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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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welcome welcome radack to deny this is a comedy show or americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents a lot of americans seem very excited about the fact that joe biden gave her lovely speech to congress a couple weeks ago they say biden has already exceeded progressive expectations he's the most progressive president since f.d.r. as long as we keep our daughters away from him we can be thrilled that he said things like this by the way they are thinking about sending things in my guess. then raise the minimum wage to fish. a no warranty you know when you work you 40 hours
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a week a few more years we should live below the poverty line. does that sound progressive he's a borderline marxist demanding all that money for workers but does he mean it well let's put aside the fact that if the minimum wage from 1968 had kept up with in call distribution and buying power it would now be around $24.00 an hour let's ignore that no big and instead let's focus on the fact that joe biden and the democratic senators surrendered the $15.00 minimum wage their party promised by insisting they were powerless in the face of a non-binding advisory opinion over a parliamentarian they could have ignored or fired that explanation was patently ridiculous and factually false so biden in the dems gave these series of ridiculous
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excuses for why they couldn't give america a $15.00 minimum wage because they don't actually stead for the ads they are a group of trolls paid for. by corporate america they should have corporate logos just typed threw it across their faces they look better honestly and then there's the fact that joe biden has been funded he's in dire career by credit card companies banks and wall street if you want to know why his and nancy pelosi is always look surprised it's because they've got big bankers hands up their. yeah right on oh i don't know. so just because he mutters some nice words you like to hear doesn't mean those words actually have anything to do with reality it's like when kanye west says he's god's gift to humility it's. the most humble person not him and yet people like i.o.c.
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say joe biden has exceeded the expectations of progressives maybe she's talking about the fact she won without smiling anyone's hair for the 1st 100 days but they also point to biden saying things like this this is all about a simple premise health care should be a right not a privilege of the merry way i guess joe biden supports medicare for all this incredible were 10 well yes yes yes yes oh my god we didn't we finally got the democrats to support giving every american health care no matter what just like every other industrialized country yes yes yes yes yes why was. there you would really care for all but good. that's right joe biden
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in one of his more honest moments said he would veto medicare for all so when he says health care should be a right he means room seed not an absolute ball he feels he needs to say that so that progress is continued to support him as he does nothing for them so he's saying something that he doesn't believe to get you off his back is no different from when the flight attendant asked me if i'll help open the emergency exit door in the case of an emergency i say yeah sure to get her to leave me alone so i can go back to drinking a little tiny bottles of jamieson and watching an x.-men movie i've seen 12 times but in reality in the case of an emergency i will likely keep drinking jamieson and watching x.-men until someone else opens the emergency exit and make sure it's safe to jump out at that point i'll grab an elderly person near me and use them as
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a surfboard to coast through the flames and down to the ground don't worry afterwards i'll say thank you for your service i'm not a monster some progressive have also been excited that joe biden said this immigration is or is the sense of america. let's anders most rouged for more than 30 years politicians talk to margaret who form we don't know if you. times fiction you're telling me the man who is supporting every horrible regime change idea the us ever is out he's the one who's suddenly concerned for emigrants he suddenly cares for all the people fleeing the devastation we've helped create again and again and again and again and again yeah and that alligator over there is concerned for your safety too joe biden has shown endlessly that he
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doesn't care about anyone who's not white and at least middle class he was against school desegregation gave the eulogy at the funeral of the incredibly racist strom thurman he helped create the racist 1994 crime bill supported the war in afghanistan of war in iraq bombing in syria bombing libya bombing in yemen bombing the palestinians more on that situation later in the show and wideness supported economic war against iran venezuela killed by north korea china i keep calling but my mouth of getting tired and that orci that and this brings us to a key point that many liberals don't seem to really grasp i have a moral line and joe biden crossed it long ago he supports genocide he supports the endless us and israeli bombing of children and innocent men and women
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and donkeys for that matter biden like all of the war criminals before him supports the obliteration of life after life after life after life so at this point after you've done that it doesn't matter even if he did so bored medicare for all i would still no support he and i. if your willing to bomb jordan and see how many people you can kill in venezuela with economic war then it doesn't matter what other so-called good the things you do you've already crossed that moral line you are a monster and you do not deserve any support it's not just ok to have moral lines like that it's a date is the way we should all be all of the time we can just endlessly equivocate when it comes to what we stand for we can't be tirelessly dragged farther and farther along the path to ignoring our shared humanity if we were going to buy
