tv News RT May 11, 2021 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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this issue of the. breaking news this hour of national at least 7 children and. killed in a shooting at a school in the russian city of that's according to local authorities at least 16 other people have been injured all the shooter has been captured by police. here many. people running away in this. city a flare up you find. in the worst tension seen in years between israel and palestine dozens are killed and scores injured after hundreds of strikes and huge protests.
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also took on the german she says countries governments are waiting for e.u. approval of a russian vaccine claiming that it costs lives day to day from the left party vented his frustration to this country's vaccination campaign this is during his trip to moscow to receive the sputnik. just in the federal government is low. is greater. than the french call rejects a lawsuit against a u.s. chemical johnson made millions from the use of the herbicide mixture agent orange during the vietnam war the ruling says the companies can't be held responsible for u.s. military action which has a severe impact on the health of millions. welcome thanks for joining us this afternoon here into. nashton we will start this hour
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with our breaking news coverage coming out of russia where at least 8 people including 7 children and one teacher are being killed with 16 other people injured in a mass shooting that's taking place at a school in. let's get more on this now from parties daniel hawkins who's been across the story alongside me during the last few hours the numbers of fluctuated a lot of new information coming in has changed over the last 3 hours or so how do things stand right now while tragically of course we might have to update those those casualty figures that have come in as we say the situation has been ongoing since martelly am more screwed time this morning so for about 2 just over 2 hours now for the latest figures around 20 people are in hospital with various levels of injury some of those people and nobody injured in the shooting while flying debris tragically some have been injured by jumping from the windows of the school as it
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tried to escape. the horror that was going on inside initial reports came through from authorities that one or 2 shooters had entered this college school number 175 . central russia the capital of the title star of public eye witness accounts described explosions and gun shots and certainly the videos we've seen from inside the school do point the seams of destruction and chaos though those reports happen with confirmed of explosions inside the school authorities security services later said there was only one attacker that entered the school he came in on the 1st floor. on the ground floor as you say in the west initially targeting the security cleaners before moving on to teachers and pupils inside the school the emergency services were quick to attend around 20 avalanches were on the scene security services sealed off access to the school as parents try to rush toward the school to try and help their children i believe we can bring you some footage of that
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taking place right now just mourning the abuse obviously these are distressing and disturbing scenes let's take a look at what happened in the moments after that incident. it. seems every parent's worst nightmare obviously we can just imagine what these these families were going through as they run towards the school and try to find out if their child was among those involved in what was going on now as i said many casualties managed to escape on foot from the school and walking wounded so to speak others had to be carried out and receive 1st aid treatment on the ground not
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a little green area outside the school with bystanders getting 1st stage and you're not helping as they could until those casualties were about to waited in absolutes is again this is distressing footage let's take a quick look at those who tried to do what they could for those children as they were evacuated from the building. well we're going to bring you that footage as you're just a little later as you can see on your screen there we have tried to blur out the worst. of all of those videos as we can see there's 3 or 4 story building that school number 175 gymnasium number 175 and many children were trapped on the top floors unfortunately when the incident began to take place and we can see in that footage some of them the side of the jump from the 3rd or 4th windows again you can only imagine what horror they must be going through to decide to jump from the 3rd or 4th floors to stay inside. some of those can we see them running away from the
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school and this footage we can show you will show you now on your screens is footage allegedly unconfirmed of the suspect being done detained or arrested by security services we know a lot of these cases it ends up in a suicide by the government body attacker in this case he has been detained and what we do know from security services is his weapon is farm which he used in this case a shotgun was legally own 2 you had a license for that shotgun he attended a local gun club and in the days leading up to the attack he purchased around 150 rounds of ammunition for the shop and again illegally according to the law in russia that would mean. a different set of charges as the gun owner if he didn't own this weapon if it was perhaps stolen or given to him belong to somebody else it would be one thing he bears full responsibility as the legal owner of that.
