tv News RT April 15, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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i. think that's all it was this is. strictly. business and. now when i find. it a call to dream manufacturer which of these true. i think equally it's a problem in the fact. there's been a 4th night of unrest in minnesota where anger over the killing of done by police shows no sign of easing off. its motto is that it is the most trusted media outlets but secretly film revelations by a c.n.n. director admitting the channel is spreading propaganda. slogan into question.
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one and a half 1000000 french citizens are getting an unfair share of the country's vaccine supplies that's being thrown a present president. a 100 men saying that we hear from one of them. only 4 percent of the population received 2 doses of the vaccine is not enough especially compared to the rest of the country. and a new video game inspired by the iraq war the bloodiest battle sparks outrage critics branding it an arab murder simulator we get reaction from iraqis. we don't want to see kids and women killed again houses demolished we demanded boycotts of this video game. very good afternoon thanks for joining us this is r.t. international. now has been a fortnight of violent unrest in the u.s.
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state of minnesota where despite a curfew people again hit the streets to condemn the police killing of dante right anglo boiled over cars were torched shops looted and rioters clashed with armed troops. protesters gathered in the brooklyn center area they're calling for justice for the 20 year old who was shot after being pulled over in a traffic stop on sunday the officer who pulled the trigger can potter says she mistook her gun for a taser she's been charged with manslaughter protests also occurred in dallas and
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portland where the police union building was set on fire the scenes are reminiscent of those in the wake of george floyd's death last year he was killed in police custody in nearby minneapolis 10 miles away from brooklyn center spoke to wave of nationwide protests he died when officer derek show in placed his knee on floyd's neck. as a result show vince charged with murder manslaughter his trial is currently into its 2nd week radio host wayne du pree who served as a board member of the national diversity coalition for donald trump he says the solution is to rebuild trust between police and minority communities. tensions are so diode to the left and right the people that are getting hurt are in the middle what's happening right now it's not going to stop it's going to get worse because the lead leadership around many places is weak there is a lack of trust on both sides of the aisle. and when i mean both sides are there's
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a lack of trust with within the police community about what's going on within the minority community in then there's a lack of trust within the minority community about what the police are doing because of what they see projected on our media every day there has to be a concerted effort from both sides of leadership leadership of people that everybody can trust to sit down and work out proven solutions and and take it all types of suggestions and try to work out something and bring the trust back between law enforcement and the communities. is the news network a slogan makes the bold claim that it's the most trusted media but after a c.n.n. director was caught out in a sting operation questions have been raised if that's really the case don't call
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it a pix of the story. the most trusted name in news it's a title c.n.n. has long prided itself on maybe you buy it maybe you don't but what would you think if a network admin did to deliberately spreading propaganda well apparently they did i do. believe that it was. but again you are creating a story that we didn't know anything about. that's b.s. i think that he is the worst president we have ever seen but what president trump just said was undemocratic and false the president seems to think that dominating black people dominating peaceful protesters is law and order it's not he calls them thugs who's the thug here this guy is should not be president cnn's charlie chester spilled the beans over a tender date he was enticed into by an undercover project veritas journalist and
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he claimed the channel long had a pre-determined agenda to get trump out of office one that flows from the top down from none other than c.n.n. president jeff zucker himself naturally trying to make joe biden out to be a spring chicken was the other side of the anti trump propaganda calling yeah i mean. we did it right from the start as. you know he's shaking or whatever and he brought in like so many medical people so like all tell a story that i think it is ok to speculate you know lose your job john. you know by. him and you say here she. hated me as a. young. tree. that sounds a lot like election meddling something c.n.n. has pointed the finger at russia for time and time again blaming on unverifiable claims from u.s. intelligence and its reputation as evidence the. in last year's elections the
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network claimed that moscow was trying to hurt joe biden's chances by spreading conspiracy theories about the now u.s. president i'm talking about russia attacking our election russia once again interfered in the race for the white house russia is indeed interfering in the 2020 election with that kind of a double standard it should come as no surprise that people's trust for c.n.n. is on the decline but we don't think that this is all the personal attacks just. makes this worse when you're caught red handed hiding the way you do business from your viewers that's one thing but accusing someone else for breaking the very rules you yourself were caught breaking well that's another it's a rinky dink 2 bit organization what do you want it c.n.n. that scare defends immunised from any responsibility because nobody takes them seriously and as far as project very jealous and james o'keefe god bless him
