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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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hello there i'm an election and you're watching in question broadcasting from large america's national news headquarters in washington d.c. tonight top stories 1st a new global poll reveals who the world believes is the biggest threat to democracy the answer may surprise you we'll discuss that plus new research suggesting that pepper spray is actually way more harmful than we originally thought we'll explain that straight ahead all right it's time to boost your news i you. know right so which country is the biggest threat to democracy well according to
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a new poll commissioned by the alliance of democracies foundation it's neither china or russia so who could it possibly be artie's alex myla bitch has that answer . the land of the free. home of the break was the world's biggest threat to democracy america is on the move again we're choosing hope over fair shoot over lies light over darkness never working for work again we're dreaming again we're discovering again i want to do the world again i got probate democracy can deliver for the people and it's that delivering of democracy that scares a lot of people around the globe in a poll known as the democracy perception index which is commissioned by the alliance of democracies foundation and was conducted by the la 10
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a polling company between february and april 50000 people in 53 countries were asked which country threatens to mark recy in their country nearly half of the respondents who took the survey named the u.s. as the greatest threat while fear of chinese influence came in at 38 percent and russian at 28 percent it's not surprising that the countries which showed as overwhelmingly negative about u.s. influence include russia and china and there may be a reason for that american leadership must meet this new moment inventing authoritarianism including a growing ambitions of china to rival the united states in the determination of russia however european democracies also stood out as overwhelmingly negative about u.s. influence with german sentiment being particularly high globally 81 percent of people polled said that it is important to have democracy in their country but just over a half 53 percent said that their country is actually democratic today even in
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democracies so who actually believes that they live in a democracy those polled in denmark switzerland and or way are most confident that their country. our democratic and what may be a surprise to many sore people in china where 71 percent say that their country has the right amount of democracy is for what is perceived as the biggest threat to democracy economic inequality was the number one choice at 64 percent at 48 percent just under half of the people in the survey also cited big tech as a threat with americans being most concerned about that issue at 62 percent the chair of the alliance of democracies foundation former nato chief and danish prime minister anders fogh rasmussen said this poll shows that democracy is still alive in people's hearts and minds we now need to come out of the cold 1000 pandemic by delivering more democracy and freedom to people who want to see their countries
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become more democratic resolution might have missed an important point in the survey and that is that the participants made it quite clear that they don't want to mark receive delivered to them but instead would rather see more equality in the world to make things more democratic the democracy perception index survey has been conducted since 2018 by law tanner and the alliance of democracies it is the world's largest annual study on how people perceive democracy for r t m i look smile of it and for more on this will bring in our panel to discuss former u.k. m.p. george galloway and new york times bestselling author president of the phyllis schlafly evil for him and martin hellman good to see you again 1st 53 countries 53000 participants when asked about a number of issues threatening democracy i think agree or disagree the biggest agree was on economic inequality most people surveyed agreed about that but when
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asked what country threatens democracy the most between the u.s. china and russia the respondents agreed the u.s. was the bigger threat so why. do you say to that george. the scottish national poor robert burns said the greatest gift the god could give us is to see ourselves as others see us and that i think will have come as a big shock to some people in the united states how others see you you see when joe biden's up there are some right hesitantly because of his advancing whatever is telling us america's on the move again the rest of us are hiding under terrible manila the idea of america's on the move again and coming our way is not something that we look forward to look the united states has invaded and occupied some 60
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countries since the 2nd world war or about her own governments and presidents even killed some. you have taken over from us that's what we used to do and that's why i think if there was a 2nd place. russia and china britain might have come up on the list to add i'll let you respond. well i i want to quote that 1st our rise in defense of america and quote the old george m. cohan in yankee doodle dandy over there over there the yanks are coming over there you know what we had in the last 4 years is a president who finally turned the american party system away from wars a way we're seeing it right now we're playing liz cheney one of the cheney family is being forced out of politics because the american people agree with the world that our ideas that we were going to plant democracy in other places it wasn't just imperialism it was stupidity but i mean you know that poll to me smacks of what the
