tv News RT May 14, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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riot from the world headquarters of the r t america in our nation's capital this is the news with rick sanchez i have a buddy i'm rick sanchez and i want to welcome our viewers from around the world including those of you smart enough to be watching us on your phones using the portable t.v. so all over the world but especially here in the united states there is a ticking time bomb that is becoming an enormous threat to potentially every baby that's born in america i want to start this discussion this way so do you know what a p.f. a is do you know you probably should it's essentially
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a floral polymer it sounds really technical but think of it this way when you wear a jacket like this one or a pair of pants or when you use a pan like a frying pan with nonstick surface or an umbrella or a raincoat really just about anything that resists water or grease or heat or oil the reason it's able to do so it's because it has a coating on it and that coating is applied to those things and that's the floral polymer right it's everywhere including in our drinking water so every single time you have a cup of coffee every single time you have a drink of water just about anything once you consume it it stays in you forever in fact you know what's even worse it accumulates that that's why this this poly
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flora is actually nicknamed by scientists the for ever chemical before ever chemical think about that so what's what's the new. news here what's different why am i starting this newscast off with this story today so it's this there's a new wrinkle and this is bad folks there's a new study that just tested the breast milk of american women there's 50 states in the united states right so what they found is particularly worrisome they collected 50 samples every single one of them every single one of them showed on average levels of floral polymers 2000 times higher 1st of all and 2000 times higher than what is considered safe even in drinking water for the rest of us so what are we what are we learning from that well think about it we already knew right but it's
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a growing concern for all of us today but what this study seems to tell us is that it's even bigger potentially to every baby who is or will be born in the years to come. and remember again it's called the full rubber chemical so whatever the baby is born with whatever the baby starts with or starts his life or her life with that's just the beginning so what are we going to do for you well we're going to drill down on this we're going to drill down right here on the news rick sanchez because this is really an important really important story something we should all know about right and of course because we think it is time to do news again. so here's a list of the questions we think will come to mind as you watch this are we
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poisoning our babies for the sake of a convenient coating is a bizarre being causing brain injuries to u.s. spies president biden says russia was not involved in the pipeline attack why is that not sitting well with certain that work anchors. you know i can't think of anything more important than the health of a newborn baby can you so imagine learning that every single baby that's born in america that is breast fed is taking 2000 times a level considered safe of a dangerous chemical one that could result in then coming down eventually with cancer or liver disease or thyroid disease or passing on birth defects to future generations this screams for action to be taken right. is it that's one of the questions that we're asking joining us now is attorney sara papantonio
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she specializes in these types of cases at the law firm levon happened tonio and rafferty floyd great to have you share i can't wait to try and get a better understanding because i as a parent and i think every single human being who's watching us right now is wondering why we're not doing anything or what are we doing to try and deal with this problem because it seems very serious. it's absolutely serious i mean you broke it down yourself for us mike is supposed to contain nutrients that allow a child to grow it's not supposed to contain a human toxin especially a human toxin that is bio persistent bile cumulative bio active and to break that down even further what system persistent means is that the toxin p. fos will never leave that baby system what vile cumulative means is that every new exposure to p. fos will stay in that child system and then what bio active means is that since
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that piece os has nowhere to go in that child system it's going to attach to the organs and it's going to affect the organs and so this is what's going into a child's body in the 1st days months of its life being exposed to a cancer causing toxin and it will remain in that child's a body for the rest of its life it might even pass it down to its future children this is amazing and i imagine knowing what you just said. knowing that this could be the body of every child is breast fed by his brother in america we our government somebody is definitely doing something about this 'd to maybe even just stop the manufacturing of this coating right. absolutely and what we're doing what our firm is doing is we're taking legal action we're filing lawsuits against these companies because the companies that mean a faction of these drugs knew for years that this piece foss was bio persistent that it was going to stay in the environment for millions of years but instead of telling the federal government instead of telling the e.p.a.
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they kept it to themselves and now we're finding out 40 years later what these companies have known the entire time that this is a human toxin so we're absolutely taking legal action and i hope that the government going to follow in suit so right now as it stands in america our product still being coated with this stuff that's getting into our drinking water or has that stopped. we're certainly in a state where we're understanding the us. acts of it and then we're rolling out different avenues that we can take him out but understand that this stuff is on everything it is everywhere you look like you described it's in kitchens it's in past asides it's in all the products that we rely on day by day so it's not just going to evaporate it's not going to go away immediately sarah pap antonio boy you're good you really understand this thing let's have more discussions about this it's certainly something that we should be talking about every chance we get thank you once again. and there's this story another story besides the colonial pipeline
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that we've been talking about that involves the cia hacking some measure of media hysteria there was a prize there remember those so-called sonic attacks of diplomats in cuba that turned out to be caused by crickets seriously crickets well now the u.s. government is saying that these attacks are back despite the cricket explanation in fact they're even saying that they're much more widespread now and that u.s. spies are the ones who are being supposedly targeted. arctic correspondent john hardy picks up the story from there. between late 20162017 more than 3 dozen u.s. diplomats in havana cuba reported hearing high pitched sounds kind of like crickets while they were at home or staying in hotels the so-called sonic attacks have since been dubbed the hub on a syndrome later in 2018 u.s.
