tv News. Views. Hughes RT May 12, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT
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there is a. look at. people like. you that the housing. the. entire economy is in danger and that means life as most americans know what is about to change 40000000 people took a mortgage in the last 3 years they will lose their lives this is not redemption higher among people follow. them bernadino recently became the 3rd california state the power bankruptcy and i like a homeowner who can walk away from a mortgage that's more than the house is worth a municipality and. if you come back to this property it's considered trespassing did you ever think that
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i was 18 counting the count. he count there's 2 feet here. i've been doing real estate with him since now that was 2 so that's 16 years. after the l.a. times article in the nightline piece all bad i remember us being just completely crazy busy i mean as great as it was it was such a blur. it was a more complete lark you think when i said were you think that i don't know all the details i'm just a blur meaning it was a blur a time of my life well let me add some color because i remember the i'm sure. the blog was running i don't want to talk about those details. because of our connection to countrywide they started police they had just applied to be one of
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the agent. and. you should watch them do you think it was. december 2006 just household for a 1000000 dollars 900 square feet right across the street from the freeway $1000000.00. so we call it retro water heater a vintage. lovely. for you. watching this video and your realtor. and your chin up off the couch saying wait a minute i represented the buyer when they paid a 1000000. i want to put you my tie down and go grab a shingle. right now you don't deserve to be licensed december 2006 this will make. everyone who was on that deal deserves to get fired. i'm generally.
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there's a lot of trust marketplace on value could this be just a value bubble where people just keep paying these crazy prices a lot more than they used to just literally a year ago just because they want to get a house there really isn't the evidence to help support them that i can say oh for sure it's worth it. there's really i think some valid concern about valuations when the proof is so thin. it's always been a problem in this industry there is. just that one way to determine what some is worth is look what other people paid off the other people were crazy. they were hoping to get $2000000.00 for these appear you can see the again handful of them and gave up and those are $5.60 square foot alice.
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everyone was going by the montra get in or you might get priced out forever because up to that point no one had seen any previous downturn just wasn't in the camera larry and nobody clued in realtors ever really thought hey party is never going to end. i mean the thing about this is this is going to build i was the engineer would design and layout to build this stuff. i would work on these big development projects sees would come to us we want this done. build it and i
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sincerely believe that the work i was doing was building a great america. but then i started to ask some questions about what comes next. after we build something how do we take care of it what's the cash flow that makes this all work i started to look at developments that i had worked on and run some larger math problems. for example developer would come in to build the road the developer paid all the costs to build it people have been paying their taxes and the idea was it pay their taxes and then the government would fix this road. the cost was $3.00 and $54000.00 to fix that road we has a question ok based on the taxes the cities collecting from these people alone is going to take them to recoup the money they just spent. the answer 79 years. as an engineer i knew that road was going to last 2025 years this doesn't make any sense. the growth creates
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a we call the illusion of wealth if you lose money on every transaction you don't make it up in volume. where we act today. we were like way out here. you can look at the run up to the housing crash as a prime example everybody felt like what we're doing ok because you know yeah i made $12000.00 housing payments for my house went up by 40000 i cashed out the difference i'm doing fine here's centrally skirting around the core problem which is that the underlying economy does not work. in 2000 we had 1100 census tracks in this country that you could classify as persistent poverty in 2010 it went from 1100 census tracks to 3300 census tracks 3 times the american geography is now in persistent poverty. are places don't work they're just designed . a decline. if you don't know what was lost.
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you don't look at the place and see like this is the decline. 143 if you're 10 years 20 years 30 years older than me all you see is wounds. and so it's really hard for you to get your mind out of that and actually see how this could be a better place. now we have it all off guard so we made it right i don't mean the middle east is heartbreaking the midwest is heartbreaking think of all the places this is one of the last ones i live in but it's home and i you know there's a part of me that loves it too like i look at it and i'm like i want to help this place i want to make it a moving little google street you go yeah. that was. the same and then. after another yeah i know.
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i'm educated enough to to know that i shouldn't talk about some things because i i realize how ignorant i am i mean i grew up in a city that is 99 percent white and probably still is very close to that. but when you start to get a mixing of people in the community the others start to move in whether the other is someone of a different race or someone of a different social class i think excite colleges is that there's a natural human tendency to circle the wagons and what zoning did is a good like this really wonderful tool to be able to write in a more camouflaged kind of racist way we don't want those people here. i think the irony today is that it's also now attract more white people the mechanics say is you know 200 if it out is for new brake lads. what is the other. thing for ford.
