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tv   News  RT  May 5, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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hello there i'm madeline chan you're watching in question broadcasting from our to america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. here tonight top stories 1st up we are following the money in u.s. elections next meet this with national who gave over $200000000.00 to president biden and the democrats during the 2020 election our panel break it all down for you plus former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin requesting a new trial citing jury misconduct does he have a case will find out and finally bringing in billions of dollars all thanks to that rove virus vaccine will dive into the books with a full report all right it's time to boost your news i q.
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our top story this hour there are new reports that a swiss billionaire quietly donated almost a quarter $1000000000.00 to groups aligned with the democratic party and its leaders raising questions about the influence of so-called dark money in american politics so who is this billionaire and how is he aligned with the dems john hardy has the story. his name is haunt your beliefs the founder and former president and c.e.o. of since this usa a medical device manufacturer born in switzerland but now living in wyoming we says long been known to be an active donor to environmental and political causes well a new york times reporter digs even deeper on his most recent. donations writing
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that newly obtained tax filing show that quote 2 of mr we says organizations a foundation and a nonprofit fun donated $208000000.00 from 2016 through early last year to 3 other nonprofit funds that doled out money to a wide array of groups that back progressive causes and help democrats in their efforts to win the white house and control of congress last year it's unclear if we says a u.s. citizen or permanent resident but foreign nationals without permanent residency are not allowed to donate directly to federal political candidates or political action committees pacs for sure but that doesn't stop the so-called dark money spending generally by nonprofit organizations that do not have to disclose their donors the ways foundations website describes itself as a private charitable foundation dedicated to supporting innovative lasting solutions that improve lives empower communities and strengthen connections to the
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land it goes on to write that we static 8 of his life to philanthropy by fostering new ideas and new tools for among other things medicine education the arts and ran conservation but it's clear is donations go beyond those where the endeavors he's also reportedly donated to a host of democratic candidates over the years and liberal think tanks such as the center for american progress whose chairman is john podesta a top aide to former presidents clinton and obama wiese also recently pulled out of a bid to take over the tribune publishing company so while we says love of the environment and other causes is clear his love of trying to steer the american political machine is also becoming even clearer for our t.v. john hardy. and joining us now to discuss for some international perspective we will talk with former u.k. and hey george galloway and award winning writer and professor watkins gentlemen good to fail and they let me stay. it over with you i know i've known you for years
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now over the years you have not shied away from blasting democrats when it's called for right when they're in the wrong they have railed against dark money for years since the citizens united ruling more than a decade ago but here they are reaping the rewards nancy pelosi nobody not no one in the mainstream media media has even touched the story what do you say to that. you know what i did end of the day you get something and then smile when we were just a very nice is just another example of why we need. the same. pain system because. you just want your general to control the people with the responsibility of creating policy going to the state so that you know. the same decision. when talking about republicans do we want people on the right do the
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same energy i will bring the people of the less we we just need reform and i know it was a crazy time you know you may not have been in america less you know if we have 4 more years a truck but we still need to play about who we can talk about it yeah i can certainly appreciate that i want to bring in one more voice to the conversation let's add in new york times best selling author and president of the phyllis schlafly eagle forum ed martin is here with us. since 26 we heard it from the laughed you know russian influence on our elections but now here we are turns out that there swiss influence on our elections. we often hear about george soros but here's this this swiss billionaire in wyoming who has basically kept a low profile i guess for decades he's a harvard graduate from the 1960 s. but we don't really know anything else about him what do you make of all of this.
