tv News RT May 5, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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ok. folks that's up on dennis miller plus one we're going to talk to a good cat that i've short he wrote night at the museum night at the museum to be at some point that he's an actor he's been in everything i've been the odd couple remake with matt perry but the guy has so many credits as i am deep deep pages like you know. 800 entries and that good guy tom lennon started out in that great comedy sketch troupe the state will pick his mind about his new young adult novel series he's got comedy and all that went to collect that guy tom leonard right after this dennis miller plus one.
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hey folks welcome to dennis miller plus one we're joined by a good irish boy this kid works as kid expects the icy but in time i looked at as i am digby it's like when bissell enjoy an eps joyous epstein had a kid he's an actor writer director best known for his role opposite that perry in the odd couple i don't know but tom also co-wrote the familiar is lighter of you. is a. critic critically acclaimed author and he's released the young adult novel series the hatless and that's a good well of a saying the latest one ronan boyle into the strange place i love that title will be available later this year please welcome tom and tom how are you. and as good as your body things are really good things are really really good home to get some 1st dollar point sight night at the museum my friend place as eddie murphy so so
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greatly put it on our city oh please don't tell me you had a net points or monkey it's got to be it's not have to do that robots well not only not only do we redid it was a nice it was a great little world there's a funny story about a funny story about. resilience and you know about this and just like you know if you're in comedy and writing so the reason we got to write one of the museum a movie that you know changed my entire life in that we got to read the 2nd one of the course you get fired for the 3rd one it happens you're going to they're going to fire you for the 3rd one but we had written a movie for 20th century fox i'm sure you remember it called taxi with queen latifa not jimmy fallon of course we got to work out well. if you wanted to make sure the jimmy didn't get to be in movies for a little while thank me because i wrote taxi he. did so.
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the taxi we all thought was going to be a big hit it was a remake of this like lucas on movie quality for jimmy fallon a catamaran a car antics is all blue again it's like a crime caper in new york city and the movie was testing so well you know you ever been in like a focus group of a movie where they tested so folks what it dial yeah i'm aware of the process but no i haven't been but it tested well out oh people were going crazy good were doing the wave they couldn't get enough of this picture so then the movie came out and it basically was like one of flop one of worst flops ever in fact tax it was so bad. in roger roger even made a book of his the worst film reviews of the of the films that he hated the most innocent highlights and it's called your movie sucks and it's only like 12 or 14 movie reviews but taxi
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a movie that i wrote is in roger ebert's worst reviews ever in his career it was like this was one of the worst and a funny story my dad gave me that book for christmas roger ebert's you're just actually had a review of a movie i wrote in it that's what it's like growing up as an irish kid. in a well it's just toxic all i remember i remember thinking jimmy's a charmer and i don't remember a thing and that queen latifa was like us air or not clean what you have it just sounds like a 6 yr grace jones delane or something from you to a kilo. so we thought and then that of course at the turns out roger ebert said it sucked and then fox because they designed us to write taxi 2 isn't hey guess what you don't have the right to actually do it but they said if you take this children's book museum can you turn that into something and we said oh yeah the brother you want to know the way i look at it is like roger ebert i know he
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stood astride a let's say a very shallow canal in my book which criticism that any time you go from critic and go to critics can go watch what they watch when you start crowd book ciro your movie socks. i can't imagine how easy that is to live mad and i'm going to get bored roger ebert i thought a lot of the film is going to be like that. it is it is pretty easy although i mean here is the bomber you read sometimes you read criticism there's 2 kinds of criticism you know there's a criticism that you read there like that's just unfound they don't get me but the scarier criticism is what you read criticism really. make some good points. you make a good point there that's a criticism that's tough to get out from under yeah. well just remember roger ebert wrote beyond the valley of the dolls and if you've ever gone to a drive in and great and high school and watch that it is an absolute train wreck
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when he had this is that you forward and the right to review where you're sitting there row in your room being a crank not jerrick but rather you let it go i think probably right a head in the film his was a big hey guess what roger i guess he's gone now here fill your fill. there you go i will i will say now that we were ended up we wrote a screenwriting book my writing partner and i also called writing movies for fun and profit with fun crosstown because it's not fun writing movies for profit but we said we did a lot and it was so mean i think we took it on the book we said. roger ebert wrote one movie. that was so bad that he spent the rest of his career trying to talk the rest of us out of writing movies somehow like that's how bad a valuable he talked about it but i'll. tell you when your friends when you 1st get out to hollywood tommy muska read sid fields book because when i was young i got out you know what they all i wanted that i remember thinking do i want to be
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a comedian don't want to act i want to write i read said fill the screenplay which is like this. the strength in white. of film i think there's a. robert mckee story there is save the cat and then there's all obviously that one and so when we wrote a screenwriting book. say the cat everybody loves save the capital so that's on now that's the big one that everybody always looks out and so we're right in screenwriting book and this tells a lot about the world we had written and by the down the road or screenwriting book we'd written about 10 or 12 movies that got made and were in movie theaters like we're not talking esoteric theory so we did a chapter in our book and we we added up all of the movies that have been written by the guys who wrote all the screenwriting books and the answer was one. like robert richie who wrote the big one story he has a shared credit on a t.v.
