tv News RT April 16, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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welcome to. survival guide. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. you watch kaiser report. breaking news an r.t. international ready to retaliate moscow says it will expel 10 u.s. diplomats and may significantly shrink washington's diplomatic mission in russia it does come in response to the latest sanctions slapped on russia by the united states over alleged harmful activity but also to come angela merkel is a key to the attack on democracy after she pleads german parliament to grant powers
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to impose drop downs throughout the country and. twitter bans the founder of investigative journalist group project very task that after its latest expose a which the c.n.n. director let slip the channel's coverage is biased in favor of the black lives matter movement and words can kill brigade is now officially part of the british army one regiments told to use inclusive inclusive language to avoid causing offense. hello good evening and we'll start with that breaking news because the russian foreign minister has announced retaliating measures against the u.s. in direct response to new u.s. sanctions imposed yesterday on moscow over alleged harmful activities russia's measures do include the expulsion of 10 u.s. diplomats and the possible reduction of the american diplomatic mission in moscow
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so let's get more details now he joins us in the studio giving saskia just run through there what's been said in terms of the retaliatory measures while we knew that this was coming and some form or another it was just a matter of time russian foreign minister sergei lavrov speaking out on friday and really showing how. the kremlin has become by what it considers to be washington's consistent efforts to really tear apart the relationship between the 2 countries on the back of the punitive measures that washington announced against russia on thursday which the country will handle easily we've now learned exactly how russia will retaliate so on friday a list will be released of 8 washington officials who will be put on the sanctions on top of the diplomat. said that they would be suggesting that american diplomats leave russian territory similarly and number of american organizations which the kremlin considers to be interfering in the country's
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internal affairs will have to stop that activities so those are the concrete steps that moscow has so far announced but added that if the u.s. continues to behave the way that it is then more can and will be done including reducing the diplomatic mission here in russia to just 300 he also mentioned that whilst moscow can take action that could harm u.s. business interests it's not going to do that for now it's going to keep it as a so-called sort of trump card if needs be in the future now of course this really is the culmination of increasing tensions between the u.s. and russia since joe biden's taken office we've seen hostile quite on diplomatic rhetoric of course the now infamous interview in which president biden called his russian counterpart a killer on international television and the final blow was dealt to bilateral ties like i said with those u.s.
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sanctions against russia. because in that executive order it can only be described as a sanction sprit you know excited to russian entities and vigils have been sanctioned for allegedly attempting to interfere in the last year's presidential election stateside a range of financial technology companies top. get it for a parent cyber attacks on federal agencies 10 russian diplomats expelled russia's ability to borrow money also made a lot more difficult so it was pretty far reaching as it appears moscow's retaliatory measures too though it was interesting that joe biden claimed that really he took the sort of soft approach on russia that he could have made it a lot harder. on moscow which actually leads me to something which could be seen as quite confusing perhaps illogical about a lot of the rhetoric coming out of the white house that there seems to be a very big disconnect between what washington says and what washington actually
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does and not something that my colleague wolf looked into big politics is all about big p.r. political marketing of trump america transitioned from susi nicknames for his opponents into the body age which spearheads now shameless self promotion a murder is back. america is back diplomacy is back biden diplomacy sounds like a classic personal brand of so what is it well for russia it apparently means a sanctions sledgehammer through several steps including expulsion of several russian officials as a consequence of their actions i've also signed an executive order authorizing new measures including sanctions to address specific conference actually that russia has taken against u.s. interest well the man seems to be abundantly clear at least for ones right well he
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would have been had he not led into these sanctions announcement with this united states is not looking to kick off a cycle of skule she in conflict with russia we want a stable predictable relationship these signals are not just mixed in terms of consistency they're on par with noises from space joe biden was counsel joe biden said he's interested in the normalization of russia u.s. relations but the actions of his administration show us the opposite the u.s. is not ready to deal with the reality of the multiple a world which shuts at the possibility of american has your money instead they count on sanctions and interference in our internal affairs just this week biden and putin talked over the phone to join the conversation the u.s. president and a new batch of sanctions in putin's face only to express hope later for
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a stable and predictable way forward and the white house sees no problem here no discrepancy forget proof for good reason forget who's president even biden strategy is to bully a country out of geopolitical relevance and it seems that's the only predictable thing about america left after all trumps anti russia sanctions galore that appears to his whole. term didn't save the ex-president from being shamed for being soft on russia so maybe biden is resorting to nuclear options right away desperately trying to keep one foot in the door though the door leading to that positive trajectory we discussed the issue with the chairman of the russian public council for international cooperation and public policy he also served as a director general of the un office in geneva from 2002 until 2011 he questions the legality of the us sanctions. very healthy.
