tv Sophie Co. Visionaries RT May 7, 2021 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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$1500.00 pounds of those scott. and free landed back in your t.v. years in a huge disparity in the way the size of the tree. was said to be livid that they room authorities have been meeting with french fishermen when they saved fact what they should be doing is standing united with them against those threats coming from france so let's even ski ot see paris and that brings you up to date for this hour don't forget they've got a website full of stories to tell you the reason find you can get all those that are.
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so to go this year isn't easy to be sure not to 75 years ago when the doctor's visits of human history has ended and how has the humanities changed how has it come back to psychology changed after the end of world war 2 to consider this is much more i'm joined by legendary film director screenwriter producer. filmmaker producer screens rather an actor really great to have you on our show today so many things that are going on so if in fact they were silly it will work you are who were born in the middle of all who are you grew up in post-war germany you've seen major change in the course of your life time do you think humanity is
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collective psychology has undergone any kind of significant transformation since world war 2. of course it's cindy fact she is now in the advancing and that we live in is an echo of fallon past and i still have a very strong ethical i memories of the very end of the 2nd world war. actually true and that was not really his memory stuck in your 5 or 6 made very 1st memories when it was 2 and a half years old it was very shortly only 2 weeks before the maybe 3 weeks before the end of the war before the german kept its relation. i remember that my mother wakes. raptly in the middle of the night and it was cold and still snow out there she wraps us into
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a blank is both always in her writings in dresses out on the hill behind the house and she says boys i have to wake you have to have to see this the city of heroes in him is very new in the city of who wasn't time because they knew about the city and its. 5060 kilometers away and she said the city of whose name is earning it be looked into it said of the valley the entire as you see when you have when you see a fire you see the flickering and so since it was so far away and it was so the entire sky was opposing it was orange and red and yellow and it was slowly posing a sky like this in complete silence and i knew there was something be going on there was only 2 and a half years i knew this was big and i knew there was a danger out there and the world was different then what we had had so far and
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i became curious what is the world all of. and then another shortly afterwards when the americans arrived germany's restraint constraint in strength in the east russia started to choke you painted mean the battle scenes from the west bridge is strange and americans and the area and in bavaria where he grew up. was one of the very last minute elements it was look how cute paging finally was over and by americans and i met a salami and i remember quite well and makes for the 1st time a black man. and we have only knew him from fairy tales whether it's blakemore is maurice and that was it and african american and he was very very big he was this
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type of kilo neal. bass basketball player very big very strong very heavy and he had a wonderful voice and i'm not a celebrity sitting with him next to the slopes behind the houses and it was talking to him fallis and she asked me then you know who was said and i said this was a wonderful man you know i meet a black man and he smuggled the food and he had the most noise a wonderful voice i remember is what it and then you will be. more east africans they were wonderful people and they sank into me and until today when i see a black man and i i see 2nd type of show kiloton yield or they just like me and they have a myth. so those are very personal echoes that saying with you forever. and there's so many they like you
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a little boys who are poor in the middle of it and even those who underwent the whole board will to do you think not personally but as a collective psychology. has it changed for people over the course of 75 years do you think the collective psychology has changed since world war 2 and a few things that it has that how. elitists and i can. confer status is to speak of. in. generations that grew up in drooling so we only knew it was a disaster it was a name to. an entire country older cities. into into degree and. into everyone in mason or a scene or. we knew there was something not right in the real no to b. and b. took a look at it wanted him to. obviously debate is the skill to s.
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fish is is something that is the most good to have its longest life and of course it is alarming that we see. racism rising needs hate again and he said you have. a right wing wolf. the right. thing we know this is dangerous and we have taken really big there's a. you know about 2 years ago in 2018 a german foundation passed conducted a study that was aimed to find out germans assy towards the past and almost how this painting hard to tell that they don't think things like holocaust can ever happen again selflessly when i talk to my jewish friends that they're like well we're not so sure because people need to be reminded of the atrocities that you
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know we went through all the time in order for that not to ever happen again what do you think do you think they did it they take a shit instead of people sad how this will not happen again. good enough indication of action won't or do we need to do something yesterday to always keep it in your people's minds. when you speak of but i can say in such a way. as i have my life. the guarantee and it's no use you see me in his legacy to me talking and he said very simply think if we have something like this you stay go when the holocaust coming up we'll take arms defend it work try to defend it we truly may be loose i mean not to be alive anymore when you are caustic and it's young it's
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a spray seen me so it's going to hit because it will fade back to flee and alarmist since i retried bank and you will see you will see me date and then you may have this is there is a straightforward and very strong reaction and a very honest answer and i thank you for that better luck to ponder it together with you. it's human nature for instance no matter how many atrocities for committed in the last war collapsing violence of people against other people is something that doesn't seem to go away any other hell they honestly are taking logically we still see a lot of violence around us waiting this fundamental meeting me chariot being brutal to others come from is it sarratt or instead is it something else while sitting as still there how evolved we are think.
