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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the politics business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. in the the continental divide bomb shell report revealed denmark spied on germany wrangler merkel, as well as on other you leaders for us intelligence. also coming up in the program this, our canada is image of the beacon of human rights is shattered. the remains of over 200 children are discovered near a former school for indigenous students, highlighting a cultural genocide, but continued until the 19th and israel is long standing prime minister benjamin netanyahu may finally be on his way right now after the opposition claims
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it has enough parliamentary votes to drive him from ah, one minute past 9 in the evening here in moscow this monday may the 31st time you know neil and this is the news our on our a european media investigation has revealed about denmark helped america's national security agency to spy on you politicians, including german chancellor anglo merkel, or senior correspondent, murat, gusty of talk through the implications earlier. it was a few years ago that edward snowden blew the lid on america's last surveillance program. google, google, spying on essentially, everyone at the time. only the most craziest conspiracy theorists would have
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believed the ship breath, the scope of the spine program. they were really targeting everyone, american citizens billions around the world, politicians, including those in allied nations and nathan, partner nations with through denmark that they targeted sweden, norway, as well as france, germany, angular muggles. food was bogged by the n. s a by american intelligence. and what we have learned now is that danish intelligence was completed in all of this. they weren't knowing cogs in this last surveillance machine. they helped american intelligence gather information, amongst others, their own cultural corporations, danish corporations, danish weapon, manufacture, davis government, they handed over inflammation, danishes and the danish government to american intelligence. and, you know, we've heard lot of reaction to this latest investigation, which by the way, it was carried out by european news agencies were given information. internal
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reports witness testimony, as well as inside sources in this investigation and victims of collab and said, you know, all manner of things, no way sweden saying they want an investigation and to be told of the answers. we've heard other victims, the leader of the german opposition who was bogged saying that this is simply grotesque on fish, but certain decisions. it is quote, set that friendly intelligence services are indeed intercepting and laying on top representatives of other countries. so one of the questions people might have is why denmark? well, on the technical side of things, denmark is a communications hub to all these under cables, from sweden, from germany, they will edge the converge in denmark. there are the telecommunication centers there. and danish intelligence gave access to this infrastructure to american intelligence, sienna, say to all these spice agencies, they facilitate that they help them carry out all the surveillance, all this spy,
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and with full knowledge. one of the questions was easy, was the danish government aware of all of this and by 2015, they were definitely aware of all of the st. louis investigation. and edward soon had since come out and said that joe barton, who was dead, vice president over the world, the auditors might as well prepared to onto for this one. he soon visits europe. since of course, he was deeply involved in this scandal. the 1st time around there should be an explicit requirement for full public disclosure, not only from denmark, but their senior partner, as well. with regards to the latest revelations about the extent of denmark spike, this is all unofficial, the perpetrators, the united states, denmark, they, they still haven't issued any sort of any sort of meaningful coleman the, the, the leadership. but it must also be mentioned that last year and this report that they published, they also said that the public may never learn the true magnitude of the,
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of this operation. the details denmark's role in all of this because it is too sensitive and it may cause too much damage which or to, you know, ring alarm bells. the fact that they would rather there be speculation room is in conspiracy theories rather than admitting the truth or reacting to the revelation of spokesperson for the german government, gave a muted response, stopping short of slumming in the u. s. or denmark. the bonus would give them that the federal government has taken such messages into account were in contact with the relevant national and international authorities. for clarification that clear women when we demand explanations from denmark and the west on an investor doria level, for example, helped him. but i cannot add anything to what i have already said. what we have seen is a rather more reaction by the germans. as the harshness reaction 5, i remember, was moving map i was referred about as
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a activities back in 2015. she sat and i make water and dominant, had she's been say, this is for the audience union on wind and dusty garnish, which amount to buying amount among the friends that something i can't accept, something like that. so the fact that they're not quotes, johns or map is spying among friends amongst partners. i mean, that was a partial space, ma'am. for mrs. mackwood made, it breaks down to the if you, everybody says hi everybody. i would say this is some how unfortunate and open secrets, and it's only destroy trust among partners. i mean, for instance, although i'm an age, these have been spying on all the trends. the certainly expand it didn't take me so much by surprise because thanks to revelations, by adults know,
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then we have heard about old that ever since 2013. so the role of the national security agency to involve certain countries ever since 2013. when president bible stan widespread banking administration of obama, that where no real ons is given and above all, i do, i think there's the most deplorable about the whole thing and diffract this i have most probably gone on maybe in a more sophisticated fall in a ghastly discovery in calendar the remains of hundreds of children as young as 3 have been following the other former school for indigenous students. it's forcing the country to confront the periphery and often deadly policy of retraining. first nations, people to ask you to report canada a shining example of maximum woken us. a place where there is no mankind. there are
