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tv   News  RT  May 10, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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dentist really got a new show. live from the world headquarters of r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez parvati i'm rick sanchez and i want to welcome our viewers for all over the world including those of you watching using your phone service on the portable t.v.'s yes the future is here which is kind of ironic because i want to start today with the past there are few events in world history more important than world war 2. and few of any countries felt the brunt of that war more than russia in fact take a look at this now his story documentary you're going to get
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a kick out of this it details exactly what the nazis wanted to do to russia. first step by step plan for world conquest can be summarized this way. conquer eastern europe. and you dominate the heartland. conquer the heartland. and you dominate the world iowa. you. dominate the word. dominate the world bum bum bum bum. i mean wow you don't do them like that anymore there it is i mean that literally it's in black and white which are the 2 colors that represent the last time we as americans paid attention to history as opposed to depending on steven spielberg or some other movie director for our understanding of the past for russians though who
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were invaded who lost upwards of 20000000 people who then regrouped to then marched on berlin and ended hitler's dreams of world conquest world war 2 is manifestly important it's so important in fact that it's commemorated to this day with a v. day parade held every single year for russians defeating the nazis was is and probably always will 'd be a really really big deal something worth to them never forgetting because they paid the heaviest price and because to this day they live with this concept in their heads that they have to ensure that that never happens again anyone with a working knowledge of world war 2 can certainly understand that right which is why we find it almost curious that one of the us is best and most respected newspapers or a writer there would suggest that the only reason russia commemorates world war 2 is
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for quote propaganda in fact here's here's the full quote from this article that was written on and about the day in the washington post quote under putin official propaganda has sought to glorify russia as a victim of foreign aggression that save the world in world war 2. i got to tell you i'm not a historian but i know enough to reckon right from wrong. that quote is just plain wrong or worse downright stupid is the writer implying that russia was not a victim of foreign aggression because he really did not know that the nazis invaded russia does he not know that the russians defeated the nazis and drove them back to berlin. so here's what we want to drill down on. that knowing history is one thing but pushing
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a cold war narrative on your viewers has far more reckless and also even dangerous so let's look at that here on the news with rick sanchez where we believe it's time to do news again. here be thinking about a lot of things as you watch this newscast today here's the questions we think will come to mind why is russia being criticized for commemorating the defeat of the nazis what does roger waters have to say about a recent lawsuit by chevron is it a corporate lawsuit also we're ancient humans once hunted by hyenas it's. all right so what we're going to begin with because. i guess a better understanding of the day from the standpoint of how folks. about
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folks. mostly don't understand why it is that it's commemorated in a big fashion in such a big way by the russians and why do it here's our to correspondent your shovel all of our reporting for us today from moscow. remember this is the russians considering a holiday 76 years ago nazi germany was defeated says the soviet union. so round the world would see last time to 7000000 people to we talk about their currency and sell some pretty feisty remember here is a little buzz did. was play safe but that. was rather. nicely. reducing. the funds. that will serve to survive a few decent. months in staff and concentration camp.
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enemy attacks our country came to a land to kill so death pain and suffering they wanted to overthrow not only the political system but to destroy us is a state as a nation the response to the nazi halts was united for medical irresistible to time a nation to repel the invasion i'm now going to sentence sometimes here is a monstrous red square but i was really chipper salahuddin box and i had read a virus antibody mr facing in the car race this year by the 12000 troops at stake in ponce and wondered am sarette some white sox bike racer. that shuttle was just somebody young was it simply that such a. big problem. because of the. trip that lead them to say just like that was not very lucky that they had to freeze them at such simple rate as the let's turn c.s.s.