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or what the foreign policy is the same they don't sleep completely signals in your world in the world of course mostly what russia this is no europe for of course on the part of the super pro sentients they are completely legal if they are brought adopted by the security council otherwise it's the 'd use of economic well the go forward there were the force it was really difficult to. search search. i do think that you have to build bridges really your lowest please because we have a lot of common interest in. the digits that will. now our humvee illing the latest raft of sanctions the u.s.
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also cited tangs made last year of russia offering bang to the taliban to kill american troops in afghanistan white house admits it has very little late to back up those claims but it is still demanding answers from the kremlin. we felt the reports were enough of a cause of concern they assessed with low to moderate confidence as you alluded to that russian intelligence officers start to encourage taliban attacks against u.s. and coalition personnel in afghanistan so while there's a lot of moderate assessment of these reports we felt it was important for our intelligence community to look into it this information really puts the burden on russia and the russian government to explain their engagement here while in june last year it was reported that russian intelligence offered taliban linked militants bounties to kill american troops in afghanistan in 2019 the allegations were never proven and the pentagon itself said it could not cooperate the reports but that didn't stop the media from embracing the story vladimir putin
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is offering boaties for the scalps of american soldiers in afghanistan the european intelligence official called this callous shocking and reprehensible overnight president trump dismissed the intelligence denied being briefed on it as new reports emerged saying those payments did in fact lead to the death of americans. ok let's get the thoughts now scott ritter he's a former united nations weapons inspector we appreciate your time thanks for coming back on thursday let's talk about russia's response i'm not sure how much you heard of that so i just run through it with the in response russia's proposed to expel proposed to expel 10 u.s. diplomats it said that it could reduce the u.s. diplomatic mission in russia considerably it hasn't gone ahead with that but it's a threat and it said it will stop u.s. organizations from operating in russia although not stating exactly who yet and 8 american individuals will be sanctioned. well it's clear that russia
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is being far more mature about this than the than the united states and i think that's a recognition on the part of russia that what they're dealing with is is an american domestic problem not an american national security problem. and the best thing to do is to let the united states resolve its problem it has with russia internally and that's happening right now the it within the by the ministration there is a developing dialogue that talks to the reality of us russian relations that the think that has been truncated over the course of the of the last 20 or so years. you know there's not much russia can do to fix an american domestic problem i know russia has been accused of interfering in american elections and presidents but the reality is this is an american problem the united states spent the last 20 or so
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years of demonizing russia and demonizing the russian president vladimir putin to the point that the american people accept anything at face value that is negative about russia regardless of what the real facts are and it's going to take some time to overcome this the you know the the mindset of the american people as reflected by the attitude of congress and joe biden has to deal with the congress in this decidedly anti russian in terms of it's. the way it's tilting so even though there are many people within the by demonstration to understand that what's going on right now is dangerous and not healthy for international security and for merican security interests. these are steps that have to be taken domestically the united states and the administration to go by and as to be seen as standing up to russia and that's what that's what this mo this is promising in the midst of. a real with
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that skull that they are standing out and saying russian sort of hostile activity as they put it but they're not providing any evidence i mean just with your background say as a former united nations weapons inspector is that because they haven't got any or all the logical reasons why they wouldn't want to provide any. well 7 background as an american intelligence officer that predated my time as a weapons inspector but i can speak at it from the perspective of the american intelligence community 1st and foremost if we had real intelligence about russian interference we wouldn't publicize it because generally speaking that intelligence is garnered through. methods that we want to keep secret we don't want to acknowledge that we've actually had intelligence to do. so that the mere fact that you have politicians taking action on intelligence that has appeared on the front pages of the new york times bill is you right off the bat and it's not intelligence it's been it's clear sized information as opposed to hard intelligence look the
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united states and russia are adults they they they they sent the big table they were big boys pants and their intelligence services do things against one another because that information there's no doubt in my mind that russia is actively involved in gathering intelligence against the united states using cyber means just like we're actively involved in gathering intelligence against russia normally you know we understand this is the reality of the world but the united states right now is very defensive. it's dealing with a changing world changing reality and the fact that russia refuses to play the game of being subservient to you know a dominant america and so this is a domestic political problem where intelligence is well and political objective as opposed to doing what it's supposed to do providing insight american decision makers about what ground truth in russia is. and sort of being double handed here and i'm to say he saying that he wants a stable relationship you know he wants relations to improve but he's in place the
