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tv   News  RT  April 23, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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or are you being led. direct. what is truth what is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or remain in the shallows. in today's headlines deadly development asters their cause reputation takes a further diver's the relatives of the woman who died after getting its jobs through the vaccine maker we hear from her family's lawyer. one professor we are called got vaccinated there was no warning about the rest of trumbo service on the information sheet on the informed consent of. russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman tells sister channel r.t. dortch why failures have damaged the not kill
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a shame campaign. politicisation tired they hands e.u. officials tired behinds of industrialists and businesses and ultimately turned the hands of the all in peoples the you went against the interests of its own members. and that conservative called a report alleges mass graft by the u.k.'s ruling conservative party when doling out covert contracts. safety 1st as us calls grow to quote defund the police many americans say they're terrified that would leave them in danger on the streets and in their homes. a very warm welcome and good morning to you this is r.t. international broadcasting live from moscow great to have you with us astra zeneca faces legal proceedings after an italian woman given the covert vaccine died her
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family is now taking action against the multinational corporation the 55 year old music teacher from sicily got shot on march the 11th within days a medical check showed blood clots forming in her body and brain she fell into a coma and died less than a month later her brothers say she had no previous health issues. my sister was in excellent health if some tests were done on her and came back negative she had no diseases and she was perfectly fine for tests also found them a sister was not at risk from bosis she was happy to get the vaccine and then after 7 days all the symptoms mentioned by the enemy began and she develops from braces she began to feel very ill and after another 2 days during which she was hospitalized her condition resulted in a cerebral hemorrhage and after 3 rounds of surgery she died. blood clots have been
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identified in nearest people who died after getting astra zeneca shots prompting states to hope its roll out while others set age restrictions on use medical experts including the world health organization say the benefits of its job still outweigh the risks and the deceased woman's brothers they serve family supports the opposite inoculation program. but we are not attacking vaccines absolutely not fact scenes are indispensable i have vaccinated myself i am a doctor my patients also vaccinated and so are my other family members who want truth and clarity because it should not be possible for a person like my sister who is in excellent health to die from the vaccine the warnings from astra zeneca and you make came later and not when my sister received the shots so that's why we're asking for the truth to say nothing there were deaths before and after professor was the to dr died and there are investigations into those in this case i can say that after
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a person does the autopsy my consultants concluded a lot of previous diseases it raises disturbing questions because one professor we are called got vaccinated there was no warning about the rest of the bosis on the information sheet or on the informed consent form. germany's planning to ramp up deliveries of russia's vaccine after chancellor merkel admitted fundamental failings and the need to change the e.u. health policy with more on this is artie's piece of. germany is set to receive 30000000 doses of this book make vaccine over the summer the c.d.u. leader in the state of saxony michael mann arrived in moscow on thursday to meet with the russian health minister he said that the federal government in berlin is expecting 10000000 russian jobs 3 times in may june and july we will see whether the approval and acceptance of this vaccine is as high everywhere else as
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it is in saxony and eastern germany maybe we'll even get more than the news about sputnik comes amid reports that from the end of may all adults in germany could be able to get an appointment for a vaccine merkel has also been discussing the future of health policy across the e.u. saying that the code is pandemic has highlighted issues that may require a change in treaties i believe that europe needs greater competency in the area of health this will probably also require changes to treaties i have always been open to treaty changes if they make sense this is not an end in itself and you can also do a lot of things through coordinating policy at the intergovernmental level but it certainly makes sense to also have european level competency for certain situations especially pandemics the problem is for months now europeans have seen the e.u. authorities competence or lack of it in securing doses but they say they are the
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ones to blame i have joined ireland as one of the parties to the legal case specifically around astra zeneca is complete failure to meet its still literally and contractual agreements for may in june astra zeneca could well find themselves sued for breach of contract for supposedly having over promised and failed to deliver. commission is working nonstop to provide it. sense with a safe and effective vaccine against call the 19 as quickly as possible the entering into force of the contract and astra zeneca is an important step forward in this respect.
