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tv   Boom Bust  RT  May 5, 2021 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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high on my path and tony on this is america's lawyer the mad gate saga became even more troublesome for the florida representative last week after was revealed that his friend joe greenberg the indicted florida politician wrote a confession letter 'd in knitting that gates had relationships with at least one underage girl that we know of tonight we'll tell you why this might be the smoking gun evidence against the florida congressman also tonight why becomes the 1st state to officially declare a climate emergency and later in the show the e.p.a. has known about the dangers of the east since the obama administration so why are thousands of businesses still exposing their workers to cancer causing chemicals don't go anywhere america's lawyer starts right now.
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republican congressman matt gates is getting sucked further into scandal after the man he allegedly paid to deliver girls to him further implicated him in criminal activity joining me tonight to talk about this is fair and cousins when trial lawyer magazine absolutely v. best progressive in the business i think your reporting just gets better and better i've known you since you were a child. every year gets better fair and really i was so let's let's really nail this story i look at this story and it gets weirder by the moment you get roger stone kicking around in there you've got confession letters kicking around you get mad gates hiring lawyers warn up paying money through his campaign income to pay to pay his way through this give me your take on this story. right off the top i think look magnates understand how much trouble he is in and there's no way he can even spin himself out of it at this point but what we found out late last week the daily
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beast which who by the way has done a phenomenal job on this story you know we all. talk about how journalism is dead the daily beast doing some great work here good but you know they publish these letters that they had gotten from greenberg where he wrote these letters to roger stone at stone's request saying hey i'll try to get you the pardon because that's what they had been talking about in this private messaging app that greenberg for some reason screenshot of the conversations so we know all of this is true that this is one is supposed to disappear right right yeah there's going to disappear all of signal yeah after 5 seconds greenberg said let me save it so he writes confession letters roger stone's request because roger stone was going to take these to donald trump and to the pardon committee into pat simple leni and of course roger stone at the end of all of it and this is skipping a lot of info but roger stone couldn't secure the pardon for greenberg but did eventually get one for himself so it worked out for stowe not so much for greenberg and by extension matt game sounds like the confederacy of dunces it really is it's
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really ok so 2 $150000.00 is on the table roger you go get me this pardon and you're going to make $250000.00 and oh by the way if you get it by the end of tomorrow i'm going to give you an extra $50000.00 well roger comes into it says you know i did a did my best but something you need to know so you know joe and that is that matt gates. told me that he didn't want he didn't want me to help you he what he wants you out there swinging in the wind basically right yeah and that is what shocked greenberg because greenberg in a previous conversation had told roger stone listen i am under tremendous pressure from the feds from the authorities to start flipping on him as they called him in the conversations matt gates so they wanted him to flip but he was reluctant to do so because he thought he was going to get a pardon i don't need to cut a deal with these people because everything's going to be ok and then stone tells
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them hey your good friend is the one who interfered and it almost i mean it broke poor greenberg's heart he was so distraught after that he said oh wow he didn't know what to do and i think that was the point where he probably picked up his phone to his lawyers and said all right it's time to play let's make a deal the quote is he actually said not to help that's what that's what that's what stone is reporting to joe ok this is you know how this goes right so we talked about this is soon as we the 1st time we reported this story this is where we said it was going to go into their here's where it's gone next they're talking to the underage girl who now is 19 probably 19 years old and so they're they're saying to her you're in a fearing you're interfering with this to the point that you're it's obstruction of justice but the an offense alone even before you get to the serious obstruction of
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justice is very serious kind of thing she doesn't want to spend any time in prison and she's she's been told she can take it right i mean she's got her whole life ahead of her you know she's still young figuring things out didn't realize at such a young age she was going to be involved in a scandal of this magnitude and of course we also find out that allegedly she had lied about her age to greenberg and gates and you know greenberg tried to say 0 2 you look what you've done this is horrible young lady we don't know if she. actually lighter if they knew and didn't make any difference. look but what he says is he this is greenberg says matt gates and i both had sex with the underage girl so obviously he's not making that up right he's saying i'm telling you i did it and matt gates did it i don't see a quick way oh and then joel says joel says the stone joe greenberg says the stone . i pray the lord will help almost one since really dark and dark contrast or
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it's almost a sociopathic kind of reality isn't it is as you watch the story you see sociopath everywhere in the sociopath the reality there was caught up there right right one man gates has never had to face any consequences for any of his problems in the past you know daddy got him out of the duis in fact the cop that actually pulled him over and gave him the dui the cop in that of getting fired that's how much power daddy had here in the state of florida but dad can't help you now that he's not involved in any of this he doesn't have any power over these investigative bodies you're in deep trouble and at 1.2 greenberg even said you know i've already told everybody you're gonna need to hire a lawyer this was about a year ago he said. didn't you love when the great quote greenberg says you think gates is going to visit me in prison. is crazy greenberg says i feel abandoned yeah well he's abandoned by his pal i can tell you that because his pal who's fighting for not only his political life but the right to stay out of prison right i mean
