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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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hello there i'm the millage man you're watching in question broadcasting from our to america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. here today's top stories 1st a new global poll reveals that much of the world believes the biggest threat to democracy is somebody that we will reveal coming up plus russian foreign minister sergei lavrov leading a war of words with brussels find out why the tension is boiling over. plus russian foreign minister sergei lavrov and finally amid a surge in coronavirus case the worldwide the white house is now clearing the way for a vaccine to get across the globe we will explain all of that coming up all right
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it's time to boost your news i q. all right so which country is the biggest threat to democracy well according to a new poll commissioned by the alliance of democracies foundation it's neither china or russia so who could it possibly be r.t.s. alex lyla bitch has that answer. the land of the free. home of the brave raw. the world's biggest threat to democracy america is on the move again we're choosing help over fair shoot over lies light over darkness ever working or work again we're dreaming again we're discovering again ever needed
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a world again i got trowbridge democracy could deliver for the people and it's that delivering of democracy that scares a lot of people around the globe in a poll known as the democracy perception index which is commissioned by the alliance of democracies foundation and was conducted by the la 10 a polling company between february and april 50000 people in 53 countries were asked which country threatens democracy in their country nearly half of the respondents who took the survey named the u.s. as the greatest threat while fear of chinese influence came in at 38 percent and russian at 28 percent it's not surprising that the countries which showed as overwhelmingly negative about u.s. influence include russia and china and there may be a reason for that american leadership must meet this new moment in advancing authoritarianism including a growing ambitions of china to rival the united states in the determination of
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russia however european democracies also stood out as overwhelmingly negative about u.s. influence with german sentiment being particularly high globally 81 percent of people polled said that it is important to have democracy in their country but just over a half 53 percent said that their country is actually democratic today even in democracies so who actually believes that they live in a democracy those polled in denmark switzerland and or way are most confident that their country. our democratic and what may be a surprise to many sore people in china where 71 percent say that their country has the right amount of democracy and as for what is perceived as the biggest threat to democracy economic inequality was the number one choice at 64 percent at 48 percent just under half of the people in the survey also cited big tech as a threat with americans being most concerned about that issue at 62 percent the
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chair of the alliance of democracies foundation former nato chief and danish prime minister anders fogh rasmussen said this poll shows that democracy is still alive in people's hearts and minds we now need to come out of the covert 1000 pandemic by delivering more democracy and freedom to people who want to see their countries become more democratic resolution might have missed an important point in the survey and that is that the participants made it quite clear that they don't want democracy delivered to them but instead would rather see more equality in the world to make things more democratic the democracy perception index survey has been conducted since 2018 by law tenor and the alliance of democracies it is the world's largest annual study on how people perceive democracy for r t m i look so hot i love it and for more on this will bring in our panel to discuss former u.k. m.p. george galloway and new york times bestselling author president of the phyllis
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schlafly evil for him and martin hellman good to see you again 1st 53 countries 53000 participants when asked about a number of issues threatening democracy i think agree or disagree the biggest agree was on economic inequality most people surveyed agreed about that but when asked what country threatens democracy the most between the u.s. china and russia the respondents agreed the u.s. was the bigger threat so what do you say to that george. the scottish national poor robert burns said the greatest if the god could give us is to see ourselves as other c.e.o.'s and that i think will have come as a big shock to some people in the united states how others see you you see when joe biden's up there are somewhat hesitantly because of his advancing whatever is
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telling us america's on the move again the rest of us are hiding under terrible manila the idea of the americas on the move again and coming our way is not something that we look forward to look the united states has invaded and occupied some 60 countries since the 2nd world war or about their own governments and presidents even killed some. have taken over from us that's what we used to do and that's why i think if there was a 2nd place. russia and china britain might have come up on the list to add i'll let you respond. well i i want to quote 1st i want to rise in defense of america and quote the old george m. cohan in yankee doodle dandy over there over there the yanks are coming over there you know what we had in the last 4 years is a president who finally turned the american party system away from wars
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a way we're seeing it right now we're playing liz cheney one of the cheney family is being forced out of politics because the american people agree with the world that our ideas that we were going to plant democracy in other places it wasn't just imperialism it was stupidity but i mean you know that whole to me smacks of what the europeans like to do when they like to talk about what's a threat who's it's right and here comes the big bad wolf that's a threat i will say this the one per se or of the threat to democracy in the world is a 3 letter word and it's c.n.n. when you watch c n n n n. airport and hotel in europe or in asia or in america you see fake news like we've never seen you see racial strife in writing america is doing great in many ways the inequality economically and inequality of education is a problem but here's the great news i think the news is that we're all starting to agree big tech big media and big government are bullying the basics of the