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koeppen either will be getting involved with e.u. procurement contracts is french austrian vaccine manufacturer never they've pulled out of talks with brussels to provide the job which is currently undergoing stage 3 trials after the company said they couldn't make any progress with the e.u. they'll now seek deals with individual countries with only around 7 percent of the german population fully vaccinated the hope is that with more doses arriving and restrictions on who they could be given to lifting that over the summer germany can ramp up their vaccination program and get more jobs into more people's arms peter all over r.t. . colleagues from our sister channel r.t. to each has spoken to russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marie as the harvest she says brussels playing politics has had its pandemic response. it would. let's
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be realists the european union simply last time it could have been a leader in an occupation a leader in vaccine production but they didn't happen why politicisation tied the hands e.u. officials tied the hands of industrialists and businesses and ultimately to the hands of the own people you went against the interests of its own members and i don't know whether you are allowed to talk about this in the e.u. but that's the objective reality it's a fact just like the fact that called it in 2020 highlighted the immense problems in the european union and in the west in general. has not been able to deal with the world wide catastrophe but it's not like we haven't had them before yes the world hadn't dealt with the ground in of planes and border closures and such scale but the world has dealt with fund damage before and it turned out the those who call themselves leaders of the world aren't that at all is just chest thumping it turns out the european union specifically germany france and many other countries
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and also the us couldn't offer anything to the world as an example of dealing with the pandemic unfortunately they didn't live up to the task neither in the economic terms you know socially know in terms of development and implementation of vaccines that's not a real leader does it. it's not only the complication of not the only complication for vaccine manufacturers aspies is warning of a surge in fraudulent doses stay with it some for more on this story later in the program. claims of a conservative can a new you care report finds a 1000000000 pounds covert contracts have been dished out to companies time to the ruling conservative party including those with no track record of supplying relevant goods or services. it is very surprising that the u.k. government prioritize recommendations from politicians given that most of the areas of economic activity this type of association raises red flags and they are not
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known for their expertise in procuring medical equipment what is even more surprising is that it did not engage professionals such as the british medical association and the royal college of nursing. the report looks of thousands of contracts worth almost $20000000000.00 pounds handed out last year transparency international says it has identified scores that urgently need scrutiny adding that 20 went to those that with known political connections to the conservatives but the party insists everything is fine all people procurement went through the same assurance process in due diligence is carried out on every contract ministers have no role in awarding them the priority list was widely advertised across government as a way of more quickly tree arching offers of support. but the co-chair of advocacy group keep our n.h.s. public disagrees he knows the government has serious questions to answer. i think
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few people would complain. made good decisions should be good reasons and with good results alongside transparency but in fact they've made very bad decisions and very bad reasons including this cronyism friends and political allies and terrible results you'll be aware the public accounts committee looked at the impact of the private contracts for example on on contact tracing. they could not find any discernible impact on the spread of coronavirus through the contracts that have been awarded by the government in this privatized. diversion of money from the public to the private sector this is a really. desperate time of 150000 people dying from coronavirus in this country one of the worst rates in the world and the government has claimed
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that they are the saviors of the country and actually that to me they betrayed public trust. us is under heavy activists pressure to slash police funding in the wake of high profile killings by officers but huge numbers of americans say such political agendas leaves them vulnerable to criminal criminals are sunnis helping has the story. there are children is now behind bars but many americans don't seem to view him as simply a bad apple the idea that all police are irredeemable seems widespread among liberal politicians it wasn't an accident policing in our country is inherently and intentionally racist no more policing incarceration and militarisation it can be reformed congresswoman elano maher laid out what her agenda is for dealing with the police 1st demilitarize the police with protests becoming more intense some argue
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now is not the time to tie the hands of the officers then their step to criminalize violence against protesters now we can all agree about peaceful protesters but what about those who burn buildings or engage in property destruction next stage disband and deconstruct police stations now in some parts of the country they are taking that literally and portland we saw protesters besiege and the light of police union building on a grand scale if it's what they want which is the reduction or elimination of law enforcement you can see on the streets you will get survival of fittest you will get the american who knows them to find themselves defending against those who don't in the lesser of it you're going to get a complete lack of morale which is going to lead to just men and women who sit in their cars and collect a paycheck and the proactive law enforcement which will be done by presence only will only completely lead to more crimes are the only people going to urge the community so people are not really thinking they're thinking out of motion and the
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politicians are 100 percent capitalizing office and it's going to be the people who suffer the most now police chasing down suspects on foot is something you can see in all kinds of t.v. and movies but the mayor of chicago now says it may be time to give that a rest no one should die as a result of a foot chase now of course this raises some questions say a woman's purse is so that the police then have to call and ask permission before chasing down the perpetrator. police feel that they are being demonized and in some cases they are resigning saying that the atmosphere is too restrictive and we had a sergeant taken office job done badge removed who wants to live under that type of scrutiny morale is gone in the albuquerque police department they don't trust their leaders they don't trust the city and they're tired of being managed by politics polls show that a large percentage of americans do fear that a shortage of police officers could result in chaos nationwide los angeles has seen
