tv Documentary RT May 11, 2021 12:30am-1:01am EDT
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the american dream the bigger question if you had a dream is war. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation community. are you going the right way were you being led. directly. what is true what is great. in a world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. of the shallowness.
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is the optics cutest and most adorable animal some say they hear them but the word . gets out. and. i do it your eyes are used to doing your guts or if they are to go to the nuts they just got out of work but it's not. hunting and global warming have caused the population to decline drastically in recent years today the harp seals fate is a worry for scientists. as you go. well you know. the north of.
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course from the. what is less clear. to me that if you. know what to do then what congress and their congress call this one of those anything to teach. us to watch out for what do you mean looking at the letter in a moscow suburb in late february it's time to get ready binoculars are essential they might be this married couple's most useful tool they call a just. come rescue us company of coke to spot hop seal pups in the white see below for your motivation are pretty much. just a movie junk with a poor little being or just was no basis. in russia's northern capital of st petersburg or a book and a travel blogger has just finalized his hiking route on the white sea ice from when
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you go to 70 devinsky 470 miles of cold winter woodland animals and solid you don't scare him. the most. but you know. if everything goes to plan by early march. travel blog will meet in a place called little hesitates an eco hotel by the white sea scientists travelers and tourists will gather in an attempt to find out how many harp seals are left in the white see if any at all. close embrace your spirit knows what you. do breed you from a week or you're. so good stuff. only 6 you not should be circled on tough piece the other 3 men that use the exhibit i mean doubling year
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6. sure. is only accessible by a small plane like this the face. in italy known here as crop dusters and there's only one here traffic controller here that was not kitchenette. or 1st board even off the log or the thought just i'm sure. somebody of her will share your funny. point she's near the original bomber and. a pilot who doesn't fly with a nonexistent job a writer and journalist in a village with no local paper still coffee is a member of both the writers and journalists unions is publicly described life a white sea coast well is better than any encyclopedia he also writes about seals and trappers the locals call seal hunters. pleasure the book is for the. serious. criticism from want to
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should also visit. all of the what this issue of. really. small white heads with large watery black eyes because they're sad that's to retain moisture when a seal pup drinks its mother's milk it makes a smacking sound with its lips just like a human their furry like a child soft toy anything to. me when i'm thinking of this issue and the book that there was is a cook this one i think it's the best they go with. me asking if it's really much and along with a group of tourists i know tim said do you have reached the let nasality take eco hotel in a crop duster and the getting ready to fly to the white sea ice in search of snow white seals they're poring over the charts and discussing whether my speeds in the next days route. future for me. to look.
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my guess is it's. the fact of. eco tourism only started developing in let me as a latino to recently and it's a godsend mass tourists might draw attention to the endangered harp seals. for example have traveled half the world and are hard to surprise but both are sure they'll see a miracle in the a new scope a modern national park. that are saying no easy thing because it. will she feel like.
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the seals going to be reached by helicopter. or. just lost to keep their interests but. the eco tourist are in luck after a 90 minute flight they finally spotted 3 seal pups with their mother on the ice. which is lot of i know it's. logical to be a deer stuck it to be about someone i. should be. able swayze if it were my me. but it's. there so i want him to be a little more. so as not to disturb the seals the helicopter lands about 200 meters away the tourists proceed on foot with cameras and phones at the ready just numbers when it is even if we did them with the mom with the baby. the seals aren't happy about this kind of attention and watch the visitors with suspicion.
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the only hunting today will be with cameras it's wise not to get carried away and stray too close to the seals the mother might attack. and you. cut out the story of the. day and if we have something much. much of new meaning. to see at the door as they shared with dates when you go to the police. breeding grounds like this are known to scientists as seal nurseries which was the 1st of course there are just if you follow up that homer is one of those this wave or 3 a new option. or the by english there's. a fresh they should have some for.
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a mere 3 seals is not the discovery honor and sergey had hoped for from this flight please enough of the fortune to fix the 1st video that doesn't always put a stop light on the top of that your father says this just the. film. does not say if i saw. communing with the harp seals takes under an hour the freezing climate precludes the longest day as the helicopters engines could get too cold to restart it's time to go but a new character suddenly appears an atlantic walrus and truly lucky day for the photographers but certainly not for the seals the walrus sees them as a tasty treat.
