring investigative journalist been on both of these stories are very alarming to me i'll be honest with you and i don't know which one to start with i'm going to go with the headlines right now that's come out today talking about the pause of one of the 3 vaccines being offered to the public so is the f.d.a. being overly cautious considering honestly there's only been 7 cases and what do we know about those cases. yes so overly cautious absolutely not in fact the f.d.a. is not being cautious enough remember that the johnson and johnson vaccine the mold journal vaccine in the pfizer by same have all been issued on an emergency basis which means the f.d.a. hasn't actually taken
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a strong look at any of these vaccines now you mentioned there are 7 cases some reports are calling them only 6 cases right of this you know blood clots essentially in people who have taken the johnson and johnson vaccine is very similar by the way to the astra zeneca scandal that's going on in europe right now where some european countries have banned the astra zeneca vaccine because of blood clots there as well the reason that significant scotty is because astra zeneca and johnson and johnson use a very similar process for their back scenes it's different than the journal and the pfizer the astra zeneca and johnson and johnson vaccines are made not identical but in the very similar way it's also important to note this for your viewers who are listening that because of the spike proteins that are used in the modern and pfizer vaccines there are a number of cases for those companies as well when it comes to blood clots and those kinds of conditions so you know what the various system is perhaps you guys
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have heard of there so there's is the the system by which the public is able to identify problems with vaccines it's like a self reporting system it is you know only about one percent of cases it's estimated of things happening are actually going into the very system but if you look at the very system for instance i'm looking at numbers from today the johnson and johnson vaccine is actually had 13 cases reported of embolism or thrombotic events dealing with blood clots right mo durness had 148 cases pfizer and by one second 144 cases and then a no manufacturer's 2 so the idea that the f.d.a. is pushing that says oh we've got to be careful about this vaccine because there have been 6 cases and yes it. 1000000 doses out there well actually there have been 292 cases reported into the very system of people saying that they had some kind or a family member had some kind of blood clot or issue as a result of taking the vaccine so the numbers actually seem to be much higher than
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what the f.d.a. is but that's the thing ben when you listen to any commercial specially at the end of a medicine course we kind of always and i take it lightly but choice here of all the things that could happen if you take this medicine blood clots are obviously there are unfortunately very common when you're taking additional medication because it's changing your body up that being said people that are pro-vaccine that are put in sure that you know are wanting to everybody get back they're saying look this just shows how careful we are that we 6 cases the f.d.a. stepped in this is shows just how safe it is what does do you a group that also confirms that they've got their hand on the polls of whether these vaccines work or not if they're willing to shut it down just office 6 cases. yes so there's a couple of issues here number one is that listen as i said there is very little reporting of how many cases are actually out there so remember that when someone says hey there or there may have been an issue related to a vaccine just to be able to get the f.d.a.
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or the vaccine maker to acknowledge that it all is almost impossible which indicates that the numbers of what's actually happening are probably much higher than the 6 cases the cases that the officially recognize as being connected that's 1st and 2nd of all you know keep in mind that when we talk about vaccines in general that these are very unproven in terms of what other side effects may be there listen people are entitled to go out and get a vaccine if they want to but the idea that these have been a stream you were asleep tested is patently false they simply haven't been and now we're beginning to see some of the results of what may come about for some people especially when it comes to issues like blood clots or even issues with their heart kidneys and liver and i think that's why people still are very cautious about an engraver hopefully people respect each other's decision if they do their research i want to move on to the microchip which senses coven 19 and your body before step down and filters the virus from the blood before being developed by the pentagon
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your thoughts on this yes so you know all the conspiracy theorists out there right who are going around saying hey they're creating this microchip and it's going to be inserted into your body it's going to come with the vaccine in there and all these folks in the media are like oh you people are crazy there is no microchip in the pentagon comes out and says actually we have a microchip so here's what's fascinating about this and actually i'm releasing a podcast about this today that's pretty lengthy in detail but what's important is that the government agency darpa right that does these defense advanced research projects is the one that actually developed this particular microchip that they say oh it won't track you in the end all it's going to do is tell you if you have. overt symptoms well guess what my body can also tell me if i have covance of so why would i need a microchip inserted into my skin in order to tell me whether or not i feel the symptoms of code that it's bizarre in that respect but it's also important to note that darpa that same organization is the same one that was funding again
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a function research at the. lab for the last 10 years especially since 2014 so the fact that they now want to come out and say we're going to create a microchip that you can put on your skin it will tell you whether or not you have coded it scotty do you really trust that that's what this is for in the fact that it's even created in the 1st place it doesn't even there doesn't seem to be a point to it to tell you that you have coat it i think that's what scares me the most about this is like you are working on a chip to go into people's skin by the way it's coming from the pentagon it's not coming from a private medical firm and i think that's from my concern really is this one so here's my question to look into your future crystal ball as i've so often asked you ben if this says to actually be accurate it can predict it do you think we could see a push that everybody just like what we've seen with the mask the vaccine a push that you actually have to be microchips with something from the pentagon could that actually happen and society today if you ask me that question a year ago i'd say it's nonsense i'd say today it's very possible that that's where