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europeans like to do when they like to talk about what's a threat who's a threat and here comes the big bad wolf that's a threat i will say this that one per day or of the threat to democracy in the world is a 3 letter word and it's seen. and then when you watch c.n.n. in every airport and hotel in europe or in asia or in america you see fake news like we've never seen you see racial strife in writing america is doing great in many ways the inequality economically and inequality of education is a problem but here's the great news i think the news is that we're all starting to agree big tech big media and big government are bullying the basics of the american vision and that's what most people want the world is more about the american system but the vision of more freedom freedom of speech freedom of association so well i'm not surprised that the survey results because i think really c.n.n. and big tech does so much damage to everyone edward i'm going to stick with you on
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this one i'll give you the 1st crack on what about democracy in the kind of cove it those surveyed seem to agree that what their governments their respective governments have done during the pandemic eroded democracy limiting freedoms. well i think that's right i think there was a lot of fear but i you know and people one people fear is one of the greatest and most dangerous motivators in politics and i we've seen it in history and we've seen it in the last year and look in america we've had a 2nd listen leaders under tromp and under biden it continues scientists you say they know everything and then they turn out to know very little but the spear is a real problem but again i would go back to the damage that you know and r.t. america in ours in the united states plays a role in actually people tell me all time they let people talk you actually have a discussion our news here is just about serum on the model of american cable news is c or fear fear sarma commercial fear fear fear pharma commercial and they make
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a book by the way fox news does it too and the question is after a year of that we have mostly a brainwashed nation that is fearful so that part of democracy is failing but that again you know we muddle through this and in america we're seeing more and more americans take control of their lives instead of letting bureaucrats dominate george what about that has your country stifled your democracy. well it depends you see in an existential threat situation like say the 2nd world war when hitler was a channel ports and fronts on ready to invade us everyone was behind the government behind the state and they trust that what the state said our problem know is that when our government tell us that it sunshine outside we were to go in door to check . and i think that's true in your country too are both of our states and many others have lost the cross the credibility with the people so when they say
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you have to wear a mask you have to get a job you have to surely but you have had a job and so on if people really trust the government which they do in. the much maligned china. people do it because the feel the government is wrong their side the problem is in our country only here in the us that 62 percent of americans fear the power of big tech and social media is that any surprise to you george. well i think the american people have shown a great person because you did that because that is the biggest looming threat to democracy in western countries the power all but i need number of all the guards who shot even the president of the united states of america. down
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by a handful of unelected billionaires and house nor resurface i don't know if trump is alive or dead i haven't talked to him january or one throw saw him every day all day but for the power of big of big media there's a lot of ruin in martin's life when. better different people are on the we'll have the same mark ad what about that well i want to frame up your closing got you quoted burns let me quote twain you know written reports of my death are greatly exaggerated that's what donald trump said i think he's kicking hard no let me just say let me say very clearly listen to this watch what happens how big tech dominates hillary clinton spends 4 years saying that 2016 election was stolen that's what she said illegitimate based on russia russia russia all the proof and never in all the proof said no donald trump said the election was a regular and big tech shuts him down and takes away twitter and facebook and
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everything else you don't have to pick what side you like to recognize that power and big tech i call it the narrative machine big tech and big media with big government behind it we've never seen anything like this that's happening in the world and in america we're feeling it every day we get chased hither and thither by by george floyd and liz cheney and everything else meanwhile the fundamentals of our country immigration education all are falling to pieces and so the narrative machine is dominating democracy i'm not sure it's a democracy if it continues the way it's going absolutely i think we can all 3 of us agree on that. when george galloway ed martin good to see you gentlemen again thank you. and tear gas is more harmful than the coronavirus we'll tell you about the new research that is saying just that and then over the sports h.q. we're going to have has one player saying at early good bye at the latest round of
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madrid open and remember to keep up with all the latest news or catch up with anything you might have missed download the portable tb app so you can watch us whenever you want will be right back. those in command of toxic systems designed to keep us confused destructible where you are no match or no way can mine they lie you win the war they lie you in poverty they tell you what to think they're watching you are you watching them are watch you. watch. listen stop playing online algorithms dictate what you get to want to go to portable dutch t.v. slash download to get killed or television it's completely free i'm talking award winning comedy awesome sports coverage in sight so friends still taste like
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raspberries on a spring day take so hot they'll turn your face off thousands of videos more added by the hour did i mention 3 it's yes 3 go go get it horrible t.v. . dear you are thank you for finally changing your understanding you're tired of networks 'd learning new. 'd words is incidental. as they are. no matter what. you know me 'd i'm famous for my views. and let me. yours truly. will. have a read out of read i turn on the t.v. learn about the world of what's happening around me i see shills on the screen speak in last every day because the fake news narrative steady state. maybe.