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sanctions and he will say he said you know i will respond with more sanctions if moscow entices sanctions itself in retaliation and now that we've seen that response from moscow would you expect washington to ramp it up again. well biden's mouth has boxed himself into a corner here and he has a problem a take him at face value when he says he wants to normalize relations with russia because that's literally the only way out of this problem like i said this is american domestic politics right has to sound tough and looked of so he's going to say things in there might even be another round of sanctions but i'll give you an example the united states read this and the u.s. navy vessels to the black sea in response to the scandal between russia and ukraine and when russia stood up mobilized its troops and said we're not playing that game we stop sending the ships at some point time biden has to deal with the reality of russia as it is that has the american spends it and i think you're going to see the united states trying to its best to get itself out of this predicament that it's
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created that russia very interesting to tilt scott thanks for coming on tonight a scott ritter a former u.s. intelligence officer knows the united nations weapons inspector thanks for your time thank you. by the german chancellor has been a case of attacking the country's democracy have soft wrangler merkel played it will make is to grant the federal government powers to impose regional cathy's angle towns without the consent of local authorities the chancellor was heckled during a heated debate in parliament. we're slamming on the brakes nationwide i'm convinced a nationwide imagine see stop is overdue and urgently needed a lauren measures have a single goal to lead our country ad of this terrible phase of managing infections care he said not when you know when sion but they are part of the infection protection or that is currently in place. i ask you de
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colleagues whatever a personal opinions may be don't you think that we should take them into account in the way we debating this here ultimately what i'm going to merkel wants is changes to the infection protection act that would allow her to not just to say this is what you should be doing but to be able to say this is what is going to happen the way it works here in germany with their federal system is all those things can be decided from the federal government in berlin how they're implemented on the ground particularly when it comes to covert 19 restrictions are left up to the interpretations of the governments of the 16 states that make up germany now what angle america wants to do is take some of those powers from the states and have them for herself well as you can imagine not everybody is happy with that outside of the bundestag there was a small but vocal demonstration against what the chancellor is trying to do in the opposition from the alternative to germany partly though as making the argument that these powers already exist that they don't need to be given to the to the
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federal government and that the chancellor should let the states decide what's best for the states this effect to introduce the infection protection act is an alarming document of authoritarian thinking never before has a federal government dared to include so many attacks on the basic freedoms of citizens and the rule of law and on democratic principles and so few sentences as in this draft more we've been here before though with anglo merkel's saying she wanted to implement national 'd measures national lock downs and things like curfews when it comes to the fight against covert 19 just before. easter we heard the chancellor announce this was going to happen over the easter break only for her to have to make one of the biggest u. turns of her political career when just over 24 hours later she said actually that's not going to happen because technically i don't have the powers to be able to tell you to do that. says day to fast of april as well as the surge of april should be defined as calm days with extensive contact restrictions and
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a ban on gatherings from the fast to the 5th of april. it gives women the idea was a mistake this mistake is my mistake alone a mistake must be called a mistake and above all it must be corrected at the same time of course i know that this whole matter trygaeus more uncertainty i regret their deeply and apologized to all citizens and this brings us today and the fact of the matter on the ground when it comes to covert 19 is that germany is being gripped particularly hard by this wave the robert cock institute which handles germany's public health affairs is warning that unless something is done that april could well be a record breaking month for germany when it comes to covert 19 infections what angular merkel is seeking the power to be able to do is that when cases reach a number of 100 new infections per 100000 of a population that an emergency brake can be pulled nationally the thing is is
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there's a lot of pushback against this the spite that push back it does seem likely that these changes to the infection protection act will be made by some point next week we expect them to be signed into law by german president frank fault. journalist and author thomas fassbender does believe that anger merkel's move does make sense despite criticism from the opposition. she believes in the necessity of increased risk and a stricter lockdown curfew measures etc and she decided to wholeheartedly i should say to take this way of centralizing her powers against existing opposition do not assume angle america has any idea of attacking the democratic order in germany but it is a test of the democratic all in german no question under crisis situation which we
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have for the 1st time in this country and some people are very much a fundamental lies in what is going on and driving it up to philosophical heights. the majority in germany sees this as a an end to effect measure and not the nothing more. that twitter has banned the founder of journalist group project very tathra nature violations of its policy does come now after the great published another and the compass thing staying video involving a c.n.n. director. a strategic research record. he gave. you for getting started is approaching in a. little bit of asia. so we're going. to try to look like oh well you can be over by. like i mean it's individually it's not it's you know which. doesn't give the operator ok. well our
