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tv   Documentary  RT  May 16, 2021 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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of psychotropic medications have been found to be the predominant causes of violence one of the most important thing is that we need to do is we really have to work to intentionally create a very safe school climate working together collaboratively with parents with teachers with administrators who really identify those students who may be withdrawn who may be why and who may have struggled for every recent loss who may be a victim of bullying who may be struggling academically or they have behavioral issues and the more that people can come together and identify the more that we can be proactive rather than reactive. she's gone ha posix here in moscow you watch not a thanks for the company will be back with more stories from the last 7 days and hopefully. the government has to determine which sounds is it going to be insured and which
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those is it not going to insure and it does that based on the racial makeup of neighborhoods. neighborhoods that had a certain number of black presidents would have literally bad lines trying to round them on the map. and they wouldn't insure mortgages in those areas because they believed that the property is would not hold value the banks were not alone they said i'm a bad risk. of banks take up that same practice they decide they're not going to lend in those areas that meant that all these benefits that were flowing to potential homeowners were flowing to whites and not only to minorities it makes this moment of racism into our ownership culture. their problem it's not a problem is made most of them up and michael wilbon don't know what you did are probably going to work with them living 2 doors away so we passed a law in 1968 fair housing act it proclaims that fair housing for all human beings is not
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a part of the american way of life. the movie is given to masses prove it discrimination but to actually affirmatively go out and say how do we do security. is so the government betrays that policy. i find as i travel across the country that whether we're talking about white americans or people who may be robot. and other minority groups like the mexican americans arrest. just like the black americans what everybody wants is an equal chance to have a piece of the action that the federal government has never enforced the fair housing act and that state and local governments do not enforce the very. beginning you know you can have federal policy but it's the local administration of these
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policies that often the black people receive discriminatory treatment hello my name is out on washington i don't call about the street in front of them. yes hello my name is graham well i can i'm calling about the apartment around on park street from available. but it is really so what does this mean it means the places that were segregated in the thirty's forty's and fifty's they're still racially segregated today because we haven't done anything to undo the racial segregation. i yell levittown today is over 95 percent white very few minority families living there. when fix the damage that was done we just allowed all those inequalities to continue that said from this day forward we can't discriminate sell it and fix it all of these policies and practices these systems the federal government state government or local government. they come verge to
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sort of create concentrated poverty by the time we reach the fifty's and sixty's so that creates a situation where many urban areas you hear like what george clooney will call you know chocolate cities in the little suburbs and i was 7 and he says they still call it the white house but that's a temporary because. there's a lot of city. we've got to get. to get to. work and. to get a new review it's yours. be . interesting to tell you. that. there is no clue gram a promise that a president can take think of that better the government's going to come in. and do
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that yes. that is. the condition of black veterans and white spectrum's diversion even though when they return from the war they were economically similar families. public housing then became a black phenomenon. people who fall into this category. where. it. is. not. any nation. coming down and people constantly. cities didn't adequately service neighborhoods that were heavily concentrated with african-americans garbage collection wasn't a picked up as frequently streets weren't repair those well the conditions deteriorated and the urban areas became slums. you know i would like to rub
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america's nose in this and say you're going to get it if you want to reject it or not but i certainly would hate to think that anybody thought i said they were giving up hope what i'm really saying is the society has failed the hope of the people who live here and struggle you know that's what i'm really saying they're going to go on struggling anyway whether we fail or succeed. at the same time you have concentration you also have clearance you have how way to structure which is destroying black communities i was often times in urban areas a bill did in the middle of black communities so there's a sort of rising anger frustration that sense plays. well once they became slums sardi's looked at them and said well we need to do some slum clearance.
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where all those black people and all those bogey is where they go where they end up rooting out neighborhood beer did nothing with our unity it takes 10 years to really reaches out and they know what to do in a systematic genocide. systematic as well as african american families who are displaced have to move somewhere so those families are given section 8 housing vouchers the idea behind section 8 is fabulous it's exactly what one would hope is that people who are impoverished have an opportunity to move into neighborhoods that are not impoverished. unfortunately for black americans it doesn't work that way. a large reason for that is you can still legally discriminate against someone for using a section 8 voucher so landlords and most suburbs would not accept section 8 housing factors and that's perfectly legal. white homeowners deathly afraid of a black person moving next to them because blackness is associated with lower home
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values we share your presence in the neighborhood c c and undermine the value of our own and we're concerned with like you to move out before it becomes common knowledge that there's a family in the area. it's nothing personal although it never really is it was terse you know but i feel real that we grew up in philadelphia actually originally and we were in an all black neighborhood in my life changed when we moved to south jersey not far from some of the levittown type of neighborhoods and when we came in and the police had to come in with us because people were throwing things at our house and terrorizing our house at night. we moved there because we wanted a place that was integrated and we just wanted to raise our standard of living and it was the strength of my parents that said this is where we're going to be.
