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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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when the central bank will claim there's that this is a victimless crime when they print money and yet we don't see that on the ground we see a lot of violence on the ground and that's goes directly to the said store they have responsibility for. a medical in tun commit suicide every 18 days and from the pandemic pushes trainee doctors to breaking point. british doctors and nurses also buckling under the strain of on deck with one health describing stall as a common fault. and the judge in the george floyd trial accused democratic congresswoman know putting the entire process in jeopardy proper sheeple for confrontation if there's a non guilty verdict in the meantime a pig's head is thrown out before we go away.
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and welcome this is our national life from moscow right. well getting us started a french union has sounded the alarm at shocking suicide rates among hospital trainees with thousands of and tons walking around the clock showing the pandemic the head of the union says the pressure is taking a catastrophic toll. in some people who in a terrible situation known since the start of john you were there has been one suicide the monk had to go into it's every 18 days. he has more on the crisis facing front line medics and friends. just to give you a sense most interns are supposed to be working a 48 hour week that's more than most people would generally in a week but we know they were more than that sometimes around 60 hours in a normal week but that union told r.t.
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that during the cold 900 pandemic things are so bad that some interns are working up to 100 hours every week. this is got worse during the pandemic but it was already a serious before out of also sides among medics 25 percent were interns and among attempted suicides it was 70 percent 4 percent of trainees had attempted suicide and that was before the current crisis before interned worked a 58 hour week much of that in surgery and that's got worse during the pandemic it rose to 60 hours than 70 hours than 80 and in paris up to 100 hours so weak so it's exhausting now that union has told r.t. that they need to be immediate action to alleviate the situation and the pressure for the interns now they've met with the health minister here in france in the last few days and he has said that they will be measures put in place to once the end of
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the summer to try and find a solution to that but the union said that's not soon enough well as the couvade crisis continues to bite taylor in france it looks as if there is no rest bite that's going to come at least in the next few weeks even months for doctors nurses and of course those into really it seems that despite the fact that france is now in this lockdown the needs and demands on medical staff from doctors right the way down to those interns is as much as it ever was. we spoke to a woman who's talked to one time a planet and clinic and took her own life in 2019 before the pandemic began my. that has now set top will cries ation representing the families of in tons who have committed suicide during the code crisis she says the walk in conditions of going on except to pull food is. my daughter died of professional burnout because of the conditions you worked and started in and because of the complete absence of
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measures to prevent psychosocial risks in the hospital where she works in every situation every death is unique in the context it's always different specialties places work but a list cases are clearly related to working conditions they were overwhelmed at work there were also cases of harassment and study pressure but what they all have in common is that working conditions made more psychologically vulnerable we weren't like that in the 1st place if we wait till summer how many world die is this acceptable to hear from the health minister that if we don't accept the fact that by summer we'll lose another 5 or 6 people until we finally have time to solve the problem know their loss we should follow them full stop. what's not just in france i thought one senior health walk in the u.k. has described that role as cannon fodder. stuff i've been treated like cannon fodder if i didn't need the money i would have resigned which is soul destroying because they used to love my job but now it feels more with dread and i'm
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permanently exhausted the latest polls show the extreme pressure u.k. health. more than 90 percent want a significant pay rise with the government one percent of described as insulting and 2 in 3 have considered quitting in the past year but the government claims that many n.h.s. tall for getting much more than a one percent raise. in fact you know what let's just break into the program and head straight to minneapolis where the decision on a directions trial has begun the jury reached of. chevron's trial of former minneapolis of course any self such charged with killing george floyd let's take a listen and see what.
