tv Documentary RT May 13, 2021 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT
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hey folks next up on dennis miller plus one can you believe 25 years in order of a century since the original space changed we got a new one coming out space jam a new legacy and one of the heavy hitters in the voiceover thing also happens to be one of the sweetest guys erik but also i don't know quite know we'll find out from him who he's voicing a film but he'll be there they brought in all all the players in the boy so we'll also talk to him about a nice story as an apple t.v. plus a good message for the kid caught unplugs the internet certainly an alluring tool but strangely plug it up there and i think the speaks to that eric hauser right after this that mr miller wants one.
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hey folks welcome to venice miller plus one that look at that mug on this guy i can tell that he's a happy a beauty and so on that's part of the reason that he this is let's call him one of the most preeminent voice actors on on the planet right now he's the voice of the looney tunes characters bug bugs bunny that marvin the martian is i think that little cat the censuring head of floats around from if i remember from my youth tweety bird and he was to some of those characters many more for in the upcoming film space jam a new legacy out this summer and he also voices multiple characters i read up on the show in this ascribe very intriguing i love the series title and it does unfold the mean something dug unplugs and is currently streaming on apple t.v. plus and this is our friend eric bows and eric how are you today my friend.
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i don't know what i don't know what could have possibly given the fact that i like bugs bunny away i don't know if i'm overdoing it or just not enough. and what can you know over your shoulder at the wallpaper print just let me say this when it comes to bugs bunny impressions i am all yours my friend absolutely. i go back to a time when daffy could get shot with a man licker cart pan over and have his bill flip around his head that's how far back i go with it which is deep you just don't you just don't want to see you know rabbit the fun or duck season you know you got it you got it it's very it up every now and then and definitely debbie ducky is a non pandemic friendly voice you going to. you know way from my mouth you know you got to keep your death in there pal it really just is richard dreyfuss with a lisp def you did you know i'm not going to be a hot meal for some shark ok mr von what we're dealing with here in
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a perfect eating machine you. and you know it's restores a low animation accident no not at all. the thing is even if i weren't doing these voices even if i weren't graced with the luck of doing these voices i would still have this stuff hanging up on my wall and i'm still just a fan as as i was before i was doing these voices as i am now so if i'm listening i like me some box where i have foghorn leghorn i'm in for the pepe le pew for i know that's the end of the world as we know don not going to get into that by but i dug all these people speedy consol is excuse me i didn't run that the pi was a kid and they chanted me and i'm not a trickle to complete all guilty about it every the world could go bad i just dig in the cart to you know what i knew i was going to talk to i went back and i've always i thought i've always been such
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a fan i'm like i mean what what an amazing niche talent i don't mean michonne a diminutive sense i just mean the nobody could make a run at the castle blind because he was so proficiency at it and i don't know if you know this area i was so fascinated to find out that he was born his given name was b l a n k as in blank slate. so the ability to for all these voices if what you're in the is it must be the quintessential vessel of the u.k. so i always found him a fascinating. absolutely i mean it just goes to show number one you know bugs turned 80 last year and the fact that we're still talking about bugs 80 years later goes to show how much love heart and soul he poured into not just bugs but the rest of the looney tunes and i mean it takes i'm i'm the 7th guy to voice bugs and i know i won't be the last and just goes to show how many people it takes to
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you know to carry that mantle that one guy did him and you know you could look at someone like june for a at like the you know people say the female mel blanc but she was just june for a you know she was the 1st lady of an animation voiceover for the ladies and you know both of their work stood the test of time and yeah that these cartoons were definitely made in a different time and definitely weren't the idea behind those original shorts weren't to be shown on saturday mornings they were actually throw a cartoons in those old movie houses you know i'm actually 100 years old these filipino jeans of mine looking young and you know as soon as i turned 101 is like i become yoda i just everything just gravity get the better of you going to pick your suit you know but but you know what i mean it's like being. the cartoons were done in a different time and i know i know nowadays representation matters more than ever but
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i feel like we have to get to that playing field again where you know especially from a voice actors point of view it never mattered what i looked like right like and suddenly it doesn't and for good reason i even know but i just want to get to a point where we can laugh at ourselves again. where it's not listen eric how can i how can i give credit to contemporary man for a valving if i spend every moment of my day going back to times of your and saying why didn't it exists that it didn't exist that because we've got an accumulation of emotional knowledge of this protestant point in history we're starting to see some of the oversights if i'm to go back into the early 19th 20th and figure out why we didn't have a white ball go and then i'm missing the point in the interim 80 to 90 years we've accumulated some said hang the stones i'm playing anymore it's seems like