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believes in the christians with half the power brick by brick goodness that they could flip me off then in the street when i found that there were no question. as protests and large nationwide over the death of george floyd last summer the repeated use of tear gas against demonstrators was alarming to a lot of people and now new research questions if it's even more harmful than once thought potentially affecting those vulnerable of contracting corona virus are to correspondent natasha suite has more on why some are so concerned. day after george floyd was killed by
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a minneapolis police officer last may do the protests continue throughout the nation all summer long unrest lingered and in some cases peaceful protests turned into riots some of the worst scenarios buildings were even set ablaze to take control over the chaos police officers and even the national guard resorted to using tear gas when many demonstrators came out to stand up for what they believed in a few of the enrollee ones escalated the events for the entire crowd your research coming out of the university of minnesota medical school found that exposure to chemicals and tear gas can have long term physiological and mental health effects. the other issue medical students discovered was the lack of studies looking into the long term impact tear gas has an overall health the health issues among those sprayed with tear gas varies everything from a lung damage blindness miscarriage her failure to even death according to dr steven miles at the university of minnesota in a covert time the last thing you want to do is cause an inflammatory reaction inside the lungs that may be long lasting you're looking at video from 2011 of
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a former u.c. davis police officer spraying campus protesters with pepper spray after the footage went viral the former officer said he suffered from depression and anxiety he received 38000 dollars in workers' compensation he was put on paid administrative leave for 8 months he was then fired in 2012 but protesters aren't the only ones getting hit with a chemical agent federal authorities releasing video last week from the attack on the capital back on january 6th police officer brian said nick died prosecutors walk back their initial statements that the substance he was sprayed with was bear spray now they believe it was pepper spray and the boston city council approved a measure that would limit the use of tear gas pepper spray and other crowd control agents among police the new orleans man days said on scene supervisor must a trauma that no other methods of deescalation will be successful before the point . 2 separate warnings 2 minutes apart must be given by the supervisor and they are
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to announce exactly which type of weapon they will be dispersing reporting for in question sweet. right here to weigh in on this very common practice with police departments all over this country is dr john dombrowski he's c.e.o. of the washington pain center right here in the district dr thank you for joining us today as we just heard in natasha's report there lung damage blindness miscarriage heart failure even death can result from this supposedly non-lethal device it's no wonder that a judge in columbus ohio this week issued a court order for police to cease use of pepper spray at least in nonviolent protesters there's wiggle room in the language for when demonstrations turn into riots but as a health care professional do you do do these new findings about pepper spray cause you any concern. of course if you let me know that oh yes it's nice you know our
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hotel because it does cause concern you know there has to be a balance here we sort of believe in you know just the 1st. expression of your age and protest is always good but we're becomes violent then we need to have something to quell the violence of in a lot of use of the stores are not left with other chores where they've been thrown about structures are also things like this is the best thing we can come up with non-lethal now perhaps we need to look at other things in terms of the way although i do not have to or can do something else that we novelty will know that other options to control we i'm really proud well it's not just police though pepper spray is widely available for public use and public purchase so how did something that could have such harmful side effects and be marketed as a safe alternative for self defense without really knowing the long term consequences of its use i mean how did it slip into the market and have you ever
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treated anyone for pain associated from pepper spray the issue is nobody ever sprays capsaicin which comes from not actually well and we use these medications for people with a purpose. that's very commonly used and obviously these medications are if chemical in a spray bottle were you know somebody if you're attacking a woman right. and spray them or a you know a catheter just to get you know get some time away from any if all they will be about there are opportunities about that to fix up the ball though that's not yours if you get rid of it. if you use yourself. so when what a person and hails pepper spray what sort of effects does it have on the body like how does your body respond and can some of that response also be psychological. well sure i did i get a mention of each of you if you know anything like to bowl yourself away yes it's
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going to cause tremendous long irritation and there could be a primary no coffee nationally in the world the terms are good it could be a problem of course i mean i guess the best way to 'd do this is one thing in biology and you know. 'd you i've not seen to the literature point fine until the sweetness but obviously something in the story. and you know as a doctor obviously your job is to help people you fix them you make them better you patch him up do you worry that with the advancement and popularity of things like pepper spray or other personal security devices that both the public and police officers are beginning to use there we will see more and more people suffering perhaps long term effects from you know these devices accidentally going off maybe deliberately being used you know teenagers spraying each other because they think it's funny you know that's a really great question again you know these these items have been around for at
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least 30 years even longer and this is the 1st floor study that showed in the long term damage or so this is something that you know the medical community was so good in obviously if we're starting to see long term problems we were way better risk of. something that is only as a deterrent now as we all you know terms of what want to for. a perpetrator you know it sounds like a bad thing to use right now during cold bad something that gets into the lungs maybe put a halt on it for the time being that's just my lay person's opinion but that's your personal take on this dr you're the expert dr john dombrowski of the washington pain center thank you so much for being with us today. over to the latest covert 900 numbers worldwide those cases topping 155000000 with about 3000000 reported deaths the u.s.