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it transpires. this. was. generally the truth they tried hard although you can see for yourselves the weather . but the main thing is the mood on the whole it was. trying. to call from several airfields in different regions of russia in order to fly to
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get ahead. step. will be destroyed. i would like to congratulate over this great day wish them good health and i'd like them to be proud of us proud of. the parade. is the most popular and best in the wild meanwhile at the airport ever. i think
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tennessee depends on the skill of the pilots flying for deformed at very low altitudes with very low speeds and the distance between the acts is critically short traditionally victory day celebrated in russia all day long festive events begin early in the morning and continue until late at night with spectacular fireworks lighting up discarded all major russian cities. are let's talk about those of joining me now 2 scholars who are experts on the subject of russia world war 2 commemorations of the us russian relations because we're off as the author of the russians are coming again the 1st cold war is tragedy the 2nd as far as also joining us to uncover all like he is the author of plot to scapegoat russia how the cia and the deep state of conspire to vilify putin is interesting your perspective on this you know. as i was watching you use report
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i was thinking to myself i can understand why a lot of americans a lot of folks out west would look at that and say man that's weird i mean you've got every year all these tanks on the streets the big warships the planes it is different the way we do things but the does that make it jeremy wrong does that automatically make it propaganda. is not all actually was general douglas macarthur who said that this was the greatest military achievement in all of history the russian defeat of the nasties i mean they played a central role that was acknowledged at the time and i consider myself primarily a pacifist but there are some wars that are justified and standing up to now see isn't this one of them and i attended the victory parade several years ago in moscow it was a wonderful experience it wasn't in the over the top celebration of militarism it was a celebration of russia and standing up for russia and against nancy tyranny so maybe
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we should exalt them for actually do. and that's what i did anybody who has a sense of history would probably agree that we do and should thank the soviet army for what they did still do you them is it a little weird do you understand why a lot of people would look at that goat oh my god that's just a bit much seems aggressive to all those soldiers on the streets all those tents inside iraq. i could see them thinking that because they don't understand what rushworth went through during world war 2 1st of all honest hemingway said that all freedom loving people oh a debt of gratitude to the red army for defeating. nazi germany. many. intellectuals and leaders says that at the time but those lessons have been forgotten yeah as was mentioned russia or the soviets or the soviets lost 27000000 people citing germany and 80 to 90 percent of all nazis killed were killed on the
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eastern frog it was a truism afterward or 2 that the soviet union won the war in europe while the us won the war against japan in the pacific but now that's all being really what written and it's being really well in order to justify aggression towards russia in order for the us to justify such supporting nazis in ukraine which they've been doing since 2014 and that's a fact and of course russia's concerned that they may have to fight nazis again in a very real way so i understand why people may not know you know see these celebrations for what they are but but they are something to come at you know i'm thinking i understand why governments who often need to have big guns would push aggression i don't understand why a writer of the new york times or
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a writer. at the washington post would do something like that help me understand that if you would jeremy. well i think it's very politicized and i think you made the point earlier about you know revisionist history because at that time that era you know after world war 2 many americans were thanking the russians you know douglas macarthur saying this the greatest military chief in history f.d.r. gave speeches praising the russians even james james so you know this is just a rewriting of history to meet the present moment where there is this attempt a german patriot against russia to pick everything negative you know so see everything russia is being negative and not to give them credit for anything positive it was acknowledged and it comes down to just part of this when you went towards a cold wars or some suggesting you know i was going to say it just comes down to a convenient enemy a convenient enemy and not only are some hawks in the u.s. government add by the way some in russia as well playing that game it gets more
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difficult more complicated and maybe more dangerous when the media steps in and cheer leads that type of narrative gentlemen we're out of time my thanks to you for joining us on the can actually prosecute someone a lawyer let's say who they think is winning a case against them is it then a prosecution or more of a persecution well guess what we're going to be talking to our roger waters just a little but there he is. yeah one of the greatest musicians but also somebody who really cares about this kind of thing happening in the united states and he wants to share his perspective with us i'm rick sanchez this is the news with rick sanchez i'm going to be right back. how to read out of read sort of on the t.v. about the world and what's happening around me as seals on the screen. in last
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every day because of faith who is near its steady state believed to maybe coons to luck believe the no christians could harm after a car brick by brick cooled list of make it sound how flinty off there in the street or what i found the depth of work that old question. the. wall street's busy trading your money bar days a week and our $4.00 corners of the year and 3 major stock market. and when you have 2 options drive or fail it all becomes clear there's just one business show you can't afford to manage. the one and only. find it now on portable t.v. . and an ocean of
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stories even the news worth knowing can overwhelm you. you could even use your way i know you want it all so let me bring you the best. it's easy just press play. first so much going on in the hall don't you think the last time you add a real bird's eye view of. the news feed or just hours of bickering give me 30 minutes i'll take you off the low. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good uses like a jackhammer to drill down to find the truth news rick sanchez because it's time to do news again and question more.
