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tv   News  RT  May 11, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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children have been killed in a. school in the russian city of. the suspect is in custody. just weeks. i've never seen him and. he was
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a good boy and. i don't know why he became like i would never have. with regional officials. international a very warm welcome to you today. with continuing our breaking news from the russia . where at least 9 people including 7 children have been killed 21 others. shooting at a school in the city should warn you you may find some of the following scenes to.
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i don't know what is the root. of all. the possible serious. properly from the explosion and the sound of breaking glass from my balcony i saw the windows of the school blown out sor children fleeing apparently the teachers began to evacuate them through the windows someone was jumping from one window i also heard the muffled sounds of gunfire i think we can now show you the official list of those who were injured in the shooting but survived there were there are 21 of them 2 adults 900 children girls and boys there
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are teenagers and also kids as young as 7 as several of them are in intensive care in a serious condition now we can show you some more images captured by local residents and there are some more shocking scenes coming up some peoples can be seen jumping out of windows to escape the gunman some made the leap from the 3rd floor and tragically 2 of them died because of their injuries either but not true because i know he was the of now joining us right outside the school where the shooting happened more dad can you tell us what's happening where you are. well the investigation is underway but you know that offers little comfort for people here this is this is a city that's in shock every face the official day of mourning maybe tomorrow but today people are devastated absolutely devastated by the carnage that unfolded in
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this school behind me and it seems every every hour we're learning of more grisly details of the horror the went on in the halls and in the classes behind me we've just learned for example that the teacher one of the teachers that organized the evacuation mob the shoot out was under way that her own child was killed during during this the shooting people also learned details from from the witnesses such as the son and the father who told us how sadistic the shooter was. actually it was of such a thing my youngest son a 3rd year student is sadly injured he has undergone surgery and is now in intensive care this is my eldest son who is in year 8 the worst of the massacre was in his class after that he found his younger brother and together with the teaches they carries into the ambulance i would like to thank the teachers and the doctors who tried to help and protect the children. she left out of the stadium a man with
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a gun ran into the classroom and started shooting people he didn't shout anything but before he did this we heard an explosion right under our classroom after that our teacher told us to hide under the desks and because of this many of us were not there were injured 1st his shot our teacher twice in a lag and then he started shooting at the desks after he left 3 people immediately called the police thanks to reach we were able to survive then i started looking for my brother and other survivors from the cross. there are dozens and dozens of children that are going to need psychiatric help for a long cause the horror unfolded not only in the classrooms in the corridors where the where the shooter was folded throughout the school these are these the children were talking about who for many of them this is the 1st on the ever heard an explosion 2 improvised explosive devices which were planted by the shooter these
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are these are kids that were jumping from the 3rd story in a hoop to get away to escape many many of them now have broken legs hips a number we're told have died from the full from injuries that they sustained from the full we've also heard that they could have beaten many more injuries but for the actions of the stop who ogunnaike that evacuation barricade the door was shut them who got the kids away from the windows and we've heard stories about how the shooter banged on doors and demanded to be let in sometimes he would go away sometimes he would keep banging and these these are you know these are only a part of what happened to their vote unfolded in the school behind me today we've also had one of the improvised explosive devices that he planned that he planted in the dressing area in the area where all the shouldn't sort of the would have been a 100 we're talking here as they prepared to to head home to head to head outside
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for a break and the teachers we heard from one of them they described to us what it was like. literally club i was in the class on the 2nd floor we heard bangs sounded like explosions 1st we closed the caution doors and did not let the children get near the windows we told them to sit down along the walls and tried to calm them down and then the special forces did a great job they went around the school we open the doors let the men and they let us out in an organized manner we were taken out through the chordal there was a place of smoke we quickly got out of the school grounds things are always been calm at the school friendly staff good relations with the children this is all a terrible shock to us. we've spoken to a number of the teachers the stuff here none of them want to talk about the shooter his he's they don't even want to mention his name his move to they should well they said is it doesn't matter what he did is is inhuman and this is a there's
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a frenzy of activity here underway with police investigators all scooping the area trying to recreate what happened to establish what happened what went wrong how this was allowed to happen especially with with kids still still fresh in people's memories 3 years ago dozens and dozens of students were killed in the crimea when a loon shooter again with a with a shotgun and improvised explosive devices set out to cause carthage at the school obviously people believe that lessons have been learned that could have been many more casualties here many of the teachers didn't panic they knew what to do they knew to get the kids away nevertheless it must be established what happened how the shooter was allowed to get a gun we've seen him on video him being interrogated and he was out of his mind saying ranting about being a god and what else how he was allowed to buy a gun with a valid license apparently part of the psychiatric test the drug test the background
