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tv   News  RT  June 1, 2021 4:00am-4:27am EDT

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re day to meet your needs and the needs of your family or i see europe at lakes is the latest technology. the big to render is borders impenetrable. to migrant as a blocked southern states demand for action despite new comers elsewhere, it concerns over personal liberty. as employers in the us and told that can require stuff to get vaccinated against over the u. k. twos considering compulsory jobs for frontline medical workers and the u. s. mainstream media, you turn on a theory that the corona virus originated in a chinese lab with journalists admitting that previously dismissed. they had just because donald trump put back to some things may be true. even if donald trump said
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them, ah, just said 11. am like, good morning from russia in this 1st of june, life martinez will do center. it's kevin in here with a latest for you that you heard in the headlines. first off, for southern states that demanding tougher action from the block to deal with migrants for spanish enclave in north africa. so thousands crossed from morocco and growing numbers of newcomers. disembarking on italy's land produce island to little going to italy will continue to play a role in terms of resources and training capacity. but i repeat, we need a rapid and concrete action from the european union. it is unacceptable for a government to say that they are in tech and the board us, in this case, springs borders that they are open in the board. and so that $10000.00 immigrants could enter a spanish city, such as c, u to in less than 48 hours because of disagreements, differences,
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and discrepancies in foreign policy. meantime bota secured has been given a high tech upgrade in greece, where gods will be using a long range. acoustic device is apparently along the frontier with turkey. c sharp davinsky. next look to the message. athens is trying to send by doing that same written struggle to find a solution to illegal immigration is a bit of an understatement. it's paid money to countries like turkey to take people back in school bold internally. who is responsible with the much touted doubling rules, meaning it was the 1st country that a migrant arrived in. even places like italy and greece to show the burden be stopped. the buddha management agency in a big hole back height. but as each solution has failed, the pool has gone back to the drury board,
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now is travel. ege is up again following the covey pandemic. you want to be clear, like who are not welcome a long range acoustic device in one in 3, or 5. the noise is just one of a plethora of new techniques being using grease. the idea is to make sure that any migrant trying to cross illegally from turkey. no, no. you must meet with new systems like the sound cannon and ahmed vehicles. we can prevent illegal entry. defense has been constructed in the areas where we have the biggest problems. and the automated surveillance system will now provide us with an additional weapon to deal with this threat. and the observation how is being treated with long range cameras, night vision sensor,
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or able to identify any suspicious activity, a lie detect there's a virtual booted guarding to be vote, and also be piloted. you attempt to find a solution. and if all else fails, anyone attempting to course the board that will face the huge. do you the idea of building a wall to keep people out? isn't you going going from thing is the muted such plan between the us and mexico. the you raise concerns in europe, we have a history that has told us that every time that once invests in divisions and walls, you might end up being in a prison. if you built all worlds around you and we have any history on the tradition and an identity based on the fact that we celebrate, when wolves are broke down and bridges out bits fast forward, if he is late and europe is playing coffee catch penning itself in
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human rights groups say that these new developments, all worrying when you put barriers to find another way. these ways normally are depending on smugglers. these ways are more dangerous and more in depth and more suffering. so you have many people who know very well this by trying to come with it being either made was their life. and when they don't have any other choice in life, they will make even that difficult to see, people are going to lose their lives. people who are dying outside of the for sure . but anyway, you can say this is sleep wise because the stupid, i'm not dying in our day doing that just dying at the boilers. this is something that was in your mind. it's something that we need to stuff and it is something that we need to change. of those are suspicious that measures such as the ai powered lloyd detection are essentially being tested out before being rolls out.