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in russia and. it's not a common story here in russia of school shootings. occasionally there have been incidents though and this will get them people immediately thinking of one that occurred what 3 years ago in church yeah absolutely these incidents are common in russia when you think of mass shootings or school shootings russia generally isn't the country you think of on the last one took place as you say in 2080 in the republic of crimea in the city of courage when the 1918 year old student flotus laugh off. went into a college with a far one killed 20 few pulls and teachers 60 people went to hospital before he committed suicide and that was the greatest loss of life among children among students and the biggest number of casualties since all were back in 2004 and the beslan school siege of course at a vent so terrible it's to this day each time the memories of everybody across russia. is the most inspired terrorist attack. this will
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of course bring back memories of courage 2018 the casualty figures are thankfully with the information we have coming in as high but anyone loss of life is already too many and of course it's made all more tragic by the young loss of life we're seeing some photos coming in unconfirmed of pupils in that school. children in their teens we don't know how old the attacker was perhaps maybe to 4 more people at that school but it makes this all the more shocking the the young loss of life and the be age of the attacker if you was a youngster. thought is this a copycat attack could this be inspired by the incident by columbine and by other school shootings we just don't know until security services carry out the investigation and see what the motive was was it mental health past or grudge is the most inspired we just don't know at this stage and security services do have
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the situation under control now the attacker acted alone we do know that. he has been detained they'll be looking potentially for any other devices that the attacker either may have left or said he left in the school they'll be searching his home speaking to family members and seeing what could have caused this to happen ok don hawkins with me in the studio let's bring in a guest now dr david lowe's a senior research fellow at leeds beckett university's law school he's researching terrorism and security. thank you so much for coming in initially we believed in this incident we were talking about 2 assailants it appears now according to. the official information we're getting there was there was a lone assailant is that more typical in in school shootings attacks on schools that you get an individual working rather than people working together. i think if we look at this global even though you know and i agree with daniel with his
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comments earlier that you know you don't associate russia with these this type of incident we turn to think more the united states. it does tend to be one individual in the room but it shows you that. when this incident happened the information that comes out on misinformation you know we have to be very careful in our i think it's quite right to look at was inspired this individual to go on kyrios or awful events and know as of the 1st thing the thought of was really was the present time because we know good that was a terrorist inspired attack we know what the beslan attack was about but this one of course now at least purity serves to try and ascertain what the most opposed to harness and what you've talked about the. attack and also the you know the many school shootings that are seen in america what kind of difference does it make if you're talking about terrorists or if you're talking about somebody who's maybe a former people maybe someone's got mental health issues in terms of just how
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terrible the tragedy can because they will have different motivations and different plans perhaps as to what they're trying to achieve who's going in there maybe to try and get something from the earth or it isn't turned a concession is a form of people going in there just to try and cause maximum destruction which which is the worst case scenario. i think that both who spoke to say neal had been a death to death it doesn't matter what the causes of mean if you look in your piece it turns thus we look at a cool political calls was it a religious inspired cause and sort of move the legislation globally in defining to terrorism how very very similar legal definitions are not what the investigators work from but as you said new york what you do with the 4 people. there was one in the u.k. many many years going don't blame well it was a murder he went into the school with a handgun and just killed school pupils and teachers so it's looking you know what
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is it what's caused a breakdown here would go beyond many. avenues to explore as regards the cause the motive behind this. you know and it's a difficult one for the investigators to try and ascertain what they will no doubt do is look at any electronic devices or anything in. this individual's possession and try and see what the moves because you know because we have that many causes know this this can be had for the investigators. speaking of devices it in possession and we are getting reports coming in the the far army used the shotgun the escort that was the brand of the shop that awareness than that was also the used in the catch crimea massacre all of 2018 we're just and it's one of the. cheapest shotguns on the market it's cost 304-0000 rubles that's between $3.40 pounds. that it was legally own to understand he decided had
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a loss. and he bought 250 rounds legally at a gun shop in preparation for this. again russia is a country with some fairly strict gun control laws perhaps less so than the u.k. or europe but certainly more strict than that in the u.s. it's not call of people. own automatic weapons or even other weapons other forums what kind of questions there's this phrase and does it make any difference that the weapon was legally owned she had full responsibility legally for that farm it was stolen or given to him. on the russian law the charges brought against him will be different as he was the owner what questions does that raise about you know gun ownership mental health just months perhaps gun laws that need tightening what do you make of that. well of the basic a point you make very valid because we see really i mean russia is