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test the medical test nevertheless the investigation is underway obviously it is too early to jump to conclusions but there are a lot of questions that must be oncet and there are thousands of people millions all over russia that want these questions on such an action taken i don't taze what as you have life because i'm thank you. now in the meantime the pavement outside the gates of that school in cazan has been turned into a makeshift memorial site and well wishers are stopping by to lay flowers on toys on the table outside the tragedy has caused deep shock in that city and nationwide ceremonies if you held elsewhere in russia including one involving army cadets in nizhny novgorod we heard from one of those recruits. we're driven all together this is a tragedy not only for chris but for the whole of russia will mourn and keep them in memory of the russian human rights commissioner has not proposed raising the age
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for owning a firearms license from 18 to 21 this comes as regional officials have been carrying out a comprehensive check of all gun owners earlier in the program i was joined here in the studio by aussies daniel hawkins who gave more details on this tragic story. this will go down as one of the darkest days in the modern history of of the republic of tatarstan the ins that began just before 10 am local time initially there were reports perhaps of multiple shooters entering the school number 175 journey's end of 175 quickly it emerged the attacker was acting alone a 19 year old who's now been detained by police and remains in the custody of security forces there were reports by witness accounts of explosions at least one explosion taking place in the school and gunfire throughout the building children rushed to escape teachers rushed to evacuate the victims many of them did manage to get out through the lower floors many of them who were trapped on the upper floors
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of the gunman roam the corridor decided to try and jump to escape death and that's testament to the horror and the panic that must have been going on inside the building at the time. we spoke to one eyewitness who was near the school and heard and saw some of what took place there just hours ago around town of 15 minutes before the end of the 2nd class scream and was heard on the street and after that loud sounds were heard most likely there were shots about a minute after that a sound system in the classroom announced that teachers and students should remain in the room and not go out lock the door and put 3 desks and chairs in front of it after that everyone said down near the wall and said quietly given this shots and explosions were constantly her even with the windows and doors closed i could smell gunpowder then the special forces and ambulances arrived we were greeted him they tried to open the door and called us so we opened it and the police were stand india so we left the school several people were killed on the floor and it was the
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gay shit is of course a lot of it is under way the security services are looking into all positive motives for the attack and it's understood the gunman reference stuff like he's a god there's a monster within him he's try. clear humanity of birth and darkness indicative really of some sort of mental breakdown mental health issues that of course is going to be proved or disproved following a psychiatric evaluation in coming days and weeks in the meantime the families of victims victims will become of the times with what exactly has happened today and as we are going to be a day of mourning tomorrow and tatarstan as well what do you know so far down you've been following all the developments here what can you tell us about the weapons that were used while russia was in the country you'd normally associate with mass shootings and school shootings especially gun control laws here are pretty tight perhaps not of fighters in the u.k. some european states certainly more strict than in the united states where. school
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shootings happened tragically fairly regularly you know we do know he was in possession of a hat sign an escort shotgun it's a weapon that can cause a lot of damaged in the right in the wrong hands rather especially in close quarters like a school with corridors classrooms children packed closely together. this was obtained legally according to the information we have permit he was at a local gun club and prior to this shooting you board 150 rounds of ammunition seemingly in preparation for the terrible act he was about to commit. questions are going to be asked. how you managed to get out of this weapon why were mental health concerns not addressed if indeed there were any certainly among friends among neighbors among those who knew him there was no out with signs that the boy or the old male was about to commit such an atrocity this is what his neighbors in fact
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had to say about. who we met this boy before he's our neighbor and i remember his face i noticed that he had a very intelligent appearance he was a very tidy i've never seen him had a knowledge with any dubious people he was a very quiet guy and always still him or by himself not with friends not with a girl like he was a good boy and i was always so quiet he also helped me in the past with the tata language i don't know why he became like these i don't know what happened to him i would never have thought it was he in. a very good and well managed family i only had a good at being in of him all these descriptions certainly don't match the individual that was responsible for the events at school number 175 today so often they don't know so often people do say of people who commit such heinous acts they were quiet they were normal they were quiet and seemingly this fits the pattern we do know this was his for school from which he graduates that around 4 years ago he was
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recently expelled from university for what reason we're not sure but he stopped attending lectures stop socializing but again these problems were perhaps faced by many peoples many students many youngsters facing some sort of mental health issues throughout russia. by far not everyone the tiniest minority go on to commit violent acts especially on such a scale it will be done as a soldier best to go to a psychiatrist to see where things went wrong and how this could have taken place what can you walk can you tell us about the injured survivors. the figures have been going up tragically throughout the day initially it was around 6 fatalities the latest figure is 9 casualties 8 children and one teacher 21 already in hospital 13 of them are in a stable condition 6 of them are in critical condition being operated on their hands are now their fate rather is in the hands of the medics doctors now in
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theater lot of putin has expressed his condolences there is a plane being prepared already on the way with specialist children doctors and especially more border in the long run mental health specialists who are going to be offering their support to the victims the families of the victims especially over the coming weeks as they seek answers and come to terms with what has happened here today the victims are raising between 7 and 19 the average age is about 14 to 15 these are children. it's hard to think what went on in that school and what the parents must be going through right now a lot of video of the school evacuation has been released and we should warn you where there are some stressful images here young children could be seen gathering on the grass some of them severely injured right after the shooting and we did hear from a young woman who previously studied at this school my young the question my former classmate has younger brothers who were in school at the moment they hid under the