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movie called barbie and the dream castle my hand of god that's his half of it. and we're like well you know if you had if you've never made a building you don't get to write a book about architecture ever you know like if you like it all your base your build if you made up of a building to fell down you're not like a good you're just appeared out of the doesn't know anything who's trying to tell other people so anyway my favorite thing about that is we've always been like we'd always rag on robert mckee in our book we rag on him we're always goofing on him goofing off goofing on him like gave is screenwriting so easy when you do it you know that kind of stuff and then. and i'm sure you've had this as somebody that definitely he poked and prodded in public and then they say we're hosting the final draft awards you like and you're going to and then at this point to show you're going to get a lifetime achievement award robert mckee. and i'm like. oh
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no we're going to rag on this guy publicly and we have a whole chapter in our book called robert mckee can suck it that's what the chapter is actually you can call and i was like he's going to kill us we're going to meet on he's going to bite us on the nose he's going to know all about us it's going to rest isn't a plot muscles to the ground as he seems a kind of back. so we end up of course and we're backstage we take pictures of us kissing his award. and then we meet him while i'm sure that you haven't he's a nice guy and what are we can i stand of that actually i love him and he's a delight and i probably should have taken some of his classes because he seems you just seem great. yeah the thing about the show business tommy is i always feel if you're taken shots at somebodies eat those they're the way they are as a man all that stuff i couldn't face myself but showbusiness is such a narrow marsa cystic weird you step up to the plate nobody forces unit at gunpoint
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world but occasionally you're going to take a shot it's going to be a bit nasty and yeah i've met richard grieco once i did a joke about him what s n l i went there lay the next day yes check it out oh hell are asking lots of make is the nicest guy i looked at i say oh well. i'm in the business of making fly in i'm sorry brother i'm an idiot and he said dang ase we're going to do so anyway it's just it's it's showbiz brother we're talking to tommy lana he's need deep in the hopeless this guy's written acted in so many parts and wrote night at the museum as he said the sequel and even one more night it's museum 3 gets whacked or gets whacked off that he had to kill shot on the 1st to trust me he's got a. novel series the latest want to call ronan boyle into the strange place which is a fab title that's why post those pubs tell me about this man i this is such ever
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lucrative field if you can establish a beachhead is this the 1st one or what is it users of the 3rd one so it's been. you know one of the things i was just reading you know it's like if you're an actor acting to break your heart of history rather than a bigger and so i don't want to write a book you know no. nothing ever came to me when i was in ireland and my grandparents were marlon and i was there we go through. it was in a castle and somebody should we would have real should leave it looks like and you know those little sometimes you think of them as like little walking stick like look at terms goes but this is surely was when the irish couldn't carry middle weapons they got really good at fighting with sticks. i was like that's a really weird world and then i i ended up sort of come up with this idea about a kid who gets recruited for the special unit care to note and to know he's like irish it's and it's in yeats and while talks about it's the irish world at the very
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folk of leprechauns her columns changelings and things like that sort of i wrote the end of writing as a series of books and i did the classic thing which is i'd read the whole 1st book it was awesome nailed it went into the publisher they're like this is incredible we love it can't you ideas for us a whole series of these i said yes i do absolutely i know where this is going i could write these forever and then i wrote the 1st one and i never had another idea ever again i was totally just full of crap. but subsequently several years now i've finished the 2nd one finally came out which i think is better than the 1st one and i just finished comes out november the 3rd one you know and it's weird you get better at anything but the 3rd book i think finally have let me ask is no strange place like the future state is it sort of like a like an on the bard of thing for kids is it some of their real world or i think quite make it what you're talking about checkpoints and all that what is
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a i guess. journal and it's fun i like what's in store with maps the books all open with a map of like where the land of where the series and leprechaun live and it's actually an exact inverse ireland so it's great place and there's like there's like a leprechaun theater district in one area and then there's the leprechaun where they make golden shoes and buckles and stuff and it's like a sort of financial center. so there's a lot in there's like a sort of a terrifying area where unicorns mate that you can't ever go to because there's so . in this in the book series unicorns are basically. leprechauns greatest enemy and you know you learn in the books that the point on unicorn is mostly to kill leprechauns so that the yelling about the books i should point out is it is not a lucky charms view of ireland and. very folk it like leprechauns will steal they steal your stuff especially if you have like a wine cellar they will steal booze very fast they're just terrible little weirdos
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who steal your stuff so that's why the. grant has it we finally get to in the. in the last big book you know it was like traveling through narnia that's like the morgue or basically sent through or the rings it's like the morgue or it's it's where the land of the fairy folk and the land of the old irish gods basically meet and it created like a crack in reality and so it's sort of this insane it's like a leprechaun world are directed by salvador dali basically. there you have might have you either a flask i would remind you much harder to be a pickpocket when you're a leprechaun because it's like the guy off the mike up all day you gotta go. we got your word over his final lot of disability in the leprechaun community from pickpocketing we're talking to. them probably off on the weirdest tributes or that i've read on in a while and we'll talk a little after he's got