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that's what's really on the table now for matt gates is that it's evolved beyond trying to save his seat now he's actually trying to save his behind yeah you got it in many ways a lobbyist for hollywood studios are actively working to prevent the covert vaccine patent from being made public he says of 17000000 it's not enough but hollywood is actively going out there said their lobbyist to d.c. and they said listen if you lift the patent on this vaccine there's a chance that through some screwy logic that we have that's not even in the bill by the way no it's very specific and the bill is excluding this really even ali would say and we're worried about it says no this won't happen but neil turkle wittes who's the talking head for this whole thing comes up and says we can't run any kind of risk like that really we're running the risk of killing people all over the. world because they can't get information about how to improve the system if you if
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you do this to them if you don't allow this free open discussion more people are going to die and hollywood knows it and they don't give a damn because it has to do if they try to dress it up you know i'm waiting for a gal good doa maybe to do develop 1st tone deaf friends together and do a do one of these videos maybe they'll do money by pink floyd i don't know where you know a lot of the places that are seeing the rising coated cases you know maybe this is coincidence maybe nonce we're talking about india and what happens in india well they've got their own version of hollywood don't they they've got their own movie productions they've got their own music productions there it is a big competitor overseas so why not just let him die i think is what hollywood is thinking right now i guarantee you that is playing a role in this that people are not thinking about but but that's a big factor i think one thing don't forget 2013 hollywood actually did this another time when they were trying to change the laws so disabled people could have
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better access deaf people wanted to have access and hollywood thought that too and now but they're saying she was. the only group that seems to have a brain here is the organization the documentary group the documentary association says absolutely we don't care about our past and we care about human life world health organization you know they're saying look this is this is disaster deputy who says if we don't do this millions of people are going to die wouldn't it let's be clear too it's not even just about the vaccines that these were trying to get it's about just basic research even new stories yes coming out of the united states about the real numbers they don't have access to that because of our copyright laws are and again the law does not say you can open up you can reproduce hollywood movies stealing it is explicitly prohibits. can't do that right we just want to give them science and
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a chance of life aaron thank you for joining me ok thank you coming up by the ministrations pledge to prioritize green energy initiatives in the fight against climate now why becomes the 1st state to officially declare acquirement and merge and other states going to do that we hope that more when we come back. to medicare recipients the energy in one portable oxygen concentrator may now be available at little or no cost to your. 3695 to order yours to be indigent oxygen concentrators are portable and make oxygen from the air around you your light and better we operate you have to go everywhere you go and we have a full line of portable oxygen units to fit a wide range of budgets if you're on medicare you may even qualify to get your indigent unit at little or no cost to you go back to joining friends for the
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to look will be enough prisoners with mom after the barbara barbara globalism a kid on how to play me off that in this war but i found a network that open question for science great sadness a civil strife climate change stop a war a cold simpler lists all the mainstream wants to do was keep us quiet you watch the right you can't keep a silenced critical point seize hold perspective and question inside direct we don't take sides we walk the walk our t.v. america means real talk. for so much going on in the world don't you think when's the last time you had a real bird's eye view. of the news feed more than just hours of bickering and
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by the hour did i mention it's free it's it's yeah it's free go go get it portable t.v. . why is the 1st state to declare 'd a climate emergency setting an example for the rest of the country to follow resist those is here to talk with me about this right now because you know what what's in the wise new senate resolution how far it is going to go. state senate concurrent resolution $44.00 declares that climate change is a threat to the environment and humans and requests state wide cooperation in addressing the adverse effects of climate change including rising sea levels and the global temperature coastal erosion and protecting critical infrastructure while the resolution is largely symbolic it also calls on hawaii's government to prohibit private investment and public subsidies in projects that exacerbate climate change
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like coal oil gas or tree burning it also calls on the government to promote policies and infrastructure to replace fossil fuels with solar wind or battery storage by 2030 the state is taking action based on global scientific evidence and its own climate problems yeah it's a non-binding resolution but least they're doing something to get out there and say we're paying attention to it our beaches are roading we have sea levels are rising our infrastructure is at risk and we have to do something even though the feds are doing what they need to do we need to do something on our own how has climate change impacted decides. besides the fact that right now they see their islands disappearing from erosion. yeah well climate change has led to more droughts on how i use islands which greatly impact indigenous communities deteriorate freshwater streams and rivers and reduce access to water rising sea levels have resulted in
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long term coastal erosion to 70 percent of the beaches in calliope was who and now we local governments on several islands had already previously declared climate emergency. back in 2019 but the new state wide declaration now acknowledges the urgency of this problem and aims to solve some of the most pressing issues. you know i'm wondering was either you seeing any signs of other states are planning similar actions like you know florida comes to my mind all the coastal states government this would seem like a good idea what you're what have you followed on that. sir many states in the u.s. are now regularly experiencing climate change related catastrophes from deep freezes to develop tating droughts wildfires hurricanes and storms at least $33.00 states have now released a climate action plan or have one in the works and these plans typically set goals targeting greenhouse gas emissions or focus on shifting to renewable energy sources but so far hawaii is the only u.s.
