tv News RT May 31, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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the, the continental divide a bomb shell report revealed denmark spied on germany's under miracle as well as other leaders for us intelligence also had on the program this, our kind of his image of a beacon of human rights is shattered. the remains of over 200 children are discovered near a former school for indigenous students, highlighting a cultural genocide, but continued until the 19th. israel's long standing prime minister benjamin netanyahu may finally be on his way art, after the opposition claims it has enough parliamentary votes to drive him from
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office. ah wherever you're catching the program from today. welcome to moscow into the news. our own or secret of your company, our top story a european media investigation has revealed about denmark, helped america's national security agency to spy on the politicians, including german chancellor anglo merkel, our senior correspondent, moroccans div talk through the implications earlier. it was a few years ago that edward still blew the lid on america's last surveillance program. google lubo, spying on. essentially, everyone at the top. mooney the most craziest conspiracy theorists would have believed the ship breath, the scope of the spine program. they were really targeting everyone,
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american citizens billions around the world, politicians, including those in allied nations and nathan, partner, nation with, through denmark, that they targeted sweden, norway, as well as france, germany wrangler. muggles food was bothered by the n. s. a by american intelligence . and what we have learned now is the danish intelligence was completed in all of this. they went on knowing cogs and this vos surveillance machine. they helped american intelligence gather information amongst others, their own color, corporations, danish corporations, danish weapon, manufacture, davis government. they handed over inflammation. danishes isn't the danish government to american intelligence. and you know, we've had a lot of reaction to this latest investigation, which by the way, it was carried out by european news agencies were given information. internal reports, witness testimony as well as inside sources in this investigation. and victims of
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come out and said, you know, all manner of things, no way sweden saying they want an investigation and to be told of the answers. we've heard other victims, the leader of the german opposition who was bogged saying that this is simply a group task on fish bits and as issuance is quote set that friendly intelligence services are indeed intercepting and laying on top representatives of other countries. it also supplement disc, i just would like to say this is unacceptable between allies. i want that to be trustful relations that unite you repeat in americans. there's no place for suspicion, but we're not. that's why we expect complete clarity. we've asked our danish and american partners to provide all information on the case. so one of the questions people might have is why denmark? well, on the technical side of things, denmark is a communications hub to all these on the she cable from sweden, from germany. they will merge the converge in denmark,
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there are other telecommunication centers there. and danish intelligence gave access to this infrastructure to american intelligence, the n a say to all these spy agencies, they facilitate that they help them carry out all the surveillance, all this spy, and with full knowledge. one of the questions was, is, was the danish government aware of all of this and by 2015, they were definitely aware of all of this, the launch investigation and edward snowden had since come out and said that joe barton, who was then vice president, over the world, the answers might and as well prepared to answer for this one, he soon visits europe. since of course, he was deeply involved in this scandal. the 1st time around there should be an explicit requirement for full public disclosure, not only from denmark, but they're senior partner, as well. with regards to the latest revelations about the extent of denmark spike, this is all unofficial. the perpetrators in the united states, denmark, they,
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they still haven't issued any sort of any sort of meaningful com and the, the, the leadership. but it must also be mentioned that last year and this report that they published. they also said that the public may never learn the true magnitude of the, of this operation. the details denmark's role in all of this because it is too sensitive and it may cause too much damage which ought to, you know, ring alarm bells. the fact that they would rather there be speculation, rumors and conspiracy theories, rather than admitting the truth. murat garcia taken us through that well, reacting to the revelation, the german government spokes person give pretty much a muted response. stopping short of arthritis li, criticizing either the u. s or denmark. the bonus would give them the federal government has taken such messages into account, were in contact with the relevant national and international authorities. for clarification, that clear women will need amount explanations from denmark and the west on an
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investor doria level, for example, helped him. but i cannot add anything to what i've already said. what we have seen is, or rather my reaction by the germans. as the harshest reaction of 5, i remember was muted map. once we 1st learned about the d. n. a activity back and why is it your teen? she sat and i make water in germany and then had since then stated, it is for the audience union, wind and dusty garnish, which amounts to spying and mom's among friends to something i can't expect something like that. so the fact that the now, quote john's womack is spying among friends among partners. i mean that was the harshest space man that mrs. macro made. it breaks down to the issue. everybody says, hi everybody, i would say dishes somehow unfortunate an open secret and it's only