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well there's a couple observations number one you brought up the russia you know just yesterday i think or that you know that yesterday the the narrative machine the great american narrative machine which is big tech big media and big government rehash the russian hoax there's a judge who has all my gosh it's still there and the mother reported something special it said one of the greatest hoax is perpetrated on the american people but very effectively done meanwhile we find out that this swiss citizen maybe he's american i don't nobody knows spend hundreds of millions of dollars look here's where left and right can come together dark money in politics needs to be given by the shine by the light of day but here's where it's my colleague just said as long as we get rid of trump i'm not sure right now that we're not in danger of losing this republican what we have the democrats brag to after the last election about florida finally election with tens of millions of dollars dark money where they went in they changed the rules most of the time it looks like at least that they have made it that it was legal but it wasn't it was dark money it was foreign money
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it was foreign influence and now we're just getting to the tip of the iceberg the bacolod i from joe biden is that he didn't know anything about all this stuff this is an outrage it should sit in his presidency but watch the narrative machine move on to the next thing and just kind of roll their eyes and we'll talk about joe biden picking dandelions for his wife that's outrageous well george when you think of this when you think neutral right and though nestor your advice doesn't represent the swiss government he clearly is not neutral and has objectives here in supporting one party in the u.s. over the other do you think there is more than meets the eye here that it's not just a wealthy swiss immigrant donating money to push causes important to him can't be just that. well when i think of switzerland i think of the sweetest dog deserves which we call a swiss rule this is one judge gunn tick swiss rule
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a swiss rule you're a lecture on which was dominated by full solid gay shuns of russian interference from the european countries interfering in your politics it just wasn't russia full marks on must sit through the new york times not my favorite publication this is a cracking piece of investigative journalism and it should bring the house down just said but we'll see if it does by the way it is perfectly possible that joe biden didn't know anything about any of this because he doesn't even know you didn't really pick. from all the things and on the do your wife are in public for the record of people don't know dandelions are considered weeds so. maybe you guys are definitely weeds on this side of the pond and now now gentlemen mr mr vice sits on
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the board of the very last leaning think tank called center for american progress which was founded by the noted clinton acolyte john podesta the white house foundation and cap have now merged they are one in the same a woman called molly make you sick is the president of the vice foundation and coincidentally she was also a part of the biden transition team when joe biden took office so just how much influence do you believe mr rice might actually have in the policy national committee and for all 3 of us usually 30 to 50 and i saw that the money you need to run for president it has to come from somewhere it comes from corporations it comes from individuals and both parties are in this trap one of the reasons why they. trump because trump didn't need the money at least in 2016 the same way as other races but look the influence is obvious that to me is completely obvious now and let's be clear the left doesn't care about switzerland or america they're
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a globalist entity their dream is wrapped up in the e.u. and in multilateral deals and gutting american sovereignty and china is now out of the atlantic is running a piece that china's not so bad they're kind of have their own trouble they're not so bad look we're in a battle to keep america rather countries to keep their own countries forget about whether it's foolish or not here's what george said and george has a lid on this if you get a journalist that writes just story that's got real meat in it you've got to go to the bottom of it and if the government covers up what's happened and turns the other way and looks the other way we're talking about changing the very fabric of this republic because of this so you know again the democrats bragged in newsweek or time in december about how they were fortifying the election using this kind of money so let's follow the money it clearly made a difference by the way republicans do it too don't get me wrong but usually the smoking gun is not so clear as it is right now they want your take on this there is
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a clear link with the clintons john podesta straight over to joe biden. that is urgent though we expose this issue and then we talk about it and if we push towards campaign reform again. in a democracy you should not be able to elections work without what i will say is. the way the previous president conducted himself as probably many parties outside of america. since tried so it's all it's the election because it was just so ridiculous with the racism in the sexism in all of the different things today donald trump was known for being so it. was yet we see. the evidence is very litigious here and we should not as politicians pay because this just makes the whole thing tainted it is just it's not good and i think this is a great opportunity for people on the left and right to get together it is fight
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against it because it's definitely needed yeah there could definitely be a chance for some bipartisan work together here in georgia your final perspective from the outside looking over at the u.s. . well as oscar wilde said we are 2 people divided by a common language and the idea of that john podesta the clintons and joe biden left makes me laugh i've got to tell you if i thought they really were left out well i'd be on their side but they're not at all there's no such thing as a free lunch this bill you're on our gave hundreds of millions of dollars for something and i think not something is dumb sure we don't agree on hardly anything politically is the kind of globalist neo liberalism that is represented by people like mr weiss and i don't follow. or
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to kill our path and america shore america is on its knees. because of the kind of politics represented by the clintons and the rest but the ultimate because for me as someone who defended russia through all of these false allegations that they were all looking at the wrong european country for whose stall america's a lecture yeah and and d. and ad i want to go back to for one more i'm just i'm really shocked right now that nobody on television right now is covering this story and why do you think that is i mean this should be a huge story campaign finance outside money coming in why is nobody talking about
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it. it is a it's just it's ridiculous like i think people need to. you know i just can't speak for the beach. because of the situation lists. but i think we're missing an opportunity here to bring the country together everybody talks about unity unity unity and healing america and bringing us together and this is one issue that we cannot get behind the elections need to be fair and i'll give you the final word. oh it's very easy they're all in on it all that all the cable news networks all of these are on it they're all in on this is this a racket heal this is america's become a racket and they can't talk about true stuff they're going to run images of race riots when the american people there's no more racism in this country than there's mental energy from the moon let me say it differently there are racists but we're not a racist country but what they have to do is hide the ball because the same people that made their money under bush cheney made it under obama biden and tried to make
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it under under our trump and they got him out and so now they're back to the same system and i worked at c.n.n. i was hired by c.n.n. i was fired by c.n.n. to be a contributor these people are in on the racket they're not in it for the truth but they're in it for the money and the power and they'll do anything to keep that wind of a lot of power and money in in can continue to flow all right we've got to be right there gentlemen do you want ken's george galloway ed martin gentlemen thank you for joining us. and for many outlets police officer garrett shows an excuse to accusing the ports of abuse in his request for a new trial look at the details of the full report that over the sports page kill regina ham has one player battling back for the win at the a.t.p. madrid open and remember to keep up with all the latest news or catch up with anything you may have missed download the portable t.v. apps you can watch us when everyone will be right back.
