tv News RT May 7, 2021 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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good news is like a jack. boots on the true nugent. because each time to do that and question war. hello there i'm a military you're watching in question broadcasting from our to america's national news have borders in washington d.c. character day's top stories 1st a milestone for relations between the u.s. and iran and perhaps a step in returning to the gate c.p.o. way you got the latest talks out of vienna and then net neutrality the concept of equal access to the internet for all americans was recently met with millions of fake negative comments by a broadband company we'll break it all down for you and finally a massive chinese rocket falling from space is expected to crash down on earth where's it going to land and will the u.s. military intervene we'll tell you straight ahead all right it's time to boost your
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news i. appeared to be a possible breakthrough in the iran nuclear deal as the u.s. considers releasing a rainy and funds for humanitarian purposes today world powers are holding a 4th round of high level talks in vienna austria here's artie's alex mileage with the latest developments. it's been 2 months of tough talks in vienna and while some say strides have been made in the right direction but u.s. has maintained that there is still much to be done for it to rejoin the joint comprehensive plan of action more commonly known as the iran nuclear deal here's u.s. senator chris coons talking to america's gulf arab partners in the u.a.e. earlier this week it's not clear yet whether there is a path towards a return to the j.c. k.o.a.
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complaints for complaints that's actively being discussed in vienna in terms of what sort of steps could be taken in what order what kind of sanctions relief what kind of unfrozen assets might might happen now is the 4th round of high level negotiations begin in austria there is fresh talk from the u.s. about how iranian assets maybe i'm frozen the biden administration is looking at releasing $1000000000.00 in the rainy and funds for the purpose of humanitarian relief instead of on freezing cash the funds would be allocated as a part of the swiss humanitarian trade arrangement a mechanism set up last year to allow for humanitarian aid to a ran such as these vaccines from russia without violating u.s. sanctions against that country while the move is seeing opposition from iran hawks in the u.s. congress those in favor of and freezing the assets see it as a step in the right direction to get the rand deal done. thomas countryman who served as u.s. assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation from
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2011 to 2017 said if it demonstrates the kind of good faith that can cause reciprocal good faith from the iranian side then it is potentially a good step forward in iran is one of the hardest hit countries in the world when it comes to the coronavirus and the worst in the middle east it is desperately in need of help right now hopes are that by giving iran some of what it needs he ran will agree to take steps to rein in its nuclear program which is the crux of the 2015 iran nuclear deal that was abandoned by the trumpet ministration in 2018 although some say that the negotiations could end without a deal there is optimism that the latest round of talks which began today in vienna have the potential to be fruitful participants continuing the discussions which are held on various levels and which half an hour subject to the fool that i'm expected and 7th day sion of the deal by old sighs and the us who today she's feeling
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russia's lead negotiator for the vienna talks seems to have confidence in the process he tweeted this yesterday the next who knows maybe final round of vienna talks on restoration of full implementation of the j c p o a will start on may 7th of course if the need arises the negotiators may decide to make a new break to seek further instructions from the capitals and according to reports a senior u.s. state department official said we think that it's doable because it's not rocket science it's not inventing a new deal many hope to have a nuclear agreement completed before the june 18th elections in iran were hardline candidates have been campaigning against the renewal of the deal for r.t. i'm alex my love each. and here to discuss former u.k. employment george galloway and former pentagon official mike maloof. george i will start over with you the russian delegate today tweeted this he said quote the joint
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commission j c p away at its meeting today opened a new round of talks on full restoration of the nuclear deal the participants agreed on the need to intensify the process the delegations seem to be ready to stay in vienna as long as necessary to achieve the goal now george it appears they are still using intermediaries but this is a positive note is that it is and i think the signal from the russians the good music if you like seems to suggest it's not going to break down there's not going to be walkouts is obviously positive and the unfreezing of it in our search for obviously helps to warm up that room although is one making the point these are iranian funds they should never have been frozen in the 1st place they're not going to be released as cash which is what
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they were when they were frozen but through some convoluted swiss johnno but nonetheless i don't want to be trollish i'm optimistic the the biden administration has no invested so much in restoring this to school on the nuclear deal with their on the will in the end make the concessions necessary to get there short of the line well mike what about that iran's negotiator abbas iraq she told state t.v. that it appears the u.s. is ready to lift many sanctions but that tehran is still demanding more he's taking a very strong posture on this so is tehran bluffing. no i don't think to iran is bluffing at all and i don't share george's optimism that they're going to come to some conclusion prior to the juda elections for the. iranian presidency