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yeah the last is in the den and if it's not a refrigerator not heard there if. it is going to get. you know cream abdul-jabbar said the hyper problem we had today is less race than it is poverty and i think use exactly right i mean there's a racial element to it but. middle class whites will sacrifice for whites too there's no racial loyalty there they're going to kick them to the curb. and been able to to travel around the country to experience different communities it's the same it's the same thing. so you see across the rust belt and you see across rural america people struggling and those struggles are kind of shared struggles with people in urban areas that have long been left behind when you find that you can no longer get the mortgage we can can no longer cash out that equity when you
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can no longer get a car loan for the new car your world changes and your experience changes and america becomes like a really cruel place. starting to see more and more that is a mainstream experience. when people. here and nobody else can eat. you can create a social contract and make tons of promises we now live in the day when those promises are coming to you. and that's not a left or right thing. kind of transcends left and right because neither side understands that they both want to go back to what they thought were. it didn't work.
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hey everyone i'm joined by my old friend mr ellis williams a.k.a. mr big you call me and you tell me you say man i got cards here and it worked what made you get it out of this whole issue and i know to manufacture 13 years both run out i don't want to do stuff with us because of current right so i gave cause cervical cover of a very affordable and there was no more contra who was up to that transmission little money call to through my mechanic call cause real say my from the 21 dollars car shield is america's number one auto protection company their administrators have paid out over a 1000000000 dollars in claims and cover most vehicles from 500-215-0000 miles you'll receive 247 roadside assistance courtesy towing rental reimbursement had no way dish will charge give car show because the day before it's too late remember costs through cause go protect yourself now against expensive auto repair bills call 805893761.
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notion of stories even the news worth knowing can overwhelm you. you can even use your way i know you want it all so let me bring you the bad. it's easy just. play. i like it when the host ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that answer a folks dennis miller here i've got a new show. baltimore
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is very. many cities in terms of the way that is being read. since 1950 in 2000 baltimore lost 100000 the federal jobs. so this out of the neighborhoods they do people feeling like they have control over the necessities of the lines. that. are. held up on a cold. night that's a lot of fun. hey we're. going to get a wall. by the. white light on. not only this but you heard they are up i think that. we will build together port cummings and when we build it it will be ours for
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coming to a digital board at the heart of a new world headquarters for under armor an opportunity for all of all of the. misleading good. night baltimore city council put the stamp of approval on the $660000000.00 for the forthcoming the project development here into the city affordable housing jobs in exchange for the investments are intended to have a nifty come diverse community their definition of affordable housing is affordable to families making about $70000.00 per year so we're saying is just can't build a community when people who are wealthy this you know trucking it is not for the cut but if only it's going to villainize it gets most of those neighborhoods there's still inequality now all in favor. and here.
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remember you're creating a structural disadvantage internationally marriage but we've created a structural advantage in our white. desks where we are today. it was until i got older and started understanding in. politics i love you more and at the same time i started getting really big and said black history and about the things that america had done to us oh gosh out of step then they see who's best spectacular bout's we really recognize that espouse right but we don't recognize. we all recognize living people in environments where we don't have. a desk. in baltimore city. i was sitting here among this
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watching the police in the children interact on the day of april 27th 2015. the children were thorax the police tore rocks back at the children in a vision the police you know they're shooting wearables and they deploy teargas and at the moment they deplore that teargas i'm sitting here and i'm like i feel like this weight come right on my chest and i'm like i can't breathe i can watch it anymore because i knew it was cause and sort of busy logical reaction in my body. it really was a. powerful political turning point because everybody when overdraft our food everybody went to throwing themselves into activism and nonprofit work and voluntourism. so this is let's. talk about here so that's. exercise is.
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part of this. on the recently from the green not area to me that small section of a neighborhood is everything because this is certain level of pain you got to go through to be really from baltimore and when you really from a neighborhood that has a reputation you get it was known as a stand. my little stand you know. it's only thing for the last 2 digits. so it's really. you know to be connected to a neighborhood. where people outside of street don't understand all of this stuff is about legacy. you don't really know what we come from we don't know our families so it's your street do you put it all into band street do is really the only industry that we run or we think we were going to say so from your kids grow up and
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about your name what is your name and what kind of name you want to leave your job . as a for that's the name of allah for me i could go anywhere i want to is bottom line i have a problem because all my followers but because i'm not history do but i still carry those morals i gotta leave my side. i'm about black in a city. that's going to blow up i'm trying to tell you my help a lot of people just by giving them places to stay and don't want to know how to do . i know too much about real estate to get them into these homes will be my legacy as. it was early seventy's when he started. it's a thrill to. have seen some of my shoe. you know it's see. from when i was younger to man coming to south neighborhood for me
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and it's dangerous and you meet is a good american speaking and he was in the end i think. you know he said you need me to get again. people who've been here and have been. beaten up and tired of life is so much that. you've got to be managed that's failing. to me kind of manifested itself into hate so when you get out attorney to display your anger. it goes beyond anybody said thank. you think.
