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tv   Documentary  RT  May 7, 2021 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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individual level it's not individual willpower and if we go on believing that would never change this obesity epidemic that industry has instancing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment. something that's driving the obesity epidemic it's there for profit. greetings and salutations it's been a long week and even longer past 12 months this time last year america was shut down toilet paper was missing from every store shelf and fears of mass threat of covert 19 were at an all time high is covert deaths and infections continue to rise the darkest days of the pandemic seem to be in america's rearview largely due to
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the successful development of vaccines the by the administration advancing mass vaccination sites ensuring the most vulnerable americans had access to the vaccine partnering with pharmacies grocery stores and other retail giants to get the vaccine in the arms of over 200000000 people in the 1st 100 days biden was in office but the goal of herd immunity it's a vase a bit bit more than half of adults in the u.s. have received at least one dose of a vaccine but daily vaccination rates are dropping fast india is at a crisis point as covert cases shatter global records india the world's 2nd most populous nation reported this past week an extra 1500000 new infections and record daily death tolls with hospitals running out of beds and medical oxygen this news no doubt sped up america and other nations push to lift vaccine patents. and on the
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social media front brand name in chief former u.s. president donald trump won't be back on facebook any time soon as their oversight board continues to ban him and on the heels of that decision twitter suspended an account for mimicking trump's personal blog and let's not forget the g.o.p. the party that lost its way somewhere between the big lie maga and supporting the insurrection on january 6th but according to senator lindsey graham the republican party can't grow without. that's the same party that lost the house the senate and the presidency under captain orange yet republicans refuse to let trump and modern doctrine go and no one is bearing the brunt of that decision war than congresswoman ranking member and lifelong republican to vote liz cheney her ousting is imminent solely because she refuses to parrot trump's lies about 2020 election for all so much to pay. it's time we start watching the hawks. was on
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a cd you st you want to see. yourself let's see the prizes you always state. rice strays see this least systemic deception is to late show which is so with some joy. and welcome everybody on a mission across the tyro is on vacation. joining me now is in a league of dual republican strategist and host of the big picture right here on our t.v. . so glad to have both of you gentlemen with me today we're going to do a rundown of some of the biggest news that has taken place across the country so holland you know much i love to use a colleague i'm so excited to see you the pandemic has kept you so far away so i'm going to start with the 1st question handed to you sir the biden administration
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surpassed its initial 100 a vaccine goal there's faith that things are going to go back to normal by july so much base that theaters sporting events concert menus and more are scheduling their reopening plans for the summer and air travel it's really fast how and how realistic is it that the u.s. vaccination rate will reach the point where mast no longer have to be worn in normalcy is back. well it's good to see you too and be sure and virtually malique nice to meet you i think the answer to your question is this herd immunity we're all hoping for is still a question mark because of the sore head factor there are so many people who are still guzzling trumps kool-aid and vaccine where are you that we're not going to get there as quickly as we hoped and this there is overwhelming optimism just this week on the heels of a recent gallup poll we've got this. a.b.c.
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news survey that says 2 thirds of americans are really optimistic about the coming year as this american come back on folds we're getting out more things are returning back to normal but i think it's the sore heads who are dug in the arse stalling this herd immunity that we're all hoping for. and that throw that question to you as well when do you think we're going to get back in we seen some pushback against the vaccines now particularly from people who either don't want to get the 2nd the 2nd dose or quite frankly think that enough people have got it already to where they don't have to do it at all. i think part of the initial problem is that you know how we discussed vaccine hesitancy remember there were many conversations that we were having at 1st that it was the african-american community who had for valid reasons were apprehensive about taking the vaccine now and we've moved to
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discussion to truck supporters not you know being apprehensive about taking the vaccine i think that people overall we have to remember there are a lot of people across ethnicities who have been hesitant when it comes to vaccines we know in order to get in to enroll your child in schools there are vaccines that you have to take but i think across the board there are just americans who are anti vaccine and the biggest thing that i probably probably contributed to where we are now is that we're seeing that happen with the johnson and johnson vaccine where because of the blood clots the kind of stop that so the p.r. problem really matters so people just dug in and for many people who are hesitant remember what they said then see i told you so so you there with the government you know we have to be cognizant of the how we communicate information about the vaccine as well but i do believe that the johnson and johnson discussion hampered
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any effort they were moving towards her that's a really good point belleek and holland moving on to india and we know that they are been reductions in collaborating and kobe cases hospitalizations across america but in india we are seeing the exact opposite they had 3600000 active covert cases and counting and over the past week the numbers exploded with an extra 1500000 new infections hospitals are already at capacity and india's prime minister modi is being criticized for not doing more to suppress the 2nd wave of the virus and spending $1800000000.00 on parliament renovations while covert rages what is. the global community doing to with this india right now and what can we expect in the coming days. you know the situation there is just miserable and you remember here a year ago the sad drone footage we saw of mass graves in that potter's field in new york fast forward to present day and these funeral pyres in india it