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we're headed with the with the talk of vaccine passports remember that with a microchip they say would only does this one limited thing right now but it's a microchip which means it could be used for many other things including tracking whether or not you've had your vaccine passed vaccine or whether or not you know you're able to travel into other countries because you have the microchip the application for a microchip is vast once it's already been created so the idea that it's only there for determining whether or not you have it i think is untrue and yes i think it's very likely they'll be a huge pressure to say the pentagon is going to start microchip in people and if you want to travel when you want to be able to go in and out of the country. you have to add this and anybody who's listening who says all that sounds like a conspiracy a year ago you would have said it was going to spears you to say that we're going to use the blog change to create a passport so that you can travel from country to country and that's happening right now as we speak and i have to wonder what's going to happen if private industry gets ahold of this technology as well been lots of questions that have to
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be answered by this thank you so much for joining us thank you scott. well the party's back as the house of representatives expected it to return today and almost immediately questions are being raised about the future of representative matt gates from florida who is currently under investigation for breaking federal sex trafficking and prostitution laws plus a whole lot more so the details of these charges as well as the events of the last 2 weeks of matt gates' life well it's kind of like a soap opera which representative gates' claims are politically motivated and 100 percent false however gates is now facing a house ethics committee investigation involving both the criminal allegations and potential violation of house rules and get why the house is involved he's charged with showing nude photos of women who said he slept with 2 colleagues while on the house floor so while republicans are calling for an investigation they're not saying it shouldn't happen there's also calls for unfairness considering very
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little was done when it was revealed representative eric swalwell had a long term affair with an alleged chinese spy had nothing wasn't really ever done about it including keeping him on the house intelligence committee so let's get to $360.00 view it with our panel former georgia state representative and democrat strategist done jones and talk show radio host steve gruber thank you so much for joining me good to have you know. that i'm going to put steve i'm putting you on the hot seat 1st should it represent matt gates be it is an investigation by congress justified. absolutely 100 percent but in fact allegations of this nature in this day and age are in any danger that matter should be investigated now i think investigation should run its course or should be due process and not jump to conclusions unfortunately we live in a day and age when jumping to conclusions is what people do but i think certainly these are very serious allegations i think the people that voted for madd gates in his district in florida have a right to know it is their congressman involved in these tawdry affairs i think
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the american people have a right to know that if if a member of congress is accused of sere the disks investigated thoroughly there's no question in my mind that they should be looked into extensively and if it turns out to be true that gate should be held to the letter of the law as should eric swalwell and other members of congress and i did our although not i took a double stamp that i gotta throw that over to our friend here everything i have done on that case right here is this where it's going to or did you think house democrats handled this right in december and is a different time saver seems so long ago did they handle it right and if they did is this going to come back and bite them now that they're dealing with a somewhat of a close situation on the republican side. i believe democrats handle it absolutely right we know in that case as well well that there was an f.b.i. investigation that came to him with glee this is very different than activities that happened on the floor of that house as it is accused of and even more
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importantly the level of reach of mr absolutely sleeping with a minor trafficking with a minor and i have read that the other yes this is only now against a complete investigation. but it is really looks retaliatory for republicans to try to come back and bring up an incident that happened years and years ago simply because. with the impeachment proceedings and americans are tired of well you're right i agree america tired of worth it but i will say something chinese spy under-aged go over really really bad but one puts our nation a little bit at risk and we still don't know what information she was able to get our hands on through the relationship how do you respond back to that as to that comment steve. well i agree with you and while we're on that avenue diane feinstein and her driver that was working for the chinese communist party for a number of years not investigated very well at all but i think all of these things merit clear thorough investigations if matt gates is involved with human
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trafficking the penalty should be swift and severe but there is an f.b.i. investigation here as well make no mistake this isn't just some allegation made the f.b.i. has been looking into it for some number of months now the same as they did with their ex well that eric swallow was never very forthcoming about any of that never discussed it so i think it's important that we have an even playing field and dianne feinstein the senator from california her driver from china for a number of years should also be thoroughly investigated because of the national security threats i think that human trafficking is a stain upon this country trying to but national security is national security on that i think i don i think this is something both sides said agree and why can we not good people to become corrupt when the before they run for office or does office does d.c. beltway happen to corrupt these individuals and it's not just she's the one or 2 little things there's just the 34567 as we're finding out with kate it's continuing to pile on where does the corruption begin and why can't both parties seem to get
