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tv   Keiser Report  RT  May 6, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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i think i am sure there are. greetings and salutations blowback from president obama the rise of white nationalism vocal white supremacy i do the politics and populism all culminated in donald trump's 2016 presidential victory that moment fed into a widening polarization and weighty attacks on minority groups a blitz against the l g b t community group across republican led states today $33.00 states have introduced more than $100.00 bills aimed at the trans community the majority of these bills are laser focused on children and brace yourselves for the discrimination taxpayer dollars are funding like those preventing trans kids from using the restroom or locker room that matches their self identification bans on participating in same
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gender you sports outlawing gender affirming health care and more the bills are aggressive and vary by state in florida the house passed a bill allowing for general inspections of trans athletes you heard that right general inspections of children a bill in texas would allow the state to remove a trace child from their parent's home because of republican lawmakers mind a train child as a result of unfit parents and sometime a self-appointed trans activist caitlin jenner is making matters worse. general publicly came out as trans in a highly publicized sit down interview with diane sawyer in 2015 shortly thereafter at this species an annual sports award show generous see the author ashe courage award in her acceptance speech waste her support for trans athletes this week general now she's running for governor of california with the hopes of unseating embattled incumbent gavin newsome. in an interview with team z.
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gen made a head turning comment i oppose biological boys who are trained from competing in girl sports in school it just isn't fair we have to protect girls sports in our schools. jim identifies as a republican and supported trump in 2016 but how did her views on trans rights change so drastically in just a few years is this what she really believes or is she doing her level best to gain republican support among an electorate pressed to make trans lives a living he'll let's start watching the hawks. she will. run a city the streets you want. to see. this is the only state. place strays suggests least systemic deception is complete show which is something we don't. want that everyone's
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watching the hawks i'm a nice across tyrrell is on vacation joining me now is taylor chamber walker transgender health board meter for us helping us people into living in high taylor hey give me a shot how are you pretty good i know that this is a topic you've been fired up about all over social media sailor and the anti trillions bills just won't stop coming we now have over 33 states 100 bills have been introduced they're not only aggressive and damaging but several of them criminalize gender affirmation up to a felony in arkansas where health care access for trans minors is set to be banned h.b. $1570.00 is the 1st u.s. bill to criminalize puberty blockers in hormone therapy do you think others will follow and how with the passage of a bill like this that trans you i think it would be detrimental to trans you across the entire country and it would set precedents. you know to deprive
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someone of gender affirming care to compare it so people could understand it would be like telling somebody that has cancer that they can't receive treatment. you wouldn't imagine doing that but somehow trans use their regulated to some type of you know silo where they don't get the same rights as other people and you know most trans you are on puberty blockers are living style you know their classmates sometimes not even their teachers are aware of their identity or any differences and this sets up a case where kids kids could you know be put to this litmus test and outed and you know somehow in my mind that would violate across the board and taylor just to break this down
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a little bit more for our audience the same groups that fought tooth and nail to stop marriage equality they're back and they're fighting trans rights there's big money behind it and unified republican party rallying against trains you trains kids in many states or even testifying on behalf of themselves just to be able to have that gender affirming care just to be able to live their lives fully why do you think kids are now the primary target for entitle g.b.t. activism because i think it's an easy target and often times parents aren't as affirming and supportive of their children going through some type of gender expanse and. in my opinion you know conservative christian republicans would go against anything that their base deems not worthy or not acceptable and so once again this is disguised as bathroom bills and competing and wards but you know to me there's much more involved in this and i
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think they're just panhandling or catering to the base. and it makes no sense to have a court system involved with gender affirming care would you go to court to get birth control and have a judge decide whether you should be on birth control at 10111213 when you hit puberty absolutely not how is the judge qualified in any way shape or form to pass judgment and give a ruling on whether or not a trans youth should get care it makes no sense and caitlin jenner she is running for governor in california her 1st campaign ad was just released but prior to that she made eyebrow raising statements about transient participating in sports she doesn't think it's fair for biological boys to compete in girls new sports this is a huge shift from her statements in 2015 where she acknowledged trans rights and
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supported trans women and girls in sports why the flip flop and what does this mean for the trans community. because california is so determined to oust governor knew some that they will do whatever they have to do to put kaitlin gender in the forefront they want that mag a vote in the state of california and unfortunately caitlin jenner didn't transition to live believe she was 66 years old so that 66 years of white male privilege you can't tell me that. the mere act of having surgery to be anatomically female is going to change a life time of you know the why power that is prevalent in this country they will do what they need to do to get the vote and unfortunately katelyn jenner is more than willing to put herself out there and turn