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it's called the few we do. every the world if you experience it you'll get it on the your world. according to a gesture. welcome our world to come along for the ride. you know it doesn't really matter where you've been but batterers is where you're going right will future generations look back at the establishment media as the lead in the water pipes that drove the romans mad do you find yourself watching t.v. to turn your brain off to relax i want you to watch t.v.
5:17 pm
to turn your brain on i'm rick sanchez. it's time. to do news again. my paraffin tonio host of america's lawyer when white collar criminals policy guy high profits and smear the pain of those they rip off and ruined so that's where i come in questioning for. glisten subletting online algorithms dictate which you get to want to go to portable dot t.v. slash download to get killer television it's completely free i'm talking award winning comedy awesome sports coverage inside so fresh still tastes like raspberries on a spring day take so hot they'll burn your face off thousands of videos more added by the hour did i mention it's free it's it's yes free go go get it portable t.v.
5:18 pm
. my. attorney for derek chauvin the former minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering george floyd is asking for a new trial the attorney claiming shoguns constitutional rights were violated for a number of reasons this move comes just 2 days after a photo emerged of one of the jurors seen attending a bill in march over the summer the juror was reportedly wearing a shirt with the words below and get your knee off our necks now some are now questioning if the juror was an activist with a preconceived opinion of chauvet our correspondent atia suite has more on the
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attorney's pending request. we the jury in the above entitled matter as to count one unintentional 2nd degree murder while committing a felony by the defendant guilty eric nelsen the attorney representing former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin in the case of george floyd's death has requested the court to throw out the guilty verdict and line up a new trial in the filing he requested a hearing to impeach the verdict court documents reveal nelson is asking for a new trial for several reasons 1st nelson claims the court abused its discretion after refusing to change the location of the trial from hennepin county in the motion nelson also cites the jury committed misconduct felt threatened or intimidated felt race based pressure during proceedings and or fail to adhere to instructions during deliberations in violation of mr chavez constitutional rights to due process and a fair trial nelson also said the jury was exposed to prejudge a still publicity meaning the jury was already influence as a result of the case being so highly public his request to see questor the jury had
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also been dismissed this thing has really focused on 9 minutes 29. $929.00 times sjogren's attorney also argues prosecutors failed to prepare witnesses and did not order a witness morey's hall to testify but according to one of the jurors making the decision was the easiest part of the system was the easy part because months and months we got to the point of deliberation we had seen so much evidence we have heard some test so much testimony. it was time to make a decision the former minneapolis police officer was convicted of 2nd degree murder 3rd degree murder and 2nd degree manslaughter last month for the death of george toit in may of 2020 children's attorney maintains the jury had potential fear of retribution which violated his client's right to a fair trial however in a statement late tuesday a spokesperson for the state attorney general so the court has already rejected that many of these arguments and the state will vigorously oppose them reporting
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for in question and sweets. over to the latest kobe in 1000 numbers worldwide those cases topping 154000000 with about 3000000 reported deaths the u.s. is still leading the way with the most confirmed cases about 32000000 here followed by india and brazil here stateside the death toll now over 578000. and more to the coronavirus front the white house now announcing that it is supporting waiving intellectual property protections for coated 19 vaccines the world trade organization made their proposal for a temporary waiver to help speed up global production currently in cases of infections are surging in countries where it is hard to procure and distribute those shots. and 5 there is out with its quarterly results and it shows its vaccine earnings blew past wall street expectations just how much money
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did this pharmaceutical company make in just past 3 months trying to be chavez have the answer. and 2025 year developed a covert $1000.00 vaccine in record time and since doing so the company has raised its forecast for 2021 cove in $1000.00 vaccine sales by more than 70 percent to $26000000000.00 and experts say the demand for governments around the world could fuel its growth for years to come. this week by a pharmaceutical company pfizer releasing its earnings report showing just how much money it's coded 19 shot is generating. it shows the vaccine brought in $3500000000.00 in revenue in just the 1st 3 months of this year roughly 24 percent of its revenue and based on contracts as of mid april that call for $1600000.00 doses of the shot to be delivered this year pfizer expects the vaccine to earn about $26000000000.00 in total revenue for the year from its previous forecast of