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just people is the love that's going to change the future of mankind. so we'd like you to, we like to say people kind, not necessarily mankind, more inclusive. turns out though, that beneath the glitzy slogan of inclusive a t lies a project past harrowing youth has emerged in british columbia of a mass grave of 215 children. indigenous children who are ripped from their homes and forcibly enrolled in one of the largest indian residential schools. the news that remains were found at the former. com loops residential school breaks my heart . it is a painful reminder of that dark and shameful chapter of our country's history. i am thinking about every one affected by this distressing news. we are here for you. the residential school system was indeed dark and shameful set up by the government
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and run by churches these what educational facilities for fast people need. they want really, they were in dr. nation camps into european and christian ways of living native languages. what band and traditions frozen out reports reveal, but children were under fed under clothed and often house and sanitary conditions. to the extent that one medical inspector wrote 24 percent of previously healthy children began tying in these facilities stories of abuse, physical, emotional and sexual, were rife. 2 8 8 8 8 the . 8 8 8 day and fear did you have was that it wasn't you today that was going to be the target, the victim. you know, you weren't going to have to suffer any form of humiliation. he learned not to cry
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anymore. you just get harder. and yet you learn to shut down. oh, the, i couldn't talk a word of english. i talked cree and i was abused for that hit and made to try to talk english. i lost my language. they threatened us with a strapping. you spoke it within a year, i lost all of it. i used to him, i tried to caring at night. i asked the principal to take him to the hospital. he didn't after about 2 weeks, my brother was in so much pain. he was going out of his mind. i pleaded with the principal for days to take him to the doctor. ah, they started to sexually take advantage of me and abuse me. not one, not too many, many people for a very long time until i was 16. i held everything in and didn't tell anybody for
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20 years, and they had no one to tell because they were slated from their families and their communities all to make them true. canadians for a century the central goals of canada's aboriginal policy would cause aboriginal people to cease to exist. the stablish ment and operation of residential schools were the central elements of this policy which can best be described as a cultural genocide. the scale of this cultural genocide is startling, a 150000 children over a 130 years. and if you think it's ancient history, it's not. the last residential school was shot in 1996 over 4000 deaths by mistreatment, neglect, and disease with families often never learning of that children fate. many atrocities and ticket senses which you know, are unbearable to here. and you know, for us, you know, we, you know,
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to learn that your potential find, you know, from the professionals that were brought in, you know, we are very much for that. the past is a dark place filled with unforgivable moments. it's an inescapable part of life. but to rebrand yourself is the bastion of humanity, as a motto of increase 70, that preaches to others, how they should live, whilst the bones of oppress children lie beneath your feet. it's nothing but an example of the hypocrisy and insincerity. so often embedded in the work of the western world. so using the white people kind might food a guilty conscience, but it will make the skeletons and you'll call it go away. you know, it's all well and good for the federal government to make gestures of goodwill and support regarding the strategy. but as the community who burdened with this legacy
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of the dark, dark chapter of canadian history and the federally mandated indian residential school system. there is an important ownership and accountability to both the columns and all the communities and families that it has affected. and you know, there's still a lot of work that needs to get done. and you know, and lot of things that are still happening. and what looks like, you know, some is already well accounted for in that sheet that tuesday reconciliation final report. but there are other aspects that are unique which are the unique needs of communities as well. to another headline stories the leader of israel's largest opposition party has for the 1st time described. benjamin netanyahu is arch rival enough tele bennett. that's prime minister designate it comes amid tents and highly complex talks and forming a coalition government to unseat the long standing premier in
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a fairly but my friends prime minister designation of tale bennett, a set of goal for the next government yesterday to bring back unity in a week the state of israel can enter a new era on sunday, right? wing opposition leader enough tele bennett alliance. he is ready to form a new broad coalition government involving centrists and even left wing parties. if those plans do materialize, that would mean an end to 12 consecutive years of benjamin netanyahu room with more on the political imaginations. here's her middle east correspondent policy. natalie bennett, who was the leader of the human a party, which means the right party in israel has now announced that he's joining forces with the need of the opposition. get the kid to get it. they have a 61 majority, which is what they need to be able to form the next majority coalition in his role . now, bennett has said that although he come from the right of the political spectrum and