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american vision and that's what most people want the world is more about the american system but the vision of more freedom freedom of speech freedom of association so well i'm not surprised at the survey results because i think really c.n.n. and big tech does so much damage to everyone and ed let's stick with you on this one i'll give you the 1st crack on what about democracy in the time of code it those surveyed seem to agree that what their governments their respective governments have done during the pandemic eroded democracy limiting freedoms. well i think that's right i think there was a lot of fear but i you know and people one people fear is one of the greatest and most dangerous motivators in politics and i we've seen it in history and we've seen it in the last year and look in america we've had 2nd listen leaders under trump and under biden it continues scientists who say they know everything and then they turn out to know very little but the fear is a real problem but again i would go back to the damage that you know and our team
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america in ours in the united states plays a role in actually people tell me oh it's time they let people talk you actually have a discussion our news here is just about sear mongering the model of american cable news is seer fear fear pharma commercial fear fear fear pharma commercial and they make a book by the way fox news does it too and the question is after a year of that we have mostly a brainwashed nation that is fearful so that part of democracy is failing but that again you know we muddle through this and in america we're seeing more and more americans take control of their lives instead of letting bureaucrats dominate george what about that has your country stifled your democracy. well it depends you see in an existential threat situation like say the 2nd world war when hitler was the channel ports and brunson ready to invade us everyone was behind the government behind the state and they trusted what was said our problem know is that when
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our government tell us that it sunshine outside woohoo to the window to check. and i think that's true in your country too are both of our states and many of us have lost the cross the credibility with the people so when they say you have to wear a mask you have to get a job you have to sure that you have had a job and so on if people really trust the government which they do in. the much maligned china then people do it because the feel the government is on their side the problem is in our countries many people feel the government is not on their side of the role of the yes and true and this survey also revealed specifically here in the us that 62 percent of americans fear the power of
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big tech and social media is that any surprise you george. well i think the american people have shown great person because to did they are because that is the biggest looming threat to democracy in western countries the power all but i knew number of all the guards who shot even the president of the united states of america lose done by a handful of unelected billionaires and house nor resurface i don't know a girl trump is alive or dead i haven't talked to him in january or one close saw him every day all day but the power of big of big media there's like ruin and martin's life and. very different people were on the we're on the same mark ad what about that well i want to frame up you know closer you got you quoted burns let me
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quote twain you know written reports of my death are greatly exaggerated that's what donald trump said i think he's kicking heart you know let me just say let me say very clearly listen to this watch what happens how big tech dominates hillary clinton spends 4 years saying that 2016 election was stolen that's what she said illegitimate based on russia russia russia all the proof and never all the proof said no donald trump said the election was a regular and big tech shutting down and takes away twitter and facebook and everything else you don't have to pick what side you like to recognize that power and big tech i call it the narrative machine big tech and big media with big government behind it we've never seen anything like this that's happening in the world and in america we're feeling it every day we get chased hither and thither by by george floyd and liz cheney and everything else meanwhile the fundamentals of our country immigration education all are falling to pieces and so the narrative
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machine is dominating democracy i'm not sure it's a democracy if it continues the way it's going absolutely i think we can all 3 of us agree on that one george galloway ad martin good to see you gentlemen again thank you. thank you. and the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has lashed out at the e.u.'s policy of sanctions against moscow he and his armenian counterpart were fielding questions from journalists after talks between the pair parties igor showdown reports from year of on. well this is the 1st leg of the journey as he said to visit azerbaijan next now mending relations between armenia and azerbaijan the country's border line warring with each other has some words dominated the agenda here on today and according to both ministers russia's and armenia's the process of settling the dispute over nagorno-karabakh is perhaps ever so slowly but it is moving forward right now russia is trying to
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help facilitate such a basic necessities in the golan a cow back as people's access to willock tricity stable access to electricity water food and just the embry turning to their homes another matter on the agenda here is helping on the deal with people with pandemic just recently russia shipped the thousands of doses of that sputnik the vaccine against 19 and right now they are discussing a shipment of a 1000000 doses and perhaps even moving the production and having armenia produce manufacture russia's sputnik v. also i asked sergey lavrov about how he would describe the state of relations between russia and the e.u. right now because moscow and brussels they have been engaged in something like a sanctions ping-pong against each other here is how the russian foreign minister
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described the situation. we won't leave our nonsense these attacks against russia parliamentarians are companies which are guilty only of being registered in a country that the e.u. has decided without grounds illegitimately to label an aggressor the e.u. believes it can do whatever it wants when it starts threatening us with new sanctions another main europe is impunity it's a road to nowhere so effectively while there are members states within the e.u. who want a much much more. positive relationship with russia brussels believes that they can do whatever they want with 0 repercussions. and nato starting its largest military war games in decades and it's right on russia's doorstep here how they are defending this perceived show of aggression then later at the sports h.q. regina hamm takes us to ask really a top soccer league where one squad look to jump to the top 3 with their labor. and
