tv News RT May 13, 2021 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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ryan from the world headquarters of r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez everybody i'm rick sanchez here to welcome our viewers from all over the world including those of you who are watching us using your phones on the portable t.v. app all right so we're going to get in with 2 important questions did colonial pay the ransom to the hackers who were holding their company hostage and here's number 2 just how often does this happen. first the news after a day 6 of this shutdown gas is flowing through the pipeline once again however widespread outages persist all the way from. maryland and virginia to the
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tip of florida and we're now being told it's going to take at least a couple of days to refill the nation's gasoline supplies because of the panic buying which coupled with the truck driver shortage has made matters much worse as of this warning of vast 71 percent of all the gas stations in north carolina 55 percent of all of the gas stations in virginia 49 percent of all of those in georgia are without gas. now back to the question of what happened last night the 1st sign we got that something was up came from the president of the united states himself we have very very close contact with colonial pipeline which is 21 here you're talking about over the one of the reasons against the pressures and we know. and i think you're going to hear some good news 24 hours and i think we'll be getting that under control he set it right i think you're going to be hearing
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something good in just a little bit here and we're going to have it all under control well not long after that colonial announced that the pipeline was open but nothing else they didn't mention of whether they had paid the ransom or not paid the ransom you know in america partly because of hollywood and partly because of our inflated sense of exceptionalism we tend to always think that this is what happens when somebody takes us hostage or anyone ever asks us for a ransom. or. what you. are just. bad guys always lose right right it appears in this case that's not the case true lacking any other explanation at this point and according to a published report by bloomberg there's every reason to believe that colonial did
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pay the ransom how much. how they do it i did they do it under the auspices of the u.s. government maybe even with a wink at a nod from the president of the united states himself. this is what we're going to be drilling down on right here on the news breaks and shows where we believe. it's time to do news again. these are sort of the question. some of the concerns we think will come to mind as you watch this newscast did colonial pay a ransom and did the buy the administration approve of it inflation through the roof will it stay that way and how seriously should we take the u.s. government's claims about human rights abuses in china right now the question that you and i have about this bizarre scenario which has shown us if nothing else
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just how vulnerable we are to cyber attack right in seemingly 3rd of the u.s. was all but shut down its gas and its energy supplies anyway by a hack joining us now to talk about this is our us correspondent erin. and i guess we start with the question of did colonial pay a ransom. did they did they so there is no statement from them but as you mentioned bloomberg is saying that they paid 5000000 however we also do know as many companies would know who have also been victims of this when you have a big oil company rick $5000000.00 is kind of small to ask for when it's a major big oil company but we do know for certain that they do have roughly $15000000.00 in cybersecurity insurance alone so you know that's interesting and as we go through this it appears that. and i guess i don't even know how to ask this
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question but it looks to me like the biden administration because of what i saw the president say last night when either knew or was in touch with the company or even kind of okayed the paying of this ransom right and you know one of the things that biden said in a press conference less than an hour ago he kept reiterating that he and the government could not dictate what this private company could do unlike his republican counterpart saying do something but again just over an hour ago the president had this to say when you watch it i want you to just see what he says how he says it and what he does after rectangle look. so thank you all so very much. more on the right. of their company. coming. thank you. now a pretty interesting ha. he's saying nobody seems to mean yes it's like he's saying
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the quiet part out a little bit there. was involvement in this so with that biden did address that again in this press conference take a look i'll just let him say what he said on that one not believe the russian government was involved in this attack but we do have strong reason to believe that the criminals who did the attack are live mean. that's really came from we're from russia. we have been. communication to moscow the imperative for responsible countries you take decisive action against these ransomware networks it's interesting so he said this is not the 3rd time he has said russia was not involved in the attack right although people who were involved in the attack may live in russia and he went on to say this i mean this is new that moscow and washington are cooperating in the investigation right which you know after last week and the weeks prior is a good thing i guess of course at c.n.n.
