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tv   Documentary  RT  May 5, 2021 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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that's the math to turn. this or that will never say. the follow. up. with that had only. set out to suck my dick. sure. i was said. bob to do. it the top 10 let loose. ends it was the other. let me tell you. why i called it why do. you think this was actually. the only thing this. club that i must say you. must. believe this is post all the shit out
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of your little political views i suppose sabio this you put somebody can idea you have given you i guess a new york. ability that the committee jane did. someone to mock to get a job which requires low. moral young kid a father or not but in mine yeah it could. go well so you guys don't need to be imo or not assume it's the dispose them in deep. walk at night. so our. side. of the heart i think. that's sad. ok. well.
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what did. that. route. was. after almost 4 years of prison and torture without trial. was freed but he cannot leave egypt and has been placed under close surveillance. photos inquiry led to the trial of the cia agents who abducted him and a number of italian secret service agents who assisted them. pulsar gave
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evidence at the trial the american agents were convicted in absentia for the abduction of. the italian agents were not convicted in fact the constitutional court a knowledge of the sentence because the prosecution's evidence was covered by state secrecy did a key. matter is that the put it man. no nick amy add. that it was pretty bad oh my that thought of. it you're never. going to throw at me if. they could think of me think a know my create and then went on the if we know what i mean to be a more what i did that if. he saw they had no they value. them with. my. picket and when i just
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didn't. see. that it would be and that is that it would seem to be to. then on september the 6th 2006 a few months after the publication of the 1st marty report president bush made an unexpected confession a small number of suspected terrorist leaders and operatives captured during the war had been held and questioned outside the united states. in a separate program operated by the central intelligence agency. so i'm announcing today that collate shaikh mohammed. i was a beta ramzi bin al s'shibh and 11 other terrorists in cia custody have been transferred to the united states naval base at guantanamo bay thanks.
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we're going to sell you a vase of his car just in thought i had the old. come in so short a no. this is. the thing because if you. know me. with a minister soon which. in some you more than even the rest of the. question simply dismissed the. daemon george bush announced there were black sites and they were being closed i could never believe that this day would come because these things were so secret
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the problem in the united states was that since these detainees were considered to be alleged terrorists there was very little sympathy for them and rightfully i understand that it was more difficult to explain to people however that there were other detainees who were not implicated in attacks who had been mistakenly arrested because a false identity or whatever and they also had been tortured. thanks to some very high up contacts marty discovered why certain european countries had collaborated with the united states. is that you needed the accord or the t.v. thing whether or not it is your need to. quit the.
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pointed to. a little bit is more live. they're mature now. is cruise even me to the let's hear. let's. go down down down there totally but if that gets your knee is open to the tally money that silly . lost door. carefully map talk with the threat that they call easter too neat the best. is in the chain deal that i meet they said if we see sigel can militarily. if their cows are like a poor nyquist. that great but i mean donuts and there you go read it nor in thought or nonsense. is one of the. there were 2 kinds of rendition
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those that handed the abducted individuals to the all thirty's in their home country as in the case of abu omar and the renditions to the cia's secret prisons known as black sites which housed prisoners considered the most dangerous. poland was the 1st european country to host black sites. now the polish ombudsman worked for an injury you know that was one of the 1st to try to discover the truth. i think the 1st time we heard about it was this famous report by the washington post when they informed about the potential existence of that site but to be harnessed not many people believed in this at that time and i think what was important is that after both 1st press publications there were some
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investigative anythings on the take person by dick marty who was at that time to sort out or. broking queen and council of europe are a prominent tory assembled. there are basically 2 important places where one is for mother abroad that was a report. it was not working to suit her for at that time right now it is just used for commercial brokers. the 2nd person is static equal to and historic in cooking we have the school of polish intelligence. the school there is hidden it is in the forest low inhibitor the region of poland. and allegedly are according to the tao we know not right now what was created were so called 001 within this story can you quote the school of intelligence and weave in the zeros
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all the work to view houses were our leaders prison was located only cia people had access to this to the story to. this heavily guarded french surrounds to start secret services school. it was here that the 0 zone was created exclusively for cia agents be marty had the opportunity to talk to some prisoners who told him what it was like to be held in the cia prisons. detainees were given a 30 centimeter deep bucket to urinate in. they were given old black blankets that were not big enough to lie on and cover themselves at the same time. the steel ring was secured to the cell walls and detainees would change to it.