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a silly it seems like a sisyphean battle you're always can go back a decade earlier to fight something i choose not to do it i choose to have fond memories of the cartoons and whatever changes they've had to make to make it mainly will for today i'm more than happy about that you know i have a theory on bugs approaching the century mark it goes back to chaplin kicking the passport guy behind with his leg it goes back to groucho entering low and subversive with the cigar you transplant the carrot i think bugs. holds a mirror up to be answers i think it's a primal surface that bugs does. well yeah i mean he's pretty much of all bugs was the original social distancing and he lived in a hole in the ground right i mean he always wore gloves and basically you know he was the every man and until someone like elmer funder yosemite sam you know
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really ticked them off that's when bats when it was over they then you know a question realized this means wa you know that's when all bets were off and then forget it you should've you should've crossed paths with bugs bunny but yeah i mean that's why i think he was soon. relatable and he's a hero you know he's still like one of those guys that he doesn't always win and he doesn't have the big muscles usually when he flexes it just like the letter you under there and you know you again and i think that's why he's so relatable and so lovable and and then you have everyone else around him you know if he's like the jerry seinfeld of the crew then you have people like the george who stands is like daffy duck and then you have the people like kramer you know like the have the extreme characters around him so you know it was very. you have to sit and wonder what they were thinking of when they were making this stuff back in
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the forty's like i look at this stuff as reference you know to be better is as an artist like i before i became a voiceover artist i was like in animation as an artist i used to draw. so i can even imagine what they were looking at like smoking unfiltered cigarettes at 11 am wearing 3 piece wool suits. and one like her daughter has in their back yard. was like that's him as soviet jew make a living a man of the palace of the voices at some point it's probably his time clock back that. conduit for the trains and millions of kids what an amazing stargate belt blech. yeah just just amazing and again it's if it weren't for mel i would be in like plumbing school right now for sure you know it goes on there is the slippery bugs bunny voice it's like i think there's
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been 7 j. well let's say sean connery george laysan be we go over it rua roger moore i think we made a search but it's fascinating that right there is a lot of bugs that. and get below 7 the w 7 of animation. that's fantastic i never really thought of it that way but wow what a comparable it's quite it's quite a mentally of a so we're talking eric and we'll talk to him about looney tunes i wanted to do some met a interview here i'm fascinated by the. just by the art of inhabiting these animated creatures who in many ways seem to me more real than some of the people i i watch you walk around in flesh and blood these days and he also voices multiple characters in the animated series. dug plugs and that's got a cool story behind it that is straining on apple t.v. plus now listen people put
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a place card up to hold interviews as they do it when i do these funds and you were with the loveliest. is i don't know enough about you is that child i only got a glimpse for a 2nd yes of that's been that's my that's my son my son ryker and he's definitely either going to be in animation or i've driven him away completely from it he's fine you know he loves he loves cartoons as much as his old man. has his mom is also in animation. and she's an animation director over at nickelodeon so animation is definitely i think it might be in the future but maybe it's enough that he's not oversaturated that he may become an accountant in encino somewhere in the future but or listen you i used to have a calder mobility hanging over my crib that i'd look at i was always a trepidations kid i think well that's coming down on me i can't imagine what it
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must be like to look up at you that space and have you up there what a magical connection for you leading into their crib. well it's funny because you know we'll go to the park or like the playdates and you know again 5 years old will walk up to like you know people that i he may know because sometimes the nanny takes him out and i'm at work and then i finally go and he goes oh hey this is. he goes i'm ranker i'm i'm 5 years old this is my dad he's bugs bunny and like people you know they probably look at that as like oh he probably does the voice for for him you know for fun and all that stuff but he's become like my manager you know he's pimping me out on the. jungle gym in parks you know but i think it's so flattering and i you know i did i just i just want to you know. i just when we do these. we watch the cartoons together because i have to study right i got to
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study and when i see him enjoy the cartoons that i used to laugh when i was like his age just to see it come full circle and then watch the episodes the new ones where i mean it as bugs and he can he can tell that it's me it really is mind blowing it really is you know something else we're talking there and once again he is the voice of the learning tunes characters bug staffy marvin the martian twin uber they've got the big show coming out spaceship 2 a new legacy with le bron i'm sure they had to call an all hands on deck for that will see how the voice is brought out for the new flick and he does multiple characters in the animated series doug plugs the streaming on apple t.v. plus we will talk about both of those projects right after this with our friend eric bows on dennis miller plus well.