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a pair of shoes right pair of shoes from a guy had a shop let's pretend it's the 800 when there were shops and you showed up to a shop and you said hi favorite shoe guy i hope you have my new shoes and he said yes i do they're right here and then you notice that in his other hand he's quietly. carefully strangling to death a young child susan one and child in the other and before you know it the kid is dead and the shoemaker just drops a kid to the floor and then with a smile on his face is said here are your news shows. so you say i can buy from you huge is you just killed that kid. and he says
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there's nothing to do with your shoes that's what we're all expected to do with the by the administration even if even if he did achieve a $15.00 minimum wage today's ignore the fact that he's killing children with the other hand. i simply have a moral line and he and his people crossed it a long time ago and he show nosedives of going back and asking desperately for forgiveness these people in both parties are sociopaths they don't deserve your time or money or support so stop telling me joe biden is exceedingly progressive expectations if that's true and get some new expectations company from washington d.c. the belly to be says redacted tonight. welcome
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i'm late can't know if they're going to remind let's begin with glenn greenwald former cofounder of the intercept and resigned from the intercepts then whistleblower on being censored at the intercepts then co-founder of a cafe press shot featuring the intercept hoodies he has taken the time recently to make the mainstream media look like pathetic morons sure this doesn't take much effort you could do it yourself in like a like a long weekend probably but glanced it took it a step further he pointed out that the mainstream media has not have it basically one outlet will report something that will later turn out to be false but before it comes out as false other corporate outlets will say they have quote unquote independently confirmed the story so the story is independently
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confirmed and yet completely false how does one independently confirm an untrue thing it's not impossible but it's hard for example i used to put on my resume that i won the silver medal in javelin in the 1978 olympic games in murfreesboro tennessee when in fact. i've never thrown a javelin wasn't in the olympics didn't win a medal and there were no olympics in murfreesboro tennessee then in order to back that up i put a phone number to the olympic committee on my resume and the phone number was secretly my number so that if potential employers called i could say are yeah of course really cam who won the silver it was unstoppable that year for the guy who won the gold of course so the employer was able to independently confirm my fake athletic prowess but it took
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a lot of effort on my part i went through 17 burner phones i think for the maze re media it's actually much easier to confirm fake greenwald points out that often when a media outlet says they have confirmed a story they have not independently confirmed anything but rather merely acted as servants to the same lying security state security state agents who planted the false story originally but they do it over and over creating the deceitful perception that a fake story has been confirmed by multiple outlets thus bolstering its credibility in the public mind it was the favored tactic for spreading debunked russia gave frauds and is still used the latest example involved multiple outlets claiming rudy giuliani was warned by the f.b.i. he was being used as a conduit for a russian intelligence services decision for mission skiing he didn't care now you
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see giuliani there is no doubt a disgusting piece of human garbage but that doesn't change the fact that the f.b.i. never did brief him or warn him about some ghastly russian plan to use him so it's a fake story completely yet it was independently confirmed by much of the mainstream media simply by asking the same people who made up this story and the intelligence community whether it was true and they said oh yeah of course is true oh why do you think we made it i prefer i want to drill. so when it finally came out as completely false the story was retracted by multiple outlets even shining dumpster fire of cable news c.n.n. wrote washington post new york times and n.b.c. news retract reports under leon e. but even after this story collapsed these so-called religious leaders news people
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with summer homes and double decker barbecue grills and cars they bought their mistresses they kept their tweets and articles about the story up to continue ping pong allies around the internet greenwald tried to see if he could get them to take their take down there now obviously false tweets he wrote i spent the day notifying close to a dozen of these media luminaries that their followers tweet remained up and asked whether they intend to take it down and or correct the false tweet out of that doesn't how many do you think took down their fake news or responded to greenwald explaining why they think they should keep it up 11 responded and b c white house correspondent jeff bennett responded he did so by blocking me on twitter while leaving the false tweet up on corrected that's right a reporter for n.b.c. news which is supposed to be the arbiter of what is real true news blog