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why we are seeing the borders and in treating for in national is generally is that it's often a testing field for technologies that are later than used on european as well. and that's why everybody should care in their own self interest. what is happening at the borders you is under pressure to show that it's doing some things, but that doesn't mean that it's getting it right. you migration policy failures were recently highlighted by the un, which said that it was putting human rights sample. i at risk countries are increasing a defending their food as all was abroad. 27 members. they still continue to all of you a month. so an, an e u, past migration on the island is still active. reach georgia tv ski
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o t. paris companies in the u. s. can require stuff to get vaccinated against coven, though under the new guidelines they cannot coerce them to do so. exemptions are made for people with disabilities and on religious grounds. earlier, more than a 100 health care workers filed a lawsuit against a hospital network in texas, which gave personnel a deadline of june 7th to get vaccinated. medical staff hockey though they don't want to be forced to take an experimental cobra. 1900 vaccine out of fear are getting fired. for the 1st time in the history of the united states, an employer is forcing an employee to participate in an experimental vaccine trial . as a condition for a container, employment method is hospitalized. forcing your employees to be human, guinea pigs. compulsory jobs are also being debated in the u. k. where the country's vaccination minister says the government's considering making shots obligatory for an h. s. front line stuff. there is precedent for this. obviously
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surgeons get vaccinated for hepatitis b, so it's something that we are absolutely thinking about. my colleague get in a nail debate to the issue was supporters of the move and also with critics to reject the comparison the hepatitis chip mr. how many teachers the difference with, with those i'm saying they been property tied and tested the target non shooting vaccines. i've yet to be fully licensed where i'm happens until 2023. so the population having reactions are passively being giddy things. unfortunately, the government has people in the care of how profession to have this fantasy or say by wishes and of course with the general public as well. because you haven't exercised the control of the media. we have a type of debate that is
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a political decision. and one that they will have to take and it's, it's been one that's been coming down the track for them ever since the vaccines were, were released. but it's not a surprise at all. and i suspect just my suspicion they'll end up making it mandatory for all staff. really. if you're telling people they have to have something that a year ago they had that did not have to have it all. that's a very rapid change, isn't it? in somebody's health it is, but that's a decision from politicians to make. we have this is really the most. i didn't know what is a problem. what do we doubting without seeing the amounts of a transmission that happened in hospitals about less than 6 months ago? it was enormous. i definitely do not think that's going to be welcomed by a large majority of so i'm going to be intrusive and considering the
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disproportionate number of health care workers that were affected by coven, i may be very difficult to understand why we would be wanting to have mandatory vaccinations. so it brings aspects of this is that lots of us lost our lives and were affected by igniting due to lack of p. p a. there was a poor communication. we felt in the front of it. most of us working on stress and p t s c. and then the southern and the government, if they conduct life they're supporting now inject and also the same back to nation . they need to address the issues. why the issues, the safety of the spots, the you congress expect? you know, a lot of people will actually flee to health services if it becomes a mandatory us mainstream media is a parent you to meantime a very recently rubbish. as a conspiracy, namely the claim that the corona virus originated in a chinese love. so the paging as vehemently rebuffed all along the way. now back in
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march, this one this, what health organization you may recall, send a team of international scientists to will and in china to examine how the disease 1st spread to humans. the lab league theory was not ruled out totally, but the you and described the report a fall from conclusive at the time, but then last week, the body ministration, order to read, doubling of efforts to establish the source of the pandemic. so as to me, to poke reports net, the media narrative is changed along with a new administration. if you ever wondered why trust and mainstream media isn't the gutter, well, that's because of stuff like this. well, i've looked into this and other journalists listen to this as well as scientists. and there really is very little evidence. it's on the outer bounds of possibility, but really so unlikely that you could say prevents that definitely, that it's not the case. there's indications that biologist in the will and institute got sick in november with an illness. so they are increasing signs that
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the issue of or ology may well be the source. so basically, after over here of calling the theory that cove it originated in a lab in china, a fringe conspiracy, and even stating it, had been completely debunked by scientists. now they're like, well it's not that it was completely untrue, which has been like it because trump was saying it, we don't need to invoke conspiracy theories, president trump, and secretary of state mike, palm pale linked virus to a lab. and whoo hon. without providing evidence, some things may be true. even if donald trump said them, i think a lot of people have a direct. what is true? what is faith in the world corrupted. you need to defend the join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy going from
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station let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk the high again. so those who say before the break of the old hollywood troop of keller, machines taking over may be becoming a reality. you and report has described what believes to be the 1st case of a drone strike, guided only by artificial intelligence. with that human operator, the little autonomous weapon systems program to attack targets without requiring data, connectivity between the operator and the munition. in effect, a true fire, forget and fine capability seems that happened in libya in march last year,
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her turkish made cargo to quad to open fire on retreating fighters. loyal to the renegade commander hurley for although it's unclear from the un report just how many casualties resulted from that strike? the use of fully autonomous weaponry triggered alarm from rights groups. human rights watch in particular, been campaigning for global ban on killer robots. although so far, no countries have enact today any such laws. we got the thoughts of former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. he thinks there's no place in society for fully autonomous weaponry. i would never argue for a to be in the loop. i would always say that a human being has to be in the loop you. you get the proper rules of engagement in place. and you have a human in the link who's properly trained who's, who is not going to allow the weapon system to be used in a manner which operates outside of the rules of engagement. and that's, that's a weapon system that i would approve of in