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9906 that's 180-499-0286 mil. hey folks welcome back to dennis miller plus one it's nice to know that these well let me say it from a sacred voices from my youth and kids use today have been interested in the such sweet soul i can tell is that just from chad and i'm up for a segment here we got the big film come and m.j. did this years ago now le bron step in and i hope we say good as m.j. as m.j. really that was if it was a groovy film tell me about the new space champ too my friend. well like you said i mean i am
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a child of the ninety's i am 41 i will be turning 42 this year if if you can hear that that's my bones cracking as every as i vettel. but i grew up in b. jordan era of the n.b.a. and i watched space jam i can't tell you how many times in theaters and that was also like the looney tunes resurgence it was kind of like we were catching these characters in reruns and. even before the original space jam there were 2 michael jordan bugs bunny they called them hair and air jordan commercials that were super bowl ads and they basically paired michael jordan some ad agency in new york thought let's put the greatest n.b.a. player in the greatest cartoon character ever made together and see what happens and then the 2nd commercial aired again on super bowl this time with marvin the
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martian isn't very lovely earth creature. you know and he was the adversary and then 2 years after that is when we had space jam so again i was a true fan and before before even the movie i mean i own animation cells from from the actual commercial i found some here in burbank and i was just my mind was blown like that these existed and nobody wanted them except me the biggest nerd in california so yes i have been an avid fan of the original and to see it come back like a 25 years i think is going to be 25 years this full 25 years. oh to see it you know remade reimagined with arguably. no the greatest player presently le bron james you know you can count the rings you can count the dunks
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you can i mean in the fact that he's still going you know he sees it doesn't seem like he's getting tired. outside of being a world class like athlete he's a family man and does tremendous amounts of charity work for his hometown of akron ohio and and now he's executive producing this film which i don't know if you saw the trailer it goes over how many millions and millions and millions it like i think i was one of the few that was like up at like 5 in the morning looking at my phone and there was like a countdown for this thing i've never seen anything like it and. the trailer was just so well received and this might be i think one of the biggest movie i mean in our in our current situation it might be the biggest money making movie of 2021 so now. people can being you know if people could be shepherded back in to the way
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things were with such a nice hard project and let me tell you erica you're at 42 as you say and 25 years beyond you and i guarantee of these things are going to start happening to you or yours notice that i just like get into the front door of being an older cat because imagine spaceship now has a 25 year gallop and then a sequel. unbelievable old enough to drink space jam only like space jam could walk into a bar and have a drink to today if it wanted to and it's crazy and end to be invited to the table like it's been announced that i'm officially part of the cast but it is not announced which characters i'm playing and i'll let you know. because there's been so much not rumors but i would say you know like. the news broke
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last year of me voicing bugs for looney tunes cartoons this one right here and. it happened later in the year which is odd because well looney tunes cartoons premiered the same time covert 19 premiered so no one cared that i was bugs bunny at that point everyone was glued to their the news of coven understandably but after a full year of cove it people were like anything but coven and a friend of mine jenna megan back in back in my hometown of toronto ontario canada a. she decided to do a story on me becoming the voice of bugs bunny and bugs bunny is from scarborough where were mike myers i live around the corner from mike myers way which is like they named a street like a hydro field after mike mike it's like give him something better than that he deserves better than that but but yeah it was it was kind of crazy the recognition
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and love from from not just toronto but vancouver you know places like when a pagan i'm sure places that you've toured before and you're in your stand up past . just all. i can tell you from firsthand experience you're an absolute god in flesh and claw my. people burn and subset your all care up there and listen i know mike he was a perfectionist what he was and outside also i hope mike myers way is a one way. that you're going to do it one way hurry or going to do it. or the freeway that's amazing like yet like that the news had hit but then also this news of space jam was happening so people automatically pinned me as the new voice for bugs which means i'm automatically the new voice in space jam which is not always the case we yeah we now live in this era where. reboot and reimagining used to happen like anywhere between 2 to 4 years of one another now they're
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happening between 2 and 4 weeks of one another you know you have streaming you have you know your phones you've got like theatre you've got t.v. you've got so many places to show these characters that people just can't get enough of and every time they switch hands. each show runner executive producer or director has a different vision of how the character should be performed and who the character should be performed by. so in this case you know i was good for this one for looney tunes cartoons under people around our be exact producer matt but in le bron's. film he thought jeff bergman who was voicing bugs in the film was the better bugs for the job and let me tell you something about jeff bergman he he has been he was the 1st guy to voice bugs bunny in 1989 after the passing of mel blanc and i mean