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glenn greenwald because he informed the reporter he was leaving fake news up on his twitter feed that's a passive aggressive way of saying yes i know i'm reporting false news now please leave me alone i sent people to mislead takes a lot of work. to sum up here the mainstream media regularly report fake news they also regularly independently confirm a fake news they also keep up their fake news tweets even when the said fake news has been proven to be fake news but that's too much to fit on a hoodie so we'll just stick with the mainstream media moving on so why is the 1st state to declare a climate emergency it's kind of surprising they are the 1st since california literally had an entire town go up in flames in louisiana hundreds of bodies just
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floating down the middle of their streets but i agree louisiana that is not an emergency it's a momentary conundrum it's a. predicament a heck of a quandary a jimmy jam you know they should declare a state wide mass death pickle or something point is the climate crisis is not an emergency at all oh why is the only us state to say sell and they have sun bleached brains to them a natural disaster is a cocktail without a pineapple wedge in it however they are joining 1933 cities town councils and countries including the european union according to the climate mobilization and advocacy group almost 13 percent of the global population now lives in a jurisdiction that has made a similar declaration 13 percent of the globe as has already declared
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that we are in a climate of urgency. well those started brittania are probably either either too dumb or too poor to get the get out of the way of the bad stuff right in my right a while so really is just a poor people who are in an emergency. is that really a big deal for the rest of us for you and me if you make over like $40000.00 a year at all or even worry about it just just move somewhere better and then when that new place goes up in flames move again. for those of us with a few dollars saved up the fires won't here does the droughts won't impact us and the floods won't touch us. to share a. point so it's going to go commercial
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that's. it can be an awesome idea was to. be questioned earth's new quest. numbers as stars and lists as the sea and bring all the. distance yet. if try to repeat the question. i think the average viewer just after watching a couple of segments understands that we're telling stories there are critics can't tell you know why because their advertisers won't let them. in order to create change you have to be honest you have to tell the truth parties able to do that
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every story is built on going after the backs. what's really happening out there to the american people what's happening when a corporation makes a pharmaceutical people when a company in the environmental business ends up polluting a river that causes chancer and other illnesses they put all the health risk all the dangers out to the american public those are stories that we tell every week and you know what they're working. well. welcome back. palestinians are facing increasing brutality due to israeli apartheid policies on top of all that they're being silenced on social media so they can't even get the word out about their treatment here to discuss is our extremely online correspondents they're only going to vonnie they owe me tell us about the struggles well leave there's a bitter fight between good looking people on instagram and people on twitter who
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only look good in the one photo on their profile but what if one good picture says a 1000 of them were talking about israel and palestine i mean you do this video and get deleted by youtube because we're talking about the o.c.c. u.p.i. . stories are under attack by israel. you think the algorithm can't read it it's worth a shot i mean certain videos about the conflict are performing as well as a live stream of zoom traffic court and many videos showing israelis crimes are just disappearing it's a gram and twitter are blaming glitches for deleting loads of palestinian posts so we don't blame me for the censorship blame the racist oppressive and sinister which yeah that's a glitz with a serious agenda it was an accident according to twitter however again 3 of justify this another accident no actually palestinians found that the shack was hit in or
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videos were deleted because the community reported some content might not meet instagram's community guidelines i can't imagine what community guidelines you can have when you're an app mainly men for both blots and babies. if you have a bug but i'll post that be a much safer topic and i can talk about it at length or width or clap to get back to that later ok fine instagram's parent company facebook has a content moderation system which designated the holy site as a terrorist organization according to internal employee communications whoops another snafu marking a holy site for the terrorist organization i heard they also had chances were marked as bin laden's compound and everyone knows the elves were radicalized by isis it seems like a weird mistake when facebook employs some of the world's top terrorism experts in
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fact facebook works with veterans of an israeli spy agency and in 2017 israel even brags that facebook google and youtube are complying with up to 95 percent of israeli requests to delete content that the government says incites palestinian violence this is obviously a targeted and desperate attempt for israel to control the narrative while they're perpetrating the most obvious asin that cleansing in front of our eyes with the support of the u.s. in all its silicon valley vassal companies it's not targeted as you would think an automated update last week caused content re shared by multiple users to appear as missing affecting posts on shaikh zora 5 colombia and u.s. and canadian indigenous communities it's an equal opportunity glitch for oppressed around the world no it's even worse than i thought so about the bugs.