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state to declare an official climate emergency now back in february there was a house resolution introduced at the federal level to declare a national climate emergency and the biden administration has spoken about advancing climate policies at home and internationally but we'll have to see how that plays out and across the globe nearly 2000 jurisdictions in $34.00 countries have also declared climate emergencies so it seems like people are finally paying attention but is it going to be too little too late we'll have to wait and see. was a thank you for joining me this is an important story hopefully some state leaderships will be listening to what why is figured out thanks for joining me. thanks frank the e.p.a. is known for years about the dangers of an industrial chemical known as t c e but without regulations tens of thousands of businesses they're still exposing their workers to this toxin which is made its way to in factories into our drinking
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water 30 madelyne penalty joins me to talk about this matter you tell us what t c r t c e strike or ethylene is a manmade chemical so we came up with. yes and it's actually used mostly in factories for cleaning of medical equipment and metal parts but it's also found and different cleaning products that we all use and are therefore exposed to in our own homes despite being used in so many different ways it's actually stream lee dangerous it's a class one carcinogen and has been for a very long time kidney chance your liver cancer birth defects knowledge cancer lymphoma it has the capacity to do that right it's in cleaning it as you point out it's in the used to clean electronics the huge and refrigeration they use and dry cleaning many many uses of it and the industry that alchemical and has known for a very long time how dangerous this is there's some countries they don't you can even use it it's banned totally mourner what terms of health problems besides those
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are emerging where are we seeing the biggest clusters 'd of health problems really all over the country so geographically there's there's a little bit in every state it seems like they're mostly central centralized around these factories or these manufacturing facilities that you know the air around this facilities is polluted and actually seats down into the water table so t.c.e. will leitch down and so the communities around these factories are drinking the water and they're being exposed to it as well so really all over the country just demographically affecting factory workers well there's no way to even warning about it i mean if you're working around a factory where we're really seeing this is on military bases right i mean we are seeing our military bases and what water we've seen so much on military bases we actually see military bases being shut down as superfund sites yes because the government can't clean up the disaster it's already so this stuff gets into the environment whether it's on a military base or the factories or wherever mostly through dumping spilling or
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leaks you can leaks in the pipelines that seeps out into the environment or just negligent you know care when they're transporting the stuff it sounds and contaminate the entire community well you know what is. is anything being done on the federal level it seems like the e.p.a. as usual has just kicked the can down the down the road and let industry tell them what industry wanted to do e.p.a. leadership the the white house leadership has been almost has been totally not exist in all this was just the bomb administration the knew about this that goes all the way back to george bush i mean bush knew what the potential problems are and they just let the they just let the f.d.a. just slide on this just do whatever you want to do right we know how dangerous t.c.'s for a very long time and as you mentioned some flags were raised during the obama administration some bands were suggested you know they wanted to start enforcing protections to try and reduce the levels of t.c.e. exposure try to stop these facilities and these factories from using it but
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unfortunately the e.p.a. confusingly kind of blocked some of those measures they actually especially during the transom ministration actually work to protect t.c.e. so that these businesses did not have to stop using it because so ok we've seen the problem is that it's it's not as we said you talked about the factory and we talked about the fact that it's used on military bases a lot for 90 grazing all types of industrial sized equipment but the problem is it's then moving from the base it's seeping down into the ark refer to where we have 34 percent of the drinking water supply in this country right now has t c n e in it exactly and people have no idea what that means to them right right right inside the problem is this could have been prevented had as you mentioned these companies in these military bases done the right thing from the johns but now the problem is that contamination is so much further spread than those factories the military bases so one thing you can do is if you think your water supply is think
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contaminated you can order tests for it there are blood tests and breath test that you can get yourself to see how much he has accumulated in your body but otherwise the only thing to really do at this point osip. void those areas if possible and you're thinking want to test well it's not going to go away it's why it's not as bad as p. foss the fosses in the environment for a 1000000 years this simply just the environment just recharge is this as it moves to the aqua for it doesn't really just go away it moves into your drinking water utah really interesting story there in utah where you had the military base was hugely affected and then they started having cancer clusters outside the military base all around the military base kidney cancer liver cancer they had some birth defects talked about that what are the places that we know are kind of hotspots for this so they're actually pretty significant pockets in almost every state some of the biggest offenders are you know utah arizona california has