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a new book out and it's called ronan boyle into the strange place it'll be available later this year and it's coming out later this year sounds like a fab christmas yet and he's written so much i want to pick his brain a little about his long track and i love his approach to it works is often also how do you get a special thanks on white hot american summer i got a problem that will charge me like right after that aside that as you know what's more i. listen stumbling online algorithms dictate what you get to want to go to portable dock t.v. slash downloads to get killer television it's completely free i'm talking award winning comedy awesome sports coverage in sight so friends still taste like rice berries on a spring day cakes so hot burner faced off thousands of videos more added by the
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yours truly scotty nell. folks welcome back to dennis miller plus one of the shows in the us will be on in may but we were talking to tom on saying how do you stick it out so nice from the comment on this all important day for the wearing of the green tom wrote night at the museum that he's acted in so many things going 50 years on me such a young man what's your approach to iran do you have a sort of michael caine thing tom i always love that they gave out the oscar for michael caine for that 2nd film a lot about them i forget who it was a good it was a serious film with toby what's his name it or michael was in the caribbean shoot
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shah's 18 d. or something and all exposed really not so what this time it's personal jaws all of them to hear with their next litigation. and i know the quote that you're going to say because i i love this quote from michael paine you said it may not like joel's fall. but if you saw the state house did it well me in the in the british countryside i think you would have liked the house quite a bit and i was like i get it i get it somehow some stuff to pick a car if that's or if chris files a glass lenses on their. pain thing was particularly profession as you've got a tumbler of a head of c.i.s. so. he said say yes to everything and then you see what sticks because that's of the what that's the good i mean what a great what a great way to be which is just try and the weird thing is we're sitting here we
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remember michael caine from a 1000000 amazing alfre every christopher nolan movie and all these wonderful things a man who would be king we're not sitting here talking about john's for all the weird we actually are right now but you know you've got to do the i.r.s. a title nominee got have some commerce in or. i like it bad honest to gosh i'm not feigning that i always thought. good for him and he knows that his marcus made and all he does a stays a little true in the underlay to his proletariat roots because nobody wants to watch him go posh that would be a get a bridge too far so that's what i dig about cain is yeah he'll knock it out of the park when he's got to go up one on one against the living and slow but left to us on the vices he'll get out there make the checks a good for him have enjoy him a tad so i get a line and you can see what an agile intellect that is he's an actor writer director best known for his role in that odd couple with matthew perry tom co-wrote
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the film series night at the museum he's written a bunch of things and i like tax excuse me but it's got a novel young adult novel series the latest one is ronan boyle into the strange place which is a killer title by the way it's a new york post headlight title and it will be available later this year enough for god sakes as i researched you today how do you end up what did you write one joker where young kid who were had a couple rejoinders how do you end up with a special place on white hot american summer oh well that's ok so that is an interesting story so now i know of you remember little kate so i'm part of a comedy group called the state and you might have n.y.u. and our 1st professional job as the state ever was we were the opening act we were the 2nd under carter for dennis miller live. and well you the big student center and when you it was us and then sarah silverman and then you
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because we were all 7 of us were old and were you. so i came out of his comedy group called the state and of that group. there's a weird amount of people that you would know either by face or by name but all of reno 911 came out of state difficult riding all the guys from white hot american summer rules at stella soul and ken reno so it's like every single person out of that group it was a crazy collective of all insane like alphas who were just nuts like everybody was crazy everybody was too intense and it turns out that's exactly what you need to succeed at these things so so of the state which was just an n.y.u. comic group i mean it spawned it at least i mean the state you've already wet hot american summer all those white hot movies read a novel one which we've actually been doing since the year 2000 like that's mostly of the state piece so we were like basically were like oh we're like
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a collective you know we're like this we were like it we thought we were like an angry punk band in new york in the eighty's and then now we're all these we're told that we're the we're literally the establishment but so the facts on what how does probably because we still you know we all drive each other crazy and state and we fight a lot i think that's why the material is usually is so good because we're never easy on each other we're actually we operate like a push each other yeah you guys are like they have gone quiet on their graves for pyatt that on avenue america is by everybody and that's a good example of why algonquin did you raise the fire was where did you ever actually to grace but it would poor already getting way out of grace apply right orange onions that was just a soup or louche neon onion allah and you could feel sorry to talk about. you could feel that years later you feel great but by