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a european country and i release fortunately it's very rare that we see there simply you know there are tighter gun controls with within most european states you know it could be a situation as i mean i mentioned we don't blame a stock we have hunger for that here in the u.k. in the 1980 s. and as a result of that they believe that the governments of the time then reviewed the legislation you got a gun control no doubt the russian government themselves a federal level will will will consider this and don't see how or how they could maybe tiny help if this does happen it's so tragic but you know even we can differentiate between coming to the states house trying to go in controls and can we see say the states for example even obama was president obama was was was keen to try and live it down control but it's it was fighting a losing battle because of the lobby groups likely national rifle association but as regards again looking at individuals we we would be we've had this covered pile and make we've had a series of lockdowns i think you know i'm not making excuses here i'm just trying
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perhaps to look at an issue we're going to vigils may just be using. sources on the internet that could inspire them i know it's an issue that's been a cause of concern i think this is what we're going to wait and see what does come out mean when we've seen for example in germany. more recently individuals with a firearm they then posted a molly fastow online and so on and so on no doubt the the investigators will be looking for things like this because you've got to find what is the most a put you raise a good point done it was brought in gun control i'm sure it should be in a european state like most of us and in your we will look to see how can we stop this happening in the future they get you to step on how much false information comes out very early on as a lawful of the confusion when assaults like this taking place i just wonder what role do. we think that social media plays a nice in our is because there's an awful lot of images are posted immediately by
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people who are in very close proximity and some of the people who actually might be trapped inside a school may be reading some information that's being posted immediately on social media maybe seeing some pictures and that can affect their behavior it might also affect the way the op dorothy's respond and we understand a lot this information could turn out to be incorrect is there a kind of a double edged sword to this we even saw concerned parents rushing to the skill a lot quicker than they would ever have been able to get there when actually the incident seemed to be still ongoing. you know. i will say that you know social media has a good side so it is the side is not so good because it could be misinformation and for certainly for the police or attending the scene because the problem you know would be one shooter who saw the c.d.c. is to sterilize him in effect take out any gone gone gone and gone there and how many individuals should go to make those assessments and very quickly so we could
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out of that confusion i think we've seen this in a number of instance over the last few years were information comes out and she said you know you can get it from social media before the mainstream media like where you were. right now. so it can cause confusion some of them trying to assess because they said with the 2 individuals with firearms know all of those it's the world. is that you learn something days that that actually assailants will sometimes play on they will try and exploit the instant attention that can be garnered from people going on the media and publishing their own information about what's going on is that what they ultimately want these attackers they want more attention. yes the reason is that you know from a so from my office i'm not saying this incident is so as to inspire you but you you look at what they want they won't look they want international coalition seem preferable. that they they will try to get as much information bolster if there's
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somebody and they are well trained under still trying to give misinformation no. that's. ok unfortunately looks like i was over we're going to get that signal back let's not we've lost that they've allowed their families back it's university will try and get it back in the meantime and take a very short break and we're back with more on our breaking news story. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. dramatic development the only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful. to sit down and
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are you watching r.t. international let's quickly recap our breaking news story coming out of russia or at least 8 people including 7 children and one teacher being killed with 16 others injured this is a mass shooting that's occurred at a school all this information according to the press service of the tatarstan republic which design is the capital of the city itself is located around 800 kilometers away from moscow the perpetrator of this a soldier has it's reported been captured said that this was a 19 year old who had a gun registered in his name children have been evacuated away from the site the authorities claim the situation is now under control early reports suggested that the school that also been hit by an explosion the russian health minister is headed to as we speak president vladimir putin has expressed his condolences to the relatives of those killed in the shooting we're still staying across this breaking
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news story more information becoming in across the hour. let's move now to where the new stories today in the worst tension seen for years the situation between israel and palestine is being described after massive protests and then exchange of hundreds of deadly air strikes the escalation 1st began over the possible eviction of palestinians from land claimed by jewish settlers israel responded to the rockets fired from the gaza strip by launching a series of missile strikes against the palestinian militant group hamas a warning you may find these images coming up disturbing. a listing in health ministry reported at least 20 people killed following strikes on gaza 9 children are said to be among victims earlier militants launched missiles against israel and we'll see in a moment israel's iron dome defense system here intercepting rockets that were said to be from gaza israeli military has said around 150 rockets were fired by
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militants on monday and that 6 civilians were injured in the meantime more than 300 palestinians were hurt in clashes with israeli security forces this was in jerusalem on monday. there are many that are happening and people are finding a way to escape this kind of an aids and a city a flare up in violence and this comes as people have broken the fast of ramadan people have finished praying and people have refusing to disperse from the area and terrible station here it's from the same outfit so we're just going to move out of