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but how many exposé use must be produced before something's done things done and nothing jeff zucker still there everybody still there but let me explain something their ratings are plummeting who wants to watch c.n.n. if there's no trunk what do you do talk about what a great job biden is knowing what a great job camelot harris story i don't think so now me we can't believe what we're seeing and our country is in complete collapse with our borders being destroyed and being invaded gaily with crime around with a sense of them believe a bull distrust with with vaccine an advocacy vaccine malpractise with this anyway and years nothing for them to build up what are they going to do hey joe biden is doing a great job nobody thinks that where is by did you know where he is so. james
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york even project very doubt may get their wish by virtue of the implosion that i believe c.n.n. is involved in as we speak. nearly one and a half 1000000 french citizens are being treated unfairly with not enough vaccines to go around us the allegation being leveled at president matter on in an open letter that was signed by more than 100 mayors from the paddock l.a. region one of the signatories matiya demo told us why people in his part of the country feel they're being mistreated. only 4 percent of the particle you population received 2 doses of the vaccine this is not enough especially compared to the rest of the country what's more i want to remind you that the lockdown was reintroduced in our region 2 weeks earlier than elsewhere because the situation was very tough and even though the incidence rate in part the colo is over $400.00 per 100000 inhabitants the latest data shows 16 and
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a half percent of french citizens have currently received one shot of the job less than 6 percent though fully vaccinated the authorities aim to get 30000000 people in ocular by the summer where again says the biggest problem now is the shortage of camps do this you know what the president has been saying we have to accelerate the vaccination rate that we are actually at war with the virus and the crusade or mass vaccination campaign is better to be started now i'm sorry i chose such a comparison but we just need vaccines and then we will all be protected health care workers who work with i was. volunteers are all on standby you know missing the most important thing meanwhile france says that it will push on with using supplies of the johnson and johnson vaccine as planned despite the firm halting shipments to europe after the u.s. suspended use of the job over blood clot concerns we asked people in france what
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they thought. a vaccine that was burned was then put back on the markets so today we don't know what to believe of course people are afraid. of that and we want to trust our government because they have the power to make their decisions i would also like to say that i prefer to get the vaccine later we want to believe it's safe but we must be careful of x r if a vaccine can cause blood clots we should put the brakes on and studied more and not just use the general population is a guinea pigs. if they've found direct queens to this problems i think that it's risky it's like astra zeneca to the parents and the research i don't know well with blood clot concerns casting a shadow over 2 major vaccines another player looks poised to corner the market brussels a secure $50000000.00 additional doses of pfizer beyond takes job future orders
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could prove more expensive in march company has indicated a possible hike in prices post pandemic we spoke to german m.p. martin dobson he says profits are being prioritized over health. you can see the dollar bills on the ice and if you see the. president of that i want to accompany you can see clearly though he's looking for profit and he's not looking for health and i think in that. all organizations should grow to go fast so the street is playing with the hands of the people by raising prices and so will of course poorer countries will not be able to create it if you come for example to the price of those that knew you know at the scene if you go to the opening. of the. seam then you can see just. nearly double the price when you see the european commission already decided to buy without seeing
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any really doesn't matter what it cost. the local you know this lawfully situation it's dangerous. the u.n. has expressed that alarm over what it describes as the extraordinary levels of harm being inflicted on afghan civilians with the number killed or injured in the war against the taliban significantly higher than it was a year ago meanwhile joe biden's just announced that all u.s. and nato troops would pull out of afghanistan by mid september adding they've been in the country too long to the u.n. in the 1st 3 months of this year there were almost $1800.00 casualties that's an almost 30 percent increase compared with the same time last year the u.n. is particularly worried by the spike in women and children being killed and injured as for the u.s. troop exit is now shuttled months later than the date that was agreed by the taliban and former u.s. president donald trump and this is prompted the terrorist group to warn against extending the presence of american troops saying that that would compound problems
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of former pentagon security analyst michael maloof says that neighboring nations will shoulder the burden of washington's withdrawal. when really with u.s. troops it probably will be we might instead introduce private military contractors to try to preserve the kabul government which we created because taliban has made it very clear they don't want to talk to them they want to set up their own emirates in afghanistan but that isn't the half of it even though they only control a portion of afghanistan used to have other tribes the northern alliance for example the once a piece of the piece of the action and corruption run supreme's of the country could easily dissolve into a civil war for countries that will be east that will stand to lose the most will be those countries in the region with us pull out it really helped countries such as russia and china not to devote resources to try to keep the government working the problem is that they're going to have to deal with this now if the u.s.