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an 80 percent increase in shootings we now have the mayor a democrat calling for an increase in the police budget reversing the cuts in the police department made at the height of the black lives matter protests last year this is purely political for the reason that the systemic racist problem in law enforcement isn't the american police officer it's just the system is the politicians who make the laws it's it's to the prosecutors and the defense attorneys but nobody wants to talk about that so the easiest pawn to play in this whole game is the police officer or the easiest one to wind up attacking because they're the front line in between the community and ultimately what happens to the community member the police and the public have a relationship and if one party is always a used to size and the other party refuses to take accepting accountability for what they're doing you're going to get the one side that just ultimately throws up their arms and walks away so to be honest whatever the american police choose to do if it stand down or if it's all in all give up for tire was sign walk away then
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nobody should really be shocked what's happening the morale is going to be massively low and you're going to get men and women who are completely unappreciated walking and good luck to whatever happens in america we have all seen the horrendous videos of police shootings anger is completely justified and reform is long overdue but there is still another question what will replace them that is what has many americans very nervous caleb mop and r.t. new york. without fleet taking any worldwide in support of the black lions mountain movement eyes are on the olympic games in tokyo a body representing international sport smythe and women is seen to be encouraging dissent at this event things such as actions are about freedom of expression but the move by the world players association contradicts the international olympic committee's longstanding rule 50 prohibiting protests under the rule athletes must not protest or display political gestures at the podium and in serve modi's the
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world players association has promised legal backing for those sanctioned over protesting at the games but the i.o.c. is insisting on neutrality the political neutrality of the olympic games as a way to protect athletes from political interference and exploitation. while investigative journalist sterling told us he understands the i.o.c. stance. politicize ation of the olympics is is really not a good thing i think the athlete commission recommendations are very they seem quite solid to me restrictions are are really confined to the podium and the ceremony where the athletes are supposed to be recognized for their athletic accomplishments the athletes commission. polled 3500 athletes olympic athletes from 185 countries and 70 percent of them.
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indicated that they support rule 50 which prohibits. protests or political or religious protests at that at the ceremony or at the at the podium it's important to keep in mind the olympic the goals of the olympic charter which are against any kind of discrimination. still ahead as awning news from india whether it's made a shocking spike in covering the virus cases this story and small off to the break . the world is driven by a dream shaped by one person and those with. their
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dares thinks. we dare to ask. some certainly that china disagrees with america's foreign policy or the child disagrees with america's domestic policies that china disagrees america's monetary policy they don't want all that money printing so few things are going to happen number one it's a hash war or a global race to procure as many as possible now on the geo political level china is leading the way this is the sputnik moment for a big point american answer that this race car can be left behind.
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welcome back the pandemic situation in india has taken a shop change for the worse with more than 300000 new cases registered for the 2nd day in a row a warning he may find the following images to say. the search has also led to a rise in victims of the country's death toll now with more than 180000 from a tory arms all set to be working around the clock overwhelmed with the influx of posies hospitals are raising the alarm have an oxygen shortages and a lot of beds. meanwhile vaccine make a fine is a has warned of a growth in short throat finding fake injections often particularly in poland and mexico. we are cognizant that in this type of environment fuelled by the ease and convenience of e-commerce and anonymity afforded by the internet there will be an increase in the prevalence of fraud counterfeit and other illicit activity as it relates to vaccines and treatments for covert 19 the counterfeit doses were seized
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by all thorough doesn't it makes ago paid around $1000.00 for what turned out to be if fake covert shots though there were no reports of adverse side effects meanwhile in poland an anti wrinkle treatment passed off as the fire is the job was discovered before it could hit the streets dr john dombrowski from the washington pain center says it's a tragic case of supply and demand. there is a lot of demand out there and there may not be enough supply so people are willing to fill that hole what happens in in the country of mexico there prophecy is a lack of supply so maybe the government is supporting it or not but obviously people money always go to the head of the line that's what happens because it's all about corruption there's a lot of money out there it's a lot of money sloshing around and we see this all the toy and obvious when you're buying things outside of a pharmaceutical industry you really don't know what you're getting in thankfully to your point no one was hurt or damaged and obviously in poland you know day
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thankfully those products ever get out to the public i think you want to be the thing is like let the buyer beware if it sounds too good to be true believe 'd it if you give me a $1000.00 you learn the head of a wine really so perhaps it's one of those things just follow the system follow the guidelines you know make sure are you really are at risk that you want to get this vaccine already or you are not so it's ok you know and obviously we need to just use our judgment but use the governmental systems follow the system of the guidelines so try to jump the line because you're probably losing a $1000.00. still president vladimir putin speaking at an online climate change summit hosted by joe biden where we see you say discuss the key moments with osteen's x. on the point. bonnie's moment was there as surrounding who would you think russian president he was 8th in line to speak which i think was assigned if you believed
