tv News RT April 23, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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groupers the feeling that. those still search for grown children well look you know hope for the best parents. president mccraw for all the spouse not to give up the fight against islamic terrorism after a female officer is killed out of police station outside paris. pastors out of his reputation suffers another blow to as the relatives of the woman who died off to getting its job soothe the facts and make up we have from her family's noise. professor thanks anita there was no warning about the risk through most is on the information sheet or in the informed consent form and russia's foreign ministry
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spokeswoman tells all sister channel on why e.u. failures have damaged the inoculation campaign. politicisation ties the hands e.u. officials started the hands of industrialists and businesses and ultimately to the hearts of the own people the you were against the interests of its own members. walking around the clock to make sure you never miss a story this is our to international we are very happy that you. well let's head straight to frogs where a female officer has been killed in a knife attack at a peace station on the outskirts of paris the attacker was shot and killed by police at the station the prime minister of france has labeled the stopping a terrorist attack. this department has already been
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affected by attacks against officials for example the magnum deal attacking 2016 and more recently the nation of some party our determination to fight terrorism. is more intact than ever well as you heard the prime minister of france has said this is a terror attack and president himself said we will not be giving up the fight his words against islam is terrorism it's going to take you through the details of what we know about what happened on friday off. which is about 40 miles to the west of paris we understand that a 49 year old police officer was returning from lunch where she had been confronted by a man just outside the station we understand he followed her and then proceeded to attack with a knife we understand one of the places where he stopped was the fact that he apparently slit her throat now on doing so colleagues then aimed at him and sure.
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we understand that the female victim the police officer with the 49 year old mother to understand her name was definitely what's been reported. that was the victim of this attack the a turkey we understand to be a 37 year old who supposed to be a national who came to france back in 2009 we know that the incidents been taken by the anti terrorism prosecutor who now be looking at all the details surrounding what happened in the lead up to this latest attack here in france we've also been hearing many tributes flowing to the area. in memory of stephanie who was killed in that attack today including this from president. she was a police officer stephanie was killed in her rumble
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a police station on the already damaged land of evelyn the nation stands alongside her family colleagues and law enforcement in the fight against islamist terrorism we will not give up fronts of course has been suffering and a dark cloud of terrorism since 2015 when the sharlee a dual purposes were turned into in paris later that year of course they would the paris attacks or around a 130 people killed even night of terror later we saw a taxi nice but move recently too there has been a spate of terror attacks that have dawkins' that cloud one school that's just happened the fact that some of those horrific events.
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as a result of this latest attack which assume the death of a police officer in every limb just on the outskirts of paris the interior minister has now said that security is being stepped up outside police stations and turned on the big buildings here with problems but many might also be questioning how that attack it was able to get in so i just you were area inside the police station and killed an officer in front. of the tragic incident comes hours micron's government pushes for the so-called anti separatism bell that aims to tackle radical islam we discussed with our guest how the french government could control it stream. the
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bill is written to begin with the president spoke about islamic terrorists and that it was a bill against islamic terrorists and then it changed completely if you look at the text now it does evil mention terrorism it doesn't mention islamism it doesn't mention any of the realities of from i mean there are some 4 to 5000 people why aren't s. and we have this violent means that there are really dangerous for france society that there are potential terrorists and some radical islam is gaining a lot of ground so you have another seat in the soviet truck which you have a lot of must live in a lot of muslim business mr says. like somewhat. our interests sort that's that's. part of trust that people are you ready to like we don't not we still don't know what to do because he was completely unknown he he wasn't even
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listed as a as a radical islam because he was under what under control nobody could guess that he would do that i think those people. you talk internet they what this radical islam propaganda one day they just they just start to act like you people. astra zeneca faces an evil proceedings following the death of an italian woman after receiving its covert fact seen her family is now taking action against the multinational corporation the 55 year old music teacher from sicily got hotshot a march the 11th but within days medical checks showed that blood clots were forming and how pointing and brain she fell into a coma and died less than a month later her brother says she had no previous health issues. my sister was in excellent health if some tests were done on her and came back negative she had no