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diplomats in china reported the same type of mysterious sounds and illness along with americans posted in russia well now the number of americans reportedly sickened by the mysterious sonic attack illness has grown to more than 130 people and counting the new york times reports that since december at least 3 cia officers have reported serious health effects from episodes overseas one occurred within the past 2 weeks and all have required the officers to undergo outpatient treatment at walter reed national military medical center or other facilities china cuba and russia have all denied involvement u.s. officials have called the attacks unacceptable and have demanded answers back the national academies of science engineering and medicine reported in 2020 the strange mysterious illnesses appeared to have been caused by quote directed post radio frequency r.f. energy translation microwave radiation weighs the report stopped short of saying it
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was an attack and doesn't blame any particular country though it does note previous research on this type of injury has also been done in the former soviet union reading studies published in the open literature more than a half century ago and over the subsequent decades by western and soviet sources provide circumstantial support for this possible mechanism politico reported this week some u.s. officials are pointing fingers at russia's g.r.u. military intelligence unit for being behind the alleged attacks though without a quote smoking gun or any definitive evidence the cia has reportedly created a special investigate. of unit looking into both these past and recent attacks and the bindings ministration is also reportedly assisting with the investigation and so the mystery of the so-called sonic attacks continues for the news with rick sanchez john honey. so when we come back we're going to tell you what's going on in cuba as well with other stories what began as
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a forced removal of palestinians from the homes of a suburb of jerusalem now has a full all assault going on we'll be right back. our culture is awash in lives dominated by streams of never ending electronic hallucinations that burst fiction until they are indistinguishable we have become the most. society on politics as a species of endless and needless political theater politicians have morphed into celebrity are 2 ruling parties are in reality one party to corporate and those who attempt to puncture this. breathless universe of to make news designed to push through the cruelty and exploitation of me a little more up for so far to the margins of society including by
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a public broadcasting system that has sold its soul for corporate money that we might as well be mice squeaking against an avalanche but squeak we must. take a live news anywhere you get close to the elegant think you're a good online video library with a built in search engine it will sit right in your pocket it's free interactive just architectures will jog 2. 1000 the distance text work videos uploaded every hour so one thing you waiting for one of the. how to read out turn on the t.v. on the back the world of what's happening around me i see shows on the screen in last every day because the big news is near its steady state seems to be cooling
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somewhat relieved to know chris is with the left the club brick by brick good list of making plenty of them in the store but i found that there were no question. about so what began as a forced removal of palestinians from their homes in a suburb of jerusalem which angered many people has now turned into a full scale attack as we reported here last night the israeli defense forces have now sent in ground troops in what is a full scale assault on palestinian communities in the west bank and gaza it's a aggressive. obviously a deadly scene argy correspondent paula slayer files this report from the fighting . the sirens are sounding here in tel aviv i've just woken up and i'm just going to
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walk through the apartment to go outside and see what's happening so i'm just switching on the lights because it's about 1 o'clock in the morning and they're coming from that direction and these usually a pulls off to the sirens and then an explosion as to where the rockets have landed this is not the downgrade. and one should be moving in actually most people are sleeping in sheltered rooms i wish i was sleeping in a shelter clean up until now people should be hunkering down but i just want to show you what it's like here when the rockets sound so if we go here. and you walk with me. you can also see the roads are completely quiet tel aviv is a busy city and normally the roads are busy at this time is absolutely no one or nothing on the streets now is the pause i told you about and then after a moment or so they should be an explosion and there will be the iron dome
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anti-missile defense system intercepting with the ruckus beirut is there it is it's quite far away so it doesn't seem as if the rocket landed in tel aviv it sounded a little bit off to that direction. but for this reason at least 5000000 israelis are hunkering down in bomb shelters tonight while that sounds a bit loud that's coming from there so that's quite close to where we are i really shouldn't be our fight now i should make my way back to the shelter where i was sleeping up until a minute ago. policia r.t. tel aviv. you know when it comes to competing in space russia and the u.s. they're at it again this time the 2 countries are neck and back in a race to see who could put their 1st star in space and when it comes to the word star it's probably not the star that you're thinking or we're talking about hollywood stars but see how many movie references we can actually get into the
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script our heritage has a story. he wants aspired to make movies around the world. but now tom cruise has his eyes focused on the cosmos taking what would have once been. thought it was a mission impossible long in turning it into mission probable taking a lead role in a real life drama tom cruise is planning to film an upcoming movie on the international space station in october with the backing of nasa and tesla c.e.o. elon musk the superstar will be joined by director doug lehman for a film shoot in space but cruz and his team of a few good men are not alone a competing film crew from far away but also aims to be the top gun in shooting a movie in space and just like 60 years ago once again the rival so the hopeful american space pioneers are rushing. around the same time crews of such