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so welcome back this is a fascinating story and bear with me for just a bit because i want to take you back 10 years to ecuador 2011 u.s. attorney steven dons or had just won an 18000000000 dollars from an oil giant chevron dogs are represented $35000.00 small farmers are not going to or poor people who had suffered adverse health effects from oil that was being drilled in their backyards i chevron right giant corporation but chevron never coughed up the money they never paid the $18000000000.00 that they literally lost in court instead they went after the lawyer dons or the lawyer who beat them in court they accused him of bribe being an ecuadorian judge in order to win the lawsuit there are some accusations even though dogs are and his supporters did melts the accusations as baseless
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a judge in new york steps in and says that he dogs are has to turn over his laptop and his cell phone. says no i'm not going to do that he says he's not willing to compromise his clients whose information is contained in there so the new york judge puts him on house arrest for contempt of court where he's been for nearly 2 years now think about that and now there's a chance that he could even go to jail danziger's criminal trial began today in new york where protesters are gathering they are now seeing the trial as a corporate prosecution. one of those who attended was a roger waters award winning singer songwriter lead vocalist co-founder of pink floyd is good enough to join us now to take us through this conversation this is a fascinating story and it ended seems to me that asking a lawyer to turn over his private nodes would be wrong because he would essentially
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be divulging all the secrets and all the information of his clients. since rick one is that this. this this action against him now happened to the rico case where they had accused him of 3 or that was a separate thing which was owed in france and this one a judge lewis a cow who heard the case it was not a jury trial he was not trying to in front of a jury of his peers so that's one thing he was found guilty by this one man lewis kaplan ok he was found guilty though in a trial which i attended all those years ago this is back in 2014 early 2004. and did she witness for the prosecution of stephen dunn secure in that trial was a man. who has since returned since and he has admit it he lied under oath he said that rico charo ok and chevron paid him
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$2000000.00 july on their behalf in court so we should we need to clear that auditing out wow that's a fascinating that's mean but that's a hell of an accusation is this. roger is this a case of just a big giant corporation who could afford to go after anybody by sitting upon a lawyers on them simply using what i think you and other protesters who were there are calling a corporate prosecution. you see you go to him on a wreck that is exactly what it is because they have no case they have to demonize needin don soko which is what they are attempting to do and it's taken years and years and years for those of us who who are working with steven and with the people
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of ecuador who've been gripped this is some of the people we've got a big you've seen is now people from the. door and diaspora new joined us this morning as did our story on lady there she's a she's not a tourney from the chena cup nation there's a great question is says my friend say that there's a great coming together of solidarity from the people all over the whatnot as a guy there in a kangaroo because it's a kangaroo court so the. points. your jaw are outside was actually very creative as well which is a really good saying i know we don't have very long to talk about this but what i should say is inside the court where i sat all morning this morning. you can tell that they're going through the motions the judge in the court today is cold no arrests a press guy shady should have been wearing
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a paper hat with sheffer blazoned across it every time one of steven's defense lawyers spoke she would interrupt him and deny what he was saying and said and she was absolutely in full support you could tell if the prosecution attorney whose whose name i come remember and i'm glad we're not something now. so i'm saying this is a great band there is no way that this judge is going to find steven dunn soko innocent of the contempt charges that is. he sick used over in this completely. separate from the whole. rico case or. do you believe in fairness i guess to chevron after all since they don't have a representative here they're going to argue that he really did try and bribe an ecuadoran judge and that he did some dirty plotting down there south of the
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border. what how do you argue against that accusation. well you you do this you say that if you were allowed new evidence in an appellate hearing because he because they even steven appealed at the end of peel hearing before 3 charges and it went to the 2nd circuit you are not allowed to introduce anything that wasn't in the original trial and so all you're doing is studying what judge you know what lewis a captain said but it's a had a being allowed to introduce to evidence a the the evidence of who who who who is the bent ecuadorian lawyer who spoke on chevron's for he was to main witness evidence would have been allowed in on the pay which is on also an independent forensic investigation was made
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if stephen jones it does not top to see whether it's possible and the judges saw who had the judge being the judge who actually wrote the judgments in ecuador and they have found conclusively absolutely that the judge wrote her judgment in ecuador on. that comes from the that's forensic evidence from experts in in the wake computes as well so it's clear that the incident was being demonized by chevron why because they didn't want to pay out the $9.00 point it was an $18000000000.00 by the way it was $9500000000.00 they don't want to pay it and they think that mess so rich and there's so used to shoplifting indigenous people in foreign lands they think they can get away with it well guess what. judge kaplan directs
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a press code you come on where aren't you and those wonderful people who i was standing in the streets with this morning at 8 o'clock this morning being all we went to court at 10 o'clock and then had to remind you that debt us jurisprudence means something and you are not going to get away with this because we are not going away right roger waters essentially arguing for something he feels is bigger than himself something he feels is important and we thank you for taking the time to take us through this we appreciate it roger grabbed us about character well so great i know you believe you yeah i'm sorry about that roger but you know let's you know what let's get him back and see if we can do another segment on him with us you know and you want to finish roger i want to give you the opportunity to finish . get all i wanted to say was what sure any of peace about how gunfire the russian army where the people who beat them out citizen to say whoa we thank
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you for it we say yells thank you for a we will never forget this huge sacrifice that the russian people made 27000000 so i just wanted to say it because it. isn't it fascinating that there was a time when we all kind of appreciated that and as the years of war in an even more certain now instead we're like dump an on the russians and criticizing them for celebrating something that may have saved our own lives that's a fascinating thing. you know well you couldn't you couldn't run a. corporation like the united states of america right now without propaganda and without persuading people that as an enemy out there somewhere that they have to get together and fight that's the big battle ground that we fight as i know that you know and i know we all know that and thank you for being me on. here you're
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a good jew we always enjoyed talking to you and i think your opinion is one that should be heard and you know we'll continue having you on to argue able to share that opinion thanks again my friend but i really appreciate. the novelistic here and here is roger lauder's the legendary roger waters we should say hey that's our news i want to thank you so much for being with us want to let you know from a programming standpoint that we've got a couple of other segments that we're going to be bringing to you here one in particular that we haven't had a chance to share with you during this half hour. things enough right now between the israelis and the palestinians much news coming out of there we're going to have that update coming up throughout the night so look for us right here on the news the bridge sanchez i'm rick sanchez you can also look for some portable t.v. and we'll be back on this time to do news.
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