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video does appear to show the c.n.n. staff are there betting b.l.m. coverage bias and it's the 3rd undercover scoop published by project or a task this week in fact if you want to find out about the other to do on how c.n.n. allegedly misled its view is to get ratings and reportedly it is up most to him to bring down donald trump to go to our web site at r.t. dot com where we discuss the revelations with project veritas is newsroom executive nikki vassie says it is time people started to ask questions. we can speak to the fact that this technical director charlie chester he was certainly part of the culture he was speaking as if they were an advocacy group and this is a network that uses the tagline the most trusted name in news does the most trusted name in news colluded directly or indirectly with black lives matter that's a question for the american public to ask it seems that the rules that as a society that we all thought were in place are no longer and voice there is no
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more rule book this is you know this is concerning this is something that the american people should be looking into this is something they should be studying and this is something that they should know about because anything this big that means people make value decisions that affect their lives every day based on the news and if you're telling them you're real and in you know we're off hours you're saying that you're completely fake your propaganda that needs to be investigated that needs to be looked at further. now the f.b.i. is opening new investigations into the activities of the chinese government roughly every 10 hours with more than 2000 active cases at present that's the claim of the bureau's director who warned that china poses one of the biggest threats to u.s. economic and security interests were of opening a new investigation to china every 10 hours and i can assure the committee that's not because our folks don't have anything to do with their time well the comments they followed the release of an annual intelligence report which brands china and
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the pair competitor along with it russia has also been mentioned as an obstacle to america's global influence iran and north korea left out either the document says both thought disruptive plays on regional and global scenes professor wang when from china's prime min university says that beijing is washington's competitor but doesn't regard the u.s. as an enemy. the f.b.i. should do something really a meaningful and important so it's a waste of american a taxpayers' money to investigate in china. what they should do is to investigate why the u.s. government views are so even more than half meaning american die off of the 1900 why do more than $30000.00 of people die each shooting every year in the united states why isn't the discrimination getting more and more serious in the united
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states us is threatening china but china does not regard that us as anybody and does not want a confrontation between china and the united states china is near pier and competitor of the united states so china's growth industrial proto production. chain of value and a total can their market a rally will have all oss sir precisely those of the and he stays. fine it's our you have heard of the like the gate and in the u.k. it's become a reality a soldier is an integration is royal engineers regiment have been tell what a mind that language in case it offends someone with more his arteries signing right. so the main dangers of being in the military is you can be shot at blown up . or fall victim to non gender neutral language well $22.00 engineer regiment of
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the british army is doing something about it the language not the horrible bad stuff don't call each other lads soldiers are told to be more inclusive and avoid using words such as mankind and sportsmanship over fears that they could cause offense to regiment sergeant major reportedly told his men. people that they need to try harder to up hold the regiments v. and s. b. and s. 1000 values and standards do not mix it up with b. and s. he also said that everyone has to remember d. and on that diversity and inclusion and that gentz men lads other phrases like there are not to be use and this is my favorite he said it should be made sure that people are getting paid the correct compliments we don't always says no. you're. right you know what this story has caused some our rage among friends or gobs like these more with of course
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actually there's nothing new about these directions they came out in 2017 released by the british army's joint equality diversity and inclusion unit or jeddah as it's known. who are inclusive most important so some poles from the guidance from the u.k. military's jet i war is include suggesting sportsmanship be replaced with fairness or good humor and the word mankind be replaced with humanity whew mankind human race people as head researcher some of those are man in as well were british war heroes to tim collins back in 2017 describe to listeners the ludicrous and dangerous morass into which obsequious and p.c. senior officers have led the british army which means he doesn't like it. so we can conclude from this is a. 4 years on after about the voice was originally given soldiers are still not quite ready to have their language policed probably because if you're in the army you've got a few other things to worry about let's not forget but the army has been at the
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forefront of a quality they've been teaching mentor on their own trousers for centuries washed on one saw a return over. to the book about dropping bombs on middle eastern villages is the absolute definition of inclusive ety and they're killing everyone without prejudice . probably a long time for we see scenes like this on the front line. sort . oh my god did i say that it's. not international thanks for company tonight don't forget we got plenty stories too on our website and you can find those at us. and the speculators and now the. world are speculators. they can create
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mr davies. and carried out by the people themselves if they would produce or even floor with the idea of making a film like this probably be branded as crazy. how is the sentiment. that's going to change of course after the war once the cold war begins. with the free. will is a strictly. defined hollywood they call it a dream in which it thinks true. it's a propagandist.
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