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do you think really moving here will affect the community as a whole. in what way i can get all the property values what i mean to go down if they're allowed to move in here and any number do you think them are. property if. i don't think i'm irish. property. and i think purely i quite. well as a result of all these policies we created a segregated system and because we. gotten out this entire history of how it happened. white families believe that they got where they are simply by their own hard work and determination to succeed in the middle class life. but they don't understand is that their parents could have came as an immigrant from a white country and immediately had access to loans and the ability to move into
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white neighborhoods and black americans whose families had been citizens for generations could not. and so it's not saying that their families didn't work hard but it is saying that their families benefit from a great deal of affirmative action to get where they are ed why don't their kids don't see what it's like to live in these communities. and so because of that they are unable to connect with what it is like to be in these areas that have been deprived of every type of opportunity. now how do these communities get seem. to go for decades in these festering situations. in segregated communities that have been completely abandoned. and sending we see them only when they burn something or . live.
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in a. condition that they understand the economic doesn't even want to admit it. to get it it is. safe and all very. well. if we had not been willing to recognize the devils this way we must understand if we're to do something about the dangers that face us now it shouldn't be that hard to understand why that becomes kind of the ultimate outcry because the only way
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that these clues become visible to most americans. is you'll media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. tyson nation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. direct. what is truly wants is faith. in a world corrupted you need to descend. so join us in the depths. for a mate in the shallows. join
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me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to get off of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. i don't think. we're going to be booking i think. there is not on your producer you go to what are you going to do you're going to pull that it's over i'm going to get people on. board and i will report sort of on just a platter of milk for everyone and you want to hear from me what they would publish on the table for the new people or the people of. 1956 when i came out here to the farms i was 5 years old when i came here in 149
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percent from the south bronx my father foresaw the future in that area and says that get the hell out of there and we did he had a very outstanding career with the police department and they took him out of the south bronx for the benefit of the community when i 1st became a policeman i was in a riot squad and a riot or any type of demonstration it was in the city i went to a. mostly irish cops on the job then and they were nasty in there tell you to move and you move you've got to stick i mean there was a lot and you didn't you didn't disobey protest when you want. to go right to protest but you see guys. putting holes in the ocean is so they can put out fires and that's just a business it is but to people. you have a right to protest but you don't have a right to do that. are
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you sick and tired of what you are looking for yes but nothing. out of where you are to achieve your financial freedom it's pretty easy to do if you chose all of my system stuff. it's so easy to make money that any state and frankly anyone that age 25. years i'm going to do many more like this for millions of dollars and sell them dealing. with the you can do it to me when you waiting for that one. right over here. now is the time to buy a home now is the time to buy. it at your feet. oh. good for. you because we're. seriously trying to be
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a little less crazy. he has a. regional plan from the university of minnesota. please give. thank you. thank you. a little bit about our organization strong towns are ization is now evolves into a national movement of people trying to reconfigure their communities to be more financially sound. post world war 2 america the financing mechanisms of it act very much like a ponzi scheme you have this immediate sugar high with this. long term liability
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kind of hanging out there in the future and the last generation standings the one that's going to pick up the bill. we prayed on our fellow americans just so we could keep the growth going and nobody stopped to consider the impact that this was going to have on real people and real families. i was bird dog. finding foreclosures for other investors. i just saw that the jordie of wealth created in the united states was through real estate so i was determined to follow that track it was so much fun at the heights of when we were making money the company had season tickets to the lakers right behind the lakers bench. bryant's wife leonardo dicaprio literally right in front of us and we used to date. there for yet 15 years old right in front of harry's
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hanging over the back of her seat. in jeff goes dad and i go because he starts playing with hair oh my god. anyway i digress just a bit but. back in $9697.00 there's a new product that started to flood the market called a 125 percent loan to value and when i 1st started seeing i said this is a recipe for disaster. homeowner with too many bills too many high interest monthly payments why not pay them off with a 2nd mortgage to 120 percent of the value or all less your 1st mortgage balance they went after the payment fire that's what they did they get a 50000 dollars 2nd for $500.00 a month go by that boat go buy that 2nd car. it wasn't a home improvement loan it was a signature along if you could do whatever you want i just thought it was an exceedingly irresponsible. loan product. i took advantage of me.