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a arrive at the i s s a russian actor and director are scheduled to reach the space station on october 5th to be exact popular russian stage t.v. and film actor yulia paris cild is taking her talents to be edge and is set to star in a film directed by clint shipping go. at this point it is unclear whether the american made team or their russian counterparts will be the 1st to arrive but if by chance they were to get to the ice as at the same time things could get a little cramped don't believe it just ask a cosmonaut. sometimes there are moments when it's impossible not to be together with other cosmonauts and. sometimes several people work at the station at one place it becomes tight sometimes but in general i would try not to bother each other. while this is far from being a war of the worlds it will take all the right moves to get there 1st while the russians and the american film crews must know that this is a risky business both teams seem determined to have their country be the 1st to film
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a movie in space in the end nobody likes losing it well at least when it comes to a space race for t.v. i'm alex my live it. joining us now to talk more about this is there an paygo he's a professor of strategy and economics at the paul university in chicago and thanks so much for joining us this is a fascinating story why the sudden fascination with space. is that suddenly i think we're all very excited about space and we've all been growing up at least speaking from my 3536 years old like we're all excited about this so i think maybe what you're commenting on is wires things happening so quickly now and yeah there's a lot of new innovation in new technology i was just going to say i mean you have a great beard and i've got a couple of years on my feet are getting a little bit so you know i grew up on space was actually a big hit thing and then for a while it was like matter anymore now all of a sudden it's it's so hip hollywood's trying to get in on it. well
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hollywood been trying to get on for a while right so what's happened is that the technology to get to space as well as making films has all become cheaper and easier and so what we're seeing now is the ability to implement on those plans and make something that's really stunning hollywood can do a lot of great things with special effects that to be onsite on location is a big deal about what it really be any different i mean can they do with special effects what what they can do bang up in space what would actually be more difficult to do it up there than to do it in a studio. you know probably in a studio though he has there's 2 ways to do this writing go full speed visual effects you can do you know the bomb at rocket as they say where they are if plane falls quickly so you have simulated sergi or you can use rigging and all those things cost money right and can sometimes not look very realistic and we can see just from the international space station the way the clothes land on people the
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way people's hair floats it's a different experience so yeah there's probably a cost conversation here but the split space is an economy that we're trying to figure out how to access other industries and this is actually low hanging fruit there's a part of me that is thinking there are not enough you've had this thought as well that you know there's a lot of great things that we can do in space from the standpoint of research and everything else that we've seen throughout the years this is kind of minimizing it turning it into a place just to make a movie which is much less important than any of the discoveries of the things that you and i experienced you know in our lifetime. one could probably take that perspective there is this thing about space that's called the overview effect is a really great book about it there's an awesome nonprofit called space for humanity and it's about how ash not experience seeing the globe seeing the blackness of space understanding that there are no. country borders that you can see from space and yeah you might be able to say that entertainment might be minimizing it that
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really we're trying to say that space should be something that we see is very commonplace we should get to that point and it's accessing a new industry in space that's going to give us other ways to interact with that. place and so having tom cruise of there and whoever the tom cruise russian counterpart happens to be who is the star out there go there tells the people hey he's just like us he's not an astronaut he's just like us right. well i mean it's tom cruise you know he's just like us to some extent. it is yeah just like me but it's does say that we could write and that we should be hopeful about the future and that we can do this and there's a lot to be said for that this is a fun conversation to have especially with a guy like you as an academic and intellectual and you seem to be able to have a good time with this story just like we did thank you my friend we appreciate your time yeah you're welcome now this cable news in america reports from distinctive
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silos totally distinctive like like the sun setting in the west the swallows returning to capistrano you can be sure that fox news will tell stories about blacks and hispanics that put them in a bad light while in b.c. or b.c. will do any story that involves china the chinese russia or the russians in a bad light that's just come to be expected but i want to show you something now as an example of a case where a news presenter seems almost angry about the facts the facts of a story sticking it almost to a new law to a new height let me set this up for you last night as we reported the president the united states came out and addressed the pipeline attack assuring americans of 2 things one that the gas was going to be flowing once again and 2 that the russian government had nothing to do with the hack as some in the media had incorrectly reported that's the finding of the cia but that's obviously not the narrative that