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and of us embassy will provide report it differently but that's exactly. the part of the story that really fascinates me if these guys paid how often does this happen so it happens quite often record you're seeing as we saw with colonial pipeline how they had an insurance policy for cyber security alone and a lot of other companies are starting to this including like you know it's a pallet is in 6 months showed that $350000000.00 was paid out and cryptocurrency for these ransomware companies might have it by executive order coming in one of the things that's interesting about this rick is it says this executive order opens communication between the service providers and the government which was not seen before most of the time these companies didn't want to disclose this to the to the government so while it does it does happen a lot we've seen it for example in the kiev ukraine where they had a power outage and now with iran somewhere we don't know the full scope of how many
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hard isn't true for sure and it is a christmas movie too. joining us now are 2 experts on this subject we have but he's a professor of computer and data science at the university of new haven we also have our friend todd shipley the sober security analyst and the president of the dark intel are guys look this is right up your alley it looks to me and to anybody who has my. mother would say can see 2 fingers in front of their face like o.d.o. paid this ransom do you agree. will definitely there's no doubt i think that the issue becomes that if they hadn't paid it they wouldn't be able to respond as effectively and as fast as they did so they paid all right but let me go to you on this i do love to know 'd whether you think that it was done as a joint communiqué or operation with the government of the united states in other words they were working together to say ok let's go ahead we're going to have to
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pay this they. must have been in the company it's as was mentioned earlier the federal government does not have the tools or the power to dictate how the company should react in a certain sense as of course lines are recommendations coming from. f.b.i. and d.h. as in new scenarios it is best not to pay the ransom to avoid encouraging these sorts of operations. just up the road level of their becoming. i'd played a clip from that movie because i think in our consciousness as americans we really believe that there's no way anybody would ever pay one of these things and that the great great majority of the times the cia busts in captain america and they catch the bad guys and the story that's probably not the way it really happens.
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no not at all in fact you know when we know that there was at least $2400.00 companies and small municipalities that were attacked last year with ransomware that it's occurring and in fact there's a whole new cottage industry that's come up about how to negotiate with these hackers and there's i t. companies that have figured out how to reduce the risk and reduce the amount they have to pay and are advising these companies on how to better negotiate with the. terrorists and what they are and get the mouth of the gotta pay lower byte how do i get in in the 1st place at how did they get into the colonial computer framework so that they could actually take it over how do they do that i mean not specifically but can you give us a sense. sure well as you mentioned we don't have a specific it's in the details of the colonial case what we do know is how it
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happens in general there are different approaches the easiest is. through social engineering and. in the end user to on the ransomware bring around somewhere inside the network and on the annoyingly end there are more sophisticated approaches finding boehner bill g.'s. side and surprise network servers computers and then exploiting it to getting access and running. a piece of malware i'm disposed to go chasing him around somewhere it is taught as a disability just said i'm going to email to one of the executives in the company and having him moment i guess accept it and once it gets in the computer it goes into the entire system. well i mean it can't be that simple it often isn't but i mean if we look like last year remember when tesla was attacked they had tried to
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get one of the employees to insert some malware into the system they're going to pay that person a $1000000.00 to do it and the f.b.i. got wind of it and were able to stop that attack so there's a variety of ways like fessor says that it can be done but it's not always so simple and in this case remember there are now blackmailing these people the difference with this group is there are attacking it with the ransomware locking it up but they're stealing their data beforehand and then blackmailing them about the release of the data. so this is a very different tactic than we've seen in the immediate past bloomberg buy it is reporting that the company paid i believe $5000000.00 i have a tendency to believe it talat higher than that what's your take. well we don't we don't know. who we don't know. what's he doing is what's been reported and it's payment doesn't need and apparently was around a $1000000.00 and you earlier mentioned that's good as i was and he's in the real
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world that's economics that's always wins so any value is fired and a $1000000.00 or $10000000.00 might seem not have been feasible for either side or you value less and as my notes and and you go by the ransom or operations darkseid there is of course money laundering getting the money out of the exchanges critic arms exchanges and such that x. factor into what the correct price should be sought last question down to 30 seconds is this the way of the future are we going to see a lot more of this or do you think we're going to have a get this under control. what we're seeing a lot more of now if you look at the dark side web site they've already attacked 3 other companies and posted on their website so they're going to continue and this is going to be an ongoing problem that we've got to fight wow. well if they want it's a hell of a wake up call i mean this one has been out there for all the world to see and
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they're taking notes i hope it's not the wrong guys taking the notes though my thanks to both of you we certainly appreciated by having our good stuff and this is that is that sanchez and when we come back inflation. it's coming it's coming out a strong what we do though and how bad buy to get stay right there that china human rights will be back. i'm a journalist it's all i know being a truth teller people say i make among comparable good uses like a jackhammer good drill down i think find the truth the news of rick sanchez because it's time to do news again and question more.
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something for you your sports h.q. . i like it when lee hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then reacts to that that's a folks that are still are here i've got a new show. wall street's busy trading your money 5 days a week and there are 3 major stock market. and when you have to watch dr or fail it all becomes clear there's just one business show you can't afford to manage. the one and only. find it now on portable t.v.