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diseases and she was perfectly fine the tests also found that my sister was not at risk from bosis she was happy to get the vaccine and then after 7 days all the symptoms mentioned by the enemy began and she develops from braces she began to feel very ill and after another 2 days during which she was hospitalized her condition resulted in a cerebral hemorrhage and after 3 rounds of surgery she died. while the lawsuit odds to others already filed across europe against the u.k. swedish company it also comes amid the suspension of the rollout of the astra zeneca job in some countries over blood clot concerns however medical experts including the world health organization still say the benefits outweigh the risks of the deceased woman's brother says her family supports the inoculation program. but we are not attacking vaccines absolutely not fact scenes are indispensable i have vaccinated myself i am a doctor my patients also vaccinated and so are my other family members who want
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truth and clarity because it should not be possible for a person like mr who is in excellent health to die from the vaccine the warnings from astra zeneca and the inmate came later and not when my sister received the shot so that's why we're asking for the truth she said. there were deaths before and after professor to react died and there are investigations into those in this case i can say that after professor gives this autopsy my consultants concluded a lack of previous diseases it raises disturbing questions because one professor got lexan ated there was no warning about the risk of this on the information sheet or in the informed consent form. in the meantime any plans to ramp up to live free as of russian covert fax scenes as it and other e.u. countries face shortages all sister channel has talked to russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marie as horrified about the plot problems and she blamed brussels for
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playing politics it would. let's be realists the european union simply last time it could have been a leader in a knock your nation's leader in vaccine production but they didn't happen why politicisation tied their hands e.u. officials tied the hands of industrialists and businesses and ultimately to the hands of the own people you went against the interests of its own members and i don't know whether you are allowed to talk about this in the e.u. but this is the objective reality it's a fact just like the fact that called it in 2020 highlighted the immense problems in the european union and in the west in general do you has not been able to do with a worldwide catastrophe but it's not like we haven't had them before yes the world hadn't dealt with the ground in of planes and border closures and such scale but the world has dealt with fund diamonds before and it turns out the those who call
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themselves leaders of the world aren't that at all is just chest thumping in terms of the european union specifically germany france and many other countries and also the u.s. couldn't offer anything to the world as an example of dealing with the plan demick unfortunately they didn't live up to the task neither in the economic terms you know socially nor in terms of development and implementation of vaccines that's not how a real leader does it. the german chancellor has to defend herself before a parliamentary committee after promoting a scandal hit payments while visiting china 2 years ago why a college is currently being investigated in a 1000000000 euro fruit case not the job of ministers have also been dragged into the drama people of the house the story. well the german government has been answering questions this week about the now defunct and insolvent financial services and payments company why a card on tuesday was the turn of economics minister peter out to speak to the
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committee on thursday we heard from finance minister or left scholtz he said the government had absolutely nothing to do with what he called a case of large scale fraud on friday it was the turn of german chancellor angela merkel who was fielding questions about a 29 team trip she took representing the german government to china speaking to the bundestag select committee she said that she wasn't on toward li influenced by lobbyists when she spoke on why a cards behalf now why a card last summer announced that it had a a 1900000000 a year a hole in its accounts and a number of board members as well as senior members of the company currently facing criminal charges.
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well the chancellor said that the $29.00 team trip to china was to discuss a number of political issues with chinese president xi being but she has come in for criticism from some members of the pundits like you were part of this investigative committee saying that the chancellor went above and beyond for a company that has since found itself accused of serious financial crime. for the success of the lobby machine surrounding wire cart between the lobbying of the chancellor when she actively supported a criminal organizations like wire card during her trip to china. despite internal warnings and public reports angela merkel not. for wildcard in china the support to one account from the federal chancellor eastern fine points in time the chancellor should not have lobbied for the company but rather the prosecutor and the police
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should have marched in and search the premises. steps down as german chancellor later this year but the twilight of 16 yo reign is being beset by lobbying scandals involving c.d.u. c.s.u. conservative union bloc earlier this year several were forced to clear their desks and get out of the offices immediately following lobbying scandals involving p.p. and masks as well as having taken payments in order to lobby on behalf of as a big. party has announced face off with new chant up to some of our videos on covert 19 get to me but what explanation at the platform give what i'll tell you in just 90 seconds.
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in his annual address to the nation russian president vladimir putin reminded his citizens and the world in fact russia has red lines when it comes to foreign policy interests and those red lines need to be taken seriously and there lays the problem the west refuses to acknowledge russia as its own national. it's not silly that china disagrees with america's foreign policy or the china disagrees with america's domestic policies like china disagrees america's monetary policy they don't want all that money printing sell a few things are going to happen number one it's a hash war or a global race to procure as many big quite as possible now on the geo political level china is leading the way this is the sputnik moment for a big point america can answer that trace or it can be left behind.