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he's essentially joining forces with parties in the center and the next, he is doing this because the country has been in a crisis. politically. there have been some for election in the space of 2 years, all over the last 4 rounds of elections. we have seen a country weakening itself, damaging itself and losing its ability to function. we see ministers who are fighting with each other, who do not manage anything. we have seen riots and the burning of synagogues and load an acura instead of managing and leading their methodist to spread hatred and polarization between the people of our country to conceal their own failure. but the coalition that bennett is joining is a very wide. we've changed so much so that it's going to be fragile and not be able to form consensus on controversial issues like the piece. rather, it will have to limit itself to making decisions about the economy. how to deal with coven 19. and this is something that these really prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu has been appealing to the electorate. and to those who have joined the coalition about, he is not ready to give up without a fight. and he is warning israelis that the new coalition could spell. disaster might be fairly ben, it's i heard not totally banner. unfortunately, he's again misleading the public. the same lies for them to slogan some have written division from the person who himself so hate written division, his leading the scam of the century. and it has also been the longest serving payment of job as well. he's been in office for some 12 years. and what we see happening here is miss really political parties coming together because they have constraints upon issues that ra, that because that we have a joint desire to get baton yahoo out of office. this comes at a particularly sensitive time for israel. they was the recent israel, god, the war that lasted 11 days. the same time we've seen some of the with violence between the way,
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the jews and his way the avenue that the country has witnessed in years. the all the the the in the
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me, the in the past, the hour. this is our see last morning is coming few right up to bring the driven by drainage shaped back in me. i think we dare to ask me
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ah ah, logan compulsory cockburn vaccines may soon become widespread in us workplaces the federal equal employment opportunity commission said that employers can not require stuff to get innoculated. that's after more than a 100 health care workers in texas sued their hospital for the exact requirement for the 1st time in the history of the united states. an employer is forcing an employee to participate in an experimental vaccine trial, as a condition for a container. employment method is hospitalized. forcing your employees to be human, guinea pigs. a similar idea is being floated in the united kingdom on sunday. the
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country machination minister said the government is considering making shelter obligatory for an h. s frontline stuff. there is precedent for this. obviously surgeons get vaccinated for hepatitis b. so it's something that we are absolutely thinking about. it's possible from delighted to welcome on to the program. now simon, clark and microbiologist at reading university in the u. k. the only bell. it's an independent nurse on political commentator anthony wherever cute to see you all, simon. can we kick off with you? the u. k. vaccines minister say the government is considering mixing, covert shots mandatory for frontline workers. do you think that's justified? oh, they've already jumped the shark many, many years ago in this country with making hepatitis b vaccination. mandatory for anybody who comes into contact pretty much with,
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with patients in the hospital in the n. h. s, the surgeon and faculty vaccinated. that's why we're on the statement that anybody comes in contact with patients who may be a risk and it will take a lot longer to pass on have to be that it will be 19000 patients patients that folks mentally will be concerned about. so that is a political decision, and one that they will have to take and it's been one that's been coming down the track for them ever since the vaccines were, were released. but it's not a surprise at all. and i suspect just my suspicion, they'll end up making it mandatory for all staff, naomi. a healthcare professional? how would you and your colleagues react if you're forced to take a coven vaccine? i definitely do not think that's going to be welcomed by a large majority of style. i'm it feel there is to be intrusive in considering the
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disproportionate number of health care workers that were affected by cove. it may be very difficult to understand why we would be wanting to have mandatory vaccinations. anthony, perhaps just bringing up simon's point there. and the surgeons, for instance, already have to have hepatitis b shots. is this any different? well, the course it is, it is ridiculous home in some right, beatrice, the doctrines which with those have been copied, tired and trusted, are the target. non she vaccines have yet to be fully licensed. happens until 2023. so you mentioned the population, you all have seems all strictly being guinea pigs not. unfortunately the government is not doing the follow up on the people you talked about strains lying on this little tree. other corner 14 is being which are the house between 3 and 6
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reports for balancing, which is hopefully rather than so we'll look at the such. what is the b that the rest of these issues be fits with the the medical concerns are not going to be very happy about chain. the red. ready stop and transmission and for the device. and if i have to stop them getting it so you can watch the big should is really all to come even think about this because it's definitely not needed whether they've got some deal with a backseat from reason. but it is all really it's i'm and i know you want to respond to anthony's comments earlier, just to add to that there's already a recruitment crisis in the n h. s. will measures like this. simply make matters worse at a crucial critical type. well, they might do, but that's
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a political decision. that's what that will lead to make these, these decisions really as simple as bath with a very human effect though. where did you have an effect? yes. but that does any parts of this not have a human effect? well, if you're, if you're telling people they have to have something that a year ago they had that did not have to have it all. that's a very rapid change, isn't it? in somebody's health. it is, but that's a decision from politicians tonight we have this is really though i didn't know what is the problem. what do we doubting without seeing the amounts of a transmission that happened in hospitals about less than 6 months ago. it was enormous. ok, naomi, the latest states that we've got to run one in 5 in its workers, in many parts of the u. k. they've yet to take a vaccine. you couldn't get rid of that many workers in practice, right? so is, is this not just an empty threat to say you have to get this or else?