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which almost guarantees and promises to be a hard liner and just last weekend i saw efforts by the i r g c to try and scuttle those those those initiatives by. putting out word that there's going to be a prisoner exchange and $7000000000.00 is going to be. paid to the iranian government that just. was denied by both sides so there's there's active internal efforts in inside of iran not through this to to happen and it does not meet the initial criteria that iran had and that was to lift all sanctions before they do anything else secondly iranians are not going to do away which is what a requirement by the u.s. to do away with the greatest centrifuges that they have built there at the i
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r 9 level which gives them 60 percent. enrichment they're not going to scuttle those or throw them away which is what the u.s. side is i mean there's too many obstacles within a month before those elections to overcome and i just don't see it at this point well george on mike snow there an american state department official briefed reporters they remain anonymous as per apparently state department rules they briefed reporters saying things like we think it's doable it's not rocket science it's not a new deal he emphasized that it's simply returning to the old one he called tehran's demands unreligious stick but tehran says the u.s. like george said are so easy that mike said that tehran destroy those centrifuges that they have whereas the old deal only asked that those centrifuges be disabled and then stored under i.a.e.a. supervision could that then be the deal breaker. i don't think so i think the
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u.s. will have to concede on the point because mike's absolutely correct the iranians are not going to destroy things that didn't have to be destroyed in the original deal before the us want out of it but there's no material difference in destroying them or putting them under. control so i can't believe that would be the us bottom line simply wouldn't be understood in the international community look i think the glass is half fool mike thinks it's half empty but that means we agree about exactly how much liquid is in the dos and i believe that the eminence of a hard line victory in the iranian presidency means that the u.s. would be foolish not to get this over the line over the next 7 days or sort
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otherwise they're going to have to deal with a far far far far in any and government after the presidential election because nobody seriously believes that the hardline candidates are not going to win. and michael the state department has really been tight lipped on on exactly what those sanctions lifted will be what sort of strategy do you think the state department is taking here and how much of this is contingent on guidance from the dia de. well the d.o.d.'s going to be in gauged in this but i think that there are some considerations that they they would love to have ali have everything back to the way it was and also include all the missiles and what have you which the original j scipio way did not include. iran has advanced considerably since the initial j c p oh it was signed back in 2015 but one other consideration by the iranians they know that they're watching israel and netanyahu is trying to form
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a government he's desperate he's desperate and he's already threatened to bomb then tets that tense which is the iranian facility at a nuclear facility and between now and june anything could happen and netanyahu has basically threatened and the and a week ago there was a and it is in this rarely seen visiting the state department saying that we do you just can't go ahead with this thing so they're sending warnings to the biden ministration look out if you have if you have come to some arrangement some agreements we may take unilateral action so i think that there is some. internally i know the j c p a c o a is is is a nice thing to have but it could bring on a lot more grievance in the in the future in the near future for iran now georgia the united states' policy yeah george speaking of israel the ayatollah overnight
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made some pretty strongly worded statements about israel he called israel not a state a terrorist base so if things go according to how mike affray and at how does all that come into play when you bring in israel. well if israel were to attack iran obviously all bit would be off and returning to the j c p o it would be the least of our worries because we'd be discussing a fool blown war a conflagration i cannot believe the us government would permit i don't think that joe biden is us close to netanyahu as previous presidents have been in fact i'm certain that he's not netanyahu when of his way to humiliate joe biden when he was the vice president i don't believe the us would permit that to
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happen and i don't believe it could happen without us permission so again i'm still looking at our gloss and still have my final thoughts on this. yeah i think george is a the ultimate diplomat but i must say but in the history of our our hell none of the united states but what what's there. but. the ministration does not have control over netanyahu he feels emboldened and i think he would take action if he thought it was quote in israel's national interest he could declare by the way in this interim period as a national emergency inside of israel and continue to rule indefinitely in order to engage iran and he has made it clear under no circumstances would iran that