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and again thousands have attended the state funeral of chad's president idriss deby who was killed this week in a clash with rebels france's president was among the foreign trees at the ceremony . that. france will never let anyone question and will never let anyone threaten either today or tomorrow chats stability and integrity. and to be died from injuries sustained in clashes between rebels and government forces on monday his death came on the same day of his victory in a sick election he had ruled the central african country since 1991 was a key player in the security strategy for the region we discussed the future of the
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country with the acting diplomatic advisor to charles president he thinks the situation will unify the country. is shaken it can tell you that. it won't be easy to reproduce. honestly. seemed a little. precision to precision. the kind of for. sure. i can see both dissent to mentor and this is a team. of us. i think it would create a national unity and. we won't be needing a stronger national consensus and we're going to go for workers. for ski.
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meanwhile france has send $600.00 to additional soldiers to the saheli region which stretches across the gulf africa to counter terrorist attacks it increased its troop numbers to more than $5000.00 but hostility towards france is growing among the people of this how they accuse the foreign troops of failing to protect civilians and recent the full colonial powers minutes from the presence. of the us is on to heavy activists pressure to slash police funding in the wake of high profile killings by offices but huge numbers of americans say the such political agendas leave them vulnerable to crime. reports. there are children is now behind bars but many americans don't seem to view him as simply a bad apple the idea that all police are irredeemable seems widespread among liberal politicians it wasn't an accident policing in our country is inherently and
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intentionally racist no more policing incarceration and militarisation it can be reformed congresswoman elano maher laid out what her agenda is for dealing with the police 1st demilitarize the police with protests becoming more intense some argue now is not the time to tie the hands of the officers then their step to criminalize violence against protesters now we can all agree about peaceful protesters but what about those who burn buildings or engage in property destruction next stage disband and deconstruct police stations now in some parts of the country they are taking that literally and portland we saw protesters besiege and the light of police union building on a grand scale if it's what they want which is the reduction or elimination of law enforcement you know you can see on the streets you will get survival of fittest you will get the american who knows them to find themselves defending against those who don't in the lesser of it you're going to get
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a complete lack of morale which is going to lead to just men and women who sit in their cars and collect a paycheck and the proactive law enforcement which will be done by presence only will only completely lead to more crimes and the only people going to urge the community so people are not really thinking they're thinking out of motion and the politicians are 100 percent capitalizing office and it's going to be the people who suffer the most now police chasing down suspects on foot is something you can see in all kinds of t.v. and movies but the mayor of chicago now says it may be time to get that arrest no one should die as a result of a foot chase now of course this raises some questions say a woman's purse is so that the police then have to call and ask permission before chasing down the perpetrator. police feel that they are being demonized and in some cases they are resigning saying that the atmosphere is too restrictive polls show that a large percentage of americans do fear that a shortage of police officers could result in chaos nationwide los angeles has seen
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an 80 percent increase in shootings we now have the mayor a democrat calling for an increase in the police budget reversing the cuts in the police department made at the height of the black lives matter protests last year this is purely political for the reason that the systemic racist problem in law enforcement isn't the american police officer it's just the system is the politicians who make the laws it's it's to the prosecutors and the defense attorneys but nobody wants to talk about that so the easiest pawn to play in this whole game is the police officer or the easiest one to wind up attacking because they're the front line in between the community and ultimately what happens to the community member the police and the public have a relationship and if one party is always amused and turn to size and the other party refuses to take accepting accountability for what they're doing you're going to get the one side that just ultimately throws up their arms and walks away so to be honest whatever the american police choose to do if it's stand down or if it's all in all give up or tire resign walk away then nobody should really be shocked
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what's happening the morale is going to be massively low and you're going to get men and women who are completely unappreciated walking and good luck to whatever happens in america we have all seen the horrendous videos of police shootings anger is completely justified and reform is long overdue but there is still another question what will replace them that is what has many americans very nervous caleb mop and r.t. new york. found fault with yet again this time blocking 4 different videos how english language page citing cofa times u.s. election misinformation it was in a meeting a clear though what exactly had been counted as a violations run cast have talked me through the details. the reviews bad for different reasons and then we have vague vague reasons as to why they were banned so one of the videos with with a very famous or legendary russian viral logis miter revolver this is this is