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me more. than your prejudices but given the way for morris oh i thank you very. much. if there's a yes then you got the notion if i did i hear the voice heard of this thing. as i want to my mama and you got to have because that's what this fidelity. stuff i tell you is it is a good question because knowing you. most must pay you weeks into the consequence of mom when you must go but bloodlust thoughtful. as the tourists of little sore over the white sea ice floes. in the st petersburg drank sledge and keeps his social media follow is up to date with his adventures it may sound mystical but the hope seals actually help him on his way. you know just the
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1st person to show it to us and go it because you know you're always choice think you can. do it. you're welcome articulate. it address this issue and you know people push them. away and you know maybe you will split. up with you but it will she dished it would appear to me to actual books where you would like. take a shot but. i would keep it on my show we should push to the. hunting developed in the soviet union in the mid 20th century the firm was used for hats in the meat minsters feed on mink farms. but the greatest that it's on a promise a little left honestly is that it's some. of that we did it. still and those are we
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doing the killing of course and it's time now to. bill and one of the boys can cope with. seals were valued for their fur which is only white for about 3 weeks after they're born. then it turns gray. seal hunting used to be government funded but when not in the seal harvesting didn't the country's leaders believed it provided employment for local people as it paid well. some locals still remember those late february days when they gathered in groups and went out to hunt seals. just a crime it could provide additional. it's. a miracle this is the fuel. to the good will of course. he does for the official what. might.
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have been your phone off hunted seals for 80 years until the demand collapsed the risk falling through the ice getting beaten up by a mother seal. market well it's. not as obvious. last time to get your. hopes up but if you're part of a. real. bonus a little. bugger all. for the customer then the. over.
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well the pandemic no certainly no borders and is blind to nationalities. as american targets or if we we don't look like seem to be extinct. judging. commentary crisis like this listening to. better we should. everyone is contributing in your own way but we also know that this crisis not go on forever the challenge is great the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we're in it together.
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when i was still small seems wrong but old roles just don't hold. any old belief yet to shape out this day come to educate and gain strength because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. union dissolved and seal harvesting with it because the fur plummeted in value by 2008 public opinion had declared the seal slaughter to be an act of savagery he who . am. i putting. water. on the choice not show it. but i don't have all of the water and i think i know he
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trusts that this is the. thing i wish. i were as an amateur h.e.b. to him but i guess that i want to show that you're on your own. financially. not that you want to pull us out but. i don't think you can yet but you may go it is not. that at least at the at the bit of coffin of. most of the. forces. who believe. that that's the way we look. at the. real and what have. they seen easier to use than you have them if. any more because you know.
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how many harp seals really inhabit the white sea to determine the actual number. of vision of the whole scene is needed using thermal scanners and cameras russia had been doing that up until 24 team. was one of the scientists who took part. of the news they were lifted when you were there with drills to go we've got a really. big there and if you as your work. do. electronic devices can record 8 times the pumps and 5 times more adult seals than could be seen with the naked eye new aircraft unaided now drones work just as well they're easier to use and much more cost effective we will do through done as you're. sitting there what are the shoot was what the rules were. or. just the sort of uses the history for a shooter. a woman climate and depleted food was
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a of the main reasons for the declining health seal population and not just in the white see the law to go ring seal for example has long been on the frightened species red list then numbers up also unknown. those are. the fish and also. north of lake la to go somewhere between summit saudi and the foot saudi islands the only way to get here is by snowmobile. scientist dmitri glass off along with a group of biologists and a belgian shepherd called genya digging in the snow with a real risk of falling through it they're looking for a seal droppings and half as i dig a sealed well taylor
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a couple of weeks ago. if. it happened here in this ice cavity. should you just. push a little shares for. my boss a bit so that's good because you should. get what. you get so that's what you should buy a small. one that's. up a little i missed a couple stopped almost a reply here but i'm not a public. or the most on mobile when you say it was all those. book i didn't know what good was concerned for them all or go on the mission people don't just people come before the government so what and so on what are the what do you think bush that's for pool for the what was on the local program
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hope and let it just feels like old pedophilic meaning they live on ice it's where they may breed. however the hasn't been much ice in recent years either on lake allowed to go all in the white sea also there will be just honest. don't suck up to more than i was from all croak oboes a 6 year old on the side of the fishmonger bill comes under and all spoke on that show you want to. be able to get each word straight up on the which the seals have yet another enemy in the white sea tank as they disrupt the animals colonies. we open. with this company needed someone who though we did this was will develop don't just want to really go for the ocean you don't really cook with a wish for you it will show you the other goes on to college the. tanker has no boat say the sailors it can't maneuver around a colin e.