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remember to keep up with all the latest news or catch up with anything you might have missed download the portable t.v. apps you can watch us whenever you want or the read back. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among comparable good uses like a jackhammer would i think find the truth newt gingrich because it's time to do news again and question more. something from you your sports. i'd like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listen to the guests and then react to
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that answer a folks that are still are here i've got a new show. wall street's busy trading your money bar days a week and there are $4.00 quarters of the year and 3 major stock market. and when you have to watch. or fail it all becomes clear. there's just one business show you can't afford to make. the one and only. find it now on portable t.v. . i've seen the horrors that arise the money from. the criminals who trace countless lives to just one more dollar to their billions. they threaten
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they bribe they'll do anything to keep their crimes in the door but the people they've heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on america's lawyer. major nato military exercises have just kicked off in albania defender europe as it's called is an annual event but this year's drills are supposed to be the largest in decades senior correspondent more on guys they have says the reasons for it are not hard to get. nato immediately after coming down and russia with the public and the equivalent of 5 and brimstone for daring to stay just snap military exercise has followed suit with the biggest need to wargames the continent that
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seen in 3 decades but it's different they say you just don't understand. i'm going to continually talk about what we're doing it's called transparency it's a wonderful thing and we're not getting that at a mosque allen and we and we haven't so that's a big difference right there and it's a defensive exercise which is you know a lie straight and in your face they do many takes a cursory look at the brochure or a visit to a u.s. embassy website for all the talk of russian aggression that isn't russian paratroopers practicing offensive operations in mexico along the border with texas it's american paratroopers dropping deep into simulated enemy territory and alice drive from russia's very real border has.
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the scoop the basics assad's exhaust they were announced well ahead across 16 nations near enough 30000 nato troops thousands of vehicles ships and jets will pound away at targets and dummies to send that message usually you don't say to who it's understood but again ukrainian officials to the rescue ukraine by the way also taking part in these war games the purpose of the exercises from the baltic to the black sea is to train and let us speak plainly for war with russia. the thing is every year of these 2 war games get bigger and bigger more hardware more countries more american troops somehow defending themselves closer and closer to
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russia's borders russian drills are getting bigger too and we know how irritable nato gets when someone else is hold large military exercises they're all concerned about a massive military buildup on. russia almost. military buildup. still per provocations. escalate the level of hysteria that followed the crimean military exercises was deafening was everywhere and on everything how good their russia do this in the general vicinity of nato countries and not for a moment soon saw before his need to even conceded our other countries feel when the american troops are practicing invasion scenarios kilometers from their borders . over to the latest cover 900 numbers now worldwide those cases topping
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155000000 but about 3000000 reported deaths the u.s. is still leading the way with the most confirmed cases a little more than 32000000 here followed by india and then brazil here stateside the death toll now at 579000. and the by the administration is siding with some world leaders now regarding the u.s. pharmaceutical industry the president announced he's supporting a proposal to waive international patent protections for coated vaccines and move comes after corona virus infections surged to their highest levels in countries that have struggled to distribute vaccines trinity chavez has more on this story president biden along with other world leaders are supporting the world trade proposal to waive intellectual property protections for kuvin 1000 vaccines starting in. urgent need to stem the pandemic we take intellectual property incredibly seriously and we also though are in the midst of
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a historic global pandemic which requires a range of creative solutions and we're looking at it through that prism the waiver would clear a hurdle for vaccine strapped countries to manufacture their own vaccines even though the patents are privately held u.s. trade representative catherine tai said in a statement this is a global health crisis and the extraordinary circumstances of the cove in 1000 pandemic call for extraordinary measures the administration believes strongly in intellectual property protections but in service of ending this pandemic supports the waiver of those protections for covert 1000 vaccines at least $100.00 nations including hard hit india and south africa pushed for the waiver india with just about 2 percent of its population vaccinated the country is now the epicenter of the crisis and is struggling to keep up with the mounting death toll because of it out of the beginning we are talking with your friends who are very good for you but are you still though pharmaceutical companies oppose the proposal saying the waiver
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won't provide the short term results proponents think it will partly because of the challenge of complicating the production and manufacturing of vaccines you know genuine. is. the well intended will lead to a slow down production i'm also not among the best we need. variance. the long standing argument of lifting patents and other intellectual property has reignited as the pandemic continues to ravage many poor and middle income countries wealthy countries currently account for more than half of the nearly 9000000000 doses that have been pre-purchased to date meantime while madonna says that it plans to have a 3rd booster shot for its trudeau's vaccine available by the fall preliminary data of the shot shows promising i'm. response against variance 1st identified in brazil and south africa reporting in new york treated each other as r.t.e. . the c.d.c.