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the usual lunch was. boiled white rice and slices of tinned meat. a ritual always accompanied the distribution of food. the electric light which was always on in the cell was switched off food was distributed and then the lights came back on. ventilation was often regulated to produce extreme temperatures suffocating heat or intense cold. as well as surveillance cameras masked guards constantly monitored the cells banging on the doors and telling the detainees to raise their arms to show they
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were still alive. many detainees were held in isolation for 120 days during which time they were not permitted any contact at all with others. the prisoners were forced to listen to a constant buzzing sometimes broken by cries. the world is driven by a dream shaped by those words. the
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dares thinks. we dare to ask. right now. overweights gets it's also civil to self. and sugary and salty and addictive it's not at the individual level it's not individual willpower and if we go on believing that never change this obesity epidemic that industry has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment. what's driving the obesity epidemic it's called for profit.
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i tried to share the situation because it was really important to me because of in my experience i was in prison right and i was under pressure form as these. political police and. i was sensitive adults out to do asian former polish senator joseph genially. it was one of the 1st and only politicians to report the presence of secret prisons in poland a leading member of solidarity he is famous for having saved the assets of left balances trade union from confiscation by the security services a few days before the introduction of martial law in poland in december 981 government democratic government after the experience in various write and post barriers. in the former regime there to be borders democratic government
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agreed for such activity. agreed for location of extra i judge brazil on the polish territory it was absolutely broken all the british constitutions and of polish law and as a mr fox. a result of the bush democratic revolution. black sites didn't only exist in europe from 2002 onwards the cia created others all over the world as it no longer knew where to hide its growing number of prisoners. each prisoner was given a color as a code name. to. be. no real. new york dollar net them place your name.
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charity the charity he they live better in norfolk charlie with even or the mind or cure. me your mind that. break. it up that you need the. minimal they know they want it in order. but oh. if you saw that the religious. community could reach it. but are you tired of it up or thought of course you're the. one educated thorney believe. they will do the courtis in your fico after because i missed that or because. your kid still is just really really dumb if this by. the presumed terrorists were not simply made to disappear. the cia wanted to obtain information from them that could help prevent other terrorist
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attacks the agents therefore used so-called enhanced interrogation techniques. i had no idea there was a torture program i went back to headquarters about 5 weeks later. and i went to the cafeteria for lunch one day and a senior officer came up to me and said very casually he said hey i'm glad i saw you do you want to be certified in enhanced interrogation techniques i had never heard that term before so i said what you mean so he explained to me with these techniques were and i said that sounds like a torture program and he said no it's not torture we got permission from the president. and i said now no i don't think so let me think about it for an hour so i went up to the executive floor of the 7th floor of the cia there was a very senior cia officer there that i knew that i worked for in the middle east many years earlier and i asked him his opinion he said forget it it's
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a torture program so i went downstairs i said i'm not interested in this i said i have a moral and ethical problem with it i think it's a torture program and i don't want to be involved. thanks to some legal documents exchanged between the cia and the u.s. department of justice that came to light such as the memorandum for john rizzo we now know what the enhanced interrogation techniques involved. attention grasp the detainees attention is attracted with violence. walling the detainee is pushed hard against a wall. while standing the detainee is forced to remain immobile for ella's facial hold the detainees head is immobilized. facial slap. the detainee is slapped on the cheek.