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him by then administration or to the president you wanted to keep him waiting for him for a little bit maybe just send some signal but when the time has finally come like he was shown on the screen right in the middle of the president's marker on speech president of france and the funny thing about it was that the term president roh was introduced as a live gassed he was given the floor but india middle of his speech we realized that it was a tape and there was a moment of confusion on the american side and we had a few minutes of. putin staring blankly at one another from this greens are just i thought that that was. quite funny it quite ironic it's utterly express the tension that existed between the 2 sides but at the end of the day you know who's in slope here expressed his point of view and this time it went on so it's on
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a what about the actual content of the summit honest and there were some strong differences in how various world leaders want to address the issue of climate crisis what was said about that there are lots of talk about mother nature and things like that but at the time being the americans and their european colleagues have committed to you cutting greenhouse gas and the sense you know these steps will set america on a path of no 0 emissions are kaname by no greater than 2050 but the church in america represents less than 50 percent of the world's admissions no nation can solve this crisis on our own as i know you all fully understand all of us all of us and particularly those of us who represent the world's largest economies we have to step up that formula in. you know what we have at south is an issue of still pretty large disagreement the russian president for example. of what the reader should
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take into account is not only how much each country immense but also how much it absorbs. due to the vast capacity of our ecosystem russia makes a huge contribution to absorb and glue missions both around and from elsewhere he says mrs around $2500000000.00 tons of c o 2 could land per year. the europeans and americans are not suki in the army including that absorption capacity in the into the formula also there is a major disagreement on the chinese side because the chinese along with our developing countries have been somewhat late to the industrialization party so for down the commitments should not be as stringent do you think this whole climate conference is an issue that will unite the countries together or are we going to see more beefs down the road does a lot of suspicions here in this country and also around the world that the americans the europeans i trying to use the climate that gender to sensually.
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kickstarter the globalization 2 point old that they want to use this issue to keep that control at all over the labor distribution and around the world and disappointing that the suspicion that i can quote john kerry. we buy into the administration special envoy on climate who said not so long ago that no government can officially deal with this subject and that it should be essentially a left should be private sector meaning turns national corporations and yes i think in many parts of the world it is those transnational corporations that. make a huge emphasis on overconsumption that led to the degradation of the environment in different place so i think what we are going to see are emerging do. little differences in who should lead this process who should contribute to this process and whether it should be about. corporate doubt heard or stay there for.
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the rainy and president has said u.s. sanctions are preventing his country from receiving covert vaccines posing millions of lives at risk to wrong signed a contract in january for more than 7 almost 70000000 vaccine doses through the w h o's kovacs but 3 months on only a tiny fraction of those have been delivered at a time when covert deaths are worryingly high president rouhani says that it's entirely down to the trade restrictions being enforced by the u.s. and its allies. there were no sanctions would be getting deliveries through the scheme and today millions of people could get their backs and i would like our people to clearly realize that this is a crime by washington what the united states has done since day one of covert 19 was that it blocked iran from using the international financial sector and that
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basically blocked iran from importing test kits. importing. all sorts of hospital supplies in order to combat covert 19 now under fire in the united states continues to pursue the same policy iran counts as for the money of the united states is blocking it and the iranian backed program has been delayed for months as a result iran doesn't need their help iran wants them to stop trying to harm iranians. r.t. arabic spoke to a candidate for next year's iranian presidential election he says the country is ready for dialogue with america. our relations with america are based on mistrust this goes back to before the iranian revolution even then the actions of the us government caused people to lose trust in the americans if the united states wants to establish relations with iran will welcome that we want relations with all countries of the world except for the zionist entity which is our red line america
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must atone for its past mistakes regarding iran washington must earn back the goodwill of the iranians the way the nuclear deal has played out shows that the americans don't keep their word so i advise the u.s. administration to return to a relationship based on mutual respect iran is a big proud and independent country if america wants to restore interaction with iran it has to change its position on the nuclear agreement. thanks for joining us they are not the international back in 30 minutes for the latest. was a pandemic no certainly no borders and just blocking 2 nationalities. as americans would be we took a look at. least 6 people. just
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. common crisis with this until. we can do better we should. everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenge is critical to respond because for so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together. a folks next up on dennis miller plus one the a beautiful lovely and demure john love it so be here john oh no doubt have his dog jerry bruckheimer the 3rd in his lap and here jerry's got a bit of a hacking cough going on let's hope that doesn't play a part.


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