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just tears your heart out i think we should be proud of returning the favor because at the beginning of our shutdown india helped us they were getting us the p p that we are manufacturing here and now where president biden has sent a bunch of stuff over there and i think the world is watching we've all been cooped up so long for 1415 months no we've got cheated out of our summer vacation and had to settle for a staycation last year edu was going to open up there's a lot of pent up travel demand but because of the way trump initially bungled this pandemic telling us it will be gone by you will disappear like a miracle they're going to be skeptical and unless this vaccine passport thing happens. other countries met might not be welcoming us we can't even go to canada. you make a good point holland. reports of already sad bad across europe those vaccine
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passports you having to have a vaccine card is going to be one of the name ways that americans can actually get back for tourism which we know is one of the primary drivers of the economy there for you will leak what do you think it's going to take for for americans to feel safer traveling and what do you think it's going to look like we've already seen some blocks around whether we should have those back same passports or not and many people are even willing to fight literally fight when they get on flights because they don't want to wear a mask. yeah i think that this is going to be a very difficult thing to kind on want because there were you know at the beginning of the of it what we were told is that you know this was a real serious thing and so there were people who at the time didn't take it seriously but you have these anti-government people who particularly when it comes to the government mandating you do something that's what we're pushing up against and let's face it people want to get out there they are ready to travel they are
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ready to go to each is but we weren't as as are as holland said we were trying to rob her of her daughter last year i think for the most part they will continue to be for instance like my mother she will continue to wear a mask probably well into next year i expect that they're going to be a lot of people like my mom who will continue to wear masks but others just like you know here in washington d.c. where people are literally ready to take the mask off and get out and start enjoying their lives but this is something that we've never had to face in our lives are and so it's going to be a difficult thing to kind of unwind and i stick with you on this one milli a social media giant facebook made a decision this week that came with quite a bit of press attention the social networks oversight board will continue the ban for donald trump for at least another 6 months after that time frame what do you think will be the fate for trump's facebook profile and how does this affect him leveraging social media to president bush's message especially with the midterms
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just around the corner. what can i 1st say that i really just don't care. but i did i. had it in this and it wouldn't just be about trump it's about anyone i actually thought that facebook already made this decision i didn't know that we were going back to a to an overt site who are to read every b.s. that we're calling it but in many ways donald trump did this to himself. it's kind of like when you were told not to put your hand in the cookie jar and you continue to put your hand in the cookie jar just to see if you were going to get caught well that's what happened here as republicans often say build your own build your own and so don't you i think i heard that that's when he was trying to do but don't trump the meaning of these problems themselves and i suspect after 6 months if you continue 'd to send out his people with these from the desk of donald trump releases they're probably maintain the big to keep them off of those who won't
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leave facebook permanently but i don't think that they will actually affect what's going to happen in 22 in 2 i prefer don't trust that this will not have the a face or a social media account a man i thought that get some agreement there hollande and the other huge story that came out and we continue to see it unfold liz cheney she's been a stalwart other republican party for decades now she's the daughter of former vice president dick cheney she tried and true republican with a long voting record of leadership she votes nearly 90 percent of the time in favor of conservative policies she's definitely no liberal she's definitely no moderate even with all of that behind her because she refuses to stand by trump and the big lie about the 2020 alexion she refused to say that there was a lection fraud there what is her fate and what is the future of the republican party when we see how they're reacting to her right now. yeah i. said you know the
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delicious irony of these otherwise free marketeers crying foul because private enterprise social media kicked him off let him go and join the my pillow guy's platform i think you know if trump is too exposed this crazy gets out of control you've got. congresswoman green. who's been stripped of her committee assignments you've got this gunslinger bo burt matt gates these people skate and they're busting liz cheney because she won't say the election was stolen this week we've seen these pictures all over social media ted cruz is dining in the guardian mara lago dining room with donald trump you can only wonder who grabbed the check but this is the same trump who was calling cruisers wife ugly and saying his father killed j.f.k.
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lindsey graham called him every name in the book before he genuflected and jim jordan is getting heat all over social media by people who say he has never introduced a piece of legislation let him go get a sport coat these people are nuts and i think the less amplified donald trump is the better the g.o.p. has finding its way back home and really quickly i just want to get molly thoughts on this as well what what is the future of the g.o.p. what can we gauge from what's happening right now. i think that the g.o.p. is going to be fine as far as liz cheney is concerned you know the issue is messaging what will our opposition will be able to use in one in 22 and in many ways listen cheney has kind of fed into the answer narrative personally i don't think that she is a good record a good leader in the party what what we need right now but i think that the g.o.p.