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about $15000000000.00 while the german drug maker did not disclose the profits it derived from its vaccine it reiterated its previous prediction that its profit margins on the vaccine would be in the 20 percent range that would translate into roughly 900000000 dollars in pretax vaccine profits in the 1st quarter this while the company plans to file for full vaccine approval from the u.s. food and drug administration at the end of the month and it also said it expects to apply for emergency use authorization for a booster shot that could protect against in 1000 variants during the 2nd half of july meantime the f.d.a. is poised to authorize pfizer and biotechs coronavirus vaccine for teens and children 12 to 15 years old and by next week still though the company's kovan 1000 vaccine is disproportionately reaching the world's richest nations according to the world health organization as of mid april wealthy countries have secured more than 87 percent of the more than $700000000.00 doses of coated $1000.00 vaccines
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dispensed around the world while poor countries have only received point 2 percent now pfizer says that it's committed to making its vaccine accessible globally. and announced on tuesday that it has shipped 430000000 doses to 91 countries or territories reporting in new york trinity chavez r t. r let's head over to regina ham at the sports h.q. regina it was a want to win situation for at least one player at the madrid open want to win and also obviously need to win and russians as legitimate that have well he had just one wish coming into the madrid open just to win one match the world number 3 last played when he lost to a rebirth though but he's a good back in march at the miami open so the 2nd seed russian hope it would be pretty easy to spain's other the folk but i can make this one easy 4030 minute out of a 3 games to the 1st set now that i've played it pretty close to the net but. while he's going to game the return it will end at the russian spinner takes
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a break point woods at number one anyway 2nd set action 30 all here in the event of finally reducing is there how the rest of that shift the return over the net folk you know with the return and the russian national win break point pretty even 2nd set here 33 and 15 all but that of the race against the net for their back and prosper shocking as last words sometimes mean that it is not happy at all but he would actually have the last laugh really in the end here is match point with the a's to win his 1000 by the way overstated 466462 and lo there is a moment we do not want to forget though is john they've got a little heated in the 1st set advance hokkien others across a court battle between the duo this is 1st set point and that it is actually going to end up losing the set point and a lot of losing his temper and he will smash the racket on the ground and you know he also ends up saying i don't want to play on this surface anymore so a little bit of a temperature. melbourne city striker jean marie claire and is on a hot streak in australia's elite games played 20 goals got to take about one goal
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a game so a city went on the road to face host perth glory mclaren hope the pitch. and does what he does best score goals but perth the way they would have often to go in 1st course was very likely to be this one such a control 2nd touch a score 3rd strike in perth up one nil personal finance in january 2020 but 6 months later city answers that loss to pass taken down by car is good he'll take a shot only i'm ready but more easily moved on our own goal here equalize everything at one apiece and neither guy happy what to say but remember jamie mclaren well this is where you start to score the 1st half stoppage time cross from scott galloway mclaren is going to end of head it is for his 100 healey goal and city take a 21 lead and while some of us do it again 2nd at the 60th minute do a gallon mclaren strikes again 1st such a game accepts gal in the 2nd set the ball right past ready in the bottom left
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corner to make it 3 nothing 31 that is also your final 3rd of the fastest player in the century trying to set your goals and a history that is pretty present is prove it over a century too and you know what we have to ask is he related to our good friend george galloway by any chance. there could be a chance because i don't think galloway is a very common name anywhere in the world so you probably trace it back i'm going to have to shoot georges. see if anyone has any pro soccer players in his family that would be pretty cool especially since you know that part of the world did mesh with australia one point in time so it's possible. i have a lot to say about that i don't have time to put it right now but thank you for that that's going to do it for us right now make sure you keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading portable t.v. apps you can watch us whenever you want only a twitter and instagram apps military and invertebrate you numbers for ham thanks for watching will you soon.
5:28 pm
there's so much going on in the halls don't you think when's the last time you had a real bird's eye view of. the news feed more than just 2 hours of bickering give me 30 minutes i'll take you across the globe. you guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all laughter i'm all right we are a solid alternative to the bullshit we don't stew liberal or conservative and as you can see from this bar graph we don't skew the facts either talking you have left these talking head righties oh there you go above it all to look at world r.t. america is in the spotlight down every lead might have no idea how to classify as one it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. dear viewer thank
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you for finally changing the channel understand you're tired of networks ready news with you you're tired. 'd is incidental. as they are or not no matter what. point you think you know me 'd i'm famous for my views don't give me. yours truly scottie nell. something for you your sports.
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hall of fame.


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