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same trees and same trees so scientists and philosophers and releasing so if you try to frame your guns and we do not if. we only have we have. from the earliest time a fish human existence of who will suck you in said speaking of that there has been violence against each other we have skeleton remains of cool man young man in his will now who hates him in the grace still there his. what if you have the have. case paintings for example caving graving in the southern sorrow with war scenes in the union conflict armed conflict among many. in. i would say i wouldn't say that it's in the nature of. collectively we haven't gotten free. of collective violence individual
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violence yes it's obvious crime. is something which unfortunately is happening but the commission is meant to be here how can does it exist in the human nature if nature will not nobody has a for a while and say yes. of course we have to be very cautious securely is we have instruments instruments. extremely dangerous atomic weapons biological weapons. and because of that the 1st world war was so catastrophic because because all of a sudden the war became industrialized into armies met in the battlefield in the 1st days of the war with a kind of civil case. and it showed welding brave and real facing each other face to face like medieval made evil warriors they the
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storage in the shield and all of a sudden they were machine guns and they were all new single message out killer he and i will have a free hand and in the shock the shock was extremely deep in the shock of the holocaust the way it's so teen number one because it is unprecedented it's no president it was history nor is anyone still discredited. don't we have this. term holocaust but it's not a real description of what really made it so shocking and so unique was that messing with. it was industrialized it was an industrialized mess murdo 6000000 jewish people when we speak and up and feeble for atrocities latin heartless what is their triggers and brainwashing the human mind to the point
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that what is doing all of those appalling things and is. doing the right thing. it's a very deep question and part of it and believe is. collect if you narrative. to day for example it's not so important well during the nazi time not that important facts we have to. the narrative. demonization of let's say the jewish people the french the russians the you just name eat. into it and you see it very very clearly today. it is not so much with history and factually happening it's
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a narrative and we have to be very very careful in what's. looking at the media what other media doing is is some sort of collective brainwashing going on no one else. will be caking babie have to be alarmed me have to be vigilant and we should think oh now. we're going to take a short break right now and that will continue to happen to rattle memory director screenwriter producer very human nature. for see with this.
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is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation and full community. are you going the right way or are you being led. to direct. what is true what's his face. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. or a maybe in the shallows. and
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we're back with legendary director bertha burton. one of my favorite karen philosophers the article says that the worst crimes against america made by banal and mediocre people who just got caught in a well into history and where they thought was legit without really asking too many questions do certain senses make villains out of normal people or are going to move forward i think it's great complexity to fix. our interests pointed out i think is the 1st one day the banality of evil and this is a very very good observation. because. there you go from that stance. and now leads he had very shallow thinking and very sure
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lou existences. if existence is like to get into power all of a sudden you have a very dangerous concoction. well i think back at our grandfather's you know march south of warring 93 now and it was not the extraordinary action then for centuries before that fighting a war in that traditional way was like a normal thing that you were just supposed to do from time to time now when i should say 5 years of relative peace do you think more as our grandfathers knew it doesn't he says as a viable option in european sakhi anymore or has just transformed itself into something else too elite see if it doesn't exist and for the grandfather they were surprised by them they can is a sign of the warring the faster he says the biggest of all shocks. i believe
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today the scenario has changed in particular because of nuclear weapons and very. delivery systems they fainted very dangerous it to me medium range to make inside the delivery systems are back. coming back. they find it very dangerous and it's going to i also find russia in the way culturally it belongs to europe i didn't faint it completely all of it for a short moment there was considerations even to ensure restoration to nato. of course it's history complicated repercussions would need to defend. say if there is a conflict in the far east that the pacific with. china would nature defeat and so
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on so it's too complex. idea is slow to wrong that russia belongs. to when i say i say mean europe cults really belongs to us the poetry belongs to us i heard to say that more is than as a fact until our covering who we really are shaping our own country nature and you've got several documentaries about war you shot feature films about why on may discoveries and that healing nature they may while shooting itself. have to. make it one film valid to have the little silver. schulze in nicaragua with. native miss key to india in 1000 insurgents. and. it was mostly about child cells as boys 891011 years old and when you look at war and being fooled by
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children in they came from age of war because they couldn't operate something sheen got easily. and they couldn't use truth for fear they don't have to be grown up in strong and. heavy built so the tragedy of seeing war is full of children is particularly. painful. and. in this case in nicaragua. it was. not propaganda they brought him in but atrocities their families had suffered many families wiped out another being killed in front of you. and on the next day the boy joins the insurgent.