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after a well let's we'll do that after this thanks family and now for all the news we didn't have time to get to but now we do is we're getting through it's we have anders lee lee here to go on all rights. tough news in the world that's true yes as you're alluding to the i.d.f. invasion of gaza continues over 100 palestinians have perished though if you read the new york times those palestinians have died while a handful of israelis have been killed palestinians always mysteriously die there's never a perpetrator yeah it could have been from covert i guess in writing the new york times or they tripped and that could happen as well of course they don't mention that those israelis are overwhelmingly soldiers and the palestinians are overwhelmingly not soldiers including children well and the israelis that have died it's like 3 or 5 right very very small amounts. you know and usually this would not be an issue that would be discussed very much in mainstream media at all in the halls of congress but that is changing if you think back to 7 years ago almost
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there in ferguson protesters were saying justice from ferguson to palestine they're drawing a connection between what's happening in their community and gaza which was being bombarded at the time as well. but now you actually have a few members of congress who are speaking out about this on the house a very select few rights right we have 10 people who called a special order hour including corey bush who is not forgetting forgotten where she came from the movement that got her in the congress and she had this to say we are anti-war we are patient and we are in top part that a part time period if this body is looking for something productive to do with $3000000.00 instead of funding a military that police think kills palestinians to have some community this thing with the anything louis county that it where that money can go where we desperately need investment where we are hurting where we need help let us. or task funding
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their power or task funding life not destruction now there's 9 others as i said who gave speeches on the house floor including aiyana presently who is generally thought of as the most right wing of the squad especially on foreign policy not a supporter of b.d.s. at all but she has been willing to say that the us which gives $4000000000.00 almost to israel in military aid every year has to start conditional izing that aid because we're just giving the money for nothing as dire straits said you know a fun fun drinking game if you want to remain completely sober is you take a shot every time a u.s. government official says palestine has the right to protect itself or defend itself right yeah that's right i've been doing that for a couple years now it's going great no more hangovers yeah it's typically not an issue that's discussed at all this is not far enough we you know only 2 members to my knowledge are actually for the b.d.s. movement but the fact that we're actually talking about conditional izing aid
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changes the dynamic a lot right if israel's going to change anything that's that's you know we need a carrot and a stick solution 1st step is the talking and next step is the action of writing it be nice to think that actually bad sure would be on that $4000000000.00 yes we were going to 45 seconds there will more story not human chipotle way in new york city is being sued for a half almost a half $1000000.00 460-0000 separate violations of workers' rights their slogan is food with integrity but they don't quite meet up to that standard the city of new york estimates that because of overtime violations accept each worker and then y. c. is owed 23 $1000.00 from a company that's incredible but i can't imagine that's just to poll a 10th of the mcdonnell's not do a lot of like a ton of wage theft and all kinds and i'm sure they they do but at least they don't pretend to be vocal about. right there just blatantly planes are always pleased to
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be out front with the fact that you just abuse your workers and that will be cool with it right thank you and thank you. and here are your headlines from the future in one week you'll read washington post independently confirmed washington post fabricates most of stories in washington post breaking news and this wednesday. by the ministration releases official list of countries with right to defend themselves consists of us in israel and in 2 weeks from now following ransomware attack on m s n b c americans forced to wait in line for hours for false accusations are going to run against russia. damn it that's so inconvenient i want to get my false accusations and get to work on time for that that's a shell but you can get every episode of redacted out for free at portable dot tv
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also check out my podcast on all the juicy government secrets it's called government secrets it's free every week i tunes stitcher spotify until next time goodnight and keep fighting. and everyone i'm just i'm all friend mr ellis williams and can't mr big you call me and you tell me you said man i got caught you and it worked when they ain't you getting old issues and i know too many fresh want to use both right now i don't want to do stuff with expensive car right so i gave cos really cool covered with very affordable and there was no long term contract to most of that transmission little money to do my mechanic call cautious so you must from the $21.00 to the car she is america's number one auto protection company their administrators have paid
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spotlight down every really hard no idea how to classify as one it actually took me way more time than i care to admit. this is from wasilla and business show you can't afford to mess i'm rachel blends in washington coming up businesses across the country react to the latest guidelines from the t.v. scene but how many are removing their mask mandates and the little they feel it can achieve bliss vaccinated and 2 is that what 18 c. an ounce is the creation of the 2nd largest media company in the industry so how is the market reacting to the proposed merger between one of the media and discovery that declined to stay for 3 months was you on last you'll.


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