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we're going to be charged and ready to go for 2022 and contrary to what many of my conservative colleagues believe i do not believe that donald trump is a viable candidate for 2024 so i'm throwing my hat behind tim scott look that was a whole endorsement and we're going to have a real email right there guys thanks for joining me molly abdul anarchies very own alan cook. thank you this is. as we go to break remember that you can also start watching the hots on the man in the brand new portable t.v.'s available on all platforms coming up we'll discuss wide nonviolent inmates released home during filming 19 might soon be returning to prison they took to watching the. i'm just one term as governor of minnesota i was on the front lines against the
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comedically drop strangles i'm not a politician i'm stealing their white washed. something for you your sports h.q. . i've seen the horrors that arise with money and evil by. corporate criminals who trashed countless lives to add just one more dollar to their billions. they threaten they bribe they'll do anything to keep their crimes in the dark but the people they've heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on america's lawyer.
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listen struggling online algorithms dictate what you get don't want to go to portable dot tv slash down to get killer television it's completely free i'm going toward winning comedy awesome sports coverage in sight so fresh still tastes like rasberry on a spring day so don't burn your face off down the videos more advice our generators free it's yeah free go go get a horrible t.v. . stay home save lives it became the national motto for kobe 1000 protection sounds simple enough right the best way to social distance and stop the spread is limiting
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contact with others but what about those who reside where social distancing just isn't possible that was the question for the just department in the bureau of prisons last year more than 24000 nonviolent federal prisoners were allowed to serve out their sentences at home to slow the spread of covert 90 in lockdown but the justice department memo issued in the final days of the trial that ministration says those inmates who sentences go beyond the pandemic must be brought back to prison many of these individuals have already gone home reunited with their families started school got jobs but now that progress is all in flux advocates are urging the justice department to rescind the memo pointing to president biden's campaign promise to those with criminal records that they would have a chance to redeem themselves. it's important to note that of the 24000 prisoners prisoners who are allowed to go home less than one percent have violated the terms of their home confinement and only 3 have committed new crimes. joining me now is
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republican strategist chris for produce good to have you chris. thanks michel. well chris for starters let's talk about this from a dollars and cents standpoint it costs roughly $37000.00 annually or $1220102.00 per day so how is just one federal prisoner that's a lot of money. those released in tacoma 19 they were all nonviolent and they're now carrying out their sense of that home it's not only costly to bring them back but also disruptive to this whole idea of redemption what are your thoughts. that's right it certainly is a burden on taxpayers as well as a burden on their families and the reality is this look we have come together and cuming off since. at least in the political party since under president from bob schieffer criminal justice reform that was a big push for him as you know and the reality is it's i agree with you it is kind
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of a step back because it sends a message of well you know if we're given the opportunity to move forward in the mood or lives together then why are we letting them go one step to me back which direction something individual obvious to me have been working very hard full time jobs they are taking care of their families financially emotionally and some of these folks are interacting with their families for the very 1st time literally in decades and i want to know to metion so a lot of these individuals are in their sixty's late fifty's and seventy's and look like you clip you just played the reality is this where they really go and we have them monitored 247 by ankle placements it doesn't make fiscal sense it doesn't make logical sense but these individuals are making steps to move forward in the transcend their lives absolutely and the you kind of alluded to this in your last response but the winds of change on criminal justice reform are more like a tornado the same democrats the republicans are really finding much consistent on
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anything but it's things both sides of the aisle are singing from the same song book on this one republican senator chuck grassley raised concerns with sending people back to prison noting that the overwhelming majority released are following the rules could this model of home confinement change how we be punishment for nonviolent criminals. no so i don't think that and i don't think we should go in that direction just yet even a small percentage of individuals that you send by way of their. in the terms of the release however i do think because of coping 19 it was something that made a lot of sense they were 4 times more likely to contract the virus and present it was actually out of control in prison so i'm glad they came up with this great solution to do this i don't know that's a good long term solution to do but i want to know too these individuals are nonviolent criminals so i think it's a great program and i think it is worked very very very efficiently one of the stories that touched my heart was a lady that you know older and mid sixty's she had a chance to now
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a bit of relationship even further with her 94 year old mother unfortunately her daughter passed away should an amateur a chance to see her grandchildren graduate. high school and college and other things so i'm going to grab some deep within the 4th relationships and so for us to break up these families does not make a lot of sense at all so i think what senator dick durbin is doing and others has to make to do is to push his charge i think politics aside with got to kind of take a deep breath and then you know because of that is really coming to common ground not about democrats not about republicans moving the ball forward and coming to a solution. and chris in a letter to attorney general merrick garland advocacy groups are he quote a stablish in community ties and deepening family connections are known to be significant positive factors for reducing with that of them and in that same letter they mention disrupting that process would mean disrupting faith reintegration into society and damaging networks that are vital to improving public safety how much do