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personal tragedies and you have the tragedy on an individual basis and i think when you. when you are looking at war it draws human beings into war. again to prove a kind and and personal experiences. study study war as with children involved in your very often in africa your seed quite often. free. when something like more strikes it brings out the worst and the best in people and what i mean is that lake. for every time there is a betrayal and murder for his sake of survival there's a tale of someone saving someone a soldier jumping on a grenade
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a family risking everything to shelter a fugitive so many germans who risked their lives to actually have jewish people in their homes you know what i mean these aren't the things that you would actually do you can as you go on in your everyday life i'm just thinking that went something these basic strikes. everything that's in a good on bad comes out which is would you say that it's a correct observation and i'll tell you why i'm saying this because i would take this to whatever is going on right now the whole condemned it and it covered 19 and talked about how we were reacting to that because i believe calling $990.00 could lead to world war 3 we're fighting all of us the whole world together and visible enemy do you feel like. this condemn me has also you know transformed people because i see some people just like during the wars that my grandfather spot being ignorant being inconsiderate and others are risking their lives to save other
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lives and these are things that i would see during an every day day. it's got to move through to the pandemic because of course it's for al incineration is its new. we have been tainted since 197918. and we haven't hit play here like in the middle ages. and t 20 that's. a yes it's really half sums it really bring changes in collective behavior at the moment we have. one kill she meant that is to simply in we have to separate into isolate ourselves because we have to starve the virus it cannot jump to anyone anymore you have to starve it out.
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beyond that this is clean behave to help for. the vaccine and then things will really change the entire picture a change from that on. but it brings good things out in a can she legionella neighborhood. helping each other and how we are collectively understanding and what is hard to understand is it. is strange is not in our everyday experience of numbers when you walk along a street you meet one passenger it meets one person then the next in number 3 number 4 and so the spread of the virus is in a different message magic's it's not a linear you have you meet. 16 people at the next one is not number 17 but all of a sudden with 32 or 32 are coming at you and the next well it's not as 33rd person
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64 people are coming at you or you're spreading it to $64.00 and then it's handed in $28.00. in the end to end all of a sudden within a few kilometer you are actually 1000000 and it's not in our experience of experiences numbers and indexes to sink in and because if there. has to at the moment has to be disinclined. to hear it just to wrap this conversation up here as the visionary as of the artist that vision and you know you may feel he you are driven by images ray when she was looking back at this and demi sees something that will transform to him that halogen to tape it in a film if he were to make a film about it i think i should make us feel good about it but.
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not let's imagine. i don't believe. it shows so things. collectively do if we can change some some very fundamental behavior it's not a big jump but in the interim and we can change our behavior and you actually see heroic behavior seeing people who we're the 1st ones who come part of a study and get. intentionally infected by the virus in order to test. medication against it and that was a heroic people who step out of society very average people they stand up and they say it has to be done and i really be the owner and she. gave me the wire is in
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test you have vaccine. and i think they said most simply. do you be civil in heroic it's not just a gesture because these people they die and heroes only those who have died. and i thank you so much curtis and he for his longer full inside i really do hope we get to do this again maybe on a different topic but this has been such a breath of fresh air talking to you right before the 75th anniversary of the dictator very cleansing of go dressed in sweden speaking. russia has lost more than 25000000 soldiers and civilians. in. the only real heroes those who sacrificed their life they are the heroes india have. over $25000000.00 heroes to commemorate and.
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i regret that it was germany that brought all these good tasters. russian people but today i was in supposedly and they believe married to the russian. and they you are a happily married to a beautiful russian woman for many many years to come face i want to be here today and stacy thank you so much. welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. to the. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. you watch kaiser report.
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i. protests in colombia lead 26 dead dead amid a government crackdown why the u.s. has offered only muffled condemnation unlike during similar unrest in other countries also this is right deporting around a 100 black people who have lived in the country for decades and say it is their ancestral home they fear though their children who were born there will also be. this very disturbing to me to think that my children will be boarded from the land of their birth they will never live anywhere this is the life that i know of spent most of my adult put here it was.
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