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is now setting rules for cruise ships to hit the high seas again on wednesday officials gave ship operators final technical guidelines to begin trial voyages in july these trips will assess whether ships can sail safely during the pandemic cruises will run from $2.00 to $7.00 days and include volunteers ships have to have enough passengers though to meet at least 10 percent ship capacity. let's head over to regina ham at the sports h.q. the newcomer in a league is really starting to make waves it's a lot of fun to watch in the season i have to make because in soccer in the land down under macarthur f.c. is making things interesting as a newcomer the elite group of squad they are making a push for a top 2 spot in standings and that path well that was going to take them for a head to head battle with the melbourne victory and well trained 3rd minute victory a long lob down the pitch it'll be a midfielder ellis can so by knowing he's got them fired and federici the goldfield
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right before that and. celebrating the victory and on the replay you just can see what it is from camps over right past federici. 30 per cent though the bulls mark with their left footed boot from 5 yards out it will actually be to equalizing the bulls draw even into halftime and we need to get away though i restored that yet if the body out with the patches and that is just a bomb a 2nd half a minute corner for mcarthur james unmerited with a header pulls take a $21.00 lead that will also hold your final but we are there for the 3rd day and it's only $32.00 points and there is only behind central coast on goal differential . touching 2 european soccer supporting c.p. is having a good run in portugal from italy got they haven't won the league title though in almost 2 decades by. that chance started to get a little more in focus as they went on the road to play rio out 6 minutes in corner kick of a new and young man there so fast and glad they with the header block but really
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how it can. be taken out so no shot here for sporting train i think to go nah they're going to kick from and i don't think they'll go on a real side makes contact with the ball. complaining read like where is the call it goes under the air of you sporting going to war the family if you're going to be converts from the spot sporting draws 1st blood one you know and on the eve you get to see exactly in the shot it was while he died nothing goes wrong way 2nd half more interesting says the 3rd minute holding your boots it was a volley outside the box to make it to mill for supporting the finals in full time 41 point of damage report 0 in the table in manila today the laureus sports awards take center stage virtually of course in soviet spain and i will have updates on who won some of the prestigious maybe they'll still be dressed up even though they're at home oh i can give you they are that was the memory of my writing thanks for that regina that's going to work for us right now make sure you keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading the portable t.v.
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apps you can watch whatever you want only on twitter admin account thanks for watching we'll see you back there soon. there's so much going on in the world don't you think when's the last time you had a real bird's eye view. should the news be more than just hours of pickering getting 30 minutes i'll take you off the low. look. at. all the food we don't need something. everyone in the world should be doing a leader and you get it on the old the old. the old
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according to a gesture. from our moral come along for there are you. guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how archie america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the bullshit we don't spew liberal or conservative and as you can see that is margret we don't skew the facts either the talking head lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all is a look at world r.t. america is in the spotlight now every really high have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time and i care to admit. an ocean of stories even the news worth knowing can overwhelm you. you could even use your way i know you want to know so let me bring in the best. it's easy just. play. hey folks next up on dennis miller plus
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one kevin o'leary from shark tank well larry i think he's the pragmatic voice the simon callow in the middle who tells people on it's time to as he says take something out back and shoot it i admire the artist state and he makes for great television kevin o'leary right up to the dentist note plus what. they folks welcome to dennis miller plus one i'm excited big fan. kevin's love him on the halftime report i'm always hoping that he and josh brown would get their own siskel and ebert on fiscal matters show but as a venture capitalist entrepreneur you of course known from shark tank or he is the what say they say the sensible simon cowell core of the show he's also the founder
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and chief summer.


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