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amber i could get one now you know what tom when you think about you coming from the state i remember when i used to work at us and allan friday would roll around and i knew if i didn't do a good newscast saturday 3 weeks in a row i'd have a cause try to get whacked it was like spartacus no matter schools you know i got disciplined and when i see how much you right now i am now i can assume that you you were able to batten down the hatches starting this covert night back and yet you don't seem to radhika but seizing the sword from the star you is sit down in a start put words in front of each other right. i mean i almost do it i think oh right i was busier during this lockdown. i don't want to say like for some some types of crazy people this has been like a weird gift is a no that's not has been a lot of terrible things in the economy and it sucks and you know but for a certain kind of crazy person who likes to write basically like
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a compulsion we could just put had it really writing and actually really productive from. a a couple of pilots it's all just been really busy the novel obviously i'm writing i'm also writing the the dream works animated feature of the road will series which is in the works now so it's been an exciting time now this and i read a quote where you said it's like that i always love that old story folks they got to write films and they say well it's not that hard if you threw a group of c's into a room with 5 privately and they'd eventually got a movie that i was i want to take that a step further and say well how weird would it be if they came out and they had penned gorillas in the mess because the chimpanzees and the group was in nature mortal enemies but what if they had come out and written a scam for the sigourney weaver classic relisten and that's. it's a it's a it's a great theory i feel like they're definitely. sorry if you're looking that's not
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anything like you'd have dealt closer always a firm in your head i don't want a story that much or a car that's what it dealt we were not we were never improv people state we were like all very well thought we were really serious actors and then when we when we started really doing stuff like we would like i mean we were so carefully scripted but if you messed up somebody else's script it would lose their mind it was like we goof around we thought we were like craftspeople of you know. of the sketches we're writing which is still some of the stupidest stuff in the world to this day it's very stupid stuff but we look at really seriously and we were never a great writer don't we were you know neil simon nicholson may say you read about these people and they have never done a syllable council deal did not want you to change a thing and i don't want to be sure eugene are good friends of mine and they said that was the joy of 2nd city to them was he so i didn't want to have proper i
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wanted to get a perfect and i wanted the. yeah i was very much the state was definitely that very much that you know what you know i mean us and they have to tell you what a great bread with you sometime brother when this book bonnie with legs over and i'll i'm going to qualify and say some people will choose not to eat after the bonnet plate lick i know i'm going to say what i should go out and have had dinner some i because you make me laugh iest when you're out and he's an actor writer and a productive one and he's got a new young adult series out it's the latest y. and it sounds like he's doing something he did you say dream works look at you. right now in writing the. i'm a i'm adapting my own book for groups for what would be a movie talk about talk about a slow moving ship best case scenario and this is really good news the movie could come out 2024 so the idea behind a made a movie it's
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a 2024 if all goes well. which shows a lot of that all media. will be wrong and boil on the baki prostate by that point sure. oh yeah i'm just given the rights to the sun the sun if you're not. there you go it will be the kids your ice ball and part of the. road and boy it was a strange place will be available later this year it's there that the late. tommy lennon and i will talk down the road brother happy st patty's day well absolutely and it's always always fun to see and appreciate a blow out and spend a spell or for us what.
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'd 'd i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories there are critics can't tell you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth parties able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american public what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical chills people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes cancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every we can you know what their work in.
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our culture is awash in lives dominated by streams never end. electronic elucidations that bird fiction until they are indistinguishable now becomes the most elite of society on politics as a species of analyst and needless political theater politicians more than just celebrities are to ruling parties are in reality one party or party. those who attempt to puncture the. reference to universal make designed to push through the t.v. and exploitation media looking up for so far to the margins of society including by a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well be mice squeaking against an album. we must.
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greetings and salutations blowback from president obama the rise of white nationalism white supremacy i do the politics and populism all culminated in 2016 presidential victory that moment fed into a widening polarization and weighty attacks on minority groups a blitz against the community groups across republican led states today $33.00 states have introduced more than $100.00 bills and at the trans community the majority of these bills are laser focused on children and brace yourselves for the
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