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member of the jury i will read the verdicts as they will appear in the permanent records of the 4th judicial district state of minnesota county of hennepin district court for the judicial district state of minnesota plaintiff versus derek michael show of and defendant verdict count one court file number 27 c.r. 201-2646. we the jury in the above entitled matter as to count one unintentional 2nd degree murder while committing a felony by the defendant guilty verdict agreed to this 20th day of april 2021 at 1 44 pm signed your 4 person juror number 19. same captioned verdict count 2 we the jury in the above entitled matter as to count 2 3rd degree murder perpetrating an eminently dangerous act find the defendant guilty verdict agreed to this 20 if they have april 2021 at 1 45 pm signed by
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a jury foreperson are 19. same caption verdict count 3 we the jury in the above entitled matter as to count 3 2nd degree manslaughter culpable negligence creating an unreasonable risk find the defendant guilty verdict agreed to this 20th day of april 2021 at 1 45 pm jury foreperson 01. members of the jury i'm not going to ask you individually if these are your true and correct verdicts please respond yes or no journey over to are these your true and correct verdicts. german neither of these are true. yes german 18 are these your true and correct verdicts. journal 27 are these your drink. journey and these are. yet german to d. 2 of these are true in. journal or 55 are these your true and correct verdicts yes . journal recently 9 of these. journal or
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85 of these words. journey over 89. yes journal or 91 of these huge room yes germinating 2 are these your true and as. these are really the wall. i find that verdict as read reflect the will of the jury and will be filed accordingly. i have to thank your behalf of the people of the state of minnesota for not only jury service but heavy duty jury service and i'm going to ask you to do now is to follow the deputy back into your usual room and i will join you in a few minutes to answer questions and to advise you further so all rise for the jury.
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be seated. with the guilty verdict returned we're going to have. blakely you may file a. written argument as to blakely factors within one week the chordal issue findings on the blakely factors the factual findings one week after that war a p.s.a. immediately returnable in 4 weeks and we will also have a briefing after you get the p.s.i.i. 6 weeks from now and then it weeks from now we will have sentencing for you the exact dates. in a scheduling order as you have the state. custody . bill is revoked bond is discharged and the defendant is remanded to the custody
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of the helping county sheriff and then further. thank you. while so far dicked is in the george floyd death trial after more than 10 hours of deliberation over 2 days and looks like former police officer dart shaven has been convicted on all 3 charges that. unintentional 2nd degree murder degree murder and 2nd degree. and we saw him as he was read by unanimous sentence he's been taken into custody so that is the situation at the moment that long awaited the death of george floyd well let's cross live now to our correspondent caleb maupin who stateside for us there are a lot of eyes on this it was one of the most politicized one of the most televised as well court trials in history break it down for us the details i know it's
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a new story but what do we know so far. well the whole country and many people around the world were watching as that verdict came in this was the police officer who is seen on tape taking the life of george floyd and that video recorded incident sparked a huge episode of unrest all throughout the united states the country seems to almost go up in flames as amid the pandemic people saw that video and were just filled with outrage let's review what happened in reaction to the killing now which has been declared a murder of george floyd. so
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now the officer on film taking george floyd's life for his he is now a convicted murderer the jury came back and on all 3 counts was convicted
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of the. trial you have the defense arguing that it was actually it was a drug related death that wasn't actually the officers fault the jury just did not buy it a lot of testimony a lot of evidence was shown and the jury has convicted officer derek chauvet now it's important to know that an appeal is expected at this point many have looked into the situation surrounding the trial and said that if the if the defense does not appeal this verdict it would be highly unlikely there won't be an appeal now sentencing is set to take place within 8 weeks and he was not granted bail he was not released he was remanded taken into custody meaning they do expect that he could be a possible flight risk and so he will be awaiting sentencing behind bars so this is quite a dramatic moment now in the lead up to today's verdict we saw a lot of businesses you know being boarded up we saw the national guard deployed
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the military you know on standby all kinds of police assembling with you know riot gear and such and it's likely if we hadn't seen a guilty verdict today that there would already be unrest in the streets but it appears at the moment that the anger about police brutality which you know flows from you know communities throughout the united states we heard statements from joe biden and other elected officials saying that they hoped jovan was convicted jovan has been convicted officer derrick show been who's on tape killing george floyd is now a convicted murderer guilty on all 3 charges so many anticipate we won't be seeing the unrest that many feared if the trial had gone the other way but an appeal most likely will be in the works sentencing is not for another 8 weeks so questions still remain but at the moment it looks like the black lives matter movement would consider itself at this point to be victorious. me those people who are protesting outside the courthouse will be pieced that this was the correct sentence many