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a combat type situation. human rights watch and others who are seeking a total ban on these systems. they're just not going to succeed because unfortunately in war, every side is looking for in vantage. real or perceived. and right now, the church perceived the damned advantage in terms of these autonomy systems. now, next to infinite lobbyists are suing florida over a new law that allows legal action against big tech platforms. the blocker comes so remove content they claim it violates the 1st amendment. though the state argues it simply prevent censorship. we cannot stand idly buys florida's lawmakers, push unconstitutional builds into law that bring us closer to state, run media and state run internet. so the new launch juices fines for social media companies. the de platform, political candidate, content posted by large media outlets is also required to stay up on the platform supply double standards when it comes to content removal. shadow bands or de
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platforming. they can be sued in florida. the states governess sides of the case of donald trump as an example of a kind of big tech censorship. the new laws intended to prevent the ex presidents account. you may recall blocks off to the capitol hill rights in january, which she was accused of inciting on another account then that tried to dodge the bi tweeting on his behalf was also shut down before the governor says his state is defending free speech. and so in big tact sensors enforced their roles inconsistently to discriminate in favor of the dominant etiology and silicon valley, they will be held accountable in the state of florida. critics pointed to a loophole in the law. they say politicize that loophole is any company that owns and operates as seen popcorn entertainment complex is exempt. and of course their key to for it is big sources of income. facebook via a theme park does that prevent us from being able to regulate what happens on
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facebook? if they bought a theme park and named it zocker land, then and they met the definition of a theme park to florida stature, then the answer to that would be us. for my trump campaign advisor current, you know, tell the social media johns have long been abusing their power. what's happening here is that you have these large, big tech companies who are essentially collaborating with each other in order to decide a, an individual's right to speak. the 1st amendment here in the united states protects that, and they're, they're covering up their bias in their ability to censor you. and so governor de santis has really led the way here in addressing these abuses by big tech. and i think it's time for these laws to be updated and addressed in appropriately because you're really putting the power into the hands of individuals
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who are either bureaucrats or regular private citizens. meantime, while big tech in the us is big rained in the, in africa, the powered influence of internet giants is on the rise. but as ever more africans go online, fears about the continents again being exploited. the later read fish filled sizes of the real cost africans paying to get connected. the internet use across africa skyrocketed from 2 point one percent in 2005 to 28.2 percent by 2019 the highest growth rate globally. this context facebook to introduce to africa, 837000 kilometer long undersea cable being built around the african continent. it's supposed to interconnect $23.00 countries across africa, west asia, and europe, and promises to provide african countries with better internet. google is also
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currently in talk to build a cable system along africa, western coast. we asked academic return our call numa what these investments mean for africa development and independent. i would say that technologies value live in and what i mean by that is that who is behind the development of the technology will have their value in co case it in this particular technology and like using metal for the headquarters of the african union. we didn't build it, i think i didn't build it. china built it, but i became that goal for you know, the discovery that that building was bagged. so what did you find off by these, this ladies share under the gauge acceptance of freebies?
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we saw a lot of advertising paid for that is designed to play on ethnic differences. and you know, this is a country where people have literally gone at each other, machetes, and everything. and that's going to have serious consequences. it is having serious consequences. right now. it should come from us, which will be for, for leading in revolution in technology. so we need to create a mega single market to have leverage in terms of discussions. either way, you know, we added just lives like we were when we were colonized, trust. ah, let me brief known 3 to will new stories making headlines. this
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the, the creatures covenant people do census entire is hundreds taken to the seats to demand housing from migrating from the homeless. as you can see things go rowdy, right, police result in the pepper spray time. but end of the day, the activists paid for got the way 200 migraines relate to take him to an emergency accommodation influences under the influence here. seattle. now these pictures from in the us, please breaking of a beach policy promoted over the tick tock out of the people that came on really bottles and fis flew. some of the revellers even climbed on top of top, cause bad idea offices made to arrests and closed off the entire alki beach area. hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes after severe floods in new zealand save emergency was declared, and the canterbury region of freight was hit by up to 40 centimeters of rain. in
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the last 3 days, helicopters, we used to rescue a number of people stranded by the flood waters situation. there no con in the tree there. well, but if you want to follow that run of the stories and check it out t dot com or any of our socials, but that's what we're talking about so far this tuesday. i'm kevin reporting from moscow sunning off for now and a great day. mm . ah, join me every thursday. i'm alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me i. my love can,
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can obviously wanted them and johnny doug. yeah. get me up not because i'm not going to the up in the kitchen table out tomorrow. i don't know. she will put it on the show that the lady told me to be bringing home like he's under the lamp, me up and everybody who bought them by little my know behind me and because you guys are not the man why or why not what i mean
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when i would shut the wrong, why don't i just don't the room? yes. to fill out the thing because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves well, depart. we choose to look for common ground in hello, driven by a dreamer shaped by those in me i
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think we dare to ask me. the news.
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news was day me and was big on the room of his my pages kid class. i would use them again with that.


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