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desks and they were in a state of total shock now the boy's a safe at home looking at the photo of this suspect here minds me of a pupil from tyler class i'm not sure they will but if you do this guy i don't remember anything bad about him just an ordinary student like everyone else we can show you now the official list of those who were injured in the shooting but survived there are 21 of them not all the ages have been released but at least 18 are children girls and boys there are teenagers also kids as young as 7 several of them at least are in intensive care in a serious condition where we discuss the implications of today's tragedy in cousin it with a number of guests who joined us. it differs so much from country to country you know if we look at the united states in some states you don't need any checks whatsoever before people can buy a firearm. or almost semiautomatic firearms through a supermarket whereas you come to the united kingdom which has got some of the most
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restrictive firearms laws where you will have background checks criminal record checks and your doctor will be have to sign the firearms certificate application to make sure that there are no mental health conditions and you get everything in between exactly what the russian rules are i don't know listening to the commentary that's coming out from moscow and from what president putin is saying they have got checks and this and it's making sure that those checks could cover this eventuality however no matter how hard you check you're never going to be able to cover every eventuality what was it that motivated the individual copycat attack possibly but only if the individual was following what was going on or reading about it and everything else copycat attacks tend to happen within the days weeks and months after a major incident so it's the police will be trying to get the got the individual
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secure it worked you know what his motivation was behind carrying out the attack and then trying to identify if there's any way that they could have put mechanisms in place or could still put mechanisms in place to transfer those motivations happening elsewhere and of course they will not be alert for other people potentially copycat attacks in other parts of russia the russian police counter-terror police or the quick reaction like this are very highly trained they know that that confusion comes in so they go into a series of drills and then start to look at the information that they've got. you know if you get 3 reports from 3 different people saying they've heard 3 different shooting incidents from 3 different parts of the school lot of money. there's 10 potentially 3 different shooters there until they narrow that information down themselves and they know that this happens and that's part of the way they will approach dealing with the situation and yes it could have an impact on how quickly you can get medical services in it could have an impact on how many police are
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needed before they'll go on look at potentially assaulting buildings and all the rest of it but one of the 1st things that any security organization will do as it's going in to this is to confirm confirm what's going on clear the area of incidents cordon it off control what's going on and then react to what it is up there getting the assume the worst they'll deal with it in a very professional way as professional as they can and they'll go through a series of drills you will have practiced this time after time after time and certainly after the best attack in 2004 and the courage attack and 20 had seen the russian police. and their acquitted of the swat teams up we've seen going in here we'll have practiced this again and again and again against these different scenarios and against other scenarios the theme here frighteningly seems to be schools again you know you don't associate russia with these this type of incident we tend to think more of the united states. it does tend to be one individual in
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the room but it shows you that. when this incident happened the information that comes out on misinformation you know we have to be very careful and i think it's quite right to look at what's inspired this individual to go on. awful events it doesn't matter what the cause of me if you will think it is it that's we look at the core is it political cause was it a religious inspired cause and so on moved that legislation globally in defining to terrorism how very very similar legal definitions are that's what the investigators will work from because he certainly of what you do with the 4 people. it was a man who went into the school with a handgun and just killed school pupils and teachers so it's looking at what is it what was caused a breakdown here with the bill and many. avenues to explore as regards the cause
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the motive behind this. you know and it's a difficult one for the investigators to try and ascertain what they will no doubt do is look at any electronic devices or anything in this this individual's possession and try and see what what the motive is you know because we have that many causes now because this can be had to be fully investigated russia is a european country and there is fortunately it's very rare that we see there simply you know there are tighter gun controls were put in most european states you will always serve fine complete chaos whenever a terrorist attack or an incident like this happens and it's just then a matter of trial they do authorities trying to gain some control you mentioned earlier about social media and the impact that has of course many years ago you'd never have that problem but now what we have is is more people coming to the scene because they've been told by their sons and daughters that this is going on to protect children and of course that just aids adds to the confusion the more people
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that come in the more chaos that's caused and the more people they can kill and you know that social media has a number of great benefits but when you've got an ongoing crisis like it's what you want people to do is clear out the way and get our way as possible not to add to the confusion and of course become more targets and more people to interfere with the policing operation but schools are continuously being targeted now just a couple of days ago in kabul a school full of young girls were were were were allowed just girls in a school in couple were killed in a terrorist attack so schools really need to make sure that they have plans in place as well and the more guns you have in a society the more like you know you are to have these kind of incidents and of course we've got an awful lot. people with mental illness of one form or another or they have extreme views and if you give these people guns you've got to expect at some stage that things are going to go wrong so you you know the less guns in society that the safer we all are it is no secret that you go on the internet you find out what to do and how to do it and this is a this is