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against her own community to do this and this isn't the 1st time she is not our spokes person we do not know her her journey is different and unique beyond comprehension to anybody else going through gender dysphoria. and they they they have done more damage to the trans community then one could imagine and then to make a statement. even using the word it that a trans girl is a biological male. it's just disgusting i think i've said this in the past no one looks between their legs to know who they are it's a man lost his penis he wouldn't automatically think he was bill same in the reverse when you're on testosterone blockers or puberty blockers and you know you get into that final phase of puberty and you start taking hormone replacement
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therapy any possible advantage that you might have is gone and let's be real have you ever heard of training and anybody dominating any sport ever it was ok as long as we didn't win. but now they're just manipulating this platform to gain votes because the reality is maggie doesn't like caitlin jenner and. but they're using her as a pawn and she's more than willing to do it she she does nothing to better or further the cause of the equality act and the reason it's being held up is they want the trans burbage removed and taylor i'm going to have. and i think that you're such a you're such a passionate advocate for these issues and we'll definitely have to have you back on thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us today. oh my pleasure.
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we hear it all over social media there are hiring signs and fast food bars and other small businesses but is america reopens or workers coming back u.s. employers report having difficulty finding workers even though the unemployment rate is double what it was before the pandemic nearly 4600000 workers were forced out of their jobs due to cope with 19 according to a bank of america report however it doesn't look like folks are rushing back to the workforce conservatives blame president biden's enhanced unemployment benefits to $300.00 weekly unemployment bonuses were created also at the economic pain for americans out of work and are set to expire in september for low wage workers in particular the added bonus in many cases is more than they made on the job fueling conservative belief that folks aren't working because they get paid more to stay at home but economists disagree the pandemic itself forced americans to redefine work flexibility work from home options lack of childcare and ongoing fears of coping 19
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who's vaccinated who won't get vaccinated those are all factors. joining us now to break it all down to start you correspondent rachel blevins welcome rachel thank you for having me well rachel president biden says america's back we're passing researchers as we're seeing them being lifted across the country people are going to restaurants bars traveling having vacations or spending come hotels but local businesses particularly restaurants and bars they can't seem to get their staff back or even get new people to apply but how many americans are out of the workforce currently and why well as of right now the unemployment rate stands at 6 percent and it looks like there could be as many as $2500000.00 americans going back to work this fall so we are seeing progress being made but at the same time we're also seeing the service industry saying that they can't find workers and there are a number of factors contributing to that i mean you look at the last year and you look at how our workforce has changed because you have restaurants you have small
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businesses that have been forced to shut down well while they're close the people who are hiring are the major corporations like amazon like wal-mart that are seeing record breaking profit and fact amazon hires nearly half a 1000000 new employees in 2020 alone so for some of those who would typically work in the service industry who would rely on not industry specifically now as they have a new more secure job working for a bigger corporation they're not as likely to jump ship to want to go back to an industry where they don't have secure hours and they don't know exactly what the future's going to look like at the same time when it comes to those americans who are staying out of work by choice yes some of them are relying on those unemployment benefits knowing that they're going to get them for just a few more months and then there are those who are incredibly concerned about the safety aspect and how that will impact their family home in their loved ones that they're seeing. all great points and we know that there are some lawmakers who are shifting things around could meet the crisis that they see when lawmakers are considering how much to give in unemployment benefits we often hear the concern
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that they might get too much and it will be an incentive for americans to simply not return to work is there some truth to this right now was interesting because when you hear that talking point it's often played out as if it's a long term strategy like americans are just going to plan to live on unemployment forever and this case in particular we have to look at all of the conditions that are lining up which is for some of those americans who are looking at that extra $300.00 a week that could be more than they would make by going back to work and at the same time they're also looking at daycares and schools being closed and so a lot of them have families that they have to tend to and so if they're looking at that short term strategy of being able to stay home to care for their family for at least the next few months before they go into the workforce then that is absolutely what they're going to choose so when it comes to a talking point like that in this case there may be some truth to that but it may be better for those americans in the long run and terms of their particular situation and rachel we only have a few short very short time left but in one year globally women were really