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capability so i think it's going to be a very dangerous time between now and june always a dangerous time mike in that area of the world michael maloof george galloway thank you both for weighing in. and still i had you know the saying what goes up must come down and that's certainly the case for a chinese rocket fire. back to earth we've got the details and a full report and then over at sports regina hamm brings us a penalty 2 filled game over at australia's top soccer league. and remember to keep up with all the latest news or catch up with anything you might have missed download the portable t.v. apps you can watch us whenever you want will be right back. seeing the horrors of the rise of the money and even. sobered criminals who
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all right so the fight for net neutrality has gotten really ugly for the last several years broadband providers have been pushing to change how i a species can provide service essentially creating superhighways for big companies like netflix and facebook and pushing smaller online services to essentially country dirt roads now the new york state attorney general's office has issued a report citing that they found 18000000 out of 22000000 comments submitted to the f.c.c. were fraudulent and that former f.c.c. boss deliberately turned a blind eye so here to discuss his investigative journalists of color host of boom bust and swan so bad did i characterize the net neutrality thing fairly i mean can you can you summarize for us it remind us what this net neutrality argument has
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been all about yeah absolutely and you did characterize it very well what people need to remember is that net neutrality was a system that was in place for many years under the f.c.c. that essentially said this if you are an internet service provider such as of arisan or a comcast you have to treat all websites and all companies that run websites and run web services that the same which you can't do was you can't say well netflix you're a good customer so we're going to put all our energy and resources behind you and give you faster speeds and better user experience because maybe you pay us more to do so or maybe you want to hurt your competition and so you say hey we want to actually prevent other companies from doing as well and so those companies like horizon are comcast can't favor you and then deny access or create slow speeds for other websites so net neutrality basically said everyone has to be treated the same . when that went away the question was you know what does that become now what does
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it mean for the internet and it can mean some very bad things when you say there are no rules on equal treatment now the new york state a.j. she's calling foul over these so-called public comments tens of millions of fakes who are they alleging is behind all of this yes so what you really had was you had 2 different forces faking comments that were total of $22000000.00 comments were some of the total about $18000000.00 of those were fake but $7700000.00 of them came from 119 year old who essentially created fake profiles and fake names for 7700000 people because he was in favor of net neutrality in favor of the equal system so he created all these fakes what's fascinating about this report though is that 8600000 of them came from a massive multimillion dollar campaign by companies like the risin and comcast they paid 3rd party vendors to go out into you know drum up support on their behalf and instead those companies allegedly created millions of fake accounts what's really
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interesting about that though is that these weren't fake names and fake people these were real profiles with real people's names and real people's identities who were not signed up they were just using real people's identities to make it look like they had this groundswell of support in favor of you know creating a 2 tier multi-tiered system on the internet that i was reading in that report that the broadband companies who hired these 3rd party companies that they were even using dead people's identification. well i was really incredible about that is an industry report at the time actually notify the f.c.c. of this and you mentioned the former f.c.c. commissioner as your pie turned a blind eye to it well at the time before this decision was made the industry did a report of their own and they knew that supposedly dead people were issuing these comments so they knew that there was there was a fake. interaction here what's again fascinating about this story is that these
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companies like verizon and comcast they could not depend on the public to support this idea of the net neutrality so they hired these firms now they're not in trouble apparently because what the a.g. is saying is that well they didn't know the 3rd party vendors were doing this but what we really need to take out of all this especially from a journalism perspective is that of the about 4000000 comments that were actually made from real people who actually tried to submit their own comments 98 percent of those comments were in favor of keeping net neutrality yeah i mean this is shocking to me ben that it's only 4000000 that came 1st of all that only 4000000 real comments out of a country of 330000000 people and probably 300000000 of us use the internet that only 4000000 people bothered to speak up when asked about this and grow. but why would they how do they even know about it if they're not watching in question if they're not watching or to america they're not watching some of the few