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yes it can and i'm allowed because reply pointing out the value of reputation. you see in the book i would but the bigger the store the come by the end user budgets are good so there's a walkman. the rebirth of the morning they needed to do what they thought look that they go by but they're supposed of goes with the model that works for the buck you've got the reason the theory that you can find more would go those. with most of his journey behind him the travelling blogger sometimes stops in villages to ask the locals for shelter. the coastal dwellers seem surprised but have never turned the adventure away. or saved period quite that much what was also a sort of illicit chaotic soil a sound you don't know what you're going you or she is here because what it. will take is years of warfare no more posing like a show on what she saw there. any extruded in you on was all shook up but for the
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shock of nicholas for a day at. first in the riot it was thought that. people here believe that seal hunting could breathe new life into the villages and they're convinced that since restrictions were introduced the local seal population has grown and eaten all the fish. to pick it up. and i wanted to talk. about it was to date sitting in it wouldn't look good was going to get into. the pacific scope at all just what it. as you know just i mean is the deal is that your dad could if you in the. u.s. get blood shoot shapes you could just get just. more of
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that up with a 0. point promo still in. a secure video only the city did that. you did when you still was going to cause. this more to see if. the goose is. going to do a ship look or miss the boat a bunch of. locusts. foreman you've also favors a resumption of seal hunting if there are jobs he says people will come back to the north. that allows you to work with because i thought it yourself was a pretty good because i got those are going to hundreds of history. if low is really good go. we'll go for it or go the scientists are dead against seal hunting commercial harvesting would destroy the
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already endangered seal population the good news is no one seems willing to invest in the business not through sentiment the because of the cost notion of self imports good news today that was the what the judge. gets a lot of the. boards of. young people and then when they don't think much to get a few of them i think the only thing that is sick the better thing for probably just didn't get him to give up before it and i feel i'm one of the some through the afternoon they don't use it. but just a little of both a little 1006 but he's not the most amazing because. i missed most of that which in which the party plenty i will miss the words that some of the missile. into the moon with that are what this truth is the new york knick over. for that soon as it was it wouldn't go to the us so because of you it.
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can the blogger from some petersburg has finally arrived in lit news outlets after 11 days on the sign and northern road. also 'd it is called law school know there's a. war there you. see otherwise you. could see a stubble the mission. was over but you will sit by me the focus will set you most of us in the. next stop let me never look then perched on minsk and on to 7 had to be in school he's not alone anymore the stray dog joined ochoa in one of the villages it takes a long road to find yourself. for the 2nd time this week off the dispatch
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a poet is getting ready for the cropdusters arrival from. a. good cut book called. white seal hunting is long gone but the keep coming with people what do they do with him at the edge of the world perhaps a good topic for his next time. it's true that you. have to disagree presume you are going to moscow korea bush got those who will surface the book articles and to. talk of the your virtual disclosure of the words deter them soft you know this is rather than feel for you to be just to be. got your sister there's no water there's only so used to water your career mammoth groups of course is going to.
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uncertainties troop was not in vain on their final flight over the ice floe when all hope was lost they found a significant number of harp seal colonies. that idea of course from which this is needed as they are. mostly grouper by need to be discovered also be if a q group of followers in the position you wish me to warn you of the wish to stay on the spittle or whether that's what you mean the other words please use your hands and cannot go us others when your parents are so dumb you mean should be to preach. no but they'll have a question and the 1st i guess the ashley which will get lucian as i also go down with one here read it. to me at creation brothers to pressure. i'm not kidding and when you mortals place ship i'm sure wish for the last movie to hear but i watched her morning deal and don't know what you're coming in deal in by say a bit about what i do that i should or should upgrade them yes that the world with
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understood the bargain you get a hope and then you know rebel right as the things you don't revolt if you have a stake in the system. and be really interesting to dial it back and think about the longer deeper history housings men in the united states not just that question of the american dream but the bigger question of who the dream is and for . the world is driven by shaped by. the day or thinks. we dare to ask.
1:00 am
in the worst tension in years between israel and palestine dozens are killed scores injured after hundreds of air strikes and huge protests our correspondent is at the center of the action. there are many. people running away to escape this. city a flare up in violence. so it's become remembering the past and looking to the future a german m.p. from the left party combines attending the victory day parade in moscow the chance to get russia's code vaccine. the russian vaccine is one of the best in the world and it's a completely new approach to accessing the mechanisms of our body people who could have been saved if the russians are to have received approval in the year in
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