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it together and get its existing on both sides. well as we have status we don't know if there is a corruption existed differences just being affiliated with someone from the chinese communist party or otherwise that it may not be american doesn't automatically assume that they are involved with some sort of illegal activities and that's why we have investigations on these things with the parties need to do this focus on the activity that every individual jobs met gates on the floor going to his colleagues new pictures while there are women right there to see how long it's just highly inappropriate in any work city but particularly in the united states capitol building particularly after his involvement with the insurrection and heard on the 6 number of things that continue to build up against him and i think our republican nominee joe. well that's what i want to ask to stay because guess what why is this just the thing same thing or stop why has all sort of come
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out now it's like you start with one and then everything the snowball happen or finding out all of these other things that have gone on. he is what concerns me though you know january 6th has nothing at all to do is what we're discussing here nothing at all it's a cheap drive by smear and it's a talking point put out there on a regular basis when there's not a good conversation we had throw back to general 6 i'm concerned about human trafficking i'm concerned if a member of congress slept with a minor if he paid her to go across state lines that would concern me if a member of congress sleeps with a foreign spy yes fraternize with a check i mean is carty is deeply concerning when they are being when they are themselves now involved in part of things going on like surrounding taiwan destroying hong kong while the russians are on ukraine yes i would say these are very serious matters of national security of the united states and therefore if you're sleeping i'm dating a spy from the chinese kind of money i would consider that of the most concern to most americas the same as i would dianne feinstein all of these things should be
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investigated thoroughly if mad gates displayed naked pictures of women which is alleged you know on the floor of congress yes they should be punished to the extent that it can be but don't disregard want to don't try to throw a red herring of january 6 out there that really doesn't involve itself well because both men are teenagers you know let's go for a lead on. inside study but now jangly 6 was the biggest national security racist country you have seen in a 100 years and so that's not a drive by and is equally as important as the there's not a center. where these congressmen even one maybe and just got here we are homeless when they are not even getting in is not the same our group have as well the ag i don't know there's on both sides i think some of the women haven't necessarily made a study there either way though i think this is why people don't like politicians inside the beltway that they like the people that are in their home before they actually come to d.c. i like them a lot better when they're at home than they are here thank you so much i both of
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you and i'm glad that you're here for the conversation. thank you thank you scotty . well that is all the time we have for today show i you know i know your time is precious and i want to make sure we give you the best of 30 minutes of it news possible so for this show and more i encourage you to tell the portable t.v. dot add on your android or apple device and i want to continue this conversation on social media i always enjoy reading your feedback thank you so much for watching and have a great day. today the industry prefers to spend millions of euros in the you know the 2 d. daily conditions i will be sniffing is all about making money making profits in
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some of the corporations international markets import export do you imagine the number of printing diseases that are seen every coming week then it is not due to new viruses all new microbes that's not true so it is due to environment. not going to say you know that moment all discipline of this sort of muscles are really just to kill it could only come into use even though to these militias that don't they love to play games from the sky if the so food industry is successful it will create more jobs it will create more value added it will create more clothes so i don't see why we shouldn't also fight for the interest something into street not accept that we are british and we want regulation i was an industry any freedom behaved zinnias penalty just fine. l. look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. i robot
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must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about official intelligence and the point obesity is to create trusts the shia. conflict take on various shots and with artificial intelligence will summon. the obama must protect its own existence as a mixed. with . israel media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the
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isolation full community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is truly wants is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. then you'll smell like it's a malt. you give us the 1st one to look upon you must we just finished for most of the hundreds. i chose to use who do want to come. here think it was national guard coming off.
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the plane to talk a little. bit some of it was from the schools miss. school board of these critics one of the biggest musical. because they didn't. shoot into life for the smear. job of us you knew those. opposed someone into believing it the president does not spell it you know it's pretty easy. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy going for him to let it be an arms race is on offer. spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very. time to sit down and talk.
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to the. rages for a 3rd night in minnesota after a block fleeing a traffic. dead by police it's across the country are again calling for forces to be defunded while some go on the rampage leaving local businesses fearing the worst . also ahead on the program muslims in france accuse the state of trying to control all aspects of their lives from their choice of clothes to the schooling of their show that centers around and you build this country separatism.
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