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if there's anyone if there's anyone that should have done bugs bunny 1st in a feature film it's jeff and i'm so happy for him like this is definitely his moment for sure and i've seen parts of the film i've heard of he sounds fantastic and i honestly think like be the fans are going to be completely satisfied with this film. rollason i want to get to the other project because i love i love the unplugs us so pivotal in this thing listen it's been a great gift that this generation has been given i want i think back none of this existed there was 3 channels 'd and we had a transistor radio 5.416 nowadays the whole world is available there it give us and it taketh away and i do think at some point much like a parent feathering a nest so it's tied that sell the bird to get out you've got to get out live on your own you've got to unplug from the stuff and i think that's the sort of
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subliminal message behind our not so subliminal behind unplugs and dug up plugs right. that's correct it's basically a robot family trying to learn how to be human and in a world where look we're looking at our phones you know they're actually trying to just experience it you know they're definitely using their use of technology to explore but they're really having a better time you know just doing it as opposed to just asking the questions and just kind of being the robots that they are i play bob bot on the show he's that he's the father and i don't know if they gave me this really cool mug. and i saw this early design and i saw i saw the hair i saw the eyebrows i saw the glasses and all i could think of is this robot looks a lot like eugene levy you know i'm from toronto i'm a big you know as she t.v.
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fan i hope you jean doesn't see this in tries to sue me but you know god i love eugene levy he's great so that's kind of like you know aside from being a dad myself and having one of you know the best ad my dad eddie back in toronto and seeing my brother you know he's one of the greatest dads i've got to see raise his 2 kids and i thought boy i hope i'm as good as these guys but if i couldn't have my dad as a dad i would love to adopt eugene levy as my as my t.v. dad so he was basically you know one of those yeah basically demanding separation or for me to kind of do it it's an oh it's a little spooky seeing a filipino guy sound like eugene levy where all the chefs create attention that he's been getting a huge exemption from the rest of us are ok oh boy yeah so yeah like i wasn't going
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to look at court he's a good friend divide and i'm sure he'll be ordered by the allies and as i think again if i had the say animated character which you know i would think of those. i browses who could smoke caterpillar but some thought i think i'd have to go back to elephants and one who would do and i'm sure we'll be weekly honored we're talking to a good toronto ontario boy you're by the way a big austin matthews fan the kids lighten it up as an 8 lights the last bird you know. you're following hockey so what am i asking. you know i've left most of my canadian habits behind i'm i'm i'm definitely more of a basketball fan minute i'm a hockey kid but man oh man i learned how to swear by watching my dad watch hockey that's basically the truth and you know. he's the way he was you know we can see yeah when he was watching the leafs he was no doubt watch and they'd be key on there also. for. an hour or so i've been
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a leaf and much of my adult life we're talking to the great eric bows of fox and he's got 2 projects and if you're out there and you you want to get your kid with the bigs and what parent doesn't live to see the big smile on their kid's mug he does multiple characters in the animated series doug unplugs listen closely when bobby that stock and that streaming on apple t.v. plus right now i haven't had the character breakdown on all this but we sound like we got the right guy doing bugs in space jam a new light you say but they've brought in all the heavy hitters this is the $27.00 yankees of voiceover people come in and 45 years later they've got to pay this off it's to bill love the film and i'm sure they'll knock it out of the park a good character in and of himself you couldn't drama as nice as he as thank you for your time erik dennis miller. at the end of the end that's. going to end on that if i didn't do that then what's the point i mean i'm going to
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fired. i mean if you can hear it i mean if you james. if eugene levy were here that be a different story right now you never know but like seriously mr miller it is it is truly been an honor getting to talk to you today and and i wish for your. health and happiness to you and the family all right my friend will check out you down the road thanks retyped brother. all right take care. we can't control political volatility inflation massive government debt or the wild swings of the stock market but we can control. where we put our money gold is easily outperforming the stock market the last 20 years. protect your money buy
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me 30 minutes i'll take you along. live from the world headquarters of r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez hi everybody i'm rick sanchez here to welcome our viewers from all over the world including those of you who are watching us using your phones on the portable t.v. all right so we're going to get in with 2 important questions did colonial pay the ransom to the how kurds who were holding their company hostage and here's number 2 just how often does this happen 1st the news after a day 6 of this shutdown gas is flowing through the pipeline once again however widespread outages persist all the way from the top.
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