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. i've seen the horrors that arise when money and evil combine. corporate criminals who spread challenge was lives there just one more dollar to their billions. they threatened they bribe they'll do anything to keep their crimes in the door when the people they've heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on america's lawyer. i told you just a little while ago what's going on gas. because of everything going on with colonial we've been telling you about that but that's not the story the story is homes the price of homes are up almost $70000.00 from where they were last year. cars through the roof even used cars are through the roof lumber anything that you
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use to build new construction or remodel your home through the roof model is cheaper than lumber these days i mean we've been talking about the possibility of inflation coming as a result of all 'd the fiscal policies and that that went through both the trumpet ministration and now biden ministration but folks if you were wondering whether it would arrive it is here it in fact look look at this i want to show you something it's catching up now this is what wall street journal inflation surge rattles markets these are the headlines everywhere. not for nothing i don't want to break my arm patting ourselves on the back but we've been telling you this for about 2 years now breccia boars been telling you as well he's been following the trend it's here what is it describe it for us i mean look inflation as we talk about just to give a simple point of economic you know update here i mean inflation is as demand goes up prices are going to follow not stagflation as you mentioned before that's when
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unfortunately the economy's on a kind of a downturn but we're still seeing those prices go up but the things you have to look at is it's as bad as it was inflation this number so for april of 2021 against april of 2020 that number is the highest since it was in september of 2008 i don't know if you remember there was kind of a big deal happening around september of 2008 the great recession as it were i don't want to raise to be alarmist but the fact is it's the worst we've seen in more than a decade at this point so the irony is the market is flush with money because. the government is borrowing helicopter money although everybody has more money people are than spending the money they're buying a lot of products so they're creating the demand which makes the cost of the prices where the cost of those goods go up and i absolutely demand higher price that's what's happening perfect explanation i can just walk off the set you just set it up right perfectly there but rick to your point i mean like you mentioned home prices
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construction good you just mentioned the fact price that the price of metal is actually cheaper than lumber well unfortunately there's some new production numbers coming out today of the inflation of how much it cost to actually produce it not what the consumer pays but what you like at a hardware might pay for that and even steel prices they're going through the roof just to produce it so i mean look everything is more expensive and look at it seems crazy but if you look at the way the economy worked over the pandemic over the last 16 months or so let's continue the end to mime i'm going to stop you because i want to continue this little this little sort ario that you and i are drawn up so the prices are going up because there's a lot of money in the market your people are buying a bunch of stuff so now the only thing we can possibly do and this is the fed's decision right the federal reserve has to then come in and say well everybody's also borrowing money really cheap because it's a 0 right right so why don't we do this why don't we increase interest rates so
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people won't be able to borrow money cheap and that might at least push down the. perfect was demand that's out there and that could fix it yeah they could make it basically so there wasn't as much capital out there to spend on items spend on things because you've got to look at what is that going to happen well that's that's a question now the federal reserve chair jerome powell has said that he has no plans to actually raise interest rates right now in till at least the end of this year unless inflation stays over 2 percent which this month it was at about 4.2 percent i think that's an important caviar so it could happen again. now initially he said until it's over 2 percent then he said well a median average of 2 percent so that's going to be over the month ago when he reads the wall street journal he does but they've continually said that it's a transit which means over and march and april it's going to be a you know short term inflation increases and things will level out in the coming months so really this is kind of crazy because you look at how important this
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number was really that number in may it's going to be very important when we see consumer prices go up or down or where they may go and coming up in june as well can i make a prediction yes absolutely than 2 months will see their own tapering or an adjustment to the interest well and here's something to just be aware and you'll come back and we'll play the ad is absolutely we will and i want to point out i'm just saying that's what he says i don't know i know there hasn't rain and i'm not holding but i will say this rick is they've also mentioned they will maybe back off some of their easy monetary policy which is also been that bond buying that they've been doing so much up so they may actually go that route 1st so if inflation continues to tick up in these next couple of months you may see them pull back that $120000000000.00 a month in bond buying they may pull that back gradually 1st before we start seeing interest rates come off a near 0 good stuff always fun conversation as appreciate all with the risk that. he really does by the way recently at a summit in alaska the new u.s. secretary of state literally got in china's space literally publicly and accused it