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not being aspect of this is that lots of us lost our lives and we're affected by co 19 due to lack of p, p a. there was a poor communication, we felt the bronx, most of us working on stress and p t s d. and then over the southern the government if they conduct like this supporting. now injecting this saying back donation, they need to address the issues. why the issues the safety of this baxley, you can just expect, you know, a lot of people will actually flee the health service. if it becomes a mandatory, it's not say, and i'm really struggling to understand why where even whites even going to be an option. if it's not fair on putting something else being brought up, or johnson said last november, there will be no compulsory vaccination. that's not the way we do things in this country was not an empty promise. it could be
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okay, we got a slight collection issue there. simon, the situation in france is very different and we'll come back to you in a 2nd. there is a much higher level of vaccine skepticism doctors. they're seeing the entire program could grind to a halt over the summer because of a lack of uptake. do you think people's fears are to some extent justified not really know. everybody has the the rights and they can exercise it to refuse to have something put into their body. that's the legal and ethical position that we have. and it's politicians. again, i come back, publications wants to encourage people in from so anywhere else that it was a mistake. if there is an innate higher level of skepticism in france than that for people in france to deal with. and they must address what those concerns and those problems are people. people like be foreign to medics. even politicians
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do need to listen to people and listen to what their concerns are and try to address them. and that is, people still don't wish to partake of the vaccine. that is their decision. that is up to then anthony, we have you back now. you want to respond. well, i'm glad you said it is paperless choice and i should be on the 2nd breaking on this. unfortunately, the government has cast people in the care of health profession to have this vaccine, again, say by wishes and of course with the general public as well. because they haven't exercised the control of the media, we haven't type of debate, we need to china slip axis with a sack on some of the nonsense she comes out with because this is a protected time. she is a bar i switch only actually affects about one with
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a certain percentage of the population. so yes, we have an issue with people here, but there's no need to knock down the nation and i need some mass back to the nation either. if you look at other countries in the world, many other countries, well, i've got some nations, it's all, all very interesting and i'll drop the, the best record in terms of kind of doing cheating, dust rates, ok. lots of issues made about all the countries like india, india is desperate, is literally hundreds below the taxes are looked at sweden by 100 non lockdown suite and 500 time at the em, below the u. k. so it's a question that the government needing to supple is not locked down. and all right,
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let's, let's just let simon respond briefly a little bit. we'll take a new me in a 2nd, simon. well, i mean, he can take on the, the minister, i'm sure to get the opportunity some funds to, to process with this is a res, statistics numbers. you know, what, what's this, this conversation about? vaccines are locked down well, which, which do you prefer? it's, it's all wallace. no, it's an issue that's not really let. it's not all one. it's a normally one there in 2 different discussions. i mean you could have one work without the other. ok, probably possible. naomi, can i bring up the issue about yellow fever, vaccinations that's needed for many countries in africa to get entry? what's different here? did they cut me not 19 and disproportionately affected black people, ethnic minorities and asians effected our dish proportionately. we are now had to
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turn and there's a lot of concern about the safety of the vaccination. so really it's about reassuring some communities might this back thing mandatory, imposed on to the community that's going to be discriminatory. and i think the main difference is, is that we were affected disproportionately and until after our phase of concerned our address, i think it would be terrible to inflict mandatory vaccinations for look, it's a spirited debate. thank you very much. all of you for coming on and sharing your points of view with a simon clark doctor and microbiology at reading university new caney only bennett independent nurse as well as political commentator anthony webber. thank you. will not bring this news. are 2 more grey programs. they had a moment, so find out what showing up to the bring me.


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