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leaves altogether and that means in terms of the security aspects because of the terrorism threat al-qaeda is is growing in afghanistan as is isis and that would be a threat to the federation's own land a new video game a sponsor control the sea in america with a muslim rights group calling for a boycott 6 days in felicia is the game is set during the iraq wars bloodiest battle sickies of normalising violence against muslims auntie's increased on the reports. more than 100 u.s. marines killed around 800 iraqi civilians 2 dead in bombings some short others incinerated to death this is the 2nd battle of fallujah reduced to stark statistics the bloodiest battle of the entire iraq war for american troops now made into a video game it was the bunkers they would build inside houses. you would go in the
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house would be your client and then they would open up our new girl. from d.-day to the battle of stalingrad from vietnam all the way to her done and further back in history the video game industry is no stranger to projects based on real events but the developers of 6 day in fallujah say their title is bigger than just a game it's a documentary there isn't a campaign with a story. you know. there's not this is a this is a documentary with interactive sections of interest that the current for the game was for we're taking this as real and we were trying to. present them as a documentary were so here's a few documented fact about the battle tens of thousands of civilians that refused
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to leave the city a city deprived of power and water for days a city where the main hospitals entire medical stockpile was nothing more than bandages a city that dispelled the myth of america's precision targeting of insurgents as a single mortar shot was answered with a sure fire power across neighborhoods and last but not at all least the city that enjoyed the full brunt of the u.s. chemical weapons supply. as follows the residents were surprised with this video game contrary to the fact that the us army came as peace corps destruction and debris remain today there are
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still scars here from the prohibited weapons the presence of the u.s. army was a source of sorrow and agony to residents and the city's infrastructure. this video game is politicized it's underestimates the agony of the residents and the trauma of the city i'm against this video game as it shows the war in our city it's been a wrong policy to wage that war from the very start we want to boycott of the game and that's a big we didn't believe that we parse the distress and the agony that the war brought to us now this video game shows the distress again the scars from the war are still seen here in fallujah people are traumatized here we don't want to see kids and women killed again houses demolished would have minded boy go to this video game. you already know what i'm getting at none of these events above apparently will make it into this documentary game developers want to keep atrocities free the reality of fallujah
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a place where people live their lives has been glossed over for the sake of a thrilling combat experience if you're going to call the game documentary video game in at the same time you want to be trustee 3 then you're already misrepresenting these historical events because there are numerous atrocities only attempt that i'm aware to actually count i mean that in solution please the figure between 4006000 that's something that needs to be addressed and to try to portray it atrocity 3 year are ready changing the story or to store it you did. storing the story. with more than a 100 u.s. families suffering from losing their loved ones to the sands of iraq their sacrifice has every right to be perpetuated in a video game but with 8 times as many iraqis dead and countless more scarred for generations they had by the indiscriminate use of chemical weapons their ordeal deserves at least not to be emitted from the story this is
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a commercial. and commercial companies don't care about anything other than profit so there is no ethics there is no t.v. if it has a right there which people want to buy well whether it is. this is so absolute rubbish it resents the criminal behavior of american soldiers as here all week long versing rolls by training new victims as terrorists and criminals and heroes it's immoral treaty. tragedy of the victims as a gay king is totally unacceptable and encouraging violence violations of international law by killing civilians which is contrary to the geneva convention dreamy makes one wonders why it is getting is being made. still to come and he will mostly be able to ask facebook to remove contents they deem harmful as the
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platform beefs up the role of its oversight board which critics branded me a shield against accusations of censorship of the day printed out one after the break. shots seemed wrong wrong wrong just don't call. me. yet to shape out the attic. and engage me because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the
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day or thinks. we dare to ask. something on facebook or instagram offends or you can now ask that it be removed the platforms independent oversight board has announced it's now accepting such requests enabling users to appeal constantly want to see removed from facebook is a significant expansion of the oversight board's capabilities we expect everyone on