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is still leading the way with the most confirmed cases about 32000000 here followed by india and then brazil here stateside the death toll now over 579000. and google is now giving employees more options for when where and how often they'll go back to the office later this year become pany announced wednesday that employees worldwide can keep working remotely until september after that they can decide to go back to their original office or an office in a different city for some workers whose rules allow for it they can choose to permanently work from anywhere google c.e.o. says he expects 20 percent of workers to do just that another 20 percent to choose a different city with about 60 percent of them staying put they're prepared to make offers. or take a look at this here space x. recently launched and then successfully landed its star ship for the 1st time on
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wednesday the ship is the same one you on must hold to land astronauts on the moon with and send people to mars on the previous 4 test flights you might remember have ended in explosions. all right let's head over to regina ham at the sports it was the end of the line for one popular tennis star at the madrid open and it didn't end obviously the way he hoped it would because world the 3 didn't know medvedev well he was of the mutual madrid open is going to break a small cell that is that on his march his 2nd round match against today's christian got on who is ranked world number $25.00 was anything but a cakewalk for the top ranked russian 1st got in the running. with this one and medvedev in the shadows barely you can actually really just be involved in 3 shots of a 5 with chile and. with the backhand down the line to eventually win the point to make it it's easier to bench at number 16 for that number 2 for 2nd set better with a cross court shot get on his forehead or turbos why the russian wants that number
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to 7 so of course 3rd and final so that we go how anyone sees anything really in the trial is beyond me but you know there are a solid volley between him and the medvedev in the final return from the russian hands got in the break to make it $31.00 and all match point we go this one is done for the russian star gotten breaking medvedev twice in the 3rd and they do a while to change them back and shots here but many veterans return will end up going why it's good that i'm in the advance of the quarter final and the 2nd victory over world number 3 the 1st complaint against ben alexander's there. the 2021 laura sports awards look a little different no red carpet no massive party to celebrate no gathering of some of the best and brightest in sports world but today in those nominated these a lesser of the words gathered in a different way to accept their win and share how they give back and make sport for good and on the same day the standard research final of the madrid open a little bit south as of yet rather than a doll was announced as the 2021 laureus another year winner he was the nominee for
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the times winning his 1st order 20110 you know a decade ago now dahlan the french open in a covert impacted year on the to be counter marked his 13th prison trophy at roland garros he also made his 20th grand slam become the 2nd player in history to achieve that amazing feat after swiss tennis great roger federer and he had some thoughts on the award exception take a listen. means a lot to me at the receive this amazing they're off you know i want to say thank you very much from the bottom of my heart to the loud is academy i had saw my mazing competitor. next to me so i went to. one of the later the same time. and breakthrough of the year belongs to you know the kids a chief quarterback pattered not holmes 7 the holmes at 24 led the chiefs of the 1st 50 years during the 21000 season he made a 2nd super bowl appearance in the 2020 season but they suffered a loss to tom brady in the tampa bay buccaneers more homes also in the m.v.p. award for the 1st rule for 4 months became the only the 2nd african-american to win
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that award manila that's really exciting to hear that from a home you know he's a texas tech grad very popular and very active in his community as well he has ownership stake in the kansas city royals he just had a baby he got gage so i think this is a pretty good year for him overall you know in the past 12 months have actually been very good for patrick holmes a lot of victories in his camp and speaking of victories i also want to address this little ribbon that you and i both are wearing in case the viewers are wondering this is for victory day when the alliance including the soviet union defeated the nazis the nazis check your history folks be surrendered so this isn't a matter of that in case you're wondering so we are. all right thanks for that regina that's going to do it for us right now make sure you keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading the portable t.v. and you can watch it whenever you want only on twitter instagram you know what you would you know underscore there thank you for watching.
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i. hey guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all laughter all right but we are a solid alternative to the bullshit that we don't stew liberal or conservative and as you can see his bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head lefties talking head righties oh there you go above it all to look at world r.t. america is in the spotlight now every glee i have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time and i care to admit. an ocean of stories even the news worth knowing can overwhelm the oh. you could even use your way i know you want it all so let me bring you the best. it's easy just press play. dear you are thank you
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for finally changing when you're understand you're tired of networks you never heard news with you. was it down to. they are not no matter what. when you think you know me 'd i'm famous for my views. and let me. yours truly starting now. are so much going on and don't you think once last time you had a real bird's eye view. of news feed or just hours of bickering give me 30 minutes i'll take you across the globe.
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