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outlets of what actually even talk about this issue and how will people know because you're not going to hear about it on legacy media you're not going to hear about it on cable channels like c.n.n. and fox they're not going to talk about this why because the cable companies benefit from being able to create multi-tiered systems and big corporate legacy media would also get a fit from those multi-tiered systems and yes absolutely they would and folks like us alternative media would get put on those country dirt roads and that's the last thing ben how does the. f.c.c. chairman agit pipe play into all of this i mean what was his position on the direction of net neutrality. his position on it was he didn't like net neutrality because he claimed this guy such a fake conservative or a fake free market guy he's always been and he pretends that well this is good for the free market it's not a free market when you have a few companies that are monopolies that dominate the internet and control internet
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speech so he says oh no it's good because that you travel the it limits you know the creation of these free market forces to kind of poor thing to create a better system we all know that's bull it's not true and every decision by the way he ever made when it comes to local television when it comes to broadcast rules when it comes to the internet always favored the corporation over in the interests of the individual use 100 percent i'll have to say is i'm glad he's out of there bence one thank you so much for breaking it down for us you got it thank you. all right as we speak debris from a chinese rocket is barreling hurdling towards earth experts say it could hit the planet this weekend artie's natasha sleep has more on the debris already spotted in space. 23 tons of debris from a chinese rockets are in orbit and it could either burn up in space or come crashing down into earth as early as saturday exactly where it would land is
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anyone's guess a 40 degree is the largest section of the rocket that launched the main module of china's 1st permanent base station into orbit discarded quare 1st stage rocket 3 enter soon after liftoff many times over water china's space agency has yet to say whether the core stage of the long march by iraq is being controlled or will make out of control dissent experts say basic details about the rocket stage and its trajectory are known mainly because the chinese government has yet to comment publicly on the reentry the white house weighed in on the matter we don't have a plan to shoot the rocket now we're. in a place where. there are many war. hopefully in the ocean china had a similar incident in may of last year in 2010 degree and course stage from the chinese rocket passed directly over los angeles and central park in new york city before finally landing in the atlantic ocean but the u.s.
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also has seen a similar situation from their own debris in 1999 so it was responsible for chunks of debris hitting parts of australia from skylab space station no casualties were reported now if the rockets of britain does hit earth and causes damage according to the united nations outer space treaty the launch and state in this case china would be liable to pay compensation for the damage is the good news most experts believe there are very low chances of this space junk injuring a person reporting for in question is how sweet. and in russia rehearsals are taking place before russia's annual a victory day military parade that very day is celebrated on the 9th of may in russia victory day of course marks the end of world war 2 and the victory of the allied forces back in 1000. $45.00 this year's parade will mark the 76th anniversary. and regina hands over at the sports h.q.
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with one soccer match in australia's top league was a bit of a snoozer 1st if you don't if you like goals this wasn't a game for you with a penalty as i got your action adelaide united well they found themselves with few and far between chances as they played host to the engine phoenix the visitors got the closeness in this abject low scoring game in match the 20 in australia in 90 minute united looking for an early opportunity here one shot out of the box before . getting it to craig goodwin goodwin babalu around for a minute but the striker fires in the box just callow shot also save oliver sale and united just doesn't capitalise on the 2nd half 74th minute wellington on the attack alledge ryan strain overall called on the foul to argue with the rest though i have i didn't take the protests go down but the referee disagrees give me a red card adelaide now down a man for the rest of the game and you get a better view of what happened right here adelaide zone strange is a. best chance of the game comes here in the 81st minute. with
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a strong attempt no direction though still provides obviously people save and the goal of the well that's what it is and united came in with a point into 2nd in the standings. and if we're looking to have a hobby of yours in the lockdown while this grandma is going to put you to shame need 78 year old nora landon of detroit who decided at 65 she needed a lifestyle change to your i discovered she was having issues getting up and down the stairs during her job as a real estate agent and while that just sparked a passion for lifting now she deadlift 185 kilograms oh yeah that's $407.00 pounds has a whopping $1000.00 pounds in total to her name 21st place the 2020 american powerlifting federation of michigan and also at the $21000.00 powerlifting competition she benched and squatted and developed a total of $926.00 pounds or 420 kilograms that is a. amazing monella go cry on that one who good girl grandma all right thanks for that regina that does it for us right now make sure you keep up with everything and
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