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affected they lost over $800000000000.00 in income due to cope 19 we know in america could be 19 took a real toll on female workers what are those numbers like now and can women look to getting back to work any time soon women have certainly been had the hardest and even as last as far as last month there were still $1500000.00 women out of the workforce so a lot of it is going to take those jobs opening back up kids getting back in school and there really is that hope that women will be able to keep fighting back and getting back into those jobs because they really have been hurt more than anyone else over the last year thanks so much for joining me right hill and providing such an outstanding report i think we really want to know what's going on across america with the economy and whether or not americans are going to be back in then action swing with work again so thanks so much for sending it off to thank you for having me. and as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hawks on to me through the brand new portable t.v.'s available on all platforms coming out we
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discussed why my client brian staff didn't get much black lives matter attention stay tuned to watching the hawks. could you source the story about the fact that delayed maxwell will likely take others down i guarantee you there's a lot more going on. in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez and protesters who are not happy this is what we're going to drill down on right here on news direction where we really do believe it's time to do news again. this type of american is doing very well but then there's these guys
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over here who are doing so well but if you drill down to look at the real numbers and especially the rent numbers right it's pretty bad there's people who are not paying their rent and say they're not going to be able to pay their rent for the foreseeable future 'd 'd. i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories there are critics can't tell me you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth artie's able to do that. every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there to the american what's happening when a corporation makes
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a pharmaceutical chills people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes chancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every we can you know want their work in. our culture is awash in lives dominated by streams of never ending electronic hallucinations that emerged fiction until they are indistinguishable we have become the most deluded society on politics as a species of endless and needless political theater politicians have morphed into celebrity are 2 ruling parties are in reality one party to corporate and those who
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attempt to puncture this vast breathless universe of fake news designed to push through the cruelty and exploitation of the little torn up force so far to the margins of society including by a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well be mice squeaking against an avalanche of sweet we must. thanks. thanks. thanks. police reform bills are popping up at state legislatures across the country at the federal level competing democrat and republican bills are creating a hurricane of debate derek shoguns legal team followed a motion for
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a new trial just 2 weeks after he was convicted of the murder for killing george floyd. and reverend al sharpton while he's making his rounds delivering eulogies at the funerals of several other on our blacks killed at the hands of the police but one name among those is it making headlines and mainstream media has basically buried the story entirely so if police reform advocates bryant because of bryant the 16 year old girl in columbus ohio who was shot while holding a knife in the middle of an altercation mkhize death standing we didn't matter as soon as the police body cam video was released no one cared about her back story no one cared about her trauma. was a young girl in foster care who reported to her mom and the authorities of abuses going on in the home on april 20th just 20 minutes after the judge announced their children's guilty verdict a young girl at her wits and was murdered by a cop and within 24 hours america lost interest and concern. there are many reasons
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why makhaya bryant didn't become a hash tag or a rallying cry for advocates article after article cited her size calling her that huge a knife wielding attacker in a media mikheil wasn't a perfect victim so for onlookers she deserved to die despite the fact that we have several recorded examples of police interactions with whites carrying weapons that came out alive. joining us now is civil rights attorney and radio host robert patella welcome robert. well robert makhaya bryant was shot within moments of the officer writing on the scene an issue we saw support ring out for her but after the video was released people fell silent we saw le bron james initially tweet his anger about what happened and he deleted it after the police body can video was released his reaction echoed much of america why did advocates quickly clear out on this case. well you know this case in the fit neatly
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into the into the rubric of what people look for in the normally shootings you know if you look at the m 2 you don't similar where there was a lot of national outrage when the longer. released on the 2nd before he did have a weapon that point in time you saw much of the inference around that but we can look past the more important issue which is the way that we do policing in this country in america an average of just about 3 people per day are killed by police officers that's more than all industrialized nation in the entire world over some people per year we can estimate are going to be killed by the police the united states of america and if you look at the what police officers took to the streets in the year 200. they would send them out there will today give them a gun a bad pepper spray stick and. tell them to go keep the peace there's no way to them to be peaceful we don't give them any weapons or peacekeeping you know they're going to train me in. situations to give them trying to have
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a change of people that will do that will have lots. of how we look at easing in our country and others as we train them as a paramilitary force which is to control the community that we're going to continue to see body after body stack up and you don't need you don't need to be the perfect people to care we need to help police reform across the border or from this nation past history. and rob that fit into this next question we think conservatives across social media share cherbury of videos mocking anyone who tried to offer a deescalation tactics and techniques that could have kept him alive but these new both know they are no laughing matter we've seen the news for white the escalation coward now the 17 year old who shot 3 people at a protest was arrested without harm so was robert and long the suspect in the asian massage parlors shooting in georgia just