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you think this will factor into a possible responding of the initial. look i frankly don't know look i think it will make a difference perhaps a little bit but here's the reality of it people cannot letters they want to this is something that and i hate to say it when i don't want to run into is a political football i think that america garlands and generous you know merrick garland has to take a stand and really present biden and what frustrates me is that. well you know we want to march for this one of protests for that to complain about this and that but these are real policy points that affect a large amount of individuals and probably minorities and so we want to start talking policy issues not party to identity politics but policy this to me is the type of thing to go out there and make sure that it gets done to meet vice president kemal affairs should be standing up and she's talking about this and should be the calling on attorneys you know mary going to say hey let's rescind this could it's
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a delivery issue to soon he can rescind it and then pretty much with the 2nd so to speak and that's simply you know unless you send him an issue of some of the being in the segment has been a very small fraction has done things less than 3 people it's absolutely different these folks are out here doing a phenomenal job and they're doing outstanding things to turn our lives around and that's what america's about so if we can focus on moving forward a nation that is about progress and about growth then what are we really doing flintoff is going the way that's what this whole point is about and i don't care what side someone is on the g.o.p. or democrat we have to put all that nonsense aside we have to start actually like american people human beings and that's what this really is about a brought this up earlier when we're looking at this we have to recognize that these are individuals who had just been released and were allowed to go and do whatever whenever they chose there were certain restrictions that were attached to that in a tent in addition to having surveillance having these having the ankle monitor as having to report and to check in with officers at the end of the day we know that so things have worked we know that these individuals are not out committing war crimes we know that these individuals are basically trying to restart reshape their
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lives what does it do and what does it say about us as a nation if when given that opportunity the individuals are not doing anything that is against the law they're not doing or committing any more criminal acts that we just ignore the fact that they've made so much progress that's what we in the ability of supposed to be about and then return them to prison. you know and that's a great question and that's my entire point unfortunately our nation is so divided right now which is absolutely and we keep going back to well trump this and that and buying this and that's a problem we have to stop playing the blame game and start focusing on possum moving things forward really wouldn't be in this segment i was talking to. me in chicago and you know she offered essentially because i think it's a business owner and america important people come together collectively as you said and she had a great idea she talked about coming up with something to donate money to help
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these individuals out for job opportunities in other situations i think is great and i think we need people like that who are willing to come in and willing to make a stand it take a stand to support these individuals because it's going to take a big effort it's not going to be something that we know we can do. overnight in the realities that. come together and look some folks can't they can't get jobs right but at the same time we have people like c.c. . if we are people like who play who are young who say look if all of us come together and give these people opportunities to move forward they can have a better life we can can do. for your sister's business that they are chris and that is all the time we have today and i'm definitely going to have to have you back on thank you so much republican strategist. and that is our show for you today and remember everyone in this world. i love you.
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keep on watching. the corporate parasites powered i think. forever. we have to fight. made fresh students birth new questions numbers as stars and endless as the sea and brings all the inside distance depth and to. keep dry all that remains in question. for you guys i made a professional is powerpoint to show you how r.t. america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all laughter all
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right we are a solid alternative to the bullshit liberal or conservative and as you can see from this bar graph we don't skew the facts either the talking head lefties talking at righties oh there you go above it all so look out world r.t. america is in the spotlight now every really i have no idea how to classify as and it actually took me way more time and i care to admit. right now there are. people who are overweight or obese it's profitable to sell through the season frenzy and sugary consultant i don't think. it's not at the individual level it's not individual well now are different go on believing that never change this obesity epidemic that industry has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment. so what's driving the obesity epidemic into corporate profit.
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how greed out greed are turned on the t.v. on those about the world and what's happened in those around me i see shills on the screen speak in last every day because the big news narrative steady state seems to may be cooling its flock little good enough wisdom with farm after barbara fabric gould list to make it sound how flinty off this endless war but i found that it worked out ok question science great status a civil strife climate change sample was pretty cool simply lists all that mainstream wants to do was keep us climate watch so dry you can't keep a silence critical poissy is cold perspective question to decide to break
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we don't take sad we walk the dog artsy america means real talk. just in terms of. what. was your role. for. the world according to. today we talk about why the international community should work together to achieve herd immunity from covert 19 and how corporate greed is prolonging the out the back we also talked agenda host of congressional dish podcast about foreign policy sit tight the show starts now.


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