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destroy trust among partners. i mean, for instance, although an age has been fine, allstream certainly expand it didn't take me so much by surprise because thanks to revelations, by ad snowdon, we have heard about old that ever since the 2013 and the role of the national security agency, the involvement of certain countries ever since 2013 when president bible stan widespread banking death, ministration of obama. that where no real honors given and above all, do i think there's the most deplorable about the whole thing. diffract this i have most probably gone on maybe in the most sophisticated fall in a ghastly discovery in canada, the remains of hundreds of children as young as 3 hoping find out
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a former school for indigenous students. it's forcing the country to confront the horrific and often deadly policy of retraining. first nations people skew taylor reports canada. a shining example of maximum woken us. a place where there is no mankind. there are just people is the love that's going to change the future of mankind. so we'd like you to, we like to say people kind, not necessarily mankind, more inclusive. turns out though, the beneath the glitzy slogan of inclusive a t law is a tragic past. harrowing use has emerged in british columbia of a mass grave of 215 children indigenous children who are ripped from their homes and forcibly enrolled and one of the largest indian residential schools. the news that remains were found at the former. com loops residential school breaks my heart
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. it is a painful reminder of that dark and shameful chapter of our country's history. i am thinking about every one affected by this distressing news. we are here for you. the residential school system was indeed dark and shameful set up by the government and run by churches. these were educational facilities for fast people, only they want really, they were in dr. nation camps into european and christian ways of living. native languages were banned and traditions frozen out reports reveal, but children were under fed, under clothes and often house and unsanitary conditions. to the extent that one medical inspector wrote 24 percent of previously healthy children began dying in these facilities. stories of abuse, physical, emotional and sexual were rife. 2 8 8 8 8 the. 8
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day you in case you fear it was that it wasn't you today. it was going to be the target, the victim. you know, you weren't going to have to suffer any form of humiliation. you learn to cry anymore, get harder. and yet you learn to shut down. ah, i couldn't talk a word of english. i talked cree and i was abused for that hit and made to try to talk english. i lost my language. they threatened us with a strapping. you spoke it. within a year i lost all of it with . 8 i used to him i in the night the principal to take him to the hospital. he didn't, after about 2 weeks, my brother was in so much pain. he was going out of his mind. i pleaded with the principal for days to take him to the doctor.
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ah, to sexually take advantage of me and abuse me? not one. not too many, many people for very long time until i was 16. i held everything in and didn't tell anybody for 20 years, and they had no one to tell because they were slated from their families and communities all to make them true canadians for a century the central goals of canada's aboriginal policy would cause aboriginal people to cease to exist, they stablish meant and operation of residential schools were central elements of this policy, which can best be described as a cultural genocide. the scale of this cultural genocide is startling. a 150000 children over a 130 years. and if you think it's ancient history, it's not. the last residential school was sought in 1996 over 4000
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deaths by miss treatment, neglect, and disease with families often enough, a learning of that children fate, many atrocities and ticket sensors which, you know, are unbearable to hear. and you know, for us, you know, we, you know, to learn that your potential find, you know, from the professionals that were brought in, you know, we are very much for the past is a dock place filled with unforgivable moments. it's an inescapable part of life. but to rebrand yourself is a bastion of humanity, as a motto of increase 70, that preaches to others, how they should live, while the bones of oppress children lie beneath your feet. it's nothing but an example of the hypocrisy of insincerity. so often embedded in the work of the western world. so using the white people kind might food a guilty conscience,
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but it will make those skeletons in your closet, go away. you know, it's all well and good for the federal government to make gestures of goodwill and support regarding the strategy. but as the community burdened with this legacy of the dark, dark chapter of canadian history and the federally mandated indian residential school system. there is an important ownership and accountability for both the columns and all the communities and families that it has affected. and you know, there's still a lot of work that needs to get done. and you know, and lot of things that are still happening. and what looks like, you know, some is already well accounted for in that the tooth and reconciliation final report. but there are other aspects that are unique, which are the unique needs of communities as well. the era of autonomy,
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this killer drones may have already begun. you and report has described was believed to be the 1st case of an earth strike guided only by artificial intelligence. without a human operator. the legal, autonomous weapon systems program to attack targets without requiring data, connectivity between the operator and the munition. in effect, a true fire, forget and fine capability. while the incident happened in libya, in march last year, a turkish made cargo to quad comforter, open fire, and retreating fighters loyal to the renegade commander. hi lisa half tor. although it is unclear from the u. n. report how many casualties resulted from that strike? a lease of fully autonomy weaponry has triggered a alarm from rights groups. non human rights watch, in fact, is called for a global bond on killer robots. well,