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taking taking how much come on. making. a set of eyes no no. the lenders got greedy and they figured ok we exhausted the $125.00 potential pool. let's go make it super easy to get purchase money now if you were to ask me what the perfect credential is are to qualify for a home loan i honestly couldn't tell you may i help you sir are. either going through on a new home loan. stated income stated employment status stated stated which means whatever the borrower says is factual is recently as a 1997 you had to put 20 percent down and he had to struggle to save that kind of money if asked for 5 years and a busboy from a local coffee shop can buy the same house for nothing you have to verify your
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credit so what is the credit we don't have. if we can't pay cash we do without. what you say. could read the entire american economy i mean or would this country need to know more than we could pay back. in order for the house of cards to stay standing it has to get bigger so the guy that's in the 3 better one and a half bath house he's got to move up to the 4 better to bath house. to house a car just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and it's just all on sake valuations. yeah at that point the home did absolutely become a vehicle for excess home prices rising from the case shiller index i look at it on there and i say yes this looks good it's much better than expected you look at the number and say. nobody knows where home prices are going to do.
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people are increasingly speculative when they buy a house a major concern is how much can i sell this to someone else at the other end it can be called the greater fool theory maybe i'm a fool the buys it's a big house but i'm going to. to an even greater fool. there were people who thought 50 or 100 years ago that home prices should decline with. the reason is they wear out. don't expect if the expected to lose value that was a common view in the past. we have come as a society to place a tremendous amount of value on the home itself. and the bigger the home the better
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. it's interesting because living in the houses were meant to evolve and change as families evolved and changed over time. the idea was that this home would be liveable all your life you could have one bedroom or 3 bedrooms depending on what your needs for at the time and this area was an extension of the living room or it could be closed off and become a very very. close here. as you can. be enclosed here. and you can enter. the hall. so i had to get out from the. bedroom hallway know where all the entrances are the better ones so it could be a one bedroom or 3 bedroom right now we create the one bedroom here and there
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really are one bedroom that could be partitioned with a rolling wall so it will become 2 bedrooms. that was an extension of the dynamic coming out of post-war idea of what the house provided wasn't really about the upscaling or the supersizing how those. relationship between the group. of the physical house was still somehow invalid's subsequently people began to make the scale shift where the houses became just large. i'm in love with this. hope in a fight because. i don't think it is. the things where you're dining room with. a lot of. something a 5000 square feet one staircase they're going to visit like that staircase and
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something. like it's very attractive home. office to see that. it's really more suited for grandma she doesn't really want to have a detached unit. think it means 12 foot ceilings on a mcmansion so they're going the way the dodo bird. people want to buy what they need and they don't want any extra and this has so much square footage of wasted space please name i get away with one more sale but in the years to come it's going to be tougher and tougher. on the. system there's just tremendous economic dependence on this idea that we can keep building new seeds and the homes
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on their own lots and that they have to keep marching across the landscape because it's a huge part of the economy depends on parents' health and well being. don't take. yes so our property line is just basically the white picket fence all the way around. the lower back up to there. so we're going to. our garden over here and chicken coop over there and. much. so this whole. industry of easy quick money for property did not end at the retail borrower. the developers were exposed to these funds. so these companies were going in and buying up swaths of land from these farmers at ridiculous prices just given
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them enough money for their great grandchildren to retire and it was just so hard to say no. and that's where you see all of the citrus farms in the community under god. and of course the cities were loving it because the tax basis on real property with a house on it is far higher than firmly. the cities were seeing their tax base can topple literally overnight. and the developments stopped.
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but if it will work when it came from both of those with the chairs. ready to go they see a major overhaul. just took it into its. course next students that are saying no isn't it because a lot of my think if you can't. flush overfished. bill in water should that it is that they took the situation that the. worst of the outsourcing. of all of the what's called wants this issue will. go on for. the story could get. by as of the much skitch. but you mean yes the clutter ceased why much as they should but they say you can be when you get out of the sky. sticks in your shirt sleeves and when it's all what you imagine this is just.
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new york is really what america is about. when our mayor took office she was elected because of his campaign on our city being a tale of 2 cities babs and i have not and those who have not are usually the ones who are going to being very hard out of the city has always wanted to forget about iowa city has wanted to forget about the people who are buried there wanted to forget about the fact that there is a potter's field that there is a place where difficult stories are hidden the fact they were using inmates to maintain this act is very a site where 1000000 souls are buried where so much of new york city history is parried is the cement of the inequality that existed in this city for centuries.
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children caught in the crossfire in a week of rage between israel and gaza raja's of missiles from both sides have intensified with the death toll continuing to climb we speak to pace activist and painfully from what you've walked us when we're talking felt gaza which has been the barrel full of fish and the israelis are shooting into it oh. stop the madness that's the play of the israeli president this chaos reigns on the streets with arab and. more space in off shops a band of lies cars a torch to one arab driver from his vehicle and beaten unconscious. and tensions run high profile is the rallies across europe to his police disperse crowds condemning.


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