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people as well thought was more penn reporting from new york many thanks. in the indian capital new delhi has imposed a week long lockdown after a deadly surgeon covert cases fatalities hit a daily record on tuesday bringing the nationwide total to more than 180000 hospitals across the nation also failure overcrowded meaning new covert patients are simply being turned away there are widespread reports of ambulances loaded with bodies dropping them off. and it's fair that the official death toll could mask the true scale of the crisis public health experts told us the situation is dire the indian situation right now is very grim good girl doesn't really you know continued to go. it would be very difficult for them to sort of look you know really explored i think the current situation for the new government is really to really ensure
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that they have enough supply for the misty population but to you who isn't about exploiting that is something which we now had to be. the bigger issue is the lack of diagnosis because there are cases where people are not able to dig 19 through the regular to go for 0 or different mccann ism and also i think the other german which is emerging is that it's being the population of a younger age which was not of the kids in the in that we won. on monday and to register 273000 covert infections with numbers remaining close to record highs but while the caseload so was the vaccine rollout is failing to keep up only a small fraction of the population has been inoculated despite india being the world's largest vaccine producer manufacturing many of the shots used in west india has also signed up to produce 200000000 doses of up to 92 countries as
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a part of kovacs program although those supplies are now on hold the government's move to restrict taxing at sports to make up for the domestic short for a doctor from the deadly medical association told us that india can no longer afford to send its shots appalled. so we're told it is less than 10 percent and. the we didn't or. so many of the seed to less do have the impact on the herd immunity and on the coverage of the vexed issue it will be difficult for india. to keep pace with their international obligations in the presence of richard we're going to see the problem for their countries. depending on india he couldn't leave britain on their own says. let's return to the us quickly because the bided
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ministration has apologized for what it called donald trump's renegade approach to the climate crisis. asks if this could unleash a flood of overdue confessions on the white house. we are very sorry for the last 4 years with a president who didn't care about science fair enough right from pulling out of the paris agreement kashyap waves around the world and one of the 1st things biden did after bumping trump out of the white house was to rejoin it i'm all we're at it maybe there's some other things from the past 4 years you guys want to apologize for on behalf of trump there's plenty to choose from though that could take a while and dems are pretty vocal about condemning all that stuff at the time so maybe that's a given so what about apologizing for biden's controversial past stances he's had a long political career after all and then there's the whole inappropriate touching thing i'm sorry this happened but but i'm not sorry in the sense that i think i did
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anything that was intentionally designed to do anything wrong or be inappropriate ok not quite taking responsibility there maybe it's only about apologizing for past administrations so if anyone searching for ideas on where to start look no further let's start with the biggie the 1st and only use of atomic bombs in a war it's been over 75 years since hiroshima and nagasaki were devastated by the actions of the us but not even obama was willing to make apologies for that in the midst of war leaders make all kinds of decisions it's the job of historians to. ask questions and examine them ok how about another war where dangerous weapons were used agent orange in vietnam for example and let's not forget about that forever war that biden has just promised to actually end after 20 years of bloodshed we cannot continue the cycle of the extending or expanding our military presence in afghanistan hoping to create ideal conditions for the draw and expect
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you to different result that withdrawal speech surprisingly didn't come with a sorry for overstaying our welcome section but if those examples are too controversial why not start a little smaller. and apologize for the treatment and persecution of julian songe perhaps even drop the charges against him since his case threatens the very idea of journalistic freedoms but now what was i thinking how dare a whistleblower expose misconduct by the us government point is if apologies are going to be handed out there are plenty of people waiting in the wings to hear them but something tells me that isn't going to happen i'll never apologize for the united states of america ever i don't care what the facts are that all bush sr telling it like it is will be bought in just a moment off the short break so don't go quite yet.