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the way because we don't want to get pulled from that kind of water that is being sprayed over here and you can see them going off in the distance now here at about 6 o'clock local time for the 1st time in a long time the simon sounded here in jerusalem there were 45 rockets that were fired from gaza and israel responded almost immediately with a strike set it says be a force struck 3 have massed sites now we are hearing that quite a number of kind of stingers were killed including children at the same time these weighty defense minister binny guns has called for state of emergency with him a 60 mile radius off the fastest. now this comes as the international community responds to israel it is true tree critical amnesty international says it has people on the ground and to quote it these raids have been using excessive force of the same time uni safe says dozens of children have been injured in the european union has also come on board and pointed fingers at the israelis we are deeply
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concerned over the recent clashes and violence it's clear that all sides was calling for you to respect the state to all of the holy sites the shoot to issue. of palestinian families i want to repeat what we have already been saying such actions are the illegal human internationale really all and always serve to fuel tensions underground now earlier on monday there was the annual planned jerusalem day in march there was discussion amongst the israeli security forces as to whether or not it should be canceled that means ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu said no as did right wing elements said that they would not give in. they would not give in to the listing in provocations so the march went to his aid when the sirens sounded as though at march disbanded but people here came out onto the streets
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despite the scenes we have to be is mainly prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that he security forces will continue to act this way and he will not give in or less damage given to what he calls root elements and extremist elements here in jerusalem now there are signs that the violence which was in the last year is escalating and spreading to other areas as you can see behind me the israeli police are firing stun grenades at protesters who have been throwing bottles and glass at them at the same time the israeli army has brought in reinforcements to the west bank and just yesterday we saw a protest in the. northern israeli town of haifa it simply is spreading beyond chill resulin tonight is the 4th upon 6 night that we've witnessed these kinds of 10 scenes.
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there is some speculation that the violence could be reduced in the next 2 days as ramadan comes to an end but it's hard to tell what will happen if we just turn over here you can see them running and be stun grenades are being fired the israeli army and police are screaming and yelling so they face shouting at each other to come in the starvation they say p one to clear the area are be the protesters the youngsters that have been here as we know to be consecutive night of violence here in jerusalem policia r.t. jerusalem. for
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a while hundreds of people rallied throughout the middle east and north africa in support of palestinians the demonstrators called for the unity of muslims in the wake of recent events some chanted slogans against any normalization of relations between arab states is for. israel's former permanent representative to the united nations dunny down on the and palestinian political analyst nordo day shared with us their views on the recent escalation. we've been warning 3 years israel is playing with fire that it is testing the. religious chanting methods palestinians are muslims and christians in palestine around the world daily reality of palestinians is one of violence and repression and now there is more international attention being given because of the nature of the events of the of where these events are transpiring but the fact is this is you know the natural deterioration of things. of things that have been accumulating for months because
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it has really practiced. for our rooms of the only government you have to be. at the beginning with that is not law. or you muslim. these. are all the world to celebrate. in the spirit world we're. joined by our loans. and this is our property by some us by them and we moved to think about religion it's not a freedom for riots or violence you have to go in there is to know all religion i'm calling you on the sides allow anybody to do anything peacefully continue to be vigilant gone through the same voice coming from the palestinian leader was.
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the german m.p. has slammed his country's government over its dependence on the e.u. to approve the use of a russian vaccine in other words came during a visit made to moscow of the left parties d. today because in the russian capital to receive the sputnik back seat himself they claim berland hesitancy for the lives of ordinary germans at risk in early april the russian direct investment fund open negotiations. government about it buying support movie stocks comes after russia applied in march to the european medicines agency to have the job approved in the year that is still pending he today spoke with r.t. and share his view on the cards state of play with vaccine balance. as an m i know i'm a doctor of psychosomatic switches a combination of psychology and medicine and based on my limited medical knowledge the russian vaccine is one of the best in the world it is a vector vaccine rather than m r n a and it's
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a completely new approach to access in the mechanisms of our body the time available for testing has really been too short so in this sense the russian vaccine has become the best in the vaccine race i believe but i came here and got bucks and ate it and i also paid tribute to the memory of the red army that defeated hitler's fascism making it possible for me to speak freely with you today . as is here when sputnik v. was approved for use in russia on august the 1st the newspapers wrote in unison in large letters that it is putin's trash the vaccine is not trash our federal government and health minister trusts he has human lives on his conscience because he did not ask for the russian vaccine another federal government administers a saying the russians should have come like a beggar begging for money and knocking on the door and said that they have a vaccine that they can sell us.
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