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a pocket knife. well i want you to know that see i'm right there. right there. 21 with no prizes as to is 25 and he was trying to give me more time than i had been on earth. it was scary but it was eerily familiar because i felt like no matter what i accomplished in my life been the 1st person to go to college graduate school i felt like i was supposed to be there it's kind of hard for you to. take this stuff that we see here and translate it into the humanity of it is a person a 1000000 got a $1000000.00 in restitution $100.00 and that is $10000.00 less anybody you know anybody here to live 10000 less. can lead a city to my resignation pay. well i. can't you know loudly you said he said it's
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sort of presentation pay these instructions that don't make the news these are the differences that make. people like myself turn off from everybody just self. you know what i mean because everybody has a share. when people make the claim of you know why would people burn down their own neighborhoods if they you sort of live statement to sort of gloss over the fate that news labor has don't have visited to begin with. the why would they burn on their own community i mean it really isn't a community that they've been able to have ownership in. i don't push me cause close to the black community employers so that is it and i think that is sort of why we see some of the president.
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last may begin to understand the black lives matter black lives don't matter of black neighborhoods don't matter. i came back yes subsequently when i was a police officer. and it was all bricked up all the windows to doors. choice property now the. gentrified. gentrification i suppose on one hand is a good thing for to clean up the neighborhood it makes it nice but my heart goes out to the people who once lived here who got moved down because where does poor people go you know they were forced out it enabled by their homes or god. if we as a country don't pay attention to. the places where people are the homes that people . will continue to go in circles and that really get to the root problem.
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when you look at a rain forest home you're seeing a very complex ecosystem. not only as you have these massive trees but you have all the understory all the animals every do leaf has its own individual ecosystem so when you add up all that you have this massive massive complex and. you compare that to say a cornfield. you have one species of plant the complete monoculture. and what you see is a very efficient undertaking it intrusive a lot of corn in a very small space but she certainly don't have the complexity and the ability to thrive than a rain forest. so what we did is we switch cities from being complex systems to form.
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and. you look back in history and the way humans evolved along with the city. and what you see is that messiness that friction that rubbing up against other people is an essential component of that. and there was a certain discomfort that went along with that there is also a social dimension to it that we've just completely lost. this pattern of development has allowed us to. intentionally enrich the pain and the hurt and the needs that call long and all the places.
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hey everyone i'm joined by my old friend the thing ellis williams can a mist of beings you call me and you tell me you said man i got caught you know and it were one mate you're getting old issues and i know to manufacture wants yours about to run out i don't want to do stuff with expensive cars right so i gave cost him a cool cover of a very affordable and there was no long term contract he was out there that transmission went all month call to do my mechanic they call causal and say my
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family $21.00 car shield is america's number one auto protection company their administrators have paid out over a $1000000000.00 in claims and cover most vehicles from 500-215-0000 miles you'll receive 247 roadside assistance courtesy towing rental reimbursement ad no way dish no charge give car shield a call today the 4th 2 may remember cost will cause go call them protect yourself now against expensive auto repair bills call 805893761. those in command of toxic systems designed to keep us confused destructive enough where they are no match for an awakened mind they lie you win the war maybe lie you into poverty they tell you what they think they're watching are you watching there
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are you watch or. watch or the ball to. you guys i made a professional powerpoint to show you how artsy america fits into the greater media landscape our team is not all laughter all right we are a solid alternative to the bullshit we don't stew liberal or conservative and as you can see that is bar graph we don't skew the facts either talking at length these talking at righties oh there you go above it all to look at world r.t. america is in the spotlight now every glee i love no idea how to classify as actually took me way more time and i care to admit. the mainstream media swarming with falsehoods riddled with censorship and i'm sure corporate control you think capable of truly informing its audience it can't rise above the corrupt motives of those calling the shots when you awaken to this fact turns aren't see
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america where we dare to question are. they folks next up on dennis miller plus one we're going to talk to kate mulgrew she said a couple nice new digs over the years captain janeway on star trek voyager then over to orange is the new black has a new thing called mr mercedes that i'm less acquainted with that strange on the peacock network show unveil it to us right after this kate mulgrew and dennis miller plus what. folks welcome to dennis miller plus nice to welcome kate mulgrew to the show she is best known of course as hate monger but then again having said that test and change read resident.
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