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let's go live now. the program to former un weapons inspector, an ex marine corps intelligence officer. scott ritter. scott good to have you on the program. if this autonomy drones strike is confirmed how much of a game changer is it? not much. i mean, to be honest, it's a small payload. it killed a human target. the cost effectiveness of the system has got to be brought to bear at some point. you know, how much is a drone cost versus how much does it cost to replace a single fighter? this is the 1st time that, you know, we've seen this weapon use. so it's getting a lot of attention. but understand that every time a weapon is used, information is collected on how it was used. in the case of fully autonomous system . you know, it, it can be spoofed, it can be jammed. defensive measures can be put into place. you know,
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there's any number of things it can be done. so it's not a game changer. it's, it's worry that this technology exists and it could be applied to weapon systems that could be game and changes. but, you know, having a church has quite a u, a b flying over the battlefield, expanding itself on one or 2. human targets isn't going to change anything, right? humans make plenty of mistakes when using attack drones. there's been vast collateral damage in us to strikes and pakistan, for example, may be a i could be more accurate in some cases. oh no, no. i would never argue free. i had to be in the loop. i would always say that the human being has to be in the loop. but as you said, you know, humans make mistakes or humans are programmed by their modalities to permit certain things to occur. that shouldn't almost everything that happened in afghanistan and iraq, there was grown related, ended up killing civilians. was because we had rules of engagement in place were
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very lenient. it allowed for a very broad interpretation of events on the ground. you know, trigger weapons release. so, you know, just because you have a human doesn't mean you're not going to make mistakes, but i will tell you what you, you get to proper wheeling gauge, been in place. and you have a human in the link who's properly trained, who's you know, who is not going to allow the weapon system to be used in a manner which operates outside of the rules of engagement. and that's, that's a weapon system that i would approve of in a combat type situation. but i do believe you have to have a human in the link a well trained human operating with rules of engagement to conform to international law. well, there is a lot of criticism out there. the human rights watch for one wants to see a global bond on such weapons. is the other possibility in your opinion? no, i don't think human rights watch is going to change anything and it's like landmines
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right now we, we have consensus and a large part of the world about the legality and utility of land mind. but, you know, several nations including the united states, refuse to sign on because, you know, we believe that there is a utility for land mines in the same thing will apply for, you know, autonomy, unmanned aerial vehicles of the turks are taking the lead in this, the turks are embracing you a technology and a big way and i don't see the church signing on to anything that could, you know, cause their advantage in this technology to be dissipated. so whether their hearts might be in the right. busy place human rights watch and others who are seeking a total ban on these systems. they're just not going to succeed because unfortunately in war, every side is looking for advantage real or perceived. and right now, the church perceived that they have an advantage in terms of these autonomy systems
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. all right, the thought saw a former un weapons inspector, an ex marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. scott, thanks as always. thanks for me. the news continue here in our international, in 90 seconds on counting sticks us the when i would show the wrong, why don't just don't the rules yes to shape out the same because the after an engagement equals trail, when so many find themselves will depart and we choose to look for common ground in german adrian shaped by those with the
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a coalition government to unseat the long standing premier. it is a fairly my friend, prime minister, designated enough tale. bennett, set a goal for the next government yesterday to bring back unity in a week. the state of israel can enter a new era on sunday, right? wing opposition leader enough totally bennett and he's ready to form a new broad coalition government involving centrist and even left wing parties. now if those plans do materialize, that will mean an end to 12 consecutive years that benjamin netanyahu rule. bennett said he's agreed to work with parties on the opposite side of perspective and accused nathan, yahoo! polarizing the country. this year, over the last 4 rounds of elections, we've seen our country weakening itself damaging itself and losing its ability to function as we see ministers who are fighting with each other, who do not manage anything. we have seen riots and the burning of synagogues, and load and acro instead of managing,
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and leading their methodist to spread hatred and polarization between the people of our country to conceal their own failure might be fairly ben, it's, i have not told banners. fortunately, he's again misleading the public, the same lies and them to slogan some have written division from the person themselves. so hatred and division is leading. the scam of the century. the political shake out comes in the wake of a deadly conflict. earlier this month between israel and palestinian militant groups and guns and riots and mob violence between arb and jewish communities within israeli cities. also broke out the the all the