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a few weeks ago as were greg and 10 mcmichaels who murdered a model robbery and georgia all of these people had weapons all of them literally committed murder police arrested them without killing them why could they not do it in the case. of the same with the killer in charleston who they took to burger king after he murdered 8 people in the church doing group recently because there was no overt criminalization of african-americans in this country study views focus group it was just a white people will. automatically assume that they are hunters or think of a member that you think. they see them. over what a lot of media have overcome but with you there in america is being this dangerous for the way the. community so that all of us are. so focused age overestimation which is when they see young african-americans they view
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them to be between 8 and 10 years older than they actually are so into. play will be told i'm done from. 12 year old child playing with toy. 20 year old man the weapon until 2 seconds and the thing. that you said in concert they are way too. young for ever being a child and i asked them if you were to take. blue eyes and a little cheerleading outfit or girl scout that winter would be the same but in our country we believe that americans have to prove their right to be alive because the truth why they feel that individual and that's why there's not a neat place in one of the stores. close with people one because at the end of the day do. americans particularly black women with the same low humanity as a standard way and have a white girl come home from college energy leaving outfit that would make
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a lot more knew what happens or india. and robert a i think you hit the nail on the head in so many ways there we talk time and time again about training training training training we need to do more to invest in training for these police officers but what we see is that the training things to work when they are when they are in white communities in the training is thrown out the window when they're in black communities because of our long historical because of the long historical white supremacy in this country because of the belief around black people and black people's dangerousness do you believe we can get out or we can train officers out of over or criminalizing african-americans and using these excessive anon deescalation tactics one thing that i think part of is going to come down the community policing we bring people in from that same neighborhood people who grew up with these individuals know the community go to church and shop in those areas they can see the humanity in these people versus somebody who lives you know 2030 miles away and 2 or 3 counties come in to control what they see as
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foreign territory once you get to see more officers are walking the beat instead of driving cars or you take some of the lethal force option for them. or a lot of vs like to wage and that's how you get to a place of police reform that works for all this is not the same in every come jeff many people understand other industrialized nations do not have the shooting look at this in japan. for example or hong kong the number of police shootings they have there per year this is an outlier which means that it can be not unique humanity is and they need to be prince of nature of america and it's something that can be fixed with proper training proper investments in community and assuring that we're getting people to use horses. thank you so much it is great having you as always robert i'm looking forward to you joining us again.
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and that is our show for you today folks and remember everyone in this world we're not told we're loving know so i tell you i love you i'm a nice across people watching those talks have a great day and i just want. to read out really turn on the t.v. on the about the world of what's happening around me i see shows on the screens but in last every day because the fake news narrative study say things seem to maybe cooling it's time to look at least enough listeners with our method of blog brick by brick google is a make you smile how funny off that in this war but i found
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a network that open question sunny is great was that space civil strife climate change stop what was really cool simply lists all that mainstream wants to do was keep us classic you watch those right you can't keep a silenced critical point seize hold perspective question exaggerate we don't take sides we walk the dog artsy i'm a work of me really it's all. 'd 'd i think the average viewer just after watching a couple segments understands there were telling stories there are critics can't tell when you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create
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change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth artie's able to do that every story is built on going after the back story to what's really happening out there so the american what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical the chills people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes cancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every we can you know want their work in. why in the world as you think this is a positive idea for the united states. well i think you will play exactly the role that a good journalist ought to. why this had to happen at this exact moment there's already so much instability within the middle east that this is probably just one of the
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many voices on television right now that have ties to those that benefit from the way or thanks. this is them bustling business show you can't afford to invest i'm rachel robinson washington coming out. a federal court rules the i.r.s. has the power to force states to go currency or change to turn over information when taxes are due so who will be impacted and what does that mean for your town plus the european union could be the next one to lose weight intellectual property rights great stock screens india's covert crisis continues then.


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