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one particular news presenter wanted to hear look at the time on listen to the words that she uses when reporting the facts of a story that she obviously doesn't like president biden today spoke on the mask announcement but he also stuff today on the crippling cyber attack on the colonial pipeline he described blame for it today played it on a criminal enterprise based in russia and she said very. interestingly the russian government excel didn't do it and that is the conclusion of the f.b.i. the russian government isn't responsible for the attack directly but she said the criminal network that did it is based in russia and he said the administration is now talking to moscow directly about how responsive the country should handle criminal enterprises like this that are operating within their borders packers are a criminal enterprise. responsible countries have to be taught how to deal with
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this i mean. joining us once again people wrote in and said we like that guy we want to back so here you are once again what do you think and when you watch that well you've heard of mad cow disease this is a long growing problem it's called mad cow disease where you something there's some sort of brain parasite that gets in there and everything is russia's fault and even if the by the mysteries of the u.s. government says yeah it wasn't the russian government's fault you still go but it was probably the russian government's fault right around i mean that's what she's doing is like she is upset that something can't be blamed on the russian government but it's not her job to create the narrative i mean and this and i know it happens and we all from time to time journalism isn't perfect and we all come with our opinions and our you know philosophies and our ideologies but the president of the united states has just given an address where he's saying something she obviously doesn't like so she writes it or turns it in such
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a way as to tell the viewer like the words he uses i think it's interesting lee did you hear the president interestingly the russians weren't involved why would you add that word why would you just say the president said the russians were involved well exactly and it's this many americans do this maybe led by rachel maddow but is there anything that happens by a russian in russia is all the russian government right an interest in anything at all but we have hackers in america here in america we have hackers there. attack the american government have terrorists that do you criminals that are all of those things and he does not mean the us government is personally responsible for every one of these people what we act like that with russia with iran with china anybody in their country is apparently working for the russian government they did the same thing with the facebook post during the election they said oh that crazy little mayhem that what is clearly done by this click played farm there's the russian government even though they were in london. exactly they were russians are there we
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have 2 or 3 russians who work there and that's an interesting point and that's this is not to cover for russia neither you nor i if the russians do something wrong i don't care what putin does right or wrong that's not my job my job as a journalist is to tell the facts of the story and i think what makes this story so interesting is she didn't feel comfortable with the facts and that's not her job yeah no doubt at all if something can be blamed on russia it's very upsetting to her and she's just posed that things that hadn't happened could be blamed on russia like she famously did a report when it was negative temperatures in you know wisconsin and she said here are the temperatures it was constant imagine if russia turned off your gas right she had made up my scenario that had not happened that russia had done in people's imagination just to do that because there's so much influence from the state department or you know the n.s.a. or whatever in the media today 'd that she just kind of being an agent for him maybe that's the wrong word but she's kind of just telling the stories that she
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thinks they want to hear i mean it's tough to know how much of this is self created by her realizing that's where her numbers now are and how much of it is pressure coming from we do know a lot of anonymous sources in the intelligence community drop stories that end up being false like the russian bounty story but rather then like cover that a little and say hey these are anonymous sources what is this rachel maddow jumped all over that and said russia's playing taliban to kill people like and it all fell apart it's all kolob by the. i think she's a very interesting person a very smart person and i agree with like 70 percent of the stuff she said but this is beyond the pale by the way she has a mention israel of gaza so they haven't covered that story now and you but you have to share jeremy scahill tweet it out he said if you search searched her site and all of her contacts you know gaza israel fascinating facts my friend their. presence that's our news special being with us i'm rick sanchez we'll be looking for you right here when it's time to do there's a good. hi
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politics is a nasty industry and that goes for everything from your local elected office all the way up to the white house but what happens when your family continues to still have to deal with the fallout of their political involvement he even after the candidate has already left office straight ahead we talk about the current investigation into rudy giuliani as well as how by to mr ation is doing now sports also has a new bill that failed legislatures are trying to push through it would require the playing of the national anthem at all taxpayer funded venues so is this mandatory patriotism and what does it say about a country where the playing of the national anthem has to be an actual law we're going to discuss and speaking of patriotism the military has just released a new recruitment video going after a particular group but is it actually more insulting and is it a good thing for the military to be focused on being so woke our panel of former military officers joins us.
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