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a problem for all societies and that's why i say before the less guns you have the less likely codes that these sort of incidents are going to say rice because of course we we have an awful lot of people a with mental illness but also a lot of radicalized and it seems as well who might want to go out and what they see as a blaze of glory if it is that radicalized individual has done this then you know you there is big issues across the world with that so with that problem if it's an individual it's just you know what wound up and decided to kill people then of course yes you could have other people as you call it copycatting so policing have to deal with this but i think what should come from this really is to schools colleges universities understand that they have a you know they have things to do to make sure that their pupils are safe from this point attack yes you can you can bring in security you can you can conduct searches you can do all these things but universities schools and campuses are meant to be
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open they're meant to be inviting for their people so it's an almost impossible situation to protects and of course then you've got other sites as well that are just as easily you know so so this is a real difficult problem and in my opinion the only way to deal with that is to try and reduce the number of guns but in the mean time people need to have a understanding on how they should react personally i think. i would now speak to mr frank furedi an author and commentator joining us live here on r.t. international thanks for coming on here so quickly on the program a full day of breaking news we appreciate you joining us and what's what's your what's your 1st thought on what you're seeing coming out of cars and today the president of tatarstan earlier thought this was terrorism but or with further investigation the 19 year old appears to have no links to terrorist groups or apparently he's just having mental health problems. i think this is a common problem one of the things that i learned by looking at different studies of shooters in schools ouse where is that there is no common pattern people are
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looking for causes. and the question why did this happen and unfortunately when an individual who's involved who's got no political affiliations or links there is no way in which you can work out why this has happened all that we know is that we live in a world where there are a lot of people around who are isolated lonely whose life is pretty much unrestrained by their communities because maybe have relatively few friends whose families are not really aware what they're up to in the digital bedrooms and as a result of that who can just simply go off and lose a sense of reality and become obsessed with a particular problem to the point at which they regard a committing an act of violence of this magnitude as a way of giving meaning to their life and as a way of almost establishing their own identity i think in many ways these things
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occur as a reaction to the fairly prevalent identity crisis that many societies have for young people who are not really clear you know who they are what they're about and this becomes one of the ways in which they can get a sense of who they are what they're about i think when you when you look at it the pattern. it's easy and it's very tempting to get carried away and imagine that this is a structure that's haunting the whole 'd world and is and is that it is going to get worse and worse i think we need a reality check these events are thankfully very rare a rare day they don't happen very often the risk that children face going to school is fairly minimal school they're one of the safest and violence for them to go into it it's very important that we don't overreact because if you overreact and be militarized cools in the way that some people have done in the
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united states for example i do think that you create a situation where these these these kind of murderers have a cultural tribe to actually win because they've become more determined of the old life they begin to determine how we should live and have in our schools i think a reality check is very very important not to get too. obsessed about it especially in a case like this where there's no obvious clinical or or organized terrorist motive involved but you took you talk about security measures and you also say that it's very rare in russia for something like this to happen and that is true typically when you hear about a school shooting it happens in the united states and since they're having so many in america they've implemented all sorts of various security measures at schools from the east coast all the way to california is that something you think russia needs to consider doing is boosting security at schools nationwide. i hope not because i think you know in the united states it gives the illusion of security i
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think that using all these checks on metals and various other security measures are very much a performance of security that don't treat the impression that we are looking after children and we've not described the problem i think that the exteriors that we meet we kind of examined over the last 2030 years is that it's always possible for a highly committed individual who is obsessed with a particular problem or critical issue it's always possible for them to find a way a means of doing this and all that we can do is encourage our children and encourage our teachers to be more proactive to kill more because if we confident to be able to manage you know sort of situations like this a little bit more i think that that's an important and useful way of developing a more courageous and a more a more proactive kind of orientation which i think is outstanding the united states
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because they rely and direly on on kind of technology and those kind of security measures i think the russians need to do as as other people in the world is to find ways i meet means of making sure that the education is and the young people and the teachers are are encouraged to work with a means of dealing with situations both by having a scapegoat but also by by by kind of reacting and in some cases attempting to dishonest the shooters or people with knights i frankly credit an author and commentator joining us live for an aussie international thank you so much for your time and your insight we appreciate it thank you and. i thank you for joining us as well on the program a full time franky news here on this channel let's recap what happened this tuesday in cannes on at least 9 people including 7 children with 21 others injured following a mass shooting at a school.


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