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a fellow who for decades you know made huge strides in the field of exploring and understanding viruses how pandemics begin the transmission of viruses he's a world health organization expert and there was a video of him in an interview which was titled mosques womb protection and image they obviously didn't toss it out of mass they didn't say that mosques are useless or that you shouldn't wear mosques they basically expand explain how the pandemic would you know unfold what the dangers are and that ultimately as is you know the truth the simple fact that mosques are the protective shield that invulnerability field so you can still become infected i mean mosques are very good for the general public to sort of you know slow the spread of infection nevertheless just because of the toggle button video presumably presumably because it didn't give a specific reason the other 2 videos the good bad and 2 more even more ludicrous so here we have videos of protests just brutus in the you came birmingham
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in london where people are coming out to protest the lockdown the quarantine and just because we shoot them just because we shoot people charged in the tube it you know is it is a law or whatever crazies conspiracy theorists you tube has decided that that violates. their guidance and we know that the video is key as to what disseminating medical misinformation so pretty mean they've been tough on other. videos as well but the videos have to use god and says that they have to explicitly explicitly deny w 2 guidance or local health authorities guidance which they didn't this is a video this is news so you feel. news you're filming something happening a big brutus violence violence at a protest you know this is something that the public should know should know that just because someone is holding up a poster or shouting that you know something silly about couvade the entire video
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is unwelcome and you should put the point here is that again this is selectively targeting r.t. because you have thousands i checked there are thousands of videos. on you tube denying the qubit pad having the 9 the virus the science behind that that measures the restrictions the 9 mosques the mocking everything that has happened even the victims of the pandemic and yet there they are so artie's english language page isn't as pretty much to anyone it seems at this stage have come under fire this is the 2nd this month i'm sitting here talking about archie's you tube channel being banned or having strikes the previous town this month was the child who was taken down for a parent copyright infringement and then brought back up in the matter in a matter of hours but there we made the point that is targeted specifically very often for things that no other chattel no other holding media holding is diluted
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for i mean the same things you can see on other outlets the same protest the same videos but here again. which is a completely different organization registered to completely different and she was also struck with another violation so they 1 had a video of a protest in melbourne australia where they you again didn't say what exactly it is that the video was banned for but the video featured a protest a crazy protest shouting while being dragged away by the police that is alive which it obviously isn't but because of that movement somehow you tube believes that we should have issued a warning a statement that what he's saying is incorrect this is. just a video a live shri of what was happening there nevertheless there is this these trend of you tube you do googling after our t.v. news even if many other outlets and charles post the same thing r.t.
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is. on fine if you coronavirus situation india has taken a sharp turn for the move from 300000 new cases have been registered for a 2nd day in a row amid the shocking spike a massive fire has broken out in intensive care unit apparently killing 13 of the 18 patients hospitals had already raised the alarm if a chronic shortages of equipment oxygen and beds a doctor passed into tears while making this a motional plea for people to follow the rules. we have to believe. patients. with oxygen and this is not something we ordered so i do you know literally or do all of you want to follow a few things the radio and requesting you to follow so most importantly please stick it on do so most importantly please stick it off yourself now corbet is
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everybody around you please keep yourself very well masked. dave's the doctor such suffering was unprecedented warning you might find the following footage to stopping it shows open our karma torrens overwhelmed by the influx of victims facilities are said to be working around the clock with grieving relatives having to queue for hours to cremate their loved ones we spoke to the doctor who filmed that emotional video she gave us some insight into the display dressing the situation. what's really distressing for most health care workers now is just the lack of intensive care and beds in not just in one bite but across the country now it is a huge shock to just i.c.u. and a huge shortage of oxygen says it does and an acute shortage of drugs and this situation just something that we've never seen before and it's depressing it's fear and
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if it does kill them will run out on our facebook conspirator to see so many people and so many didn't really know it save the hospital and we're not sure what to do with them i think right now in this situation everyone has either something to do or something who was stranded trying to find even a hospital bed or medicine that oxygen especially in the one # soaked january in february when this isn't a nest or don't people thought that we had a good was or what if it ever. all the gas came down masks were down socialization started and it is that now we have this stuff and you've been treating which is much more transmissible than the fever strain we had so it was this stew went to was not thought it was going to eat and it just can't multiply and now our 2nd really is we've passed what we saw in the 1st. well that's a wrap for this hour sean thomas will be taking over at the top so join have throughout the evening as we were.
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some we just met by much of a global issue would you consider working. with your fund that of success of all of this the bill to. see the c.n. such as the bill the the. we're going to boot she says she's. going towards this there's a new video boy and the chairman. says the bargain also me off which is mostly annual national debt would you wear your it's obvious that these to go another 5 or look at the bonus bill maher more than their most studied idea. was yesterday just the charles mashal ish glad to know what you need just this or twice the voice you mean to eat you should last a lot more dog choi big it looks much the.
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