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stress position. allan's detainees are forced into a position that causes shooting pains. lots more detainees were placed in dark boxes for up to 18 hours at a time. sleep deprivation could last up to 11 days in a row. waterboarding is the harshest interrogation technique. water is poured on to the mouth covered by a cloth the detainee feels as though he is drowning. then yes pay discounted counted economies that do that don't call the cheney dicom a boot that needs a with the base or new coat they need. then the kitty or me get to work. if i took you for sick with if you kept up it mr yummy candidates chimed on a tour of our quest oh my know why not the take. there we got taught about
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a 4th cause of the gene. or doubt or and oh i'm similarly land they got me into a kitty in the parrot a at the they said that she knew the sick or in the lot there's the sort back quietly pity but it's you know what i thought was a dog not a question if you want to take nik of the and it will get all of your talk 2 or. 3. i believe from the very beginning that this torture program was wrong. now inside the cia they were telling us it was working so i thought at the time there were 2 separate questions here number one does it work in that are you collecting good information they were telling us yes they were that was a lie the other question was is it moral or legal or ethical and to me the answer was clearly no it was not moral and legal and ethical but i kept my mouth shut for a long time. and then finally in december of 2007. i just
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couldn't be silent anymore and so finally i i went on a television news show and i said it i said 3 things i said the cia was torturing its prisoners i said that torture was official us government policy and i said the policy had been personally approved by the president. following his statements john kiriakou was sentenced to 30 months in prison accused of revealing state secrets he lost his job and his family and now works for radio split nic a russian government broadcaster. marty's 2nd and definitive report was presented to the council of europe in 2000. 7 the quantity and quality of the information contained in the report is surprising and makes it very difficult to deny the existence of extraordinary rendition all the secret prisons in europe. it's a conduit a port on a warm was economy it is thought to be to be to work why is it going. to give even
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to mean they're sick of the she kept them over the top and then in for months your new giving more not good order to wear them on may soon you would see it says the ill nomadic or the ci put amis for me so we now go and be a monarch to the lady but she's at sea or need gifts in order many tsunami of the river that are turned on and did it or not i don't mean take the g.d. quentin why didn't he get them to comment on timmy can our way to end for the end. the truth as stated by the marty report itself is gaining ground and nothing can stop it now. the investigation conducted by the former swiss senator is so clearly true that in 2014 a report by the us select senate committee on intelligence headed by senator feinstein confirmed all the findings of the dick martin inquiry. feinstein's record
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makes strong accusations against the cia and highlights how the methods used were both cruel and ineffective. history will judge us by our commitment to adjust all governed by law and the willingness to face an ugly truth and say never again. a band we still don't know how many people were abducted and imprisoned by the cia according to a reliable site called the rendition project this undercover activity had 131 victims that figure is confirmed by numerous other sources. will be among the most the article of the markets here pew 4th day. the chip is that if you're 4th there or. if it. could cause a factor minister tsunami cannot. be the most of the
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day but as. i say. that i really enjoy it if there are. to cause enough i'm not that in a victoria. with the table east bank. to further confirm the accuracy of the marty reports since 2010 the european court of human rights has ruled against a number of the european countries involved in the renditions italy poland romania macedonia and lithuania i declare all the public hearing on the admissibility unmarrieds in the case of enough of them god this is italy. today most european countries involved admit what happened. only remaining continues to deny
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involvement. 12 years after the publication of the 1st dignity report its accuracy and foresight is no longer in doubt. chickies was to make it useful overcorrection singh to date with the water not g.o.p. in place existed so bored. you discouraged by the fact that there are still secret prisons. doesn't this suggest that ultimately it's all a bit pointless. man sat right there matthew equally to cheer a lot of. yes in the receiver be it the cheat in the city they call pitching. it look up if it is good the name then we tragically that it in an essay called his chips to subpoena. the door of my god he said in
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a big book. that's also sequel looking for an energy set up in question is it on a quest to joke with cause so sequel ok i'll never go up in this who knows if there are the chip that is. one to cause a live gene it is the best to do now the amount of super proteins i could look at we still see a joke of course of the best dancer there but that's. important than. i
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and. i am. i am. i am. i am. i am.
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banks guys are financial but they say money to develop. a plan to use it this is a central bank support diatoms kind of call them might say stop to. buy the pandemic know certain you know borders and just block into nationalities. as americans we don't come with me we don't look back seem. to. judge a. common cause is this don't. you better we should be. everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis
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will not go on forever the challenge is great the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together . no flames because i thought of cause that's all you think it is and what wasn't in the movie would deal with those because he wasn't was not. then willing to let her there was a bunch of variants to be. blessed with muscles very well one of the. sure i knew because i'd sooner see just him points to the spot and stop more snow
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there steve. make sure you saw. him also time in the headlines debate rages in france as it marks the death of a man accused of genocide the jews was cost millions of lives we look at whether or not $2.00 centuries on napoleon merits today's fun fair and celebrations. for peace to a hero he did hope for the evolution of france but it cost a lot of freedom a lot of sacrifices to human level too that's obviously he's big mistake maybe to have reestablished slavery. also this morning new york's governor touches a role in a vising unvaccinated people to avoid the grandparents amid allegations his own least management is to blame for nursing home debts we hear from an activist who lost her father at a care home in.


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