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facebook and instagram to be able to build confidence left up over the coming weeks the move significantly broadens the role of the supervisory body previously could only ask facebook to reinstate content the latest move comes after the social media giant face pressure including from congress to act on misinformation and abusive content in particular seen during the pandemic the 2020 us elections and after the january 6th capitol hill riot the decision though spark criticism online that is ations facebook is just trying to evade responsibilities. overside boyd you are a non biting entity whose only purpose is to deflect blame for facebook's shameful policy sense of you lack of moderation in exchange for a 6 figure salary wow facebook instagram literally has a propaganda censorship board crippled on in the process of assembling an oversight board to handle my business affairs in the future i cannot be sued or held
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responsible for anything because the board authorized that everyone should have an oversight board what facebook itself is sort of acting like a government i mean and in ways that rich are more powerful than many world governments it appears to me that they want to put a layer between themselves the company facebook mark zuckerberg is company and the censorship and the content so they can have this this this board if you will that they've sort of said is independence from them make the decisions for them it protects them in a lot of ways from them seeming like they are the ones censor ain't they're the ones if you're waiting content and what people see and do the way they're attempting to get around this is by saying that this commission this board whatever they want to call it is completely independent but we have yet to see how exactly independent we don't really know who's on it how they were appointed and how close they are with facebook as a company. the swedish government is facing criticism for
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a bill supposed to ban polygamist marriages carried out a broad critics say it's not tough enough in the did allows for exceptions in special but unspecified situations the government is therefore proposing a new main rule that no foreign polygamy should be recognized in sweden exceptions to the prohibited shall be possible only if there are exceptional reasons. polygamy's for britain under swedish law but at the same time multi-party marriages are recognized if conducted overseas the issue those been repeatedly race is the start of the refugee crisis with some families arriving from the middle east including multiple wives michael younger farmer hosted a debate on the new bill. the policy that's been introduced i get is part of a culture of demonize a sheet of muslims and islam across europe that we see in particularly some of those candidate big countries the lurch to the right this is not about polygamy
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it's about a handful of people who might partake in that practice this is about wider context in which it's time a for be a demonization of muslim is because the mainstream are against the whole notion of multicultural society and what's sway them and large parts of europe have done in the last many decades is introducing ways alights cultures way how you view women religious opinions that do not mix and should not mix with the swedish or for that matter european way or lots of it the problem with swedish social democratic government is that they always leave the door open for misuse of the law which this exception might very well can i just come in there just quickly i'll give you an example of why this exception is put forward based on the basis that my consent coming to sweden and for example maybe many children is one husband one father and he says look i've got saying why you split up the
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funding when you potentially if you don't have an exception in that doesn't matter in my case because we cannot adapt our society is to the way of the people coming here it must obviously be the other way around that's what you do you take the custom to where you go i mean that's what you do you move to a country and then you adapt. to the country i mean where do you start with that i mean people like kent and his ideology will be very happy not to have many refugees or how many people in the slums with the euro back to reality they're just not brave enough to say it's i think the vast majority of muslims who come to europe who were born in europe have a way of contributing and being part of european society i think that's something to celebrate not to denigrate the politics of division the politics of the far right which we read in this interview is on the way down across europe
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a killer brings you right up to date if you hunger for more news stories so you can find them by going to our website at t r t dot com. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. away. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us
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in the depths. or a maid in the shallows. psychiatric drugs are essential for millions of patients rather they want that pill that they hope will take care of their problem thoroughly and rapidly in the short term they really work the problem is in the long term and mostly disastrous suddenly stopping a drug can cause withdrawal symptoms most serious than the condition it was meant to treat instead of the beneficial effects of these different medicines ending up to something wonderful very often there are full effects of it up to something terrible 10 pills solve all ills probably trying to medicate life itself i just think i was in like i was just scared me i was a scared little girl i was 24 and like. i didn't have to be so complicated.
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so if someone wants to authorize a product in europe let's say a plan protection product this person because this person or this company the applicant has to provide data. as the risk is says whether this product is safe or not and this information comes from the applicant and the studies that are commissioned by the applicant to allow us to assess the safety paid by the applicant obviously so it's the intellectual property of the applicant and we can properly bartz of these studies in the current legal framework but we also have to respect the pieces confidentiality claims of the epic.
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