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of the stabilizing the world order uncharacteristically the chinese fired back with accusations against the united states of human rights abuses they say it clips there's they mention the history of repression about going to merica as they mentioned the black lives matter movement the protests the capital riots the attempted coup the endless u.s. led wars they said all of that i mean these guys were looking at each other i model model and literally accusing each other of these things since then the language is hardly simmered and now the u.s. is pushing even more on the issues. human rights against china when it comes to the minority. population are we correct to engage in that type of accusation or accusations. of reductive the nightly camp with a unique take on this topic he's been watching it he's got some say about it yeah you know you keep hearing these reports one of the key reports is that there is
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forced labor against the weaker population in china although there must be it's been the new york times financial times it's throughout the mainstream media for its labor and so finally i decided to look into this meaning the gray zone looked into it so. i did a deep dive really getting into where these reports are coming from are they legit what are their sources so one of the main reports that they're all source of all these media reports is by the worker rights consortium now their big report on forced labor extensive report their sources are radio free asia which is a cia built propaganda outlet you've got the u.s. government might be a unbiased source there right you've got the australian strategic policy institute which is a right wing think tank in australia that pumps out all kind of garbage against china and is funded by the australian military u.s. military and weapons contractors and then you have adrian zen's who is this well
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known anti try and china kind of warrior who is a german evangelical christian who believes all the jews my people are going to be quote burned in a fiery furnace he wrote that actually and apparently our mainstream media trusts him to tell them and he's known for the kind of manipulating data and then finally the one that seems more legit legit as a source is a human rights watch but human rights watch was created mostly by the us in order to throw accusations of human rights violations against all of our adversaries they didn't claim anything was wrong with the invasion of iraq didn't claim our bombing of libya was wrong don't claim the. and yes back to sort of yemen is wrong so they only call out our adversaries and so even though they are a garbage source and so you're like really you can't manage to get any sources that aren't u.s. and cia back to them and they sound very objective to me yeah and then the kind of the final of the final thing that just breaks it all apart is if you look at the steering committee of the worker rights consortium it is all funded by one with
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a one source that unites all their funding is the any the national endowment for democracy which is a cia cut out the cia created to basically launder their activities you know laundering money you cover up the source cover up the source of their activities it's not us it's the end he did it right there is they're legit they're fine and so it's a cia cut out and so that is where all of these sourcing is you'll see it again and again and again australian strategic policy institute it's all the same 5 there should be out there that support crazy positions not so crazy positions crazy left grazie right whatever they want to support is cool it's when the media takes it as gospel. that's the problem and it just goes sprinting away with it you know and you're like if this is why did spread forced labor then there should be tons of other evidence that is not coming from adrian sands and there's nothing in policy
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and stipulate c.n.n. went there and did some independent reporting did they not they said they did i want to say that i have not seen the well because the reporting i get way. where's the beef right right and that seems to be the problem and i think you you're really hitting on something here it's almost like a dependence on someone to write the stories for them so that's not really journalism yeah no it's not and then there's also the side note that all of our stuff is made by forced labor right we have children minding the metals in our phones for in africa you know we wear the suicide nets around the fact. stories that we saw in china were not that we go region and they were our i phones being made they were they were apple and stuff so it's like and by the way i think just to be clear for the audience you're not here to defend china as being the object of perfection when it comes to the way they treat their people now and look if i were to see a report though of legit forced labor i'm fine with talking about that i have no
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i'm not going to defend a legit report but this isn't legit these are crap sources yeah basically creating a story a narrative really that they've been pushing for the last 10 years and whereas the media used to question that today we don't there is no adversarial near it media they're just an odd refers to the state the producer is saying we have to right now ok thank you thank you always a pleasure lou that's our news section much for being with us great conversation we'll see you again soon when it's time as we like to say are here to do this again . we can't control political volatility inflation massive government debt or the wild swings of the stock market but we can control. where we put our money gold is easily outperforming the stock market the last 20 years. protect your money buy
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*. it's called the future we don't need something. every in the world to get syria into and you'll get it out of the old the old. the old according to just. welcome our moral come along for the. first so much going on in the world don't you think when's the last time you add a real bird's eye view. of the news be more than just hours of bickering give me 30 minutes i'll take you off the low.
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hello and welcome sir that interview. earlier today on the show will talk about the tokyo summer olympics which were postponed from 2020 but are happening this summer however not everyone is so excited about them our very own anders li sits down with no olympics organizer gigi droste to discuss why we should imagine the world without the olympics then i discuss how workers won a lawsuit against who were in the u.k. and the fake were shortage that's happened.
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