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has said there quote, plenty of obstacles. do you think it's going to work? absolutely. after 2 and a half years, a little israel for elections proving einstein's theory of insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over and over again and expecting different results. it's looking like next week, monday or tuesday we will finally get a functioning government. and thus, despite, isn't it parties in the coalition, we're speaking about helping entirely different agenda. it's the real political spectrum from left to right. what do you see is the key political conflicts that could arise between them? look, there don't need to be conflicts as long as people don't bring up controversial issues like the future of the order between israel and the palestinians. they agree on iran, they agree on other security issues. they agree for the most part in the economy. the grand steps that need to be taken,
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national unity and continuing the success that is rolled out in the wake of the over there would be fights over matters or religion states. they just need to know how to know that, but each others do think without in mind. you think though that somebody voting for a left wing party is going to be happy with natalie bennett. they're a prime minister in the coalition. the answer is, strangely enough. yes. because they're getting rid of nothing, you know, with all due respect your boss, another enemy in the world within the israeli parliament. the one thing that you can get a majority for is to say that you don't want to serve any more after being israel longest serving leader reader and he's not going anywhere. you go to the opposition leader, remain the leader of li, could like that anywhere in the united states. they, even though he's technically not employed right now, and it jo,
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trunk is the specter over there, probably be harvey to prevent the same. what happened with this now? and we couldnt what that does is it unites that wide spectrum that would be part of the government. but even if you have devised among them, they'll still have to give them united. we hadn't of tele banner on the program a few weeks ago. i think it's, it's a pretty hard line views. he, he said, for instance, he'll quote do everything in his power to prevent a palestinian state. also a big supporter of the allocation of westbank settlements. if he does become pm, is that not likely to fire up tensions further? no, because he's totally neutralized by being part of the government together was left with parties valued, but it was alex anything left when parties won't get to give up any land. they're going to have to focus on the other 90 issues that other normally we deal with and that's okay. if fed netanyahu is indeed i said, what's next? for him? he's been indicted in 3 separate corruption cases, faces more than
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a decade in prison. if convicted, do you think you'll end up behind bars? not a legal experts. it the 3 cases are very serious, the legal system. it works very slowly in 3 to 5 years for his trial to be done by the trial is that we think it's a really bring him down politically. i don't see any riding in them. and the hood, he is still young, he is only $71.00. his father died of the age of a 102. so he does 3 decades in israeli. well, what about her mass gill with nothing you know who potential out of the picture as you're seeing it, it may be better enough dolly bennett there because he'll be rained in a little bit more. do you then think the potential for the conflict with how math is going to be reduced or are they just set on what they want to do? nevertheless, that will not have any impact on the amount of committed strong the state of israel
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. but they're currently in place, be attacking israel after the results of the operation of god. just now the policies won't change, the defense minister won't change. so how much will continue trying when to do whatever harm israeli civilians and israel will drive germany possible to avoid any unnecessary? laura, i suggest you've got a few busy days ahead. gail, thanks very much for giving us some of your time. kill hoffman. chief political correspondent at the jerusalem post measure the central african republic is in the grip of a years long civil war, or tea has gained a 1st time glimpse into the conflict. and the real russia is playing in helping the local government country military forces. here is part of our report which is available in full r t dot com. looks like,
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ah, there is a mind ahead that sounded there are still groups of rebel is hiding in the jungle. if we made a stop, just to observe that the story on the column was exactly in this area, they came and started shooting in the innocent people and then just disappear. we got lucky to have an interview with an actual warlord. and i want to ask you, if you get to kill anyone, eventually, when the russians came to, what did they do here? there were no problems. we came to protect us quite hungry and so did part instructors. what are russians fighting for in c, r, for the, for the good
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luck going on on our website right now. china now softened it's long standing population control policies and mid falling birth rates in an aging populace. it's now allowing families to have a 3rd child me, but in depth coverage on that story over x r t dot com is here, and indeed more great programs get their start in moments here on our teacher. national. find out what's being served up wherever you are today. after the shortest of breaks. good bye for now. the join me every thursday on the alex summon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in
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