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several new york new jersey north carolina specifically a campus in another military base as well as florida specifically west virginia in oregon so if you know somebody who potentially has t.c.e. contamination in west virginia oregon and has experienced some of the side effects we talked about parkinson's cancer kidney and liver failure he can give us that levon pattern 10 year rafferty come and look and you know what's interesting jan shalit when we study he was a law he was a partner of my law of love for he was of counsel with this law firm and has been a friend a long time he's the lawyer that tried the there's a book it's called a civil action they made a mangle the out of it's called a civil action he actually tried the 1st t.c. case decades ago he gave all the information to the government to the e.p.a. jansch littman had worked the case up from ground on and all he got from them was we're not interested we don't think this is a problem this killed people all up and down this area where he tried the case the
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case was unsuccessful but what he did is he took all of that information it's worth see it's called a civil action it's a great movie but the book is support her. and this guy this is where it all started really right and like you mentioned the problem is that they pay has enough information something about this you know and they should i mean if no one and they're not going to who are out there that are not interested in actually taking steps to protect t.c. if this night i hope you'll go after him mentally and filing some good news is the state of california braces for more droughts they've worn nestle to stop stealing their water very cousins joins me again to talk about that we've done this story they are thieves nestle is their folks in thieves 1st of all they're operating without a license they operated for years without even have a current license and there's taking money in the state that is dying from dryness right right and you know and we all know we've seen the wildfires in california
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over the last 10 years get worse and worse and part of it is because the state is so dry due to climate change but then you have this company coming nestle that's been there for 100 years or more sucking the water out of the state bottling it selling it for a huge profit overstaying their permit overdrawing what their permit even said to begin with not only was it expired but they were still doing more than the expired terminal out and here the california state is begging them and they're not really in forcing it too hard but they're begging them you've got a lot of big what go ask him how there are a general do something that he has they have the right to here's where it is they're limited to 8w8w gallons over a period of time they're actually pumping $32000000.00 right so there's that plus the problem is sierra of the entire area sierra they used to have about more than 50 inches of rain these last couple years it's been less than 20 inches of rain so
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these people this is a public commons is at risk in the public commons of california and they're letting these thoughts just bullied. their way through the attorney general's doing nothing governor is doing nothing to stop this when the water that they're sucking out of supposed to make its way down state and feed these areas that are already according to the governor was declared an emergency a drought emergency in these areas that may not exist or may not be as bad if nestle wasn't over over there stealing all the water you know and again you you hit it you want i've been talking about this story for many many years now and unfortunately we're probably 2 of the only people still talk about while regulators do what the governor and the attorney general do what they're supposed to do and that's their job this is a big story the drought is going to get worse and nestle is going to believe they can just push their way through your fair and thank you for joining me ok thank you that's all for tonight find us on twitter and on facebook at facebook dot com slash
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are the americas lawyer you can watch all our t. american programs on direct t.v. channel 321 and also streaming live on you tube be sure to check out our tease new portable app where you can watch all your favorite shows pap and tony on this is america's war where every week we tell you the stories because the media is ordered not to tell because their advertisers order them not to tell those who have a great night. no flames because that that is cause that's all you do you think at least must learn to move with and deal with those because the muslims know.
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and willing to learn the worst a bunch of variants and. blessed with muscles very well one of the for. the one you know because i had some she kissed him which he's putting into stuff more of those teach. my issues. you guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape arts scene is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the. liberal or conservative and as you can see from his bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all look out we're all artsy americans in the spotlight now every glee i have no idea how to classify isn't actually took me way more time
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than i care to admit. goes in command of toxic systems designed to keep us confused distracted and afraid are no match for an awakened mind they lie you win the war made lie you and hubbard they tell you what to think they are watching you are you watching they are watching. us. watch now i'm horrible to be. hello there i'm an election and you're watching it in question broadcasting from our to america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. here tonight's top stories 1st up we are following the money in u.s. elections next week the swiss national who gave over $200000000.00 to president biden and the democrats during the 2020 electoral cycle our panel breaks it all down and world powers are calling for peace in colombia following deadly
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demonstrations that have left thousands injured well to give the ground all right time to boost your news try to.


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