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when the central bank will claim there's that this is a big the most crime when they print money and yet we don't see that on the ground we see a lot of violence on the ground and that's goes directly to the fed store they have responsibility for. is you'll be via reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation or community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. what is true what is right. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the debt. or
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a mate in the shallows. welcome back now new zealand is having a 2nd thought so for its role in the u.s. led 5 eyes intelligence alliance the country's foreign minister expressed her alarm over the groupings on teaching. it's a matter that would have raised with 5 eyes partners that were uncomfortable with expanding their remit or the 5 r's relationship that we would much rather prefer looking for multilateral opportunities to express how interests on a number of issues the fibroids alliance involves the us britain australia canada and new zealand in a traditional focus on defense intelligence with agencies sharing data ranging from satellite images to surveillance and they've only recently ventured into openly
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political statements the main target of that has been china which is new zealand's largest trading partner and last spring the 5 eyes minus new zealand publicly accused of violating the rights of the week of minority and hong kong protesters back then beijing responded with a stern warning. no matter if they had 5 eyes that. china's sovereigntists security and development interests were being poked and wind former british military intelligence officer philip ingram thanks the political statements coming from the fires have no real impact on intelligence activities. it's purely a political discussion that's going on and relationships in the southern hemisphere between australia new zealand china and a lot of the other major players over there are going to be different to those other northern hemisphere best with the us canada and the u.k. and it's not unusual that you're going to get different and differences in foreign
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policy from an intelligence perspective the stance isn't changing the comments from the new zealand foreign minister were all to do with the trip and trade relationships new zealand are in a perfect perfect lot as a sovereign country to make the room foreign policy decisions the 5 eyes community and we'll discuss it and suggest areas that may be of mutual interest but there's no compulsion and there's no international agreements to work with and therefore the nothing more than further discussions going on between diplomats at the appropriate level. and finally the search for johnny's next heat out his timing into an unpopularity contest after the country's most popular politician pulled out in favor of one of its least liked it is now the front runner for pace chancellor merkel after september's elections as artie's beat all of us explains. well it's put to bed what had been weeks months certainly
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a very tense last few hours of debate and discussion over exactly who would be standing for the chancellorship from the concert of union here in germany that's made up of the christian democratic union party and the christian social union party they're very an outfit we do know now it will be our main lash it is the 60 year old leader of the state of north rhine-westphalia has been put forward by the party and agreed on by the party as their next counted it and angela merkel has just given him her blessing in september's election it comes after markets who's the leader of the state of bavaria gave a concession speech on tuesday lunchtime that followed on from they a vote which the top brass of the party gave their backing to. market that had said that he would respect whatever the result of the vote was and he's done
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just not even if this if i do is cast in last it will be the c.d.u. c.s.u. candidate for chancellor my word which i have given stands i told him that we as the c.s.u. accept it we offered him our full support the christian democratic union top brass may have given their backing to our men lash it but that doesn't mean that senior conservatives across the board are in favor of the man from north rhine-westphalia and in fact we've heard from marcus billionaire who's the secretary general of the christian social union this was speed him speaking on monday saying he wanted markets voted for the job and he wasn't the only one it's been a week of deliberation no the days of decision come are over for is marcus is inspires the union and people across the country we are experiencing a great response from marcus is now it's time for the city you. very much seen as the continuity candidate when it comes to christian democratic you. union policy market zada would have represented certainly a bit of a change there's never been
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a chancellor from the christian social union in fact the union of the 2 parties only ever put forward a c.s.u. chancellor 2 times before neither of course were successful in that final ballot when you look at a poll that came out on tuesday morning it's quite clear that world according to this poll by the german broadcast r.t.l. the public really quite fun seed markets as the next chancellor to do a bit more context when the public were asked if they would vote for an unnamed celebrity from outside of politics 6 percent said they would do that a lot of eyes will be looking on the how the vaccination program across germany develops during the 2nd quarter of 2021 a lot of hope was packed behind that in the 2nd quarter would be when germany's very slow and sluggish vaccination program got back on track what we are looking at and where the smart money is going at the moment if you were to bet on these type
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of things would be on a coalition between the conservative union and the green party now the greens announce their chancellor candidates on monday that will be. bach she's the 1st chancellor counted at the green party of put forward the greens currently all around 21 percent of opinion polls they'll be hoping they can try and get more than that because they see themselves potentially leading the next government that would be a big shakeup in german politics but there is a long time to go yet between now and that election on the 24th of september we heard from peter biased and a bundestag man before. any party he thinks the army lushness nomination could prove a fatal blow for charming conservatives in the long run. this is quite normal and this pontiff today don't care what the people want america even don't care was what they on members were on the party that isn't reaching this awful. system because
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even now we have a chancellor who as not to make jory t.-o. of the people behind her you know angle america was elected just with some 5536 percent and the riad going to have again the chancellor who will have just some 30 percent then he has. he must look for a top notch and now it's going to be most probably a coalition between. the conservative party and the greens and of course of course it is this is on a long distance that short to c.d.u. c.s.u. because they used to be conservative but with this politics they are not conservative anymore. that's all from us for this hour for the whole team thanks for joining us we. have got to.
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russia u.s. relations are in tatters at this point there is no reason to believe they will improve anytime soon it appears washington is determined to force moscow to take the need this is delusional this will never happen we live in the most dangerous of time. psychiatric drugs are essential for millions of patients. they want that pill that the hope will take care of their problem thoroughly and rapidly in the short term they really work the problem is in the long term mostly disastrous suddenly stopping a drug can cause withdrawal symptoms more serious than the condition it was meant to treat instead of the beneficial effects of these different medicines early up to something wonderful very often. get up to something terrible until.


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